The billboard (July-Dec 1899)

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THE BILLBOARD 'cranton, PA.—United Brotherhood of 1 Carpenters & Joiners. Sept. 18, 1900. P. 3. < McQulre, Box 884, Philadelphia, Pa., secy.- itreu. EATTLE. WASH.—State Teachers' Associ- ation. Dec. 20 to 25. O. S. Jones, Seattle. EDALIA, HO.—Horse Breeders* Association. Dec. 6 to 12. J. K. Shipper, secy., Colum- bia. Ho. jEDALIA. HO.—Hlssonri Swine Breeders' Association. Dec. S to 8, 1899. F. H. Schu- yler, Rockport, Mo., secy. OUTH McALISTEK. IND. TER.—Indian Hlssion Conference of H. E. Church South. ■ Nov. 1. Bishop J. S. Key, pres., Vinita, ,L T. SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—I. O. O. F. Grand .lodge. Not. SL Hon. James R. Miller. >?secy.. Springfield, Hi. •PRINGFIELD, TUL..— American Oxforddewn a Record Association. Not.. 1899. W. A. VShafer, Mlddletown. O.. see. fPRINGFIBLD, ILL—Rebekah Assembly. ■Not. 22. Mrs. Lola L. Rickard, Decatur, 'in. PRINGFIELD. ILL.—Illinois Stata Bee- keepers' Association. Not. 23 to 24. 189*. .. Jaa A. Stone, secy.. Bradfordtown, HI. 'PRINGFIELD, ILL.—Live Stock Associa- tion. Nor. 14 to 16. Fred. H. Rankin, secy., Athens. III. RINGFIELD, ILL.—Illinois Horse Breed- ers Association. Not. 14 to IS. Geo. Wil- liams, secy., Athens, 111. TRINGFiBLD. ILL.—Illinois Swine Breed- ers Association. Not. 14 to 16. Chas. V. Hills, secy., Springfield. PRINGFIELD, ILL.—American Southdown Breeders Association. Not. 14, 1899. John G. Springer, secy. PRINGFIELD, ILL.—Illinois Cattle Breed- ers' Association. Nov. 14 to 16. J. H. Pick- 's erell. secy. JPRINUFIELD. ILL.—Illinois State Horti- cultural Society. Dec. 26 to 28, 1899. L_ R. Bryant, secy., Princeton, III. ?RINGFIELD. MO.—State Convention of Y. M. C. A. Not. 9 to 12. Geo. T. Coxhead. secy. PRINGFIELD, O.—National Grange Patrons jOf Husbandry. Nov. 15. . John Trimble, 'secy.. 614 F. St.. Washington. D. C. rANTON, NEB.—Nebraska, Saengerbund. S190O. F. Raabe, secy. T. AUGUSTINE, FLA.—SUte Firemen's [Convention £ Tournament. NoTember, 1899. Silas B. Wright, secy. T. JOSEPH. MO.—Knights of Maccabees of Missouri. May (second Tuesday). 1901. A. Bigger, seey., 1620 Front avenue, Kansss City. Mo. r. LOUIS, HO.—Stipulated Premium Life Insurance Underwriters* Association. May 23 to 25, 1900. Miss E. H. Titus, Elkhart, Ind. . LOUIS, MO.—Western Artists' Associa- tion. Nov. 20 and ZL Holmes Smith, St. Louis. T. LOUIS, MO.—I. O. O. F. Grand Encamp- ment. Not. 18, 1891. B. M. Sloan, sec}*., St. Louis, Mo. r. LOUIS. M.—Missouri Retail Hardware and Stove Dealers' Association. Feb. u, iisoo. T. LOUIS, MO.—Royal Arcanum GraM Council. Feb. 20, 1900. Chas. B. Cox, secy., i Holland Building. St. Lonis. Mo. '. PAUL. MINN.—Sons of American Revo- lution. Dec. 26. Edwin Chittenden, Pioneer ess Building, St. Paul, Minn. PAUL. MINN.—Semi-Centennlal of Min- nesota Historical Society. Nov. 15. Gen. [J. B. Sanborn. St Paul. T. PAUL. MINN.—Educational Convention. Dec. 26 to 28. W. G. Smith, secy., Minne- apolis, Minn. ~, PAUL, MINN.—I. O. O. F. Feb. 3rd Wed., 1900. A. E. Renlllard, secy., 601 S. 6th street, Minneapolis. Minn. RKATOR, ELL.—Catholic Knights of America State Council. Aug. SL 1900. John E. Maaoney. secy.. Fanner City. HI. TREATOR, ILL-W. R. C. K. of A. Third (Tuesday, August, 1900. Col. J. J. Doheny, (Effingham, ni., secy. FREATOR, ILL.—Biennial Council, C. K. of A. Third Tuesday, August, 1900. John ;B. Hahoney, Farmer City. BI., secy. rWEETWATER, TENN.—Tennesee Dairy- smens" Association. Jan. 25, 1900. SYRACUSE, N. Y.—School Commissioners* and State Superintendents* Association. Dec. 27 to 29, 1899. Cora A. Davis, secy., Whitesboro. N. Y. TRACUSE. N. Y.—State Fish, Game and Forest League. Annual meetings, Tuesday after first Honday in Dec. Ernest G. Gould, secy.. Seneca Falls. N. Y. ABLE ROCK. NEB.—State Horticultural Society. Jan 9 to 11, 1900. C. H. Barnard, secy. OLEDO, O.—National Convention G. A. R. 190S. ■LEDO. O.—International Sunday-School Convention. Jan. 25 to 27, 1900. Rev. E. M. SFerguson, secy.. Trenton, N. J. OLEDO, O.—American Rambouillet Sheep ^Breeders' Association. Dec~ 19, 1899. E. Y. Burnham, Woodstock. O., seey. LOPEKA, KAN.—Kansas State Historical Society. Jan. 16. 1300. Franklin G. Adams, ■secy.. Topeka, Kan. OPBKA, KAS.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. Feb., 3d Wed., 1900. A. K. Wilson, secy. OPEKA, KAS.—Grand Chapter. Royal Arch Masons. Feb. 12, 1900. Jacob DeWItt, seey., Salina, Kas. PBKA, KAN.—Scottish Rite Masons. Not. 1 to 24. Homer C. Bowman, Topeka. iPEKA, KAN.—The Most Illustrious Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Kansas. Feb. 19, 1900. Wm. W. Shaner, grand recorder. OPBKA. KAN.—State Barbers* Association. Feb. 6, 1900. C. B. Hypes, secy.. Topeka, iRONTA. CAN.—Canadian Conference of Charities and Correction. June, 1900. A. M. Rosebrugh, M. D., 62 Queen St.. East. ^Toronto. Canada. BNTON, N. J.—Grand Lodge Knights of ""•■£. *£• **• a » vo °- °*»- ■• Herson. Woodbury, N. J. 'ON. N. J.—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. ov. 15 and 16. Lewis Parker, Trenton. TRENTON, N. J.—Grand Encampment T. 0. O. F. Not. 14. Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. Not. 15, 1899. Lewis Parker, seey., Tran- toa. N. J. * TRINIDAD, COL.—Arkansas Valley Press As- sociation. March 15, 1900. D. W. Barlsley. secy., Rocky Ford, Col. TUCSON, AKIZ.—Grand Commandery K. T. Nov. 15. G. J. Boskrange, secy., Tucson. TUSCALOOSA, ALA.—Y. H. C. A. of Ala- bama. Nov. 9 to 12. L. E. Buell, Birming- ham, Ala. UNION, PA.—Pennsylvania State Dairymens' Association. Dec. 5 and 6. UNION HILL, N. J.—Order of True Friends. Oct- 2. 1900. Morgan R. Clark, secy., 163 Metropolitan av.. Brooklyn. N. Y. WASHINGTON, D. C—National Association of Postmasters. Not. 7 to 10. WASHINGTON, D. c—National Association of Master House Pa.nters. Feb. 6 to 8, 1900. Joel Kennedy, secy., 944 Linn St., Cincinnati, O. WASHINGTON, D. C—Shriners Imperial Council. June 5 to 7, 1900. Ben]. Boweh, secy.. Boston, Mass. WASHINGTON, D. C—Sons of Revolution Triennial Session. April 19, 1902. James Mortimer, Montgomery, N. Y., secy. WEST CHESTER, PA.—Pennsylvania Dairy Union. Dec. 5 and 6. J. C. McClintock. Box 92, Headville, Pa. WHEELING. W. VA.—National Tobacco Workers' Union of America. September, (fourth Honday). 1900. E. Lewis Evans. 422 Granite Block, St. Louis. Mo., secy. WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, VT.—Dart- mouth Interscholastie Athletic Association. Feb. 9. 1900. W. C. Pelkey. secy. WILLIAMSPORT, PA.—Pennsylvania SUte Farmers' Alliance A- Industrial Union. Dee. IS to 16; 1899. D. M.' Omwake, Five Forks, Pa., secy. WILLIAMSPORT, PA.—Pennsylvania State Farmers' Alliance ft Industrial Union. Dec 13 to 15. Louisa Brlcker. Cogan Station, Pa ., secy. WILMINGTON, DEL.—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge of Delaware Not. 15, 1899. Isaac W. Hallam, secy., Wilmington. Del. WINCHESTER, VA.—Grand Lodge K. of P. of Virginia. Feb. 27, 1900. Walter A. Ed- wards. 356 Holt St., Norfolk, Va. WINNIPEG. MAN.. CAN.^-Manitoba Veteri- nary Association. About Feb. 10, 1900. W. J. Hinman, V. S., secy., Winnipeg. WOODBINE, MD.—Dual Grand Lodge, I. O. G. T. of Maryland. Dec. 6. LewU D. Rus- sell, secy., 428 W. Strieker St., Baltimore, WYANDOTTE. MICH.—Jr. O. U. A. M., State Meeting. Feb. IS, 1900. W. E. Puld- fer. secy.. Lansing, Mich. I; list of FAIRS. II (I • I i This list is revised and correc t ed month- I I ly. Secretaries are urgently requested to ( \ send in thcirdates at the earliest possible I moment after they are claimed, and to I notify us promptly as to any change. I Rosters and dates are published abso- i lntely Free of Charge. Copyrighted 1899. All rights raervtd. ALABAMA. ANNISTON, ALA.—Northeast Alabama Fair Association. Not. 7 to 11. W. F. Higgins, pres.; Howard W. Sexton, cor. secy. (Fair grounds at Oxford Lake.) BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—Alabama State Fair. Nov. 7 te 17. J. A. Rountree, secy. MOBILE-, ALA.—Carnival. Shrove Tuesday. W. K. P. Wilson-, chairman executive com- mittee: Edw. Macartney, treas.: A. B. Ken- nedy, Mobile Carnival Association, secy. covers OTIOTJT. NEW BRITAIN 1 , CONN.—Court Friendly Fair. Week of Nor. 27. W. W. Hanua, chairman committee. GEORGIA. BRUNSWICK, GA.—Southeastern Fair Asso- ciation. Not. 25 to Dec. 2. H. H. Harvey, secy COLUMBUS, GA.—Columbus Street Fair As- rociation. Not. 6 to 12. J. B. Klmbell, ores.; P. T. Schultze, treas.; T. J. Hunt, secy. CORDBLE, GA.—Mardi Gras and Street Car- nival. V. J. Erhnrt. director. SAVANNAH, GA.—Knights of Pythias Fair. Nov. 13 to 15 VALDOSTA, GA.—Valdosta Exposition Co. Oct. 31 ot Not. 4. T. G. Cranford. pres.; W. S. West, treas.; L. T. Shaw, secy.; A. T. Moore, manager. WAYCROSS, GA.—Waycross Fair Associa- tion. Nov. 7 to 11. P. Johnson, pres.; S. A. Marshall, secy, and manager. ILLINOIS. DELAVAN, ILL.—JThe Twenty-second Annual Fair of the Tazewell County Agricultural Board. Aug. 28 to 31, 1900. J. W. CrabD, pres.; J. O. Jones, secy. INDIANA. EVANSVILLE, IND.—Street Fair and- Carni- val. Oct- 30 to Nov. 4. W. J. Hatflelo, pres.; Phil. Hopkins, secy, and treas. MISSISSIPPI. MERIDIAN. MISS.-Oct. 30 to Nov. 4. S. Greenwald, pres.; H. G. Meyer, treas.; E. J. Gallagher, secy. NATCHEZ. MISS.—Agricultural Machinery and Stock Exposition. Oct. 30 to Nov. 4. A. F. Jacobsr, pres.; R. J. Metcalfe, secy. NSW JEB8BY. PATERSON. N. J.—Second Grand German Fair. Feb. 5 to 10. 1900. Eugene Gruen- berg, secy., 112 Broadway, Patterson. BOETH CAROLINA. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.—Cumberland County Agricultural Society. Not. 8 to 10. G. W. T ill TTTTI * m * a 86CT. WELDON, N. C—Fair. Oct. 30 to Not. 3. SOUTH CAROLINA. COLUMBIA, S. C—Columbia Fair Associb- tion Street Fair. Nov. 7 to 10. S. A. Pierce, secy COLUMBIA, S. C—State Agricultural and Mechanical Society. Not. t to 11 T. J. Cunningham, Clowney, pres.; A. W. Lots, gen'l supt.; Thos. W. Holloway, Fomarla, secy. TKXA8. MARQUEZ, TEX.—Marques Fslr Associa- tion. Not. 1 to 3. F. M. Amos, pres.; Sid- ney Myers, treas.: Dr. E. O. Boggs, secy. SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—San Antonio Inter- national Fair Association. Oct. X to Not. (. 1899. O. W. Brackenridge, San Antonio. Tex., chairman. Poultry Shows. AKROr". O.—Okron Poultry and Pet Stock Club. Jan. 2 to 6. J. A. Palmer, secy. ** AMESBURY, MASS. — Amesbury Poultry Show. Not. 22 to 24. M. H. Sands, Ameb- bury. Mass AURORA. IND.—Aurora Poultry. Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 8 to 13, 1900. J. B. Stevens, secy.. Aurora. Ind. AURORA. ILL.—Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 26 to 29. AUSTIN, TEX.—Dec. 12 to 15.—C. S. Brl- gance. secy. BATTLE CREEK, MICH.—Michigan Fanci- ers' Association. Dec. 12 to 15. Geo. Hamm, secy. _ BLADING, MICH.—Silk City Poultry Asso- ciation. Dec. 18 to 22. Leonard Smith, secy _ BELLEFONTAINE, O.—Central Ohio Poultry Association. Nov. 28 to Dec. 2. C. C. Harshfleld, secy. BELVIDERE, ILL.—Northern Illinois Poul- try Association. Jan. 15 to 20. 1900. B. R. Lucas, secy. BIRMINGHAM. ALA.—Alabama Poultry and Pet Stock Association at State Fair. Not. 7 to 17. H. J. McCafferty, eupt. BLACKWELL. O. T.—Poultry Show. Jan. 17 to 20. 1900. Geo. M. Carson, secy. BLOOMINBURG, O.—Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Dec 26 to 30. W. F. Jeffer- son, secy. _ . BLOOMINGTON. ILL.—Bloomington Poultry Association. Dec 11 to 16. F. C. Luettlg. secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Poultry Show. Jan. 17 to 22. A. R. Sharp, secy., Taunton. Mass. BROCKTON, MASS.—Brockton Poultry Asso- ciation. Nov. 29 to Dec. L W. L. Puffer, secy. _ . CA1NESVILLE. MO.—Harrison- County Poul- try Show. Nov. 27 to 30. R. O. Woodwaro, secy CANTON, O.—Canton Poultry Association. Dec. 28 to Jan. 1, 1900. U. S. Danner. sec). OAWEY, O.—Fancy Poultry Breeders' Club. Not. 27 to Dec. L V. C. Lytle, secy. CARLINVILLE. ILL. — Carlinville Poultry Club. Jan. 30 to Feb. 2. Perry Duckies, secy. _ CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—Western Poultry Fan- ciers Association. Jan. 4 to 9, 1900. Chas. H. Piayter, secy. CHARLOTTE, HIOH.—Charlotte Fanciers As- sociation. Nov. 28 to Dec. 2. F. H. Grler. secy. CHARLOTTE, N. C—Charlotte Poultry Asso- ciation. Jan. 10 to 12. W. H. Barringer. secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Fanciers' Associa- tion. Jan. 22 to 27, 1900. Fred. L. Klm- mey. secv. _ CINCINNATI, O.^Cinclnnstl Poultry Associ- ation. Jan. 16 to 20, 1900. A. E. Brooks, secy., s.w.c. 7th and Freeman STe. CLINTON, HASS.-Cllnton Poultry Associa- tion. Dec. 5 to 8. E. G. Burdett, secy. COLFAX. WASH.—Whitman County Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 20 to 22, 1900. O. L. Kennedy, secy. COFFEEVILLE, KAN.—Southern Kansas Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 11 to 14. Seeley Brown, secy.. Coffcyville. COLUMBIA CITY, IND.—Poultry Association. Jan. 15 to 20. COLUMBIA, S. C—State Poultry Associa- tion. Not. 6 to 10. Dr. F. D. Kendal J, Plain SL. Columbia COLUMBUS. O.—Ohio State Poultry Associa- tion. Jan. 18 to 23, 1900. Chas. HcClave, secy.. New London, O. CRESTLINE, O.—Fanciers' Association. Dee. 12 to 16. E. R. Warden, secy. W. C TIRRILL & CO. = WANTto= Dispose of their Bill Posting Plant at Liaia.O. Write to them for further information. WILL SELL OR LEASE. TICKETS For Goupon Book and J* JS J* Jt Strip imuiiu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,^ white Cm F ANSELL. 140-142 Monroe St. CHICAGO. HARRY B. BUSSING, NORWALK, CONN. niTY BILLPOSTER Population 20.000 Write for Estimates 011 Bill- posting, Sign Tacking and Distributing. All Work Guaranteed. In offering trio services of the United Press News Bureau We beg to announce that we have succeeded to and united the several business interests hereto- fore conducted by the Register Press Clipping Bureau, the Press Cutting Co, the United Press Clipping Bureau, and the E. S. Morrison Press Cupping Bureau. ^Ve are now occupying a space of eight Urge With a carefully trained force of proficient And have an exchange list that thorouehlv Sn"da eVery sec ' !on of the Dn »t«» States and We feel no hesitancy In asserting that we can fill any order entrusted to us. Service equal to the best at a price as low as l be lowest. New customers we will serve on trial for two weeks, without charge, provided that if we Mt an order we charge from the sUrt, We solicit your patronage. Respectfully. United Press News Bureau, 134 Van Buren St. CHICAGO. NEW MEXICO. $100,000. One hundred thousand dollars, real estate will £ E i v fl n , awaT at L » s Vegas. New Mexico, on the 28th of December, to subscribers to The H11- mamtanan Home and Sanitarium for Consump- tives. Invalids and Health Seekers, incorporated under the laws of New Mexico. The real estate consists of stores residences, building lots in the city of Las Vegas, and 3m acres land with valu- able improvements thereon In San Miguel County all the improved real estate is rental to good tenants. The Home is receiving donations or sewing machines, watches, books, etc.. all of which will also be distriputed amongst the sub- scribers who will receive coupons Price of whole coupons. 85.00; halves, S2.00; fifths, $100. Every holder of a coupon will receive some- tbtnfr All subscribers will participate in the distribution of real estate and property, which will take place in presence of members of City Council and officers and members or Fraternal Orders. Lrt everybody subscribe. This safe in- vestment may lead to fortune w- e have the finest climate on earth. All will be Welcome. Remit to J. H. Tcitlebaum, Treasurer, East Las Vegas. New Mexico. JOHN B. RINDFLEISCH, = TRADE PRESS mdAD. WRITER. 14 So. Water Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. If yos dost Tost yssr swa Hers. Shell sever Test 1 Dillon's Gross Roads Bill Posting Co. NORMAL. ILLINOIS. We post bills, tack signs, etc.. distribute samples ot nterchsndlse, periodicals, almaascs and magazines. 55 towns. 375 miles of good roads In central Illinois, 17,625 houses. Send for route and prices. Send us your Christmas distribution. MOST ATTRACTIVE SYTLE = 8c, 10c, 15c and 20c = BADGES POSSIBLE TO PRODUCB. ADVERTISING BUTTONS. •VMITS •••••• H. CULLY CO. (Dept.B;, COLUMBUS, 0. BAGS'—BAGS! DISTRIBUTORS and BILL POSTERS. •■NO FOR CIRCULAR. R. D. HUMPHRYSs 1015-1022 Ridge Ave., PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE CURRAN COMPANY. # CITY BILLPOSTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Own "41 biljtjearijs sjh4 uses uniformed distributors. Denver, Pueblo, Colo. Springs, and surrounding towns. General Office, Denver, Col, CRETE. NEB.—Blue Valley Poultry Associa- tion. Dec. 11 to 16. C. B. Ferry, secy. DALLAS. TKX. — Southwestern Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Dae. 11 to 16. A. Braashaw, seey. IjANVILLE. ILL.—Vermillion County Pout- try Association. Dec. 28 to 3L A. L. Bice, secy. DAVID CITY. NEB.—Dec. 11 to 14. Butler County Poultry Association. Theo. Hewes. Judge. DAYTON. O.—Oem City Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 11 to 1C. Tbeo. Faulstich, secy. DETROIT, MICH.—State Poultry snd Pigeon Association. Jan. 8 to 12. Jobn A. Qrover, secy. DUBUQUE, IOWA—Mississippi Valley Poul- try Association. Jan. 8 to 8, 1800. P. D. Scbarle, secy., 99 Hart at. EL DORADO, KAN.—Butler County Fancy Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Dec. v<: to 30. C. H. Patterson, secy. ELGIN. ILL.—Elgin Poultry Asiociation. Dec. 25 to 28. W. J. Turner, secy. ELLSWORTH, WIS.—Dec. 6 to 8. Wisconsin Poultry Association. S. A. Brown, secy. ELM1RA, N. Y.—Dec. * to 8. Judd H. John- son, secy. ENID, OKLA.—Jan. 3 to 5. 1900. ERIE, ILL.—Whiteside County Show Associ- ation. Not. 21 to 25. C. W. McCall, secy. ERIE, PA.—N. W. Pennsylvania Poultry As- sociation. Jan. 4 to 10, 1900. A. B. Ble- thon, secy FALL RIVER. MASS.—Dec. 13 to 16.—John Crowther, secy. FREDERICK, MD.—Frederick County Agri- cultural Society. Oct. 17 to 20. Harry C. Reefer, secy FREDONIA, N.Y.—Chautauqua County Poul- try and Pigeon Association. Dec 11 to 15. P. R. Bartram, secy. FREMONT, O.—Jan. 24 to 17. Sandusky Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Association. P. F. Michael, secy. FRESNO. CAL.—Fresno County Poultry As- sociation. Not. 21 to 25. E. F. Mitchell, secy. Oleandsr. FT. SMITH, AnK.—State Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 18 to 23. H. B. Mltell. Pine BluS. Ark., secy. FT. WORTH. TEX.—Ft Worth Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 21 to 23. J. A. Randall, secy. GALENA. ILL.—Galena Poultry Association, Dec. 27 to 30. F. J. Hoeltlng. secy. GALENA, ILL.—Galena Poultry Association. Dec. 27 to 30. F. J. Hoeltlng. secy. GARDEN CITY, MO.—Poultry oclatlon. Not. 14 to 16. T. J. Jones, secy. GENEVA. O.—The Geneva Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 21 to 26, 1899. D. D. Haines, pres.; C. P. Holt, secy.; J. W. Carter, solicitor. GEORGETOWN. ILL.-Georgetown Poultry Association. Jan. 2 to 6. D. H. Bowen. secy. GlilARD, ILL.—Poultry Association. Dec. 5 to 8. A. B. Scanner, judge: L S. Hubei, s»cy., Glrard. GOSHEN, IND.—Jan. 4 to 9, 1900. George- town Poultry Association. D. H. Bowen, secy. HAMILTON. VA.—Old Dominion Poultry and Pigeon Association. Nov. 1 to 3. R. J. N. Reid, Hamilton, Vs. HA.MLER. O.—Hamler Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Not. 22 to 25. J. 1. Montgomery HAMILTON. O.—Butler County Poultry and Pigeon Association. Not. 28 to Dec. 4. W. W. Stevenson, secy. HAVERHILL, MASS.—Merrimac Valley Poul- try and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 12 to 16. Geo. I. Davis, 10 Arlington St., secy. HEBRON. NEB.—Thoyer County Poultry Club. Dec. 2. D. J. Richard, secy. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Indiana SUte Poul- try Association. Dec. II to 16. J. C. Tark- lngton, secy. IOWA CITY, IOWA—Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 23 to 26, 1900. B. A. Wlckbam, secy. IOWA FALLS. iA.-Iowa Falls Poultry As- sorlatlon. Dec. 18 to 23. W. Cutting, secy. JACKSON. MICH.—Jackson Poultry Farm- ers* Association. Dec. 18 to 22. W. H. Eaton, secy. JACKSONVILLE, ILL.—Central Illinois Poul- try Association. Dec. 12 to 14. C. T. Heim- lich, judge. JEFFERSON. IA.—Poultry Show. Sept. 13 to IB. 1900. D. H. Grimali, pres.; P. O. Ilrown. secy. JOHNSTOWN. N. Y.—Dec. 6 to ». H. J. Qullhot, secy. KALAMAZOO. MICH.—Southwestern Michi- gan Poultry Show. Dec. 26 to 29. E. W. Vostburg. secy KEOTA. IA.-SUtc Poultry Association. Erse » to so. W. L. Holmes, secy. KIRKSVILLE. MO.—Northern Missouri Poul- try and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 4 to 8. K. M. Dunham^ secy.. La Platte. Mo KOKOMO. IND.—Northern Central Indiana Poultry Association. Jan. 17 to 24. B. K. Sanders, secy. LANARK. ILL.—Illinois Fanciers' Associa- tion. j, n , i to 6. 1900. D. J. Lambert, Judge; E. D. Leland, secy.. Lanark, III. LANSING, MICH.—Central Michigan Poultry and i'ct Stock Association. Dec. 4 to ». Jas. C Welch, aecy. LANVILLE—Lanvllle Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 6 to 8. C. W. Ougn, •ccy LEBANON. MO.—Laclede Country Poultry Show. Dec 2g to 30. Q. H. Hinds, sec>. LE MARS, IA.—Plymouth County Poultry Association. Jan. 1 to 6. G. A. C. Clark. secy. LINCOLN, ILL.—Logan County Poultry. Plg- •on and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 12 to ■ A..~ H " c - Alexander, box 87. secy LONG PINE. NEB.—The Elkhoro Valley Poultry Association. Dec. 29 and SO. B. b. . ''mith. seey LONI8VILLB, KT.-Ksntucky Stats Associ- ation. Jan. 22 to 17. uoo. T. O. Hogaa. , ■•er-. «S W. Mala at LOS GRATOS, CAL—Los Gratos Poultry Club. Jan. 10 to IS. C. H. Voddsn. secy. MACOMB. ILL.—McDonougb County Poultry AiiocUUon. Dec. utoJ». Mlai HtXf Way. •wy. The billboard U ££iy*{ J . ILL -7"¥ ac0a Poultry Association. Tneo. Hlnes, judge; Dr. O. P. Bennett, sec>. MACON, MO.—North Missouri Association. Dec. 4 to 8. E. M. Durham, La Plata. Mo., secy. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, NEW YORK. T »n^ ork » P . ou - Urjr ano P'seon Association. Jan. 30 to Feb. 3. H. V. Crawford, secy. M «£? HA , LLT £ v y N i, 1 *A—PouItry Associa- tion. Dec. 26 to 30. H. C. Hansen, secy. MASON CITY IA.-Cerro Gordo Poultry As- sociation. Dec. 12 to 15. John D. Reeler. secy. McPHERSON. KAN.—McPherson County Poultry and Pet Stock Show. Nov. 28 to u2?ir., 2 ,V,Pi. J -„ Harn, y' aec y- McPherson. MEADVILLE. PA.—Meadville Fanciers Club. P 8 . 0 .- 19 - to 2S - H - L. Lamb, secy.. Cam- bridge Springs, Pa. ' ' ^^ MEMPHIS. TKNN. - Mississippi Vslley Poultry Association. Dec. 18 to 23. G. A. Seyforth, secy. M1AM13BUKU, O.—Miami Poultry Associa- tion. Dec. 4 to 9. S. B. Oroby. secy. MILFORD. MASS.—Milford Poultry Associa- ».V»°5,„Ji5 c - u to "• w - H - Pyue. »ecy. MILFORD. N. H. Milford Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 9 to 11. F B. Burns, secy. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Milwaukee Feathered Stock Association. Dec. 20 to 26. John H. Pagel, Box 67. Station D, cor. secy. MINNEAPOLIS. KAN.—Ottawa County Poul- try Association. Dec. 20 to 23. L. A. Henry, secy. MT. PULASKI. ILL.—ML Pulaski Feathered Stock Association^ Dec. 19 to 24. W. J. Lincoln, secy. NACOMB, ILL.—McDonough Country Poul- try Association. Dec 26 to 30. Miss Maria Edie. secy. NASHVILLE. ILL.—Egyptian Poultry Asso- ciation. Dec. 12 to 15. A. S. Muller, secy. NEW ALBANY, IND.—Southern Indiana Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 8 to 13. 1900. Frank Heck. secy. NEW BEDFORD, MASS.—New Bedford Poul- try Association. Dec. S to 9. J. W. Owen, secy. NEWBURO, N. Y.—Wallkill Valley Poultry Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 27 to 29. H. W. Millspaugh, Box 191, Wal- den, N. Y., secy. NEWTON. KAN.—Harvey County Poultry Association. Dec. 4 to 9. R. R. Hobble, secy.. Newton NEW YORK.—New York Poultry. Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 3 to Feb. 2. H. V. Crawford, secy.. Montclair. N. J. NICHOLASVILLE, KY.—Blue Grass Poultry Association. Dec. 12 to 15. W. S. Hendren, secy. OAKLAND. CAL.—Oakland Poultry Associa- tion. Dec. 6 to 9. C. G. Hinds. Alameda, Cal. OAKLAND CITY. IND.—Oakland City Poul- try and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 18 to 22. Ben. H. Myers, judge. O'FALLON, ILL.—O'Fallon Poultry Associa- tion. Dec. 5 to 8. Benl. S. Myers, judge. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.-State Poultry Association. Dec. 26 to 30. L. F. Laverty, secy., Guthrie, Okla. OWOSSO. MICH.—Poultry Association. Dec. It to 16. C. P. Reynolds, secy. PAINESVILLE. O.—Painesville Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 2 to 5. H. Z. Brainard, secy. PALMYRA. ILL.—Palmyra Poultry Club. Dec. 20 to 26. Scott Etter. secy. PAXTON, ILL.-Central Eastern Illinois Poultry Association. Dec. 19 to 22. E. B. Pitney, secy. PEABODY, MASS.—Essex County Poultry As- sociation. Jan. 2 to S. Arthur Elliott, secy. PETOSKY, MICH.—Northern Michigan Poul- try Association. Dec. 6 to 9. A. M. Co- burn, secy PHILADELPHIA, FA.—Keystone Poultry at Pet Stock Association. Not. 28 to Dec 3. J. Emlen Smith, secy. POLO, MO.—Northwest Missouri Poultry As- sociation. Dec. 11 to 15. R. V. Glen. secy. PORT HURON. MIOH—Port Huron Poultry. Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 16 to 18. H. C. Kiiets. secy. PORTLAND. MIOH.—Poultry Club. Dec. 26 to 30. F. C. Hathaway, secy. PRINCETON. ILL.—North Central Illinois Poultry Association. Jan. 15 to 19. E. W. Brown. A. H. Currier; W. O. Warwick, judges. PUEBLO, COL.—Pueblo Poultry Association. Jan. 15 to 2L D. T. Heimlich, secy. QUINCY, ILL.—Illinois Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 8 to 13. S. S. Nohle, Bloomington. HI., secy. RICHMOND. MO.—Ray County Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Nov. 28 to Dec. 2. C. F. Kammerer, secy. RICHMOND, MO.-Ray County Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Nov. 22 to 25. Jas. M. Deacy, secy. RIVERSIDE. CAL—Poultry Show. Dec. 12 to 14. C. A. Post, secy.. Riverside. ROACHDALE. IND.-Indlana Farmers' As- sociation. Dec. 4 to I. A. M. Owen, secy.. Raccoon. Ind. ROCHESTER, N. T.-Jan. .6 to 11, 1900. W. O. Ingle, secy. ROCK ISLAND. ILL.—Western Illinois Poul- try and Pet Stock Association. Nov. 28 to Dec. 2. C. F. Kammerer. secy. ROSCOE, O.—Poultry Association. Not. 20 to 24. C. N. Randies, secy. SALINA, KAN.—Saline County Poultry, Pig- eon and Pat Stock Association. Dec. 19 to 23 W. C. Sherrlll. secy. SAN1ATOGA. PA.—Poultry snd Pigeon Show. Not. 15 to 18. S. J. Kuril SAN DIEGO, CAL—Second Annual Show San Dlcgo County Poultry Association. Dec. 19 to 23. Wm. H. Gray, secy.; S. L, Roberts, lodge SAN JOSE, CAL.-SanU Clara Valley Poul- try Club. Not. IB to 18. W. P. Lyon, Eden Vale, Cal., secy. SHARON, PA.—Fanciers Club. Jan. 17 to 19. F. H. Alderman. SHELBY, N. C—Shelby Poultry Association. Dee. 1 to 8. R. T. Simmon, secy. 8IDNEY. IA.—Southwestern Poultry Associ- ation. Fourth Annual Stow. Deo. 24 to 28. . A. 8, Waterman, 8Wn«y. SIOUX FALLS. S. fo.-frl-State Poultry Show. Jan. 24 to 26^1900. Geo. Schlosser. secy. SOUTH FRAMINGHAM, MASS.—Middlesex Poultry Fanciers' Association. Dec t to S. ST. CLAIRSVILLE, O.—Belmont County Farmers' Association. Dec. 19 to 23. J. W. Riley, secy ST. LOUIS, MO.—SL Louis Fanciers' Associ- ation. Jan. 1 to 4. 1900. John A. Franlcsco. secy. STOCKTON, KAN.—Stockton Poultry Asso- ciation. Dec. 20 to 23. N. N. Nehr. secy. SUN jRT, O.—Sunbury Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Nov. 21 to 24. Fred. Prossor, eecy. SYCAMORE, O.—Sycamore Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 12 to 15. E. A. St- John. secy. TACOMA. WASH.—Tacoma Poultry Associa- tion. Jan. 8 to 22. Chas. C. Johns, secy., Berlin Building. TIPTON, IND.-Tlpton Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 18 to 23. J. M. Hoover, secy. TOLEDO, O—Toledo Fanciers Association. Jan. 5 to 9. Geo. -F. Mueller, secy. TOPEKA, KAN.—Kansas State Poultry Asso- ciation. Jan 8 to 13. J. W. F. Hughes, secy. TORONTO, CAN.—Toronto Poultry Associa- tion. Dec. 18 to 22. Dr. 'A. W. Bell, 506 Ontario St., Toronto, secy. TORRINGTON, MASS.—Dec. 5 to 7. F. M. Leach, secy. WACO. TEX.—Texas State Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 9 to 13, 1900. Harry A. F. Pudig, Waco, Tex., secy. WALDEN, N. Y.—Wallkill Valley Poultry and Pet Pigeon Asociation. Dec. 27 and 28. Hector Willspaugh. secy. WASHINGTON, N. J.—Fanciers Association of New Jersey. Dec. 22 to 26. Chas. Nixon, secy. WAUPACA, WIS.—Wisconsin Poultry Asso- ciation. Dec. 25 to 3L W. H. Laabs. secy, secy. WAUSEON, O.—Fulton County Poultry As- sociation. Dec. 18 to 22. D. C. Teeters, secy. WAWAPACA, WIS.—Jan 8 to 13. WAYNE, MICH.—Wayne Poultry Association. Dec. 19 to 23. Geo. W. Brewer, secy. WENONA, ILL.—Wenona Poultry Associa- tion. Dec. 18 to 22. Otis Montgomery, secy. WEST CHESTER. PA.-^West Chester Poul- try and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 13 to 16 Edward S. Hickman, Cheyney, Pa., secy. WESTERLY. R. I.—Rhode Island Poultry Association. Dec. 5 to 8. H. S. Babcock, secy. WINONA, MINN.—Winona Interstate Poultry Association. Jan. 27. Henry Hess, secy. WOODSTOCK, VT.—Vermont Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 2 to 5. John S. Eaton, secy. WOOSTER, O.—Central Ohio Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Dec. 26 to 30. Cbas. F. Palmer, secy. WORCESTER. MASS.—Worcester Fur and Featocr Club. Dec. U to 16. J. I. Law- rence, secy. YPSILANTI. MICH.—Ypsilanti Poultry Asso- ciation. Dec. 28 to 31. W. B. Meanwell, secy. Expositions. BUFFALO, N. Y—Pan American Exposition. May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901. John G. MUburn. pres.; Edwin Fleming, secy. LONDON, ENG., EARL'S COURT.—Women's International Exposition. 1900. Imre Kl- ralfy, manager. NEW YORK CITY.—Southern Exposition. Oct. 31 to Nov. 25. PARIS, FRANCE—Paris Universal Exposi- tion. April 15. 1900, to April 16. 190L PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Exposition of Amer- ican Manufactures. Sept. 14 to Nov. SO, 1899. W. P. Wilson, director general. RALEIGH. N. C—Exposition. Oct. 1C to Nov. 16. ST. LOUIS. MO.—World's International Ex- position. 1903. TOLEDO. O.—Ohio Centennial Exposition. May. 1902. WASHINGTON. D. C—Federal Government in District at Columbia Exposition. May, Races. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.—Tanforan Park. Beginning Nov. 4. VALDOSTA. GA.—Valdosta Exposition Co. Races. Oct. 31 to Nov. 31. A. T. Moore, manager. WASHINGTON, D. C—April 3 to IB; NaT. 11 to SO. . WAYCROSS. GA.—The Waycross Fair Asso- ciation. Nov. 8 to 11. Additional Shows. CHARLESTON, S. C—Bicycle Show. No\. 21 to 24 COLUMBUS, O.—Food. Show. Nov. 16 to Dec. 2 HEMET. CAL.—Fruit and Flower Show. Nov. 9 and 10 NEW BEDFORD, MASS.—Food Show. Nov. 4 to 25. NEWPORT. R. I.—Chrysanthemum Show. Not. 14 to 16. A. McLellan, Newport, NEW YORK, N. Y.—National Horse Show Association. Nov. 13 to 18. Secretary. IS E. 23d St., New York ST. LOUIS, MO.—Horse Show. Oct. 30 to Nov. 4. John R. Gentry, Insurance Ex- change Building, St. Louis . ST. LOUIS. MO.—Horse Show. Oct. 30 to Nov. 4. John R. Gentry, eecy. WACO, TEX.—Crysantbemum Show. Not. 15 to 17. J. W. Barnett, Chairman Premium Committee. -•-:-•, ,. WTLMINOTON, N.C—Chrysanthemum Show. Nov- ,«• M. 8. WUrsrd, secy-. Carolina Building. Dog Shows. NEW YORK CITY—American Pet Dog CluH Nov. 22 to 24, 1899. S. C. Hodge, secy. ■ NEW YORK CITY. — Westminster Kenm Club. Feb. 20 to 23, 1900. James Mortimer supt. PHILADELPHIA, PA—Dog Show Assocls tlon. Nov. 15 to 18. M. A. Viti. secy. SHARON. PA.—Fanciers Club. Jan. 17 to li 1900. F. H. Aldeman. secy. >r^i wit ■ K: NOTICE - To Fair Secretarie: Managers of Sun! mer Resorts, picnic carnivals. Fourth <a July celebration!, political meeting and all outdoor er tertainments, thf we have twenty-si balloons workin; Is? Mr the year round, an employ only coo* ., -■ g»=^s^ar petent lady and get tlemen aeronauts, and can furnish high firs^ class balloon ascensions, with or without lb. parachute descent, with trapeze performance and any other attraction and feature in cor nection with balloon ascensons. Always opel time. Write for terms and circulars giving di erent features. Address all communications b wire or letter to '. BALDU/IN&CARROU/ Managers of Consolidated Balloon and Parachute Co. ( LYONS, ffllCH W. J. QUARRY, Cincinnati, Ohio, -MANUFACTURER- STANDING COT-ODT FIGURES Map Mounting, Metal Edging, ( Label Varnisliing and Gumming. £ Shew <3ard Framing? CLOTH BACKING, BEVELING. ■IDLAND ADVERTISING CO., JOSEPH REID, Manager. LICENSED DISTRIBUTORS, j Members I. A. of D. 14 E. Missouri Aw., KANSAS CITY, Ho, O. Box 232. y. 'l> m i ft Hi; ' ''# "I M "Si $ * ; ft. \ \. I ! COSTUMES. i Theatrical costumes, wigs, beards, crease! paints, tights, trimmings and accessories for all plays, operas, Marti Gras celebrations, etc?* for sale or hire. Costumes made to order a: specialty. » THE Wn. BECK & SONS CO.. f Cincinnati, Ohio. | ROBERT McGREADY, Connersiilie. M. General Distributor. Sign Tacker and all-' around advertiser. All work done by men and. guaranteed. Goo reference if wanted. Patron-) age solicited. For terms, address ROBERT. HcCRKADY, 1054 Beech St., Connersville, Ind. ; RFIiTI FUFII T Do vou want faithful work Dttl I LCrHCII ■ done? If so, apply to Bssert I. CokUs for Distributing and Sign Tacking inj New Bedford, Fair Haven and Darthmouth! Personal attention Is given to service, and all work is guaranteed. 310 Middle St, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.I SAHTA CRUZ, CAL. with a population of i over 8,000. has one of the best bill posting and distributing plants in. the state. All work personally superintended.' Member I. A. D. L.. A. DANIELS. r CBNTON, niCH. Pop. 1,500. 1 tributor and Sign Tacker. Billposter. TMs-' 1.3. nan. i •II m it« CICIIQ And Novelties for wide-awake adver- OlDrlO Users. Tin. Iron or Water-proof for fence displays. Cardboard. Paper or Glass for inside use. Pans, Hats, Caps, Rulers, Pencils &c. Sketches furnished. Chas. Test Taylor, 369 Dearborn, Chi E. M BRACY, DISTRIBUTOR. No. 80 Ford St.,5 Ogdensberg, N. Y. Member of Feister's List. 1 ■ ; —Ai Send for Sample of Blllpostera' LinER HEADS. , CROSS PRINTING CO., CHICAGO. i • ''f 1