Billboard advertising (Apr 1899)

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THE BILLBOARD The Billboard. - 0 .-..j.-TT^T.^ i^Tii fnfjini ii «/fijj mrwtr erJrr, rr rrriitmJ Irtlrr addmitd a.d modi Aajatlr to ■" * selous of It. knows It and feels It is something which lie knows Is not a part of Ills physical Ifeing, although closely Identified wllh It, because it and his body tiro independently of one another. When the body has been long at work, the mind being the while .Inactive, the former grows weary while the latter Is comparative- ly fresh. Conversely, nfter long, pro- tracted mental effort the mind de- mands reBt, although the body tuny not require it. On the other.hand. Hie mlud and [he mind the body. The .former Is . especially noticeable In illness, while after in- tense thought( means lo an end. Wo nn sysicmlzu them, v.-llh llie purpose of understanding tSelr relations and as- sociations and discovering the laws which govern their modes of opera- tion. To do this, we resort to experi- ment. This is a form of observation ee the agents of nature in new and different environment that we may note their action the more clearly. The reader, by looking into his. own mind, can see that upon certain Intelligence being presented to his mind that: (1) his cognitive fai-ullics ncqnlred the Intel- ligence and assimilated It. and, r-1 that the assimilation affected his emo- Heart to Heart, -Talks 'Publishers.'' MR. JOHN BR 1 SB EN WALKER.— We would like to obilge you, and would If i there wis tiny Venture .that merlteil criticism. In simple truth, though, I lie March Issue of the Cosmo- politan is as near faultless us II Is posrihle for human endeavor to make It. • Tills admission will grieve our heart for a week and n day. - COU G. B. HARVHY.-*225,000 for the North American? Wheu! If you really paid that for It. you are a farm- er, and you have bought n gold brick. Really, (leorgle. you must lie a unions Indeed to get Irnck In the business. Yon will lie hack. In earnest If yon are rselt t b any, i l- Ml sepii- It Is necessary at this stage of our Investigations lb at we take i may lie termed the Psycliolngy-of Ad- vertlcs. Psychology is the science of the mind, or rather, It Is the science which Inquires into the working of the mind wllh a view of discovering the regular law* which govern all Its op- eration*. It Is an inductive science. The agent of observation Is pure sctf- cohsclausness. Self-consciousness Is not mind; It Is a facnlty of the mind. Neither is It consciousness which sig- nifies the mind awake nml working. mind that enables It to be aware of Itself, to observe Us, mm conditions and exercises. Hopkins delines if: "The knowledge by the mind of Itself. a, the permanent and Unliable sub- ject of Ita, own operations." McCosb styles It: The power by which we take cognizance of acting—say. as thinking or feeling, as remembering the past or anticipating the future; as muscles to feel as stiff and s liiey hail been overtaxed at may lie mnlllplled, but no matter bow many are cited they will not lieip us to a definition or mind or explain what It Is, ■ We can not know what It or anything Is. In elated, gratified or disappointed at the Intelligence, and, (3) that In conse- quence of this feeling he resolved or willed lo do this, that or the other . this latter being an exercise of Its ... Wee; loving, fearing, resolving." for the purpose of studying tbe opera- tions of Itself, we are exercising the facility of self-consciousness. Psy- chological observations are obtained entirely and exclusively through the e Incentive, regardless of the ■11 actuate him In so doing. » the mind of an- nmber of persons; hence t irtiat .to mind? It may be said at once that no reply Is possible which through their attributes. It Is. thus. Innt wo dellne ice by. its properties, cold," transparent and brittle. to this manner only can we define mind, soul or ego. We can hut point out the at- tributes which. In their entirety, dis- tinguish It from all other things.. This which, of Its own force thinks, feels and wills and which! while Intimately ■ . connected with and closely .dependent upon the body, is In no sense Identical with Ihe-phyaical brganWtlbn,' ■ The student of Advertlcs must also be a student of mind. He mnst ob-. . serve Its manifestations and classlfy them. Almost anyone, no matter how ■ unaccustomed lo this kind of, IdvcsII- " . gallon, can very readily discover three different and distinct • classes by ;ol* scrying Iheworking of his own-mind. In the first place, lie Is aware that lie thinks and knows things,: Secondly, he may ascertain ikatiie. feels pleased . or pained. Thirdly, ho may llnd.i Billboard Callers. rated from your money In 'this wise. Have n care. Aflrr Ihe gait you have been going for the last few years you will tlnd pushing n |>enolI for grub— KAV T. ORISWOI-n.-Tlie covers are beautiful, but have a care. The swapping habit' grows on one. Look nt Howell. See what you may come to. Yon are ruining your chances wllh the Associated Bill Posters by accept- ing Hoke's advcrtlslug. If yon per- sist. Profitable Advertising will never —no. never—Ite the official organ. i I'M S. OCHft.—Suppose Ihey do think It has cheapened the Times. What mailer? Because n thing Is cheap, it does not necessarily follow that It Is teclotally devoid of merit. .Inst yon see lo It thai It does not he- .■nuie nasty, ami you will hot fall quite as low socially as a barkeeper. Hnv,. done with proipslatlnn and vigorous denial. You are pulling Ihe public JAM KM ■ UHIMl MKN demand created In remote districts, wherein his wares are not stocked. Is woolly lost. The percentage realized on Is therefore saddled with the coBt of that which Is wasted, and I' suits obi ' ' It Is II . cf ) For all that, we can'hot t must be con- sidered; and it fa well worth the while. Everyone la aware of something which lie terms, "myself." . of "my limbs," "my body," ' "my brain;" therefore, this he resolvesor wlllsto do llUngs, The powers Of. mind which performUhese actions are faculties and the tliree di- visions elted oliove Illustrate the three principal groups; In/-their classlflea Hon; via.; tD.The Cognitive racultlrs. (2) .the Emotional - Faculties, (3) vthc Motive Faculties..--Each- of these classes Is, .In > turn,; divided and su> : divided and, It may be said, in differ . ent manner ami under different names • by different, schools of; psychology. ■ The closslflcallon of the.prlneipal dl- : visions mentioned above, however, is dred ball-. If two of the bullets Idt. the marksman did Well. Modern Ingenuity, however, has pro- vided the rifle. In the hands of an ex- pert, a hundred bullels not Infrequent- ly ■mi one hundred limes and very sel- dom Indeed average more than 3 or 4 p;>r cent, of blanks. Modern ingenuity has also perfected bill posting, bulletin spstems. distrib- uting'nnd'exhlbltlug. They are tbe agencies of publicity which the adver- tiser'can control, beeping them train- ed npon'and confining their execution from your determination? Are we to ■appose s " u ,1QTe reached Ihe Ciiucluslon lliat you can not kill Ihe Herald? Are yon ready at last to scknowledge yonrselt defeated? GEO. P. ROW-HEM^-Panloa the lll«riy we lake wllh your nniup, but you kuow you are always kicking up the one and raising the other. But lu get down lo the question—we would advise you not to be so hasty. Hnsle Is futile. Let us throw the cnld light hi your basic Ibat all men are liars. If all men are liars. It follows that every man Is a liar. Now, George, uo person suspects that you are either n f repetition and i lesS Iteration, then use posters. They —'-irate more In a day than newspa- do in a month und they cost oh! must lte a man, and by syllogism n liar, which vitiates might say under any e Hnsle Is futile. This puis you right, ceorgc. Whenever yon llnd yourself In a similar tllleiiimn, consult us again. Come lo Ihe fountain-head for I n forma I Ion, liut remember—we do not swap, and we have no exchange list. The price of (he choice stuff Is ten ciils a copy. . We must not slop.with the classifi- cation of the facilities^ Their