Billboard advertising (Jan 1898)

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Local Dotributing- ■ factb^fonddispBtetbatniMaiit wlthmiimb% Brid for b >ur taoDW merdiHrt* Me 11 tag they will opM thdrcytaln time to Mc the tndc kmiag tbem, and yoo nuj * tlMt OttJ wUl MOn wut your "FeAwa's Bfeczjr News." A pmninent New Y«k fen |i,ooo for tha bat prapfaaqrof 11898. ur' 1)0 thai merchants ihonld be the and most rndoTw tbeoi to the general DtstiibutoTS Eboidd devote .tli^ whole I tbeir local cbanU. as thejareon tbesround anil talk direct to each other. Too much t and atlettUoa is watted in Eoliciling b a> the; nt on theridewdb and the atepa of tbeiuKuea. largt baaket. He started down the.street d i a tri bntipg from the basket.. At each Inme a oon package of one of Ibe netr t tu e aent advertised as gKatly npaior to coffee as a beveiBge. tbey arc in need of a distributor iii yom section you will hear from tbem, and in the meaotinie local merchants large and small that local merdianls hire small boys at 25 cents per day to distribute their matter, and also that they send.out their clerks who waste their paiiog thb list is:—To insure fint-class service to ALL advettiBeiB. That if yon fail to distribntc the wfsk of ■ny^firtn properly, yon will lose not only the work at Halt finB, bat the work of all fin», ss afa aoapaaj'wM nporttoall finoB nag p fif workmea sat. IS knew what the pack- tg^ oDBtained, tent they were opened, not cnrimaly, bat In a matter-ot fact way. The browi, finely gronnd contents were tnndened promptly into the pipe-bowl* <a the aasemfabgc; and hayinj; been set alight, were soon going np in smbke—af- fording' as mnch pleasure, apparently, to theaonsirftoilaiif the cereal^snhstitiite for coOee had been the firKst gcdden Vir- Tfaeie neemi to be ateodency among ct the more. p roB p ewms dfctribntois to.iaiseprieet fivdMribalii^, whk^ no doiibt is Esir and jot, but the time i^ not yet ripe for f, general rise of prices. obt%ed toadTeitisetlieir liBBDess in sami Mcw^iqiersget the bolk of the ■dvertlsing^iiniply becanae tbey are cc stantly after it and run down emy other line in order to get it. But few m actually know the results derived f honest distributing, as no ooe h fidly explained it to them; tl .tm ttae bndaaa it Ib^ penistio writing ^te tUa dMMlymn^- tt is not to be :%Mmta:tt,ami ^^^^^^^ xjjta bonnes man, in aisgr gsd, db^ snit of dothes. IE not. then -why persst'In-this w^? Is not yom- bnmnesaiodgedbyypar letters? Von are; 5 ftSKf, fhrvwd toes, and Ih^ tributed. Thus dis li ibu t uts dioald bear with the prevaDiog prices, at least for the first order, and glie the very best service it is possible to pre. This will cmivliKx yoor patrons tbat youare the proper per SDB to handle their matter, and they will soon recc^ize tbat your service is worth the price yon ask and gladly pi^ it. The beat, ctieapeat and most profitable plan to keep your - bnnness before the general adr er ti sn a is to keqt yinir bnai- cOQstaotly befw tbem. I m ert ipg ari advertisement now and then is like eatli^ a hear^ breakfast, and goiolf without yoor dinner and sniper. It will not keep yon in good trim; notber wUl advcitidng one monfli and going wiUioot two montbs Inereaae yonr bnriness, as the whole effect cHF your advertl^ng is Icat if ncd fbUowed np^ The B. B. Snlherlaad ii^ Von sfaoOld mentkm chant that common sense proves that bis advertisement, separate and alone, di*. tribnted into the houses oi the people ia much better than his advertisement wedged in a newspaper containing adver- tisements of his competitors, and which das not circulate to one-half trf the pe<»- ple . he deures tc reach, happen to be a merchant thst does ■dvatise at for his they are dtstiibuting. We will then en- deavor to induce them to use our list of distribnIOTB, thus giving the work to you. In writing, when a reply is desired, al- ways cndoie statu] Adcnowledge receipt of your Certificale •fpMfla am taking wOraattge of flie taw teca aOersd by the trolly lirwa and go to the dtj to bny tbeir goods, thus depriving him of the trade he should have, and wonM surely get if he would advertise they will not give you a trial, then offer to distribute a trial order free of charge. If the rnatter ia convinc- ing sod offers inducements auHicieiit to ill then tbem that advertising pays, and you will get thdf be able to get distributing fnMii yonr hone merdianta after offering ' then yen should visit to protect the aMribalor. Notify (his any change ir A cheap pamphlet, almanac or ballet is like a bad show. It Cati not hold or in- terest its audience. Do notblsttK the dis- tributor for poor results which should be attriliuled to bad printing, cheap paper, badly executed illustrations, etc. Adver- tisers should remember that they an the generals; the distributors, private soldiers tor the noDcccnlisted la their sefvic& It they iMkt oa piovidiag these 1