Billboard advertising (Jan 1898)

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THE BILLBOARD The Billboard. It^^'-j;:, nte b not to b« tkoogM aft. Tat bedaae, ore&*b4U jxMt- ing will omitlniie to be regmdcd u np- plementBiy or accessory to pnblicalions. It will never enjoy the important consi<I- it merits unlll there is a reliable in the villages—until an article ■nd lettcrmiting ti dieliK)itai<dDinu task that he is called npon to perform. Nine times out ot ten he will quote bit lowat . ntc* in icplylnK to jraur fint Icttcs. If pPM MOMd !■ fAtac « fwdMI.ndac- It Mtt^M*.B«bat;i]m.;;Im pMters. The prices mum be nused. That much ia pUn. '^Ount o4«jnate letiirna bia boaida no one ia gcing to givt the lime anO. a tten ttaa iitinriMrj tr , kaman. Tbe adrertiaer vbo pays the tc«M wDl gencfally find that he gets the . leaaL It Is a ve^ poor ptactice to pay Bnt, while die prices'motf iMiaibiiiced, a difTeretilial moit a'ao be tnalntaiiied. Therefore, it would seem that the prevait- iog Bcbedule must be railed all along the line. Will the cities conaent? Their service is, ip^dta Jnallfytt.aDd there is n^sod tO MM*, ot agovernfaigasaodatton. The Americnn Asaoeiutioti of Fairs and Gxpasitioiis. will meet this wai^t. It al- ready nuinbeiB among its members tlie state fair assodslionB of all the principal It wDl be a great day when theagricnl- tnial BOcletfeB of the country are all gnnd Ic^ue. a long life of use- the American Association of Paiis and Eitpositiotis, In onr capacity of oSdal organ of the otganlialicnt we further iu ate* and pmpoaes jigjjVwMMi.ia uitf-y W at. •:. em, FOSTI WR PA ST. AHD FRESBf^T." By $ku W. HMCE. This is Oiriiltiias Day in the morning, and I have a letter from the editor of BitLBOARD commanding me to send on copy for the Januaiy number, ' 'as the last form goes to press Dec 27." Now, one of the unwritten clauses ot my contract with Sillboard is that I am to find fsnlL In (act,' some of BltX- flnd Cralt iibeeaMe atty toed can 4a fliat: Bat t must confesa that here is one who is at last up a stomp Rack my brun all I know how, Ican't think of a blewd thing to-day to find fault with. The hill poslin^ business is improving 50 rapidly, ilir tiill prftltn. ot the entii« CountiJ- 1111: iiii]>ri>vinK tliiir plants and r..pully. could li 1 fault 'ikn too' navy v^tafchandin^riddiltt, and pay It riiKifiilly and promptly; al- 1 Cbrif took B. Mf ji^p In paint of aome fll^ applicant* bave been accepted, about riz^ r^erted for cause and as are on file wait- ing investigalioD'regBrding the applicant's character and standing. The rulis of the wlikli in yeais gone by had done' bill posting, startetl in business a few months at,'o, and one of the lint things they did was to get out a three-sheet pos- ter. As is customaiy with q great many starters in thia line ot advertlalng, these three^heeta were sent out to thiir vatlras wholesale agents in' the principal dtiea. ^ the biU poMcrs-UUa bevm board bams, off on side streets, while ivik theit paper ia posted on well built - boards, erected on the most promjnei:E thoroughfares. That they were given guarantee that the paper should show fui any length of time, while now they ai^- absolutly sure that it they contract for thirty daya they get thlr^. days^ Anil not only la tile p^er pco^cled-far the tiBM GMrtntMlari ■IpRpi'diiltoy pramptly renewed and In tn« condi- tion during the entire time. That whil:' in the past they supposed thdr paper was ail posted, there was really very liltli' chance of their knowing absolntcly; bin now they are supplied with lists of loca- tions ot their posters, and can go over tliv gUMud and idMk off every poster. Bnl, moat Important ot all, while in tlie paat, Ullp(ttUnK'seld(tm paid Iheadvei^ I it invBrishly doea-^t' the artl- pnpetly anpplied with the gooa*. THE OPEN ASSOCIATION. He who opposes. 1 most surely tie a dyspeptic This tmprovement io the Mil posters' methods has in many towns resulted in against the consent of the times ought 1o be backed with unanswrr^ble ^ths: hi^ that has truth on his side is a fool n-s as a coward if he Is afmid to own it bo- cause of the currency or multitude of other men's opinions. Dk Fob. Our advocacy of the i^n association is backed by irrefutable'argnments, sup- ported by unanswerable truths and we Ttm, Tbun' powii> Tbb pii,i30AKi> b in receipt of numer- ona rcquaata for advice ragaidlng the pro- posUiDnar the8ttdbw.SniMil)rCa.,ae andiSaciBt*^^adine. IW not enteric Ibem for a momenL All awafiidng prop- ositlonB are illegitimate, and nearly alt of casta tor your services. Do not accept pa- per wUdi may or may-not be alto^tlier *wortbleii,' TtWre U scarcely a newspaper pnUUier in Ule country but has a barrel ton of this kfnd ot "stock". Gullible publtSheis have been worked in this man- ner lor years. Kll posteia. we hope, will not be so ea^y taken In.' Tom them down. Get coin ot the realm for what yon sell, and yon will be able to pay cadt for what yon buy. TELL*-VELL* WELLl. ,W defOlB ^ctiit tfane to ^mrtUns. '^■l^tlMnBiAnBcn &i |■ieMkim- 'tin to One exploded flat rate. The latter tried, and hasfailed. Aside from the fact that ^ace in small town* is qot as vat- wableaatbaiam^apaee in.citia^tbeieiB 'W* jmttr f wpattlonate 1 ipi am ot ap^ painstakl^t .M^vfcK '. A* * M^dt, tbsgt are putting I. A. n. members on their lisU as fast as they an 'get them. Tbe I. A. D. will control the house-to- house work of the country before the year 1S93 isat an end. of Fails and Expositions is an accomplished bet. The asgsnifstioit has baea perfected and onqrtUng DOW b In KorUag otjler. TUt 'lho'.Mai-''ar , Nev'Vnk aty ptfcd>-;td£it. MNOMf jnmp February ist, to taiurcente per week strsight. Two yean ago, when ' raised to 3}i cents, same ot the Ultposters feared for the result, but the most son- Kuine expectallona have been lealiied, and as the increaaed prices tiive allowed of building better'boards and renting bet- ter locations, the adverdsds are thorougly satisiied to pay the advance. Van Beure 1 and Reagan are now ffdlowing Mnns^n's lead, and bnllding all new boards.of slieel IpM. .Unnson has very; few wroodcn pest thehrpsperin many boaids Utt, and' Ibqr am- i^dly being wwanpntwt'^ clap- - |kea<l«rflh Inm. ' I have had a numbsr of interviews with these people, and believe I am IwKitiuing to convince them that while in the past they have piiil only three cents in some towns, the possibility i-t that their paper was not well posted, in as conspicuous places, nor given the full time contracted tor, as Ibey are almost invariably certain .nt.«Mlqr.' IIHR toM them that If they