The billboard (May 1898)

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THE BILLBOARD. « 3 11 I I I t I I I I I I M « I t I I I I I I t I I « I I t I I I I 11 I I I ft I I It 111 Ml I NEW YORK CITY. m The Ideal Bill Posting Plant of America. |HARRY MfJNS©N Owns more and betler billboards in better locatious than all other Metropolitan plants combined. m . MllMi't Boa rat ire lota ltd en Me main (ho rant start*, drive., boolcvartlt, Cjde palfeo aid car line*, ^jjt Billboard* boill ol Oalvaolted Iroa - ao atttifbllr crack* at break* la (be crate rt placed on tbcte board*. 3& Lacanoo* ■! all Pnoloeol Ferric*, al all Promises! L SUIIoog. oa Ibe Hoc* ol every Railroad eeterlDg New Vera aad on Broadaay. «S Harry MaoMa'* New Ofrke* are Ibe Urtcsl. fleet! met Ibe be*l located Bill Poatlot lo Ibe World. "** Maesoa dot. It all. lie dt.itn*. eridt*. po*l* »ni tbtcks. Wbelber Its Metropolitan or Pro. in. HI servkt >oa xaol. ice Mao*oa about It tlrsl. I Harry Munson New York ** Sole (Wetnber intf r notlunuI Association of Distributors. *•;»811 c11s 11 e e e t: ■ iiMIMtftlMMMH $I.OO-AD11TS 100 TO MEMBERSHIP MTIt JUKE lit— SI.OO ... IN THE . . . International Bill Posting Association Of the United States and Canada. P. F. SHAEFER, President, J. E. WILLIAMS, Third Vice-Presideul, ALBERT WEBER, First Vice-President CHAS. C. MAXWELL, Treasurer. \V. 3. DONALDSON, id Via DIRECTORS: GEO. J. SIIERER, Secretary, MINNBAPOLrS, MI MS. EXECUTIVE COW WITTEE: P. F. Schaefer, Chni Chicago. Ill Harry Munson New York. N. V. D. C. Benjamin Windsor. Ont tleo. Robinson Fort Worth, Texas. A. A, Bland Keokuk, Iowa. L> M. Crawford Topeka. Kas. Titos. Calvert Detroit Mich. 5. Uhlnian Chicago, III. FINANCE COMMITTEE; I. Wood worth FortWavne, Ind. PANA, ILLS. ■K'SaiJailitb a i<H?"" LOU. ROLEV, City Bill Po Press Clippings. Keep Up to Date! If you want tl -*■ ALL tliat is natpuinea BEST tl p printed on any .particular subject —' ; ' —-——here—in dailiep 1» week- —you cm get il frcm us. Material for Speeches, Sermins, Essays, Novels. Scrap-Book«, Statistics, e Addresses of PROBABLE BUi ERS for just the good* you have to 84 BATESi Sl.00 PER MONTH AND UPWARD. and « m quo THE CHICAGO PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU,--56 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, MOTS AND JDOttSStS OF WANTED. SIGN fAINTERS. To anyone sending ns a list of the names and addresses of Sijnt Painters in his or he respective cities, wc will present a year's subscription to Thk Billoakd. Address Thk Billboard Pub. Co., Cincinnati. We Want Distributors. Send for our proposition to furnish you a specially designed letter head, half tone cuts or any kind of engraved work. No expenditure of cash. Any distrib- utor can earn good pay in this way. Send for the proposition and judge for yourself. Portraits a specialty. ihe Advertising World, Columbus, 0. D I Bml -frt. SMITH & CO. W. S- NUGENT, CITY BILL POSTER, - - - PALATKA, FLA. dered ev.iybody. W York Opera House Bill Posting Co. B. C. PENTZ. MANAGER. YORK. PA. City Bill Posters and Distributors. i,tST^ HENRY WERNER, City Bill Potter tni Distributor, AT WINONA, MINN. JOHN H. JONES,-The Honest, Pot Us Down on Your ||n| Russell Bill PoslligCo., NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: We delire lo call the attention of Ihe ad- vertising public thai Mr. H. F. Todd, (late of !Mrtl»n3 LHslribnTinfcConi|janv.) ha»taken sate charge of ihe l>ist rib tiling and Tucking LJepart- raent of the Nonhim Bill posting and Adver- 0. P. F1IRCHILD & CO. BILL POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS 24 East Fifth S((ML COVINGTON. KY. D.L.MeClintock CITY BILL POSTERS Ml, Garmel, I