Billboard advertising (Jan-June 1898)

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' ;• - pm ■ 16 THE BILLBOARD 6TCDCTT Show Printing Co., VI EilC I I San Francisco. Cal. ACCOUNTICS. A monthly magazine devoted to Account- lng-as the vital element of business. It contains the leading papers and debates of "Jf'ne Accountant's Associations, together 5?'" """Pnal inquiries and investigations. The most eminent accountants are con- tributors. SCIENCE OF ACCOUNTS. ART OF BOOK-KEEPING. ACCOUNTICS answers questions in higher accounting and book-keeping practice: con- tains independent Reviews and Criticisms of books on Accounting ardEncomic top- ics: fully illustrated; carefully printed: edited lUTTRI«x;i}.-Subscrip- tion One Dollar a year. ~ Accounticb' Association, . Wool Exchange, New York. JMO. McCRAITH, m m^Io h u a r , l Makes a specialty of lithograph tacking, etc. Special attention given to all orders. WILMINGTON, DEL £$£!?,i POPULATION. 75,000. Wilmington Bill Posting, Distributing and Advertising Co.. ESTABLISHED IN 1853, JESSE K. BAYLIS, GEO. W. JACKSON, PROPRIETORS. D. K. JACKSON, SUPERINTENDENT.- Own Alj Prominent Boards Throughout the City. Satisfaction Guaranteed on Ail Work. OFFICE: GRAND OPERA HOUSE. WILMINGTON, ;DBL tSS£!&^ss: FOUnfUin PPIIC >4 kt -B° w ; In fcfl°w'adjustable. Reduced price. $100and 81.5a Satisfaction I UUIIiaill rClldi or money refunded. Agents warned. R. w. WHITNEY, Cleveland Ohio drop a nickel m Sense in an envelope addressed The Ad Sense Company No 160 Washington Street Chicago and get a Sample Copy of a Journal of Advertising and Business Methods a Happy Com blnatlon of Sense and : Oor d Printing t DAYTON, O. Pop. 80,000 Jas. B. Mc6onnon, ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTOR, 721 E. 8ECOND. Member International Assn. of Distributors. NEW YORK CITY Can be c overed; th oro ughly, e ffectnally and economically, only by recourse to the superb bill posting service operated by HARRY IMUMSOM x/^9 THE IDEAL BILL POSTING PLANT OF AMERICA. l^l "TT!!-? 0 ? Bjixboards, More Perfectly Located Biubo.«ds. Located on the Main Thoroughfares, Drives Cycle Paths Boulevards and Car Lines, Btllboards built of Galvanized iron-no unsightly cracks or breaks in the posters placed on tte^WuS Locations at all Promtnent Femes, at all Prominent L Stations, on the lines of every Railway entering^ew York and on ^ See Munson's Boards JlS^l 3 ^™^^ BffWM. H<- Cortlandt St, L Station; Brooklyn Bridge; opp. ^he Penn'a, Erie, N. Y. & N. J. and Lehigh Valley R'y Depots. See Hunson's Boards YiXHarwl?^ HP York & Harlem, and New York & New England Rys. You can't reach this traffic except on Munson's Boards - tfR Jor^f^at^ Yon can not advertise New* ' Harry Munson's New Offices are the Largest, Finest and Best Located Bill Posting Establishment in the World. HARRY MUNS0N No. 4 MURRAY ST. I p NEW YORK. m ^iy...ViV..viS 'X:>^y-:-\^yvK'y-(X'y. : X'y.:.\r'y.^^ i CITY BILL POSTING CO., HARRY B. BUSSIN6, Manager. NORWALK, CONN. CF.Bangasser&Co. DISTRIBUTE CITY BILL POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, H7 Signs Tacked and Signs Painted. Own a>l Bill- boards in our locality. P. O. Box 38. MOM I N NVI LL.E, OREGON. L. A. DANIELS, City Bill Poster and Distributor, SANTA CRUZ, CALL. . POPULATION, 8.000. Member 1 International Bin Posters'Association, of United States and f*«"»da . LEXINGTON, KY. Population 35,000. Requires 6,500 Pieces. Price, $2 per 1,000. Every piece put ir-doors; every part of the city covered thorough]v nistrirtnto f«» ».. 122 eist mm sweet. L , H . RAMSEY & CO. YOUR PORTRAIT. We will send The Advertising World (price 75c.) and enerave yonrportraiVstyle .herewith, Ind furnish plate ready fofany P ",f^ t ° t pnn V frbm -, a11 for * I2 5. Send photo, which will be returned; ^Halftone, sarne size instead If you Sr 2»rVT n %y ante v^ ral i for >^ nstatione ^andotherp^nted matter. We make this offer just to introduce our paper to new ^T< T««> Mvertiship World is an eight-page^vSunw monthly, lUustrated, original, devoted to up-tHate rnettodstf advertising. When you read it you will understand why it has such a large circulation. Address 7 * THE ADVERTISING WORLD, Columbus Ohio* SEND FOR A COPY OF Business «T' "^ The Office Paper M »J? d /E?.IS a11 "MnUonlngthU advertisement BUSINESS contains articles by noted writers upon \ Office Routine, Business Management, Ac- c Vl'j? g - / l d '* r !"i** and Economic subjects, in- cluded under Finance, Transportation, Commerce and Manufacturing. To read BUSINESS is a liberal commercial education in itself. The office of BUSINESS is to be in every office. Monthly, fi a year. Address BUSINESS PUBLISHING CO. HAitor Place, New York. M1LFCRD. MASS. £2 , .lL"%? n .'Jfr om - w - B - «'n«ney, city Bill ££&1JS^VPfttt'Ht«*>>Bowatraet. Hole controlof mil Mil board* In city and adjoin. iPJL£2 wn *' ? ye»»' "perianoe In this oily Baggage and ■canary truck eipraw. fe-13 KNOX r"!*?x:^ E : BILL POSTER-DISTRIBUTOR THE BILLBOARD Yl Heimegan & Co WISH ALL THEIR FRIENDS AND PATRONS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, 1898 "RnaSav!" ##$### n H H H W H I 1898 H U "ThanK You!" H r^j \ y/E desire to extend our thanks to the many bill posters jVfi Vv ^ uoo a>^ lout *^ c country, by whom we have been \ 2 favored daring the past year. Oar business last J£i\ year with bill posters far exceeded our expectations. And we YMl propose to double it this year. We will give all such business ' 2 our best attention, thus assuring satisfaction and prompt WW shipments. Our prices are low. Our work first-class. fcfl "And you Know that, tool" 8 EST * Posters for Every Business, f.tsis n H w H w 3 Poster r; 719-721 sycamore St.. Cincinnati. Ohio IN order to stimulate the bill posters, besides allowing our regular commissions, we intend to give ten prizes to the ones sending us the most business for the six months ending July 1st, J898. Prizes divided as follows? Jst prize, in gold, $50.00. 6th prize, - - $3.00. 2nd prize, - - J5:00. 7th prize, -'. - 2JS0. 3rd prize, - - 10.00. 8th prize, - - 2.00. 4th prize, T - 7.50. " 9th prize, - - 1^0. 5th prize, - - 5.00. SOtb. prize, - - 1.00. W M H H n n H n m H H u Hennegan >f-:?rJ&»".v a ■■■■'. #.-r'^* H u H W. n H H W ^'Mf