The billboard (May 1898)

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THE BILLBOARD II A Large Assortment of Beer Posters. .Vo. /. l6S*rrt. nutters. Why'; Tire advertiser mmlr Hh' mistake of placing Ills trust Willi wildcat bill-posters, whoso only privi- lotte WM their gall; Up-To-Date Poster Talks. i HNMIJ ■name fi as the poster; ik>»1 HU- whuec only nini was lo st|Ui-czo mil a few dollars for work ilmt liml belter Ihvii ii-ri mHfcme. Therefore i mj: FlirtM «*y of tlw fakir ill tin- liill-ixiHliT business. HI* only claim in existence is that the American |>eople will Is- humbugged, lie lives [In- gullibility of public with lliis puckage. the poster f-iiiivliH-iiijt newspaper ad. would not have so fmi>]iniit iid effect upon Itie public eye; neither would any other form uf advertising, Itself. ,\ud every wl m om-o adopted Hie jioslcr to protect his rights, and to proclaim the merits of his goods. I My. every nMHWtl distiller. These nuiy lie numbered by ihe si-ore. Yet there ore n hundred or two or illsilllers wlio now liottle. or will bottle. It) bond. Every one of those ought to resort to poster-ad ver- ilstng. 'nie Issue in loo lui|>ortiint lo l«- deitll with In ii uigganllv fiish- lon. The distillers huve been light I in; No. i. j-shtel. that mean business, that the advertis- ing philosopher often wonders why the owners of these features are so blind lo their opportunities. Here's " 1 point: A Sandusky (O.) ■ of a domestic cliam- • viiluly sought to popularize his let. True, he advertised in the failure In mill pint Ion. If It Imve iniiile Ihe mistake. Iliid you He leclcd a professional |>osler. your sue ivs* would have been complete, anil tlw purpose of the poster carried om. d. When putting out this wine, the manufacture adopted a package so original ami artistic In idea, (hut all other champagne pack- ages, foreign and domestic faded Into I lis lea I tic-am v. Ou this package be would build his fortune, knowing Its contents would stand ou lis own merit. But the public was mipliiy slow of up- preaiatlon. One day the disconsolate manufacturer passed through the streets of a metropolis, and presently his attention whs attracted to a poster exhibiting the Intrinsic and extrinsic merits of Cook's Imperial. The sight fostered a thought, and the thought the action. Within a fortnight tile venislng Hi:,i should n KiuimiiitKK the distiller's liotllings to lie pure anil up to the legal proof un- der all commons. To acquaint the