The billboard (June 1898)

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THE BILLBOARD Tho Man Who Tate OF THE SITUATION just now is going to derive Letter results from his billposting than he would have secured last month or last vear because of LESS competition.!] People are going to continue to eat, and drink, and smoke, and "chaw", and take medicine, and i wear clothes, just the same as when there was no war; and the advertiser who puts his- announcemen. on the billboards NjW is going to get the trade. If you are not familiar with billposting. and if you want the work looked after by an expert, who is thoroughly familiar wit't every feiture of*billposting. send for $am W. Hoke. If you are familiar with billposting. acquainted with all the billposters aud know their rates and method*—in fact, if you are an expert yourself, still you need the assistance of the wholesale buyer, the man who is sending work every few days or weeks to the billposters. He is the man who gets the best whenever any favors arc shown. That's why I advise you to put your orders through $am W. Hoke. If your printing is not yet ordered, so much the better. Order it of $am W. Hoke, or at least consult him for his ideas before ordering. Phone 2074-38. Long-Distance Billposter. 25 c 5th Ave., New York (N. E. Cor. a8th St.) THE TIME TO POST ONE OF THE TIMES TO POST IS WHEN OTHERS CEASE TO POST