Billboard advertising (Jan-June 1898)

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H ■ - ■*"■''■,? ■■'"-'ivi'j.-r v-' : '."''.' THE BILLBOARD THE BILLBOARD 13 . Sec. 3. Upon report of the Committee OB Program, the president shall, at each annual meeting, assign members or dele- gates to prepare papers for opening dis- cnssions at the next subsequent annnal meeting, on the topics recommended by tie committee. ARTICLE vn. PUBLICATIONS. Sec 1. At the close of each annual meeting the secretary shall prepare and publish, in pamphlet form, the proceed- ; ings of the meeting, including steno- graphic report and papers read in open- ing discussions When publication is completed, he shall apportion the same among members of the association, and make such other distribution as may be directed. . ARTICLE VIII. privileges. • See. f. At the annual meetings of the -association, members of state and county agricultnral organizations and others in- tere.ted, shall be privUeged and invited to attend and participate mthegfeheral discussion*, but only delegates shall be •privileged and entitled to vdte. " ARTICLE IX. MEETINGS., . S^ *• The place of holding each an- .nual meeting shall, bs determined bv P*** 0 *- ■**** P r es|dent_and«ecretary shall have power to call special meetings of the association, or any of its committees, when deemed important or-desirable. v- , ORDER OF BUSINESS. • - The *order of business for the annnal "meetings shall be as follows : 1. ■ Call to orderly the president •- - 2.. Call of roll of members. (Response • of delegates.) - 3. Reading of minutes of last meeting and action on approval. - 4- Annual address' of president • S~ Report of secretary. "6. Rep «t of Treasurer. ' ■'.; 7- Unfinished business! 8. Communica ions from the presi- dent. - 9 Commn ications from the secretary. • 10. Report from Executive Committee. ■ ir. Report from Committee on Trans- • portation. _I2. Presentaion of papers and discus- : iion of subjects. 13. Miscellaneons and new business. :• 14. ; Report of Committee on Program. 15- Election of officers. -•' 16. Selection of next place of meeting, ' ARTICLE X, AMENDMENTS. These rules may be amended at anv an- nnal meeting of the Association, two- tfairds of Undelegates present concnring. A****- Jas W. Fleming, Secretary. ANNISTON, ALA. ^A mass meeting was held in the city court room in Annison to pnt the ball in motion for a big fair at Oxford Lake next fall. J. S. Kelly was made chairman of the meeting and Dr. T. W. Ayers secretary. On motion of W. F. Higgins it was nnanimonsly decided to hold a fair at Oxford Lake next fall, to be known as the Northeast Alabama Fair, and that all the counties in Northeast Alabama be in- vited to unite with Calhonn in holding and making the fair a success. A" committee, consisting of Howard W. Sexton. W. A. Scarbrongh and T^ W. Ayers, appointed to suggest plans for- holding the fair, made: the following report: Your committee appointed to'suggest plans for the holding of an agricultural fair next fall at Oxford Lake respactfully submit the following: That the proposition of the Oxford Lake Line be?accepted, and that a fair be held*under t>wmanagement of an organ- ization to be known as the Northeast Ala- bama Fair Association,. That the, fair be held at Oxford Lake, commencing Tuesday, October iS, 1898, and close on Saturday afternoon, Ocjtober 22, 1898. That ihe officers consist of 1 president, secretary, treasurer, superintendent and assistant superintendent, and one vice- president from each cpun y, asked to par- ticipate in holding the fair. That the Executive Committee, which shall consist of the president, secretary treasurer, superintendent and assistant superintendent of the ^association, ie authorizetl and instructed to select the yice-presidents, -superintendents of" de- partments, committee on Jsubicriptions committee oh exhibits and to in ike all other necessary arrangements for the holding of,the fair. ..: ' r ^^: a '- no ^ce : W,^e^Bg8^f-officerev. and superintendents shall be given in writing forty-eight hours-pi-evibui to the time of meeting. and by publication in local paper:?ne diy.p|lwotts : to^heeting. ;. That, itiree^officew^ndVgt^^superi,,. tendents of deparrngri^as"inay^e.pres- ent shall constitate a-qi^rum*^ .- j That immediately afterQS organization of the association; superiatendeutsW the different departmehurshaii be^appoin ed as herein provided, and asked to prepare suggestions for their. respedive depirt- ments, and as soon as the^committee has finished subscription -for,; premium list that a meeting of th& officers be held and premium list be prepared." This report"was unanimously adopted. ; The election of officers was then en- tered; into, and the following officers elected":-^.:. *'" ■ ., . i . • Presideiit; W. F. Higgins; secrgtkly, t; W. Ayew^ treasurer, George W."-Eichel- t>e^e^ superintendent, J, T. DeArm n; assbantsupeniitendent, L F. Greer, ' This comph ted the organization "of ihe Northeast Alabama Fair Association, and" the meeting adjourned with-the deiermi- nati »n on the part of all present to make the fair at Oxford I,ake next fall one of the best ever held in the stain.—Hot Blast, Anniston, Ala. October, 1898, will witness, the thirty- eighth annual exhibition of the Frederick County Agricultural Association, at Fred- erick, Md. . WARRANTS FOR PURE FOOD SHOWS. • Myriads of our fellow-creatures have perished because those around them did not know how to feed them. The time, indeed, is at- hand when systematic lec- tures on food will be part of medical edu- cation, when the value of feeding in dis- ease is admitted to be as important as the administration of medicines.— Fothergtll. It is vain to suppose that the poor should adopt better methods of choosing and preparing their fool till they are fur- nished with better implements and uten- sils for cboking.— Rum ford. . Wherefore do ye spend money for that which "is not bread, and your labor for that which satisfiath not?—Isaiah Iv, 2. OHIO CENTENNIAL. A Big Exposition in J903. Over two years ago The Billboard suggested the advisability of celebrating the Ohio. Centennial by holding a mag- nificent fair or exposition. By persistent agitation our suggestion was forced upon the legislature, and a commission of seven Ohio citizens was appointed to plan and . recommend ways and means of celebrat- . irig this important event. This commis- sion is now ready to report. . The Ohio legislature will receive the report at the approaching session. As predicted in fonner.issues of The Billboard an elab- orate exposition is recommended. The moment the decision leaked out, there was a great scramble to get it. Col- umbus is hard at work to get the exposi- tion, but her efforts have been devoted to energetic wire pulling and parade on pa- per of claims. Toledo is reaching for the plum, and the press of that city has de- voted columns to the presentation of claims for recognition. Presumptuous ^Cleveland has also endeavored to cajole .the people into believing that the Forest City could get i: Cincinnati, the largest and greatest city in Ohio, however, is the only city that may be seriousy consid- ered. Cincinnati is the first city of the state. Cincinnati is the wealthiest city in the state. .'"''". Cincinnati has the largest hotel capaci- ty. . ^ JT Cincinnati originated the modern expo- sition. Cincinnati can raise the largest guaran- tee fund -. Cincinnati has the .best railroad facili- ties. Cincinnati is nearer the center of popu- lation than any other metropolitan city. Cincinnati is entitled to Ohio's Centen- nial Exposi ion, and she will get it It is . hers by right- The idea originated in Cincinnati; was ,'fostejred and" encouraged by a Cincinnati publication, and "Cincinnati claims the fair. as. Hers by right KjCincinnati gets it, the fair will be a big^sj&cess. - It will totally eclipse the . Atlanta and Nashville shows. It is very doubtful if any of the smal er towns, and especially parsimonious Cleveland, could handle it on a scale of magnitude which would reflect credit on the state. J.W.FLEMING. Join the American Association of Fairs and Expositions. For prospectus and general information concerning the American Association of Fairs and Expositions, address the secre- tary, J. W. Fleming, State Board of Ag- riculture, Columbus, O. Claim your datesearly. Send your official roster at the ear'.iest possible moment Have your dates sanctioned by the American Association of Fairs and Expo- sitions. Every state, county and district fair ought to join the American Association of Fairs and Expositions. As soon as you have perfected your or- ganization for 1898, send us your list of officers. Do not wait until you have de- cided on your dates. Send us your offi- cial roster at once. - In union" there is strength. Join the Americar Association of Fairs and Expo- sitions. Mr. J. W. Fleming, assistant secretary of the Ohio board of agriculture, is well known to every fair organization in the country, arid his name is familiar to about every fair goer in Ohio. He has transact- ed fair business for exhibitors and others from way back along the. times of the Renicks, the McMillans, the Fullingtous, and other pioneer exhibitors, up. to the present time. He. is forty seven years old. His name never, graced the cata- logue of a Harvard, a Yale or a Princeton; his only early educational, advantages were those secured in a primary school, for at the age of twelve he was forced to begin the battle for bread for himself. He worked in a printing office, and dur- ing some of the war years was a street newsboy; times when people were eager for news, and papers quick to be sold. He never ran for councilman, constable. Congress, or the legislature, or even trained in these directions. In 1866, after a few months in a store, he entered the office of- the state board of agriculture, and having a desire for more book learn- ing, especially such as would fit him for business pursuits, he sought out a night school for a few months and dug out what little he could, which,'with what he was able to gain by practice, experience and contact with the business world from year to year, enabled him to advance in the department step by step, to his present position, which he has occupied these many years. Mr. Fleming is one of the oldest men about the state capital, in point of years of continuous service, having finished thirty- one years last November. In this time he has seen many changes, and can give reminiscences of the Various administra- tions from the time of old Governor John Brough down to the present Mr. Flem- ing delights in the work of the state fair, having known the institution in its migra- tory days, and followed and worked with it to its present magnificent permanent establishment. He has charge of the de- tail work of the Ohio Fair and manages its advertising. He is. secretary of the American Association of Fairs and Expo- sitions. Next year will be Avon's (Ills.) twent;- sixth. "* THAT'S RIGHT. STIR THEM UP. The following excellent and timely ad- vice is from The Journal, of Selma, Ala : "Let us hear something quickly about the organization of the permanent Fair Association. There is no time to lose about this business. Work on the exhibit building ought to commence at once, and the premium list of the fair for next fall ought to be out by the last «f February. FLORIDA ... .1111 '■ ji THE LAKELAND FAIR. The Polk County Fair Association has selected ten acres of laud on the south- west shore of Lake Morton for the fair, aud a more beautiful tract of land could not be found in the state. Work will be begun immediately, and the premium list will be ismed within a few days. Any one desiring information about the fair will be promptly accommodated if he will write to the secretary. The A. B. P. is no longer bossed, but there are those who say it is clique-ridden. ' LIST OF 1898 FAIRS. * ft This list is revised and corrected month- ly. Secretaries are urgently requested to send in their dates at the earliest possible moment after they are claimed, and to notify us promptly as to any change. Ki Rosters and dates are published abso- * lntely Free of Charge. * Copyrighted 1S9S. All rights reserved. ALABAMA. \nni«ton Oxford Lake Northeast Alabama l-alr as<n Oct iS to 22 W F Higttins pres Ur T W Ayers sec Geo W Eichelberger treas CAI.TFOBNIA. San Francisco Golden Jubilee Mining Fair Jan 29 GEOBGIA. Macon Carnival Oct 11 to 13. ILLINOIS. Avon Avon fair Aue 23 to 26 D R Bowton pres Julian Churchill sec Springfield State fair Sept 26 to Oct 1 INDIANA. Indiauapolis State fair Sept 12 to 17 IOWA. DesMoin*s State fair Sept 12 to 17 KKNTTTCKY. Ou-ensboro Davies county fair Oct 4 to 7 MICHIGAN*. Grand Rapids State fair Sept 5 to to MINNESOTA. St Paul State fair Sept $ to 10 Mssoua'. St Louis State fair Oct 3 to 8 NBBBASKA. Omaha State fair Sept 19 to 24 NEW YORK. Oneonta Oneontafair Sept 12 to 15 Stale fair Aug 22 to 27 OHIO. Columbus State fair Aug 29 to Sept 3 Portsmouth Whiter fair Jan is to 28 Rich wood Tri-county fair Oct 11 to 14 PB WNSY CVANI A. Allentown Allentowo fair Sept 19 to 23 Jere- miah Roth pres W K Mohr sec Mansfield Mansfield Fair Sept 27 to 30 1898 John M Harden pres J A Elliott sec WD Husted treas BHODE ISLAND. . Providence State Pair assn Scot 5to9 FR Perkins pres Earl H Porter treas" Walter W Dexter sec TEXAS. Houston Afro-American Fair and Interstate Kxpo Srpt 1 to Nov 30 bishop A Grant pres f I Richardson sec WISCONSIN.. ... Milwaukee State fair Sept 19 to 24 Poultry Shows. Ansoma Conn Ansonia P and P Assn Jan 26 to 2.1 G A Hilt sec ' Asheville- N C Jan 4 to 7 1898 F E Hege sec Raleigh N S Avon III Military Tract Poultty Assn. Feb 1 to 4 Geo E Simmons sec BlufTton O • on olidated P Assu Feb 1 to 5 H A Bridge J D J Kohli sec Boston Mass Jan J7 to 21 A R Sharp supt Tauntou Mass Buffalo NY Erie Co P Breeders' Assn' Jan 3 to 8 E C Pease sec Hamburgh NY Canton O Canton I' Ann Jan 4 to 1 F HSheila- barger j Wm Friedman sec Cedar Rapids la Linn • o P Assu Jan 10 to ts B N Pierce J Chas H Playter sec Charlotte N C Charlotte Poul Assn Jan 12 to 15 W M Uarringer sec Chicago 111 National Fanciers' Assn Jan 24 to »9 Chas S Weaver sec 100 Washington street Davenport la Eastern Iowa A Pand P S Assn Jan 17 to 20 IB Voss ace IJenverCol Colorado Poultry Assn Jan to to is Detroit Mich Michigan State P and P Assn Jan 3 to 1 F W McKemie sec Concord Mich FaycttevUte Ark Jan 20 to 24 John C Snyder judge J w Butler sec Oneseo HI Geneseo Poultry Show Tan 3 to'7 W S Russell j Wm G Wamock sec Gloucester Mass Cape Ann Poul Assn Jan it to is Pit Abbott sec i".uthrie Okla Oklahoma State Show Assn Jan lto6 HB Savage j I. F Lavertv sec u.igerstown Md Poultry and Pigeon Fanciers' Assn Jan 25 to 27 liartford Conn Jan 10 to 15 Geo P Merrill sec I' n box 78a Henry 111 Illinois Valley P Assn Jnn 31 to Feb , -V B N Pierce Judge A G Humphrey sec imiianapoHsInd Indiana State P Assn Jan 10 <oi5 Thoa W Pottage sec l.inarcklll N W 111 Poul Assn Jan 3 to 8 G w sword sec ■ ; 'jMars Iowa Plymouth County Poultry Assn i.«e Mass Berkshire County Poultry Asm Jan "toijiSjS i..-noxMass Berkshire Co P P and PS Assn , Jan 11 to 13 I, H Peters sec * .•."JPa-" Beaver Falls Poul Ann Jan 25 to 28 •>*th P Scott aec 1.iKanspatt Ind North Central Ind Pand PS Astsn Jan 19 to 25 S D Brandt sec L*n Angeles rial Los Angeles Co Poultry Asan Jan 10 to"l6 'Henry W Kruekeberg sec - Louisville Ky Kentucky State P Assn Jan 10 to IS H A Bridge J Y Bicknell JJ J R Mount sec Lagrange Kv Manchester Conn Manchester Poultry Asm Jnn 4 to6 McCook Neb Republican Valley District Poul- try Assn Jan 11 and 12 Milford N H Milford P and P S Assn Jan 10 to 12 W D Sargent sec Nashville Tenn Tennessee Poultry Pigeon and Pet Stock Assn Jan 11 to is TM Hopkins s«c New Albany Ind Southern Indiana Pigeon and Poultry Assn Jan 19 to 22 New York City International Health Exhibi- tion April 25 - Peabody Mass Essex County Poul Assn Jan 5 to 8 Peoria Ills Peoria Feathered Stock Assn Jan 4 to 8 Dr J Oglesbev Gable sec Peoria III Peoria III Peoria P and P Assn Jan 4 to 8 Go O Brown j T A Godel sec Pttsburgh Pa Pittsburgh Fanciers Club Jan 10 to 15 W F Barclay sec 1520 bifth ave Pueblo col Southern Colorado Poultry Assn - Jan 4 to 7 Rochester N Y Rochester P P & P S Assn Jan 10 to is John J Beveridge see 88 Lowell street Rockford III Northern Illinois P Assu Jau 10 to 15 McClave J A H Currier sec Sioux City Iowa Big Four Poultry Assn Jnn 24 to 30 Dr T A Rose sec St Jnhnsbury VI Vermont P and P S Assu Jan 25 to 28 F M Rannev sec Tipton Iud The Madison and Tipton Counties Poultry and Pet Stock Assn June Ctica N Y Empire Poultry and Pet Stock Assn Jan 26 to 31 Ware Mass Ware P and P S Assn Jan 5 to 7 W H Rivers sec Washington C H O Southern O P Assn Jan 11 to 15 W R Dalbey sec Xenia O S W Ohio Poul Assn Jan 19 to 24 A G Spahr sec Expositions. New York N Y Sportsmen's Expo and Bicycle .Show Madison Square Garden Jan 13 to 22 Address 377 Broadway Niag&ra Falls N Y Pan-American Exposition 1899 RC Hill sec Omaha, Neb. Trans-Mississippi and Interna- tional Exposition, June i-Nov. 30,1898 eonuennons, \ fct<$. Celebrations, €tc. Under this heading we Publish free oj charge the dates of alt notable events, which are likely to attract large concourses ofpeople to any one particular city and for this reason prove of importance to advertisers, showmen, streetmen; general passenger agents, etc. The list is carefully revrsed aud corrected monthly. ■ Atlanta Ga Confederate Vet-ran Reunion July 20 to 23 Baltimore Md American Pharmaceutical Assn Aug 29 to Sept 12 ' James H Bobbin sec Raleigh N C Baltimore Md Supreme Council of Chosen Friends 3d Tuesday Sept 1899 S K Wagu-r supreme sec Phila Pa Binghamton N Y New York State Assn of School Commissioners and Superintendents Nov 189S Miss Cora A Davis sec Whitesboro NY Boston Mass Catholic Totat Abstinence Union July B »s 0.1 Mass American Poultry Assn July 18 189S B >ston Mass Sovereign Grand Lodge I O O F :"9S Boston Mass New England Sportsman's Exhi- bition March 14 to 26 sec 216 Washington st Boston Boston Mass Ancient Order Hibernians July 1898 Jas O'Sullivan nat sec Philadelphia Pa Chattanooga Tenn National Educational Assn * Feb 1898 Chautauqua Lake N Y American A*sn of Libra- rians iSoS Melville Dewey sec Albany N Y Cincinnati O Annual Convention of Mastrr Horseshoers Oct 11 1898 WJ Moore sec Pitts- PurgPa Cincinnati O Triennial Meeting General Grand Chapter Sept 1000 Cincinnati O Sae'ngerfest Jubilee 1890 Cincinnati O Catholic Knights of Ohio 189S James A Dailey sec Toledo O Cincinnati O Grand Council RAM Sept 27 1898 Cincinnati O National Encampment GAR Sept 5 to 10 Cincinnati O Grand Chapter Sept 28 und 29 1898 -Cincinnati O American Foundry men's Assn May 189S Cincinnati O National Embalmers' Assn iS?S Cincinnati O Supreme Council Ancient Ac- cepited Scottish Rites Sept 20 1S9S Cincnrtati O Beta Theta Pi Fraternity Ac.iual Convention July 1S0S Cincinnati O Wholesale Saddlery Assn Oct 27 to 29 Cincinnati O National Laundrymen's Assn 1898 H W Stoer sec Cleveland O Cincinnati O Grand Court Ohio Foresters 1898 Cincinnati O Brotheihord of Locomotive Fiie- men Jan at TV Reynolds sec Cleveland O Cincinnati O National Convention of Elocu- tionists June 27 to 3c 1898 Cincinn iti O Y M C A Golden Jubilee 1898 Cleveland O Brewmasters' National Assu Sept 1898 Columbus O State Encampment GAR May 18 and 19 Columbus O Masonic Grand Lodge Oct 189s Council Bluffs la Interstate Sheriff's Conven- tion June 14 to 16 189S W C Davenport sec Sioux City la Denver Col American Medical Assu June 7 to 10 Denver Col National Stock Growers' Conven- tion Jan 25 to 27 1898 Denver Col Forestry Convention Jan Secretary Parsons Colorado Springs Detroit Mich National Evangelisation Union 1S98 Rev F Mason cor sec North New York Dittoit Mien American Society of Civil En-, giueers JulyiSoS Detroit Mich Michigan Foresters'Convention Feb is aud 16 John A MoGillivray supreme sec Detroit Mich International Assn of Coupon - Ticket Agents Septi8q8 -• ' - Detroit Mich National Evangelization Union Nov 1898 Rer F Mason North cor sec New York City Rlmiri N Y Crand Chapter RAM Feb 1898 Elmira N Y Independent Order Odd Fellows' August 1898 Elmira N Y National Convention of Police and Alarm Superintendents Aug 9 and 10 Grand Rapids Mich Railroad Master Black- smi ht's National Convention 2nd Tuesday Sep' 1898 D D Garrabrant s?c Atchison KaS Hartford Conn New England Tobacco Grow- ers'Assn Jan 11 e) Hardin sec Glastonbury Conn Hartford Conn 'Connecticut Civil Engineers' and Surveyors'Assn Jan 11 Geo K Crandall sec New London C-inu Hartford Conn F and A M Grand Lodge of Connecticut Jan 29 John H Barlow sec Hartford Conn * Hartford Conn Ex-Prisoners of War Assn of Connecticut Feb 22 Geo Q Whitnev sec 4 Summer street Hartford Conn Hutchinson Kas Kansas Musical Jubilee May 24 to 27 B S Hoagland sec Indianapolis Ind Conclave of the Supreme Lodge K of P August 2s 1808 Indianapolis Ind Convention Improved Order of Red Men Sept 13 189S Indianapolis Ind National Laymen's Conven- tion M E Church Oct 1S0S Indianapolis Ind National Convention Epworth League 1899 Indianapolis Ind National Prison Congress Sept 1898 Kansas City Mo Colored Baptists Sept 1S98 Kansas City Mo American National Baptist Convention Kansas City Mo National Harness Mfrs and Dealers Protective Assn Sept 13 to is Kansas City Mo Stale Editorian Assn Feb 7 and 8 Kansas City Mo American Federation of Labor Dec 1S9S Fir nk Morrison sec Kansas Citv Mo National Building Trades Council 1S98 W H Steinbiss sec St Ixiuis Mo Kansas City Mo Western Retail Implement and Vehicle Healers" Assu Jan 19 and 20 Kearney Neb Nebraska State Volunteer Fire- men's Assd Jan 18 to 20 Louisville Ky . Junior order ITn*ted American Mechanics June 21 to 24 189S Edward S Deemer nat't sec Philadelphia Pa Madison Wis State Semi-Centennial Celebra- tion June 7 to 91898 Reuben G Thwaites sec MadisDD Wis Wisconsin Master Plumbers' Assn Tan 12 and 13 Milwaukee Wis State Semi-Ceut >nnial Celebra- tion June 27 to July 2 Reuben G Thwaites sec Madison Milwaukee Wis National Catho'ic Teachers' Convention Aug 2 to 4 Address Catholic Nor- mal Scnool St Francis Wis Milwaukee Wis National Builders' Assn Feb 8 189S James J Barry sec Boston Milwaukee Wis National Hardware Assn Nov 16 189S Mt Clemens Mich Convention of Gas Men May 19 to 21 1S98 Nashville Tenn International C E Convention Julys to 12 B F Alexander sec New Haven Conn' Lumber Dealers' Assu of Connecticut Feb9 LA Mansfield sec New Haven Conn New Haven Conn Epworth League Convention New Haven District Feb 10 Rev G W Carter sec Hartford Conn New Haven Conn Oyster Growers Assn of Con- necticut Jan 11 D C Sanford sec New Haven Conn New York City National Sculpture Society 1S98 Mr Barr Ferree sec 12 Wall street New York City Commercial Travelers' Fair February 28 to March £■ 1S9S Alfred Chasseaud manager New York City National Music Teachers* Assn 1S98 James P Keongh sec New York City New York Citv National Assn of Manufactur- ers Jan 25 to 27 Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Niagara Falls Pan-American Exposition May 1 to Nov 1 1899 R C Hill sec Buffalo N Y Omaha Neb supreme Council Ancient and Ac- cepted Scottish Rite Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction Oct 1S98- Omaha Neb National Assn of Postal Clerks June 11898 G A Wood sec West Medford Mass Omaha Neb Sons of Veterans National En- campment Sept 1898 Chirles K Darlii g ' commander in-chief Omaha Neb National Eclectic Convention 189S Omaha Neb American Institute of Homcepathy June 1S9S Omaha Neb National Road Parliament lSoS Omaha Neb Annual Convention National Re- publican League June 14 to 16 Omaha Neb Louisiana Press Ass 1S93 Orlando Fla National Good Roads Congress Feb 2 1898 Ottawa Kan American Public Health Assn Sept 189S Dr C O Probst sec Columbus O Pasadena Cal Tournament of Roses Jan r 1S9S F B Boynton sec Peoi 'a 111 Illinois State Sportsmen's Assu Feb 9 G F Simmons sec Peoria - - ' — Philadelphia Pa German American Journalists' Assn Date not decided.. _ Philadelphia Pa National Convention. Master House Painters and Decorators of the United States Feb 12 to 14 1S9S Philadelphia Pa National As«n of Agricultural Impliments and and Vehicle Mcnufacturers 1S98 Philadelphia Pa National Assn of Master House Painters' and Decorators' of the V S" Feb S to 10 Jos Kennedy sec-treas 944 Linn street, " Cincinnati Ohio IitlsburgPa Grand encampment of Knights Templars 2d Tuesday in Oct 1S9S W B Melish Fr Junior Warden Pittsburg Pa National Brick Manufacturers Feb 1S98 T A Randall sec Indianapolis Ind Pittsburg Pa Biennial Convention of the Knights and Ladies of Honor of Pennsylvania 1^99 grand sec Fred Voelcker Philadelphia Pittsburg Pa State Assn of Master Painters' and Decorators' Jan 11 to 13 W H Snvder sec MahanoyCity Richmond Va Association of Railway Superin- tendents of Bridges and Buildings Oct iS Richmond Ind National Conference of Friends. Aug 1898 Rochester N Y Jubilee Celebration of 50th An- niversary of Spiritualism, Tune 1 to 8 1S0S Rochester N Y State' Convention Y M C A Feb 10 to 13 W A Hubbard Jr Rochester Chair- , man of Committeeon Arrangements Rock Island III Union Veterans* Union 1S98 Gen H L Street commander-in-chief Washing- ton D C Sandusky O Master Palmers' and Decorators' "July 26 to 2S '•--. : — — - San Francisco Cal Northern Baptist Convention 1899 San Francfsco Cal California's Golden Jubilee Jan 24 1808 Saratoga N Y National Car Builders' Assn Con- vention June 15 Savannah Ga Travelers' Protective Assn Con- vention April 11 to 14 St Louis Mo Wholesale Drug Assn National Convention October 1898 St Louis Mo Carriage Builders* National Assn Sept 189S H C MeLear, sec Wilmington Del Syracuse N Y Semicentennial Oct 11 to 17 1898 Tampa Fla National Fisheries Congress Jan 19 Taylorville III Illinois State Swine Breeders' and Expert Assn Jan 11 to 13 Toledo O Letter Carriers* National Con Sept 5 1898 Toledo O Grand Army of the Tennessee 1898 Topeka Kan State Temperance Convention Feb 1 and 2 Secretary Stevens Topeka Kas State Board of Agriculture Jan 12 to 14 F D Cobum sec Topeka Kas State Swine Breeders' Assn Jan 11 to 14 OP Updegraff sec Topeka Kas Kausas Improved Stock and Swine Breeders'Assn Jan 11 aud 12 H A Heath sec Topeka Kas Kansas State Historical Society Jan 18 F G Adams sec Topeka Kas Kansas state Editorial Assn Feb 7 and 8 Topeka Kas National Creamery Buttermakers' Assn Feb 21 to 26 J E Nissley sec Toronto Ont Annual Convention Keeley League Aug 1898 Chas J Paddock sec 269 Dearborn st Chicago 111 Troy N Y State Convention of Knights of Co- lumbus Feb 189S Utica NY GAR State Encampment May 18 and 19 Washington D C National Convention I O B B Jan 24 to 27 1H98 Washington D C National Educational Assn July 9 to 14 Irwin Shepard sec Winona Minn Washington D C National Educational Assn July 7 to 13 Arthus O'Neill sec 1410 G street Wheeling W Va Reunion of the Society of the Army of West Virginia Sept 1898 Williainsport Pa Union Veterans Legion '2nd Wednesday Oct ifgS w A STATErOTT TO 1 WlllAVC POINTED ajooaMia 1 All Kinds of Printing and Engraving. HOWLAND Advertising Sign. Co, Borne, N. YJ Kansas City, Mo. Pop. 300.000. Midland Advertising Co., Joseph Reld, Mgr Distributing, THCfcing. HeMab e Men only All towns in Jacks*.!, and Wyandotte Co*. Mem International As^'n of Distributors. DENVER, COLO, The Corran Rill Posting & Distributing Co. owns aud controla all bill boards ana ad- vertising privileges In Denver, Poeblo and Colorado springs. Population of Denver. 165,000; Puebl>, 40,0n0; Colorado BpriogR. Colorado city and Manlton, 20,000. • tt WE WANT YOU ... * To become a subscriber to UP-TO-DATE IDEAS, because we believe it will be bene- ficial to you, and, again, because we want 50 cents for a year's subscription IT WILL PAY YOU To subscribe for UP-TO-DATE IDEAS. It has many good suggestions every month, which will be worth much more than their cost to you. SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. UP-TO-DATE IDEAS PUBLISHIN6 CO. GRAND ISLAND, NEBR. HUTCHINSON, KAS. Population. 10,000. W. A. 10E, City Bill Poster, controls all the bill- boards. Bill posting, distributing and tacking solicited. Office, 102 Opera House Block. P| AHCY Wm * E" Expert Ad Writer, OLHIltl) s^^ Tf Boston 5^^ WEI I here we are again. Look us over. ™ CLL We can help you, if you help us. Try it. First-class distributing done only. Write us- about it. Prices, Si. so to S2.00 per thousand. Member of the I. A. of D. Some of our patrons: Dr. Kilmer & Co . Dr. David Kennedy Corpora- tion, Lydia E Pinkham Med. Co. CARLISLE. BOX 49. PA, Wm. M. Meloy, Oistribitol NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Pop. 4,000 WARREN LLOYD Controls all space, including Opera House. Engraver