Billboard advertising (Jan 1898)

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OUR CHRISTRAS NOHBSR. Amtrirvn Bili /hslia/j Co., Brooklyn. —Your December nmnber "fetched ns." We findire just AonrtO >BbKiUteni older keep np ditb Om jmiccMlM. Bhbij ^fa —Ti» iij ii ^i Ki i a ■* g^MOtM fMB to — inntvwm immmm— ■ oe CBsptKH b faul O.—I have just received the unber of The Biu.board. and it is the best I have ever seen you ton out. I mn veil pleased with it, and viU My aa you do—you olwaya lead, the othen Mlow>-W. C TSnilL CAftTOCfff AND COBIHBNT Dbtligi AdvtHikng, for- Decemlicr, maalieaiairal CRatioa. 7%i Bill Rattri HoS URderstaiidE tbe art of fendn)^ __. can deliver a sharp, iJean tlmst witboot labored effort. He appredMc* f|ie,nlw of a neatly turned phnse, a mU roonded sentence. McHanos loses Ms temper atid lays abot^ aimlessly aod at landom. ffi> - Uowsate thoeeof admnken bntdier,aBd ^ possess Unlepcantorpreciaoii. Hiaiqrie - Is dry. dnll abd tiresome. He is oerer' dear, iclitom forcible and alii^ iliS , Be,itw again January 17. Some say for thejnn- pose of appointing Display Adverttstng the official oi^un: otbere that th^ tit merely going to spank Campbell for p«- critidse llteir edicts. SI. Louit, Mo. . Iimeiitinjc vwi on roar _ ... bet-. Veir 'fine p^cr.—P. G. Stoct. Sy Ijmdam, fiS^. (criHc)—The beantimi ChrbtmasBnXMUKDiecidved. Thanks. —Jaa. A. Bdley. Ha'tlrail, l\t —The Xmas ntunber of THB BlLLBOUtD is I ■ — - piatulatc yon. It is 1 tionally fine isme.—Ja& S. Omrtoi ft Cb^ The Executive Committee ii to me its every endeavor to advance the intuuta oS the Associated Bill Poalen'. Dnliartiiiiately, thon^ it is ^neSy too- ' Cam W. Hoke na turned down beomH he ma a rival of Gude, Stahlbmdt and Pratt, and because Pratt, in pacticnlar, ho* - »ionqat grievance airaiBst turn. I oOwf naHMt^ Was that ii toe Mat urteieits of tbt^ a . UiMttvodr HrTckafOA tun thrirp*. / ■ Tag Bir.i.BOARD would like ti copv cX the [nanted list of every Inll p< •hat Ijas a [irinted list. There are vm ityles in e»iitence, all of them good, bnt' — ->f them better than others, ttu-" —-icodnce in its col- ild like tc repcodnc of the^>estol _ I as possible to reproduce. : c v ei j w l iete are asking, bm , ,-_^aiethQr location llil iil a Ban awn. plea pot before them iroold no ^donbt^ prove very beneficial to alL : Stahlbrodt. "If the bin post Glide's p^er I