Billboard advertising (Aug 1898)

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THE BILLBOARD CjAfCf/vAwrf, IK it is a (iropiielary rt-itu-dy yon have in mind, 'it will pay you to write us about it first.. Allow us to show you how you can get more and better publicity from the billboards than by recourse to other mediums. We can give you advice that is worth having. IE you want to post; by all means, write us about it first. Billposters, Attention. The Fall trade will soon open up now, and all in- dications point to the F.ict that business ii Going to boom. Now is the time to get after your local merchants. Solicit them every week. Sow' the seeds now that spring up latei and l>ear orders. Bear in mind that out oE every five firms that make a trial of the l>oards, one will prove a steady patron. Our posters for Fall trade are now ready. Send for 1 ,he effects of samples. Show them to your more progrcssivedealers. It will pay you. | will the inks. Both arc w HEN you Paper, you buy a »d pay for honest paper, paper will not fade under in. Neither fair Managers, "afc-rr yo order for We ship promptly. We can ship your order, no matter how big it may be. the very day we receive it. You can get more for your money from us than any other printing office on earth. We have the Lett potters and more varied designs than all other houses combined. Samples free. c as near being pernu ly non-fading as human ingt w can make tr.em. And it costs little if any moi cheap and inferior makes. POSTERS F^OR RETAILERS-wmi-«>i». CHRISTMAS POSTERS. will be completed be fore [Sept ember 1. We will send samples of the one-sheet* free. The larger posters (from three-sheets i sell frcin half-lone illustrations Do not plcc? your order until you have written us about it. We will have better ety of them this sea office in America. and a greater f finished now. All > 16-sbeeU) we will NC^T^I C^ iS We will not be responsible for errors in Crosslin ing unless copy for same is typewritten DISTRIBUTORS—^' **■ *be best Magnetic Tac'; Hammer in the world. Two section ha iJle. $200 each Three section handle, ] The Donaldson Litho. Co. CINCINNATI, O.