Billboard advertising (Jan 1898)

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THB BILLBOARD HINTS IN THE LAKE. huusc ID house; they have local contrmcts ill nearly every town and city in the t'niled States for tbeirilutribulloD. Their tiuntnct in this dtj ia with a young man vbo, it ia alkgol, iRMcad of doing the work iccorflnK to conlnct, drove to the Uke last Wedncadaj and Ibiew a qoan- lityof tbc aa ' One lingle dirtribDlimi poorly done tuins yoar repntatioD io the ■dvertiaer's mind. Take wmr^ing from the above item and don't ever let it occur to yon. if yno bope to rttaln your reputation and TW Miter PrintlDg Co . of Philadel- liia. Va.. detcm mnch ctcdit for the in- tWMI Ihey hmc taken Id bibaU of local JMJwto awtaofcteanertrtiliahed rep- iMlon for booeit MrHce. They have pnpartd a Ibt of Rgiitetcd diMribntorE, which Ibcy aeod to genetal adveitiKis free of charge. They are one of the latgHt ptinloit boona in tlie connliy, ■rforseoeral advcr- id anything ibat i grnera] n of the I. A. D. • pBrAnlar notice of thia, and t we may bring upon your a «inUy inadequate Sgntc, It iabcUer Ear for>on to refuse his work than to accede to hia demands, and then give faim the "bcM you can far the money". One of thne worthies tuu re- peatedly offend ■ well known distributor fi.13 per i,ank«»dbasjnttaa often been turned down. He he says,' he never raised his offer. Worn out. al last tbc distribator replied, "VouaiesUII- Ing yomaelf. Von don't want service. Voa wanta p wi se c( sciviee, O. J, Gunnells, who draws a salary un- der the pretense of v.-a(cliin>; the adver- tising of Pink Pill.-i, is i^ing around the conntry distorting facts and Tbc following well- joined the Distributors ilunng the r 13, an.->i daa^r Amm M ' MAURICE TEINTRAUB. nitm ftk^ ■MfcUw mrrl llm . Tub Billboard to find sabscriliers tor it, not paiticnlaily for the commndaa m give, but becanae be betieves in tbe ptin- Daring tbe montlt of Oceember Ur. W. H( Steinbrenner received over one hun- fifty api^ications for member- 5cctclary Stclnbmtncr has cotuiuled a •»» of a thoosand advettiaets who distrib- i*^ "enibetiolthel. A.ofD. canpro- n"*™**"* 'W 'W'y'ogtoW. H. Case, >'«tWagrn«,lNd, Remember that THE BILLBOARD is the official organ of the Intemational Aaaod- ation of .Uatriboton, and the afliccr* de-'. idsonmc that his service already ranks among the best in the United States. Mr. Wein- traub was bom in New York Ci^iu 1876.. and IS tfaerefoieinhistwen^-seGondyear. Ill 1896, he covered all of New Bngtand and New Vodt, IM the CaUftraia ^ tup Co.; and'ttey w— " loth out, and 01 Iv hunaelt. He opened a ton. in November last, a promises wcU. Hia offices are 426 Mi' adcnowkdge the lecc^ of mimm- the han^iwtiet'of'ttcCn*- of BnOala, sHi |t k <nd, nniqne in Mtfft jati Uiho. Co., I., inal in kind, i__ ndidly executed. luliusBien'g ad on tbe cover of A^/- Adveriiiiiig, for December, was a Cim tm 'Iha I pany Is now &'Hoigan arei pangh-Selb pa Oompuiy is grinding away meinfly on tbe ^ganlic mder of the big Ringling Bioth- Joluif & Co., Uthographeis. of Cleve- oa Ibe night of December 23. Nothing atall WK mved, and it is reported that the IoHi,anKnuM(d to {135.000, with ' I JO, 000 insmance. Jcdina ft Co., li h a n d l e d .* Hne of igmdicaled poateis for letailen wifli conaiileiable aoccea SrearB. Tb^ will nndonMcdlyK 1 but J « for* kUie^^^^^ot advQ