The billboard (Jan-June 1899)

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ill if THE BiLLBOAM} m* M?MBitro#s i| ^^^^^fe Distributing InAfl Its Fhases. £■ Look Before You Leap. (Prize Competition.) I can not give alt the phases of distributing in th:s contribution, but will start the ball rolling, and hope other members of the As- sociation will take up the subject and give us- at least one short contribution in each issue of "The Billboard." for several months to come. 1 am sure the exchange of vitws among the members will benefit us all. Any advertiser ought to know that good dis- tributing can not be done for less than 12.00 per thousand, and when contracts are made (or less, the work will be done according to the price. Some advertisers think they are saving money by having their distributing done at low figures* but it is only a case of "savin? at the bung hole and loosing at the spigot." It is a mystery to me why advertisers throughout the country do not employ mem- bers of the International Association of Disr trtbutors to do their work, especially when they know that the association stands at the back of every member and make good the delinauency on the part of any member. Although the association is very careful in whom it admits as members, yet oce- an unworthy member is taken in and proves to be untrustworthy, but as they go wrong they are weeded out, and thus the associa- tion is purged of incompetent members. Another mystery to me is, why some large advertiser* send 'their-matter to druggists intrusting them with the distribution.-who in the course of a few months will send out one or two bors or a cheap man, never giv- ing a thought, or caring how the matter is put out. contenting themselves with seeing it out of the way. Well, the seed is sown broadcast, but what will the harvest be? Very little of it falls- on good pround where it could take root and bring forth fruit, but is left to die and rot without even taking- root. I have wen it sent out by druggists and thrown into yards and on stoops profusely, and that, too, just before" a rain, and just before the dismissal of schools, and during a high wind. None being placed inside the house or even on the back stoop: what must the result be? Eight-tenths of it was blown away or carried eway by the school children, or soaked through and.through by the r- and thus vaulable advertising matter is lost. Another way of wasting advertising matter so frequently used, is to place it between the gate and the gate post. Now. if a member of the household is the first to open, the gate they may look at it: but very often cast it aside, thinking it can not be of any value or it would have been put into the house. I have seen matter taken oft the gate and torn up without being looked at- If a stranger or another distributer opens the gate the mat- trr drops to the ground, and is rarely ever picked up by anybody, lr advertising mat- ter is not worth putting into the house under or through the open door, or window, or se- cured in some way. it "is not worth reading, at least so the public thinks. Advertisers generally judge by the returns from the distribution how well the matter has been put out. I shall never forget the words of the first man I ever made a contract with, D. O. Gunnells, with the W. T. Hanson Co., who on his second insoection F3id. "The best evidence I have that you have done your work well is that there has fr-en an increase of sales everywhere you have distributed." It encouraged p-e very much, and I then deter- mined that all of my natrons should have the F>mc care taken of their advertising matter. The fame inspector on his last trip, about a r-«* n th aero, dropped into Uniontown. Pa., on the same day I was diatribe-tine his f' —•*« matter. . In the evening.he said to me. "You nerd not want for anything to do as long as mil distribute in the manner you do." I hope his words will be verified some dav. As it is now I could do lots more if I only n?d it to. do. Xow, Mr. Editor, .this might seem to many s»s a cheao advertisement on my part., bet I assure you it is intended to beneet ail i worthy members of the Association, and ei-p (assurance to advertisers that their best Ileit- is to empley members of the Association, where they have an assurance of nrot"'-tion. My idea of good and efficient distribution is to place the matter as near as possible into the hands of those for whom it is intend- ed, by throwing it into the open door or win- dow, under front, side or back door. It may be placed hleh up in door jam where there fc a fenced yard, but never where the <*oor is flush with the street, in thi« case there is always a. way leading to a. side or back door, where it can safelv- he denosifeo - , and secured from the depredation of chil- dren. Very much more can be said on this sub- let, but I leave it for others to say in future Issues of "The Billboard." ns hear from Brothers Steinbrenner. R~inv Caeey Tirreir, and others. I henrrilv concur with what Brother Char- vat of CBillicothe. O.. says in tb» F'»hri""-r- i»«Tje;nn the subiect. "House to House Dis- tributing in Small Towns." A Few Cott Facts for Ycung Ent'iusiasls. "The Billboard" probatfly receives a dosett inquiries every week from young me,U "wb8 want to know how to Burceed in tile distriB- l'tmg business. As a,ru\jLwfe tFy to dissuade tn £ m . K 0 ? fftteHng it The pernicious and misleading literature wbich is disseminate! in Vast quantities by swindlers is responsible for most of the misdirected enthusiasm. Un- der the guise of Distributors' Leagues, Dis- tributors" Bureaus, etc, circulars plausibly put together and asserting that from $50 to J75 a week can be easily cleared, are scatter- ed broadcast- The promises are alluring, ani many a young man is readily persuaded to part with a dollar or two to join the society, and get started in the business. His money is sent, and that is usually the end, for the swindler has milked his victim and is through with him. Letters of remonstrance are un- availing and unanswered,. and after a few weeks most, of the victims give It up and turn to something else. Some few are made of sterner stuff, and bent upon at least giving the business a trial set about the matter by Instituting a system- atic inquiry. Sooner or later they learn of The Billboard," and write for advice. Nine times out of ten. wherever an inquiry comes from a. desirable town, there is al- ready a good distributor there. In these in- stances we frankly advise our correspondent not to try it. We point out the fact that the present incumbent is clothed In nil the rights of priority, has an established trade, and any attempt to teur down his business is unjust, unprofitable ami unbusinesslike. We also make it clear that there is hardly any other business, that ram he mentioned lit which it would not be a far easier, iimltec IP Kiiin a foot-hoid v and atto.ij] ultimate RllHreS". To the bliiel-s tvc.eiiii fsnly say 111.a general way that three things are necessary to suc- cess: I. Uc sure—very sure—that vou like the business. :!. He sure that you have great patience, and can bear repeated disappointments, and wait long for success. :l. lie sure that you have some mentis of support on which to subsist in the meantime. Then read about distributing, keep posted, study the methods of others, he painstaking, be careful, be honest, and advertise. Keep your name before advertisers constantly, by means of letters, personal cards, postaV cards, and a card In "The Billboard" . In time you will build up a desirable tiuSi- ness, which ll will be very hard to take afcay from. you. It will be well worth hav- ing: in fact, desirable in every way. Be as- sured, though, that the effort required would make you a success in almost anv ether field as well. Distributors should always see that anv fete, celebration, large convention, or in fact, any important event -which is to occur in their city is chronicled as far ahead as pos- sible in "The Billboard." It will always re- sult in yoer getting more business, for ad- vertisers like to follow the crowd. I. A. of D. dues are now due. Members will save the Secretary a lot of work and the Association much needless expenditure for postage by sending their money in promptly. J. T. HUDSON, of the Twin Cities' Distrib- uting Agency. Pittsburg, called on "The Bill- board" March 1st. He reported business good, and stated that he had contracted to superintend the distribution of a number of cities in the East for Dr. Burkbart, of Cin- cinnati. There Is no more solid, useful, helpful In- formation for distributors In a single issue of "The Billboard" than all the other papers combined. A Good Forffl For A Duiririutut's Contfict. ■Win tyuiliJlllk •Viccrtiililg ft 'jJiStfibutM Co... of llulsy. Idaho, writ** iiniii follows' "\\v. control the distributing jbusilMHU. III the city, nut by a prohibitive, license.,' b'u,t with a guaranteed service, which every dis- tributer will find is much more satisfactory to the advertiser. We are organizing the southern part of the State, and have several towns covered with our positive guarantee system, blanks of which we enclose. The distributors' guarantee Is the same In all its essential details as the one we sign to tlje National advertiser, and Is signed and coun- tersigned by ;the distributor In each town w$ cover before we will send him a single piece of work. "-- ""' ....... . tls with each lot of distributing'matter we,vend to local distributors, and when the work,in done is sent bark to us. and ia a voucher for completed work, on receipt of which we re- mit the amount due the distributor for bis work. These report cards are filed in our office, and are stall times open Tor the In- spection of the advertiser. "Yon are at liberty If you consider our guarantee system of sufficient moment, to publish the terms and the explanation In "The Billboard." for we think that if all distributors would adopt this plan, they would soon gain the respect and confidence of the advertiser, and add materially to the number of orders which they would receive. Let them all try-It." LOCAL DISTRIBUTER'S AGREEMENT. City or town of County of State of Idaho. Date I......... or.........Idaho, do hereby agree, and by this Instrument bind myself to faith- fully and carefully distribute any and all ad- vertising matter sent me for distributing in my locality, or to do sny tacking of cards, tin signs or banner* sent me by The Spauld- Ing Advertising and Distributing Agency, of Boise. Idaho. In a manner as near in accord- ance with the following rules as possible: Rule l. I will distribute only on* book, pamphlet, paper, flyer, card or other piece of advertising matter to every family In each town assigned to me by the Spauldlne Ad- vertising and Distributing Agency, or by whoever they designate to dire<-t me. putting ll inside the front, back or side door, except when otherwise ordered by the Spauldlng Advertising and Distributing Agenry. when- ever 1 can do so. If I can not. ! will slip It under the door, out of sight, and if 1 can not. will put u Into the letter box. or op*n- Iiik for such purpose, or next best, press It in the iamb or the door, high up out of reach of sn-aii children, and If I can nnt do cither of the above. I will press It between knob and casing, cr into the latch handle. Hale :. 1 will not ring the door hell of knrck. except mhrn I have orders to do so. to see the lady or the house. Rule 3 I will not put «ny advertising hi«l- i.-r en frent dcor knobs, stoop* or porches. throw it into the yard or waste It in any way. ncr nut It on any outside step. crc~pt when parties are coming to Twelve it Irani the inside, before I leave. Rule i. While wcrklng business stores. I win not throw any advertising matter on the flocr. but pm it on the counter, chair, tab e, desk, or some neat place, and leave quietly, it anv objections are offered, and always closj the door carefully, without slamming. Kule ".. I will deliver no advertising mat- ter on the streets, except when asked for it, unless I am otherwise Instructed. Rule 6. In tacking cards, tin eigne or ban- ners. I will put the number of larks In each as arc required by the Spauldlng Advertising and Distributing Agency, and will In all cases place same In conspicuous places on main streets, high enough to oe out of reach of small children, and where «hey are not liable to be covered by posters rr any other obstruction. Hub- 7. I will not intentionally orolt any aitlrn assigned lo me: will not give any ad- vertising matter to children, and will give only one to any person: and in other respects I will follow the orders given by the Snauld- Iiib Advertising and Distributing Agency, and failure on my part to perform my work as I imrfe to in the above. 1 agree to forfeit my pay for the same. Section 1. The above agreement Is not to be considered binding on mo until sfler th- receipt from the SpatildtaK Advertising and Distributing Agency, of a description of the kind and quantify of advertising matter to l.e sent, and my acceptance of samo. Section •>. Payment In all cases to be mad? to me by the Spauldlng Advertising and DIs- irlbutlng Agency. Immediately on receipt from me of a voucher stating that the work had been done, and countersigned by some reputable business man. Blank for the above to be furnished with each lot of distributing ■ '.'."! ,!"", ,,y i h * "PiuWIne Advertising and Distributing Agency. Section :•.. This agreement will be In force for one year from the date given above, ttn- 7" otherwise revoked by either of the par- tics In writing. Signed. ileing personally acquainted with". ", »nd knowing him to be of good character, do not hesitate to guarantee that he will carry out alt the, tertna of nbovo agreement. WW* (Seal.) of... .Idaho. lor the spanning Adv. and Dlst. Agency, "y : —. Manager. ..(Seal.) VM. B. PORTER, OF OAKLAND, CAL BI/'lBNB SLOANE, of Laredo. Tex., la go- L"fi !"!• m i , . k 7 "'">ther attempt to establish a WM. CLOWES. * Mr. Porter fa a distributor of particularly high standing, and a' mem!*, of the I. A. of D. p^"^^^^^]!^ At present nil work'ls done byllttlTMoxican boys, and the service Is simply vile. Tips. The following drmo are doing house-to- house uibtrlbuung. butue cover inc wuoie country, souio restrict imlr «-noi,. to t.i- talii ciasaes of towns. \, L . pnu u i,,,,,,,,,,. hie to classify lueui, but win njunc i„, ; ut- leinpi bereaucr, if our cunuspu.iuiiiia v>i,i be explicit. lu aenulng tips sue me uu - teruatis street uduresa ana stale wheiuer lie is putting out suiupiea or nooas. Crawioid St Taylor, Mausneiu. O., are dis- tributing cracker miuplcn. They exact go-u service, but pay IZ.uU per thousuua tor li. C. U. lillluer. Toleuo. u.. is aisiribuilng Kaiuplea alio booklets ot Viola Cream. jouu Morrow «i Co.. springuelu, O., are extenoiug the territory iu wliku tu.y mvt-r- Use Klu-iie-oiaa sou Llver-lsx. Tuey will ultimately lake in I ho whole United slates The New England Watch Co.. of Wat.... Conn., aro aislrioutltag a >.-iy handsome booSlcl. advertising lUclr watches, it is said that they cover towns of io.oou and upwaius. Accoraiug to the Soliciting Secretary of uie I. A. ol p., the following urma are uow ac- tive: 11. K. Bales. Kokomo. Ind. St. AI bans Kcmeoy Co.. su Albans. Vt. {.V. i., N. U., Couu. and Vl. only.j Lydia K. fiukhaiu Mealcnie Co., Lynn sua. Dra. P. E. t J. A. Greene. 615 Aibany stteot; boston, ataka. The Wella ft Richardson Co.. Burlington Vi. Climax llaklug I'owder Co.. Indianapolis. Inc. (iiessner Medicine C«.. Fiudlay. O. New Spencer Meaiciuc Co,, Cbaltanoaga, Telin. Smith Mrdiclue Co., St. Louis, Mo. Inlun AuiettUlng ilureau, iu7 ,\. Third street. St. Louis, Mo. Acme Chemical Co.. New Orleans La H. H. Iiacuti. Korhester. N. V. Sears * Mi hull, chllllcolhe, o. Iiruwn Mfg. Co.. Ureenvlllr. Tenn. Keulou liaaing Powder Co., Clurinnstl o Drs. Kennesy ft Kergan, l«s Shelby stieit. IXtroil, Mich. Kobltr Mtg. Co.. Baltimore. Md. Ktank O. HedaUb ft Co„ Le Koy N V Senoret Cbemieal Co., iSl, Louis, Mn J. w. Bnuu Co., Albion, Mlcb. Keever Starch Co.. Columbus O (leorge W. Sekelee. Grand Kapids. Mlrh Carbolic Soap Co.. 30 lVarl ureei. New \ ork City. lmlla Washing Compound Co., Columbus. Ohio. Tbe White-Valentine Co.. I'rbaoa. o, l<elle\ue Medical Institute, luc Monroe street. Chicago. III. I'arker-Wllliamton Medicine Co.. St. Louis. Mo. Hayes ft Coon. Detroit. Mich. L. Gerotte ft Co.. Chattanooga, Tcnn. Wllroer. Atkinson ft Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. fiubtisbers "Farm Journal." Street ft Smith. » Rose street. New York City. "Xew York We-kly." Kamlly Story Paper. St Vandewater at reel. New \ork City. Hand Medicine Co.. Canal and Poplar sts.. Philadelphia. Ps. The Ky-Mar Mfg. Co.. *» Shlllllo stn-el. Avondale. Cincinnati. O. I'urtu Publishing Co.. Philadelphia. I"a. Dr. T. W. Cravdon. Sixth and Kvcamore Hreets. Cincinnati. Q. New York Condensed Milk Co.. 71 Hudson itreet. . N»w York City. A. w. Perkins ft Co.. Rutland. Vt. Proprietary Medicine Co.. J4S2 Warsaw avenue. Clnrlnnsll. O. Two new advertisers In Illinois are the Fox River llutter Company. Aurora, snd the Agar Company. 60 Wabash avenue. Chicago, who will advertise a rheumatism cure A Canadian advertiser recently reported Is the Otone Company. 4« King street. Toronio. The Maxim Chemical Companv u a new ad- vertiser In Wlnthrop. Maine. It is Introduc- ing a specific for dyspepsia, known ss Max- im's Protein. Cohen llrothcrs ft Company. No. 4!4 Rrnsd- way. New York, are reported as new advertis- er*. The Ideal Remedy Company. Troy. N. Y . Is reported ss s new advertiser. We are Indebted lo J, T. Hudson, of Pitts- burg, for the following lists of tips: J. f". Ayer ft Co.. t<oweil, Mas*. Smith. Kline ft French Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Celestial OH Co.. Md. "■endon Manufacturing. Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. The Genesee Pure Food Co.. La Roy. N. Y. O. F. Vrnodwant. Esq.. Ix> Itov. N. Y. Dr. W. s. flurkhart. Clnrinnnii, O, A. C. Meyer ft Co.. Raltlmore. Md. 0. G. Green. Esq.'. Woodbury. N. J. Williams llrothcrs. Indianapolis. Ind. Wlnklemsn A Ilrown Drug (?o.. Rnltimnre Md. -1. P. I>elter A Co., Chicago. III. llsker-l.evv Chemical Co., Chli-ne-o, 111 Pllsbury-Washburn Flour Mills 'Co.. Min- neapolis. Minn. Warner's Safe Cure Co.. Rochester. N Y R. R. Fell ft Co.. Cleveland. O. The Hart Drug Co., New York City. The W. II. Hill Co.. Detroit. Mich. The "Turners." of Phlladelobln. Pa. Kndwny ft Co.. New York City. H. C. lluniiDwoll, Esq.. Clnclnimii. 0. The Schilling Corset Co.. Detroit. Mich. The "Soo Line" Co.. Delmll. Mich. Jloston Medical lllstllute, Chlriigo. 111. • ■.?. ".' T ' M »"o" Chemical Co., Phlln- delnhle. Pa. The Handy Tablet Co.. Phllailel.ihl», Pa. The Wolff Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pn. The International Soap Co.. Lancaster. Pn. Wis Sll "" , » "Olurln Tonic." Milwaukee. The I'ahst Chemical Co.. Chicago. III. Merrell-Soule Co., Syracuse, N. Y Gerhard Meunen Chemical Co.. Newark, Ltthrmnn A Wllncrn. Cincinnati, n. THE BILLBOARD The True Iteinedy Co., Ilufrato, N. Y. The KlekaiHin Indian Medicine Co., New Haven, Couu. The Diamond Dust Soap I'owder Co.. Phila- delphia, In. I.t. A. II. Simpson, Itichimuid, Ind. Charles A. Voglvr Co. (St. Jacob's Oil), llaltimore. Md. The llrliitlue .Manufacturing Co., Roxlior- ough, I'hiludelphla, Pa. Dr. Kilmer & Co.. UliiKbainpton. N. Y. Allen S. Olmsted. I.c Roy. N. Y Munyuii'H 11. II. Remedy Co., Philadelphia. The •Piano Exchange." lur. w. Thirty-thirl street. Ni w Vcrk City, distributes exteu ive y Hr.sea Jll"«:l!is, IP) W. Twenty-third street New York City, distributees extenaively in t..-rltr.ry adjai cut to the metropolis. The Kir.erson Pharir.acal Company is a new Maryland cor|x;ratloii. with headquarters in lialtiinore. It does not succeed the Emerson Drug Company, but its business will be closely connected with the business of the alter company. The capital stock of the Emerson Pha.-macal Company is J500.l*>j the shares being JOf, each. The President of the new company is Isaac E. Emerson. The .1. Ii. Williamson, Jr. Companv. No. 1UJ Rhode island avenue. Washington. *D. C is reported as a new advertiser. M. J. Kraft. Roekford. III., is reported as an advertiser. The subject of the advertise- ment is a herb tonic. The Self-Threading Machine Needle Com- pany, Spetze Building, Toledo, Ohio, is mak- ing some advertising contracts The Ha.ana H.dic.ns Coapmy. w lei na - ufatturts a new remedy called the salitouia Tablets, is reported-as a new advertiser. An advertiser using the name of the Home IIUElness Company and claiming 3i; Church stteet. New York, as his address, has been atking for rates. Charles A. Drcfs, of Buffalo. N. Y. is putting out some attractive advertising. The Nervita -Medical Co., of Chicago III are active again. The Flower Medical Association, of New York City, are advertising Dr. R. C Flow- ers Remedies. An advertiser using the name of the Gold- en Remedies Company has begun to make contracts for publicity for a preparation for the bair and other articles. The New York address is given as 503 Fifth avenue. It is reported that the Bartlett Cure Com- pany, Chicago, of which mention has sev- eral times been made in these columns, will shortly open an office in New York. CHAS. BERNARD, OF SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. The Young Napoleon of the Southeast. Cc.rdley * Hayes. No. 172 Dunne street. New York, will advertise an ice-cream frcexer. McGregor Medication Co.. Cincinnati is a nrwromi r in the advertising field. The Washington Chemical Company. 'Vasu- Ineton. I), c. Is reported as making new con- tracts. AiWIliiina] advertising bos recently been arranged for the Russell Carpet Company. Chicago. A new concern has been incorporated un- der the lawa of the State of New York with Its hcadqunrtcrs at Etmlru. called the Her- culean Hot Oil Company. The or.pllai stock Is Ru.POO. The company expects to do con- siderable advertising. A new tooth powder Is to be advertised by '-'I Brothers, SIS Cherry street, Philadel- phia. A new ndvcrtlrer on a moderate scale is a eoneern calling itself the HofTtnan Drug Com- pany. New Rochellc, N. Y. The Rex Manufacturing Companv. 22S Char- tree street. New Orleans. Is making proposi- tions. The Howard W. Spurr Coffee Company, of Boston, are placing a limited amount ot ad- vertising. A concern railed the Cuban Land & Steam- rhip Company, is arranging for wide advertis- ing. The company offers warranty deeds of plantations, houses, and business lots /n Cu- ba. Its office Is 235 Broadway. New ifork. We obtain our tips from exchanges and clipping bureaus, but depend for most of them on letters received from distributors. Our correspondence is carefully sifted e\*rv . and the names or advertisers carefully gar- nered for this department. In writing us please be accurate and please send us the full name and the street address of every ad- vertiser who sends you work to do. You are thereby helping some brother distributor In another city to secure work. Remember the golden rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." If the tips have helped you send us some information that will help others. ... J '. £'.. s «hwartx, of Walkenton. Ind.. writes that The Boston Medical Institute, 2«9 Dear- born street. Chicago. m„ wan t to hear from I. A. of D. members-In good standing. This concern will distribute on a.large scale this spring. Purely Personal. . L. E. AUSTIN, of Laredo, Tex. intends to move to San Antonio if he can obtli "he I A. of D. franchise at that point, i J V H ' BELTZ. of Scrautou. Pa., wiitcs that w1,£ US 1 aQ " latntr '""Sh iW of it ; ,S" with aickncts. bad w t albfr and poor collec- ions be begm t o gu Uscouragca but buti- look brigS'ter." 18 U " a8a ' U " ow inu <"•"«» EDWIN B. BRIDGER. says that he believes E. O. BURROUGHS, of Newark o h,. fie" is"anTi°- oW" * ?° ^ ''*"«&? on M h a e y ^V^JS^^ 1 ^ F™** I will most likely be at tbe I A of n convention this year I Intended \\.k ' ent last year but could ig tl Mv ?""" not a member, but wish «„,. ^' l am with my approval " Vat * as tbly mM !,„.„;.. " ,r, B . us 'he news. "The lim as a rapia" "a t 8 0 ? t in h U i rs , ?„ i, ?b Pr0V<? in "» '""- it's only! postal ^ard the ,M,£t ' W,Ite-|f ition R -,Kan R " A d' V eyt 0 is;n , 2 ana8 7 0t ,he At '»" Company Ad ^'tising and DUti touting the^itnation andTre'goint t^i^heT"-^: *iS5 D £ i?SS^!|«0 C»-. Mechanic's best f.iend The B "'l>«a'a" is our s^ * i Hrr„ A. J. HORN, of Litchflfld III ho. v J 1 .'*'" "'»«"• «r is^TnVaicseent^ow and The T P ' OSpeits , b,i8ht for ^e d * ™ ".,„ A " of D franchise at that point s». .1 BLRGESS. Pontiac. Mich., writes that he felt the benefit almost immediately J ED. F. BURKHART. of Bellefontaine O says that "The Eillboard" is -it ■ ' H. \V. LINEWEAVER. of Cedar Rapids la., writes that city Is thiHing. ,ul P' as - iii^.J^- DUE ' of , St ' Charles. 111., has been ill but is recovering. HAYNES & SON. of Ironton. O.. say busi- ness is poor. * JOHN LEAVER, of Waterloo. Wis is a fign painter and paper banger who is reach- ing out after house-to-house work. SELDEN A. McGLAUFLIN. of South Coun q t U - e covers all of Aroostook WM. F. MOSHER. of Canandaigua. N. Y cevotes himself' to distributing exclusive|v. J. M. MAYO, Meredith. N. H., has added bill posting to his distributing business. He has a fine railroad showing. W. H. H. NESBITT. of Macon. Ga.. suf- fered a severe bereavement in tbe loss of his grandmother, who lived at Mechanicsburg. ALVA PROCTOR, of Lincoln. Neb., is one of the most enterprising distributors among the thousands from which "The Billboard" receives eorrestondence. His stationery looks substantial, bis letters are always type- written, terse and business-like; and he digs up more useful information and tips than any other one man on our books. W. W. RAMSEY, of Rexbrldge. Mass.. a recent I. A. of D. acquisition, is suffering from a severe attack of malaria. G. W. SPITLER. of Rensselaer. Ind!. ex- pects to Join the I. A. of D. Mr. Spitler is a great friend of "The Billboard." and a first-class bill poster. The Wallace Sack. JOE WALLACE makes a distributors' bag or sack that is famous in all the country round about Oswego. N. Y. He got to mak- ing sacks by making his own. He could not hn>' any to suit him. so he undertook to build them himself. He made a success of it. and the fame of the bag soon spread to neighboring cities. Out of a spirit of accommodation rather than a desire.for profit. Wallace at first sup- plied bis friends, tbe distributors nearby but the demand grew so fast that he has had to go regularly into the business. He advertises them elsewhere in this issue. We can assure our readers that the Wallace Sack is the best value for the money that has ever come under our notice.