Billboard advertising (Feb 1898)

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THE BILLBOARD. 25 The P WESTERN OHIO. Fail Managers' Association Con- vention Will Be Held at Lima, Ohio, February 9th. it ot- proposed constitution of the Ohio Fair Managers' - On July 31, 1897, meeting of fair mana tawa, Ohio, for the purpose of discussinj the management of fairs. The meeting was largely attended, some nine or ten counties being represented; many new ideas were presented and discussed. That the meeting was a success, and resulted in much good, was the verdict or all ' in of organization, to il to select a place See. d of him The Tn charge of the funds of the Association, and shall pay the same out upon the order of the Association and,warrant of the Sec- retary; shall keep a correct account of the receipts and disbursements, and i full report thereof at Sec.; 1 !. The Executive Committee shall have charge of the finances, membership, printing and all such matters pertaining to the Association. It shall make pro- for the meetings of the Associa- tions, fill all vacancies that may occur in Jec r. The object of this Association gall he ttie improvement^ agriculture. the agricultural fairs of V This Association shall consist sident may designate, ARTICLE YH. nually pay into the treasury of this Asso- ciation the sum of two dollars, and any assessments that may he levied by ■ a three-fourths vote of the Executive Com- mittee, not to exceed in any one assess- ment the sum of one dollar. Sec 3. In the meetings of this Asso- ciation the delegation shall consist of the belonging. Sec 3. Each member represented at a meeting of this Association shall be en- Sec. 4.—The secretary of each member shall furnish an alphabetically arranged list of the members and exhibitors of his society, together with the address of each, to the Association secretary, who shall publish all such names and furnish ci officers and four additional dele- a be appointed by the president. - An Adt ™ J - - The president shall be the pre- ■hng officer at all meetings of the Asso- iiionandof the Executive Committee. S"c. 1. In the absence of the president « vice-presidents shall, in their numeri- I order, perform the duties of the presi- R. Noyes. Bowling Greco tfapakouela Mont pel ier L Man. Discussion, - C. C Lattanni l-»prrl lull'.-. Hon. J S Stuckey. Van Wert Discussion. - - L. B. Good, Rimer Benefits ol Organi VENTURE, CALF. UNRAVELING THE TANGLE. The stockholders of the detnnct Ven- effort U Sec 3. The secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Associa- tion and of the Executive Co-nmittee; have charge of all books and papers per- taining to the office; keep a list of the members of the Association; conduct the correspondence of the Association; collect all money due the Assodatson and pay the same over to the treasurer and take his receipt therefor; sign al! orders drawn on the treasury: keep a record of such orders; superintend the publication of all matters published by the Association; publish no- tice and notify members of all annual and special meetings; notify members of all blacklisted persons, and perform such other duties as the rules and regulations Ho. D. D. Donovan, Di W. L 1 Sp» AHrai-tinn*. I. L. Halter. Napoleon Discussion, Wnj. Jenkins, Springfield Speed Department, I>r. Geo. Hall, Lima - Dr A. L. Pa til. Ottawa cts. - J. J. Cole. Fiodlay price, etc,) E. W. Porter, Slatysville Should the Pair receive assistance from County Comnnssioners. Police, - Fred. Wiemeyer, New The Exhibitor's Fee, (how much,) F. H. Rummell, Ada Salaries of Officers, T. B. Tucker, Toledo Should each Township have on the Board of Directors T. B. Bo* Revising the Premium List, O. D. Swartont, Van Wert Fixing date of Fair. Thos. Mikesell, Wauseon Passes, - - A. A. GifGn, Van Wert Should Stall Rent be charged ? S. iI. Wearer, Early Assignment of Stalls and Pens, (how,) F. M. Edisou, Greenville The Farmer aud the Fair, Hon. Wm. Rusler, Hume ORDER OF BUSINESS. Adoption of Constitution. Selecting place of next meeting. Election of officers-. Appointment of Adjournment. Every officer and director in wes Ohio should attend" th is meeting, ex-officers, and persons interested in 1 or fairs, are invited to be presf temporary organization will I 1: President, A. Hatred. Li iry, A. P. Sandles, Ottawa- THf^ILLBOARD^ will have an they are meeting with fail agreement is that unless • agree to the reduction, the scheme will be dropped, and the result -will be endless THE NEWBERN FAIR. The premium list of the Eleventh An- nual Exhibiton of the East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association has been issued. The fair is always at- tended by a large number of people The fair will open at Newbem on the 5. The m 1 meeting of this As- sociation shall be held on the First Wed- nesday after the First Monday in Febru- f, of each year, at such place as the pre- , ^ngshalld ' at such times and places as a majority of the Executive Committee shall designate. Sec 3. Notices of a I meetings of the Association shall be published and sent to the different agricultural societies of the state at least twenty days prior to such m " t " 1g ' ARTICLE VIII. 1 This Constitution may be any annual meeting of this ARTICLE IX. Dr. Geo. Hall and other members of the Allen County Board, appeared before the Committee and asked that it locate "le next meeting at Lima, saying that if did so, everything possible on their part ...u kl j Tg go nutke *™ ' *' " rous offer could not he re- , iS^'^ihV^tiu* orlnStiTr.. as follows. vi»: Address by President, Lessons learned by experience. Hon. L 0> Ely, Advertising n Fair, VERMONT. Rutland County Fair. The directors of the Rutland County Agricultural Society met at the Bardwetl house. Rutland. January 15. Their wasa good attendance, and a great deal of busi- larged, and includes nearly all tend for exhibition. All be had of Mr. Wm. Dunn, Mr. George Green, secretary. CALIFORNIA.' ["HE OAKLAND EXPOSITION Directors and Officer, arc Rt-deetedfor C. W. Hnlfbill, Mercer of C the society. It was voted that the sale of privileges be left to the recommendation that they be sold at auc- tion. The directors also decided to make the premiums on herds uniform in all the classes. The appointment of superinten- dent of rentals and of floral hall was left to the trustees. The following officers were elected, most of them being the old offlceis; Marshal, Henry W. Richardson, Farr, of Rutland; superintendents—horses Wesley Roue, of Wells: cattle, E. M. Woodruff, of Rutland; swine. C P. Ruff- um. of Rntland: mechanics hall, W. A. Patrick, ol Rutland; school*, W, A. Fra- sier. of Rutland: races, K. K. Han num. of Rntland: sheep. W. P. Hall, of Fitls- ford; poultry, G. C. McCtoy, of Rutland; fruit and vegetables, D. C. Hicks, of Clar- endon; dogs, Wayne Bailey, of Rntland; maple sugar, G. H. Grimm, of Rntland; and Keller were ap- pointed a special committee to gather data and information on which to base a report fixing the time of holding the fourth an- nual convention. Messrs. Becker, Spiars, Nelson, Trow- bridge and Booth were absent, owing to illness or being out of town. Mr. Gicr, in speaking of the plansof the directors, said: "We have some money in work in hand. There will be an Exposi- tion this year, but it will not be held until late, some time in the latter part of Aug- ust, September or early in October. It is a big thing for Oakland, and we believe will be heartily supported by the people."