The billboard (Jan-June 1899)

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■fcl §1 k I: u 11 I If :;■ Sri i 16 PAULDING. O.—Paulding Couatjr Agricultu- ., ral Society. Sept. 5 to 8. Dr. J. L. Stager, prea.; W. B. Jackson, treaa.: Con Ragan. secy. . JKS^X 00 .?' °—Trf-Conntjr Fair. Oct. 9-14. RIPLEY, O.—Ripley. Ohio. Fair Co. Aug. 29 to Sept. 1. O. F. Young, pres.; E. T. Kirlc- er. treas.; L. H. Williams, secy. SPRINGFIELD, O.-CIarke County Agricultu- ral Society. Aug. 22 to 25. T. L. Calvert. Selma, pres.: Fred. Shelleberger, Enon, treas-; Wm. Jenkins, Seth, secy. SPRINGFIELD, B. P. O. E. No. 51; June 12 to 18. L. M. Harris, pres. and treas.; ti»K-J5x v SP TiMseU - m E - H, 8 h st - secy- TOLEDO, O.-Tri-State Fair. Aug. 21 to 26. W. B. Geroe, pres.; C. R. Brand, treas.: T. B. Tucker, secy. . ™2X^°-— Miami County Fair. Sept. 18-23. UPPER SANDUSKY, O.—Wyandot County Agricultural Society. Oct. 3 to 6. CD K5S?- ' Drea -- Henry Rear, treas.; • Oscar Billiardt, aecy. URBANA, O.—Champaign County Agricultu- ral Society. Aug. 15 to 18, 1899. C. H. Ganson, pres.; H. P. Wilson, treas.; J. W. Crowl, aecy. WAPAKONETA. O.—Auglaize County Agri- cultural Society. Oct. 3 to 6. Perry Focht, Uniopolis, pres.; T. E. Bowsher, Buckland, treas.; A. E. SchalTer, secyy. WASHINGTON. c - H., O.-Fayette County r a, w „ A ° K - K to 1S " Nve Gregg, pres.; O. •JL-.I&H?*' *•«"-; N. B. Hall, secy. WAUSEON. O.—Fulton County Agricultural Society^ Sept 19 to 22. L. G. Ely, Fayette, pres.; W. A. Blake, treas.; Thos. MikeselL se cy. • WESTERVILLE, O.—Hamilton County Fair. -_Aug. 15 to 19. WEST UNION, O.—Adams County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 12 to 15. W. S. Kln- cald. pres.; H. W. Dickinson, treas - T. W. El lison, secy. WOODSFIELD, O.—Mound County Agricul- tural Society. Aug. 29 to 31. W. C. Moon- ey, pres.; Geo. B. Dorr, secy. WOOSTER. O.^Wayne County Agricultural Sodely- Sept. 26 to 28. J. C. Sidel. Blach- Ieyrille. pres.; W. A. Wilson, treas.; I. N. Kinney, secy. XENIA, O.—Greene County Agricultural So- ciety. Aug. 8 to' 11. YOUNGSTOWN, O.—Elks' Street Carnival - and Industrial Exposition. June 19 to 24. R. Montgomery, pres.; Geo. HellaweU, treas.: E. E. Miller, secy. ZANESVILLE—Street Fair. 3d week June 1899. OKLAHOMA. ENID. OKLA.—Garfleld County Fair Asso- ciation. Sert. 13 to 16. R. Meesall, pres.; H. H. Watkins. treas.: S. H. Allen, secy. OHEGON. BAKER CITY, ORE.—First Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Association. Sept. 25 to 30. Geo. E. Beil. pres.; J. H. Parker, treaB.; Fred. Rodenbeck, secy. ROSEBURY. ORE.—Second Southern Oregon District Agricultural Society. Aug. 29 to Sept. 2. V. C. London, pres.; W. I. Wright treas.: H. W. Miller, secy. SALEM. ORE.—Oregon State Board of Agri- cultural. Sept. 15 to 22. w. H. Wehrung, Hillsboro. pres.: J. H. Albert, treas.; C. D Gabrielsou. secy. PIS (.N»YI.VAiriA. ALLEGHENY, PA.—Industrial Exposition. Street Fair and Elks' Carnival. July 10 to 22. John A. Fairzsan, pres.; A. D. Arm- • f?5 n8 i.^£ as - : w - H- Lockhart, secy. ALLENTOWN. PA.—The Great Allentown Fair. Sept. 1 9to 22. Hon. Jeremiah Roth, pres.; A. W. DeLong, treas.; W. K. Mohr, secy. BEAVER, PA.—Beaver County Agricultural Society. Sept. 26 to 29. Wm. M. Boyle, Beaver Falls, pres.; J. E. Martin, treas.; J. E. Kennedy, secy. BETHLEHEM, PA.—Pennsylvania State Fair Association. Sept. 12 to 15. J. Walter Lovatt. pres.: Geo. H. Young, treas.; H. A. Groman. secy. BURGETTSTOWN. PA.—Union Agricultural Association. Oct. 3 to 5. W. W. Pyles Dinsmore. W. B. Linn, treas.; R. P. Stev- enson, secy. CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS. PA.—Crawford County Agricultural Society. Sept. 19 to 22 Clark D. Eckels, prea.; H. W. Canfield. treas.; Albert S. Faber, secy. CARLISLE. PA.—Agricultural Association of Cumberland County. Sept. 26 to 29, 1899. Chas. H. Mullin, pres.; John Stock, treas.; W. H. McCrra, secy. CARROLLTON, PA.—Cambria County Agri- cultural Association. Sept. 5 to 8. J. V. Maucher, aecy. DAYTON, PA.—Dayton Agricultural and Me- chanical Association. Sept. 26 to 29. A. S. McQuilkin, Smicksburg, pres.; A. J. Gour- ley, treas.; E. Morrow, secy. GRATZ. PA.—Fair. Aug. 22 to 26. J. W. Hoffman, secy. HANOVER. PA.—Hanover Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 26 to 29. R. M. Wirt, pres.; T. J. Little, treas.; M. O. Smith, secy. HOOKSTOWN, PA.—Millcreek Valley Agri. cultural Association. Aug. 22 to 24. R. M. Swaney, aecy. HOLLIDAYSBURG. PA.—Wayne County Ag- ricultural Society. Oct- 3 to 5. W. L. Fer- guson. Seelyville, pres.: Geo. Erk. Seely- ville. treas.; E. W. Gammell, Bethany, secy- HOOKSTOWN. PA.—Millcreek Valley Agri- cultural Association. Aug. 22 to 24. H. W. Nelson, pres.; H. C. Leeper, treas.; R. M. Swaney . secy. HUGHESVTLLB. PA.—Money Valley Farm- er's Club. Sept. 19 to 22. Theo. A. Boche, pres.; Hon. Peter Reeder, treas.; A. C. Henry, secy. KITANNING. PA.—Kitanning- Fair Associ- ation. Aug. 22 to 25. Dr. C. J. Jessop, . pres.; W. J. Sturgeon, treas.; T. McCon- nell. secy. KUTZTOWN. PA.—Keystone Agricultural and Horticultural Society. Sept. 26 to 29. J. R. Heffner. Monterey, pres.; J. D. Wanner, treaa.; J. B. Esaer. aecy. LEBANON, PA.—Lebanon Fair Association. Sept. 4 to «, 1899. H. B. Loose, pres. r Dr. W. B. Means, secy. THE BILLBOARD LEHIGHTON, PA.—Carbon County Industri- al Society. Sept. 26 to 29. Henry Miller, pres.: Valentine Schwartz, treas.; C. W. Bower, secy. LEWISBURG, PA.—Union County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 26 to 29. C. Wiilard Oldt, secy. LEW1STON, PA.—Mifflin County Agricultu- ral Fair'Association. Sept. 5 to 8. A. C. Mayes, pres.; T. S. Johnson, treas.; J. F. McKinney, secy. MANSFIELD, PA.—Smjrthe Park Associa- tion. Sept. 26 to 29, 1899. J. H. Clark, Pres. W. P. Austin, secy.; W. D. Husted, treas. MILTON. PA.—Milton Fair Association. Oct. 4 to 8. Edwin Paul, secy. MONTROSE, PA.—Susquehanna County Ag- ricultural Society. Sept. 19 and 20. B. E. James, pres.; T. I. Lott, treas.; W. A. -Titswortn, secy. MT. GRETNA, PA.—Mt. Gretna Agricultural, Mechanical & Industrial Exposition. Aug- 14 to 19. 1899. NEW CASTLE, PA.—Street Fair and Carni- val. June 5 to 10. Geo. F. Knowles. mgr. ORWIGSBURG, PA.—Orwigsburg Agricult- ural and Horticultural Society. Aug 29 to Sept. L Hon. J. T. Shoener, pres.; H. S. Albright, treas.; A. E. Brown, secy. READING, PA.—Agricultural & Horticultu- ral Society of Berks County. ■ Oct. 3 to 6. James HcGowan, pres.; Milford N. Ritter. treas.; Cyrus T. Fox, secy. STROUDSBURG, PA.—Monroe County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 5 to 8. R. F. Schwarz, pres.; T. C. Brown, secy. TOWANDA, PA.—Bradford County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 26 to 29. E. J. Avers, Macedonia, pres.; W. T. Horton. treas.; Benj. Kuykendall. Jr., secy. TROY. PA.—Annual Troy Fair. Sept. 12 to 15. John E. Dobbins, pres.: E. E. Van Dyne, treas.: John A. Parsons, secy. TUNKHANNOCK, PA.—Wyoming Countv Agricultural Society. Sept. 12 to 15. Hon. S. R. Bungess, pres.; C. O. Dersheimer, treas.; W. N. Reynolds, secy. WASHINGTON. PA.—Western Pennsylvania Agricultural Association. Sept. 26 to 29. Jas. M. Thomas, Thomas, pres.; Jas. I. Forsyth, Washington, treas.; Julius Le Moyne, Washington, secy. WESTFIELD. PA.—Westfleld Fair Associa- . tion. Sept. 12 to 15. Frank Strang, secy. WILLIAMS GROVE. PA.—Grangers' Inter- state Exhibition. Aug. 28 to Sept. 2. R. H. Thomas. Mechanicsburg, pres.: R. H. Thomas, Jr., Mechanicsburg, treas.; H. S. Mohler. Mechanicsburg, secy. YOUNGWOOD. PA.—Westmoreland Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 26 to 29. J. W. Alls- house. Adamsburg, pres.; M P. Shoe- maker. Greensburg, treas.; W. H. Holtzer, Greensburg, secy. RHODE 191. AND. PROVIDENCE. R. I.—Rhode Island State Fair Association. Oct. 9 to 13. Fred. E. Perkins, pres.; Frank F. Oiney. treas.; W m. H anrahan, secy. WARWICK. R. I.—Pawtucket Valley Agri- cultural Park Association. Sept. 21 to 23. R- A. S. Reoch. River Point, pres.: F. J Flanagan. River Point, treas.; John L Deering. Arctic, Box H, secv. SOUTH OABOLTWA FAIRVTEW. S. C.-Fairview Stock, Agricul- tural and Mechanical Association. Unde- cided. J. B. Wasson, pres.; J. L. Stoddard, treas.: W. H. Britt, secy. LEXINGTON, S. C—Lexington County Fair Association. Oct. 25 to 27. Major J. H. Counts, Irmo. pres.: W. P. Roof, treas.; M. D. Harman, secy. SOUTH DAKOTA SIOUX FALLS. S. D.—Carnival or Sports. Sept. 12 to 15. Geo. Schlosser, secy. YANKTON. S. D.—South Dakota State Fair. Sept. 25 to 29. Chas. H. Harris. Aberdeen. pres.; J. E. Piatt, Clark, treas.; Walter B. Dean, secy. ALEXANDRIA. TENN.—DeKalb Agricultu- ral and Mechanical Association. Sept. 21 to 23. Col. J. T. Creaghead, Brush Creek, ores.: J.W. Rutland, treas.; Rob Roy, secy. MURFREESBORO. TENN. — Rutherford County Fair Association. Sept. 5 to 9. N. C. Collier, pres.: A. M. Overall, treas.: J. H. Crichlow. secy. TEXA.S, DALLAS. TEX.—State Fair and Dallas Expo- sition Association. Sept. 28 to Oct. 22. W. H. Gaston, pres.; J. B. Adone. treas.; Syd- ney Smith, secy. MARQUEZ. TEX.—Marquez Fair Associa- tion. Nov. 1 to 3. F. M. Amos, pres.: Sid- ney Myers, treas.: Dr. E. O. Boggs. secy. PALESTINE, TEX.—East Texas Fair and Driving Park Association. Oct. 25 to 28. G. R. Cook, pres.; W. C. Gorman, treaa.; Thos. Hall, secy. SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—San Antonio Inter- national Fair Association. Oct. 28 to Nov. 8. 1S99. G. W. Bracken ridge, San Antonio, Tex., chairman. TAYLOR. TEX.—Taylor Fair Association. June 7 to 9. Howard Bland, secy. VICTORIA. TEX.—Southwest Texas Fair Association. Sept. 26 to 29. L. D. Heaton. pres.; Theo. Butiler, treas.; L. X. Hofer, secy. UTAH. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH—Deseret Agri- cultural and Mfg. Society. Oct. 3 to 7. John R. Winder, pres.: Elias A. Smith, treas.; Septimus W. Sears, secy. VEBHOST. BRATTLEBORO. VT.—Valley Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 27 and 28. MIDDLEBURY. VT.—Addison County Fair. Sept. 5 to 7. MORRISVILLE. VT.—Lamoille County Fair. Sept. 5 to 7. NORTHFIELD. VT.-Dog River Valley Fair Association. Sept. 19 to 22. J. B Wills Randolph, pres.; Jas. Morse, treas.: W w' Hoiden, secy. ' ..... RUTLAND. VT.-Rutland County Agricultu- ral Society. Sept. 12 to 14. John H. Mead SmL R « tl D nd ' pre "- : Fred - •*" PleM ' tre " : Willis M. Ross, secy. SHELDON JUNCTION. VT.-Franklin Coun- ty Fair. Aug. 30 to Sept. I. A. S. Rich- ardson pres.; Geo. P. Twigg. St. Albans treas.: C. A. Oliver. North Sheldon kpi-v ST JOHNSBURY. VT.-Caledonla County Fair Ground Co. Sept. 19 to 21 T R Steles, pres.; W. A. Taplln. treas.- Fred' S. Harriman, secy. WHITE RIVER JUNCTION. VT.-Annual State Fair. Sept. « to 14. George Aitkin* Woodstock, yt.. pres.: N. B. Haxfn, treaa ■ George W. Hoffman, secy. THE RIPLEY (OHIO) FAIR, Aug. >9. 3», 31 and Sept. i, 1899. The big Fair of the season. The Committee is now ready to sell privileges. Addrexa L. H. WILLIAM*. Sec'*. Ripley, Ohio. WE UNDERSELL ALL IN PRIMTIHB Ifin B " s " ,e *s Card*. Knvelopea. Letter. Bill IUU Hds., Labels. Tag*, 35 cts. a 100. postpaid Jt.25 a 1000. Samples 2c. Agents wanted. Star Pri -ting House, • Cleveland, Ohio. 1899-CANADA'S GREAT AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL—.899 EXPOSITION ANB FAIR TORONTO, AUGUST 28th TO SEPTEMBER Ml THE FAIR OF ALL FAIRS. Attended by over 300,000 visitors every year. Open to the lA/orlct. ^^ /\U Space Free, A FEW SPECIAL SHOWS OK REAL MERIT and Refinement will he allowed on the ground propositions for which, on percentage plan, are invited. No fakes, muscle dancers, or applications for other shows of that kind will be entertained. Grounds open from S A. M. till 10 P. M. each day Shows and properties admitted free of dnty. on bond. For all particulars address H. J, HILL., General Manager, Toronto, <2an. Z/jaby Olma 3 Sfeara... ...ofJZge, In a Wonderful Scientific Rowing Exhibition, especially adapted for Fairs. She carries her own tank, 60 feet by 20 feet. J* > j» j» For Terms, &c, address Capt JJhoa. y. Q. 97/e /er, Cin'ti, O. fairs, Street R'y Managers, Parks. Celebrations, «fcc Prof.H.N.llolway's Water Show and Fireworks Co. Repertory of Productions, comprising "Dewey's Victory," "Blowiag Up of the Maine," "Battle of Santiago," "The Taking of Manila." Etc. Prof. H. N. Holway's Water Show and Fireworks Production Co. Dayton, Ohio. Mny 8. 1S99. Dear Sir:- We take great pleasure in being able to give you a good send-off in regard to your Dewey's Victory and Fireworks for the week just ending at Fairview Park In our experience we have never had any production of any nature that has proved the drawing card that it has and has given everybody entire satisfaction. Wishing you much success, we reniiiu . FAIRVIEW PARK CO. For Circulars and Terms address CHELSEA. ma<sk :S5 5*: m Street Fairs! Pleasure Resorts! Electric Parks! Expositions! etc. etc. nes S r 8 . Bostock and Ferrari Have returned from their extended European trip, and are now open to transact business with Managers and Presidents of the above for The Only Trained Wild Animal Exhibitions In America, alt strictly European. Larger, better and more interesting than ever, with the Elaborate Front Entrance, Monster Orchestrions, and all and everything requisite for money making. Address all communications to THE ZOO, Kansas City, Mo. Promoters should not Fail to Remember that IT PAYS TO PLEASE THE PUBLIC. So get THAT that recommends, and thereby avoid FAKES. 1 as ss .w THE BILLBOARD VIRGINIA. NORFOLK. VA.-Vlrglnla State Fair and Ag- ricultural Association. Hay 18 to 19: Oct J to 6. W. B. Dillon, secy. WASHINGTON. NORTH YAKIMA, WASH.—State Fair. Sept 25 to 29. J. M. Baxter, prea.; Wm. Lee, Br., treas.; T. R. Gunn, secy. WEST VIBGrXNIA. CLARKSBURG, W. VA.—West Virginia Cen- tral Agricultural and Mechanical Associa- tion. Oct 3 to 6. T. T. WalUs, pres.; M. U. Thompson, secy. MIDDLEBOURNB, W. VA.—The Tyler Coun- ty Exposition and Fair Association. Auk. 22 to 25. W. H. Stealer, pres.; D. Hick- man, treas.; C. B. Higgle, secy. * PENNSBORO. W. VA.—Ritchie County Agri- cultural and Fair Association. Sept. 12 to 15. L. P. Wilson, pres.; Dr. O. P. Slider, treas.; Will A. Strickler. secy. 8HEPHERDSTOWN. W. VA.—Morgan OroTe Agricultural and Live Stock Association. Sept 5 to 8. Dr. A. S." Reynolds, pres.; O. T. Llckleder, treas.; R. S. M. Hoff- man, secy. WALTON, W. VA.—Roane County Fair As- sociation. Aug. 29 to Sept. L J. J. Riley, secy. WHEELING, W. VA.—Street Fair. June It to July L WISCONSIN APPLETON, WIS.—Fox River Fair and DrlT- ing Association. 8ept 19 to 22. Chas. Clack, Apple Creek, pros.; J. J. Sherman, treas.; L. W. Harman. secy. AUGUSTA. WIS.—Eau Claire Agricultural Society. Sept 12 to 16. W. K. Leldger. Fall Creek, prea.; F. B. Williams, treaa.; Chas. A. Williams, secy. BARABOO. WIS.—Sauk County Agricultural Society. Sept 26 to 29. Henry Maniott pres.; Franklin Johnson, treas.; Geo. A. Pabodie. secy. BBAVEK DAM, WIS.—Dodge County Fair Association. Sept 26 to 29. E. E. Williams, pres.; H. B. Drake, treaa.; C. W. Harrey, secy. BERLIN. WIS.—Berlin Agricultural Associ- ation. Oct 2 to 5. C. M. Willis, secy. BLACK RIVER FALLS, WIS.—Jackson County Agricultural Society. Sept 6 to 8. J. A. Bailey. S. N. Saurdohl, treaa.; E. Zj. Ormsby, secy. CEDAKSBUHG. WIS.—iHaukee County Agri- cultural Society. Sept 25 to 27. Wm. H. Rentleman, prea.; U. B. Schroeder. SalUr. treas.; Jacob, Dietrich, aecy. CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS.—Northern Wla- conaln State Fair. Sept 19 to 22. M. S. Bailey, secy. ELLSWORTH. WIS.-Pi.rce County Fair. Sept 20 to 22. J. w. Hancock, pres.; E. S. DooIIttle, secy. LACROSSE, WIS.—Lacrosse Interstate Fair Association. Sept 12 to 14. B. E. Ed- wards, pres.; T. H. Spence, treas.; C. S. Van Auken. aecy. MADISON. WIS.—Dane County Agricultu- ral Society. Sept 19 to. 22. S. L. Sheldon, pres.; Daniel Bechtel. treas.; Geo. A. Kingsley. secy. MANITOWOC. WIS.—Manitowoc County In- dustrial Association. Sept 6 to 9. Christ Muth. pres.; Julius Lindstedt, secy. MAUSTON. WIS.—Juneau County Agricultu- ral Society. Sept 1 to 7. S. C. Flommer, pres.; F. A. Adler, treaa.: J. C. Baldwin, secy. __„ MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Milwaukee CarnlTal Association. June 27 to 30. Alrin P. Kletzsch. pres.; O. C. Fuller, treaa.; Wm. McLaren, secy. MILWAUKEE. WIS.-SUte Fair. Sept 11 to 15. T. L Newton, pres.; John M. True, Madison, secy. MONROE, WIS.-Green County Agricultural Society. Aug. SO to Sept S. R. A. Ettor. pros.; Andrew Lewis, treaa.; Frank Smock, secy. NEILLSVILLE, WIS.—Clark County Agri- cultural Society. Sept 19 to 22. E. D. Webster, pres.; G. S. Redmon, treas.; H. H. H eath, secy. NEW LONDON, WIS.—New London Fair. Sept 5 to 8. Aug. Roloff. pres.; Henry Cannon, secy. PLYMOUTH. WIS.—Sheboygan County Agri- cultural Association. Sept E to «. H. Wheeler. Sr.. pros.; E. A. Dow. treaa.; O. Gaffron. secy. RICHLAND CENTRE. WIS.—Richland Coun- S *« rI « ,,tur «l Society. Sept 26 to 29. H. >•• Bock, pros.; J. M. Keys, treaa.; W. F. J. Fogo. aecy. ST. CROIX FALLS. WIS.—Park County Fair Association. Sept 19 to 21. Thomas H. Thompson, pros.; Harry D. Baker, treaa.; Geo. H. Ely, secy. CANADA ALMONTE. CANADA.—North Lanark Agri- cultural Society. Sept M to 28. John For- syth. Cedar Hill, pros.: Jas. Robertson, treas.; W. P. McEwen. aecy. BOWMANSVILLE, CANADA—West Durham Agricultural Society. Sept 14 and 15. W. E. Pollard, prea.; W. F. Allen, treas.: M. A. James, secy. BRANDON. CANADA-Western Manitoba Big Fair. July 18 to 21. F. J. Clark, manajcar BRANTFORD, CANADA-South Bra°t itrT: cultural Society. Sept. 16 to 21. Chas. W. -.i?W>' P™»-: Geo- Hately. manager. C ilti TH ,f M -. S ANADA ^West KTnt District Agricultural Society: Peninsular Fair. Sept 26 to 28. 8t A. Patteson. pres.; R. O. Fleming, treas.; Henry Robinson. Box 67. C t?/?'"' ON ^ CANADA-Huron Central Exhl- ™l? n r. S . ept - 19 an<1 *°- Wm - Weir, prea.; -Jff"P- Coats, secy. C SJ&H?. aW(io P- CANADA-Great Northern Exhibition. Sept. 19 to 22. Thoa. Robin- son, pres.; W. J. France, treas.; J. w. Archer, secy. DRUMBO. CANADA-Blenhelm Township Agricultural Society. Sept. 26 and 27. J. O. Given, Rlchwood, pres.; Y. S. Teller secy. • HA iii FA ^iK. C . ANA P A: ^ NoTta 8cotl « Provln- «5L B f""Wtlon Committee. Sept IS to SO. g°Ri J'.™ ^gnBtor. pre*.; D. R. Clarke, wsaa.; J. S. Wood, secy.. 17 INDIAN HEAD. CANADA-Central Asslnl- boia Show Association. Aug. 2 and 3. Angus MacKay, pres.; A. W. Sherwood secy. - INNISFAIL. CANADA—Spring Show. Mar 12. John McLeod. secy. KILLARNEY. CANADA—Klllarney B. D. Agricultural Society. Aug. 1 and 2. Geo. . J M .S£ u J 1 J? ch ^ P. res -: A,ex - Leltch. secy. LONDON, CANADA—The Western Fair As- sociation. 8ept 7 to 16. Lt Col. W. M. S* rUhor «i, P™*-: D- Mackensle, treas.; Thos. A. Browne, aeey. MANITOU, CANADA—Manitou Fair. Aug. » and 10. Jas. Fargey, pros.; W. F. Ellis. secy. . MAKKHAM. ONT.. CAN.—E. R. Y. * M. Agricultural and Horticultural Societies. Oct. 4 to 6. R. C. Tefft, pres.; W. H. Hall, secy. MINNEDOSA. CANADA—Hinnedosa Agricul- tural Society. Aug. 2. Rich. Storey, pres.: T. A. Cuddy, secy. NA . PANEE - CANADA—Lenox Agricultural »,££&. .S e . pt -_ 18 and u - E * Mi°8. secy- NEEPAWA. CANADA—Beautiful Plains Ag- ricultural Society. Aug. 8 to 10. G. S. Mc- Gregor, pres.: John Wemyss. secy. OAK LAKE, CANADA—Annual Show. July 7. Thos. Jasper, pres.; W. J. Helllwell, secy. OTTAWA. ONT.. CAN.—Central Canada Ex- hibition. Sept. 11 to 23. W. Hutchison, pres.; T. C. Bate, treas.; Edward McMa- hon. 26 Sparks st. secy. PAISLEY. CANADA—Centre Bruce Exhibi- tion. Sept 26 and 27. Geo. Chambers, pres.; F. E. Sheppard. secy. PETERBOROUGH. CANADA—Peterborough Central Exposition. Sept 18 ta 20 O w Fitzgerald, pres.; W. J. Green. Box 1ST," secy. PILOT MOUND. CANADA—Mountain Elec- toral Division Agricultural Society. Oct. 4. ^JL5- Pre »'on. pros.; F. Steadman, aecy. PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, CANADA-Local Show. July 5 to 7. »~"m PRESCOTT. CANADA—South Greenville Ag- ricultural Society. Sept 19 to 2L Chas. H. Row, pros.; T. R. Melville, secy. REGINA. CANADA—July 25 and 26. SKI APP .5 L , LE - CANADA—Aug. 2 and 3. RICHMOND. ONT.. CAN.-Carleton County Agricultural Society. Sept 13 to 15. John C™ 1 *- North Gower. pres.; William McEl- roy, Richmond, secy. ROLLING RIVER, MAN., CAN.-AgrlcUltU- ral society. Aug. 18. SAULT STE. MARIE. CANADA—East Al- gona Agricultural Society. Oct 3 and 4. •»S? h Ji..5! w !P n ' Dre8 -: Wm - Brown, secy. STANSTEAD PLAIN. CANADA-Stanstead •J&^JS&f* .T a,r AMOctaUon. Aug. 23 to 24. TORONTO. ONT.. CAN.—Annual Exposition and Fair of Industrial Exhibition Associa- tion. Aug. 28 to Sept 9. H. J. Hill secy TURTLE MOUNTAIN BOISSEVAIN: CAN- ADA—Turtle Mountain Fair. July 27 and zs. Chas. Brown, pres.: D. McCuaig. secy VntDEN. MAN.. CAN.-County DenTils Airf: cultural Society. July 26 and 2Z. ATg. McDongall. secy. WELLESLEY. CANADA—Wellesley and N. Easthope Agricultural Society. Sept 12 and 13. John Greenwood, pres.; Geo. Bell- inger, secy. WINNIPEG, CANADA—Winnipeg Industrial Exhibition. July 10 to 15. R. M. Power. Carberry, pros. ENGLAND. MAIDSTONE, ENG.—Royal Agricultural Show. June 19 to 23. Poultry Shows. AURORA, IND.—Aurora Poultry. Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 8 to 13. 1900. J. B. Stevens, secy., Aurora. Ind. BATTLE CREEK, MICH.—Michigan Fanci- ers Association. Dec. 12 to 15. Geo. Hamm. BLA ? K ^ E . L i? °- T.-Poultry Show. Jan. 17" to 20. 1900. G»o. M. Carson, secy BLOOMINBURG. 5.—Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Dec 26 to 30. W. F. Jeffer- son, secy. BLOOMINGTON. ILL—Bloomington Poultry Association. Dec. 11 to 16. F. C. LuettiE secy. B 2. STO J N - MASS.-Poultry Show. Jan. IS to 20, 1900. A. R. Sharp, secy.. Taunton. Mass. CANTON. O.—Canton Poultry Association. Dec. 28 to Jan. 1. 1900. U. S. Danner secv CHICAGO ILL-National B^ncllre" Assoc?: ation. Jan. 8 to 13, 1900. C. A. Damon. CINCINNATI, O.-^CInclnnati Poultry Associ- ation. Jan. 16 to 20, 1900. A. E. Brooks, secy., B.w.c. 7th and Freeman ave. COLFAX. WASH.—Whitman County Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 20 to 22, 1900. O. L. Kennedy, secy. COLUMBUS. O.-Ohio State Poultry Associa- tion. Jan. 18 to 23. 1900. Chas. McClave secy.. New London, O. CRESTLINE. O.—Fanciers' Association. Dec 12 to 16. E. R. Warden, secy. DALLAS. TEX. — Southwestern Poultry. Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Dec 11 to 15. A. Branshaw, secy. DANVILLE. ILL.—Verml'Iion County Poul- try Association. Dec. 28 to 31. A. L Rice secy. DUBUQUE. IOWA-Mlssisslppl Valley Poul- try Association. Jan. 3 to 8, 1900. F. D. Scharle. secy.. 96 Hart St. ERIE, ILL.—Whiteside County Show Associ- ation. Nov. 21 to 25. C. W. McCall. secy. OFORRFTOWN. ILL.—Georgetown Poultry Association. Jan. 2 to 6. D. H. Bowen secy. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.-lndlana State Poul- try Association. Dec. 11 to 16. J. C. Tark- inaton. secy. JACKSON. MICH.-Jackson Poultry Farm- ers' Association. Dec. 18 to 22. W H Eaton, secy. K S. 0 , TA i« IA ^T s l* te p °u«fy Association. Dec. 26 to 30. W. L. Holmes, secy. KOKOMO, IND.—Northern Central Indiana Poultry Association. Jan. 17 to 24. B. E. Sanders, secy, LONISVILLB. KT.-Kentaekr State Associ- ation. Jait H to 17. 1900. P. O. Hogan. secy., 426 W. Main at, * MARSHALLTOWN. IA.—Poultry Associa- tion. Dec 26 to 30. H. C. Hansen, secy. MEADVILLE. PA.—Meadvllle Farmers Club. Dec. 19 to 26. H. L. Lamb. secy.. Cam- bridge Springs. Pa. MEMPHIS. TENN. — Mississippi Valley Poultry Association. Dec. 18 to 23. G A Seyforth, secy. MIAMISBURG. O.—Miami Poultry Associa- tion. Dec. 4 to 9. S. B. Groby. secy. NACOMB, ILL.—McDonough Country Poul- try Association. Dec. 25 to 30. Miss Marie Edte, secy. NEW ALBANY, IND.—Southern Indiana Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 8 to 13. 1900. Frank Heck, secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Keystone Poultry ft Pet Stock Association. Nov. 28 to Dec 2. J. Emlen Smith, secy. ROACHDALE. IND.—Indiana Fanners' As- sociation. Dec. 4 to 9. A. M. Owen. secy.. Raccoon, Ind. ROCK ISLAND. ILL.—Western Illinois Poul- try and Pet Stock Association. Nov. 28 to ~£SSl, 2 - _ c - F - Kammerer. secy. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.—Trl-State Poultry Show Jan. 24 to 26, 1900. Geo. Schlosser, secy. SOUTH FRAMINGHAM. MASS.—Middlesex Poultry Fanciers' Association. Dec. 5 to 8 ST. LOUIS, MO.—St Louis Fanciera' Associ- ation. Jan. 1 to 4. 1900. John A. Franlcsco, secy. * TIPTON, IND.—Tipton Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 18 to 23. J. M. Hoover, secy. F. Expositions. BALTIMORE. MD.—Home Product Exposi- tion. Autumn, 1899. Management of Balti- more Retail Association. CLEVELAND, O.—Cleveland Industrial Ex- position and Carnival. Cleveland Lodge of Elks. Aug. 7 to 19. John G. Scorer, gen'l „™anager, 45 Sheriff street Cleveland. O. GREENSBORO. N. C.-lndustrial ft County Exhibit Aug. 1 to 4. 1899. H. J. Elam, HAWAII—Hawaiian Industrial Exposition ft Agricultural Fair. September, 1899 LONDON, ENG.—Earl's court Greater Brit- ain Exposition. May 1 to Oct L 1899. NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y.-Pan-American Ex- position. June 1 to Nov. 1, 1899. r. c. Hill, secy. PARIS, FRANCE—Paris Universal Expoal- «S^1l. Al Sii 5 '"O 0 -*° April 15, 190L OMAHA. NEB.—Greater American Exposi- tion of 1899. July 1 to Nov. L ^^ PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA—Western Australia Commercial ft International Ex- position. Autumn. 1899. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Exposition of Amer- ican Manufactures. Sept 14 to Nov. 30. 1899. W. P. Wilson, director general. PORTLAND. ORE. — Oregon Exposition. of? p £»«?!, to S^ 28 -^?- c - Breeder, pres. RALEIGH. N. C—Exposition. Oct 16 to Nov. 16. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Pacific Ocean — In- ternational Exposition. May 1 to Oct L SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.-Colonial Exposi- tion, Products from Pacific Possessions. Sept-2 to Oct 7, 1899. - ST. LOUIS, MO.—World's International Ex- position. 1903. TOLEDO.' O.—Ohio Centennial Exposition. May, 1902. TORONTO, ONT.. CAN—Exposition and In- T Ua i, r .l? 1 £ aIr ' Augt - 2* to Sept 9, 1899. H. _r.-_ HH1 ' Toronto, manager. WASHINGTON. D. C—Federal Government In District of Columbia Exposition. May, YOUNGSTOWN, O.—Elks' Street Carnlvar and Industrial Exposition. June 19 to 24. R. Montgomery, pres.; Geo. HellaweU, treas.; E. E. Miller, secy. *• Warren Street, M EW YOR K- F.BBRIOAHTI DEI MIG. OBI PALLONI digomms, agaseclfiscfretfo e di ogni genere di novifa, per vendi tori ambulanti. WI«Bi I. BO .i aaalsusi nlm, la ertsn S2 §• ■• "' $8 SO " "45H»tketsalstfcietU " *£t» " $2 5» '•- «.•» Serpenti, bambole. cornamnse, nasi con »>affifinli, uccelli ai argento, scimmie e ogni 8orta di novlta. s gprd'see II rataloeo Kratla dletro rlcitleat*' Scon to seii prrzzl 4 seconda dell? ordh.8. zionl. I Dontri compratorl sono avvii«a 4 i o x a* noi siamo i soli fabbiicanti dei PilLMI PJTDEEl, cho noi vendiamo fino da 45 anniochenoigaantiamo superoria tuttiglialtri. Gnardatevi da chl » endo Pal'onl co' noatro nome I'Terlorl di quality o aprezzi baagl. MARK i BOMDT Distributor and Sign Tacker. MfllUt. H. DURi; I, petrol Micn . ^g Mne St. ON account of ill health, I offer for sale" The Cedar _ Rapids Advertising Co., of Cedar Rapids. Linn Countv. la. Situated in the best city in the state. Over fifty factories and mills- over fifty wholesale houses of various kind* of goods; fourteen reta'l drug stores; four large clothing houses; twenty-five retail groceries: a dozen or more hotels; electric street cars to all- parts of the city; fine parks. -Leading city in state for picnics, excursions and entertainments o. aU kinds. Very little competition. Thfa' company is known to all the large advertisers. Plenty of local advertising. For further par- I 1 SSSSL-f n ' 1 _P"ccs. call on or write to H. W. S3E Ra E p1o; E ?a. Mgr " <*-» GraDb * BtoCk - CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO. BILLPOSIINa, I c=. E». KAGe BULLETINS. City BlUoolter CAROTACKINO. OwT^snonden£? 1 S ?£' DISTfilBUTINQ. ne^yoMcUed d ^ 1="II^AIS- Horse Shows. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.-Horse Show. July. wJShrJk J !S5 0 . ,, Waters. Atlantic City. N. J. DENVER. COL.—Denver Horse Show. May 30 to June 2. M ££ ASSES > VA.—Horse Show. July 19. 20. PHILADELPHIA. PA.-Horse Show. WIss- ahickon Heights. May 30 to June 4. PHILADELPHIA. PA.^Devon Horse Show Association. June 7 and 8. Chas. M. Grea. secy. UPPERVILLE. VA.—Upperville Colt and Horse Club Exhibition. June 14 and 15. P. S. Gochnauer, secy., Upperville, Va. Box 366. Who have advertising matter to distribute- may now refer to G. \Af. Foativr Mgr. of OKUHOMA »V- C0rRales?o7ci££ lars, books, etc.. S2.00 per M : rates for sam- ples, etc.. $3.50 per M. Signs tacked on budges, fences and barns through entire Logan County, Oklahoma. G. W. FOSTER. Guthue, Okla. Dog Shows. AMBLER. PA.—Dog Show. June 6 and 7 J-_A. Caldwell, Jr.. secy.. Penllyn Pa. NEW YORK CITY-American Pet Dog Club. Nov. 22 to 24. 1899. S. C. Hodge, secy. TORONTO. ONT., CAN.-lndustrial Exposi- tion Association. Sept 4 to 7. T. D P Fraser, secy. " " WANTEO-SIGN PAINTERS TO USE OUR letter patterns for sign painting: no expe- rience required: send io cents for ten 4-inch sample patterns; different styles. LITTLEFIBLP & CO.. A dams New York Advertisers, Take Notice S ■When you waut distributing, sign tacking in Newark. Ohio you should place it with us W ^ ar ?^ llaDle : ou rwork is guaranteed bythe - 1. A. of D. We also cover jj towns outside of Newark. No boys. We do our own work- can refer to all leading business men and" druggists in this city. Get o'ir rates before placing your work. Good service brings aood „«»?^ „ BlIWWMaS * McfttLWS. Established 1892. (Box 296.) Newark. Ohio. H- O. Bohodcds, Mgr. fSLENCOE. ONT.. CAN. JOHN s=0-v ^-» Billposter. Sign Tacker and Distributor. * lalloon Ascensions and Parachute Leaps For Fairs, Fetes and Celebrations. either Lady or Gentleman Aeronauts We are reliable. Nothing stops us or prevents ascension except a hurricane or a pouring rain. For terms, address the champion, PROF. E. STEVENS, NORTH ADAMS, MICH.