Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1898)

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s^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Pf^^BRpw 1 ""^""^"^"""""""* id THE BiLLfcOAfct) SULLIVAN—Moultrie County Fair. Aug. 23 to Sept. 3. WHEATON—Aug.,23 to 26. WARREN— Union Agricultural Society. Sept. 20 to,23.. J. L. Graham, pies.; C F. Taylor, treas ;■ S. A. Clark, secy. - W0.TSEKA — Iroquois : County Agricultural -Board.. Sept. 6 to 9. -J. C. Bruner. Buck- ley,, pres.; Will A. Coney, treas.; L. F. Watson, e«y.. WATSON—Efflngnam Ccunty Fair. S pt 12 to 16. Wm. Voelker, pres.; W.. T. Jayco k treas.; X,. p. Mautz, secy. .' WOODSTOQK — McHeury County .Agricul- tural Society- Aug. 23. to. 26. M-- Impieman, Marengo, pres.; Fremont Hdag, treas.; A. S. -Wright, secy. WYOMING-^Central Agricultural' Society of Stark County. Aug. 30 to Sett X- J. W. Smith, • pres.: J. A. Klotk, treas.; J. M. Thomas, jr., secy. ; YORKVILLE — Kendall County Fair Asso- ciation. Sept. .7 to 10. H. P.. Barnes, pres.: J.. Armbruster. treas.; R_ N. Newton, secy. INDIANA. V ANGOLA—Stubcn Ccunty Agri ultliral Asso- [jsjji - elation. Oct. 4 to 7. Horace H. Van Auken, JtSB pres.: Orville Goodale, secy. imm BAINBRIDGE—Putnam County Agricultural IflS Asscciatton. Aug^ 1 to 5. Jas. W. Ed- %i wards, pres.; G. W. Starr, treas.; A. R. Allison, secy. twM BEDFORD--Bedford Fair and Trotting As- sociation.- Sept. 19 to 24. T. O. Daggy, pres.; Jas. McClelland, treas.; Geo. W. Mc- Daniel. secy. BLOOM1NGT0N — Big Bloomington Fair. Sept. 26 to Oct 1. BOONVILLE — Boonvlile Fair Association. . Sept. 26 to Oct. 1. Clamor Pelzer, pres.; A. I,. Beeler. treas.: S. W. Taylor, secy. BOSWELL—Benton-Warren Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 5 to 9. Henry Robertson, pres.; H. W. Dimmick. treas.; W. K. MeKnighL secy. BOURBON—Bourbon Fair Association. Oct. 4 to 7. Geo. D. Ettinger. pres.; L. John- son, treas.; J. W. Eidson, secy. . BREMEN—Fair. Sent. 27 to 29. John Huff, pres.; Henry H. Miller. se:y. BR1DGETON—Bridgeton Aeriultural Socie- ty. Aug. 22 to 27. , P. M. Miller, secy. CAYUGA—Ver. County Far Association. Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. Jas. Malone. pres.: G. L. Watson, treas.: J. S. Crondyke, secy. CLAY CITY—Clay County Fair Association. Sept. 27 to 30., Jacob Luther, of Connely. pres.; F. C.'Watts, treas.; Geo. E. Ober- holtzer. secy. - CHRISNEY—Spencer Ccunty Fair. Aug. 29 to Sept. 3. COLUMBUS—Bartholomew County Agricul- tural Association's Fair. Aug. 9 to 12. A. B. Reeves, Clifford, pres.; Frances K. Crump, treas.; Ed. Redman, jr., secy. CORYDON—Harrison County Fair. Aug. 29 to Sept. 3. CORYDON—Jas. W. McKinster, pres.; Har- rison Pitman, treas.; Henry Wright, te y. COVINGTON—SiPL 14 to 16. W. T. Warn. CRAWFORDSVIU^E—Montgomery County Union Agricultural Society. Sept. 5 to 7. Arch Martin, pres.; W. F. Hultt. secy. CROWN POINT—Lake County Ag. (cultural Society. Sept- 6 to 9. Cbas. H. Friedricb, pres.; Frank E. Cooper., treas.; Allison A. bibler. stcy. EAST ENTERPRISE—Switzerland and Ohio Counties Agricultural Societies, BlVVOUu —i^iwood Driving Park and Fair Association. Aug. 23 to 26. Nathan J. Leisure, pres.: oJe E. De Hority, treas.: Frank E. De Hority. secy. EVANSVILLE—Tri-state Fair. Sept. 19 to 23. R- L. Akiu. Sicy. FAIRMOUNT—Falrmount Fair. Aug. 8 to 12. Henry Davis, pres.: J. B. Wright, treas.: Wilbur Lucas, sety. FAIRMOUNT—Grant Ccur-ty Fair. Aug. 8 to 13. Wilbur Lucas, secy. FLORA—Carroll County Fair . Association. Sept 19 to 23. John F. GUJam. pres.; R. D. Voorheis treas.; J. J. Moss,* secy. FRANKFORT—Clinton County Agricultural Society. Aug. 22 to 26. Jas. A. Hedge- coek, pres.; C. R. Pence, treas.; Jos. Hea- vilon, sery. FRANKLIN — Johnson County Ag: Icu'.tural Horticultural and Park Association. Aug. 30 to Sept. 3. S. W. Dungan. pres.; Samuel Harris, treas.; W. S. Young, secy. FT. WAYNE—Ft. Wayne Driving Club. Aug. 9 to 13. L. A. Centlevre. pres.; S. M. Foster, treas.; H. C. Rockhill, secy. GREENFIELD—Hancock Ccunty Fair. Aug. 16 to 19. Dr. W. A. Justice, pres.; J. W. Walker, treas-r Chas. Downing, secy. HAGERSTOWN— v.ayne Ccunty Fair Asso- ciation- Aug. 2 to 5. Jcbn Bowman, pres.: Knode Porter, treas.; F. IL Bildridge. secy. HDNTINBITR6H — Dubois County Agricul- tural Association. Sept- 12 to 17. E. W. Pickhardt. pres.; Louis Katterhenny, treas.: Daniel -Rentepohler, secy. INDIANAPOLIS—State Fair. Sept. 12 to 17. Cbas. Downing, Greenfield, Ind., pres.; B. T. Robinson, treas.; C. F. Kennedy, secy. KENTLAND — Kentland Fair Association. Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. Patrick Keefe, pres.; Wm. Perry, treas.; H. Ai Strobm. secy. KNOX—Stark County Fair. Aug. 31 to SeDt. 3. LAFAYETTE—Aug. 31 to Sept. 2. Wm. M. . Blackstock, secy/. LA PORTE-La Porte County Ag-. {cultural Association. Sept. 20 to 23. R. F. Small, WestvHIe, pres.; H. C. Wagner, treas.; J. Vene Dorland. secy. LAWRENoEBURG—Lawrenceburg Agricul- tural Association. Aug. 23 to 27. W. H. O'Brien, pres.; V. W. Huber, treas.; H. L. . Nowlin; secy. *~ ■ LEBANON—Boone County Agricultural As- sociation. Aug. 16 to 20. W. A. Barntin. pres.;. Geo. W. Campbell, treas.; Cbas. W. Scott, secy. MADISON—Madison Fair Association. Aug. 16 to 19. C. R. Johnson, pres.; D. H. De- marn, treas.; C. R. Johnson, jr., secy. MARION—Grant County Agricultural Socie- ty. Sept. 13 to 16. J. L. Bradford, secy, pro tern. - MIDDLETOWN — The Henry, Madison and Delaware Counties Agricultural Society. July 26 to 30. A. S. Miller, pres.; J. A. Young, treas.; 8. A. Wisehart, secy. MOROCCO^-Newton County Agricultural As- sociation. Sept 13 to 1G. C. M. Houger. pres.; L. H. Richer, treas.; G. N. Stouer, se,cy. MUNCIE—"The Muccie Ft ir." Aug. 13 to 19. Wm. H. Wood, pres.; M. S. Claypool. sety. NEW ALBANY—Floyd Ccunty Trotting As- sociation. - Aug. 22 to 25. '- NEW CARLISLE-St. Joseph County Fair. Sept. 28 to 30. D. G. Warren, pres.: W. H. Deacon, treas.; A. H. Coraptcn. secy. NEW OASTldS—Henry County Agricultural Society. Aug.'12. R. A. Smith, Greens- boro, pres.: W. L. Risk, Greensboro, secy.; Eli W. Frazier, treas. NEW HARMONY—Posey County Agricultur- al Society. Sept. 12 to 16. W. N. Ford, pres-: Homer rjchtenberger, treas.; Ezra Stephens, secy. NB\\PORT—.Western Indiana Race Track and Fair Association. C. W. Ward, pres.; H. V. Nixon, treas.: B. S. Aikman, secy. NORTH VERNON—Jennings County Fair. Aug. 1 to 6. . . OAKLAND CITY—Oakland City Agricultural and Indiana Society. Ang. 22 to 28. W. M. Cockrum, pres.; D. M. Martin, treas.; W. R -Harris, secy. OSGOOD—Ripley County Agricultural Asso- ciation. Aug. 2 to 5. Jas. C. Gilliland, pies.; John Eckert. treas.: W. C. Leslie, secy. POPLAR GROVE—Dirtrict Fair. Aug. 23 to Sept. 1. Luther McDowell, Keepper, pres.; H. N. Miller, Deacon, treas.; A. D. Wood, Carroll, secy. PORTLAND—Jay County A. H. I. and Joint Stock Company. Sept. 26 to 30. John Schmuck. pres.; W. M. Haynes, treas.; C. O. Hardy, secy. PRINCETON—Gibson County H. & A. Soci- ety. Sept. 5 to 10. J. W. Johnson, pres.; R. A. Wood, treas.; S. V. Strain, secy. REMINGTON—Remington Fair Association. Aug. 23 to 26. Christian Hensler. pres.; Geo. A. Cbappell, treas.: Jasper Guy, secy. RILEY—Vigo County Fair. Sept. 12 to 17. ROCHESTER — Fulton County Agricultural and Mechanical Association. Sept. 2S to Oct. L John W. Black, pres.: A. C. Cope- land, treas.; Val Zimmerman, secy. ROCKPORT—Spencer County Fair Associa- tion.. Aug. 16 to 20. B. F. Bridges, pres.: T. E. Snyder, treas.: P.. M. Partridge.secy. RUSHVILL.E—Ruth County Fair Association. August 30 to Sept. 2. W. O. Walton, pres.; Sam Abercrombie, treas.; .J. D. Meyer, secy. SALEM—Washington County Fair. Sept. 5 to 10. SIIELBTVTLL5 — Shelby Joait Agricultural Association. Sept. 5 to 9. S. B. Morris, pres.; Henry Doble, treas.'; C. E. Amsden, secy. SHERIDAN—Aug. 10 to 12. N. W. Cowgill. secy. SWAYZEE—Swayzee TrI-County Agricultural Association. Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. G. W. McManaman. pres.. Point Isabel!, Ind.: H. T. Mnnea. treas.: E. C. Kin*, secv. TERRE HAUTE—Vigo Agricultural Society. Aug. 29 to Sept. 3. Geo. A. Scbaal, pres.; John M. CIitt. treas.: W. H. Duncan, treas. VINCENNES— Keoi County Agricultural and Horticultural Association. Oct- 3 to S. Isaac Lyons, pres.; Geo. McCoy, treas.; John Burke, secy. WARREN—TrI-County Agricultural Associa- tion. Sept. 20 to 24. Dr. Jonas Good, pres.; Geo. E. Morgan, treas.: L. W. Pulley, secy. IOWA. ADEL—Dalles County Agricultural Society. Sept. 5 to 8. Richard Bandy. Redtield, pres.; J. W. Russell, treas.: M. J. Graham, secy. AFTON—Union County Fair. Oct. 4 to 7. ALGONA—Kosseitli County Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 27 to 30. Jos. W. Wadsworth, pres.; Herbert Bailey, treas.: G. : F. PeeK. secy. ALLISON—Butler County Fair. Aug. 30 to Sept. 1. L. J. Rogers, secy. ALTA—Buena Vista County Agricultural So- ciety. Aug. 24 to 26. M. Adams.\ pres.; Sam'l Parker, treas.: C. E. Cameron, secy. ANAMOSA—Fair. Aug. 16 to 19. -. E. R. Moore, spcy. ARLINGTON—Arlington District Fair Associ- ation. Aug. 16 to 20. Geo. Schriver. pres.: C. Deming. treas.: R. N. Hibbard. secy. ATLANTIC — Agricultural Society or Cass County. Sept- 5 to 8. C. R. Hunt, pres.: F. H. Crombie. treas.; S. W. W. Straight, secy. AUDUBON—Audubon County Fair. Sept. 12 to 15. AVOCA—Pottawattamie County Fair Assoc't- atio-i. Aug- 30 to Sept. 2. G. Dieiieilch. pres.: J. H lenks. treas.; Rcscoe Baiton, EFCT. - BATTLE CREEK—Ida County Fair. Sept. 13 to 15. Geo. C. Hubbard, of Ida Grove, la., ppcy. ' - BELLE PLAIN—Big Four Fair. Sept. 13 to 15. W. J. Guinn. pres.: J. C. Milner, secy. BLOCMFIELD—Agricultural Society of Davis Cour.ty. Aug. 23 to 26. A. F. Smith, Llrake- ville. pres.; W. P. Denpree, treas.; J. C. Brnuha'd secy. BOONE—Boone riistri"t F-ir Association. Aug. 2 to 4. Geo. Zimbc-lman, pres.; M. Stuhorn. secy. BRITT — Hancock County Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 14 to 16. F.B. Rogers, pres.; E. O. Healy. treas.: B. C. Way. secy. CARROLIy—Carroll County Fair and Driving Park Association. Aug. 16 to 19. : A: L. Wright, pres.; R. E. Coburn, treas.; H. A. Junnd. secv. "-■''- CASCADE—Dubuque Ccunty Fair and Agri- cultural Society. Aug. T.O to Sept. 2. W. A. Fairburn, pres.: A. V. De-;Ha, treas.; J. IT. Devaney. secy. CENTERVILLE—Appanoose County Fair. Ront. 20 to 23. H. A. Rus'cll wc.y. CENTRAL CITY—Wapsie Valley Fair Associ- ation. Aug. 30 to Sept. 4. I. P. Bowdish, pres.. Waubeek: Fred. McLeod, treas.; E. M. Sawyer, secy CHARITON—Lucas County Joint Stock-As- sociation. Sept. 27 to 30. G. J. Stewart, pres.: W. P. Beem, treas.; W. M. House- holder, secy. CHARLES CITY—Floyd County Agricultu- ral and Mechanical Association. SeDt. 13 to 16. W. E. Waller, pres.; A. H. Brackett. treas.; H. C. Ireland, secy. CLARION—Wright County Agricultural So-• ciety. Sept. 20 to 23. E. B. Koblin, pres.; Sv". C. Brown, secy. . CLINTON—Clinton District Agrkultural Fine &IOCK and .Fair Association. Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. G. D. McDaid. pres.; Wm. Holmes, treas.; W. E. Butll, se<y. — COLUMBUS J UNC—Columbus June. District Fair Association. Aug. 23 to 26. K. J. Reaney, pres.; 11. T. Jones, treas.; R. S. Johnston, secy. CORNING—Auam County Fair Association. Sept. 12 to 15. J. M., pics.; E. F. Miner, trtas.; 11. 12. w'estrupe. s^cy. CORYDON—uayne County Agricultural As- sociation. Sept. 5 to 9. J. N. Davison, pres.; W. W. Littell, treas.; H. K. Evans, secy. CtUssCO-Howard. County Fair. Stpt. 0 to 9. DANBURY — Danbury District Agricultural Society. No lair this year. J. H. Criley, pres.; J. B. Santie. treas.; M. P. Cord, secy. Dav •SNfOliT—;jatolt county Fair,- Stpt. o to 9. DciNxSON — Crawford County Agricultural Association. Oct. 4 to 6. DE WITT—Clinton. County Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 13 to 16. J. Alex. Smith, pres.; L. S. Harrington, treas.; C: .Chris-' tiansen, secy. DONNELLSON-t-Lee County Fair. Sept. 13 to 16 Jas. HaiTner, pres.; F II. Klibell, treas.* E. P. Aimknecht, secy. ELDUN—Eldon Big 1-our District Agricul- tural Association. Sept. 6 to 9. N. F. Reed, pres.: Mark Uilles, treas.; H. R. Baker, secy. ELDORA—Hardin County Fair. Sept. 6 to 9. W. E. Rathbone. sety. EMMETSBURG—Palo Alto County Agricul- tural society. Sept. 21 to .23. li. C. Suau- bolt, pres.: M. L. Brown, treas.; Daniel Ji. Collins, secy. FAIRFAX—Prairie Valley Fair As-ofiation. Aug. 23 to 26. E. H. Knickerbocker, secy. FAiitfli-lLD—Jefierson County Agricultural Association. Aug. 30 to s-ept. 1. S. K. West, pres.; Chas. II. Gage, treas.; Chas. Gift, secy.- FONDA— big Four District Fair Association. Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. T. L. Kennedy, pres.; G. R. Reniff. treas.; R. Wright, secy. FOREST CITY—Winnebago County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 7 to 9. M. C. Wheel- er, pres.; Geo: Spofford, treas.; E. W. Vir- den, secy. GREENFIELD—Adair County Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 20 to 22. S. H. Moffit. pres.; D. Heaton, treas.; W. L. Freeman, secy. GR1NNELL—Powershiek County Agricultural Society. Aug. 30 to Sept. 1. E. W. Clark, pres.; L. G. C. Pierce, treas.; J. E. Van Evera, secy. GRUNDY CENTRE—Grundy County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. "20 to 22. L. B. DeSell- horst. pres.: M. A. Buchan. treas.; C. W. Reynolds, secy. HAMPTON—Franklin County-Fair. Sept. 13 to 16. David Vought, secy. HARLAN—Shelby County Fair. Aug. 23 to 26. HOLSTEIN—Holsteiu District Agricultural Society. Sept. 5 to 8. C. B. Bush, pres., Washta, la.; F. Indorf, treas.; W. F. Hut- ton, secy. : HUMBOLDT—Humboldt County Agricultural Society. Sept. 28 to 30. A. A. McKitivels. pres.; F. F. French, treas.; A. M. Adams, secy. IDA GROVE—Ida County Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 20 to 22. Hon. I. NicoII. pres.: H. M. Whinery, treas.; Geo. C. Hubbard, SPCV INDEPENDENCE—Buchanan County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 6 to 9. L. J. Dun- lap, pres., WInthrop. la.: W. W. Donnan. treas.: A. H. Farwell. secy. INDIANOLA—Warren County Fair. Sift 20 to 23. IOWA CITY — Johnson County Agricultural and Mechanical Society. Sept. 12 to 15. A. R. Obi, pres.; R. P. Jones, treas.; A. w. Bradley, secy. KEOSAUQUA—Van Bi;r<m County Fair; Au-. 23 to 26. Geo. F. Smith, pres.; S W. Man- rini?. treas.: Geo. W. Sample, secy. KNOXVILLE—Marion County Fair Associa- tion. Aug. 23 to 26. Walter Elliott, pres.: T.afp S. Collens. treas.: II. sec;y. LE MARS—Plymouth Fair Association. Not decided. G. C. Mc-Lagan. pres.; Ben. Hodg- roan. treas.: W. G. Bolser. secy. LINEVILLE—Lineville District Fair. Sept. 13 to 16. \V. B. Wassen. pres.. T. J. Lovett. e-opv. MALCOM — Poweshlfk County Ag: icu tural Society. Aug. 23 to 26. G. W. Royi-e. pres.: W. J. Johnson, treas.; Jas. NowaK. sppy. MANCHESTER—Delaware Ccunty Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 6. to 9. A. S. Coon, pres.: H. L. Lawrence, treas.; J. B. Ruth- *-rfV>r<I. pwv. MAPLETON—Maple Valley Fair Association. Aug. 31 to Sep*. 3. John S. Carliart. pre-,.; Ed. Quick, treas.: It. M. Wells, secy. MAQUOKETA—Jackson Cou-ily Fair Asso- ciation. Sept. 6 to 9. Hon. A. Hurst, pres.; M. Mahaniy. treas.; Adam Ringlcp, secy. MARCUS—Cherokee Ccunty Union Agricul- tural Society. Aug. 31 to Sept. 2. W. N. Fry. pres.: H. B. Robeson, secy. MARENGO—Iowa Countv Agricultural So- city. Sept. 19 to 23. C. M. W. Engelbert, Conroy. pres.; Frank Cook, treas.; C. c. Cements, spcv. MASON CITY—Cerro Gordo County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 5 to 8. JoUu D. Glass, nrps.: Wm. Letts, secy. MECHANICSVILLE — District Agricultural Society. Aug. 23 to 2C. D. 11. Picper, pres.; A. B. Hcrtnn. treas.: C. W. Johnson, secy. MILTON—Milton District Agricultural Socie- ty. A tier. 30 to Spnt. 2. E. O. Syphers, secy. MISSOURI VALLEY—Harrison County Ag- ricultural Society. E. b". James, pres. - B. W.-Carlisle, treas.: W. H. Fcnsler.secy. MONTICELLO—Jones County Fair. Aug. 23 to 26. Mat Noyes. pres.; G. W. Wllklns. treas.: G. B. Bishop, secy. MOUNT AYR—Ringgold County Fair Asso- ciation. Sept. 6 to 9. J. W. Scott, pres.; J. P. Newton, treas.: Clyde Dunning, secy. MT. PLEASANT—Henry County Fair Asso- ciation.' Aug. 23 to 26. W. P. Young; pres.; R. S. Gillia, treas.; John W. Palm, secy. ' NASHUA—Nashua Agricultural Society. H. H. Hopkins, pres.; Geo. T. Bellamy, gecy. ■and :tieas.....:' S <- ^ NATIONAL^4Clayton County '. Agricultural Society.; Aug. 30 .to Sept. 2.- Wm. Hanson;' '1-uana. pres.; Joe Lamm. Elkader, treas.;' . Juo. E. Corett, Elkador. secy: - NEVADA—Story County Agricultural Socie- ty. Aug. 9 to 12. O. G. Ashford, pres.; JJ b\ Martin,- secy.'- NEW HAMPTON—-JhickaEaw County Agtl- - cultural .Society. Aug. 31 to Sept.. 2. - G.-M. Blgelow, pres.; B. W. Catant. treas.; P;'- Malcolm, secy. '■■ NEW SHARON-^New Sharon Dlstiict Agri-■-•• cultural Society. Sept.- 13 to 15; Sidney* Harper, p>-es:; J. -G. Hammond, treas. ;"v Chas. Fretigh. secy. '- -■• . NEWTON—Jasper County Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 5 to 8. H. D. Parsons, pres.; C. G. Griebling, treas.; A. Failor, secy. NORTllWOOD—Worth County Fair. Sept. 31 and Oct. 1. OGDEN—Boone County Agricultural Society. Sept. 13 to 16. J. H. Morgan, pres.; W. S. Colvin. treas.; E. H. Graves, secy.' - ORANGE ClTY--Sioux County Agricultural Society. Sept. 21 to 23. R. van der Mcide, rire^.: F. J- Lohr. secy. OSAGE—Mitchell County Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 1 to 3. Hon. W. L. Eaton, pres.: J. I. Sweney, treas.; W.C. Moss, secy. OSKALOOSA—Wahaska County. Fair Asso- ciation. Sept. 12 to 15. Geo. S. Prlne. pres.; Chas. E. Loffland, treas.;- LV T. Shangle.. secy. OXFORD—Fair. Sept. 26 to" 29. F. W. Sies, secy. . PELLA—Lake Prairie District Agricultural Society. Sept. 27 to 29. John DeCook, pres.- H. D. Rietveld, treas.; Cbas. Porter, soev. . PERRY — Perry District Fair Association. Sept. 26 to 30. Allen Breed, pres.; D. J. Pattee, treas.: J. T. Davis, secy. RHODES —Eden District Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 20 to 22. W. A.. Nichols. St. Centre, pres.: W. B. Nason, Melbourne, treas.: Ben Richards, secy. SAC CITY—Sac City Agricultural Society. Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. R. G. Wilson."pres.: S. S. Wott. treas.; Frank E. Briggs. secy. SEYMOUR — Seymour District Agr.°cu:tural Society. Sept. 12 to 16. J. T. Lowry, pres.; M. H. Wilson, treas.; R. E. Lowry, secy. SIBLEY—Pioneer Agricultural Society. Sept. 13 to 15. F. Y. Locke, pres.; J. M. Phil- lips, treas.: T. S. Redmond, secy. STRAWBERRY POINT— Strawberry Point District Pair Association. Auk. 23 to 2-!. J. C. Flennlken. pres.: G.' H. Scofield. treas.: H. W. Scofleld, secy. SUTHERLAND—O'Brien County Fair. Aug. 31 to Sept. 2. WANTED. FOR SECOND ANNUAL CARNIVAL. Sept. 7, 8 and 9 Auburn, Ind. A Decorator and Float Builder. New attrac- tions, material, floats and costumes. Street privileges for sale. WALTKR C. HAR FMAN, See y WAN'TED.—Attraction* for Knir, Auq. 30 to Sept. 2. Uclavoye & Fritz trick "house people. Write J. S. GKONDYKK Sec'y, Cayuga, Ind F. 16 Warren Street, M EW YOR K FABBRIOANTI DEI HIG OBI PALLONI di gdmma, a gas e c Ifischetto e di ORiii gener« di novi'S, per vendi- toii ambulanti. Palloni !f. 50 di qnalsusi colore, la groua $2.50 •' " 60 " " ' $j,30 " " 45 Buckets a fistliietto " $2 00 " $3 59 « $800 Serpen ti, bam bole, cornamuse, na=i con baffiflnii, uceelli Gi argento, scimmie e ogni sorta di noviia. 8 sped'scn il Ca<alnit» Kratis dietro rlthtrata. Scon to sui pr< zzt a fieconda delle onliLa- zioni. I Dostri compratori sono avvl-a'i olio not siamo i Boil fabbricanti del PALLONI P.4TUREL, cbe noi vendiamo flno da 45 anni o che nci garantiamo super ori a tutii gli altri. Ouardatevi A* chl » onde Palloni col notitro nomc, lurerlorl dl quanta' o aprozzl baisf. Complete Price List In English 5ent on .' Application. THE BILLBOARD. TIPTON—Tipton Fair ABsoclatlon—Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. Oeo. Beatly, pres.; P. K. Pine, treas.; L. J. Rowell, secy. TOLEDO—Tama County Fair. Aug. SO to Sept. 2. Hon. W; G: Malin, pres.; A. G. Smith, secy.; H. A. Sbanklin, treas. 'lriAiin—liaur ulBitlci A51 lcuitural Socie- ty. Sept. 14 to .16. S. VI. West, pres.; R. H. Moore, treas.; N. R. Morrison, secy. \ loToli— V ictor pinrtct tair. Aug. 3u to Sept. 1. Jobn M. Groff, secy. YrLniSCA—vlillsca Union fair Association. Sept. 2C to 29. D. W. Jackson, pres.; J. W. Pcrgcy, treas.: F. L. lngman, secy. VINTON-*~Benton Ccunty Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 6 to 9. J. W. Hite. pres.; Geo. D. McEIroy, treas.; L. A. Mitchell, secy. \\ Al'iii-l-o—l-ouisu County Agricultural so- ciety. Aug. 16 to 19. S. K. Small, pres.; it. B. McCullougb. treas.; L. J. Nyemastc-r, secy. WAUKON—Allamakee Ccunty Fair. Sept. 20 to 23. C. M. Bcenmn. secy. \\ KESTER CITY—Hamilton County Fair As- tociiition. Sept. 13 to 16. J. W. Adams, srey. WEST BRANCH—Cedar County District Ag- rln iturul Society. Aug. 23 to 2G. C. II. I'Vn.11, pres.; J. T. Butler, treas.;- A. A. Modson, secy. WEST LIBERTY—Union District Agricultu- ral Society. Sept. 5 to S. Albert Wbitacre, pres.; F.-E. Thomas, treas.; W. 11. ship- man, secy. WEST PONIT—West Point Fair. Sept. 27 to 30. Wm. R. Tlmpe, Ft. Madison, la., pres.; Al Link, treas.; John Walljaspcr, secy. WEST UNION—Fayette County AgtUultural Soiirty. Sept. 6 to 9. G. D. Oarnall, pres.; E. B. Shaw, treas.: L. L. Farr. secy. WHAT CHEER—What Cheer District Fair Association. Sept. 27 to 28. E. R. Hatch- er. Indianapolis, Ind., pres.; J. T. Sewnffer. treaa,; T. C. Legoe, secy. WILLIAMSBURG—Ccunty Fair. Sept. 12 and 13. WILTON JUNCTION —The Wilton Fair. Sept. 20 to 22. F. N. Schlcle. Sunbury. la., pres.; Geo. Sauraick, treas., J. M. Ktder. secy. WINFIEI.D—Eastern Iowa District Fair. Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. E. C. Hinkle. secy. WINTERSET—Madison Agi Icu.tural Society. Sept. 13 to 16. T. J. Hudson, pres.; J. w. Dabncy, treas.; C. A. Lcc, secy. KANSAS. BURLIXGAMB—Osage County Fair Associ- ation- Sept. 6 to 3. Chas. Lyons, pres.; H. D Sbepard. treas.: W. B. Davis, secy. BI.RLINGTON—Coffey County Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 13 to 16. W. J. Armstrong, pres.; M. M. Kiger. treas.; J. E. Wood- food, secy. CHANUTE—Chanute Agricultural Fair Park and Driving Association. Aug. 16 to 19. L. IL Cole, pres.; R..-N. Alton, treas.; Aug. Bareis. secy. CLAY CENTRE—Clay County Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 14-to 16. D. 11. Myers, pres.; Henry W. Stacktole, treas.; E..K. Hdopcs, :ccy. COFr EYVILLE-Coffcyvllle Fair and Park Association. Sept. 13 to 16. Thos. Scutr. jr., pres.; C. A. Lee, treas.; W. M. Doty, fcecy. COl NCIL GROVE—Morris County Exposi- tron Co.' Sept. 27 to 30. W. II. White, pies.: L. Mead, treas.: E. J. Dili. secy. EDGERTON—Johnson C untr Co-opcrativ> r'nir Association. Sept. 13 to 16. J. M. Warren, secy. - ■ ... . ERIE—Neosha Ccunty Fair Association. Sept. 6 to 9. H. Lodge, secy. FitANKFORT—Frankfort Fair Association. Sept. 27 to 30. Jos. Lemons, pres.; J. B. McCouchie. treas.; C. W. Brandenburg, secy. , FltEDONIA—Frcdonla Agricultural Society. Aug. 23 to 26. C. H. Pierce, pres.; T. C. Singleton, treas.;. J. T. Cooper, secy. GARDEN CITY—Finney Countv Agricul urpl r-.S'^X^. Sfpt - ,s ' to 16 - D - A. Mims. s.'.y. dAilNETT-Anderson County Fair Associa- tion. Atlg. 30 to Sept. 2. Thos. Gowdv. „?"»•: M. L. Wlilte. treas.; C. H. Rice, secy. HIAWATHA—Brown County Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 6 to 9. G. Y. Johnson. Willis, pres.; Geo. Maglott. treas.; Jobn 11. Meyer, scry. • * * 1IOLTON—Jackson County Agricultural and {•Air Association. Aug. 29 to Sept. 2. D. w. Stanley, pres.. lloyt: Moses fc'aibachs, treas.: S. B. McGrew, secy. ^PpPENDENCE-Aug. SO to Sent. 2. lOLA—Allen County Aerirultural Society n| C «F«- nrl°t- 9 „, C - H ,- Wbcaton, secy. ?. SS . Cm—Ness County Fair Association. bept 1 to 3. O. H. Laraway. pres.; Ucu. noi-.»'U , ^! rcas - : N - n Strtdgor. secy. USKALOOSA—Jefferson County Agricultural and Mechanical Association. Sept. 6 to 10. renwin Snyder, secy. °7 T A, W A—Fraukiln Crunty Fair. Sept. 20 JJl V , m - H - Moherman, pres.; J. L. Chambcrlln, treas.; Cbas. H. Ridgway, P ^?H~Miami County Agricultural and Me- chanical Fair Association. Sept. 27 to 30. »• Hayes, pres.; Geo. B. Hanna, treas.; „™_ ■' Carpenter, secy. PARSONS—Aug. 9 to 12. D. W. Klngsley. '"dependence. Kas., secy. ''• A fODY—Mi-rion Countv Agricultural So- rtTROLEUM PARK—Montgomery County «P r t.V ltur , B ' So cl«*y- Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. D. ni,^'" 8 ^' Indcnend-ncc. secy. Kll,i!;,—miny County Agricultural Society. Sept 6 to 9. S. D. Dyor. pres.; Jessu cA,,x// 'l""*'- 'eromo Wa-hrlrti-.-. secv. bAL,lNA-Sallnn Ccunty A., II. & M. A-so- s, ;NI^CA-So| t. 7 to 9. W. II. Fitzwatcr. STOCKTON-The Rooks County Fair Asso- ciation. O. A. Hlrrglns. pres.: Chas. Alex- 1 "inUNE-Grcclpy County Fair Association, wm. DodFon. prrs.: R. Pringlp. treas.; I. n. .'N^wmiin. »«cy. WICHlTA-Wlchlttt-> State Fair Association. ^"1>» IB to 24. p. Ti. Hudson, pres.; A. ■n.Yi,^?K s i. trp '"'- : u - °- Tolcr. secy. W INFIELD—Cowlev County Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 27 to 30. 1 KENTUCKY. ALEXANDRIA—Campbell County Agricul- tuial Association. Aug. 23 to 27. ui. j. J. Youtsey, Newport, pics.; John Todu, treas.; J. J. Wright, secy. BARBOUKViL.Lt.—K..ox county F.-ir /f-io- elation. Aug- 31 to Sept. 2. J. S. Miller, preB.; W. 11. Baliingcr, treas.; W. W. Tinslcy. secy. BARDSTOWN—Nelson County Agricultural Association. BOt\LING GREEN—Fair. Sert. 14 to 17. J. .11. Mallory. pres.; J. M. Robertson, secy, and treas. BKOADHEAD—Rook Castle Ccunty Fair As- sociation. Aug. 17 to lj. ' HROAOHEAD— E. E. Erothcro. pres.; J. T. Cherry, treas.; A. E. Albright. £e.-y. CAMPBELLSVIL.LE-Tay.or County Agricul- tural and Mechanical Association. DANVILLE—Central Kentucky lair Associ- ation. ELIZABETHTOWN'—Hardin County Fair. Sept. 6 to 9. Jcs. Kinktad. secy. ELLENDALE-Elli ndalc Fflr Co. Acs. 1 to 6. W. F. Kapier, pres.; It. T. Smitli, Sor- gho, Ky., secy. EW1NG—Ewing Fair Co. Sept; 7 to 10. U. W. Williams, Peed, pres.; J. C-. Collins, treas.: S. H. Price, secy. FLORENCE—North Kemutky Agri.MiKurrl Association. Aug. 31 to Sept. 3. F. A. Utz. director; It. J. Perry, Independence, secy. GEItMANTOWN—Germantown Fair. John K. Walker, secy. GERMA.NTOnN-Aug. 24 to £7. D. A. French, pres.: W. P. Dixon, treas. GLASGOW—South Kentucky Fair Ground As- sociation. W. A. Huggins, pres.. Cave City, Ky.; Thos. Dickerson, treas.; J. T. Carter, secy. GLASGOW—Sept. 14 to 17. FERN CREEK—Aug. 16 to IS. HARTFORD—Ohio County Fair. Sept. 29 to Oct. 1. T. L. Griflin, pres.; Ohio County Bank, treas.; W. G. Hardwick, secy. LA GRANGE—Aup. 31 to Sept. 2. LAWRENCE11URG—Lawrc-ncebuig fair As- sociation. Aug. 16 to 19. J. W. "Maviti-. pres., Monroe Walker, treas.; M. Gaines, secy. LEBANON—Marion County Fair and Trottng Association. Aug. 1G to 20. LOUISVILLE—Loui.villc and .lefferscn Coun- ts Agiicultuial and Meehanieal Far: A&j=o- c:atir.n. Aug. 16 to 20. Isaac Cut tit, lis E. Green St.. pres.; W. C. F. Mason, limb W. Walnut, treas.; J. W. Johnson, 3D5E. Green £t-. secv. LOUISVILLE—Louisville Driving and Fair Association. Sept. 26 to Oct. 1. Frank P. Kenney. secy. MADISO.WILLE—Hopkins County Fair Co. Aug. 24 to 27. C. C. Givers, pres.; R. C. Topp, treas.: H. 11. lloleman, secy. OWENSBORO—Davies County Fair. Oct. 4 to S. J. H. Hickman, pres.; P. T. Wat- kins, treas.; J. W. Carter, secy. PADUCAH—Paduc»h Fair and Exposition Association. Cct. 11 to 14. J;\s. M Lai g. pre? , American-German Naticnal Bann, treas.: Alex. Kitkland. secy. RICHMOND—Madison County Fair Associa- tion. Aug. 9 to 12. J. B. Chinault, pres.; S. A. Drathwaye. secy. SHELBYV1LLE—Shelby County Agricultur- al and Mechanical Association. Aug. 23 to 26. M. W. Hues, Clayvillage. pres.; Shan- non Rcid, treas.; J. M. Logan, secy. SHEPHERI1SV1LLE—Aug. 23 to 2S. VERSAILLES—Versailles Fair Association. W1LL1AMBURG—Whitley County Fair Asso- ciation. Sept. 7 to'9. H. C. Harmon, pres.; Nielc D*»i,|e|. secv. and treas. WINCHESTER—Clark County Fair and Trot- ting Association. LOUISIANA. AMITE CITY—Amite City Fcir Asso-iation. 11. P. McClcndon. pres.: T. H. Tehan, treas.; Thos. T. Gillen. secy. KKSTON— Agiicultural and Live Etcck Farr Astcc:ation. W. S. May, pres.; J. S. At- kinson, secy. MAINE. AMHERST—Northern Hancock Agricultural Society. H. T. Silsby, Aurora, pies.; A. W. Silf=bv. -eev. and treas. ANDOVER—Oxford North Agricultural Soci- ety. Sept. 21 and 22. Geo. O. Huso, pres.; Lewis C. Akers, treas.: John F. Talbot, scey. BANGOR—Eastern Maine State Fair. Aur;. 29 to Sept. 2. Flavius O. Beal. pres.: S. Dean Benson, treas.,Ezra; L. Stearns, secv. BETHEL—Fair. Sept. 13 to 15. 11. S. Has- tiiiKS, secy. BLUE HILL—Hancock County Agricultural Society. BRIDGETON—Bridgeton Farmers' and Me- chanics' Club. S| t. 13 to 16. E. C. Walker, ores.: F. C. Knight, secv. BUXTON—Buxton and Ho.lis Agricultural So- ciety. CANTON—AndroscroKgin Vallev Agricultur- al Society. II. T. Tirrell. srey. CHERRYFIELD—W. Washington Agricultu- ral Society. CORNISH—Ossipee Valley Union Acrieultu- ral Association. Aug. 33 to S. pt. 1. L. L. Coo 1 -, secy. DAMARISCOTTA—Lincoln Agricultural and Horticultural Society. Sept. 27 to 29. Dr. A. W. Card, pres., Athol; N. A. Hall, treas.; Albert I. '-helps, secv. DUR1-.\7W—Purliam S-t'itv. - EAST PITTSTON—Plttston Agricultural" and Trotting Association. ELLSWORTH—Hancock County Fair Assocl- slien. Srrt. fi to S. EXETER—West Penobscot Agricultural So- rirfy. Sept. 27 to 19. F. W. Hill. secy. FARMINGTON—Franklin County -Ag-lcuitu- ral Scriclv Fcpt 20 lo 22. WciritiEton Thointon, Chester^llle, pres.; Geo. M. Cur- ator, t^en,:.- T>eube„ Hatch, wrv. FRYEBURG—West Oxfotd Agticutural So- ciety. GORl 1AM—Cumberland County Agricultttrnl ■ and llortleulturnl Society. Sept. 27 and 2-S. AVn?." Libb». rrc>.: Mr. i.^l-hton. sees. GRAY—Gray Park Association. HARRISON—Northern Cumberland Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 22 to 24. S.H. Good- win, pres., St. Albans; Chas. Rowell, treas.; J. A. Goodrich, secy., W. Palmyra. :!«' HARTLAND—East Somerset Agricultural So- ciety. :-.-:.:- LEWISTON—Maine State Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 5 to 9. I. Pompilly. Auburn, pres.: G. E. Eveleth, Auburn,- treas.; G. H. Clark. N. Anson, secy. LIVERMOltE FALLS—Androscroggin Coun- ty Agricultural, and Horticultural Associa- tion. J. L. Lowell, Auburn, secy. MACHIAS—Ccntrel Wastinttan C-unty Fai-. Sept. 20 and 21. MONROE—Waldo and Penobscot Agricultu- ral Society. NEW GLOUCESTER—New Gloucester and Danville Agricultural Association. Sept. 28 and 29. S. N. Robinson, Danville June, pres.: Geo C. Jordan. Upper Gloucester, treas.; L. L. Whitman, Upper Gloucester, secy. - NEW PORTLAND—New Portland Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 21 and 22. W. R. Richardson, pres.; Elmer Quint, treas.; W T . B. Clark, secy. NORTH BERWICK — North Berwick Agri- cultural Association. Aug. 23 to 25. Natb. Hobbs, pres.; John B. Russell, treas.; Geo. W. Perkins, secy. r NORWAY—Oxford County Agricultural Soci- ety. Sept. 20 to 22. John A. Roberts, pres.; A. C. T. King, South Paris, secy, and treas. PEMBROKE — Washington County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 14 and 15. PHILLIPS—North Franklin Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 13 to 15. Wilson C. Beal, pres.; J. M. Wheeler, treas.; M. S. Kellet,. secy. PORTLAND—N. E. Agricultural Scciety. Aug. 22 to 26. Gen. Francis H. Appletuu, 53 State st.. Boston, pres.; Warren Brown, Hampton Falls, N. IL, treas.; E. T. Row- ell, Lowell Mass., secy. READKIELD—Kennebec County Agricultural Society. Sent. 13 to 15. D. V. Savage, Au- gusta, pres.; c. H. Stevens, treas.; W. Hunton. sev tfCO-Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. H.. R. Jordan, marager. S. S. Andrews, secy. ■■ '.. SACO—York Ccunty Fair and Races-. RICHMOND—Richmond Farmers' and Me- chanics' Club. Sept. 27. Silas E. S. Kil- lins. pres.; D. W. Alexander, treas.; C. E. Dinslow. secy. SANFORD—Sanford Fair and Trotting Asso- ciaticn. Geo. Ashworrh, pres.: O. V. Lrb- by. treas.: Geo. H. Worster. secv. SOUTH WINDSOR—South Kenncbrc Agilcol- tural Scciety.- TOPSHAM—Sagadahoe Agrlcu'tural and Hor- ticultura - ! Scciety. Oct. 11 to 13. W. B. Ken- dall, pres.. Bowdoinhara: L.E. Smith, treas.. Brunswick; TV. S. Rogers, secy. •- UNION—North Knox Agriculturcl and Hor- ticultural Society. Sept. 20 to 22. Geo. C. Hawfs. secy. UNITY—North Waldo Agricultural Society. Sept. 21 and 22., Edwin Rand, pres.; F. A. Bartlett. treas.; E. B. Hunt, secy. - WEST CCMBE-RLAND—Cumberland Farm- ers - Cub. Sept. 27 and 28. M. W. Pearson, Cumberland Center, pres.; N. M. Shaw, treas.: L.W. Hadlcck. West Falmuth, secy. MARYLAND. BEL AIR—Hartford County Agricultural and Mechanical Association. Jas. W. Mc- Nabb. secy. EASTON—Talbot County Fair Association. Aug. 30 t«- Sept. 2. Dr. Chas. Lowndes, pres.: Jos. B. Harringtcn. secy, and treas. ELKTON—Ceril County Agricultural Society. Geo. S. Wiolev Chesapeake City, pres.; Ge-o. R. Ash. trpas.: J. M. Tucker. sec>. FREDERICK CITY—Frederick County Agri- cultural Society. Oct. II to 14. Chas. W. Hargett, pres.; D. V. Stauffer, treas.; Harry C. Keefer. secy. HAGERSTOWN — "The Great Hagerstown Fair." Oct. IS to 21. John W. Stonebrak- cr. pres.; John D. Brewer, treas.; P. A. Vitmcr, secy. ROCKVILI.E—Agricultural Society of Mont- gomery. .County.- Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. Leo OiTtitt. pres.: John J. Higgins, treas.; John E. Muneastcr, Norbcck. secv. T1MONIUM—Agricultural Society of Balti- more County. Sept. 13 to 17. S. Shoe- maker.St- venson. pres.; G.W. Y'ellatt. Lawson. treas.; H. C. Longnecker, Law- son, secv. TOLCHESTER BEACH-Kent and Queen Anns County Fair. Aug. 23 to 26. G. E. Noland. secv. UPPER MARBORO—Agricultural Fair Asso- ciation of Prince George.County. Richard S. Hill. pres. M MA8SACnUSETTS. AMESBURY—Amesbury and Salisbury Fair. Sept. 27 to 29. - AMHERST—Hampshire Fair. Sept. IB and 16. ALTHOL—The Worcester Agricul- tural and Mechanical Society. SepL 14 and 15. Arthur Fi Tyler, pres.; J. N. Goodspeed, treas.; Arlington F. Stratton. aecy. BAKNhTABLK—Katnstabie Ccunty Fair. Aug. :io to Sept. 1. Thos. C. Day. pres. BARRE—Worcester County Western Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 29 and 30. Austin F. Adams, pres., Barre Plains; Chas. H. Fol- lansby, treas.; Matthew Walker, secy. BLAND FORD—Union Fair. Sept. 14 to 16. BOSTON — Massachusetts Horticultural As- sociation. Aug. 31 to Sept. 1. Francis H. Applcton, pres.; Cbas. E. Richardson, treas.; Robt. Manning, secy. BRIDGEWATER — Plymouth County Fair. Sept. 14 to 16. Isaac N. Nutter, E. Bridge- water, pres.; Robt. C. Breck, treas.; Geo. M. Hooper, secy. '. BROCTON—Brccton Fair. Oct. 5 to 9. Hon." H. W. RobinEcn. pres.; E. M. Thompson. . treas.: Baalis Sanford. secy. CHARLEMONT—Deerfieid Valley. Sept. 15 and 16. C. E. Ward. Buckland. pres.; E.V F. Haskins. treas.: S. W. Hawkes. secy. CLINTON—East Worcester County Fair. Sept. 15 and 16. CUMMINGTON—Hillside Fair. SepL 27 and 28. S. W. Clark, pres.; R. R. .Packard." treas.; Wm. A. Atkins, secy., W. Cum- mington. ENFIELD—Union Agricultural Society. OUn S. Olmstead, pres. FITCHBURG—Fitchburg Driving Club. : FRAMINGHAM — Middlesex South Associa- tion. Sept. 13 to 15. Eugene- A. Clark. S. Framingham, secy. GREAT BARRINGTON—Hoosatonic Agricul- tural Society. SepL 28 to 30. Ed. H. S"ater. pres.. Tyringham: O. C. Bidwell. treas.: Frank H. Briggs. secy. GREENFIELD—Franklin County. SepL B and 23. F. N.: Thompson, srey. HINGHAM—Hingbam Agricultural and Hor- ticultural Society. Sept. 27 and 28. Ebed L. Ripley. Hingham Centre, pres.: R. Sprague, Hingham Centre, treas.; W. H-. Thomas, secy. LANCASTER — Worcester East Association. Sent. 15 and 16. W. A. Kelbourn. secy. -...- LOWELL—Middlesex Northern Association. Sept. 15 to 17. E. T- Rowell, secy. MARSHFIELD—Marehfleld Agricultural and Floral Society. Aug. 24 to 26. Walton Han, pres.: Francis Collamon, N_ Pembroke. Ma^s.. secv. MIDDLEFIELD, Highland. SepL 7 and 8. 'i NANTUCKET—Nantucket Fair. Aug., 31 to; Sent. 1. J. F. Murphy, secy. NORTH ATTLEBORO—Manufacturers' Ag- ricultural Society. Aug. 30. .31. Sept. 1. S. O. BIgney, Attleboro. pres.: W. W. Stier- min, treas.; "W. H. Pond. secy. " NORTH ADAMS—Hocsac Valley Agrlcu'tural" Society. SepL 21 and 22. Geo. Z. Dean, pres.. Cheshire; E. M. Meekins, treas.; Geo.: F. Miller, secy. NORTH AMPTON—Hampshire. Franklin and Hampden. Oct. 5 and 6. OXFORD—Oxford Fair. Sept. 28 and 29. ' PALMER—Eastern Hampden. SepL 20 to 21. A. D. Norcross. pre*.; F. D. Barton. s»c«. PEABODY—Essex F»I>-. Sept- 20 to 22. Oli- ver S. Butler, Georgetown, prrs.; GilhTt L. Streeter. Snlem. tress.; John M. Danforth, Lynnfrld Centre, secy. PITTSriELD—Berkshire Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 13 to 15. F. A. Palmer. Stock- brld-c. pres.; J. W. Lewis, treas.; Chas. SOUTH WEYMODTH-Weymcmn FVr. Sept 29 to Oct,--!. SPENCER—Spencer Fair. Sert. 22 and 23. T. c. Comins, pres.; A. W. Curtis, treas.; H. - H. Capen. secy. STURBRIDGE—Woicster South Agiicu'tu- ral Society. Sent. 15 and 16. A. B- Cham- '. horiain. di*f.- C. V. Carev. srey. " "-'-.;.-. TAUNTON—Bristol Countv Fair. S«pL 2» to'.'.'. 22. Nathaniel J. W. Fish, pres.: E. Clar- ence Holt, treas.; Gertrude Williams, secy.^ Pov. 624. UXRRIDGE—Blackstone Valley Fair. S»pt. 27 and 28. Jas. Daley, pres.: U A. Sea- crave. treas.: Augustus Storv. secy. WEST TILSBURY—Martha's Vineyard Asso- ciation. Sort. 20 and 21. WORCESTER—Worcester Fair Association. Atlg. 30 to Sept. 2. Warren C. Jewett pres.: John B. Bowkcr, treas.; John B. Bowkcr. secy. A Special Attraction For Fairs. An Act Without a Rival. An Artist Without a Peer. THE MYS TERIOUS . GLOBE. -''.|| The sensation created by tbis act is wonder- ful. Tbe multitude is held mystified, spell- bound and breathless during the perform- ance, and thacfl^Bsion is only relaxed when Miss Vetler^spkngs lightly from the ani- mated globe "and is received with rousing cheers. Miss^VeHer is (he only lady in the world performrag this act. It fs es- pecially adapted for Fairs" and Oat-Door Shows. A limited number of engagments at Fairs will be made. Address. ELLEN VETTER, 334 E. 13th Street, NEW YORK.