Billboard advertising (Dec 1898)

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THE BnXBOARD Bill Posting and Circus Paste Brush. The Kxln Mikado Bnuli is the best made; conslruMed of ALL Pure Blick Cbint BriUIes imported by us for the piupose, and espeoally pre- paicd under ■ rornmla known only to ouraclves. We gnwanlee that onr CHINA BRISTLES are more elastic and more durable than any other: conseqaently our MIKADO Brush will wear loneer AND DO BETTER WORK than any otlier brush made. ALL OOR MIKADOS ARE GUARANTEED. Tliey ate copper wired, idlh heavy nielal etlgr protectors an.l are ^rcat paste holders. Used by Bomuiu. EorepauKli and other leading shows, and highly tecom- inendedby Mr. R. C. faniphell, Cliicano. Se»d the price and |;cta sample DETROIT, MICH. TnfiUaoaXOfiOa. AIM I SM TMUMMM to dl-«id «• do it as Itihooldbedoae. We employ only reibMe help. BMt«f icfer- A trial order win convince yon. OFFICE, 297 CASS AVENUE. THE nA<TK)NAL distributing AGENCY CO. SOUTH BOSTON, VA.. =3™- p=^>«i™=Mh. NTCHOLS & TERRY. Soli Sittposters, Dlstrlbaturs and Sign Tackers. Good Hork suatanteed. First-class lefeteoccs. drop a ikktl CBNTRAI-IA, H-L. JOSEPH E. HEFTBH. UEX. miuLEfr Wllmingtoa Bill Posting aal Ustrlbiitriig Go., WILMINGTON, DEL. ropuuTioN or cm. 75.000. •leSM K. BAVUa. THE OWEN DISTRIBUTING SERVICE, JNO H. OWEN, Manafler, ■ ■ — 91 Shelby St.. OBTBeiT. , .\. D. Feisler's ReKi^lered Distrihutor. lleinion given lo all work. Coirespoudence solicited. □ □□□□□□□ □ nnnnnnnnn You take no Risk in selecting us to do your Distributing, Sampling, and Sign Tacking, IN ATLANTA, GA., Adjacent Towns, COLUMBUS, GA. The superiority of our service is evidenced fay the continued patronage we are receiving from some of the largest ad- vertisers in the United States. EDW. B. BRIDOER'S ADV. COMPANY, 608 Temple Ceurt, Mlania, 6a. licensed Advertisers. J. B. eampos DISTRIBUTGRandCARDTACKER OfTice, 22D WHITTAKER STREET, SAX/niNiMni-i, - - - GA. Bf'COMl, 'MS.. i-<fl hutil ing tirnn of i,»io pop- ^uulpa LAFAVeTTE yUOHOS. d'-trtbUn WALTER D.DIX0N,!JS°;.5fi1ljS J. GARLICK, City^ Bill Poster, Distributor AHDUVEHTISIIG SIGH PAIIITER, 633 Connerdiil nace, New Orleans. BlliPosters^Dlstiibutors WAGONORCART 10.00. C-I3D.00. —JOHN H. MICHAEL. 33S, eul sita SI, eiHeiNNATi, e. TaddBf and Obtiftvtbc C. E. HAMILTON, Proprietor. (Sileol tbc Slale University.) ,9000 Pop„iitioQ 7DTWINCITYBILLP0STINGC0.,Clianipalgn,lll. ^^ir^.^ :iNo you vnoNeY