Billboard advertising (Dec 1898)

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THE BILLgQAKD DRESS CUmNGS I ne vitaaUe to Ike eWors of dan ami tnto Jnr- ■ll ma, to coUkHm ai ttogflrta w tads oa aagr iatlecL WeVe fattw prawl o( tbe tact that oar ur- vke b ao ooavMa aa^ aalMac- l«jrtlnMoardrdeo(iitacritefi to aar (caaa dHliip atcadUjr nUoia. May m add yoa ta Mk Hdf MEWENOLAND NEWSPAPER BUREAU, IM FniUla Strccl. BaiMa, Mafi. Va ttk* ipecial plauuri !■ inaoHnclnp that wa tiava baea ciecled te aiaai- haraklp la tha iateraatlaaai Aaaeclatlea arOialrlba- SCRANTON. PA. ■Bd we win luaraa- te« tovphsld tkc dlpnlly ortlia AMOCfatldn at alltinu. Dir w*rk MM bi ««pBMed Mk REEK & UMB. ADVERnSEdS! lMi'^'5:,'-l"2 all mallR ta m. My dlatMbnilnB iHir make I mns. m. e BILLPOSTER ai 114 Faurlh Stri-Fl, , DUMOON, I 0I5TFIBUT0R, TROY. N. Y. CHAFEE & SON. POSTERS and DISTRIBUTORS. SUTLIFF, GlovBrs«llle,N.Y. BILIPOSTINC. DISiniBUIIM. M mjlUIlN r/UNTIKG. dllHiTRtaainvtri* a'adj3iHlM.'^'aw!i!dkl! Walker &eo. BILLPOSTERS and GENERAL tDVERTISERS, 47R08lailllSt. DETROIT, MICH. H. K. HPPLE Billposter iRd Dlstrlfeitcr , PAa SdNd for Suaplei of Bin Pastar'i LETTER HEADSa CROSS PRIHIiNS CO., CHiCAGO. E. M. FRITZ BILL POSTINa •ndDISTRIBUTINS OSKU.OOSA, IOWA. LIIWH, OHIO. ":;iir£SS HARKNE88«K!i-A.. STOCKTON, CAL.. Wichita. Kan. Population, 24,853. KamtBlllpottinsCo. P'Irst-ClaM Boards. FwdA ■ nnMMd, Hated Hirla itTe* ■liHt for duw^MU ud t^n^T 3s Otyt- atewliqt. ■vcnioird «on»d wHh commar- dmt. locml ud lluUilal paper In October. IT PATS TO USE ODR BOARDS. Ea La MARTUNG, CHICAGO BILLPOSTING GOMPAIIY, ! 395 & 397 West Harrison Street, Chicago, Ills. i Lm OlilaaM Ptiai, Will l»l. E. H. BOWMAN. DISTRIBUTOR wd BaiPOSTER. JOHN CLARIDGE, OTY BILLPOSTER. Pap. S,000. NEWPORT. ARK. R. M. B. ELLINGTON. acEonui. a. 0. amiiiiipmtk In England.. PUBLICITY the practical papet fot all pattoaizers of prin- ters-ink. The onlv publication of its kind in Great Britain Sample copy locenla. Foil year 90 centx. HILL, BiajUID. If tberc ll oic lUai above aoollur. That Blickctk cUaer tkan a hroliicr. It ll the paper tkat la pasted CHAS. KRUTZ'S BILLBOARDS. SlBplj becagie the paper, as well tbe adyertlier, kaaws ■ land 11 wkeo they lee It CHARLIE'S BOARDSV'GddiI nine" Beciate Ibey coafrani (he aoit rv lar ilreelB Id (hli popalar ItttI* cHjr, Triple Deckers, Double Decliers Sinoie Defers, An ll tbe bMlatu part ol Ike dtp. Cm> da'cttd aad cminIM by Chas. Krvtz* • hiPHriu-aU Vp-to4Mi iBIpMtdrtr GOSHEN. IND. Tke Moit Eailem aa tke Ceattori. J. A. Muldoon, City aad Cianty Blllpiitir. EASTPORT, mums. Tba flMM fwMas cl9 la mw JMaad- AH MtanaiHnad.. Baea p li^ »fia «M ac ia . Ittt mt (l*e jou my flgniw^b«^™ expect nilpotOic 81(1 TieUii(. IMrlliillit, SWiS/aSfk-* The Deccaiber Edidaa ol— Profitable Advertising, The Adteitlsais' Tradi Jminiil, Brerir aiaa Intereiud la Syajto^Sttiall WARNER &BRO. mBOAL-ISTS. Ma. 424 N. fit. St. PHILAOELIWIA, PA. Ss-M™""""""*""" ™ ?-a?sa- SHREVEPORrS TtiiiimttiiibMihM. Iir UMl-IM) IWMl TA) III BlUH. The imWIpISk"™ «nt ED. SEAMAN