The billboard (Dec 1899)

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THE BILLBOARD 49 To get all Canada Have us do your potting;. Every contract fulfilled. AH Save expense and time, What quantity to put out, Regardless of Bill Posters' Enticing for more. No pay, >f not right. Can not beat our cheeking. Every sheet listed. JUi As for Montreal, Doubtless you nave beard Doc Tare looks after that city. JM Control the beat locations Only on cat lines. Who is the firm? Look up the side. References and lists and sizes of locations sent to reliable firms. ARTHUR WARE, rrwritUrMfMaurr. 8 St. James St., MONTREAL. DO YOU want some actually good work done in the writing of your ad* vtrtisements. circulars, catalogues I aim at GOOD work for a few GOOD firms. Write: ARTHUR E. SWETT, - CHICAGO. Menomonie.WISCOHSIN. ""Woo fjymtm iiijiiilNr l'tltllffljl'rtlj mt Pr» isr anrj ^Uitiritmtur. Bigot )On of eipenearr. mini »nisi'>"pro*s"|iiiis lnYeir t» ill ENGLAND BROS. Bill Posters and Distributors, ZANESV1LLE. O. McLean's Advertising — Go, UYTOH.mSH.-Pip. 3.500. 'e wllh yon all A Merry ChrUtmas. (HORSE PBOTZMIN, City Bill Postar.Oistributing.Tacking o rdr iilfaS anSS SaSn b Cant ml* ■» idrtrtl•Inn space In city. Office. 201 Mali St.. St* McClelHo hotel, Reildeste. 626 Sua Si!7 ROSEBURB. 0RE60H. DISTRIBUTING. SIGN TACKING. i Spauldin IDAHO. { Bill Posting and Distributing Co., R. 0. SPAULDINfJ. Axuclaied Bill Posters of U. S. sod Ci Ever to be relied upon for Good Service at Reasonable Prices, is why the j«>j» j* Vansyckle Advertising Co. ONLY Distributors >■ INDIANAPOLIS AND MUNCIE. INDIANA. New York j Alhambra INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS' JOURNAL Vaudeville.' Circus,' Minstrels, Museum, etc. Send 10 cent* in stamps for copy, lo..,. S. ULTMANN, 232 East 90111 Street, NEW YORK, N.Y. ULTMANN -TONELL, III ■■••.International—- a ™ Theatrical Exchange, ^ 232 EAST 96™ STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y.. U. S. A. Reul & Degenhardt, MENDOTA. ILLINOIS. TorHor, tad-rains « Towm wilt . po,«Uti°» of 25,000. ****** Washington, D. nislribnlinj!. Sampling. Sign Taciinji, M. H. QAFI 818 PICKFOP.D PLACE, N. SACRAMENTO, CAL. gentlemen-do you flnnt? II ■*>, apply to P RICHARD S WOO? Ili.tril.iili.ifT unit Si a n Taclrmg. Partinila • •"lion gi-cn lo all work and all noitgui > V wood! "i: I9 'pit! K' POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, UNION ADVERTISING q I BFTJ FFONTAJNE, a, : Da " DISTRIBUTING AND H CALVERT, texa.; I do all kinds of...„ !. Distributing and Sign Tacki> ■* BILLPOSTING. I J. F». CASSI/VIIrI j Manager Opera Hoir CALDWELL, KAS Population, 3,500. BILLPOSTER, DISTRIBUTORaim TACt CLYDE R. VAN METE I LAKE MILLS, WIS. Tne^ beautiful an^poDular Summer Res' ' ' Poilinj and sjj^^Ma^d C. E. DAVIS. E. 0. BURROUGHS. * S'to^na^Se't^y"^"^ ALLEN G. STONE, "THE HUSTLER. .Bio ] to ]° days. No medicine.^ New method. AL. CHARLTO . Lake Connly, California. OlNCBU ADVCBIISING. lend Io me vcr Paper tat Bli. at OSAOl THE ALL AROUND HUSTLER. TJANIELSON, CONN. 1B70-E. S. CARPENTER-"*" Ci i y Billpoctu- and Diiteifcut or.