Billboard advertising (Jan 1900)

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I 16 THE BILLBOARD. NEWARK, N. J.—State Lumbermen's Asso- ciation. Jan. 16. Jaa. M. Reiily, 764 Brood St.. Newark. NEW CASTLE, PA.—Grand Lodge, A. O. U. W. September. 1900. O. K. Gardner. 2201 Wylie ave.. PIttsburr. Pa. ; NEW HAVEN, CT.—State Editorial Associa- tion. Jan. 13. E. S. Bla, Manchester, Ct. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—State Lumber Deal- ers' Association. Feb. 14, 1900. Louis C. Mansfield, secy., New Haven. Con. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—Knights or Colum- bus. March 6, 1900. Daniel J. Colwell, Poll Building, New Haven Conn., secy. NEW ORLEANS, LA.—State Council, Cath- olic Knights of America. Feb. 2, 1901. Cnas. A. Ftlcke, secy.. 823 Lowerline street. New Orleans, La. NEW YORK, N. Y.—Dutch Belted Cattle As- sociation of America. Feb. 8, 1900. H. B. Richards, Eastern, Fa. NEW YORK. N. Y.—American Paper Associ- ation. Feb. 14 and 15, 1900. C. W. Han- tonly. 101 Times Building, New York Cit}. NEW YORK. N. Y.—National Sportsmens" Association. March 1, 1900. J. A. Dressei, New York City. NEJW YORK, N. Y.—American Association for Advancement of Science. June 25 to 30, 1900. Chas. Bakersvllle. Chapel Hill. N. V NEW YORK CITY—American Newspaper Publishers' Association. Feb. 3, 1900. W. C. Bryant, secy.. 322 Potter Building. New York City. NEW YORK, N. Y.—American Heating and Ventilating Engineers' Association. Jan. 23 to 25. W. M. Mackay. Box 1818. New York. NEW YORK, N. Y.—District Grand Lodge No. 1, Independent Order Free Sons of Is- rael, Lexington Opera House. Feb. 11. I. H. Goldsmith, 791 Lexington av., N. Y. "' NEW YORK, N. Y-—National Convention, Ladies' Loyal Orange Association. July 18. Christena Milligan. Saugus, Mass. NORFOLK. NEB.—State Firemen's Associa- tion. • Jan." 16 to 18." R. T. Hite, Grand Island, Neb. OGDEN. UTAH—F. & A. M., Grand Lodge. Jam 16. Christopher Hide, Box 780. Salt Lake City. Utah. ... . OLD POINT COMFORT. VA.—National Den- ! tal Faculty Association. July 17. Dr. Em- ma P. Chase. Washington av.. St-Louis, Mo. OMAHA, NEB.—Implement Dealers' Associa- tion' of Western Iowa and Nebraska. Jan. 10 to 12. J. A. McLaughlin, Craig. Neb. OTTAWA, ILL.—Illinois Clay Workers' As- sociation. Jan. 9 and 10. G. C. Stoll, Wheaton, 111., secy. PALATKA, FLA.—Florida State Federation of Women's Clubs. Jan. 11 and 12. Mrs. E. A. H#I. Orange City, Fia. PALATKA, FLA.—I. O. R..M. State Council. Feb. 13, 1900. Duncan Stewart, St. Augus- tine, Fia. PARTS. FRANCE—National Editorial Asao- ciatlon. HM. PERU, IND-—High Court of Indiana, I. O. F. Feb. 23, 24, 130L W. W. Wilson, secy.. Logansport, Ind. : PHILADELPHIA, PA.—State Lumbermen's Association. Jan. 9, 1900. T. J. Snowden, Scran ton. Pa. ^PHILADELPHIA. PA.—American Federation of Musicians. June o. Jacob Scbmatz, Main St., Cincinnati, O. - PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Traveling Men's Club. Feb. 22, 1900. Fred. Morgenthaler, ■ecy., Harrisburg, Pa. PITTSBURG, PA.—State Horticultural So- ciety. Jan. 16 and 17. M. C. Dunlevey, Car- negi e. Pa. PITTSBURG. PA.—International Astronomic- al Congress. May, 1900. C. W. ScoTil. secy. PLAINS, MONT.—Montana Horticultural So- ciety. Feb. 21 to 23. C. H. Edwards, Mis- «oula, Mont, secy. . PORTLAND,.ORE.—State Republican League. Feb. 6.- H. L. Weils, Portland, secy. PORT TOWNSEND, WASH.—Grand Camp Native Sons of Washington. Jan. 9, 1900. A Francis Learned, iecy. PRINCETON. ILL.—State Firemen's Associa- tion Ian. U-and. 10. Walter E. Price^Cham- paign, 111. PROVIDENCE," R. I.—Grand Lodge-. I. O. O. F.. of-IU-I. Feb. 6. Wm. Mosiey. 86 Weybasset st, Providence. PROVIDENCE. R- I.—Horseshoers' Union" .of C. S. and Canada. May 15, 1900. Ready Kenehan, Denver, Col. QUINCT, ILL.—Illinois Supervisors and County Clerks' "Convention. Jan. 9 to 11. Henry Riniker, Bdwardsvil'le, 111. RACINE, WIS.—Danish Brotherhood In ■ America.- Oct- -1. 1902. Viggo A. Dkoiel- son. Sta. G, 885 N. Campbell ave., Chicago, III., secy. RALEIGH, N. C—A. F. and A. M. Grand Lodge of North Carolina. Jan. 13, 1900. John C. Drewry, secy. RICHMOND, VA.—American -Medico-Psycho- logical Association. May 1 to 4. C. B. Burr, M.D.. Flint, Mich-, secy. - RICHMOND. VA—Daughters of America. Oct 2. Julia Tipton, Dennison. O. RICHMOND, VA.—Order United American I I Mechanics. Sept 10 to 13. John. Server, ! I 1343 Arch St., Philadelphia. ...... 'ROCHESTER, N. Y.—Bricklayers and Plas- ! terers Union. Jan. 8 to 13. 1900. Chas. ! Haveran. secy., 109 Evergreen st, Roches- 1 ter. N. Y. (ROCHESTER, N. Y.—Grand Lodge. A. O. U. | W. First Tuesday in March. 1900. A. C. i Harwlck, 808 Mutual Life Bldg., Buffalo, N. •i Y .. secy ' ROCHESTER, N. Y.—National Clothiers' Aa- ;' sociation. Jan. 22. 1900. S. H. Lanncheimer, ' seer-. Equitable Bldg.. Baltimore. Md. ■ SAGINAW, MICH.—Biennial Convention } Journeymen Barbers October, 1900. W. ! .EL Klapotxky, Box 585..secy.,. Syracuse. s SALT 'LAKE CITT. UTAH.—I. O. O. F. I Grand Encampment. April. 1909. Ed. W. |: Loder, Salt Lake city. Utah, secy. (Box I- lift.) | SAN ANTONIO, TEX.—National Railroad - Postal Clerks' Association. June 7. 1900. ' Geo. A. Woods, secy., Portsmouth-. N. H. i SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—Live Stock Associa- ! tion. Jan. 23 to 25. V alres P. Brown, secy. 'SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—Railway Trackmen I ■■ of America. Dec. 3. 1900. John T. Wilson, i Q. C, St Louis, Mo. i ! I SAN DIEGO, CAL.—Celebration of Dewey's Victory, auspices G. A. R. Estimated at- tendance, 5,000, principally from California and Nerada. SAN FRANCISCO—I. O. B. B., Lodge 4. Feb. 18. T. J. Ascheim, 121 Eddy St., secy. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Protestant Episco- pal Church Convention. October, 1901. Rev. C. L. Hutchlns, Concord. Mass.. secy. SAVANNAH, GA.—Southeastern States Bill Posters' Association. May 21, 1900. Chas. Bernard, secy.. Savannah. Ga. SCRANTON. PA.—United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners. Sept 18, 1900. P. J. McGulre, Box 884, Philadelphia, Pa., secy.- trees. STANTON. NEB.—Nebraska Saengerbund. 1900. F. Raabe, secy. STAUNTON, VA.—Virginia Horticultural So- ciety. Jan. 16. Sam Brooks, Charlotteville, Va. ST. JOSEPH. MO.—Knights of Maccabees of Missouri. Hay (second Tuesday), 1901. A. Bigger, secy., 1620 Front avenue, Kansas City. Mo. ST. LOUIS, MO.—Stipulated Premium Life Insurance Underwriters' Association. May 23 to 25, 1900. Miss E. H. Titus, Elkhart, Ind. ST. LOUIS, MO.—Retail Dtalers' Association of Vehicles and Implements of United States. Oct. 3. J. R. Wright, Domphanv Mo. ST. LOUIS. MO.—D. O. K. K., Zulema Tem- ple. Jan. 13. H. W. Belding, St. Louis, Mo. ST. LOUIS. M.—Missouri Retail Hardware and Stove Dealers' Association. Feb. 13. 1900. ST. LOUIS. MO.—Royal Arcanum Gra»« Council. Feb. 20, 1900. Chas. B. Cox. secy., 309 Holland Building. St Louis. Mo. ST. PAUL, MINN.—Grand Lodge, Minnesota A. O. U. W. Fourth Tuesday in March, 1900. Olof Olson, Willmar, Minn., secy. ST. PAUL, MINN.—F. & A. M., Grand Lodge. Jan. 17. T. Montgomery, Newspaper Row, St. Paul. secy. ST. PAUL, MINN.—State Veterinary Med. Association. Jan. 11 and 12. M. H. Rey- nolds, St. Anthony Park, Mann. ST. PAUL. MINN.—State Turn Bezirk. Jan. 20 and 21. H. J. Radrbuch, 65 E. 5th St., St. Paul. ST. PAUL, MINN.—I. O. O. F. Feb. 3rd Wed., 1900. A. E. Renillard, secy., SOI S. 6th street Minneapolis. Minn. STREATOR. ILL.—Catholic Knights of America State Council. Aug. 21. 1900. John E. Mahoney. secy.. Farmer City, 111. STREATOR, ILL.—W. R. C. K. of A. Third Tuesday, August, 1900. Col. J. J. Doheny.- EfOngham, 111., secy. STREATOR. ILL.—Biennial Council. C. K. of A. Third Tuesday, August, 1900. John E. Mahoney. Farmer City, ni.. secy. SWEETWATER, TENN.—Ten nesee Dairy- mens' Association. Jan. 25, 1900. TABLE ROCK, NEB.—State Horticultural Society. Jan 9 to 11, 1900. C. H. Barnard, secy. TAYLORVILLE. ILL.—Illinois Swine Breed- ers' Association. Jan. 9 and 10. A. G. Woodbury, Danville, HI. THOMPSONSVILLE, MICH. — State Bee Keepers * Association. Jan. 12. George E. Hilton, Fremont, Mich., secy. TOLEDO. O.—National Convention G. A. R. 1903. TOLEDO, O.—Cider Makers and Kindred' In- terests. Jan. 10 and 11. Jas. A. Patterson, Savannah, O. TOLEDO. O.—International Sunday-School Convention. Jan. 25 to 27, 1900. Rev. E. M. Ferguson, secy., Trenton, N. J. TOPEKA, KAN.—Kansas State Historical Society. Jan. 16. 1900. Franklin G. Adams, secy Topeka, Kan. TOPEKA, KAS.—F. * A. M. Grand Lodge. Feb.; 3d Wed.. 1900. A K. Wilson, secy. TOPEKA, KAN.—Kansas Grain Dealers' As- sociation. Jan. 15. E. J. Smiley, Con- cordia, Kan, TOPEKA. KAN.—National Aid Association. National Council. Feb. 14. S. D. Cooley, 701 Jackson St., Topeka. TOPEKA, KAN.—State Temperance Union. Jan. 10 and 11. T. E. Stephens, 703 Jack- son st., Topeka. TOPEKA, KAS.—Grand Chapter. Royal Arch • Masons. Feb..12, 1900. Jacob DeWitt, secy., Salina, Kas. TOPEKA. KAS.—National Conference of Charities and Corrections. May 18 to 24, 1900. Hastings H. Hart, 115 Monroe st, Chi- cago, secy. TOPEKA, KAN—The Most niustrious Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters ol Kansas. Feb. 19, 1900. Wm. W. Shanei, grand recorder. TOPEKA, KAN.—State Barbers' Association. Feb. 6, 1900. C. B. Hypes, secy., Topeka, -Kan. TORONTO. ONT., CAN.—National Associa- tion Custom Foremen Tailors. Jan. 23 to 26. John S. McCIean, 77 King St., W. To- ronto. Ont. TORONTA, CAN.—Canadian Conference of Charities and Correction. June, 1900. A. M. Rosebrugh, M. D., 62 Queen St, East, Toronto. Canada. TRENTON. N. J.—Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons of New Jersey. Jan. 23. Geo. Bechtel, secy. TRENTON. N. J.—P. & A. M., Grand Lodge of New Jersey. Jan. 24. Thomas Redwayck. secy. TRENTON. N. J.—Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias. Feb. 21. 22, 1900. Geo. E. Plerson, secy., Woodbury. N. J. TRINIDAD, COL.—Arkansas Valley Press As- sociation. March 15, 1900. D. W. Barlsley, secy.. Rocky Ford. Col. f\. J. TURNER, City Billposter and Distributor. CarllnvIUe, III. All out-door advertising up-to-date: ^o.coo people see my work; have 28 towns under my control. For reference, ask The Continental Tobacco Co., New York: for distributing, ask C. I. Hood & Co.. Dr. Miles. Elkhart Ind. All work trusted to me will be promptly done uc-tc- date. All letters addressed to A. J. TURNER. 933, Carliuville, 111., will be promptly answered UNION HILL, N. J.—Order of True Friends. Oct. 2, 1900. Morgan R. Clark, secy.. 163 Metropolitan av., Brooklyn, N. Y. UT1CA, N. Y.—Utica Eistedfodd. Jan. 1. 1900. W. W. George, 52 Spring St., Utica, N. Y„ secy. WASHINGTON. D. C—American Women Suffrage Association. Feb. 8 to 14, 1900. Ka- chael Avery. 1483 52d St.. Philadelphia, Pa. WASHINGTON, D. C—National Association of Master House Pa-nters. Feb. 6 to 8. 1900. Joel Kennedy, secy., 944 Linn St., Cincinnati. O. WASHINGTON. D. C—National Marine En- gineers' Benefit Association. Jan. 22 to 27. Geo. Uhler, 1609 Brown St., Philadelphia, secy. WASHINGTON, D. C—American Protologic Society. May 1 and 2. William M. Beach, 515 Peon av., Pittsburg, Pa. WASHINGTON. D. C—American Surgical Society. May 1 to 3. Herbert F. Bunell, M.D.. 22 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. WASHINGTON, D. C—ShTlners Imperial Council. June 5 to 7, 1900. Benj. Bowcli, secy.. Boston, Mass. WASHINGTON, D. C—Sons of Revolution Triennial Session. April 19, 1902. James Mortimer, Montgomery, N. Y.. secy. WATERBURY, CT.—Grand Commandery. Knights Templars. March 20, 1900. Eli Birdsey, Meriden, Ct, secy. WHEELING. W. VA—National Tobacco Workers' Union of America. September, (fourth Monday). 1900. E. Lewis Evans. 422 Granite Block. St Louis. Mo., secy. WHITE RIVER JUNCTION. VT.—Dart- mouth Interscholastic Athletic Association. Feb. 9. 1900. W. C. Pelkey, secy. WILL1MANTIC, CT.—A. O. U. W. Past Mas- ters' Association. Jan. 23. Walter Leigh, New Haven, Ct. WINCHESTER, VA.—Grand Lodge K. of P. of Virginia. Feb. 27, 1900. Walter A. Ed- wards. 356 Holt St., Norfolk. Va. WINNIPEG, MAN., CAN."—Manitoba Veteri- nary Association. About Feb. 10, 1900. W. I. Hinman, V. S., secy., Winnipeg. WINONA. MINN.—Minnesota Retail Grocers' Association. Feb. 21 to 23. J. F. Gerlicher, Winona, Minn. WINONA. MINN.—Retail Grocers' and Mer- chants' Association. Feb. 20 to 23 J. T. Rowan, secy. WINONA, MINN.—State Bee Keepers' Asso- ciation. Jan. 23, 1900. C. A. Gile, Winona, secy. WYANDOTTE, MICH.—Jr. O. U. A. M.. State Meeting. Feb. 13, 1900. W. E. Pulcl- fer, secy., Lansing, Mich. LIST OF FAIRS. This list is revised and corrected month- • ly. Secretaries are urgently requested to • send in their dates at the earliest possible w moment after they are claimed, and to V notify us promptly as to any change. * Rosters and dates are published abso- 9 lutely Free of Charge. • Copyrighted iSgg. All rights reserved. 0) -— ^»—^.^.^^ ^fc^^. ^—. ew<^^ w^w^^^w ALABAMA. MOBILE, ALA.—Carnival. Shrove Tuesday. W. K. P. Wilson, chairman executive com- mittee: Edw. Macartney, treas.: A. B. Ken- nedy. Mobile Carnival Association, secy. GEORGIA. CORDBLE, GA.—Mardi Gras and Street Cai- nival. V. J. Erhart, director. ILLINOIS. DBLAVAN, ILL.—The Twenty-second Annual Fair of the Tazewell County Agricultural Board. Aug. 28 to 31, 1900. J. W. CrabD, pres.; J. O. Jones, secy. NEW JERSEY". PATERSON. N. J.—Second Grand German Fair. Feb. 5 to 10. 1900. Eugene Gruen- berg, secy., 112 Broadway, Patterson. Poultry Shows. ALBANY. ORE.—State Poultry Show. Jan. 22 to 26. F. Femrick, Portland, Ore., secy. AKROy. O.—Okron Poultry and Pet Stock Club. Jan. 2 to 6. J. A. Palmer, secy. AURORA, IND.—Aurora Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association.. Jan. 8 to 13, 1900 J. B. Stevens, secy., Aurora, Ind. BELOIT, KAN.—Poultry and Pet Stock Show Jan. 2 to 6. G. H. Dodge, Beloit. BELVIDERE, ILL.—Northern Illinois Poul- try Association. Jan. 16 to 20, 1900. B. R Lucas, secy. BLACKWELL. O. T.—Poultry Show. Jan 17 to 20, 1900. Geo. M. Carson, secy. BOSTON, MASS.—National Wyandotte Club Show. Jan. 18. C. S. Mattison, S. Shafis- bury, Vt., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Poultry Show. Jan. 17 to 22. A. R. Sharp, secy.. Taunton, Mass. BRISTOL, ct.— Bristol Poultry Show. Jan. 23 to 25. W. H. Card, secy. BUNKER HILL. IND.—Bunker Hill Poultry Association Show. Jan. 11 to 16. S. E. New- ly, secy. J. M. MAYO, MEREDITH, IV. H. Circular Distributor And Advertising Agent. All work attended to in person. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hones), fairhful. reliable. SPECIAL RATES FOR ENTIRE STATE. Address. LANG STREET. hinkers Students Writers Public Men Business Men and ANYONE wishing to collect clippings on any subject, — business pointers, material for lectures, sermons or debates,—should read our booklet, "The Uses of Press Clippings." Sent to any address. Consolidated Press Clipping Co. 159 La Sane Street, CHICAGO THE MANHATTAN PRESS-CLIPPING BUREAU. ARTHUR CASSOT. Manager. NEW YORK. LONDON. (Knickerbocker Building.) Cor. 5th Ave. and 14th St.. New York. Will supply you with all personal reference and clippings on any subject from all the papers and periodicals published here and abroad. Our large staff of readers can gather for you more valuable material on any current tubject than you can get in a life-time. TERMS: 100 clippings. S3.00; 350 clippings, 00; 500 clippings, faa.oo; ■,•00 clippings, $40.00. Bill Poster The English counterpart of The Billboard. Subscription 50 cents per year, post free, may be sent to 127 East Eighth St., Cincinnati, O. The Omaha Exposition Midway AN INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS ! Kvery show direct from the Omaha Exposition Midway. We carry the beautiful Electrical Fountain from Omaha Court of Honor; the greatest attraction ever offered by any Midway. Playing ten weeks, Elk's Fairs in the South. San Antonio, January 10th, We would book any kind of First-Class Attraction, an Animal Show, and a streets of Cairo, with a few First-Class Attractions for Ladies. None but Absolutely First- Class need apply. Address: Director in Chief, MRS. McCUIJ, TRAVIS, C. h. THOMAS, Manager En Route, Monger Hotel, San Antonio, Tfx.