Billboard advertising (Feb 1899)

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THE BILLBOARD Bill Posting and Circus Paste Brush. n only to ourselves, r CHINA BRISTLES are more elastic a her: consequently our MIKADO Brush v it than a * MIKADOS ARE GUARANTEED. They at icavy metal edge protectors anil arc great paste holdets. Used, mum, Forepaugh and other leading shows, and highly re com- id by Mr. R. C Campbell, Chicago. Send the price and get a sample mi 9 inches Wide. 5>i in. long ('3-50 per iloi $1.15 each. S Ji in. long. $28.00 per do* fi.50 each. Sji in. long, heavy $32.50 per dot 53.15 each: 5?* in. long, ex. heavy $34.00 per dot... (3.50 each. 5% in. long, ex. ex. heavy. ..$42.00 per doz $4.00 each. RENNOUS, KLEINLE A CO.. Sole Manufacture re, Baltimere.Nd. GOOD SERWCE/ THE AMERICAN CO., GOOD BOARDS l GOOD TOWNS I — Bill Posters and Distributors. *'"™ d ' Fi^vru^cn. Lock Box 32, BOWLING GREENE, OHIO. ThBE.LKinnsman 1 ^, 8 TJp-b>4ate BWposte Adverting Space in Mj rs. Cj pfaH."i IJ 4 , wo ^ nccis PIEBL0,»lo JESSE MITCHELL. J. GARLICK, City— Billposter, Distributor AND ADVERTISING SIEN PAINTER, 633 Commercial Place, New Orleans. THE MANHATTAN PRESS-CLIPPING BUREAU. JOHNT.WILUAMS, SECRETARY AND MANAGER. NortljWesterij Billposting G°-> H. F. TODD, Assistant Manager. OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DISTRIBUTORS 34.6 MORRISON STREET. ST- PORTLAND, ©RE. AwYovONtOf Tmim? miMMt|S«K-' BILLPOSTIIMG OF ANY DESCRIPTION LARGE OR SHHLL QUJINTITY. Send to my address for prices and particulars. . J. CONGER, Prop, and Mar. WILL H. RGSSELL, Billposters and Distributors Located in towns which do not em- ploy all of their time, are losinK moncv by not lieing able to paint aijrna. We care not if you o« cr liadalclteringbrushin your hands, you can paint good signs with onr Letter Patterns. We are putting up outfits of letter pat- terns, cut from tough strawboard. assorted si-vrs and styles, with a view of doing the greatest amount of work with the least number cf alphabets, as follows : Each outfit consists of 10 alphabets and S sets of-figures. Price, $3.00 each. We have larger and smaller outfits at corresponding prices. Each of the outfits =sts of over 300 letters and I SIMPLE ALPHABET as they can do d CIRCULARS FREE. Exemplar Sign Works City Billposting Co. HARRY B. BUSSING, Muster. NORWALK, CONN. C. P. REYNOLDS, City HARKIMESS-SSi STOCKTON. GAL. ITHACA, MICH. Pop. 2,500. JAS. DONALDSON. Bill, uonal. stmpln mn'oal. ' ctmilin dto- Flrsllrwisslois SHI Bi End Otis. J *i» per uskW*In ad- Bill Posters' Paste Brushes. The most practical Bruin made. Copper wired and protected coreers. Improved Light Weight Block. VERY STROM, WITH SAFETY c, per doien, fe.75 en No. 1. Royal, o,inch. *>■.« No. 2, Royal, 9-incli. 51701 No. 3, Roval, 9-inch, $30.01 r __ 8-foot Curved Handles, 50 cents each. 1, (3.00 each. Walt«rD.Dhon,S!SSSS.^.«K!sn; ELDER & JENKS, ■ 127 North 61k SI., Phllad.Iphla, Pi., U. S. t.