Billboard advertising (Jan 1898)

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i THE BltlBOARD chance there is of se<:iiTiag a prize. We hope the authorities will vs«d it out, for this very kind of advertisiiig that hard for lesitimste and le- Ivertiseis to £et adequate ie- Bicbaid Vniaoii; wUle the vintner's inn -at Hayes, Kent, boasted a grape-bordered :'''SL Gcoage and the Dtagon," executed. m*^. HcBC^ if yon Sbonld getapfixe Tou must hare each, name as th^ have it. afaichkneatjin^oaable^ Tafc«B**t*ii, ~ IbcinAance. moe hnndnd and niuety- ' ^ne iriU a>r it is Borton, iddle it may be CBttdrUMaii'BirtoBcrBiBto* or soaie cAer '8» jM aee kMT nidi Fmpgr and mod pulp lettn, to which ta added ■ binder, snch ss nan. Shellac . oc ^ne, dissolved in Inchnnuate of potash, . is bong made to largely take the place of : II ml 111 lettom. According to an exchange, -"thef are made as totkiws: A mass is ^taade of wood pnlp and a binder, and ' tten HMMUcd in snitablc molds by b j- - !flrliH^ mm . then painted with oH CJlors and v arniJ ^ whidi icnden Ibeiu proof against Ktmosgbaie tnllninfr. fi tU ■ man poclMHi placed en 'Jlii nibbed and ground with IheMndler atones Tlaa is the w^ omr fctefalhei a r pmL It «tn he fMMd '^'m^ the ao^called missing word and letter ' contests which staie at the readers of many of the cheap monthly papeis. The reader's chance of winning a prize is about as slim as fiuSng Certain Eidd's boiied tteasnns. The nd^ng letter bwnncss is vety rank. The list is made niiprotald; at ten or twenty geographical A shellac GIter niay 1 iseedoil. This mier Tlic following is from the of TAe BUI rosier. London, le official organ of the United Vanish says : All gr een s ly be daifcened by the addition of blad: bine, and lightened by the addilion of now or white. ^^^^ ^ blQes. add FmssiaQ blue or ■dd In^att red. Bcccvffing to the thade leqnbed; to "wlute. To darken Indian red or veoitian red, add nmber or Vandyke IsDwn; to lighten,. ' or Vandyke brawn. faaajrataot folly withhi our k=awlnl|;.: Bad can not bat think that the extrenKlv tntfW criticisDi with which the amat}^- the P. R. R. There are between thirty and for^ towns and villages between these two dties. Ue intends to cover the whole line between these two points. Hr. F. Bcems to be the right man in the right place. There are no better locatioiis than Mr. Fraley, of laiofx, Cal., is erect- ing quite an extendve service along the FaoficCoest. He figures on reaching a pi y g lation of sgifjaa. Seretal others are also ei^qing in Oie bosneas. We cannot see why a nan irith astting of Have yon ever tried the anti-kabomiDe method in ngn that is nsed in some of the che^ carriage ketones to get a smooth surface ? It is done as follows: The surface is primed throughout with oil and a little of some kind of cheap earth pigment. The puttying is then done. The anli-kalsomine is mixed in twen^^ouT hours snccessivtly for four or ~ mixture of about two with the waning of America before tlicir eyfs, we can not think that setioox busi- ■e«men can aim atsoch a mart Uoq. M m^wKg^d far S (Ul, t lepart tuipentioe is then flowed on. After diy- work. This method it durable. Ai kalsnndne may be obtained through yi They would all be endeavoring to gnnr ridi at each other's expense, or. in plain wanK they Mwild be cutting each other's thraals. But a stninjf DrganiEation) even if it re- solves itself into a partial monopoly, is sometimes of great as " r« as present ad\'ices ^o. lie best iaterests of the bination will certainly be Sofa Soiae ace already Un Oe adds in.Ow mot pamt far tW time and that whEn white kal fa pot on Od* wlll 'aat taminc^or. We haiehadno wjftlMKr with onrcsco, bnt aattiaawater paiat we are indioEd to Om opma Ibat it win imt last long a«i^ to met ttie general requirements. The most of aaeb signs are wanted to last ai long as pooIblE, and not moidy for oat in a month or so. We can oRcr noth- ing more than we have. Having corre- ■pooded with sune af Ae in the coimtiy, we ] success. Unseed oil anderflie anc does not do much good. The fames come through the oil. . Brushes may be rfxwjNi nJUl carhdic acid, which is said not to e&ct the biia- aalsnda, potash, etc H. B. S.—Wants to know if there ia any difference in the treatment of altitni- nimi bronze and other bronzes. None, except the sie iboiild be whitened with a little flake white or white lead. The best way to wo4 bronzes of all kinds is to pnt on the aiie, and when it b dry, jnst sa it shows the least perceptible tact, rub on the bronze with a dry rag, dipptug the tag into the dry bnmze. In this wise it ts more evenly done. C C—Has iKcn having truuhle in get- ting posten to stick to painted surfaces. Wadi yoBT bourds with a weak K^ubon of r; when dry, put on the post- ers with a paste containing a little alum in Eolutioa. Another way is to rain your boards. The idea is to destivy the gkns in the pidnL Boaidi intendedfar pooten ahoold be painted flat: that 1^ irithontglosa. TMs requirea the paint to be heavny charged with pigment aad tor- list of district manigera indndta aome of the men best known in the trade for Jheir intelligence, shrewdness and basi- Tbe editor^ Mr. C. G. Wright, in aa abJr Ifaderenlitled. "Divided We iWl^iMthe W. B. B.~ABlts why e> e leadtu The I are so numerous that it would fill several books to specify thetn all, AdnlterationB of all kinds arc, no doubt, the ones; coandy ground lead u . Sbboh boh lead Mil ytUowjt