The billboard (Oct 1899)

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THE BILLBOARD Mechanic FBlls-Jotd.n Advtrtialu* Co. Rockland-C. D. Chaplw. lUttrvllle-S. H. ChA». IATEST BU rOSTCB KOVnTV euro SUM. VUler ciir-Kmiih DeeoratlBi Co. Ad*—w. RnyJ, Bill Footer ml Dtitrfbator. .;■'<■ MM Bill Foallnj Co. Wtatmoretand^jTMr Lonttin. Lino—City Bill Poll Bouitofl-C. T. SiTilla, Box JM. Look-port—StuU Bill PnUu ud Diatrlbut- LowvSie-^C. D. V. CarUr. I.ittio I'jlti Nori-I* I Kinnrbury. M: Li Li.nn -W. B. Dlnble. Cinncr—Bornott AnKelo—a»n. B 'ill S. «a M IJUgKN ~ k The Standard Bill Posting Co. m BILL POSTERS, m W DISTRIBUTORS, Elc.^ PEKIN, ILLS. ecuo>—C. R. Benedict- ■ ■ [bo Amerlcmn Co. fBowllu a Cjiraot—Toe American Co. (Bowline 0 DtflODM-J. p. Elur. Hon «lie- TOO Abu LIbi*— W. c. Tlrrti: Lljbon-Edrjtr D. 1 Locao—F A. Kodfm iffifeSL- N™ PMtadel £ hta-S. Scott. gaSAS agcv ( Bo-u n , jhMKi] PirrraburE—The Amer. Co. (Bowling Green.) P»rlK«-Tl. ( AB.ri r nn c= tiloi-llni oreen.) Porlomoulb-R, W. Lodwlck. R™lne Sun^Tnf^Am^CO 0 " BowKd' Orwn 1 - 3 1 1 11 V.iler Tj» *i >1S ~ Nifig TE t. i PnjUlnp—fleo. M. All-. Snrtomiib—w. p. BmiAutk. Very Idea J. ifcoatoo. WYOMING. I.nramif-IJ K. RoM. CltrB P.. H*r*£ PUBLICITY the popular English monthly ad- vertising periodical, contains the cream of all the most practical ideas originated in every quarter of the globe, and, therefore, you cannot do better than get it. Only 50 cts. for a full year's subscription n»D Bill Poitlill A Dlitrlhutln, Co. ButTei^-H. J. DouKbertT * Sou S2S3S: (Omm progressive billposiers all buy OUR "O" PASTE, »*4*_ H J* r J*|*y (or (Unroot. wrmnre—Henrr AndctnoB. York—Gul A. SUpteUn. "IlllWu. D. P. Win*.!-. L*conta-J. V. H.rrlmmn. City Bill Po.ttr Distributor. NHW JKHRRV. I. P. Co.. 1811 Attar. , Bui Cliyton-Win. H. BSrtt. l'ackenaack-ltaclcnihck Dill Fo-.ia* v r-.k. . ,..;„ e ........ , ....... F j™r' ny-fn[ jSw" bi]1 0 Poi5bS°<:o. □ □□□□□□□ □ J. H. DAY & CO. > lift b. Hairisoa Ave. Cincinnati, 0. nnnnnnnnn