The billboard (Feb 1898)

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Prompt pay from * Atlantic to the Pacific I give copies of a number of letters' received recently from Bill Posters in I could fill a large sized book with the same kind of letters that I have other towns, cities and villages, during the past few years. This li a nutter that Interests yon. The Pay b nnlvtnull,- certain of the best treat- mental the hand, of the hill postera. Therefore, he Is the man to do jour post- ing when job hate po.tlnj to do. WMe joar lioaoclal nliat mar be TSMI7 abase mine, most al tbe Mil poster* hare » atceaa to Daa or Bradstreet to team about 7 oa. Bat all el tfaem know wbca tbey act as order Irom nc that their atoocy fa tart; ■here is as qaestioa aboat It, prorldlni, their work la comet. Art Ibey know eqaailr wcU that If their work ii lot correct ttiey let aathlai. I an Im coasts at communication with ■early all the Mil posters ol the United States; I ara tendla( thces work (rtaatatlr; I aae, I*a cartala extent,a wholesale borer; with an; al then I hare paper on their the time. I an pine! ei Ml! poetic, ao- lor a □amber Ol litre concerns, most ol thcoi the lariest la their line. Some ol Utcsc people have placed their work with nc for yean. devise. Cheekier, can be doae once a aioath and Ota be a Headed to is well ia Minne- apolis as la New York City. Ia Sao Fraaclsco Don't ask your local dealers to attend to be. they hare their own Briny, to Blake, and to.«ai) .boot to any. from t-ij, 1*97. ■r Sir—Your, of the 7U1 Is recetred. (mm W. Hoke. N. baundna account lot Si log. Kncloacd God llrtfo Koorville, Dec 13, 1897. it Sir-Yoor. of Ibe ej New Albany, Jnd., Dec. 24, 1S97. Sim w. Hoke. New York : Dear Sir—we lure this day received Tacoraa. wash-, Dec. rj, rtgj. ' sun w. Soke, New York; with check (J IW . jo> in full In the irth of Bangui, Maine, Dec. m, I6j7- New Orleans, Jul. n 1E99 ot your other cuMomcrs tc the fact that the .bole world comes here on that f«-. easHycawlsa, lad.. Match i», is»7. -Unclosed Bod list of .od receipted hill for the » AngelaOil, Dec 14, 1597. Sam W.Hoke. New York: Dear Sir-Your check ol the iMhlsre- for the firrt month', prating .e mth inrt. Please accept oni Your, truly, tin! innapoll. BUI Porting Co. to Ibe ttbtou. S. Cheaper. *. tenia, Jan. j. ,008. 6L Loui. BUI Porting C< e 17th came duly to h San Die a. it»j. asm W. Hoke. Kew York : Dear for your chick tor III I I'aP. Bent. '1, 1B». My Dm, Hokf-ill ihi. mooth ■oof. thing baa seemed Bulling somewhere, and I hare jual discovered what. This you. I (eel as it I had Ibe m DehWr.CoI.. Nor. «>. .BM- . . Dear Btr-Yours of (he 36th to hand. . enclosing chtck ia payment of our hilt to the sari. lor which we are obliged to you, abd same has been placed to your Tbe Cur ran Bill Porting and Distrib. Co. - ire all Ibe nore soluble U called la before 1 joa hare had the poster printed, before yog .ban had- a sketch made. Ma ay a well %«*nV<- _ LONG DISTANCE Bltt POSTING, 107 West 28th Street, New York.