The billboard (Feb 1898)

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THE BILLBOARD GLOOMY OUTLOOK FOR THE NEWSPAPERS. On: of Them See* the HamJwrltm, oe of llie water, but for present | is unnecessary to look close at home. The Knglishme New Periodical Publ Vol r. No I, of Current Thouuhl, a C M. WHITMIER DEAD. .f lit. ■j:-.::'. public event is at band. This was exemplified in the days preceding the Queen's Jubilee, when the entire area of the British Isles was plastered with char- ity funds,. public improvement funds, * ir this, that and the other pur- ics, science, art and reli> lished ifloj. rcchrisu-nnl. It is edited and published by C. Elton Blanchard. 801 Ansel a.tnue, Cfctndaad, O. Monthly: assents per copy, $;.ao per year. The following is the table of contents of Hie January number: The Single Tan; The Colonizing Move- ment; Ruskin Up to Date; The Fairliope Cplony; The Christian Commonwealth- The Pinon Colony, Pinon. Col.; The Future Review; Editors Corner : The Editor s Platform; The Colonizing Movement; The Problem of the Machine; Announcement; Import- ant Notice; The Future of Current Thought; C. Elton Blanchard's Lecture Work; The Money Question. Books and C. M. Whitmier, of the firm of Whit- mier & Filbriek, died at his home, No 179 South Division street, Buffalo, N. Y. at 10:58 o'clock Thursday, January 10. The end was not unexpected, as Mi Whitmier had been ill for a long hut when it came, it known in Buffalo, and, in fact, in New A his divi acqua ittDd nds of "YOUDE-S LIMITED" FAILS. The magnificently audacious scheme to syndicate the bill posting plants of the United Kingdom has failed. The follow- ing letter from Mr. Bennell. one of the of the daring effort, is self- The e. enlist the sympathies of many American citizens who have suffered from a similar cause. It is called the National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Adver- ting. It is an sestbetic propaganda, and it deserves success in its plea for the m of the condition of the thor- ery year. To bill posters all over the United Slates and Canada his name was as fa- miliar as a household word. James H_ Slaats, of Lockport, N. Y., who also passed away during the past month, in- formed the writer that it was Mr. Whit- mier to whom the credit of I New York Bill Fosters" Association was due. Upon investigation, this was found y kind of c v months b *that w Vol. I. No. 1, of Ads (November issue) is before us. It is a bright little monthly of 16 pages. sJJsS>i. U is edited by H. M. Caldwell, Mammoth Building. Louis- ville, Ky., and published principally in the interest of the editor. disposition at present making itself very apparent to hoist the proclamation or all sorts of wares into public notice without the least regard for the proprieties of fences. The poster craze has contributed its share to the demoralization of the stmts. Green girls and blue cows call attention to pale pink beverages, while purple men declaim wit! The Show Window, a journal of prac- :al up-to-date window trimming, pub- lished by C. L. Williams, 1130 Caxton "licago. is one of the new ones last. There is need of just suen a paper -great need—aud The Shoo, irindaw fills the bill. with, his parents when he was fif- ears old. The family settled in Owego. Mr. Whitmier engaged in sev- was one of the most extensive handlers of patent medicines in the United States. Twenty-five years ago he came to Buffalo, buying out the bill posting firm of Walker & Bro. In this line he continued till the - time of his death, though in the mean- absolutely essential, and much that has been essential even has been neglected, heaps of letters and telegrams remaining unanswered for days and weeks. This mus: be my apology for not replying to All yonr en sen Chester, but it will be as well to address any other letters to me at the above ad- dress. I am obliged for the copy of The Billboard, which you have forwarded to Manchester, and which has reached me from thence, in exchange for a copy of Youde'i Sill fisting Journal. I am afraid that the last issue of this publica- tion, Youde'n Journal, has been sent out; ,te, for the p public, has not been sufficient to justify the directors continuing the scheme, and so that the company may avender villa sites. esfing. is both beautiful and i: with him C. F. 1 him faithfully for r firm became as well known as the old one- Some time ago Mr. Whitmier became the culture of grapes and Electricity has been utilized to a dazzling, blinding extent to announce the unex- ampled excellence of all sorts of aspirants for public favor, patent medicines, liquors, cigars, real estate, bicycles, theatrical en- tile Of 1 Ad Sense, in point of appearance, is a! far ahead of the average advertising pam phlet as one can well imagine. It is at bought a large vineyard near B Chautauqua county, and became a merchant. w lines, and these may be ime way or other; and, in fact, such combination as Mr. Youdc has shadowed forth must take place in this country, unless the trade is to be abso- He lutely worthless, and to be a prey for the advertisers more than it has been before. It would take a volume to explain the real to me that you might like an article on the subject and that it might be worth something to you, but perhaps the time has scarcely come yet to write it, as ef- forts are still being made to bring aboot Mr. Gus. H. Shepherd b a bill poster or iperience. He is a gch- 1 be thoroughly relied . ...kea Contracts fur posting I'ills for theaters or advertisements. He " conscientious and does his work well or »ot at all, and there is as much science and genius in. posting a bill pro iherc is in any other line_ of b All speak highly or him asa citizen, and taj bis hard work, energy and integfily baa made hosts of friends.—Ventura [OA) F ~ The Buraioe Opera Hgaac, at function City. Kas.