The billboard (Sept 1899)

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j8 ^ • ~ Poultry Shows. •M2rv^tT?«TS.SSS: "^^i^seW^Vl, -r-^.^^Expo'iltldM.': n. B M tS. U». Tu5:l&OND."M5'-Eiw'ClHinlT PoBlIrj ana DUFrALO, N. r.~FsD AmiTlnil BlDHllloll. BuUfr Counw PonlttT «nJ P.> Sluck AwkIbUod. Hdv. 2t Id ». J»b. ' J? '■ ,™'- "''^^^ sTl&ni XlCB.^lk CltT FouUrr Aim- io^°clTYr'lOtv BOACHOALB. ] LONDON. I Imu. 11 to a). DM. B. B. sKlatLoD. Dec U n 11. W. CitUna. mer. ROSCOE, O.—Poultry Auoclaonn. Nov. m ueu. HIT- ' '■ L JACKSON. UlcfL—JacMQ FgaWT MM. C. K. Ranllu. Hcx- BLACKWK1.U Ol Tj-mt»iT >M*. Jan. tn' Awcuuoa. DM^ m Wtt. W. H. SAUNA, KAH.—Smlliw Countr Poulirv. PJe- a to HI, isw. Um. M. CW. am . E»ion. _ ' ~— ' —-" " "■ , IMC » U M. % V. Anr- trj AukUUihi. D«o. » H 11. & K BAJf JOSE. CAL-^^AwU C [. T.^4>M. • to a B. ]. ^ CAL-^iwU Clan Vatlfr L Kn. U to la. W. p. W<a. Vato. CaL, Kc^ BhSomTfA.— Pindm Club. J PHIUUBLPHIA. ) CA^7uN.''opinion PonlUT auocUUdd. londOK. ONT.— WeiteiD Fttr AnodUlDii. oJlHEv!' o.— ^nor*Pool"T Br«nJ*rm' Clou. ^.OfnavnABl KT.^^^U&T^toM Llub. Jan. au lo Feb. t^try Duckies. L03^GlLftTOS. ^QIL^^Lm IS?.*^ CAKUSLE. PA.—CombBrtanil Vallei Agrtcul- MACOMB-ILL..—MrDononsh Conntf f™!" SIOUX VAIXS. 8. D.—Trl-stito Ponltrr Bbow Ju. 11 to M, IMO. G«. ScbloaHT. sS^k FRAMINOHAH. MASS.—HlMlan KtROHTO. OMTh can— XnoalUoB nd Ib- tted. Dec- B to 8. - iM iai tt . BIO- _ coij-AX. wAsu.^wktam ooDitrnaiDT imuninwiRg, C^!c)*°iA*ciTT'TOS.^ (COLUUUIjS. 6.—Ohio- Stat* PonltiT Anocla- trr i mii i iilli rl Dh. ^ to S. A. Hbbtt* iSy.. iSw LoDdss. O. u'^WSON. II.L.-WWto»(fc County *«ri- CoMljucd. n. t.— Aaricuimni SocItT- cDliDTil Boctaty. Sent, a u (. An. 19 to Sr*. 1. W. J. OtsMnim. mtcy. PDIASIO. Iia3-«t. Potaikl «»«h(ied ^^OTUNg a^-^m^m'^^^odioon. Doe. sioek ABBCIatUn. Dee. IS lo M. W. J. CtUTK^KX^KU Tg*^ TS^i^CT""" NAC^^^^^-l^™g^ Jft^^S KSe SAKHim, «»Jt:^»lrtmr AjpliUUmi KB5f'"AM*NY, IND.-OoolbirB" So^. Oet^tot aji. Rmdlg. ney. Pooltry ud Prt Stoek AauKlitloD. DAMVIUA JU^^-^nnOUM CoBii^ Ponl- tinliTnaiv FWek Hoe^ ■— . u._ >u HJo IL A. L. RI», KKW BBDFOItD. IIASS^ iry AuodatWa. Boc E BimMglsiMcranai^ ^aat^AtoggiM—■ Dhi. n to tL 1. M. 9«t htwia rWIIJ ™ " » emiBiiy tnim »r« or pw—« 'Si^A"" ~"" we^^^SCmt" tlMMrpmMei'liJ It w> 1^5 Unllgd Priss Hms tmn, 131 Van Burca SI. CHICAGO. The Frank Mead Amusement Co. <^ Mobile. Ala. KSi;Sisr« City Bill Posiing Co merKed ils fn- 3 Ihe new firm lo be krH>v,n as llie Beraird UverUshu Service, felder IH011BT1IT CHIIflE I Co. local matiaKCTS. u> be openled in connection with Sa- iwrwV J g llB t j vannai..G».indCliiri«lDn,SC..asastricUyA-l commercial laca, 1B99. bill posting and distributing plaat. aM.»eiMid.O««Jir..««ito«to- NORTHWEST BILLPOSTING CO., PORTLAND, ORE. J. T. WILLIAMS, Scc'y. EsUbRM IMS. Pqiiilalloil, THE OURRAN COMPANY. # # OTY KLLPOSTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Own an tnllbapid> AAd ttn* wdTonicd Otbribalpn. DBUyn, Fuctdo. OOlo.