The billboard (Jan-June 1899)

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11 ft I 24 PLEASURE RESORTS, SUMMER GARDENS. This list Is revised and corrected every month. Advertisements under this head are published free of charge. Managers are ur- gently requested to send in their notices. We wish to have the list complete for the May issue. AKRON, O.—Lakeside Park. Akron Street Railway, manager. AKRON, O.—Randolph Park. Rapid Transit Co., managers. AKRON, O.—Summit Lake Park. Menches Bros. .... ALBANY, N. T.—Lagoon Island. John F. Weber, manager. - BALTIMORE, MD.-Deer Park. W. H. Labb, manager. - BALTIMORE, MD.—Fairy Grove. Jas. Gil- more, manager. BALTIMORE^ MD.—Woodside Park. W. H. Labb, No. 10 Record Building. BUFFALO, N. Y—BeUvue Park. E. J. De Costa, manager. CAMDEN, N. J.—Summer Park. Camden ft Suburban Railway Co., managers. CHICAGO, ILL.—Sunnyside Park. CHICAGO, ILL—Bismarks Garden. CHICAGO, ILL.—Chutes Park. E. B. Simp- son, manager. CHICAGO, ILL—Ferris Wheel Park. L. B. Rice, manager.' -CHICAGO, ILL.—Sans Souci. W. H; Caster, manager. CINCINNATI, O.'—Lagoon. John Noonan, manager. CINCINNATI, O.—Chester Park. Devere Electric Co., managers. CINCINNATI, 1 O.—Coney Island. Lee Brooks. manager. ' CLEVELAND.-O.—Euclid Beach Park. Eu- clid Beach Park Co., managers. CLEVELAND,. O.T^Scenie.J'ark... James. E. Donaghy. manager. COLUMBUS, O.—Minerva Park. J. K. Bark, manager. ■ ^ -, COLUMBUS,* O.—Olentangy Park. Dusen- bury & "West, managers: COVINGTON. • KY.—Lagoon. Address John Noon an, Cincinnati, O. DAYTON, O.—Fairview Park. The Kiefarber Co., managers. EAST GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.—Reed Lake. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.—Godfrey's Pavil- ion.'' Chas. Godfrey, manager. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—Reed Lake. Geo. M. Leonard,, manager. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—Romona Park. Orin Stair, manager. ; : . JAMESTOWN, N. Y.—Celoron Park. G. E. Maltby, manager. - JAMESTOWN. N. Y.^Celoron Theater. Jule Delmar, manager. LIMA, O.—Hoover's Park. Frank Hoover, manager.. - LIMA, O-^'teCullough's Lake Park. G. M. McCullongh. manager. LITTLE ROCK; ARK.—Glenwood Park. Chas. T. Taylor, manager. LOS ANGELES, CAL;—Fieata Park. H. G. Wllshire, manager., - LUDLOW, KY.—Lagoon. Address John Nob- nan, Cincinnati, O. MANSFIELD, O.—Mansfield Park. E. Endly, manager. MEMPHIS, TENN.—East End Park. Chas. T. T aylor, manager. NEWARK* O.—Idlewtld Park. Robt Linge- feite r, manager. NEW CASTLE, PA.—Cascade Park. E. E. Hamilton,, ma negr. OMAHA^-NEB.—Mullenrs , Garden. Jos. F. CampbelL manager. 1. ■"' ■-' PITTSBURG, PA.—Schenley Park. Consoli- dated-Traction.Co^».managers. "- PITTSBURG. PA.—Kinneywood Park. Mo- non gahela Traction Co., managers. PITTSBURG, PA.—Oakum Park. West End Railway, managers.' '-"-': PITTSBURG,; PA;—Calhoun Park. Second Avenue Tractidn Co., managers. ST. LOUIS. MO.—Bellevue Garden, No 5000 Eastern Ave. SAGINAW. MICH.—Riverside Park. John McCartney, manager. SANDUSKY; O.—Cedar Point Grove. G. A Boekling, .manager. SAVANNAH, GAv—Thunderbolt. Niel Gildea. - m anag er. ■ - ■ - - SKOWHEGAN, MB.-Lakewood Grove. C A. Fairbrother, manager. TOLEDO. O.—Lake Erie Casino. F Burt. manager. w TOLEDO, O.—Presque Isle. F. N. Quale manager. *^' T 5°T' N - Y.—Lagoon Island. John F Weber, manager. WILLIAMSPORT. PA.-Vallamont Park. J. • A. Brosius, manager. Senator Sivrlght has presented'a measure in the State legislature to prohibit =Ste Ynlt^S 8 - ^ I* Patterned after the New York law. and also the one .recently intro- duced in the North Dakota Leg islature. W ? "™ flow fl on the circulation liar, and we hold the unalterable opinion that he will have his portion in that brimstone lake along with all other individuals who con- tract the habit ot handling the truth in a careless manner. But we wish to ask. Just for our, own information, how much more to be condemned is the publisher who claims >• largest circulation than the advertiser who aSBe , r ^f,. th fi nis Product fs: "the best in the world? We can see but ; one real point of difference between the* two. and that lies in the objects at which~:they aim. The publish- er by Ms claims tries to humbug the ad- vertiser, while the advertiser by his assertion attempts to. hoodwink the public. Both are simply efforts to do business under false pre- tenses, and consequently both are decidedly THE BILLBOARD Traveling Distributors. (Prize Contest.) In my experience as a distributor, I have always found that a few nrms will employ no one but traveling distributors, and would not consider a proposal from a good local dis- tributor under any circumstances. Now let us consider both sides 'of the question and see which is the more profitable to the ad- vertiser—to employ men to tia\tl or to em- ploy local distributors. The traveling man will cover a city, say once or twice a year (some firms have two men travel together) and he puts out the mat- ter, covering the city the best way he knows how (perhaps the longest way also), but does he know where- there are two or more fam- ilies living in one house—how to reach them, etc.? Certainly not. How can he when he visits that town so seldom? But the local man living in the; town and going over the same ground repeatedly, knows where to reach the people who are likely to buy. and how to work the city to get through his work in good season. Again, when the advertiser sends his work to the local man, he is not paying out money for railroad fares, hotel bills, car fare, hired help, etc., nor is he paying for the time when work is made impossible by Tain or snow. Considering all these facts, any intelligent man can see that the advertisers can save a great deal of money every year by sending his work to a reliable local distributor. Per- haps he will say, who is the reliable distribu- tor in this or that city, and how do I know that he is reliable? That is very easily an- swered. Ask any of the old, reliable, gen- eral advertisers, who have been having this kind of work done for years, they can tell you. Now, Mr. Advertiser, which is it going to be—the travelling distributor at a large expense, or the local man at a small expense? Remembering that there are "black sheep" among traveling. distributors ; as well as among local distributors, it seems certain that in a few years the traveling distributors will be a thing of the past. Hoping that all of the advertisers. and distributors who are- able, will attend the I. A.'of D. convention next July, where we may talk this subject over. I am, Respectfully, M. A. BONDY. Detroit, Mich. A New Association. CbaB. Bernard, whose portrait appears else- where in this issue, has in conjunction with M. J. Dooley, of Atlanta, and Chas. Lingo, decided to organize the bill posters' of North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Alabama. It is understood that Knoxville and Chatta- nooga want to go into the organization, and it is believed .that Eastern .Tennessee will also be taken in. May 15 is. the date and Atlanta the place selected for effecting the preliminary organiz- ation. Speaking of the new movement, Mr. Ber- nard writes as follows: Savannah, Gal. March 20, 1S99. Editor of "The Billboard':" .' If not too late for April issue I would like to announce through your columns that after some correspondence with various bill post- ers in the Southeast, which brought suffi- cient encouragement to justify a movement toward the organization . of, a" South-eastern States Bill Posters Assotiation. M. J. Dooley. of Atlanta, Chas. Lingo, or Americus, and myself, have decided to call a meeting, invit- ing all bill posters of th" section nam?"* to be at Atlanta, Ga., on May 15, prepared to take action in effecting: an ersanization sub- ordinate to the A. B. P. A. We are anxious for officers and members of the A. B. P. A. and I. A. of D. to meet with us.and instruct us in organization. Yours very trulv. CHAS. BERNARD. The Last Gasp. " Ottowa, 111., March 19, 1899. Editor of "The Billboard:" Ever since I have had the misfortune to '. be the Secretary of the International Bill Posting Association, I have used every means possible to get enough money to pay the debts of the association. But as things were going from bad to worse, and the members did not take any interest in the association at all. I found it impossible _ lor .me .to do anything towards paying the old debts, and also out of the question to contract new ones with any hone of having them paid. So, after I had paid about $76.00 out of my own pocket, I gave the thing up. . I am very sorry, indeed, that things have (rone the way they have, and it I bad known that the Association" was in such a,'condi- tion when I was elected Secretary. I; would . not have accepted the office, for I am- con- siderable out of pocket on account of it.. ' I am out of it for good. Very trulv yours, . C. R. DUCKETT. 5 Songs, words and music; complete; full size, "A Proerarame of the Ball," '^he Loved Not Wiselv. But Too Well." etc.\ The five sent post freefor io cents. -I-:.- V .{ /.'-'- FRANK HARDING, Publisher, Wbitestone P O.', New'Y6rk City. GEORGE G. FRENCH. I. A. OF D. DISTRIBUTOR AND' BILLPOSTER, LUMBERTON. N. C. New plant. Good work and promptness guar- " -",11 contract to thor ough ly advertise Our motto- NO SATISFACTION! NO PAY! ADVERTISERS, write us and we will tell you, wh;it we can do in the way of BILLP0STING, DISTRIBUTING, ETC BATESVILLE ADVERTISING CO., BATESVIU.E, IND. Rnn Letterheads. 500 card* and 500 envelopes yUU good qu*lity and good print ng. for $1.50 Fran* Harding. Pub., Whitestone. P. O., -V. Y. City pRKSXLIPPINGS I 11 are valuable to the editors of class and trade journa's, to professional men, to students of science or history, and to every one who wants a collection of thoughts or facts on any subject. We're rather proud of the fact that our service is so complete and satisfac- tory that our circle of subscribers to our press clippings steadily widens. May we add you to the list? NEW ENGLAND NEWSPAPER BUREAU, 146 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. MUSI IN SlfiNS ° ne or more, anv size. iKU 3LI11 JlUna. s|c<EBY , w unsboro. N. Y. lOfl Dances and selections for riolin, flute or 14 U mandolin, and 12 original staue dances for violin and pilno. The whole sent post free for 25 cts. Frank Harding, pnblUner, Whitestone P. O., New York City. ROBERT BOYD, Secretary of the Coshocton County Agricultural Society, of Coshocton. Ohio, desires bids tor the uoi»corn and candy privilege at their coming fair, Oct ro, 11, 12 and 13. 1899- The LLKinneman ^Sffin^E?- Up-to-date Billposters, Distributors and General Out-door Advertisers. Control all Boards and Advertising Space in Marion, pop. 22,000; Jonrs- boro. 3,000.; Gas City. 5.000; Fairmount. 4.000. To- tal 34,000. All boards on Electric. Pan Handle, Big Fourand Clover Leaf Lines. Capacity 4,000sheets PUEBLOS stand. I am still distrib- uting, still doing good work at the same old JESSE MITCHELL. SABTA €RDZ, CAL. ^r^^'reo, the best billposlinz and distributing plantain the state. All wort personal I v superintended Member I. A. D. |_. A.~OANI£LS BOOMING I JOHNSTOWN, PA., AND SUBURBS, Population 50,000. Eighteen milk and factories running double time. Employing in all 8,000 hands. GEORGE E.UPDEQRAVE& CO. Successors t» Hood City Blllpostlng Co. We own and control all leading hoards in citv and sutHirti*. and Knaranlee good returns from hi 11 posting, distributing anil card and sign tack- ing. First-class showing for 3, 8, 16 and 24 sheet stands. 6E0RGE E. UPDE6RAVE & CO., p. o. Box 153. . JOHNSTOWN, PA. DICKSON & LtSlER, City BillposUrs and Distributors. PRINCETON, KY, CHAS. WOOD Billposter and Distributor Estbd 1870. Office358FnltonSt.. Jamaica,N.r. 10003-sheet boards. 100 large stands. 3c per sheet. MARK A RftNiW BismhutorandSien Tacker. mana H. DVUV I, Detroit. Mich 297 Cass ave WM.W.HAYDEN Bedford City, Va. _ POPULATION 2.50C. Distributes Circulars and Samples, Tacks Signs. Moderate prices. Correspondence solicited. 8®-References furnished. f.HAS f, TASS Q«ee«City. Mo-will do honest VUftO. \j. VHOO, distributing of advertising matter in Schuykill and Adair Counties, with a population of 50.000. Also signs tacked Rates— - IMstribnting, $1 75 to S3 25 per 1.000; sign tack- tng. fa-5o to $5.00. A trial will convince you. NEWTON. Jasper Connty. la., is a good town to distribute. I am the only distributor here. BS~A.ll work first-class. Pop. 3 500. F. N. PENDERGAST. ELECTRIC BELTS! 6Kc to $I.2S. Insoles. 6c pair; Inhalers, 5c.: Soan. $2 gross; Belts for Ex. $10 o.ders. H cash required. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Burlington.Kas HERBERT SMITH. Reliable Distrib- iitor and Sign. Tacker. CUZABETHT0N, Carter Co., Tennessee. •"■Write for estimates. • ADVERTISERS U, When you advertise in Maine, consult the JORDAN AOVEVTISINO CO.. the Honest Di9tributors.,MECHANIC KALLS, HE. CENTON. niCH. Pop. 2,500 Billooster. I)is- ■ tributor and Sign Tacker. t. S. FIE1D. „ , MAfiK A RANnV- Dis ' ributorandsi B' 1 Tacker, nan& H. DUDU1, Detroit. Mich. 207 Cass ave. . DISTRIBUTE OmAHA, NEB. H-U-C-/\-tN Through Fischer's, Distributing agency. IS THE NEW MONTHLY ; MAGAZINE in every issue of which arc nnAuriFin. colored illustra- tions. Nothing to equal the heauty and linish of these wonderful colored imcturi:s has ever before b=en attempted in any periodical. The series of articles now running in TRUTH on American Artists and their work, frcelv illustrated in colors and in black and white, from painting?, by the artists the articles are on, is of exceptional merit and interest. Buy a copy of any newsman. You will be pleased vjith it. Single Coi-ies, 25 cents. Suhscriction it.r Year, $3.00 TRUTH COMPANY / THE BILLBOARD. i te B .jK'»towl •"<! corrected fy«ry month »'.' , I Names and addresse^of blllp6»tersareln«^rt Jed in the directory at the rate ol one dolbir per ■iyear—twelve mopths—provided they do 1 *tic tcupy over one, Hue. .jf' T uot oc ■•a ^ ';• ' ,,.' ; ' ALABAMA^ SCIaytbu—Valentine Broa^ 1 fJOreeusboro—O. W. Taylor. •JMouUomery—Mrs ; jIeo'.*«^i«l«l«<* l »' %loiitgomery—G^IT McDonald. ■^hemeld-H. #rElmore. % ■ ^' ARKANSAS. lArkadelpma—Myal Greene. .. Sftailaaha—J. H. Grove. City -Bill Poster. Sioiticello— B. M. Gardner, Bill Poster. >>forrllton-Ed. N. Walsh. JNewimrt—John Clarldgc. IPlne Bluff—Chas. Sen yard. :ie U x l aV , Si^py^"^ UakerMeJd—«SJW Crato m tfi de vWtt^¥HfintJJ-0*tst.W ^ureI_pEurelrJgBlll*iEP«Uii»(ji ; ,:.. 'tos Angeles^«TOhiwa^WW''SJ«>'* ■■ •»t»dera-Ht;.<U Grace. - " - *todv«t*—w«, a i*u».t WonteiwI^hlMt F. iOIenftird.-'- -»ed mm-ws,>m;cm^i»ai * : Bedwt«Mpat*S0«ori»5:We»t. Ealinaa; it«. Bullene , M«f*l'rlrn1r«lr!^*e*r>i^oW»« e «^ Gosjben—Chas. Kurtz. Box 746. UreensburK—Kred. Seltz & Sons. 'Greencastle—J. W. Cooper. Hartford Cliy—C. W. Abbott. Kokomo—1|. E. Henderson. Lafayette—Lafayette mil Posting Co. La Grange—P. D. Kulck. Lebanon—Stacy Darnell. Liberty—Jas. R. Wilson. Logansport—Chas. B. Scblelger. Madison—Murphy & Rhoton.Clty Bill Pesters. Mitchell—W. M. Munson. Jr. Oakland City—O. M. Stone. *--^*HJgi^gr^WW&u mm m m Rockport—Robert M. Smith. Rockvllle—Parke Co. Adv. Agency, ^Little- ton. Manager. ' RusbvUle—Jas. H. Carr & Son, Lock Box 44. Seymour—W. A. Carter 4 Son. Union City—Ed. R. Thurston. Valparaiso—W. H. Drulllnger. Vlncennes—Vincennes Bill Posting Co. Wabash—Harter Bros. 'S»j§5ffl pal %f illfr« y HetCSgfc>. -"*.' f4i 4« "ftrajrwTKKRrrfiRT. f $ fpfeSouffiiHcAliitw-J. A. Mafldbx. ■ ■'. ': i§M •' icw*: " - ■ •, a§S»?A!gonaSjJJsjfc ; ' A. Or.'. I in PoHcr, JMsSBlooii«aa—Lon RSSmltlvUpx 203.' UurUiacion— Charnberlin. Harrington & : *e»?S MiJCalnWpGilhert N^Oteon: Sj4-:i |fc®t^ui«i^aIMu|f»=rC.iiSei.tNfeIiols. ■ ;-._"-■' 0Sm »esMWB*»r^, Vfcf>jlfc«l*B> (licensed fiht* ; <'Utntter. St.- Louis—The Merchants' ;. n.,i.r« ntTi.,1 --V-/V... »J3B »«.-«»* ftm*t*- - - - Guerre street. San Francisco—Owens & Varncy. cor. Maiket - and loth streets. %an Francisco—Slebe & Green, lltb and Mar- % ket etreets. flan Diego—San Diego Bill Posting Co., Fred. S F. Stulu, Manager. jBanta Cmt-L A. Daniels. Santa Maria—Gto.AVt.Bri STruckee—A. H. Hp^"-*" - ▼allejo-M. D. Nel Woodland—Diets & Glendiuning. !i C 'I.UKAU.I. !Aspen—John B. Ledou, L. Box 395. Colorado Springs—The Curran Co.. care Elk 2 Hotel. .Cripple Creek and Victor—Qulnn Bill Post- " JenJRo. Denison—B. f D. Steverlff"^ ;•»■&;■, Eldon—Wilson G. Taylor. Box.581. Ft. Madison—Elliott Alton. Grlnnell—Geo. R. Clifton. Jr.. 1020 West st. Harlan—Amasa Crosiar. Indlanola—J. S. Martin. Jefferson—H. A. White. «Jgf Le Mars—Wm. O. Light. NcYjijla^Story County • Advertiaing «p. .ptpn—R4K. Oarver. '■% p ».=». DflV.' • "•. ■.:-. Osceola—F. W. Doss. Cn Bill A Shenandoah—C. L:Jltrtf*r. .,*:.<£$■ ■ripton—Grant E. Ingham. " berger, Louis—The Merchants' -B. K.tCo;, W. F, ;-Wllliamsoh. propr.. aO'N. 1th st. ■■ .-•!■■ ■ SttnberryfFj.: HT. Patterson. Box SOL ^,Webb City—Webb City and Carterville Ad '■::"-, . vertising Co. BBRASKA. Broken 'Be%~E: : . r H. Pnrcell. Central City—HiC. Martin. chadron-^tW.-Oaylord. Cc4mribti»-^Johtt^Winkelnuui. Fremont- M Irwin. Frcmoht^t'. S. JWatts. Lincoln—F. C. Zebrung. Nebraska City—Carl Morton Nebraska City—J. Wier & Son. North Platte—Warren Lloyd. Superior—H. Bossemeyer. Tilden—J. W. Russell. P. O. Box 58. Wymore—Henry Anderson, tf, »sj.York-7Gus Ai-Juplpton .Sa. KANSAS. Abilene—John M. Looker. Emporia—Bert Moody. City Bill Poster. Dehver^Tn i e*eWrm , *«r^ City Bill Poster. Penver—The Curran Co., 17th and Larimer Fort Collins—Fort- Collins Bill Posting and -5 Distributing Co. '*. •":, Brand Junct.—The Haskell Bill Posting Co. tfueblo—The Currair-COi. llUGaaa Sallda—C. G* Gillum. Bill Poster. « i CONNRCT1CUT. Oanbury—Fredv^ll Shear. Norwalk and.'SOurii Norwalk—Harry B. Buss- <i ing. CltySBill Foster^;•--,.. Putnam—L. M. Keith. « "-**.,. S t nKL\W*#E. '*%«,.. S|eaford-S. E. Fields. J% : ^ S f FLORIDA. <**&£ •*%>. Fernandina—J. B. Gordon Hall.**;? **•>.. Lake City—Lewis F. Thompson. joft; v * % 1 GEORGIA. -^5f| Athens—H. J; Rowe. 'KW AugU£ta—C. R. Rowland. City Bill Poster. Carrollton—KUns & Perry. fUtonton—Wf T. Reld. Jr. Madison—Lea. c. Baldwin.'. Ifewnan—E. H. Bowman Co. > *-' s Savannah—Chas. Bernard, Licensed City Bill. f. Poster. ; • ,-U.U.M i<*.UU IOAH^ I^awrence—J.j Marysville Co..->?HbOBS ■fV. iewls \'Jt and ^wlston—Alhey C. Elliott. Focatello— Ceo. Dash. Box 27£?'» Wallace—Ed.iR. Carlton. ~- " felser—W. W. Cowins. -: | ILLINOIS, |rs tlanta—Thco. Williams. , *• uburn—Jaa.SA. Roberts. ^ f' J ' ' I E. Tiemann, 'Bttl{ Poster k. B08 S. High, street. fed. Wlffln. >.," v „ Iterloh, City Bill Poster. IB. Toler. Central la—Jokeph E. Hefter. Chicago—Chl&go Bill Posting Co. Clinton—J. Hi Saveiey A Co. ~' A ers and ttlBtributors. Elgin—Fred.lRr. Jcncks. Farmer Clty-fW. S. Young. ' . R*eport—Waliler Bill Postln* Plant. I > ; » Oalesburg-oFj. Johnson. Qalva-F. M.BBrown & Son. Henry—Fred.fS. Schaefer. Highland Park—G. Runey & Son. Address 3; Waukegant ' Jack«onvllle-43 f o. W. Stark & Son. < t eitt Bill Post- Lacon—Arno p. Anpke. Ija Harpe—C. * w «»■"■— ISapomh-Fn E. Hllller. Box-iW.- - ? - - Smith. 438 N. nodley st. Marshall—Vlclor Janney. Mattoon—Mcffherson Bros. MetropollB^-\frn. E. Ware. . , Wound City— % p. Easterday. ■ Ht. Sterllng-fQeorge A. Fowler. : r Orion—A; S. pusenberry. . JiTs, fl',!. ^i. a , w "^ 0u yf? Bl " Posting Co." r^Bk^n—Tazewell County Adv. Co.; Chas. \- iilmdlokejf. mirr. -? ^ t r \i + r - •'. ^teraburg-'nhe Bishop Bill TtJstlnit'Co;- ' S bn i'"?T: 1 ^S.S loll,ns - 112 E. Reynolds street ndwlch—Wfltcr Bibbs. . t .-,. - , + ,,. ielbyville-r|ol. C. Gowdy. City Bill Wsteri lylorvllle—q, O. Young, fnna—P. AT Johnson. |, • I hits Hall-Iobert K. Lulhe*i$ ! W..-L Inrhester—<|yrus P. Reynolds, City Bill S Poster. I Sj, i INDIANA:" . , • A3td>rson-W|i. Funk, BUI Poster and" bis- S tributor. I £|tlca-ahart§i E. Flnfrock. »'i W. Brown. Bill Poster. E. Cummlng. LChsi, E. Smith. Bill'fnstrr.' Cook. Bill I'oApr and DliC: ' Borst. JSgk. , ,.s--: ansvllle Bill pMlnfr^Co. lllca—Chart Wookston—Ji, wnnelton—El On-own Pblnt-4 Banvllle—J. Blwood—Jam mamvllle- ~ fbrt W»yn ; •Fort Wayna City Bnl Poslftli J Ca.a n;*Woodwor'th._M«nager Wayne-^cmol* Bill Posting Co. wlpr-Hohft Harolllon. ankfort-W*ln, T. Frcas. City BUI Poster. Great Bend—Mayers Bros. Harper—J. H. Thompson. Hutchinson—Kinsas Bill Posting * Meyer, i Junction City—Herman Defter. KiaalaxtrO.* U„ Harney, BJB1 Poster and Dis tributor. ■ ■ SS "^^ 4 ^^ ..«.■ A. ^UiL^ te _ KEitjucatv. Allecvllle—\V«#r j£rcarvell & Co, - Bar*«B|jt fi -j8^sSppleBat ( e. njSJViile^loylK'NIchoI*. iv.%, Mpisonvflle—J. E. Mulletrotx. Nwport-ittinB * Son. Owea g bg jfr —Owensboxo Bill Posting Co., J. ^."-RIchmond-rThe Richmond Bill Posting Co. ShelbyviRe—T. S. Baxter & Son. Box 336. WfhOhesteBsPerry Bros. *^| * WC"" LOUISIANA. Alenndrla—F. H. Carnahan. . I^ke Charles—The'A. H. Waltt Aov. Co. Morgan City—P. B. Ghirardi. Sbreveport—Ed. Seamnn. > V- r. * .- Thibodaux— American BUI Posting Co. - . f _ MAINE. Deac<ei>M3ha«.>F.-''BMBerl#.r-;-',*~-' ''ll f» T V* •Eistpbrt—Jas.' A^-Jauldeon^ 1 • * " ^" Mechanic Fails—Jordan Advertising Co. ~ r Rockland—C. D. Chaples, v .- i.~^ -.Cf J ■, Watervlll<^-S.t Hi^ Chase;' '1 -■> * v -- ! -~ "--■*- - MARYLAND. ' Easton—John R: Thompson.! **fi ) y.'l . _ jl . |-.-:-f liXSftVC&lJSKTTS "" "■-' "Clinton—Geo. S. Gibson. , t . ' Danvera—W. W. Wakefield.: ilb.: Q i' C 'j. Gloucester—Richard Connors. - Haverhill-J. F. West. Lynn-^Clty,BJlI PosUngOo.., Dodge,i Harri- 1 son.:Man««ers. • .,= : .;.. • i..,;" .- '•„- 4 MIddleboro—E. H. Blake: tPalmer^-Newell S..Taylor.-Box 534. i <B-"H.;Sa l hdr«£ .""•;;] >".":; V ;: : "M'-L y Wb'rcester^-Wlltdn Bill Postlne Co. Worcester—Flake Bros.. 43 Waldo sL MICHIGAN-. Allegan—T. E. Streeter/ '*....,'_ Alpena—R. Nolan.'■■'■",T_. ' ;' • * Beldlng-jW. H. Fish". ' !; CBBIllae-HJHsjiesii. Spencer. ; ..■?': y: i i Cheboygan—A. J: Finn, r -i .Detroit—Walker & Col- Dowaglac—Leckte Bill Posting Co., W. T. Leckle. Manager. -. f - - - , : Duratro—P. A. Rlvett. - <- East Tawas—H. C. Srtstol. . .. .Fentpn-L. S., FJeid. City„BilI Poster.-- T '. vVaiad*tC4*^Jam<p;l*&wnilawis. ~- ■'■--; *v -• Greenvllle^Wm. H. George. • Hart-Fred. N, Harris.* Jr. ", ;; : itbara-J^mes.-Botialdson. ■ : ; ■ ;; Kalsmaioo—B. "A. Bush. City BUI Poster. Kalkaska—Frrd. Gi Stuart. Lock Box 305. ; MaHne Clty^-Hunt ft Perrlhi * MHKn—Thd W. B. Redman B. P. ft D. CO. Paw Paw—H. E. Sherman. Bill Poster. <- . Port-Hnron—Bennett D111 Ppittng Co.. . .- "*mhrgls^-D/A: OBoTirh; *'.......i > ,r MINNBSOTVA. s r- .. Austin—P.<H.taeha«Vift'Bbn.? r-? . "• !. Bralnerd^-J. R StlhehoVfr: " * Fairmount—Warren Lewis. F»rlbault-J. Fink Bill Posting Co. Minneapolis—BreslRuer BUI Poatlng Co. Northfleld—F. J. Couper. . . ...,..-. ,- Ipwatogtt^—AutHtorlum Bill Posting Co., F. rrc«n««erAj.~ > e.-*JurT)R'. Cfty BUI Poster. SL Charles—E. H. Ingham. St. Cloud—Davidson Advertising Co. St. Peter—H. J. Ludfko. Jr. Winnebago City—G. E. Waldren. * SS '''-'■'' ;--,'Na*r HAMPSHIRE. \ ffi Exetej^-Jas:--0.'jp..:^rihgate. ;,gf Laconja—J. EglHarrlman. City Bill Poster % and. Distributor. * Meredith—Jerry M. Mayo. NEW JERSEY. * Atlantic City—Empire B. P. Co., 1811 Atlan- tic ave. Address Philadelphia. Camden N. J.—Temple B. P. Co.. Temple Building. Address Philadelphia. Clayton—Wm. H. Jacobs. i'Hachensack—J. F. O'Mealia. <■ SHoboken—J.;». O'Mealia. jaTerseJ City-^J. F. OJMealia. 'Newarlr—rfewark Bill Posting Co. PlainBeld—A. L. Force. -;■ Tied iBank—M. P. Sherman, 5 Broad St. !> NBW MEXICO. Las Vegas—Chas. Tamme. Box 34. ~^-< .... NEW YORK ^ ' * "Albany—Albany B. P. ft Adv] Co., : 35 Bearer. Baidwinsviiie?—.las. E. Cunningham, Box 189. Brooklyn—American Bill Posting Co. S>irat<»j(a Spnugs—Ionian B P. Co . A. Eddy. Elmira—E. L. Johnson. Mgr. Globe Theater. Fulton and Oswego Falls—Wm. Cook. Glens Falls—A. M. Cheesebro,-91 South St. GioversvUIe—Olin S. SuUiff. • - - Gbuverneur—St. Law. BUI Posting Co. Jamaica—Chas. Wood. Johnstown—Olin S. Sutliff. Lockport—Staats Bill Posting and Distribut- • ing Co. Lowville—C. D. V. Carter. - Matteawan—W. S.. Dibble. - Itlddletown—Thoe. .Katn, 88 South st. Mount Vernon—P. J. Ring. w New Tork City—H. Munson, 4 Murray st. :iKew York City—Reagan ft Clark. 21 Ann st. New York—A. Van Beureh. 128 4Ui ave. >"prwicb—Or F. Breed. ilean-^Olean JBill; Posting-. Co. "■."OswegtH=J6e"A. WaJlaee. - .--; Schenectady—C R. Benedict. y sTroyrrMra. M..--E. Dundon. 114 Fourth st. A Tfoy^-W: J. McAllister ft Son. A16 River St. Yonkers—W. L. Mildrum, 12 Warurton av. -; i - t .-, > ..NORTH CAROLINA. -'- -■ Ashevflle-^AsiieviHe Advertising: Agency. Greensboro—Griffith ft French. Reidsville—R. M. B. Ellington. -Wilmington—S.-A. Sehloss. -Winston—Wtm'T. Pfohl. NORTH DAKOTA. • Valley City—Smith Decorating Co. -." •"•'-• '"•'•' " *'- J DHtO. Ada—S. W. Rayl. Bill Poster and Distributor. Akron—Brvan ft Co.. 125 Main St. Bellaire—Fitton Bill Posting Co. Bowling Green—The American Co. Bowling Green—Commercial Bill Posting Co.. A. H. Tanker. Manager. ■ Bradner^-TS»JAm. Co. (Bowling Green, O.) Bucyrus—Frank R. Myers. Butler—W. L. Hissong. Canal Dover-iJohn H. Fox ft Bro. Canal Dover—The Tuscarawas Distributing Sign Writing and Bill Posting Co. Chicago—Louis Simmerma'cher. • Ctrclftvllle—Baughman Bros. Cleveland—Bryan ft Co.. High and Middle sts. . Columbus—Miller Bros.. 53 West Town st. .'• -.Coshocton—Frank ; P. Hagaaa. . .< ' Crestline—W.* J. Carney. Custar—The American Co. (Bowling Green.) . Cygnet—The American Co. (Bowling Green.) > A Defiance—Ji .R JJIser.-. lrflpaic—J. S. Peach. Hoytvllle—The 'Amer'n Co. (Bowling Green.) ' %.{$>£&&: O-'TlrrilL ; • . .Lisbon—Edgar D. Llechtenstlne. Logah—F. A. Koppe. * Mf rmlll—The Ardertcmn Co.. (Bowling Green.) " Milton—The" American Co. (Bowling Green.) Mt. Vernon—L. N. Headlngton. Nelsonvllie—W. S. Runion. New Philadelphia—S. W. Scott. Norwalk—J. M~-H*rkness. Pemberville—The Amer. Co. (Bowling Green.) ^Fwry^burg-igfh^ Araer. Co. (Bowling Green.) iFortag»-VThe>Amerlcan Co. (Bowling Green.) f Porttoo«th»R.iW',SLo4wick. -v '-Prairte D*pOt^-The ¥ A.m." Co.- (Bowling Green.) Rtslnir Sun—The Am. Co. (Bowling Green.i Rudolph—The Am. Co. (Bowling Green, O.) Springfield—H. H. Tyner ft Co. South Charleston—F. M. Heaton. 25 ' - «- -"'-MISSISSIPPI. Canton—Green Coleman. Jackson—Joe Brown. Natchez—F. G. Pellettierl. Meridian—L. D. Hotter. Licensed City Bill Poster. Starkviile—W. D. Cochran. • Vicksburg—James McQuiggan. Yazoo City—D. Wolerstein. MISSOURI. I Aurora—Samuel Martin. Boonvllle—Frank Gordan. i'Brunswlck—Price Ewing. Carthage—Carthage Bill. Posting Co. . Centri'.luV—Kodemyre ft Woods. |Chillicotfe-Z. B; Myers. : ; DeSoto^-ieon Herrick. Fulton^^C; O'Beirne. Hannibal—J. B. Price. Kirksville—Wm. Allen Smith. Macon—Fred.- C. Parker. Marceline—C. F. Long. Mexico—Hatton ft Clendenin. Odessa—Jim Waddle. ,. Rich HlllrfNewnjAn Goaaom - SU Charlet^-CIty Bill Poster, J. 'N. Mittel- 1 full aran ' i-TLBa ■■■■ ■■ --.-'*-." Tiffin—J. R. Lewis. Toledo—Bryan & Co.. 513 St. Clair sL Uhricbsville—Twtn City B. Post. Co.. Box D. Van Wert-Smith ft Wlfirea, 503 Park Plac* Wellington—L. W. Ely. Weston—The American Co. (Bowling Green.) Washington C. H.—Smith & Vincent. Zanesville—R. D. Schultz. .' Zanesville—England Bros.. 31 N., Filth st. OKLAHOMA TKRKITORY. Clayton—Waltman PosUng ft Distributing Co Guthrie—Okla. Adv. & DisL Agency. Box 26J. Kingfisher—Northup Bttl Posting & Distrib- uting Co. • Shawnee—Joseph H: Herrbn. OREGON. " AEhlaad—Chas. H. Gillette. Astoria—T. S. Simpson ft Son. Baker City—W. Newell. Portland—N.W. B. P. & D. Co., 34S Uorrlwm. Salem—Salem B. P. Co. PENNSYLVANIA. . Ashiand—Frank H. .Waite. . Bethlehem. South and West Bethlehem—<W- "_ man BUI Posting & DtotribuUiurCo.':. Butler—H. J. Dougherty ft SonaT^ \ ■ Caxllale-Geo. Cramer, 133 ;W. Fomfret ai Connellsvllie—R. G. Curran. - ™ Emlenton—W. L. Pierce. Greensburg—R. G. Curran. ; Hanover—J. Percy Barnitz. Harrisburg—Markley ft Appell. ~i~> Johnston—Flood City BUI Posting Co. ;Let>asoBT-Cbas. A; Oliver. . Lykens—H. B. Matter." :'-■■ SP^Sr™?^- d - Hturted A«T. Co. J j MlneravUle—MJnersville Adv. Cowi L. B. -23L McDonald—Bert M.. McCartney. : Meadville—Geo. Knox. Milton—A. J. Blair. New Castle—The J. G. Loving City Bill Posting Co. Philadelphia—American B. P. Co. (Ltd.). 814 Walnut st. Pittston—Pittston 3. P. Co. Scranton—Reese & Long. Sunbury—Sunbury BUI. Posting Co., J. T. -,-:,-.. -Cameron, Manager. ::-■■■ Washington—A. B. Means. 31 W. Chestnut sL- Wellsboro—A. H. Dartt ft Co. Wilkesbarre—Wilkesbarre Bill Posting Co. RHODE ISLAND. Providence—Old Colony B. P. Co. South Carolina. Charleston—Charleston Bill -Posting Co.. Ful- ler & Bernard. Proprs. Charleston—Chas. W. Keogh. Columbia—R. Stuart Marks. 1425 Gates st Georgetown—R. Chas. Griggs. SOUTH DAKOTA. Madison—F. D. FRts. ' Sioux Falls—Sioux Falls B. P. Co. ; TENNESSEE. ; Bristol—Border City Bill Posting Co.. Oliver Taylor. Manager. i Covington—Howard N. Holshouser. Box 457. Knoxville—Southern B. P. Co. Pulaski—Neal Suggs. Union City—Oscar R. Crews. Westmoreland—J. M. Louthan. TEXAS. ' Bastrop—Chas. P. Ziegenhals. | Beaumont—Welcome Rollins. . Belton—D. T. Gray. Brownsville—Valle ft Bros. Adv. Co! Brownwood—Hiram H. Thomas. Bryan—John B. Mike. Calvert—James Hooks. - =.■■'■■ Clarksville—Chas. O. Gaines. Cuero—Richard Harris. Box 33. Gainesville—Paul Gallia. Galveston—J. E. Howard. 617 Postoffice at. Hillsboro—J. S. Phillips. Houston—C. T. Sivalls. Box 206. Lampasas—Jim Mace. Laredo—Eugene Sloan. Marlin—Ike Jacobs. San Angelo—Sam. Smith. Box 182. Sherman—J. Long. 117 East Side Square. SmithvUIe—D. E. Colp. . Texarkana—Lemly Bros. Waco—Louis Sternkorb. 112 S. 4th st Whitewriet—Niler Lewis. VERMONT. !;' Burlington—B. B. P. Co.; Mrs. H. wl Walker. Newport—E. H. Norris. Snrrngfleld—George H. Stiles. ;. Waterbury—James Mariom ft Co. VIRGINIA. < Alexandria—J. M. Hill & Co. Bedford City—Wm. W. Hayden. Culpeper—J. a Williams. Franklin—Ross 1. Leary. Staunton—Wm. Glenn. WASHINGTON. ChehaliE—City B. P. & Dist. Co.. Box 324. Colfax—Geo. H. Lennox. Dayton—Day's Advertising Co.; Geo. E. Day, Manager. > Pullman—M. T. Chapman. Puyallup—Geo. M. Aciy. Snokomish—W^ P. Shaforth. WEST VIRGINIA. Huntington—Will A. Russell. Morgantown—M. J. Sonneborn. Wellsburg—A. B. Noland, Box 232. WISCONSIN. Chippewa Falls—C. G. Sherman, C. B. Poster. Elkhorn—Byron E. Button. ? Fond du Lac—P. B. Haber. Ft. Atkinson—Chas. B. Rogers. Janeaville—Peter L. Myers. Kaukauna—J. D. Lawe. Richland Centre—J. H. Coates. Sturgeon Bay—Bernard Hahn. Wausau—C. S. Cone. WYOMING- Laramie—H. E. Root, City B.P., opera house. Sheridan—B. C. LeRoy. .99% N. Main at. CANADA. Glencoe—John Foy. Montreal—St. Lawrence Adv. Co. Niagara Falls. Ont.—N. Falls B. P. ft D. Ag. Picton—H. J. Graham. St. Johns—J. Bouchard. Sherbrooke, Que.—F. H. Leech. Windsor—Windsor B.P. ft Dist Co.. Box 37. D. C. Benjamin, Manager. JU