Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1898)

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28 til I' THE BILLBOARD Ml fill !1 si*- i. WORCESTER, MASS.—Central Massachu- setts Poultry Club. C. A. Ballou. secy. Jan. 5 to 8, 1899. XENTA, O.—Southwestern Ohio Poultry and Pigeon Association. A. 6. Spain-, secy. Dec. 20 to 24. rODNGSTOWN. O.—Youngstown Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. E. N. Sinon, S2cy. Dec. 20 to 24. YPSILANTI. MICH.—Ypsilanti Poultry Asso- ciation. Dec. 29 to 31, 1898. Geo. M. Gaudy, secy. ZANESVILLE. O.—Muskingum Valley Poul- try Association. Dec. 7 to 10. C. U. Shry- ock, secy. Expositions. BOSTON, MASS.—Mechanics' Fair—"Old Me- chanics* Association." Oct. 10 to Dec- 3. GREENSBORO, N. C—Industrial & County Exhibit. Aug. 1 to 4, 1899. H. J. Elam, secy. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.—Pan-American Ex- position. 1899. R, C. Hill, secy. OAKLAND, CAL.—Oakland Exposition. Nov. 12 to Dec. 3, 1898. George Roeth, Oakland, Cal., secy.: J. W. Nelson, pres. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Exposition of Amer- ican Manufacturers', 1899. Dr. Wm. Pep- per, chairman. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.—Seml-Centennlal Exposition. Winter, 1901. Races. HOT SPRINGS, ARK.—..inter Racing Cir- cuit. December. 1898. NASHVILLE, TENN.—Tennessee Breeders' Association. April 27 to May 6. 1899. J. W. Rurswurm. secy.- WESTCHESTER. N. T-—Westchester Racing Association. National Stallion Race of $20.- 000. H. G. Crickmore. 173 Fifth av. New Tork City. Spring. 1900. ! >rse >hows LOS ANGELES. CAL.—Horse Show. Janu- ary, 1899. Food Shows. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Food Exposition. Ar- mory of Second Regiment. Wm. Smedley. secy 148 Tenth st- Nov. 7 to 26. READING, PA.—Reading Food Show. Nov. 20 to Dec- 10. E. J. Morris, 6th and Spruce sts.. Reading, Fa., secy. I Dog Shows. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—MammothjShow of AU Terriers. Jan. 19 to 21. 1899. T. J. Woodward, jr., P. O. Box 1659. PROVIDENCE. R. I.—Rhode Island Kennel Club. Jan. 13 and 14,1899. Dr. Z. J. Lewis, Providence, R. L eonuencions, Ttto, CtlcbratlQB$, Etc. $ Under this heading we publish free oj £ charge the data of all notable events, ztihtch « are Itkely to attract large concourses of people W to any one particular city and for this reason m prove of importance to advertisers, showmen, A streetmen. general passenger agents, etc. A The list ts carefully revrsed and corrected QT9 monthly. Jg *** - >fe C CCC CC CCC €* ALEXANDRIA, VA.—National CelebraUon of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. Mag- nus L. Robinson, Chairman, Alexandria, Va. ALLENTOWN. PA.—Four-County Firemen's ConvenUon. June 13, 1809. Herman C. Mrntzell, see* , ALTOONA, PA.—Pennsylvania State Magis- trates' AssociaUon, Sept. 19. 1899. G. W. Jackson. Box 206. Harrisburg. Pa., secy. ANACONDA. MONT.—I. O. G. T. Grand Lodge. Oct. .11. 1899. Jas. A. Longstaff. 738 S. Main St., Butte. Mont. ASBURY PARK, N. J.—State Assembly of Rebekahs. Oct. 3, 1899. Mary I. Puhen. 352 Elm St., Arlington, N. J., secy. ASHLAND. WIS.—Woman's Synodical Mis- sionary Society. October. 1899. Mrs. Ella C. Pierce. 119 10th St., Milwaukee, Wis., secy. ATLANTA. GA.—American Library Associa- - tion." 1899. Henry J. Carr. Public Library. Scranton. Pa., secy. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—Pharmaceutical As- sociation. May. 1899. Frank C. Stutzlen. Elizabeth, N. J- _„ , AURORA. ILL.—Ancient Order Hibernians. 1900. Daniel McGIynn. secy., St- Louis. AUSTIN, MINN.—State Dairymen's Associa- tion. Dec- 13 to 15, 1898. BALTIMORE, MD.—Independent Order of Free Sons of Israel. 1902. BALTIMORE. MD.—Supreme Council of Chosen Friends. 3d Tuesday Sept.. 1899. S. K. Wagner, supreme secy- Phlla.. Pa. BALTIMORE, MD.—State Council. Catholic Benevolent League. Feb- 15. 1899. Thos. Foley Hisky. 100 and 102 W. Fayette St., Baltimore. Md.. secv. BALTIMORE. MD.—Grand Lodee, A. F. & A. M. of Maryland. May 9, 1899. Jacob H. Medairy. secy. BALTIMORE. MD.—Grand Encampment. I- O. O. F- Oct. 16, 1899. John M. Jones, Baltimore. Md. _ BALTIMORE, MD.—Maryland Baptist Union Association. Oct. 25 to 27. 1899. Howard ■Wayne Smith. 1803 W. Baltimore St., Bal- timore, Md., secy. BALTIMORE, MD.—Federal Brotherhood of Andrew & Philip. November, 1S99. C. E. Wyckoff. Irvington, N. J., secy. TIMORE. MD.—Union Veteran League. BANGOR. ME.—Maine State Grange. Dec. 20 to 23, 1898. E. H. Libby, P. O. Dirigo, Me., secy. Sept. 13, 1S99. W. S. Norcross. Lewiston. Me. secy. BATON ROUGE. LA.—Louisiana Press Asso- ciation. April or May. 1S99. L. S. Scott. Crowley, La., secy. BAY CITY, MICH.—State Conference of Agents & Convention of Board of Correc- tions & Charities. Dec. 7 and S, 1S9S. C. E. Robinson, Lawrence. Mich., secy. BAY CITY. MICH.—Rebekah Assembly. I. O. O. F. Oct. 17, 1899- Mrs. Ida M. Davis, 512 Capital ave., S. Lansing. Mich., secy. BAY CITY. MICH.—Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F. Oct. 17, 1S99. Edwin H. Whitney, Lansing. Mich., secy. BELTON. MO.—Central Protective Associa- tion. Oct. 10, 1S99. W. H. Smith. Atchi- son. Kan., secy. BINGHAMTON, N. Y.—State Baptist Pas- tors' Conference. Oct. 24 and 25, 1S99. Rev. C. A. Clauson, Brockport. N. Y.. secy. BIRMINGHAM. ALA.—Phamaeeutical Asso- ciation. May. '99. P. C. Candidus, Moble, secy. BOONE. IA-—Baptist State Convention. Oct. 20, 1899. E. P. Bartlett, secy., Des Moines, Iowa. BOSTON, MASS.—Wholesale Saddlery Asso- ciation. July 11, 1899. John B. Denvirs. St- Louis. Mo., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—American Association G. P.' and F. Agents. October. 1S99. A. J. Smith, L S. & M. S. R. R., Cleveland, O- secy. BOSTON. MASS.—Vessel Owners & Captains' National Association. Oct. 4. 1S99. R. R. Freeman, 95 Commercial St., Boston, Mass- secy. BOSTON. MASS.—U. S. General Convention of Universalists- October, 1S99. Rev. G. L. Demarust. D.D., Manchester. X. H.. secy- BOSTON, MASS.—Knights and Ladies of Honor. Grand Lodge. May 9. 1900. Sam Hathaway, 228 Tremont St.. Boston, Mass. BOSTON. MASS.—First Church of Christ Scientists. Jan. 1 to 6, 1899. David S. Robb. 293 Princess ave.. London. Ont— Can., secy. BOSTON. MASS.—Ancient Order of Hiber- nians. July, 1900. James O. Sullivan, Phil- adelphia, Pa., nat. secy. BOSTON, MASS.—United States Military Corps & Old-Timer Telegraphers Associa- tion. 1899. J. E. Pettit. 145 Campbell ave.. Chicago. 111., secy. BOSTON. MASS.—Knights of Malta Grand Commandery. Sept. 28, 1899. John W. Hicks, Grand Recorder, 606 Tremont St., Boston. Mass. BOSTON. MASS.—International Union. Steam Engineers. Oct. 2. 1899. P. F. Doyle. 187 Washington St., Chicago. 111., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Steam Engineers' National Union. October, 1899. P. F. Doyle, Chi- cago, ni., secy. BOULDER, COL—State Undertakers' Asso- ciaUon. Feb. 10. 1899. F. B. Waters, 800 Santa Fe ave.. Denver, Col., secy. BOWLING GREEN, KY.—Synod of Cumber- land, Presbyterian Church. Oct. 24, 1899. Rev. T. N. Williams, Louisville. Kv., secy. BRADFORD. PA.—Pennsylvania Bill Post- ers' Association. May 15 and 16. '99. John D. Mishler, pres.; John G. Reese, secy., Scranton, Pa. BRANDON. VT-—B. Y. P. U. State Conven- tion. Sept- 27. 1899. Frank W. Woods. Johnson. Vt., secy. BRIDGEPORT. CONN.—National Council. Daughters of America. Oct. 11, 1899. Miss Julia Tipton, Box 522, Dennlson. O.. secy. BROOKLYN, N. Y.—Knights of Golden Eagle, Supreme Castle. Oct. 9 and 10. 1899. A. C. Lyttle, 814 N. Broad St.. Phila- delphia. Pa., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Booksellers' and News- dealers' National Association. 1899. F. R. Sampson. N. Y- City, secy. BURLINGTON. IA-—State Conference. Chari- ties and Corrections. March. 1S99. Char- lotta Groff. 607 Locust St., Des Moines. la. BURLINGTON. VT.—High Court, Catholic Order of Foresters. June. 1899. John M. Weis. Hammond, Ind.. secy. CAMDEN. N. J-—Supreme Lodge. Order of Shepherds of Bethlehem. Oct. 26, 1S99. G. S. WyckofT, 160 S. Stockton St., Trenton. N. Y. secy. CANONSBURG, PA.—National Delaine Mer- ino Sheep Breeders' Association ot Wash- ington County. Pa. Jan. 17, 1899. J. C. McNarv. Canonsburer. Pa., secy. CAPE CHARLES CITY, VA.—State Council of Virginia. Jr. O. U. A. M. Oct. 18 and 19. If99. Thos. B. Ivey, Petersburg, Va., Box 556. secv. CELERON. CHATAUQUA LAKE—Photogra- jhers' Association of America. July. 1»99. Geo. B. Sperry. Toledo. O.. secy. - CHARLESTON. S. C—Grand Lidtre of A. F. M. of South Carolina. Dec. 13. 1898. Chas. Inglesby, Charleston. S. C, secv. CH»Rt,OTTEVIL,LE. VA.—State Convention. B. Y. P. U. Feb. 21 and 22. W. J. Keller. Charlottevllle, Va.. secy. CHARLEVOIX. MICH —Association of Lum- bermen. July 11. 1899. CHICAGO, ILL.—Bohemian Catholic Central Union. Sept. 26, 1900. Frank Lindelar, 56 Jewett St., Cleveland. O., secy. CHICAGO. ILL.—Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America. Aug. 9 to 11, 1899. A. R. Doyle, 415 W. 59th St., New York City, secv. CHICAGO. ILL.—Grand Chapter. Order East- ern Star of Illinois. Oct. 3 to 5. 1S99. Mrs. Mate L. Chester, 931 Park ave.. Chicago. III., secy. CHICAGO. ILL.—National Spiritualists' As- sociation. October. 1899. M. F. LonKley. 6C0 Pennsylvania ave., S. E., Washington. CHICAGO, ILL Knights Templar Annual Conclave. Oct. 24. 1899. Gil. M. Barnard, 1901 Masonic Temple, Chicago. 111., secy. CHICAGO. ILL—International Sunday School Convention. April 27 to 29. 1899. M. D. Bvers. Atwood BIdg.. Chicago. III., secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Association of Embalmers. First week. September, 1899. Frank A. Cook, Paris. 111., secy. CHICAGO. ILL.—National Fraternal Con- gress. Aug. 22, 1899. M. W. Sackett, Mead- ville. Pa. CHICAGO. ILL.—F. & A. M.. Grand Lodge. Oct. 3, 1899. J. H. C. Dill. Bloomlngton. 111., secy. CHICAGO. ILL—Mississippi Valley Medi- cal Association. Sept. 12. 1S99. Henry E. Tuley, M.D.. Ill W. Kentucky St., Louis- ville. Ky.. secy. CINCINNATI. 0. -National Association of Stove Manufacturers. May, 1S99. CINCINNATI. O.—Triennial Meeting General Grand Chapter. September. 1900. CINCINNATI. O.—Saengerfeat Jubilee. 1899. CINCINNATI. O.—National Association Mas- ter House Painters & Decorators of United States. Feb. 7. 1S99 . Joel Kennedy, Cincin- nati. O.. secy.-treas. CINCINNATI. O.—State Conference of Chari- ties and Corrections. May, 1S99. Joseph P. Bvers, Columbus, O.. secy. CINCINNATI. O.—Christian Women's Hoard of Missions. Oct. 12 to 14. 1M>9. Lois A. White, 307 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind., secy. CINCINNATI. O.—Christian Church Conven- tion. October. 1S99. B. L. Smith. Y. M. C. A. BIdg.. Cincinnati. O.. secy. CINCINNATI. O.—Christian Church Conven- tion. Oct. 12 to 20. 1S99. B. L Smith. Y. M. C. A. BIdg., Cincinnati, O- secy. CINCINNATI. O.—National Association of Manufacturers. January, 1S99. E. P. Wil- son. Room A. Chamber ot Commerce. Cin- cinnati. 0-. secy. CINCINNATI. O.—Traveling Engineers' As- sociation. Sept. 12. 1899. W. O. Thompson. Elkhart, Ind., secy. CINCINNATI. O.—National Association of Implement & Vehicle Manufacturers. Oc- tober. 1S99. O. D. Frary. West Pullman. Chicago, 111., secy. CINCINNATI. O.—National Alliance. Theat- rical Stage Employes ot United Slates and Canada. June 19, 1S99. Lee W. Hart, gen'l secy.-treas. CINCINNATI. O—Biennial Convention of Bavarian Societies of North America. 1599. Valentine Bluepleln, secy.. Buffalo, N. Y. CINCINNATI, O.—Old Volunteer Firemen'* Life Association. Feb. 22. 1899. CIRCLEVILLE. O.—I. O. O. F. Convention. July. 1S99. C. H. Tyner, Columbus. O- secy. CLARKSVILLE. TENN.—Grand Lodge of Tennessee. I. O. O. F. Oct- IS. 1S99. J. R. Harwell. Nashville. Tenn.. secy. CLEVELAND. O.—National Paint. Oil & Var- nish AssociaUon. Oct. 10 to 12. 1899. Dr. Van Ness Person. 84 La Salle St.. Chicago, 111., secy. CLEVELAND. O.—Dairy Convention. Dec. 6, 1898. CLEVELAND. O.—Association of Assistant Physicians of Hospitals for Insane. Feb. 20 to 24. 1899. Irwin H. Nell. M.D.. Fon- tiac, Mich. CLEVELAND, O.—Ohio State Hotel Associa- tion. Dec. 8. 1S9S. F. M. Lewis, 35 Burt St.. Cleveland. O., secy. CLEVELAND. O.—Ancient ScotUsb Rite Su- preme Council. Aug. 1. 1899. Magnus L Robinson. Alexandria. Va.. secy. CLEVELAND. O.—R. and S. Masters' State Council. Sept. 26. 1899. Wm. E. Evans. Chillicothe. O.. Grand Recorder. CLEVELAND. O.—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chapter. Sept. 27. 1899. Chas. C. Klcfer. Urbana, O.. secy. CLEVELAND. O.—National Anti-Saloon Con- vention. Dec. 6 to 8. Jas. L. Ervln, Box 9°, Washington. D. C. secy. CLINTON. IOWA—Knights & Ladles of Golden Crescent. Dec. 6. E. F. Frlck. Clinton. Iowa. secy. COLLEGE STATION. TEX.—Texas Farmers' Congress. July. 1899. D. O. Lively. Ft. "Worth, Tex., secy. COLUMBIA. MO.—State Horticultural Meet- ing. Dec. 6 to 8. 1898. L. A. Goodman. Westport. Mo., secv. COLUMBIA, MO.—Missouri Press Associa- tion. Dec. 8 and 9. 1898. COLUMBIA. S. C—Y. M. C. A. Fair and Fete. Dec. 12 to 17. W. L Hatch, man- ager. Exhibits Invited. COLUMBUS. O.—Grand Chapter. Order of Eastern Star. Oct. 10. 1S99. Mrs. Ella I). Shearer. Marysville, O.. secy. COLUMBUS. O.—Standard Delaine Merino Association. 1899. S. M. Cleaver. East Bethlehem. Pa., secy. COLUMBUS. O.—American Medical Associa- tion. 1899. Dr. Joseph M. Matthews, pres., Louisville. Ky. COLUMBUS. O.—Ohio Trap Shooters' Lea-cue Tournament. June 7 to 9. 1899. J. C. Por- terficld. Columbus. O.. secy. DANVILLE. QUE.. CAN.—Grand Lodge; I. O. G. T. September, 1899. J. W. Roch. 396 A. St. Domlnloue St.. Montreal, secy. DAVENPORT. IA.—Grand Chapter of Iowa O. E. S. Oct. 25 and 26. 1S99. Mrs. Maria iJackson, Council Bluf via., secv. DAYTON, TENN*.—Synod of Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Tennessee. Oct. 16 to 20. 1899. Rev. P. M. Fitzgerald. Mc- Kenzie. Tenn.. clerk. DEOATUP.. ILL—Grand Lodge. I. O. O. T. Oct. 10, 1899. R. J. Hazlolt, Rockford. Ill- secy. DECORAH. IOWA—Norwegian-Danish Press Association. June, 1899. S. Sorcnsen, Min- neapolis. Minn— secy. DELAWARE. O.—Ohio Music Teachers' As- sociation. Dec. 27 to 29. C. M. Jacobus, Delaware. O- secv. DELAWARE. O.—Catholic Knights of Ohio. Sept. 11, 1S99. M. J. Manly, Delaware. O- secy. DENVER. COL.—National Live Stock Con- vention. January. 1899. DENVER. COL.—Railroad Commissioners. 1899. " % "VER, COL.—American Association' of Traveling PaBsengcr Agents. September. '<""•<» T,. W. Landman. Columbus. O.. secv. DENVER. COL.—Concatenated' Order of the Hoo-Hno. Sept. 9. 1899. J. H. Balrd. Nash- ville. Tenn.. scrlvenater. DENVER, COL.—Negro Press Association. August. 1899. Mrs, F. J. Jackson, Kansas City. Kas- secy. DENVER, COL.—General Assembly, Cum* berland Presbyterian Church. May 18. 1899. Rev. J. M. Hubbert, Lebanon. Tenn- secy. DENVER, COL.—State Conference of Chan ties and Corrections. Jan. 15 and 16, lhK) G. L. Stonaker, Denver, Col- secy. DES MOINES, IA.—State Traveling Men's Association. Dee. 2. 189S. F. E. Halev Box 1103. Des Moiues. la- secy. DES MOINES. IA.—Iowa Millers' Associa- tion. Jan. 17. 1899. J. C. Van Meter, !>.- Sola, la- secy. DES MOINES. IOWA—Brotherhood of Locn- motive Firemen. September, 1900. F. W Arnold. Peoria, 111- eecy. DETROIT, MICH.—National Erangellzattos Union. 1898. Rev. F. Mason, secy.. North New York. DETROIT. MICH.—Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. May, 1899. John Williams. Pittsburg. Pa- secy, and treac. DETROIT. MICH.—National Insurance Com- missioners* Association. Sept. 1 or 2, 1SJ*9. John M. Pattlson. Cincinnati. O- pres. DETROIT. MICH—Society ot American Florists. W. J. Stewart. Boston, Mass secy. Aug. 15. 1S99. Dt-iTKOIT, MICH.—"Road Masters' Associa- tion." Sept. 12. 1S99. J. II. Dlckerson. Ster- ling. Ill— secy.-treas. DETROIT. MICH—Sona of Veterans. 1899 DETROIT. MICH.—I. O. O. F. Sovereign Grand Lodge. Sept. 18 to 23. 1899. J. Frank Grant. 25 N. Liberty st- Baltimore. Md. secy. DETROIT. MICH.—Odd Fellows' Internation- al Press Association. September, 1899. John W. Bourlet. Concord. N. II- secy. DETROIT. MICH.—Michigan Hardware As- sociation. July 12 and 13. 1S99. Henry C. Minnie. Eaton Rapldi, Mich- secy. DETROIT. MICH.—Supreme Court. Foresters of America- Aug. -2. 1899. E. M. McNurly Box 12. Brooklyn. N. Y- secy. DETROIT. MICH.—Supreme Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F. September. 1899. DETROIT. MICH.—National Canned Goods Packers' AssociaUon. Western Canned Goods Packers' AssociaUon. Canning Ma- chinery and Supplies AssociaUon. Feb- ruary. 1S99. DETROIT. MICH.—National Pythian Press Association. October. 1899. DETROIT. MICH.—International Typograph- ical Union. Aug. 14. 1S99. J. W. Bramwood, Room 7. DeSoto Block. Indianapolis, lnd- secy. DETROIT. MICH.—American Railway Asso- ciation. April 12. 1899. W. F. Allen. 24 Park Place. New York City. secy. DETROIT. MICH.—International Christian Endeavor Convention. July 5 to 10, 1S99. W. H. Strong. 134 Jefferson ave.. Detroit. Mich- chairman. DIXON. ILL—Northern Illinois Teacher*' Association. April ZS and 29. 1899. C. F. Phllbrook. Rorhelie. Ill- secy. DOVER. N. H.—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. Oct. IS. 1S99. Chas. B. Spofford. Claremont. N. H- secy. DUBLIN. GA-Georgia Weekly Press Asso- ciation. July. 1899. W. A. Shackleford. Lexington. Gs_. secy. DURHAM. N. C—Pharmaceutical Associa- tion. May. 1899. H. R. Home. Fayelte- vllle. N. C. ELLENSBURG. WASH.—Dairy Convention. Dec. 28 to 30. 1SSS. EL RENO. OKLAHOMA—Grand Lodge. I. O. O. K. Oct. IS. 1SS9. J. B. May. EI Reno. Okla.. secy. EUCLID. O.—State Horticultural Society. Dec. 7 to 9. 1SS8. W. W. Farnswortb. Watervllle. O.. srry. EUREKA, KAS.—Emporia District Epworth League. August, 1899. G. L Darby. How- ard. Kan., secy. FALL RIVER. MASS.—New England Label Conference. Oct. 4. 1£99. T. F. Tracy. 14 Hudson St.. Boston. Mass. FRANKFORT. IND.—Supreme Lodge of 'Moo«e. Kebruarv. (second Tuesday 1. 1900. M. O. Kelly. Crawfordsvllle. Ind- secy. FRANKLIN. MASS.—Massachusetts Univer- salis! Convention. Sept. 26 lo 28. 1899. Rev. F. W. Sprague. 30 West at.. Boston, Mass- sccv. FRANKLIN MASS.—Y. P. S. C. U. State Convention. Sept. 22. 1899. Miss Josle S. Newman, fleverlv. Ma«n.. secv. FREDERICK CITY. MD.—United Brethren Church of United States and Europs Cen- fennlal Celebration. 1901. FREMOVT. NEB.—Dairy Convention. Dec. ?o "~ 72 FPEPVO. CAL— Ill*h Coii't c-f California t n. F. net. in. l«99 W. H ~Vrr». 49.50 Phillips Block. Los Angeles. Cal- secy. FT. WAYNE IND—North Indians Teach- ers' Aaaoelatlon. April. 1899. W. C. Bell- mpn Hemmnnf". Ind.. pres. FT wof-TH. Tt-rx.—•=•-—.ers' National Con- •»re»s Pee 6 to 14. 1R9«. FT. WORTH. TEXAS—Farmer-* National Consre.a. Jebn M St-hl. 4*118'M'y a v.. Chlrnro, III., aerr. Dec. 6 to 14. 1898 ptn.Trv-.* Mn_pn>« T«ae»>er»* Afwocla'len nee. •>« to »9. 18911. O. II. Winston. Ful- ton. Mr*., recv. rjAtvp*<JVU.t V,. n^ —riintount*-. Convention, .titlv 4 to 20. 1S99. H.W. Van Hoose. Oslncs- --I1|e. C"p.. Hf>rv. OAt.vtrpTOV. TFV.-T«»im l.lve Sleek Af>s"- einiion. Jan. in and 11. 1899. Varies P. T»-ewn. Cwti An*nnto Tev.. secv. or»t*vji"-*t.-tri> v V.—Dalrv Convention. .Tun. 25 to 28 1898 GRAND ISLAND NE".—""neral nlreeie's ef v„t, r> ,v,_ j Iln „ i3_ 1R99 peter Bell. Norfolk. Neb., seev. 0"»vp TtAPina MICH.—Dairy Convention. Feb. 1 to 3. 1899. GRAND RAPlna. MICH.— P'ale Firemen'* Convention. 1891. Geo. L. Qrsy. secy, and treat".. La Peer. Mich. FOR SALE. A living slx-Wtr-d sheen l'o«ir lei-" In front two hehlnt'. A Rood store room show CHEAP. Address, e. H FEOPPEL, H0LLIDAY8BUR0,, PA. THE BILLBOARD 29 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—Michigan Retail Grocers' Association. February, 1899. E. A. Stowe, Grand Rapids, Mich- secy. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—Pythian Grand Lodge. 1899. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—National American Woman's Suffrage Association. April 27 to May 2, 1899. Rachel Foster Avery, 119 N. 19th st- Philadelphia, Pa- secy. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.—I. O. G. T. Grand Lodge. Aug. 23, 1899. M. E. Curtis, Big Rapids, Mich- secy. GREENSBORO. N. C—North Carolina State Firemen's Association. Aug. 1 to 6, 1899. Dr. J. W. Griffith. Greensboro. N. C- secy. GUELPH. ONT- CAN'.—Ontario Beekeepers' Association. Dec. 6 to 8, 1898. W. Couse, Streetsvllle, Ont.. secy. GUELPH. ONT- CANADA—Cheese & But- ter- Association of Western Ontario. Jan. 17 to 19. 1899. HARTFORD. CONN.—Jr. O. U. A. M. State Council. Sept. 26. 1899. E. W. Bell, 53 S. High St.. New Britain, Ct- secy. HARRISBURG. PA.—Traveling Men's Club. February. 1899. Fred L. Morganthaler. secy. HARRIS LITHIA SPRINGS, S. C—South Carolina Press Association. June. 1899. C. C. Langston, Anderson. S. C- secy. HARTFORD. CONN.—Gtand Lodge. K of P. of Connecticut. Oct. 17 and 18. 1899. II. O. Case. 39 Pearl St.. Hartford, Conn. HARTFORD. CONN.—K. of H. Grand Lodge. Oct. 23. Ik99. Chas. W. Skill. Danbury, Conn- secy. HARTFORD. CONN.—National Prison Asso- ciation of United States. September. 1899. Rev. J. L Milllgan. Allegheny. Pa- secy. HARTFORD. CONN.—Connecticut Dairy- men's Association. Jan. 18 to 20. 1899. HARTFORD. CONN.—Bricklayers' & Masons' International Union. Jan. 9 to 20. 189». Frank McLaughlin. 2S9 Capitol ave- Sta. A- Hartford. Conn- secy. HASTINGS. NEB.—I. O. O. F.. Grand Lodge. Oct. 17. 1899. Will II. Love. Lincoln. Neb. HASTINGS. NEB.—Rebekah State Assembly of Nebraska. Oct. 18. 1899. Emma Talbot. S. Omaha, Neb- secy. HINTON. W. VA.—United Order American Mechanics. Oct. 12. 1899. W. J. Mitchell. Box 606. Wheeling. W. Va- seer".' HOBOKEN. N. J.—High Court of New Jer- sey. Independent Order of Foresters. Sep- tember. 1!S99- John II. Davis. 1129 Hampton Place, Elizabeth. N. J- secy. HOLYOKE. MASS.—Pharmaceutical Society. June. 1S99. Jas. F. Guerln. Worcester, secy. HOT SURINGS. ARK.—Phsrmsceutlcal As- sociation. May 9. 1899. John B. Bond, Jr., Little Rock. secy. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—National Carriage Builders' Attoclatlon. October. 1S99. Henry C. McLear. Wilmington. Del- secv. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—NsUonal ConYenUon Epworth League. 1S99. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Grand Temple. Rath- bone Sisters. Oct. 10. 1SS9. Dr. Mabel Teague, 116 N. Senate ave- Indianapolis, Ind- secy. _ INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—I. O. G. T- Grand Lodge of Indiana. Oct. 18 and 19. 1899. B. A. Harding. Shelbyvl'.le. Ind- secy. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Indiana Horticultu- ral Society. Dec 6 lo 8. 1S9S. James Troop. Lafayette. Ind- secy. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Grand Council, R. * S. Matters. Oct. 17 and 18. 1899. Grand Chapter of R. A. Masons. Oct. IS and 19. 1899. Wm. H. Smythe. Indianapolis, Ind— secy. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Indiana B. Y. P. U. State Convention. Oct. II to 17. 1899. Rev. D. H. Cooper. Peru. Ind. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—K. and L of H- Grand Lodge. Nov. T. 1S99. W. B. Has- sotj. Jelfersonvllle. Ind-. secy. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—National Association of Mexlcsn War Veterans. September. 1899. W. R. Smith. Lexington. Ry., secy, and treas. ': _.. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Inxsrnallonal Bill Posters' Association ot the United States and Canada. July. 1899. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—PharmsceuUcal As- sociation. Feb., '99. IOWA CITY. IA.—Iowa Engineering Society. Jan. IS and 19. 1S99. E. P. Boynton, Cedar Rapids. la- secy. JACKSONVILLE. FLA.—Grand Lodge. F. & A. M. Jan. 17 lo 19, 1899. W. P. Webster, Jacksonville. FIs. JEFFERSON CI «'Y, MO.—Phsrmaceutical Association. June 6. 1899. II. M. Whelp- ley. St. Louis, secy. JERSEY CITY. N. J.—Y. P. C. IT. Stste Con- vention. Oct. 12. 1S99. Rev. C. H. Vail. HlKhslown. N. J- icry. JOLIET. ILL.— Synod of Presbyterian Church. Oct. 20. IS99. Rev. D. S. Johnson. Hinsdale, III- stated clerk. JOLIKT. ILL.—Building Association Lesgue of Illinois. Oct. 19. 1899. 11. G. Vascn, Quincy. Ill- secy. KANSAS CITY, KAS.—Missouri t Kansas Short-Horn Breedera* Association. Feb. 15, 1899. Will Gentry. Sedalla. Mo., secy. KANSAS CITY. MO.—American FederaUon of Labor. December, 1898. Frank Morrison, sscy. KANSAS CITY. MO.—Missouri snd Kansss Short-Horn Breeders' Association. Feb. 15, 1899. W. B. Brush, secy- Station A, Kan- sas City. Mo. KANSAS CITY. MO.—MUsourl Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F. Oct. 2 to S. 1S99. J. W. Ed- wards, Jefferson City. Mo- secy. KANSAS CITY. MO.—State Universalis! Con- vention. Oct. 6. 1R99. Ed. C. Crow. Bowl- ing Green. Mo- secy. KANSAS CITY. MO.—Associated Labor Press of America. Dec. 6. 1898. S. S. Bonbrlght, Cincinnati, n., secy. KANSAS CITY. MO.—Missouri Amateur Shooting Association. Washington Park Gun Club, of Kansas City. Walter Brunt, «eev.. Kseuss City. Mo. 1899. KANSAS CITY. MO.—Catholic Knights of America. May 9. 1899. Jos. C. Carroll. Mon- roe Rldg.. Norfolk. Va. KEENE, N. 11.—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge ot N. II. Oct. 11. 1899. Joseph Kidder, Box 94, Manchester, N. 11- secy. KINGSTON. ONT- CANADA—Cheese & But- ter Association of Eastern Ontario. Jan. 10 to 12. 1899. R. G. Murphy, Elgin. Ill- secy. LAFAYETTE. IND.—Indiana State Court of aCthollc Order of Foresters. August, 1899. LAKBWOOD, N. J.—State Sanitary Associa- tion. Dec. 9 and 10, 1898. Dr. J. A. Exton, Arlington, N. J- secy. LANCASTER, PA.—State Convention, Grand Lodge, K. of P.. Aug. 16. 1899. Milton C Tyscn. Lebanon, Pa., secy. LAWRENCE. KAN.—Pharmaceutical Soci- ety. May. 1899. F. A. Snow. Topeka. secy. LINCOLN, NEB.—Knights of Pythias. Grand Lodge. Sept. 12, 1899. Will H. Love, Lin- coln. Neb- secy. LINCOLN, NEB.—Nebraska State Horticul- tural Society. Jan. 10. 1899. C. H. Bar- nard. Table Rock. Neb- secy. LINCOLN. NEB.—Western Travelers' Acci- dent Association. Sept. 30, 1899. Arthur L. Sheetz. Omaha, Neb- secy. LITCHFIELD. MINN.—Minnesota Cheese- makers' Association. Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 LITTLE ROCK. ARK.—Rebekah Assembly of Arkansas. Oct. 24, 1899. Mrs. Medora A. Held, 1109 W. 4th ft- Little Rock, Ark- secy. LITTLE ROCK, ARK.-Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F. Oct. 24, 1899. J. B. Friedhelm, Cam- den, Ark- secy. LITTLE ROCK. ARK—State Assembly of Arkansas Knights of Labor. Jan. 17. 1899. John II. Robertson. Little Rock, Ark., secy. LIVERPOOL. ENGLAND—United Bill Post- ere' Association. August. 1899. LOGANSPORT. IND.—Seventy-third Indiana Regiment of Civil War Veterans. 1899. LONG BRANCH. N. J.— State Firemen's Convention. September. 1899. Isaac Wies- enthal. Chief Engineer. LOUISVILLE. KY.—Grand United Order of Odd Fellows. Oct. 4. 1899. Geo. E. Tem- ple, 2341 Washington st- St. Louis, Mo., secv. LOUISVILLE. KY.—Kentucky Educational Association. Dec. 27 to 29. 1S98. H. M. Gunn. Cllntonville, Ky- secy. LOUISVILLE.. KY.—Royal Arch Masons, Grand Chapter. Oct- 10. 1899. Henry B. Grant, 4th and Green sts- Louisville, Ky- secy. LOUISVILLE. KY-—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge of Kentucky. Oct. 17 to 20. 1S99. H. B. Grant. Louisville. Ky- secy. LOUISVILLE. KY.—T. P. A. ConvenUon. 1899. Charles R. Dumn. national pres., Terre Haute. Ind.: Louis T. Le Beaume, secy- St. Louts. LOUISVILLE. KY.—Grand Encampment. Knights Templar. August, (fourth Tues- dsy). 1901. Reuben H. Lloyd, San Francisco. Ca!.. Grand Master. LOUISVILLE. KY.—Louisville Columbar- ian Association. W. H. Adams, secy. Nov. 30 to Dec. 3. LOS ANGELES. CAL.—Independent Order of Foresters. Supreme Court. 1899. LYNN. MASS.—National Convention, Y. P. S. C. E. of Unlversallst Church. July 12 to 19. 1899. Alfred J. Cardall, 30 West st- Bostrn. Mass.. secy. MACON. GA.—Dairy Convention. Dec. 7.1898. MACON. GA.—Brotherhood Railway Track- men of America. Dec. 5. 1898. John F. Wilson. 2212 Olive st- St. Louis. Mo- secy. MADISON. WIS.—Wisconsin Cheesemakers' Association. Feb. 1. 1899. MADISON. WIS.—Mutual Fire Underwriters' Association. Feb. 7. 1S99. Geo. H. Has- tings. Watertown. Wis. MARQUETTE, MICH.—Firemen's Conven- tion. Louts Vertsch. chief. Houghton, Mich. Aug. 2 to 5. 1999. MAYSVILLE. KY-—Grand Encampment. Odd Fellows. May. 1899. MEMPHIS. TENN.—Christian Missionary Convention. Oct. 3. 1899. A. I. Myler. Nas-hvllle. Tenn- secy. MEMPHIS. TENN.—National Association of Post Office Clerks. Sept. 4, 1899. Wm. Ag- new. Cleveland. O- secy. MEMPHIS. TENN>-Southern Surgical & Gvnecological Association. Dec. 6 to S. 1S98. Dr. W. E. B. Davis. Birmingham. Ala- peev. MEXICO. MO.—State Industrial ExposlUon. Dec II to 17. 1898. MILNER. GA.—Cabin Creek Bantlst Assecla- tlon. Sept. 27. 1899. N. E. Blanton, For- svth. Ga- secy. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Associated BUI Posters of United States. July 4. 1899. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—Wisconsin State Un- dertakers' Association. September. 1899. George L Thomas. 467 Milwaukee st- Mil- waukee. Wis., secy. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—National Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. 1899. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—Western Gas Associa- tion. 18S9. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—General Federation of Women's Clubs. Biennial Meeting. May, 1900. Mrs. Emma A. Fox. 'H Bagley ave- Detrolt. Mich- recv. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—Wisconsin., Teachers' Association. Dec. 27 to 29. Supt. Myron E. Keats. Fond du Lac. Wis- secy. MILWAUKEE. WIS. — Wlfconsln Retail Hardware Dealers' Association. Feb. 1. 1899. C. A. Peck. Berlin. Wis- secy. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—National Eisteddfod. January. 1899. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Independent Order of Foresters. Grand Lodve. Feb. 8, 1S99. A. E. Renlllard. Minneapolis, Minn- 501 6th st- South, secy. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F. of Minnesota. Dec. 26 to 28. 1S98. G. I-nrensen. 691 Mississippi st., St. Paul, Minn- grand secv. ■ > MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—Rathbone Sisters. Sept. 16. 1899. Mrs. Carrie Hoag, Centraf*, Ave.. St. Paul- Minn- secy. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—American Public Health Association. November. 1S99. Dr. C. O. Probst. Columbus. O- secy. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Jr. O. U. A. M. Na- tional Conncll. June 12 to 16. 1S99. K. S. ■' Deemer. Box 766. Philadelphia, Pa- secy. MOBILE. ALA.—Frei-ht Claim Association. May 3, 1899. W. P. Taylor. Richmond. Va- MONTGOMERY. ALA.—R. A. M- Grand Chapter of Alabama. Dec. 5. 1898. H. Clay Armstrong, Montgomery, Ala- secy. MONTREAL, QUEBEC. CAN.—Trades & La- bor Congress. September, 1899. Geo. W. Dower, 11 Louisa st— Toronto, secy. MOORESVILLE, IND.—Dairy Convention. Dec. 14 and 15, 1898. C. S. Plumb. Lafay- ette, Ind., secy. MOUNT VERNON—Anniversary Celebration of Washington's Death Day, by Masonic Fraternity. (Estimated attendance, 10,0001. Dec. 14. 1899. NASHVILLE, TENN.—Grand Lodge, Knights of Honor. Second Wednesday in October, secy. NASHVILLE. TENN.—A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge. Sept- 20. 1900. J. H. Thompson, 411% Union st- Nashville. Tenn., secy. NASHVILLE, TENN.—National Baptist Con- vention (Colored). Sept. 13, 1899. Wm. N. Steward, Louisville, Ky- secy. NEWARK, N. J.—New Jersey State Council, C. B. L. Oct. 10, 1S99. John J. Ghegan, 210 Garside St., Newark, N. J- secy. NEW BRITAIN, CONN.—State Federation of Women's Clubs. Dec. 6 and 7. Dotha Stone Pinneo, Norwalk, Conn- secy. NEW BRITAIN, CONN.—I. O. G. T. Grand Lodge. September. 1899. Mrs. Florence A. Screen, 101 Pleasant st- New Britain, Conn- secy. NEW CASTLE. PA.—Grand Lodge. A. O. U. W. September. 1900. O. K. Gardner, 2201 Wylie ave- Pittsburg, Pa. NEW HAVEN, CONN.—C. B. L State Coun- cil of Connecticut. Sept. 19, 1899. Jas. Scanton, 115 Smally st— New Britain, Conn., secy. NEW HAVEN, CONN.—National Convention of Knights of Columbus. March 7, 1899. Daniel J. Colweil, Poll BIdg- New Haven, Conn., secy. N'SW HAVEN, CONN.—American Economic Association. Dec. 27 to 29, 1898. Walter T. Wilcox. Ithaca. N. Y- secy. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—National Electrotyp- ers" Association. September. 1899. J. H. Ferguson. New York City. secy. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—United Typothetae of America. 1899. J. Sterns Cushlng, Nor- wood, Mass., secy. NEW ORLEANS, LA.—National League of Commission Merchants. Jan. 11, 1899. A. Warren Patch, 17 N. Market st- Boston, Mass.. secy. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—Southern Educational Association. Dec. 27 to 31. Geo. B. Cook, Hot Springs, Ark- secy. NEW ORLEANS, LA.—Brotherhood of R. R. Trainmen. May, 1899. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—National AssociaUon of Master Plumbers. 1899. NEWPORT, N. H.—Y. P. S. C. E. State Con- vention. Oct. 1 to 6. 1899. Frank W. Lund, Nashua, N. H- secy. NEW YORK CITY—Eastern Retail Butchers' Association. Aug. 1 to 5, 1899. F. J. Wal- lace. Meriden. Conn- secy. NEW YORK CITY—Ayrshire Breeders' Asso- ciation. January. 18991 C. M. Winslow, Brandon. Vt- secy. NEW YORK CITY—American Folk Lore So- ciety. Dec. 28 and 29. Dr. Franz Boaz, 123 W. 82d St.. New York City. secy. NEW YORK CITY—American Society Me- chanical Engineers. Nov. 29 to Dec. 2. 1898. Prof. F. R. Hutton, 12 W. 31st St., N. Y. City, secy. . NEW YORK CITY—American Psychological Association. Dec. 28 to 30, 1S98. Livingston Farrand. secy. NEW YORK CITY—State Medical Associa- tion of N. Y. Oct. 24 to 26, 1899. M. C. O'Brien. 161 W. 122d st- N. Y. City. secy. C. E. Denison. 113 W. 12th st- N. Y. City, secy, of arrangement committee. NEW YORK CITY—National Sanitary Asso- ciaUon. Thos. E. Neal. (Board of Health Offlcel. AUanta. Ga- secy. December. 1898. NEW YORK CITY—Society of the Cincinnati May. 1899. NSW YORK CITY—Worthy Grand Temple. Templars of Liberty of America. Jan. 10. 1S99. John McClurg, Jr., 2 W. 34th st., New York City. NEW YORK. N. Y.—Mvstic Order Veiled Prophets. October, 1S99. Sidney D. Smith, Hamilton, N. Y- secy. NIAGARA FALLS—Pan-American Exposl- Uon. May 1 to Nov. 1. 1899. R. C. Hill, secy.. Buffalo. N. Y. NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y.—United States League of Local Building and Loan Asso- ciations. July 26. 1899. H. F. Cellarlus, - Cincinnati. O.. secy. NORTH ADAMS. MASS.—FederaUon of La- bor. Aug.. '99. „ „ NORWICH. VT.—State Council. Jr. O. U. A. M. Oct. 4, 1S99. F. W. Hawley, Norwich. OKLAHOMA CITY. OKLA.—Pharmaceutical AssociaUon. 1899. Edwin DeBarr. Guth- rie. Okla- secy. OMAHA. NEB.—Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. September. 1899. September. 1899. A. H. Noyes, secy. ... OMAHA. NEB.—Surgical and Geneologlcal AssociaUon. Dec 26 to 29. G. H. Simmons, secy- Lincoln. Neb. OMAHA. NEB.—Nebraska & Western Iowa Implement Dealers' Association. Jan. 3 to 5. 1S99. OSAGE CITY, KAN.—Great Counc'l of Kan- sas. I. O. R. M. Oct. 17. 1S99. C. A. Wolf, Atchison. Kan- secy. OTTAWA. ONT- CANADA—Allied Printing Crafts Union. June. 1899. OVERBROOK. KAN.—Kansas State Grange. Dec. 13 to 17, 1S9S. Geo. Black, Olathe. Kan., secy. PADUCAH. KY.—I. O. O. F- Grand Lod»e. Oct. 10, 1S99. R. G. Elliott, Lexington, Ky- secv. ■PARIS, FRANCE—NaUonal Editorial Asso- * elation. 1900. PASADENA. CAL.—Tournament of Roses. Jan.,1. 1899. M. H. Weight. Pasadena, Cal.. prfel. .PEORIA. ILL.—United Association. Journey- V : men'.Plumbers. Gas Fitters. Steam Fitters & ► Steam Helpers. Sept. IS. 1899. J. Spencer, « Kll Ogden BIdg- Chicago. III., secy. PEORIA. ILL—United Order of Plumbers of United States and Canada. September. 1899. W. J. Spencer. Chicago, secy.-treas. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Pharmaceutical As- sociaUon. June, '99. J. A. Miller, secy., Harrisburg, Pa. PHILADELPHIA, PA.-Grand Army of the Republic 1899. Col. Jas. A. Sexton, com- mander-in-chief. PHILADELPHIA. PA. — National Army Nurses' Association. 1S99. Miss Kate Scott, Pennsylvania, secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA. — Women's Relief Corps. 1899. Mrs. Flo Jamieson Miller, . Montlcello, III- nat. pres. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Ladies of the G. A. R. 1899. Mrs. Annie Esher, Chicago, nai. secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—PatrioUc Order of America. Oct. 24. 1899. Theo. Harris, Phil- adelphia, Pa., secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Knights of Malta, Oct. 17. 1899. Frank Gray, Broad and Arch sts- Philadelphia. Pa- secy. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Daughters of Veter- ans. 1899. Mrs. Vinne Bond Willis, of Massachusetts, secy. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—California Volunteer Association. 1899. Capt. Geo. H. Petter, Providence, R. I- secy, and treas. PHILADELPHIA, PA.— Veteran Signal Corps Association. 1899. C. W. D. Marny, Boston, Mass.. secy, and treas. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—International Com- mercial Congress. June. 1899. PIERRE. S. D.—South Dakota Editors" Asso- ciation. January, 1899. J, F. Halliday, Ira-: quols. S. D- secy. PITTSBURG. PA.—Master Horseshoers" Con- vention. Oct. 9. 1899. W. J. Moore, Oak- land ave- Pittsburg. Pa- secy. « PITTSBURG. PA.—Dorset Horn Sheep Breed- ers' AssociaUon of America. Jan. 10. 1899. M. A. Cooper. Washington. Pa- secy. PITTSBURG. PA.—Y. W. C. A. State Con- vention. Jan. 26 to 30, 1899. Miss Emma Hays, 2C5 Washington ave., Scranton, Pa- secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—Columbian Philatelic So^ clety. January, 1899. H. C. Crowell. 208 Superior st- Cleveland, O- secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—International Astronomic- al Congress. May, 1900. C. W. Scovil. secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—Biennial ConvenUon ot the Knights and Ladies of Honor ot Penn- sylvania. 1899. Grand secy.. Fred Voelcker, Philadelphia. PITTSBURG, KAN.—O. D. H. S. Grand- Lodge. Nov. 21, 1899. John Jacobs. 1150 E. 1st St., Pittsburg, Kan., secy. PIQUA, O.—Great Council. Improved Order . of Red Men. Oct, 10 and U. 1899. W. S. Rowan. 411 Mill St.. Chillicothe. O. POPLAR SPRINGS, MD.—Grand Lodge, I. O. G. T. of Maryland. Dec. 7 and 8, 1898. Lewis D. Russell, 420 N. Strieker St. Bal- Umore. Md— secy. PORTLAND. ME.—Grand Lodge. L O. O. F. Oct. 17, 1899. Joshua Davis, Portland, Me., secy. PORTLAND, MB.—Rebekah Assembly. I. O. - O. F. Oct. 16. 1899. Grace E. Watson, Belfast. Me— secy. PORTLAND. ME.—Ladies' Loyal Orange As- sociaUon. June 13, 1899. Mrs. Christina Milllgan. 13 West st- Everett, Mass.. secyi PORTLAND, ORE.—Mining & Irrigation Con- gress. Dec. 5, 1898. C. H. Slutter, Baker City, Ore., secy. PORTLAND. ORE.—National Editorial Asso- ciation. 1899. PORT HURON. MICH.—Knights of Macca- bees. July, 1899. N. S. Boynton, Port Hu- ron, secv. PORTSMOUTH. N. H-—Universalists' Con- : vention of N. H. Oct. 3 to 5. 1899. Rev. W. H. Morrison. Manchester, N. H- secy. PORTSMOUTH. N. H.—Federation of Wom- en's Clubs of N. H. "May, 1893. Mrs. H. W. . Blair. Manchester House. Manchester, N.H.' PORTSMOUTH. N. H.—Jr. O. U. A. M- State Council. Sept. 20.1899- J. H. Noyes, Plalstow. N. H., secy. PORTSMOUTH, O.—A. O. U. W. Grand! Lodge.. Aug. 22. 1899. Walter Pickens. G* R— of Toledo. O.' • PRINCETON, ILL.—Illinois Farmers" InsU- tute. Feb. 21 to 23. 1899- Chas. F. Mills.: Springfield. Ill- secy. PUT-IN-BAY, O.—National AssociaUon of Photo-Engravers. 1899. C. C. Cargill, Grand Rapids, Mich- secy. PUT-IN-BAY, O.—Master House Painters' A Decorators* AssociaUon. July, 1899. W. J, Albreeht, Toledo, O- secy.-treas. RACINE. WIS.—Danish Brotherhood in America. Oct. 1. 1902. Vlggo A. Daniel- son, Sta. G, 885 N. Campbell ave.; Chicago, i Ill- secy. READING. PA.—Reunion of the Societ" of . the 124th Regiment, Pa. Volunteers. Sept. : 16, 1899. C. P. Keech, Philadelphia. Pa.. seev. RICHMOND, VA.—Southern Philatelic Asso- ciation. October, 1S99. W. C. Lowry, AM- : lene. Tex. , . ■ -'■''-< RICHMOND. VA.—American Union Hebrew - ■ AssociaUon. Dec. 6; 189S. Llpman Levyi Esq.. Cincinnati. O- secy. ROANOKE. VA.—Virginia State Firemen's Association. Sept. 27. -1899. George -G; Cummlngs. 210 Lincoln st- Portsmouth, . Va.. secv. ROCHESTER. N. Y.—State American Merino Sheep Breeders' Association. Dec. 13 and 14, 1898. J. H. Earll, Skaneateles. N. Y., secy. ROCKFORD, ILL.—Y. P. - S. C. E. State Convention. Oct, 5 to 8. 1899. Miss Nellie M. Blair. 208 Illinois ave- Peoria. Ill- secy. ROME, N. Y.—United American Mechanics. Sept. 12, 1899. John Senner. 1341 Arch st,. Philadelphia. Pa., natl. secy. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH—State Medical Association of Utah. October. 1899. Dr. R. W. Fisher. Salt Lake City. Utah. secy. ' SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.—Grand Encamp- ment, I. O. O. F. Oct. 17. 1899. , Wm. H. Barnes, Odd Fellows* Hall, San Francisco^ Cal- secy. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL—Episcopal Conven ' »i<-.o. 190". SAN FRANCISCO. CAL—Northern Baptist Convention. 1899. SCRANTON. PA.—State Council. Jr. O. U. A. M. Sent. 11 to 15, 1899. E. S. Deemer, Box 766. Philadelphia. Pa- secy. SCRANTON, PA.—State Council. Daughters ot America. Sept, IS, 1899. T. A. Gerblg. Scranton. Pa- secv. SCRANTON. PA-—Letter Carriers' Associa- tion. Sept. 4, 1899. F. J. Cantwell. -Brook- lyn, N, Y..~ secy. ;. : , "'-■■■•■