The billboard (Jan 1900)

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THE BILLBOARD of "The Billboard:" luiir Sir—Business is line here, and I have ulnnit all 1 can do. 1 find that 1 am getting jn w rustomers each season, and ait the some time- retaining all of the old onus. Have now on the board* paper for Dr. N. c. Davis and Sh-iloh Consumption Cure, be- sides a great deal of local paper. Have dls- ti-ibuUd In the poet few weeks for the fol- lowing firms: Dr. N. C. Davis, ShiHob Con- miiiiKlon Cure, Pet-una Drug Co., audi Lydia I'inkliani. Early In the fall, I had a very irliusont call from Mrs. K. H. Beban, repre- sentative off Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root Co., UlnKlianiton. N. Y. She left me a lot of mat- t< r for two distributions. 1 am going to rebuild some of my boards ami will also erect some new ones. Although 1 run the opera house and consequently have a large amount of show paper, 1 never allow it to conflict with my commercial work, and when necessary I can get all the lumber I d«-sire, and can also obtain good locations. Yours for business, H. E. ROOT. I-aiaiuie, Wyo. Editor of "The Billboard:'* Dear Sir—It is a Ions time since we have written you, and in that period we have dis- tributed the following: 4,000 booklets for C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, .Mass.: 2.500 for Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.. and am wailing for the Sen-Sen Gum potters. We are expecting work from the following firms: l"eruna Drug Co., Columbus, O.; Lydia E. Pinkhaen Med. Co., Lynn, Mass. Have signed contract with the Dr. Shoop Med-. Co., of Ra- cine, Wis. Wishing you a happy New Year, we are, truly yours, VALLE & BROS. Brownsville, Texas. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—We have distributed the follow- ing: 23.000 almanacs for the Thatcher Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tens.: 2,500 almanacs for Street & Smith, New York City: 5.000 book- lets for Lydia E. Pinktaam. Lynn, Mass.; 3,000 booklets for Hood & Co., Lowell, Massv; 2,500 almanacs for W. H. Comstock; 2,500 almanacs for Peruna Drug Co., Columbus, O.: 5.000 booklets for St. Jacobs Institute. Chicago. 111.; S00 samples for Church & Co.. of New York City, and tacked 27 signs for Pahst Chemical Co.. Chicago. III. J. W. FOSTER. Guthrie, Okia. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—Please send the Old Reliable for another year, for which you will find money order for same. In the past month we have distribute* work for the following firms: Pe- runa Drug Co.. Columbus. O.; Dr. Chase Co., Philadelphia, Pa.—by toe way, this Is the fifth distribution we have made for this firm this year—; Beers & Hawk, 150 Nassau Street. New York. We are expecting work every day from the J. C. Hubinger Co., Keo- kuk, la.. Very truly yours. JAS. D. CLAXTON & Co. Hallstead, Pa. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—In the past few weeks I have dis- tributed samples for Dr. W. S. Burkbart. Cin- cinnati. O.; Dr. Miles Med. do., Elkhart. Ind.. and books for Dr. Chose Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., and Dr. Shoop. Racine, Wis. Am expecting work from the Providence Medical Institute. Chicago. HI.: The Dodds Co.. Buffalo. X. Y.; The Chattanooga Medi- cine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. Truly yours. Carthage. Mo. W. A. LOWREY. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—I never say much about my "would-be competitors" because I nave none. There is no such person as Geo. Cast!nor in Newcastle doing bill posting. He said out to Mr. Jacob Genfctnger. The latter gentleman and myself control the city. I wish to state through your columns that I am a member of the I. A. of D. and not one of the I. D. A.'s. Kespeetfully yours. J. G. LOVING. Newcastle, Pa. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—Your December number is a splendid paper. The distrlbutin in Pontiac comes along rather slow. It Is either all work c.r none. I have iust finished some work for the Dr. Chase Co.. Philadelphia. Pa, A few days ago quite a number of boys came here from Detroit to distribute. I wish the advertisers employing them would fol- low them and sec how their work Is put out. 1 met one man and asked how much he was paid for his work, and he sold, on dollar « day and carfare. He had 2.000 for the houses, and he told me ho expected to get them all out. Now. 1 know that this Is Im- possible; If a man puts out from 700 to 800 a day he is doing a very good day's work. 1 low Ions will It be before the advertisers are mnvineed that If they want good returns they must puy good prices to have their sam- ples distributed? This la a good field for ad- vertising, and I hope tire day Is not far dis- tant when the advertiser wakens up to the fact that it is the honest man who does the ««ud work. Yours truly, Pontiac. Mich. S. J. BURGESS. Editor of "The Billboard':" Dear Sir—Our copy of the December Issue came safely to hand, and would say that I think it a very handsome copy. I notice that some one from our city has reported the I'r. W. S. Burkhurt's distribution of pills. At the time of tills distribution I was work- ing on circulars for Peruna Winter Lectures «n Cotarrh, and noticed a crippled roan com- ing down the street with a satchel full of the packages. He was casting them on the floor or the business houses and banding tnetn to the people on the street. Garfield Tea Is now meeting with the same fate. Dr. Miles' Medicine Co. had a distribu- tion made here early in the fall and I can find any quantity of them in corners of yards. Have just finished a 20,000 distribution for C. I. Hood & Co. Dr. Morse Indian Root Almanacs are being distributed by a repre- ser.ta-.ive, I suppose, and two negro boyst You may find these almanacs everywhere, and S. S. S. "Routing the Enemy" was dis- tributed the same way. Wishing you and my bicthcr distributors a happy New Year, 1 am. respectfully yours, Atlanta, Ga. JOSEPH S. ALFORD. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—1 am pleated to report the fol- lowing work: J. W. Brant Co.. Albion, Mich., 3.000 pieces: Chattanooga Med. Co.. Chatta- ncoga, Tenn.. 2,500; two batches from Dr. Miles Med. Co., Elkhart, Ind.: one sample of Awti-Pain Pills and the other booklets, making a total of 7,000. Dr. Chase Co., Phila- delphia. Pa.. 2.500: Saturday Evening Post (local*. 3,000 sample copies; John- J. Mil- bourn. Eaton Rapids, Mich., 2,500 pieces. An» expecting work from the Central Pub- lishing Co.. Battle Creek, Mich.; also, Wl H. Oc-mstoek. Morristown, N. Y.; John Morrow ■ & Co., Springfield, O. The W. H. Hill Co., Detroit, Mich., has samples of Cascara Bro- mide Quinine Tablets thrown around on stoops and any old place by their traveling lepresentative. This firm is one of your "cheap John" advertisers, and wili not pay an- honest distributor for doing good work. -;Since my last report, I have become a mem- ber of the eld reliable I. A. of D. Wishing "The Billboard." the I. A. of D. and all dis- tributors a happy New Year. I am. respect- fully yours. NELSON MATTESON. Flint, Mich. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—Have distributed 20,000 pieces for Novelty Plaster Works. 10,000 for Dr. Miles Med. Co., 17 deliveries in Waterbury, Water- vllie. Union City. Advertisers. I am the only distributor In this city now. The L. E. Pink- ham Co. had some distributing put out here, but the majority was sent through the mails. The W. H. Comstock Co. has received the worst service I have seen in years. Their representative came here and hired two small boys, instructing them to leave two booklets in each house. This was done on one street, while on the next they left three in each house, throwing them on the veranda floor. Some advertisers expect good results, but they will not pay to have their work put out in the proper manner. J. A. NEEF. Waterbury, Conn. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—A few lines to keep you posted as to work in this part of the world. Am pleased to say that we have been busy during the past month, with good prospects of continua- tion of same. Judging from the contracts made recently through recommendations of druggists, we attribute our success to the fact that we do our work well. During The last few weeks we have put out work for the following firms: Hobacker & Bros, (local): I. Aarons (local): Foster- Milburn Co.. Buffalo. X. Y.; Peruna Drug Co., Columbus. O.; Akron Cereal Co., Akron. O. (Paul & Guilett. of Pittsburg, are agents for the above firms in their production-, "Mother's Rolled Oats");Xema Kure Co.,Har- risburg. Pa.; J. P. Urban & Son, Drugs, Al- legheny, Pa-: Muscatine Oat Meal Co., Mus- catine. Ia.: The Dr. Chase Co., Philadelphia. Pa^; Fii'sbury Milling Co., Minneapolis, M rnm.; ten S-sheet stands and & miscellaneous lot of matter for distribution. Since T>ec. 1 we have distributed, and now have on band, E. Dunn. E. D. Turner (local), Yougbiogbeny Light. Heat & Power Co. (lo- cal): Duffy Malt Whisky Co.. Rochester, X. Y.: J. C. Hubinger Co.. Keokuk. Ia. We are also advised of two shipments of ad. matter. One of our druggists received a communication a few weeks ago from an ad- vertiser, requesting him to have their mat- ter distributed at 11.30 per thousand. The communication was turned over to us and we replied, saying that we would do the work for $2 per thousand, and do it right, tut if they wanted their almanacs put out as they were the last two seasons, we would do It for |1.00 per thousand. Suffice it to say that we have their contract at our own price for nearly all of our territory. While on the subject of prices, will say that "it seems to me like a mystery" why advertisers do not realize the fact that when they allow their matter to be distributed at less than $2 per thousand, it must be poorly done, as H is an assured fact that a distributor can not make money (not even good wages) at less than $2 per thousand. Just here let me mention an instance hearing on this point, at least one side of it. We lately contracted and distributed 7.000 books for a large concern at $2 per thou- sands The books were more voluminous than we had thought and- nearly half of them had to be carried around to the side or back door (we seldom leave anything in sight from the street). When we sent our bill, we mentioned the fact, and said -that the work was worth 25 cents per thousand additional. In remit- ting they generously conceded to our request and added 25 cents per thousand to our bill without a murmur. We duly appreciated- it, and shall always remember them as an ap- preciative firm. I withhold the name of the firm, as perhaps it would not be the proper thing to give It here. Fearing that my letter may become weari- some, will only say that the December num- ber of "The Billboard" was handsome, up-to- dato and full of good, Interesting matter. Wishing you a happy New Year, we are, yours -truly, THE CLOWES ADV. £ DIST. CO.. ConncHsville, Pa. Wm. Clowes, Mgr. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—Just a few lines to let you know what we are doing. Have just finished distri- bution for Dr. Miles Med. Co. and have a quantity of posting, sign-tacking and distrib- uting on hand for the Carlstadt Medv Co. Also have 150 sheets.on boards for the Real Widow Brown. Wishing "The Billboard" and all my brother bill posters and distrib- utors a happy New Year, I am, yours for business, L. A. DICKSON. Princeton, Ky. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—Keep my name in the distrib- utors' directory for another year, for "The Billboaid." together with the 1. A. of D., has been- successful in brineing me a goodly number of the best adveitisers in the coun- try, and I would not "kick" if price was double the amount. I never knew the full worth of an advertisement until I had given same a fair trial in "The Billboard." I ex- tend my best wishes for the continued success of "The Billboard" for 1900. I also extend my best wishes to the prosperity of ail mem- bers of the International Association of Dis- tributors for 1900. Yours truly, Frankfort, Ky. GEO. W. REOCK. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—Work here, with the exception of the theatrical posting is very light ,as it like- ly will be until the spring trade opens up. We have posted this week, 40 eight-sheets Sen-Sen paper from E. A. Stathibrodt, New York; S eight-sheets Pancake Flour, from Chicago Bill Posting Co., and 650 one-sueets for the Porto Rico Cigar Co.. Cincinnati, O. Have done distributing for J. G. Vetter & Co.. Cleveland; Koenig Medicine Co., Chicago, 111.; Van Camp Bean Cookery. Indianapolis. Ind. Respectfully, E. R. ENDLY & CO. Mansfield, O. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir-To give ycu an idea of what is going on- in Williamspoit, Pa., I enclose you my report. I distributed 15.000 for C. I. Hood & Co.; 8,000 for the Dr. Chase Co., Philadel- phia, Pa.; 5,000 for the Boston Med. Institute- 8.000 for the Lydia E. Pinkhaan Med. Co.; 7,500 for Peruna Drug Mfg. Co.; 8,000 for the Dr. Kilmer Co. (Swamp Root); 7.500 for Dr. Miles Medical Co.; 8,OoO for Foster-Milburn Co., and there are 8,000 samples on the road from the Kondon Mfg. Co.; also, same num- ber from the Lydia E. Pinkhtun Co. for spe- cial delivery in January, 1900. I am now working on 7,000 for the Wyeth Chemical Co. Their agent, Mr. Cowen, is on the ground to oversee the work, and he re- ports to me that his work is being done well and that it is perfectly satisfactory to him. Mr. Cowen is a gentleman, and he knows when work is well done, as he is an old dis- tributor. I take pride in knowing that work placed in my hands Is being well done, and to the advertisers' best interests, whether they are cn the ground to look after it or not. I em- ploy oniy good, sober men (no boys). I see too much work put out by boys, and I feel satisfied that if the advertisers could see how some of their printed matter is wasted, they we uld put an end to it. Some of this kind of distributing is given to advertisers who have sent out their own men, and the firm no doubt believes they are receiving good service, but they are not. If these advertisers were to inspect the work done by their men as zeal- ously as they inspect that of the local dis- tributor, they would find a vast difference between the two. I do not want to say that I am the only distributor doing good work, but I do know that my service is appreciated by the advertisers, if one can judge by the letters I receive from them. Yours for honest ~_ S - M - BOND, viilliamsport. Pa. Member I. A. of D. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—I have just posted some 24-sheet stands for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston. N. C; also some local work. Have distributed 1,500 booklets for Dr. Miles Med- ical Co., Elkhart, Ind.: 1,000 booklets for Will A. Mol ton. Posted the paper for the Bruns- wick Fair. Put out samples of Kage's Cor- dial of Cod Liver Oil, prepared by the Kath- ermon Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo., and I have 1.000 booklets for the Chattanooga Med. Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn. I am now a mem- ber of the Southeastern States Bill Posters' Association. Wishing my brother bill posters a happy New Year, I am, yours truly. Fitzgerald, Ga. A. H. JONES. Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—We have arranged the dates of our fair for 1900 for July 31. Aug. 1. 2, and 4 —four days in ail, and intend to make the coming fair even better than the one held last year, which surpassed any we nave yet held. 16.000 people attended on one day last year, and there, was a large attendance on the other clays-. Four hundred members of hue National Editorial Association or America were present on the last day. We attribute our large attendance to the fact that the ex- hibits were more numerous than in any pre- vious year. "The Western Manitoba Big Fair" is now looked upon as the Agricultural Fair of the West, and we intend by judicious increase in prize money and accommodations for exhibits and the general public to warrant the good opinion expressed on all sides. Our half-mile link-shaped track has for some time held the record for trotting and pacing. At the last fair the time was again lowered by one and one-half seconds. Each year, a large amount is expended on tree planting and arbor culture and other improvements on the grounds, and we expect to spend $5,000 this year on additional build- ings*. Our attractions and amusements are always first-class and refined. Yours truly F. J. CLARK. Mgr., Western Manitoba Big Fair. Brandon, Man. Editor of "The Bill board :«• Dear Sir—In- my distributing department I have put out the following: 4,000 for Boston Medical Institute, Chicago, 111.; 1,000 Scha- ner & Miller, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 14.250 (four distributions) Hood & Co., - Lowell, Mass.; 9.000 Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, Detroit. Mich.; 4.000 Ohio Coffee & Spice Co., Columbus-, O.; 9,000 Providence Med-. Institute, Chicago. III.; \ 3,800 Lydia E. Pinkhatn Med. Co., LynnXU Mass.; 2,500 Peruna Drug Co.. Columbus, O.i Kl 5.400 Kondon Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Jfi 5,500 Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.Mi-' 5,500 for W. H. Comstock Co., Morristown " if X. Y.; 12,750 (Ave distributions) Dr. Chas-ft- 1 Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.; 15,000 miscellaneous-:! making a total of 104,700 pieces distribute,/ during the year. In my posting department I have poster 1 1.650 sheets. How is that? 1 am going int>" the business for all fhere is in it. I am think. teg of joining the I. A. of D. The nations!* advertisers appreciate my work, as I am get,' ting new contracts every week. I make 7 specialty of carrying the towns of Milan Dundee. Britton. Tecumst-b, Clinton, Man t-hester. Saline. Dexter. Chelsea, Wayne, Ply- mouth, Northville, Belleville and Willis, ink ing 5.500 pieces. Hoping for a busy spring. I remain, your' for business. W. B. REDM \'\ , Milan, Mien. I Editor of "The BiHboard:" Dear Sir—I find much pleasure in readini your very valuable paper, and would not b without It" for anything. It certainly merit the support of all distributors. Our business in the past year has been fairly good; we hav" distributed 77,000 pieces more in tibat tint- than in the previous year. This is due to strictly honest and reliable service. Wishini "The Billboard" and my brother distributor a happy New Year, I am, yours very truly. Burlington-. Ia. A. E. DREIER. % I Editor of "The Billboard:" i Dear Sir—I submit-herewith my annual re port. This has been a great year with, me and I expect to double same in 1900. Previout £ to the time I took up the work here, it wa-'? ataust impossible for the advertisers to havi?-i' their work put out as it should be. but tha'SfcT- is ail past now, and all matter sent to me UTS put out according to instructions. Please lei me say to you that I owe a great deal of m- suecese to "The Billboard" and the I. A. », D. The association is honorable in ail o>i its dealings, both with the advertiser and dis- tributor, and 1 hope it wili continue to grotf until its good effect is felt by every dlstrib utor and advertiser throughout the Unit« States. ( As for "The Billboard," I could not ge along without it. and I think that every bil poster and distributor ought to subscribe fo> it. In the year I have distributed 200.00f books, samples, leters, circulars, etc.. etc Have posted 5.000 sheets, from one-sheets t« twenty-eight-sheet stands. Have tacked 7,00f cards, banners, etc. Yours truly Sherman. Tex. j. iioxG. ' Editor of "The Billboard:" Dear Sir—The foHowing is a list of th< work put out by me since October: 2,000 dodg ^7nn f0 J! tie RePUDMecm Executive Committee J E 2.400 books for C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell ti Mass.; 2.000 Kid-ne-olds hooks, and tackee 1 five banners for the John Morrow Co., Spring- field. O. (through Mol ton's Agnecy); 2 OOt books, and put up hangers In all the gro eery stores, for the J. B. Ford Co.. Wyan- dotte, Mich, (received this also from Moltot Agency): 2,800 books for Dr. Miles, Elkhortrt In*.; 2,800 headache tablets for the Wilson Drug Co., Lexington, Ky.; 2,500 almanacs foi Peruna Drug Co., Columbus, O.; 2.500 sam- ples (liver cure) for the Dr. Chose Co.. Phila- delphiay Pa.; 3,300 Kay's Headache Powder* at Ironton, Coal Grove and Hanging Rock O.. and RusseM, Ky., for the India Spice* (T • 2.500 Ladies' Birth-, j -, wuu nuiww, *vy«, I Drug Co., Marietta, O. day Almanacs for the Chattanooga MedicintJj Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.; 2,500 Seven Bark? I Almanacs for Lyman Brown. New York City- ■J.500 song books for Hamlin's Wizard OH Co I - Chicago. III.; 1,000 pamphlets for J. A. Rog" '* ere, Ironton, O., advertising the "Walk-Over 4 Shoe for men and "Queen Quality" tor worn-' ? en-, seven of these distributions were toi before wnom 1 luvre never done any work| The Globe Remedy Co.. of New York, whe! have been In Ironton for two months seHine' and advertising their medicines by giving " sample to those who called on them, woun< up their business Saturday, and have gone94 f* a y- They promised to send me some work J the first of the year. Wishing "The Billboard" and all of my brother members of the I. A. of D. a happy Xew Year, I am, yours very truly Ironton, O. II. C. CROSSLEY Editor of "The Billboard:" ' T- Dear Sir—Business with us is on the In-I crease, and will be much more so after the -New Year. The trust has not absorbed ou plant; nor is it likely to. We are workini along nicely and attending strictly to bust _ We could increase the output of our poster department ir the gang in this cityi would display more business acumen and not act like children. We know of several good- poster custom-li ers who have been queered by their unbusi-l nesslike methods, and we have also talked i T^J^t™ °. nt ot Philadelphia who would use ', the bill boards bere if they were treated wiutf ~ civility. We do not want to be classed as 1 "knockers," but are only stating facts that) can be proved. i The W. J. Morgan Co. posters have the call 1 among the local merchants, and we have 1 I quite a lot of orders in view for spring trade. Our sign and wall departments are busy on work for Friend's Oats. Emerson Shoe, Pond's 1 n Extract, Blue Label Whisky. Douglas Shoe.'£ Royal Blue Cigar. Oxus OiKarros, Campbell's Soups, Mayer's Soap, etc.. etc. In our poster department we are now run ning one-sheets for Logue's Hats. Banks Col- lege. Active Grocers, nearly all the standard magazines, etc., etc. ^Jl? 1,t0e of ffiB °- J - Gude Bray matter was,' divided among the bill posters and sign ad- vertisers throughout the country their paths would be among roses instead or thorns. With best wishes for "The BiHboard," It am, yours, etc., D. C. HUMPHRYS. I Philadelphia. Pa. -