Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1899)

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The billboard eonuennons, Tete*, Celebration*, etc. $ Under this heading we publish free oj m f charts the dates of all notable events, which w B are likely to attract largeconcoursesoj'people V Ii to any one particular city and for this reason as W prove of importance to advertisers, showmen, m g streetmen, general passenger agents, etc, A ■ 7%« /&/ u carefully revtsed and corrected £ monthly. Jff ANY, N. Y.—JicJcal Society of the State Jt New York. Jan. 30 to Feb. 1, 19U0. T. p. Curtis, M. D., secy., Albany, N. Y. IBS, IOWA—Improved Stock Breeders' Aa- ilation. Dec. 13, 1899. W. M. McFadden. est Liberty, Iowa. HERST. MASS.—Delta Kappa EpBilon So- lety. Not. IS. 1899. Bethnna Duffleld. •cy., MO Union Trust Building;, Detroit, i<Icn. DERSON. INT).—State Convention] Y. M. :. A. Nov. 23 to 26. DOVER, O.—Beekeeper's Association of •hio, Pennsylvania and New York. Jan. 10 nd 11, 1900. Ed. Jolly, Franklin, Pa. N ARBOR, MICH.—Michigan Schoplmast- Club. Dec. 1 and 2. James H. Harris, cy.. Bay City Mich., Principal of High ichool. HEVILLE, N. C—B. Y. P. TJ. State Con- ention. Dec. 6. C. S. Blackwell, Wil- lington LANTIC CITY, N. J.—Grand Lodge ot !lks. July 12, 1900. LANTA, GA.—Train Dispatchers of Amer- . June 14, 1900. J. •]?. Mackie, Stewart ve.. Chicago. r RORA, ILL.—Ancient Order Hibernian*. r SO0. Daniel McOlynn, secy., St- Louis. ,'LTIMORE, MD —State Horticultural So- iety. Dec 6 and 7. D. G. Johnson, Col- lege Park, Md. LTIMORE, MD. — Grand Commandery ingots Templar. Nov. 23. John H. Mli- fer. Baltimore. LLTIMORE. MD.—State Conference Charl- ies and Correction. Nov. 1899. Rev. Z. b. inkham. Baltirifore. _>TU40RE, MD.—Federal Brotherhood of tndraw ft Philip. November. 1899. C. E. '~yckoff, Irvington. N. J., secy. - _^TIMORE. MD.—Grand Pasture of Mary- and United Order of Nazarltes. Not. 21. m. Geo. W. Carroll, secy.. S27 North Dal- ai atre«t. Baltimore. Md. iLTIMORK. MD.—Independent Order of free Sons ot Israel. 1902. iLTIHORE, MD.—Shield of Honor of Mary- and. Feb. 3, 1900. W. J. Cunningha m. :y. 205 E. Fayette street, Baltimore. Md. jTIMORK, MD.—Catholic Benevolent Le- on. Feb. S. 1900. Thos. Foley Hisky, :y., 100, W. Fayette street, Baltimore.Md. ILTDIORB, MD.—Royal Arch Masons. N*t. 14, 1899. George L. McCahan. Grand t^TLE CREEK, MICH.—State Sunday- School Convention. Nov. 14 to 16. H. l.. Jcilton, Detroit, Mich. JSATRICE, NEB.—Head Camp, 'Woodmen of lie World. Second Tuesday, February, |:901. E. I. Spencer, 'Wichita, Kan., secy. JCKNELL. IND.—Indiana Field Trial ■Clubs. Not. (. 1899. -8. H. Socwell, secy.. Tm Massachusetts avenue, Indianapolis Ind. KRMINGHAK. ALA.—Synod ot Alabama. 'Star. 21. 1891. W. L 81nnott. Clerk. Co- Jltunbiana. Ala. KANCHARD. LA.—Texas Fox Hunters* As- ciation. Dec. H. D. J. Pope, Marshall. , at SjLoOMIXGTON, IXL.—State Conference ^Charities and Correction. Nov. 1899r Mrs. IjHenry T. Ramey, Carrollton, I1L HLOOMINGTON. ILL.—State Conference (charities and Correction. Nov. 1 and 2, *9!>. iMrs. Henry Rainey, CarroHton, ni. faSTON, MASS.—American Historical Asso- jciatlon. Dec. 27 to 29, 1899. Herbert B. fAdams. John Hopkins University. Baltl- jmore, Md., secy. . loSTON, MASS.—American Railway Ac- counting Officers. Mar 30. 1900. J. E. fQuick. Toronto, Can. BOSTON, MASS.—American Surgical Assoct- fation. May 1 to 3, 1900. Herbert Burrell, 122 Newbury St., Boston. . loSTON. MASS.—A. O. H. National Conven- Ition. May 14. 1900. James Sullivan, Race 1st.. Philadelphia, Pa. lOSTON. MASS.—State Teachers* Associa- ition. Dec. 1 and 2. A. G. Boyden, secy., jJBridgewater, Mass- ifOSTON, MASS.—State Sunday School Asso- IciaUon. Nov. 14 to 16. Hamilton S. Conant, jsecy., 110 Boylston street, Boston. WOSTON. MASS.—Knights of Labor. Nor. 14. tOSTON, MASS.—Knights and Ladles of (Honor, Grand Lodge. May 9. 1900. Sam {Hathaway, 228 Tremont St.. Boston. Mass. lOSTON, MASS.—O. U. A. M. State CounciL |:Feb. 22, 1900. Chas. C. Littlefleld, secy., 43 ffMilk street, Boston. IOSTON, MASS.—Ancient Order of. Hlber- Inlans. July, 1900.1 James O. Sullivan. Phil- Jadelphla, Pa., nat. secy. " BOSTON, MASS.—State Council Knights of f Columbus. Feb. 6. 1900. Win. J. O'Brien, fsecy., 597 Washington street, Boston. IrATTLEBORO, VT-—Vermont Dalrymens* g Association. Jan. 9 to U. 1900. BRUNSWICK, ME.—Maine Ornithological So- fclety. Dec 30. 1899. L. W. Bobbins. Gar- diner. M».. itn. „JSHNBLL. ILL.—Military Tract Helical i Association. Not. 19 to 20, 1899. O. B. (Will. M.D., secy., Peoria, HI. (EDAR RaPIDS, IA.—American Poultry As- rsociation. Jan. 15 to 20, 1900. H. A..Brldge. [Columbus. O., secy. ?DAR I"- 1 . jS, IA.—Iowa Engineering So- f ciety Jan. 17 and 18. E. P. Boynton, secy. bIDAR RAPIDS, IA.—State Library Associ- ation. Nov. 9 and 10.- Miss Ella M. Loney, iDes Moines. la. SDAR RAPIDS, IA.—Iowa State Epworth eague Convention. Nov. 2 to 5. Rev. E. Keith, secy.. Lake City. la. CEDARVILLE. 0.—Reformed Presbyterian National Conference. May 30, 1900. Rev. a . Foster, secy... 341 W. 29th St., New York City. CEDARVILLE, 0.—American Polled Jersey Cattle Association. Dec. 6. CHARLESTON. S. C—Annual Communica- tion ot M. W. Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina. Dec. 12. Chas. Inglesby, secy. CHATHAM, ONT., CAN.—International Field Trials. Nov. 14. W. B. Wells, secy., Chat- ham, Oct. CHICAGO, ILL.—Bohemian Catholic Central Union. Sept. 26. 1900. Frank Lindelar, St Jewett St.. Cleveland, O., secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Duroc-Jersey Rec- ord Association. . Jan. 2, 1900. Robt. J. Evans, secy.. El Paso, 111. CHICAGO, ILL.—American Galloway Breed- ers' Association. Nov.. 1899. Frank B. Hearne, secy.. Independence. Mo. CHICAGO, ILL.—Agricultural Press League. Nov. 14. E. W. Chandler, 1117 Asblunu Block, Chicago. CHICAGO. ILL.—Interstate League, Build- ing and Loan Association. Not. 16 to 17. 1899. Bird M. Rsbinson. secy.. 1128 Broad- way. New Jork City. . CHICAGO, ILL. — American Short Horn Breeders. Nov. 22. J. H. Pickerell, Spring- field, 111. CHICAGO, ILL.—American Shetland Pony Club. Dec. 18, 1899. Mr. M. Levering, La- fayette, Ind. CHICAGO, ILL.—American Maize Propogan- da Annual Meeting. Feb. 8, 1900. B. W. Snow, secy., Marquette Bldg., Chicago. CHICAGO, ILL.—American Cotswold Associ- ation. Nov. 20. Geo. Harding & Son, Watt- hfishfl Wis CHICAGO, ILL.—National Wagon Manutac- turing Association. Nov. 22 to 29. H. M. Kinney, Winona, Minn. CHICAGO, ILL.—American Herford Cattle Breeders' Association. Nov. 21. C R. Thomas, Independence, Mo. CHICAGO ILL.—American Durham Breeders . Association. Nov. 21, 1899. W. W. Crane, Tippecanoe City, Ohio. CINCINNATI, O.—Union of American He- brew Congregations. Jan. 15, 1901. Llpman Levy, secy., Cincinnati, O. CLAY CENTER, KAN.—Sixth District K. ot P. Convention. Nov. 14 and 15. Earnest Pinkerton, secy.. Clay Center. CLEVELAND. O.—State Dairy Union. Dec. 5. F. A. Shanahan, Huron St., Clevelauu. CLEVELAND, O.—Royal Templars of Tem- perance. Jan. 30, 1900. Geo. M. Caldwell, . 57 Tennis St., Cleveland. O., secy. COLUMBIA. MO.—State Charities and Col- < reetion. Nov. 6. Rev. A. A. Rogers, Boon- ville. COLUMBIA, MO.—Missouri Federation of Womens Clubs. Nov. 8 to 10. Mrs. L. M. Defoe, Columbia. COLUMBIA, S. C.—Negro Republican Con- vention. Nov. 6 to 10. J. S. Moberly, Co- lumbia. COLUMBUS, O.—Ohio State Poultry Associa- tion. Jan. 18 to 23. Chas. McClure, secy., New London, O. COLUMBUS, O.—Ohio State Hotel Associa- tion. Dec. 13 and 14, '99. F. Melville Lewis, secy.. Cleveland, O. COLUMBUS, O.—Ohio Association of Presi- dents and Secretaries of Fairs. Jan. 10. 1900. Geo. W. Carey, secy., Lebanon, O. COLUMBUS, O.—Ohio State Hotel Associa- tion. Dec. 13 and 14. F. Mellville Seuis, secy., 35 Burt St., Cleveland, O. COLUMBIA, S. C—Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of Southern States. Nov. 2 to 4. J. H. Kirkland, Vanderbiu University, Nashville, Tenn. COLUMBIA, S. C—Association of Southern Schools and Colleges. November, 1899. J. H. Kirkland. secy.. Nashville. Tens. COLUMBUS, O.—American Chester White Record Association. Jan. 19, 1900. Carl Freigau, secy.. Dayton. O. COLUMBUS, O.—National Municipal League. Nov. 15 to 17. COLUMBUS. O.—Ohio jersey Cattle Club. Jan. 10. 1900. A. T. Dempsey. secy. COLUMBUS. O.—State Association of County Auditors, Not. 21 and 22, 1899. E. M. Ful- lington, MarysvlUe, O., secy. CORTLAND, N. Y.—New York State Dairy- mens' Association. Dec. 19. W. W. Hall, secy., Gouveneur, N. Y. CRESCO. IA.—Northeastern Iowa Horticultu- ral Society. Nov. 28 and 29. C. H. Tine, Edgewood, la. CRESTON, IA.—Southwestern Iowa Teachers" Association. Nov. 2 to 4. Supt. H. E. Dealer. Clarinda. la. DALLAS, TEX.—Baptist General Convoca- tion of Texas. Nov. 10. J. B. Gambrill, secy., Dallas, Tex. DALLAS, TEX.^^outhwestern Poultry Asso- ciation. About Dec. 12 to 18. H. M. Skel- ton, secy., Dallas, Tex. DALLAS. TEX.—State Conference Knights and Ladies of Honor. Nov.. 1899. Mrs. A. Fried, secy.. 502 Main St.. Dallas, Tex. DAYTON, O.—Young Peoples* Christian Union. Nov. 2 and 3, Miss Mabel Boda, secy., Miamisburg. O. DAY. MO.—Grand Lodge I. O. G. T. Dec 6 and 7. L. D. Russell, secy., N. Strieker St., Baltimore. DAYTON, O.—Ohio Poland China Record Co. Jan. 23, 24, 1900. Carl Freigau, secy., Day- ton, O. DAYTON. O.—County Commissioners' State Association. Jan. 9, 1900. J. C. Hauser, Sandusky, O., secy DENVER, COL.—I. O. G. T. Grand Lodge. Dec. 12. J. H. Merritt, secy., Alcott. Col. DES MOINES, IA.—Western Surgical and Gyneological Society. Dec. 27 and 28. Geo. L. Simmons, secy., 61 Market St., Chi- cago. HI. DES MOINES, IOWA.—National Congress of Mothers. May 23, 1900. Mrs. Vesta Cassidy, Forest Glen, Md. DES MOINES, IA.—State Traveling Men's Association. Dec. 2. F. B. Haley, secy., Des Moines. la. DBS MOINES. IOWA.—Iowa Miller's Asso- ciation. Jan. 16. 1900. J. C. Van Meter, lecy., DeSoto, lawa. DES MOINES, IOWA.—Marble and Granite Dealers' Association. Jan. 17, 1900. E. H. Prior, secy., Postville, Iowa. DES MOINES, IA.'-Mutual Insurance Asso- ciation. Not. 18, 1899. F. B, Gordon, secy.. Sac City, la. DES MOINES. IA.—Iowa Mutual Insurance Association. Nov. 15 and 16. F. E. Gordon, Sac City. la. DES MOINES. IOWA—Brotherhood of Loco- motive Firemen. September, 1900. F. W. Arnold, Peoria, HI., secy. i-EROIT. MICH.—The National Lincoln rtreeders" Association. Dec. 20. H. A. Daniels, secy., Elva, Mich. DETDOIT, MIOH.—Lake Carriers' Associa- tion. Jan. 16. 1900. Chas. H. Keep, secy., Buffalo. N. Y. DEROIT, MICH.—Michigan Dairymens' As- sociation Feb. 6 to 8, 1900. S. J. Wilson, secy.. Flint. Mich. DETROIT, MICH.—National Saddlery Associ- ation Convention. July 12 to 14, 1900. John B. Denver. St. Louis, Mo. DETROIT, MICH.—Supreme Lodge K. of P. Aug. 21. 1900. R. L. C. White, secy., Nash- ville, Tenn. DETROIT, MICH.—American Federation of Labor. Dec. U. DETROIT. MICH—Republican State League Feb. 22. 1900. Burt D. Cady, secy.. Port Huron, Mich. DETROIT, MICH.—R. A. M. Grand Lodge. Jan. 16 and 17. 1900. Grand Lodge, Jan. 23 and 24. J. S. Conover, secy., CoIdwaUr, Mich. DETROIT, MICH.—F. and A. M. Grand Lodge. Jan. 23, 1900. Frank T. Lodge, Port Huron, Mich, secy. DULUTH, MINN.—Minnesota Retail Hard- ware Association. Feb. 14. 1900. J. W. Clar'-, Minneapolis, Minn., secy. DUNKIRK, N. Y.-New York State Woman's Suffrage Association. Nov. 1 to 4. Isabel Howland, cor. secy., Sherwood, N. Y. DURHAM, N. C—Jr. O. U. A. M., State Council. Feb. 20, 1900. P. S. Preston, secy. Box 275. Salem. N. C. EGG HARBOR. N. Y.—State Field Trials. Nov. 13. F. F. Rick, secy., Buffalo. N. V. EMPORIA, KAS.—Democratic Editorial Fra- ternity of Kafesas. Feb. 8. 1900. W. P. Morrison, secy.. Sterling. Kas. EUREKA, NEV.—Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F. Nov. 2. 1899. Mrs. Weathers. Deeth. Not., secy. FARMINGTON. W. VA.—State Teachers' As- sociation. Nov. 30. John R. Jefferson, secy., Parkersburg. W. Va. FRANKFORT, IND.—Supreme Lodge of Moose. February, (second Tuesday), 1900. M. G. Kelly. Crawfordsvllle. Ind., secy. FREDERICK CITT. MD.—United Brethren Church of United States and Europe Cen- tennial Celebration. 190L FREEPORT. ILL.—Northern Illinois Horti- cultural Society. Nov. 30, Dec. 1. A. \V. Bryant, Princeton, 111. FREMONT, NEB.—Nebraska Dairymens' As- sociation. Dec. 19 to 21. F. H. Vaughn, secy. FT. WORTH, TEX.—Fat Stock Show. March 13, 1900. D. O. Lively, secy. FT. WORTH, TEX.—National Stock Breed- ers' Association. January 16. 1900. FULTON. ILL.—Supreme Lodge Mystic Workers of World. March 13 and 14, 19(H). E dwa rd Jackson, Fulton. GAFFNEY. S. C—Baptist Ministers' Confer- ence. Not. 28. 1899. GAFFNEY, S. C—State Convention of Bap- tists. Not. 29. 1899. C. P. Ervln secy.. Wellford. S. C. GRAND FORKS. N. D.—State Educational Association. Dec. 27 to 29. George Martin, secy.. St. Thomas, N. D. GRAND RAPIDS, IOWA Asscciation. Jan. 20, 1900. GUELPH. CAN.—Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union. Dec. 6 to 8. C. A. Zaritz. secy.. Agricultural College, Guelph, Canada. HALLIFAX, N. S., CAN.—W. C. T. U. Cana- dian Convention. Nov. 10. Mrs. Rutherford. Spencer Ave., Toronto, Can. HARRISBURG, PA—I. O. O. F. Grand En- campment Annual Session. May 14, 1900. James B. Nicholson, Odd Fellows' Temple, Philadelphia. Pa. HARTFORD. CONN.—Congregational Church State Convention. Nov. 21. Rev. H. K Slack. Bethel, Conn. HARTFORD. CONN.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge of Connecticut Jan. 17, 1900. John H. Barlow, secy. HARTFORD, CONN.—State Dairymen's As- sociation. Jan. 15 to 20. HOUSTON. TEX.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. Dec. 5. John .Watson, Houston. BALLOONS BALLOONS Gas, Hocnet or Whistling. WE HAVE ALL FBJESH STOCK. Oca Gas Balloons are made of the best French rubber in three .colors, red, blue and greon, and ■inflate full size, warranted best ■quality 4-piece rubber. 'No. Per Gross a60. Assorted colore. $ 3 75 a65. Assorted colors . 4 00 1. White Rattan Switches 40 00. Fancy covered whips- 1 50 WHISTLING BALLOONS. Gross in Box. No. Per Gross 45. Assorted colors....! 2 00 W. Assorted colors... 8 25 60. Assorted colors... 2 75 58. McGinty 3 25 160. Serpents 3 25 We also carry full lines of Walking Canes, Cheap Jewelry, Pocket KnWes, Pickout Prizes, etc. and make up selected lots for $5,910, $20 and up. Catalogue mailed on application. COB, -YOVSGtm As CO., OUi and St. Charles St., ST. LOUTS, MO. IT WILL PAY YOUR RENT. Our Automatic Musical Slot Picture Machines MAKE LARGE INCOMES For Saloons. Hotel*. Pavilions. Drug: Stores. Parks. Hardens, Etc. Send 2 stamps for 33 p. illustrated catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO. MACHINE CO.. 131 Liberty St , NEW YORK CITY. ,BUI roSTII. aniuimm, THE LOUTH AN AD AOBNCY will place all kinds of Ad Matter in 12 Counties in Tennessee and Kentucky. Prompt and effective service at reasonable rates. J. M. LOUTMN. Mar- WBSTMOHSLAMO. TSHM. ALLEN'S PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Deals in all kinds of NEWSPAPER INFORMATION. Advance reports on all contract work. Msln office. 510 Mont- gomery street. SAN FRANCISCO. HARTER BROS. Purchase of Henr WABASH. INDIANA. Have added to their Billpost- ing Plant by Purchase of Henry Hern's Bill- boards in the city of.". ■^V«9f"V latrlbutor -SHOULD USE- THE WALLACE: BAG. It is in use in every State in the Union, and is guaranteed to be the strongest and most durable on the market. Sample bag 81.35; 6 for J7.00. Scud for circular. WALLACE BAG CO., Oswego. N. Y aRAFTERS. FAKIRS, STREETnEN. We have the greatest seller out. The best novelty of the year.. Big Profits. Sample. 10 cents. Address: The Athertoi Co.. - 51 Ceffki Block. - kfdtanpolU. M. Q. NERVIONE, 66 N Franklin St., CHICAGO, ILL. ^ToyManufactorer,^ Wholesaler of Rubber Toy BALLOONS. Finest Assortment of Fresh Rubber Goods. Hydrogen Inflating Machines, Illuminating Gas Bellows, Whistling Balloons. Whips, Novelties, etc. We solicit your correspondence. PRIZE MEDALS CUPS, PINS, TROPHIES, ftc. Designs free on receipt of particulars •JOHN MARRIOTT'. 3 Winter Street. BOSTON. MASS. THE BILLBOARD CONFETTI, SERPENTINA, PERFUME TUBES /*MD CARNIVAL. NOVELTIES. AMERICAN CONFETTI CO., Sioux City, Ia. HUMBOLDT. IA.—Grand Lodge of Iowa 1. O. Q. T. Third Tuesday in August, 190o. B. T. Green, Hawaidcn. la. HUNTINGTON. W. VA.—1. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. Not. SI. ISM. O. A. Hiehle. seer.. Parkersburg, W. Va. HUNTINGTON, W. VA.—Ri'bekah State As- sembly. Nov. 15 to 17. Mrs. flattie Hunt), Colliers. W. Va. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—American Essex As- sociation. Jan. Z to 7, 1900. F. M. Srout, McLean. 111., secy. INDrANA'POLIS, IND.—State Wool Growers' Association. Jan. 2. 1900. J. W. Kobe, secy., Greencastel, Ind. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Indiana State Flut- ists' Association. Nov., 1890. It. A. Mc- Kraud, secy., Indianapolis INDIANAPOLIS, IND—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. Nov. 21 to 23. W. H. Lecdy. In- dianapolis. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—K. and L. ot H., Grand Lodge. Not. ?. 1899. W. B. Has- son, JeffersonTHie. Ind.. secy. IOLA. KAN.—Southeastern Kansas Teachers' Association. Nov. 21 and 25. J. W. Allen, St. Francis Ave.. Wichita. Kan. IOWA C1TV, IA.—Eastern Iowa Dental So- ciety. Nov. 30. T. B. Jones, Wilton, Ia. ITHACA, N. Y.—American Economic Asso- ciation. Dec. 26 to 29. Walter T. Will- cox, secy.. Ithaca, N. Y. JACKSONVILLE. FLA.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge of Florida. Jan. 16, 1900. W. P. Webster, secy. JEFFERSON CITY. MO.—Missouri State School Board Association. Dec. 27 to 30. Speed Mosby. secy.. Jefferson City. Mo. JEFFERSON CITY. MO.—Single Tax League. Nov. 7 to 9. H. M. Williams, Century Bids, St. Louis. Mo. JEFFERSONVILLE, IND.—Grand Lodge of Indiana. K ot H. Feb.. 3d Tues.. 1900. J. W. Jacobs, secy., JeBersonvllle, Ind. JOHNSBURG. VT.—Patrons of Husbandry State Grange. Dec. 12 to H. D. D. Howt. Burlington, Vt. KALAMAZOO. MICH.—State Building and Loan Association. Dec. H. T. A. Gouldcn, Port Huron. KEARNEY.NEB.—State Camp Modern Wood- men of America. Bi-cnnial Meeting. Sec- ond Wednesday In 1901. W. A. FonsytL. secy.. LoouiiB, Neb. KEENE. N. H.—New Hampshire Sunday- School Association. Nov. 7 and S. C. f. Quinby. swy.. Tilton. N. H. KREBS. I. T.—State Council Jr. O. U. A. M. Nov. II. Geo. E. Jabn. S, B. C. Coalgaie, Ind. Ter LAFAYETTE. IND.—Conference Charities and Correction. Nov., 1S99. T. F. Moral., Lafayette. LAKE VIEW. MICH.—State Field Trials As- sociation. Nov. 8 and 9. E. Bice, secy., Grand Rapids. Mich. LANSING. MICH.— State Merino Sheep Breeders. Dec. 19. E. M. Ball, Haniburn. Mich. LAWRENCE. KAN.—Nortbeastprn Kansas Teachers' Association. Nov. 30 to Dec. z. M. E. Dolphin. Leavenworth. Kan. LAWRENCEVILLE.ILL—State Field Trials. Nov. 21. O. W. Ferguson, secy., Lawrcno.- villc. 111 LE SUER. MINN.—Minnesota Dairymens' Association. Dec. 12 to 11. Robt. Chu- tnore. Pratt. Minn. LINCOLN. NEB.—State Conference of Char- ities and Corrections. Feb. 7. 1900. A. W. Clark, secy., 506 South 18th St.. Omaha, Neb. LINCOLN. NEB.—Nebraska Press Associa- tion. Jan. 23 and 21. 1900. F. N. Merwili, secy.. Beaver City. Neb. LINCOLN. NEB.—State Teachers' Associa- tion. Dec. .26 to 29. LINCOLN. NEB.—State Historical Society. Jan. 9,1900 Prof. H. W. Caldwell, secy. LITTLE ROCK, ARK.—Order of Eastern Star. Nor. SO. 18M. Mrs. JennU B. Hop- kins, secy.. Mabelrale. Ark. LOCKHAVEN, PA.—Patrons of Husbandry (State). Dec. 12 to 15. J. A. Hcrr, Cedar Springs, Pa. LONDON. ENGLAND—Salvation Army Con- gress. July. 1900. Commissioner Howard, Ml Queen Victoria St.. London. E. C. Eng. LONDON, ONT., CAN.—American Leicester Breeders' Association. Dec. 12 to 15. A. J. Temple, secy., Cameron. LOS ANGBLES. CAL.—Roadmnsters' Con- vention. Nnv. 13, 1900. J. B. Dickson, secy.. Sterling. III. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Kentucky Educational Association. Dec. 27 to 29. J. M. N. Downes, secy., Bclleyue, Newport, Ky., Post OfBce. LOUISVILLE. KY.—National Saddle Horse Breeders' Association. April 7, 1900. I. B. Nail. fcev.. Louisville. LOtJTSVTLLB. KT.—A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge. February (second Tuesday). WOO. J. O. Walker, ■ecr.. Room >, Norton Build- ing, LouIstIIIs, Ky. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Grand Encampment, Knights Templar. Auaust. (fourth Tues- day), 1901. Reuben H. Lloyd, San Francisco. Cal.. Grand Master. MACON. GA.—Georgia Federation of Wom- en's Clubs. Not. 1 to *. Mrs. Frank M. Tufts, secy.. Augusta, Ga. MADISON. WIS.—State Beo Keepers' Asso- ciation. Feb. R and 9, 1900. N. E. France. "'t. PlKttevllle, wis. MAHONET CITT. PA.—Reformed Brother- hood of Andrew and Philip. Noyember. 1900. -w.'O. Anderson, secy.. Sit Presstman street Baltimore. Md. MANCHESTER, N. II.—New Hampshire Den- tal Society. Nov. 14 to 16.' Fred. F. Fish- er, secy., 913 Elm St., Manchester. N. 11. MANCHESTER. N. H.—State Dental Associ- ation. Nov. H to 16. Fred. Fisher, D.D.S., Elm St.. Manchester, N. II. MANHATTAN, KAN.—State Dairymen's As- •«-L)lnn. Nov. 22 to 24. MARIETTA. GA.-*yBed of Georgia. Not. L 1899. James Stacy, Clerk, Newnan. Ga. MARION. IA.—Iowa State Flromens' Associ- ation. Nov. 15 and 16. II. L. Trlplclt, Orlnnell, la MARION. ILL.—Southern Illinois TIortleuHu- rnl Society. Nov. 29 snd 30. E. G. Merl- dcnball, secy., Klnmundy, Hi. MARTINSBURG, W. VA.—Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of W. Va.. Nov. 15 and 16. G. \\. Atkinson, Charleston, W. Va. MASON CITY. IA.—Iowa State Dairy asso- ciation. Nov. 15 to 17. J. C. Daly. secy.. Charles City, Ia. MiPHERSON. KAN.—State Academy of Sci- ence. Dec. 28 to 30. D. E. Lautz, Chap- man, Kan. MEMPHIS, TENN.—Southern Educational As- sociation. Dec. 27 to 23. P. B. Claxton, secy., Greensboro, N. C. MEXICO. MO.—Branch International Order or KiiiKs Daughters and Sons. Nov. 7 to 'J. Mrs. E. M. Bridgford, secy. MILWAUKEE, WIS. — National Building Trades Council. Dec. 13. Edward Carroll, secy.. Chicago, 111. , MILWAUKEE. WIS.-General Federation of Women's Clubs. Biennial Meeting. May, M00. Mrs. Emma A. Fox, 21 Bagley ave.. Detroit; Mich., secy. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Wisconsin Retail Hard- ware Association Feb., 1st We'd., 1900. C, Peck. secy.. Berlin. Wis. MILWAUKEE, WIS.-Grand Chapter Arch Masons. Feb. 21, 1900. J. W. Laflin, secy.. Milwaukee, WIb. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—State Horticultural and Forestry Association. Dec. 5. A. \\. Latham. 207 Kasota Block. Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—State Convention O. D. H. S. Jan. 25, 1900. Herman Circler. secy.. Box 414, Minneapolis, Minn. MOL1NE. ILL—Illinois Society of Engineers and Surveyors. Jan. 24 to 26, 1900. Jacob A. Harmon, secy., Peoria, 111. MONTGOMERY, ALA.—Grand Chapter, R. A. M. Dec. 4. H. Clay Armstrong, secy. MOUNT VERNON—Anniversary Celebration ot Washington's Death Day. by Masonic Fraternity. (Estimated attendance, 10.000). Dec. 14. 1899. NASHVILLE. TENN.-A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge. Sept. 20. 1900. J. H. Thompson. 411H Union sL. Nashville. Tenn.. secy. NASHVILLE, TENN. — Annointed High Priests Grand Convention. Jan. 26, 1900. Bradford G. Rice, secy. NASHVILLE, TENN.—I. O. R. M. Grand Council. Jan. 23, 1900. G. W. Davis, 309 N. Cherry St., Nashville. Tenn., secy. NASHVILLE, TENN.-Tennesee Master Plumbers' Association. June, 1900. Frea. Fox. Jr., Eccy., 80 Cherry St., Chattanooga, Tenn. NASHVILLE. TENN.—Women's Press Club of Tennessee. Nov. 7 and 8. Elizabeth Fry Page. secy.. 910 S. Addison Ave., Nashville, Tenn. NASHVILLE, TENN.—American Breeders of Jacks and Jennets. Nov. S. J. W. Jones, secy., Columbia, Tenn. NEWARK. N. J.—New Jersev Baptist Con- vention. Oct. 31. Nov. 1. Charles A. Cook, secy.. Bloomfield. N. J. NEW CASTLE, PA.—Grand Lodge. A. O. U. W. September. 1900. O. K. Gardner, 2201 Wvlle ave.. Pittsburg. Pa. NEW HAVEN, CONN.—State Lumber Deal- ers' Association. Feb. 14, 1900. Louis C. Mansfield, secy.. New Haven. Con. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—Knights of Colum- bus. March 6, 1900. Daniel J. Colwell, Pnli Building. New Haven Conn., secy. NEW ORLEANS, LA.—State Council, Cath- olic Knights of America. Feb. 2, 1901. Chas. A. Frlcke. secy.. 823 Lowerline street. New Orleans. La. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association. Nov. 14 to 17. W. E. B. Davis, secy., Birmingham. Ala. NEWPORT. R. I.—Rhode Island Branch of the Kings Daughters and Sons. Nov. 9. Mrs. Thos. W. Chace. East Greenwich. R. 1. NEW YORK. N. Y.—Dutch Belted Cattle As- sociation of America. Feb. 8, 1900. H. B. Richards. Gaston, Pa. NEW YORK, N. Y.—American Paper Associ- ation. Feb. 14 and In. 1900. C. W. Ran- tonly. 101 Times Building. New York CilJ. NEW YORK. N. Y.—National Sportsmens' Association. March 1, 1900. J. A. Dressel. New York City. NEW YORK. N. Y.—American Association for Advancement of Science. June 25 to 3t», 1900. Chas. Bflkersvllle. Chapel Hill. N. ■*. NEW YORK CITY.—Rathbone Sisters' Grand Session. Nov. 4 to 15, 1899. Mrs. E. Le Count, secy., 2447 Eighth avenue, New York City. NEW YORK CITY.—Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers. Nov. 16 and 17. Francis T. Bowles, secy.. 12 West 31st street. New York City. NEW YORK CITY—American Newspaper Publishers' Association. Feb. 3. 1900. W. C. Bryant, secy., 322 Potter Building, New York Cltv. NEW YORK CITY—American Guernsey Cat- tle Club. Dec. 13. W. H. Caldwell, secy., Peternoro, N. H. NEW YORK CITY.—.Modern Language Asso- ciation. Dec 27 to 29. M. D. Learned, Philadelphia. Pa., secy. NORFOLK. VA.—National Colored Conven- tion ot Y. M. C. A. Nov. 30 to Dec. 3. W. A. Hunton, secy., 267 Milliard st.. At- lantic. Ga. OR MONO, FLA.—Y. P. S. C. E. Convention (District). Dec. 1 to 4. Miss Jennie Tuppt-l, Melbourne. Fla. OWATONNO. MINN.—Minnesota State But- ter and Cheese Mnkers' Association. No\. « and 9. J. K. Bennett. Clinton Falls. Minn. PALATKA. FLA.—I. O. R. M. Stnte Council. Feb. 13, 1900. Duncan Stewart, St. Augus- •Ine. Fin PARIS, FRANCE—National Editorial Asso- ciation. 1900. PAKIS MO.—Stnte Field Trial Association. Nov. 2S. L. S. Eddins. Sednlla, Mo PETEHSIIORO. N. H.—New Hampshire State Dairymens" Association. Dec. 5 to 9. J. L. Oerrlsh. svey. . _ _ PERU. IND.—High Court of Indiana, I. O. F. Feb. 23. «. 190L W. W. Wilson, secy.. Loga'nsnort, Ind. PHILADELPHIA. PA.American Ornitholog- ists' Union. Nov. 14 to 15, 1899. John A. Sage. secy.. Portland. Conn. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Grand Chanter Order Enslern Star. Nov. 21. Rcta A. Mills, secy.. Duko Centre. Pa. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Traveling Men's Club. Feb. 22, 1900. Fred. Morgenthaler. aecy., Harrisburg, Pa. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. Semi-Annual Session. Nov. 20. James B. Nicholson, secy.. Odd Fellows' Temple, Philadelphia, Pa. PJTTSBURG. KAN.—O. D. H. S. Grand Lodge. Nov. 21, 1899. John Jacobs, 1150 S. 1st st.. Pittsburg, Kan., secy. PITTSBURG, PA.-American Institute of Ar- chitects. Nov. 23. Harry Van Brunt, Kan- sas City, prcs. PITTSBURG. PA.-State Convention Evangel- ical Alliance. Nov. 21 to 23. Rev. W. C. Webb, secy., Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburg, PA.-Statc Federation of Wo^ wens Clubs. Nov. 7 to 9. MUs Jessie K. Little, secy., Pottsville. Pa. PITTSBURG, PA.-National Baptist Conven- tion. Nov. 14 to 16. Rev. C. H. Fitzwill- iam, Pittsburg, Pa. PITTSBURG PA.-Grand Lodge Knights and Ladies of Honor. Nov. 21. Fred. Voelcket secy., 243 N. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa PITTSBURG. PA.-A. & A. Scottish Rite Ma- sons. Nov. 21 to 24. John E. Harnes, Pitts'- burg. Pa. PITTSBURG. PA.-InternatIonaI Astronomlc- T,, a iJS ra . Bre8 "' MaT - 1900 - O. W. Scovil. secy. PITTSBURG. PA.-National Hardware As- ?« a K 7°« ^ NoV ' 15 ' 189S - T - JaB - F«™- ley. 5715 Commerce St.. Philadelphia. Pa., P eirt£ S 'ir M K NT '7 M £ lltana Horticultural So- SSS. Montfsecy 23 - C " H " EdWar<iS ' Mia " P °R T TOWNSEND. WASH.-Grand Camp Native Sons of Washington. Jan? 9, im A. *rancis Learned, secy. P iVJ2v 3E n ON '* MO T State Horticultural So. port Mo CC " ' ^ A - Gooon > a ">. Wcsi- PROVl6ENCE^ R I._„ orseshocrs , T, nion of If... i. and r , Cana <3a. May 15, 1900. Roadv Kentban, Denver, Col. ' JJ^\- co , NK --State Horticultural So- RAC1NE °V.« ^ C -' M " e & WiIforo - C 0""- kacine, WIS.—Danish Brotherhood in America. OcL 1, 1902. Viggo A. Danlel- 11?' secy °' ^ N - CamDDe " a °<£ ChicVli; R ?of/ G "; £ C ,T A - F - ana A - M. Grand i^? ge r. or ^ Nort,n Carolina. Jan. 13, 1900. John C. Drewry, secy E S m . 0 m D ' V , A r D ^ u l? ters of Confederacy. ville" Te^n Hickman, secy.. Nash- RICHMOND; IND.-Y. P. S. C. E. State Con- J01VTh £,°V2- t0 Deo - 3 - Jennie Mass °°. r,Sl,.. A X n st - In <l>anapolis. RICHMOND, VA.-Cbristian Church State Convention. Nov. S to 10. Rev. C. E. Moi- gan. seev. HI i C i!?J.? } iP' , VA -Grand Commandery, Knight Templars' Conclave. Nov. 16. 1899 RIVF^mF BIan M', Becjr - p «ersbnrg. Va. RIV ERfalDE, CAL.—State Sunday-School Convention. Nov. 16 to IS. Rev. H H Rice. Pomona, Cal. ROCHESTER. N Y.-State Federation of Womens Clubs. Nov. 7 to 10. Mrs. Frank It. Church, rec. secy., Wellsville, N. Y. Miss Anna Rhodes, cor. secy.. New Bright- on,. Sta. I. New York. ROCHESTER N. Y.-State American Merino Sheep Breeders' Association. Dec. 5 and 6 „iu/? oratio Eaul. secy.. Skaneateles. N Y ROCHESTER. N. Y.-Bricklayers and Plas^ tcrers Union. Jan. 8 to 13. 1900. Chas. Haveran .secy., 109 Evergreen St., Roches- ter, N. Y. ROCHESTER, N. Y.—National Clothiers' As- sociation. Jan. 22. 1900. S. H. Launcheimer. D ^. c S;,^? uitaDle BI<J S-■ Baltimore. Md. ROCKPORT. ILL.-State Swine Breeders- Association. Dec. 6 to 8. F. H. Shulti Kockport, 111 SAGINAW. MICH.-BIennIal Convention Journeymen Barbers October, 1900. W E. Klapetzky. Box 585. secy.. Syracuse. SALT LAKE CITT. UTAH.—I. O. O. F Grand Encampment. April, 1900. Ed. W Loder. Salt Lake City, Utah. secy. (Box SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH.—State Teachers' Association. Dec. 27 to 29. Elizabeth M Orth, 2331 Adams Ave., Ogden, Utah, sec SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—National Railroad Postal Clerks' Association. June 7, 1900. Geo. A. Woods, secy., Portsmouth N. H. SAN ANGELO, TEX.—State Wool Growers' Association. Nov. 29. Geo. Richardson, San Angelo. SAN ANTONIO. TEX—Live Stock Associa- tion. Jan. 23 to 25. Vaires P. Brown, secy. SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—Railway Trackmen of America. Dec. 3, 1900. John T. Wilson. G. C. St. Louis. Mo. SAN DIEGO, CAL.—Celebration of Dewey's Victory, auspices G. A. R. Estimated at- tendance. 5,000, principally from California and Nevada. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Protestant Episco- pal Church Couventlon. October, 190L Rev. C. L. Hutcbins. Concord. Mass., secy. SAN JOSE. CAL.—State Pomological Society. Doc. 5 to S. B. M. Lclong, secy., Sacra- mento, Cal. SAVANNAH. GA.—Southeastern States BUI Posters* Association. May 21, 1900. Chas. Bernard, secy.. Savannah, Ga. F. Paturel & Co 16 Warren Street. 1 N EW YOR K. FABBRIGANTI DEI MIGLIORI PALLONU 1 digomma, agasecolfischietto e di ogni genere di novita per vent tori ambulauti. Palloni N. 50 di qualsiassi colore, lagrossa, S2 $ " " 60 '* " - » $3*V! 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