Billboard advertising (Jan 1898)

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THBBaiBOARDi lAire^ iron; SAR cttinx of the Cal. BUI Porta*' AMOcittfam, been nfeiTCd to OK.' An exbmMIve Mcount el tliit alleged anocfalioii meeting' need not have been veiy long if it told the Irnth. Lut tnontli Mr. Geo. H. SUtx. eliding liiinself as President proUmt^ llic CBlifomia Bill PosIcr' Associalion, ,«iit out invitations to hill jiostti^ of Cal- ifornia ..early all of whorii art iiinnbcra of the Pacific Coast Bill Posters' ,\SBOci- ntioni' them to a mecliiig of what he pleased to call'the Californl* KU Posten' AsM«iatl(M; 'to'be'hdd it tbe office of Siebe tt'Oiimi, sfS P.-H. of When dw .PadfiC 'OiiMt Bill Paste Awodalion adjoonied iMt'JnIy. tlie ad- jonrntnent wm onlfl'December 8th at i F. M. In tha invltatlod Mot out by Mr SkbCtltMft'rtiMl'aiit tht-m^oiOy of th* Un pdifilB rf-oaiaBito HotaA be w pw M ina « Hfc t t * lii p wwn ar t^' prob- and in otRmecdon ^rifli-tlw InirttMlOB the atatemcnt laa made that U Oie (All pas- ter addreued did not attend, they would cDiuidcr that be waa-againit the majority of the Inll poiten of' CalifonilB. Tlw FadGc CoaM BilVFoetets' AModation met at I P. M. December Sth, And a* yon will ace by the mjnatca of the pioeeedinga. a copy of which I forward The Billboard, the meeting waa the most largely altendeit sacterl in the afternoon. an<l took a rctiss until 7 P, M., and after finiahinK the bus- IncN o( Ow acMloa, adjoiiined toa nd]f h- borfn(h*n^taan m Ok Ibfltidon of At dbMrt • o'cto* '«r 'it dwUnw for KfUdi Mr.;8td» l«a 4ktd ttw^QOfbniia ttU TMHr^'-itMdd dwM.'te. 9M>« ap- Wliile vie were at brouBht in calliug (nit oneoltmt hers into the KenersI dining gentleman, Mr. Hooson of Haywards. in- formed me afterwards that he found Mr- Siebe with a number of men sitting at « table and he was introduced one. as the bill poster at San Mateo, another, as the bill poater of Hiliutaa, and so on. Mr. Hooaon remained in San Frandsco the next day and saw theae gentlemen posting paper < & GreeiM teneaa. Vlbm be e nSan Praadaoa,' Atj aatl were helping - fbem ont on account of 6 msh of woil^ Ib not tha nature of the blnfF appuent? Mr. Hoaaon and one or two others' of onr aaweiatiou called at the office of Siebe h. Green nen day as a matter of corioaiy and Mr. Hooson iras informed that Mr. . Morriseey of Harysville and another gen- tleman preaent had joined the California demanded admiadbh to "the meeting of the Pacific Coast Bill Posters' Association <Mi the strength of the tact that he had aome time ago bought the bu»ness of Mr. Al. StilH-ell in Oaldand. When I in- fomied him that according to tbe by-laws of the Pacific Coast Bill Foeteix' Associa- sa did not gi\-e erofour aaaoci- ha regular way, d kGOfr of the bgMaw*. I loU Mm U b* wMdd call dM next day'matlarQr Mnitan' I ko^ far- toaakUmloieUM. This ha impudently nfMcd to do, and H was neccHsry to eject him. Accompsnyuig him on this viait ««>• Meaara. Onibb & Gordon, two young fclktwa who once in a white do a job of sniping In and about San Fiandsco. II perhaps la not necessary to suggest that if tliere waa a large attendance at his office to organize the California Bill Pos- ters' Assodation, ba would not have had tlMH or the dediv to be a^ndtted into the mcMlng of Ibe FadSc Coast Assodation. These are facts wilUm my own knowledge and I endoac one of tht- InvltathMi sent out tiy Mr. Kcbe to m nemter or tmr Aa- xadaUon. Tha tMnqnstiboa toiriMioar Hioct "tlona^JotmalsitaLontrao'itedtfii'tlM nvanlngfe hi h lM|a MtamOrt naar by. 'JIT BROM THt PAR S^gJ^S^TSSTJ^aftif^FttS caKed oi 1 corroborate this informed that he was Califbniia Bill Posters' he bad not even applied tOr membership. foniwr menbcr of tiOacom i —* sessions and at tbe stfeoeeAng banquet, has since rengned from the Pacific Coast 8111 Posters' .WMnalion, having doubt- less succumbed to tbe flattery of being elected Vice-President of the CalUomla Hill Pasters' which is Mr.'^beBRd I.•>^•erich. Manager of 9Ub» ft Ofatn's Oakland budness. I do not be1ie\-e that the aocalled Cal- ifornia Bill Posters' Assodation isatalla bonsiidc organization. I bave since the meeting been informed by another mem- ber of our assodation who called it SUbt St Green's ofBce. that Mr. Green HM fop iooa at him for not attending of die alleged bill posters' Why sbonld ha b* in audi ■ nataoi mmo Ifhalwd aiMC t aaa to Ma plans fo^or. I notice br letter on page 19 of the last number of Thb BillboarS, that Siebe & Green sUte that they ha\-s taken in an additional number of tou^s. Of the places named, Ocean View, Bsdeni Mil- brac, Belmont, Carlos, Milpitas and Albiso are hardly more than stations along the line of the Southern Railroad from San Frandsco to Lan Jose. In Redwood City to located Oeoige West, who has been in bnsinaaa there as a bill poater for a nam- bar ol ytm mmi hn bcea o MM rtb e r at tha FKi«c Coast BUI Fostn*' Aaaodatiaa. Thb n w tlMM baa baan tttf aa t iwia by Siebe ft Onan with a w Uiw-Uun of tab any'teMaettai with Omm. Vm «U1 notice that in the same letter It Is stated that Mr. Geo. H Siebe has been elected President frv lem of the ni^w as.-«ciati(>n. one of tlie letters which w-e enclose that had a m^Sng. Notwithstanding the fact that there has becninTHKBiLL,BOARDOQeor two ortl- dea that have been unjust to Owena & ^^iniey we appreciate your faimeaa and thank you for the opportunity to be tward bl miy to (be bluffing atatementa made tqpSMe&G^n, lam. . . - '. YounftitenMlijr, . - J. H. anfMON, 8ec>. C. B. P^Wn. Et you worfd'hlM'to know Im mndh , lyouthe original copy of iba —ting wfatch took place, of tha C ~ " ■ John Wilhanu;, lull paster of Portland, Ore, wha was elected vice-prendent of the Pa- cific Coast Bill Posters', has lengned ftmu them within the last tbirtr days, and had they more commercial lithograph poslcim, aay 24-aheet stands—.we like large paper— we could give them orders for ten timea', courteaiea > thank ^n kindly for all ^ ber of the Pacific CoaatBill sodation, through tbe. influeii & Green, 'h. D. Keild, Vollejo, Port Costa. Beneda. Martiuei, etc, also re- signed fron ■ and joined our lanks, Mr. II. G. Wil- shire, the owner of the plant called the Merchants' Ad Sign Co., at Los Angeles, accepted the treasurerahip of the.Pacific . Coaat B. P. Asaodation. . OurUr.GreenimmaOrt^WtteLoa Angeles to start a plaol^ OBr.O>nt,bBt after talking the matter Ti«l8hirether treasurer and as a member of the. Padflc Coast B. P. Assodation, and hsa alao joined the CaUfbmia B. P. and bas even gone further by nnddag ■ ODml]inBtianwlth,Siebe&.Gicen, whereby ' U anybody sends .worie to a linl concern taken from tlie party for Los Angeles, Oakland, Alameda and fiit]- other to«ns. It we do say it ourselves; we are amply dtring wonderful. This assodation will be the strongest of its kind in the world to-dsy, and we know that every member will live up to the letter of tbjC rules of the association, for if they do not we will immediately start a UU pasting plant of onr own, dw ssme as we have done in Petalunm, Santa Roaa, Uldah, San Rafael and nnmem u s other towns. It is not onr inlenliDn to.go.cppodlion and erect plaata btamaUcr toww nnlsaa wo an leaUy < fWfd . IHjfa thfa in ecder .(In odMftiaKB'OadibKtbMBi ^ Ibr. «^ Mlai^lnfM:, wa know, thstanch a coarse win meat with tbeap- pfoval of tbe adcatlisingpaUlc in general. U Is, indeed, a raylwny tdmr to the Pacific Coast B. P- A., which we reaUy don't know who is a member of it, but when we took away its vice-president and its treasuier. leaving 1 deut, vix., Lee Sios.. of Santa Rosa, where we have our own plaut, and Mr. wMfc fat the Baaqala*r^ssi.d«iheflm . that lie aenda tUa work thraotk. caa «■ liiTS i y watk Joae Inetttatn ctl bIb We baiievs tnat Mr. CJIaalia, fal M i 3t i "H ing tbe Padlie Coaat Ajaueiatton, naMd;. ban Msii i JidMMlr aDd mhriMirt Wftpto.^. tat Owens ft VaiDey, it bqroad MM provaa that «• an laadan «(tUi ri^Mr tiao. And.tAyibMddatwobof Waaao Tbe kind notice that yo« gave ns was greatly apptedated, and yon may rest sa- sured tbst when the time comes we will BY $AU W. HOKH. f Somemontba ago I placed an order (Or. posting the "Girl from Paris Oignr" in ^irn^Ma:^.:; Bob Campbell and J. Ballard CairoU we know are with ns, and if they should be against us at the Associated Bill Posters' Assodatioo meeting, which will take place in Bufialo. you may rest assured that we will lose no sleep over it, but .Kill make tbe A. B. P. A. feel it worse than we will; tor if they will stand on ceremony of friendship instead of on buriness princi- ples, you will find nafigtatiag harder than ever, and probably 1 Ok East It to not hard to do it. We are making a deal {m San Frasdaco .wt^ wmmaMd!^ bit tha bnUasa of quaoti^ of' paper was sent to anotner . town, bat from acddeot the aaleaman could not reach the town till the posters were dead. In the meanttme the smoker who asked for a "Girl from Paris" was put off with something else-^his old stand- ov, usually, and he was very well satis- Iwd. So when the salesman did call, tlii.'^ idnil trade was iu no hurry to take tli.:fl goods, aa all who badever asked for "t-.ilS n.^... i-.j atemed satisfied mtnj