Billboard advertising (Jan 1900)

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THE BILLBOARD A World's Fair income. According to Italian newspapers, there Is a •vemect on foot in Italy to hold a World's lr in- the Sternal City In the year 1910. 4ch snail eclipse everything shown In this e before, even the Paris Exposition of 1900: til tben it is expected- to have all the Mic buildings finished, which could not De opleted for a lack of capital; the new sridgj ■osb the Tiber will also be finished, and reral new bridges are projected. A new and Opera House will also be built, and ? gigantic memorial to King Victor Emau- I orj the Capitol Hill, which will also oe ished- by that time, is expected to prove of the greatest attractions for visitors. Is expected to raise the money needed oy ascription. ' . Fair Notes. i Tie Araeican Street Fair and Exhibition Co., * offices at 1432 Broadway, New York, is » name of a new concern organized to pro- <te street fairs and carnivals. >n Wednesday night, December 23dv the icago Athletic Association gave. a full- circus. Many circus performers who re wintering in Chicago were secured, and > circus was announced by regular bona > circus posters. Although it was an in- ir affair, it was an immense success, an* » more IHte a real circus than many of < tented shows. he Commercial Club, of Lewistcm, Idaho, ently passed resolutions, which-were in ice as foMows: That a fair he held |>ut Oct. 15, 1900; that the expenses be de- yed by donations from county, city, busi- » men and privileges; that grounds be _,nd. exhibits secured, premiums offered; t amusements be provided, etc. The board dently means business, and have taken an Jy start, which argues well for the success the undertaking. *e Los Angeles Industrial Exposition- is be held at Hazard's Pavilion, from Feb. 20 March 13, 1900, inclusive. Besides the tex- I and manufactured products of the city, re will be a citrus fair and an exhibit of ! mineral resources of Southern California. to of the novel features of the Portland e.) Exposition was the war museum for benefit of the fund being raised to erect nomiment to the memory of:the Oregon bnteers who lost their lives in the service heir country. The receipts resulting from the experiment amounted to Jl.112.45. The following is the financial result of the 1S99 exposition, compared to that of 1898: Expenses, 1898 $26,427.15 Expenses, 1899 25,480.34 Decrease $ 946.81 Admission ticket sales. 1898 $22,068.55 Admission ticket sales, 1899 15,626.25 Decrease S 6,442.30 Concessions, 1898 S 1,738.40 Concessions, 1899 1,842.34 Increase" $ 103.94 From this it may be seen that the exposi- tion did not receive the patronage it should, ' but the non-attendance may be laid to the door of the two weeks of bad weather during the fair. However, the exposition certainly gave an- excellent entertainment, and man- aged to pay the subscribers 27 per cent, of their money back, besides donating money to worthy charities—which is very satisfactory to. everybody. The catalogue of the Northern Illinois Poul- try Association Show, to be held at Belve- dere, Jan: 15 to 19. has reached this office. A grand prize of S20 in gold and many other - valuable premiums are offered. We also note that the premium list has exceptionally good advertising patronage. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS! We are I. A. of D. members, and are now ready to distribute any nnmber or kind: of Circulars, Samples or Booklets. New Year's Calendars, Almanacs, etc. from house-to-house at reasonable rates- I also Tack Up Signs in public places at fall rates. Work done by men only. Films desiring such work done should send their matter at once. A perfect service in every particular is guaranteed and best refer- , ence. Address, U/m. FV : MOSHER, 98 Chapin St, CANANDAIGUA, N. Y. E. 0. BURROUGHS. K3& City and Country Billposter. I cover a circuit of 34 towns Get my rates before placing else- where. The onlv guaranteed service in Newark. Member I. A. of D. RiO BURROUGHS. P. O. Box 296 No. 3 South Park, Niwasc, O. F. ALTAIAN & SON, Rochester, N. K, December/si, i£oo. Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen :— We have your letter of the 20IA ultimo., and beg to say that we believe the work, of distributing which you have done for us in that ti/y was the best Job of the kind we have ever had done, judging from the results, and also from the evident interest you have take- in the work When we are ready for another distribution there, you may expect to do the work. Vt ry truly yours, B. H. BAL ON, ,, Proprietor of Otto's Cure and Bacon's Celery King. New York Alhambra, INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS' JOURNAL DtVOTID lO Vaudeville, Circus, Minstrels, Museum, etc. t*MIMTBO IM_ ENGLISH. FRENCH AND GERMAN. Send 10 cents in stamps for copy, to.. S. ULTMANN, 1327 Broadway, NEW YORK, N. Y„ V. S. A. BLTMANN & TONELL, " International Theatrical Exchange," 1327 Broadway, NEW YORK, N. Y. NOT THE LARGEST, BUT THE BEST." emenan £ Co.. Wishing you A Happy Prosperous flew Year OSTER PRINTERS. fur line of stock posters for the coming year will be complete and up-to-date, and include some new ideas. Billposters should obtain our line for the Spring Trade. Our Block Work Excels All Others. Prices and Sketches famished to Prospective Advertisers. 4ennegan & Qo., = = ==127 E. Eighth Street,— * CINCINNATI, ©.