The billboard (Feb 1899)

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THE BILLBOARD 23 The International Association of Distributors , Is an organization of honest, earnest men, who follow house-to-house dis* * tributing for a livelihood. They are banded together chiefly for the purpose of driving scamp distributors who have brought so much discredit on the calling, out of the business. TTHE service of each individual member is guaranteed by all the rest of the members. This guarantee is a good guar- antee. It a just as good as the bond of a trust company or a bank. All claims un- der the guarantee have been promptly met and paid in full. And this fact entitles the association to a standing enjoyed by no other trade organization. pVERY distributor who is a member of the International Association of Dis- tributors, bas to be a pretty good sort of a man and able to prove it. He has to give references, and the men he refers to must assert that he is honest, trustworthy and Sometimes a "bad one" slips in, but he is soon spotted and expelled, and this keeps the ranks clean. The association, as a whole, and its members individually, deserve the greatest consideration at the hands of advertisers who utilize house-to-house work in adver- tising. Hny advertiser who actually desires honest work, and patronizes non-mem- bers to the hurt of I. H. D. members, is injuring not only the association but himself as well. A Live City is Centralia, Ills. G. E. MOEHL,^% D .^;rr^' F. H. LEECH, G.HOTTING & SON, Vork Street, NEWPORT. Kv. PROFITABLE ADVERTISING 1 1 10c t>rimj a i.i.n.'r i Send far Simples gf Bill Poster'* LETTER HEADS. CROSS PRINT INS CO., CHICAGO. H. K. APPLE Billposter and Distributor INDIANA. PA. * Bill Poster Tlie EhkIisIi counterpart of Bn.LHOAHn. Subscription 501 ]WT year, post free, may be senl 5 u.,,crt P oo,,soc,n., „. c- LE hoy, uroHiis. The Ramsey Syndicate ' >I ADVERTISING CITIES. LOUISVILLE. KV. S~L NEW ALBANY, IND. Billposters. Distributers, Sip and rt^ui'r^^odisHs'bult.^i'. Good JEFFERSONVILLE, IND. BBSS; Remember when SO. McALISTER, I KREBS, ALDERSON, MclUSTER AND R1RTSH0RNE, I So. McAlisler 5.™ T YOU WANT TO EMPLOY X E J. A. MADDOX, *.™' IT SO. HdUSTER. | ■i t* Hmmii i imw w. CUerryvale McAlistex.. Office, 99^ N. Main St. MIDLAND ADVERTISING GO., JOSEPH HBID. W-n-jr. LICENSED DISTRIBUTORS, 617 Stand hi., KANSAS CITY, HO. WALTER J. STAFFORD • tl West He la (iuetra St. Santa E jim «aeE, - « e v Oltj Billpcstcr and Distributor, And Geotrai Outdoor Advertiier. Walt»tD.Di«on,5r,'.K N. rtxtiEtmAsi. MM* FRANKLIN. PA. Pipaltlrtui 9,000. ALEX. BRADLEY, City Billposter and Distributor.