Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1899)

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K C Exposition. Cream Rye Whisky, Ring- ing Bros.' Circus, Side-Tracked Theatre Co. ii rid some local paper on tbe boards. Yours respectfully. . - W. A. NORTBRUP. •• Kingfisher,.. O." The following is a portion of a letter re- ceived by Secretary Steinbrenner: "We have received several communications from tbe "I. D. A." and "The Bill Poster- Display" and lots of other stuff, by which w could be made eternally rich If we would sind tbem a small amount merely to pay (or , I suppose: but we are with- the I. A. of D.. and shall stay with them. Stclnbreiraers' Distributing; Service are now operating four crews of men each, and ont> foreman for each crew, making a total 01 twenty men employed. Mr. Steinbrenner states that business with them was never better, and that their up-to-date service lb giving entire satisfaction; alBO that the pros- pects for the balance of the season are very encouraging. Advertisers will undoubtedly be well pleased to learn of the organization of local druggists in Cincinnati, for the purpose of restoring label prices and the discontinuance of cut- rates. A prominent druggist stated the other day that they already bad enrolled 168 mem- bers out of a possible 202. This is very en- couraging, and It Is to be hoped that cue manufacturers of proprietary medicines will do all they can to help make success of tne organization Mr. Geo. W. Rock, of Frankfort, Ky„ Is a live distributor and an energetic and faltu- tul worker. I had the pleasure of reading a letter received by him from a prominent au- vertiser, which contained some strong tes- timony regarding Mr. Rock's services. Win quote a port of letter referred to: "It is a pleasure to come in contact with a distributor who takes an interest in Lis work, and tries to represent the interest 01 the concern for whom he is distributing. au<x not simply get rid of bis advertising matter as quickly as possible, in order to get ais pay for same. We feel confident that a man who bandies his advertising matter with tiie good Judgment that you have displayed, can not help but make a great success of tne work, and we shall be pleased hereafter to place all our distributing In Frankfort in your bands, feeling sure that it will be well taken care of.' Is It any wonder that advertisers favor the I. A. of D.. when it is composed of such members as Mr. Rock? I do not understand why Mr. Bernard saw fit to write up Mr. Bridger. of Atlanta, us he did, unless he was inspired by Jealou=>. Mr. Bridger never said anything about tar. Dooley, and what the heading, "Who is Dooley" has to do wltfc the article is puzzling .quite a number of people. Mr. Bridger, ot course, will come back with a good stroug argument in favor of his service, and defend bis reliability and character as a distributor. It Mr. Bernard will write Mr. Dooley. or any advertiser who does house-to-house distrib- uting, ihey will soon answer his question, •Who is Bridger?" The following letter was handed us by the Secretary of the I. A. of D.: 'Kindly give me full particulars regarding the 1. A. of D. I am anxious to become a member of this association, as I feel confident It would be of much benefit to me in my busi- ness. Can furnish you with the very best references regarding my standing in this com- munity. 1 have had letters from members who think the I. A. of D. is the only associ- ation.':.^ Similar letters are being received daily by Mr. Steinbrenner. \ What Steinbrenner Wants. He wants to know why Stablbrodt. Runey & Co. did not think of Improving the distrib- uting service of the United States until the I. A. of D. took tbe lead? He wants to know how it is that Mr. Stabl- brodt became so suddenly, and so deeply In- terested in distributing, and if he-is not in- spired by some other motive besides tbe wel- fare of tbe advertisers and distributors? He wants to know why their association' al- most copied the entire Constitution and By- laws of the I. A. of D„ simply changing the wording of it, and why they did not improve where they differed? He wants to know why Mr. Stablbrodt in- sinuates that Steinbrenner is not the author of the "Special Notice," which it pleased him to publish in his journal, and why he accuses Steinbrenner of playing the part of "a dog In the manger?" He wants Mr. Stablbrodt to know that he does not claim to be the only one that has im- proved house-to-house distributing. There are many others. Every member of the I. A. of D has assisted In the good work. He wants Mr. Stablbrodt to know that the J- A. of D. is not "Steinbrenner'* Associa- tion. There are over -100 members, with equal rights. He wants to know why "The Bill Poster Display Advertising" did not have a Distrib- uting Department prior to the organization of the so-called "I. D. A.?" He wants, to know how It Is that the mem- bership of the I. A. of D. Is increasing more rapidly than ever?" He wants the name of any member of the i. a. of D. who "never received five cents' w»rth of benefit" from the association. lie wants to know the name ot the associa- tion that has done more for Its members than II"- 1. A-. of D. He wants to know why It Is that Mr. Runey. ot tlie recent meeting, applied for another franchise |in the I. A. of D., If he did not runsider it beneficial? He wants to know the actual number of member* of the new organization-. lie wants to know why tbe Constitution and By- aws of the "I. D. A." provides a salary for its Secretary? ii.I e -.*!!?*■ to kB0 » *** Mr. Runey has pup. HitK-4 me want or prominent bin potter* THE BILLBOARD ■ d as officers and members of the "I. D. A" without their having Joined and without their consent? He wants Mr. StaMbrodt to know that he is fully aware that the I. A-. of D. membership is composed of about two-thirds bill posters, the few other bill posters who are also in- ™ res £ ed J n distributing, having applied for membership, but could not be admitted be- cause the association was largely represented. He wants to know why "The Bill Poster Display Advertising" maliciously and know- ingly misrepresents the I. A. of D. in an ar- ticle tinner the heading of "Needs No De- fense," by saying: ^'Z he T 68 ! 00 " (meaning the I. A. of D.) does not give you the assistance it should inJj^ 86 \L is not •» Position, to guarantee anything^ either to you or to the advertiser. f«^I°l ff. n ? Protection and could not en- force restitution, among many of its mem- „t£? U .'? ide Dt "■* W11 Postersf if it tried? and under its present provisions the responsible E" 4E°1 ers wh « b , e '»ng to It have to settle tor the irresponsible and independent distrib- utor who has no business standing." ^i e J e ^!f or of " Tn * BUI Poster Display Ad- vertising well knows that the above para- graph Is wholly untrue. The bill posting year's dues In the I. A. of D. will bring more business than' a page "ad." in "The Bill Poster Display- Advertising," running for one year. (If there be any doubts as to whether we paid for losses sustained by the adveitisers named, write them, and they will substantiate my statement.) Respectfully. W. H. STEINBRENNER. VILLI AM M. HELOY. In this issue we-present our readers with a life-like likeness of Mr. Wm. H, Meloy. of Carlisle, Pa. Mr. 'Meloy is one of the char- ter members of the International Associa- tion of Distributors, and Is a stanch friend and believer in that organization. He has built up a good, paying business through the influence of the I. A. of D. and his own hust- ling abilities. There is not an advertiser of any note in the United States who does not know of his service, which is always quoted as thor- oughly reliable and honest. Should this meet the eye of advertisers Just entering the field, they will make no mistake by entrusting their matter to the care of the subject of this pict- ure. WILLIAM M. MELOY, Distributor, Carlisle, Pa. members have not paid one cent more than the exclusive distributors. There has been one assessment made to make good losses to the advertiser, and that was in the early days of our associations, and. at that time, 90 per cent, of our members were exclusive distributors. They willingly and cheerfully paid the assessment. We did not call upon our bill posting members for more than their shore, and all of them responded. The object of the editor is to cause dissension between the bill posters and the exclusive distributors and to get them to quarreling. In this he might have succeeded If his dealings with the bill posters bad been as fair as have been those of the officers of the I. A. of D. with its members. As far as the guarantee of the I. A. of D. Is concerned, there Is not an advertiser in the United States to-day who sustained a loss through- any of our members whose claim was not made good by our association, and I chal- lenge Mr. Swhlbrodt, Mr. Jas. L. Hoff or any other person to prove to the contrary. On the other hand, the I. A. of D. has paid claims to tbe Dr. Miles Medical Co.. to the Dr. Kilmer Co. and to the Lydia E. Plnkttam Medicine Co., and. In several instances, we have in- fiuenced* our members to reimburse advertis- ers for losses sustained, which were due to carelessness on- the part of their employes. "The Bill Poster Display Advertising" will never make anything by mis-stating facts. I defy Mr. Stahlbrodt to prove one Instance where a member of the I. A. of D. has not received more benefit In his business through being a member of this as- sociation than If he had spent the money in advertising In any other way. It goes with- out Hiring th«t ft membership fee and one Notes. J. A. dough, of Chicago, takes advan- tage of the private mailing-card scheme. He heads his reading matter with' "donga it." then gives testimonials from well-known advertisers as to bis excellent service: they telll what he did. His argument to new cus- tomers is as follows: "You furnish the sam- ples or pamphlets; We do the work, and you get the money." Notices in your local paper .help to keep your name before the local merchants; and local work is a very good class of business to have to help bridge over a Short, dull sea- son. Here is one whit's* Jas. Donaldson of Ithaca, received in a daily. "Jas. Donaldson. the bill poster, has recently completed his Job of distributing and posting a large amount of advertising matter for the California Fig Syrup Co., as per contract. James does a large amount of this kind of work in the course of a year, and does it conscientiously and well. • Plato's Agency, of Philadelphia, has used the same ad-mark since 1884. It is: "See Plato about it." Hennegan & Co. have a good thing in their Santa Claus Herald. Distributors should send for samples of same and solicit their lorm trade. The Bates-ille Advertising Co.. Batesville. Ind., quote svetions 1 and 2. article X r of tli- Constitution' >t the International Association of Distributor., In ttteir circulars which they Wail to advertisers. This la a goad plan fur' I. A. of D.' members to follow-, for it shows . wherein your service is the best In -your fe>w&a. and at the same time advertises t"-- -~—■ ation, and thus helps your brother A lengthy article recently; appeared m. «»» j New York Sun, on what'was styled the buX„. posters' hammer. We would have called it ™ an ordinary sign tacker's hammer, such s has been advertised in our columns loial months past. This serves as an illustration-1 of how far the trade papers, in their, partlcu-i', lar line, are ahead of the great dailies. : irll ' * " lit The following letters, received by the Sec-c rqetary of the I. A. of,D. tell their own story ''-:> Chattanooga, Teon. It W. H. Steinbrenner, Secretary. Cincinnati: .-Wp Dear Sir—Will you kindly send us your 1 *^ latest list of distributors of advertising mat-hr ter? We especially desire a complete list forfe s •the following States:-Texas, Tennessee, Ala-^v bamra. Georgia, Indian Territory, Oklahoma.""I \V e thank you for an early reply. Yours very"}*, truly, THACHKR MEDICINE CO. if* Chicago, III., Oct. 12, 1899. ^ Mt. W. H. Steinbrenner, Cincinnati: mi. «. rx. aieiuDrenner, Cincinnati: " ; § Dear Sir—Your September list received.?!' Have you no membership list in Iowa Or™ 1 ?, Nebraska? If so, kindly send us a list of 1 I those two States. Respectfully yours, ST. JACOB INSTITUTE. ^ Austin, Tex., Oct. 7, 1899. ? if Mr. W. H. Steinbrenner, Cincinnati, O.: ' }?.%RgT „ Dh "- Sir—Please send me a revised list fdr'if* ■ October of the I. A. or D. membeis. Yours*' respectfully, * f. C. KNIGHT, v| ! Rep. Street & Smith, Proprs. "New York! 'Weehly." . - ( P. S.—Address me at Galveston by Oct 23. ' Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. It. 1899." Mr. W. H. Steinbrenner, Secretary Interne.--* tional Association of Distributors, Cincin- fc nati, O.: ... ; ei Dear Sir—Will you please put' this depart ment of the Fan-American- Exposition on your EF tTiaiilino lirt >.» »V_» ._■.'■ .»■'» ... . . ■* Hi - - —— .—— . —— *~ — •*,*» *.««u^. B aiiTSlI "4|A/01UUU ■*■■ V|)gr mailing list, so that we will receive your printed lists of distributors regularly? m I thank you in advance for your gre-l § courtesy, and beg to subscribe myself, yours % very truly, GEO. BLEISTEIN. ■'■$ Chairman. • R Buffalo, N. Y.,;Oct, 18, 1899. S Mr. W. H. Steinbrenner, Cincinnati, O.: 3 - Dear Sir—I have yours or the 16th. Inst- wllh W list of the members of the International As- ji sociation of Distributors. I note that you-ft have entered u» on your regular null list. Si Many thanks for your great courtesy. O? *' course, it will be some time yet before we* have any of this distributing to do, but we '«* want to know how at the proper Ume. Yours & v "7 truly, GEO. BLJSISTBIN. Chairman Pan-American 1 Exposition, 1901. The Peru Sanitarium, of Peru, Ind., has or dercd a big edition of muslin signs and boo ltts. They will soon be r£«dy-i»"hear fiS t\lll^Y**0' -in . Tn-jlT— v.M ' ^W%^'1_ ■ ■. -va** ■ ■ • ltts. inty will soon be r£«dy-i»"hear irinuM i ! '| W distributors in Indiana, Obto, Illinois andli % l \ & Kentucky. *™* M i(-e| j ! .1 The Mayor of Allentown, Pa., has recom- Eg lis !§' mended that the City Council prohibit the un- a"'-' ;B * lawful use of the streets and Eldewalks by ft "those who still regard the handbill as a use- S ful method of advertising." S: This is a step in the right direction. Every fai town should have an ordinance prohibiting v< the scattering of paper over the streets. It S would be of good benefit to nouse-to-nouse M distributors, for wasteful methods and the '">% lack of good results therefrom have done :- .S more to prejudice advertisers against dlstrib- il uting than any other One cause. ^f a The Dillon Cross Roads Bill- Posting and ™ Distributing Company, of Normal. 111., are using a circular which Is original, effective and profitable. It is an exact representation °i of the first, page of The Morning Call, the V daily paper of Normal.. The .entire front of if the initial page contains the company's ad.. 9- while the back contains reading matter an j I advertisements of local and national adver- § Users. These ads. probably more than n*y a for the cost of the circulars. M '■■■■-- ■- - - .'■-.•'« Bill Davis, pioneer bill distributor of Sallda„-il Ool.. has a paper which he prizes very, highly? 1 It is a recommendation of his service signed S by the Oity Mayor, City Treasurer, CKy ?I Clerk, a number of merchants, editors and S hotel managers. The Idea.Is a good one—for if Bill, since he does not belong to Ute 1. A. ff of D. A member of that association needs no <•! other testimonial. ii The Swift Specific Company is distributing »iS 'i a 32-page book. 5 by 8. entitled "Blood and.*!:- ; r Skin Diseases; How to Cure Them." The edl- B » -I t"^^^ "■■ iHiuuus. iue wuoie country-is to be covered and distributors everywhere will do well to write. I. A. of D. members are given the preference, of course. " Distributors In the States named wlH ps interested in the following letter, vrhich we have received from Keokuk. la.: * ;- ;;i!, "The BHlboard" Publishing Co., lMiECsfflifctn Street. Cincinnati: Gentlemen—You may perhaps, In knowing the fact that from your directory, as paper, a list of all ~ towns given and in t- Hampshire. Vermont. Island. Connecticut. " Pennsylvania. It Is Hubinger Co. to se ' »» place, one • ' towns, t "—' brand. " i « ■<a 86$ "'if «... f^^^r." *k . j- i m ■■■ii