The billboard (May 1898)

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26 THE BILl BOARD FAIR MANAGERS! YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE! ring. All successful fairs do What we ore desirous of. It costs no more to post Donaldson paper tlian it does Von will nae posters this year. Of course vou will. That goes without sav however, is to convince you that you want to" use DONALDSON POSTERS. It casts no more to ]xist Donaldson papt the cheap, tawdry and pointless stuff with which the market is flooded. Our line embraces more styles than all other bined. Our designs, too, are all apt and striking, and our prices are as low as the lowest. TRY A FEW STANDS THIS YEAR. A stand is a mammoth poster. It consists of six sheets or more. It is a splendid advertisement. Its effect is like a broadside from a battleship. Here is a new stand that we have jnst finished: We call it No. 607. It is termed a nine-sheet stand.■ That is to say, it is made up or nine whole sheets. It measures seven heightb, and ten and one-half feet in length. It will yield more advertising force than nine single sheets. Its strength is cumu Owing to its cost, we cannot send samples gratis, but the above.cut gives a very fair idea of the design, which, of course, is ex in colors. We print the name of your fair on them, together with dates, and such other matter as may be desired, and sell I the following rates, via: " 10 for $-800 ! SflforSla.OO i 50 for $33.0!) I 150 for fHl.OO ' 15 for 11.70. I 25 for 18.00 | 100 for 57.00 | 200 for 00.00 Send 63 cents in stamps for a sample. Address: ■ - '* THE DONALDSON LITHO, CO CINCINNATI, O.