The billboard (Feb 1899)

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THE BILLBOARD 25 Pictorial Posters. Block Posters.... Type Posters. CINCINNATI. English Posters- Spanish Posters- German Posters. Fine Art High-CNssHOSTERS. 4 Our Plant is equipped with modern »apid running presses, traveling cranes, and every labor saving device that has been c of late years. We can produce high-class Posters at lower prices than any other firm in America. A Full Line of Syndicated or Stock Posters tor Retailers Always on Hand. S|ri •eK I.slU. Stud for sample Spring Millinery. S^S'JStTit from 1'aris, Berlin ami Vienna. Ready Feb. IJth. | Spring Hats. SLhESJ * Spring She J ready March 1st. sheet, Lady's shoe ; four whole-sheets. All Bock Beer Posters. ^ Largest asaortincut. Finest designs. All sha|ies and Hies imaginable. Advertise this year's brew 011 Hie billboards, and watch Hie result. &utrp!es free upon application. Masquerade Balls samples of ours. They are all new, good and Poultry * Pet Stock Shows should be advertised 011 the billboards as well as in the windows. We have a very fine assort- ment of large stands suitable for this kind of exhibition, and we re They make the show a Write us about ■ If you cannot buy our posters through your city billposter, write us direct,- and send us the nance of your job printer. ~<r& MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS, ATTENTION ! < If you have a brand, a tnido mark, or.n proprietary article, that you wish to-introduce to the consumers of the country, and thereby force the jobber* lo handle, you should use posters. LISTEN! It costs less Hum any other medium. We will post every town in the United States of over 1,500 inhabitants, furnishing the posters, paying the cxprcssagc, and checking up the lists, tor the sum of $45.u:fJ. All of the country will be well billed and thoroughly nosier) for a period of 011c iiioulh. Remember Hie Tinted States is yours for a month for Jjs.cao. The Donaldson Litho. Co., Cincinnati.