The billboard (Jan 1900)

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THE BILLBOARD. CANtdfrJ. 6.—Canton Poultry Association. Dec 28 to Jan. 1, 1900. U. S. Dannor. see». C\RMNVIIA>E. ILL. — Carllnvllle Poultry Club. Jan. 30 to Feb. t. Perry Duckies, ( l"i)Alt FALLS. IA.—Oedtar Valley Poultry Association Stiow. Jan. 2 to 6. H. W. Con- : jd, secy. CKUAR RAPIDS. IA.—Western Poultry Fan- ciers Association. Jan. K to 9, 1900. Cbas. II. Playter, secy. CHARLOTTE, N. C.-<:narlotte Poultry Asso- ciation. Jan. 10 to 12. W. M. Barrlnger, secy. l llivACO, ILL.—Game and Game Bantam Club's Xutlomil Exhibition. Jan. 22 to 27. J. <:. Pratt, 170 Adams St.. Chicago. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Fanciers' Associa- tion. Jan. 22 to 27. 1900. Fred. L. Kim- mey. Recv. CINCINNATI, O.—Cincinnati Poultry Associ- ation. Jan. 16 to 20, 1900. A. E. Brooks, secy., s.w.c. 7th and Freeman aye. COLFAX. WASH.—Whitman County Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 20 to 22. 1900. O. L. Kennedy, secy. COLORADO SPRINGS. COL.—Pikes Peak Poultry Show. Jan. 8 to 13. P. H. Ed- wards, 615 E. Cinnamon St. COLUMBIA CITY, INO.—Poultry Show. Jan. 15 to 20. PtoiHp Anthes. Jr., secy. COLUMBIA C1TV, IND.—Poultry Association. Jan. 15 to 20. COLUMBUS, O.—Ohio State Poultry Associa- tion. Jan. 18 to 23, 1900. Chas. McClave, Becy., New London, O. DAYTON. O.—Gem City Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 11 to IS. Theo. Faulstich, secy. DENVER. COL—State Poultry and Pet Stock Show. Jan. 13 to 20. C. Gill. secy. DETROIT, MICH.—State Poultry and Pigeon Association. Jan. 8 to 12. John A. Grover, secy. DUBUQUE. IOWA—Mississippi Valley Poul- try Association. Jan. 3 to 8, 1900. F. D. Scharle. secy.. 96 Hart at. EAST PALESTINE, O.—East Palestine Poul- try and Pet Stock Club. Jan. 23 to 26. D. J. I/ambert. judge; H. G. Paxon, secy. £NID. OKLA.—Jan. 3 to 5, 1900. ERIE, PA.—N. W. Pennsylvania Poultry As- sociation. Jan. 4 to 10, 1900. A, E. Ble- thon. secy. FREMONT, O.—Sar.dusky County Poultry and P« Stock Show. Jan. 24 to 2". P. F. Michael, secy. FREMONT, O.—Jan. 24 to 27. Sandusky Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Association. P. F. Michael, secy. FRIEND. NEB.—State Poultry Association Show. Jan. 15 to 20. 1900. E. A. Pegler, secy., Box 463, Lincoln. FT. WORTH, TEX.—Ft. Worth Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 21 to 23. J. A. Randall, secy. GARDEN CITY. KAS.—Poultry Association Show. Jan. 11 to 13, 1900. S. A. Parsons, secy. GEORGETOWN, ILL.—Georgetown Poultry Association. Jan. 2 to 6. D. H. Bowen, secy. GOSHEN. IND.—Jan. 4 to 9. 1900. George- town Poultry Association. D. H. Bowen. secy. HENRY, ILL.—Illinois Valley Poultry Asso- ciation Show. Jan. 30 to Feb. 2. Jas. M. McNabb. Mt. Palatine. 111., secy. IOWA CITY. IOWA.—Poultry an* Pet Stock Association. Jan. 23 to 26, 1900. B. A. Wlckham, secy. JBFFERSON, IA.—Poultry Show. Sept. 13 to 15. 1900. D. II. Grimall, pres.; P. O. Brown, secy. JEFFERSON CITY. MO.—Jefferson City Pig- eon and P. S. Show. Jan. 3 to 5, 1900. F. M. Brown, secy. KANSAS CITY. MO.—Poultry. Pleeon and IVt Stock Show. Jan. 17 to 22, 1900. R. F. Strain. I«13«. Main st. KOKOMO. IND.—Northern Central Indiana Poultry Association. Jan. 17 to 24. E. E. Sunders, secy. LANARK. ILL.—Illinois Fanciers' Associa- tion. Jan. 1 to 6, 1900. D. J. Lambert, judge; E. D. Leland. secy., Lanark, 111. LEAVENWORTH. KAS.-Poultry and Pit Mock Show. Jan. 29 and Feb. 1. 1900. K. S. Singer, secy. LE MARS. IA.—Plymouth County Poultry Association. Jan. 1 to 6. G. A. C. Clark, socy LENOX. MASS.—Berkshire County Poultry. Pigi on and Pet Stock Show. Jan. 2 to 4. L. H. Peters, secy. LONISVILLE. KY-—Kantueky State Associ- ation. Jan. Xt to 17, 1900. F. G. Hogan. secy.. 42G W. Main at. LOS GRATOS, CAL.—Los Gratos Poultry . Club. Jan. 10 to 13. C. H. Vodden, secy. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. NEW YORK. —New York Poultry and Pigeon Association. Jan. 30 to Feb. 3. H. V. Crawford, secy. MANCHESTER, N. II.—Poultry Association ..?J"2.*"- - to 5 - W. B. Sanford. secy. MILFORD. N. H. Milford Poultry and Pet Mock Association. Jan. 9 to 11. F. B. Burns, secy. MONTREAL. OUE.-Poultry Show. Jan. 17 in 22. .1. P. Cullen. secy. NEW ALBANY. IND.-Southern Inilana Poultry and Pet Stock Association, Jan. ,9 - ,9 *°- Frank HWk. w-cj. M'.W WHATCOM. WASH.—Northeast Poui- iry Afsoclation Show. Jan. 31 to Feb. 3. Al.x. Van VVyck. secy. N - w YORK.—New York Poultry. Pigeon and J,*' Stock Association. Jan. 3 to Feb. 2. nl iw^S rawford - ,ec y- Montclair. N. J. 1 A'NESVILLE, O.—Palnesvllle Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 2 to 5. H. Z. llrainard. secy. PLAItODY. MASS.-Esscx County Poultry A8- D«oi aU i >n - J * n - 2 to 5. Arthur Elliott, secy. PORT HURON. MIOH.—Port Huron Poultry. , K ,o 0n .^ nd Pet sto <* Association. Jan. 16 ..J? * H. C. Klleta. secy. I It ATT, KAS —Pratt Poulf y Association Snow. Jan. 17 to 20. 1900. N. K. Fretz, mvy. PRINCETON, ILL.-*Iorth. Central Illlnoli Poultry Association. Jan. IE to 19. E." W. Judges'' A " H- Currler> w - °- Warwick, P, iF- BL 5'. COL — p ueblo Poultry Association. ■" "' 15 to «. D. T. Heimlich, secy. QtttNCY, ILL—Illinois Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 8 to 13. S. 3. Noble, Blooznlngton, HI., secy. ROCHESTER. N. Y.—Jan. 5 to 11, 1900. W. O. Ingle, secy. SHARON, PA.—Fanciers Club. Jan. 17 to 19. F. H. Alderman. SIBLEY, ILL,.—Sibley Poultry Association Show. Jan. 1 to C. John Hirdiekle, secy. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.—Trl-State Poultry Show. Jan. 24 to 26, 1900. Geo. Scblosser. secy. SPOKANE, WASH.—Spokane Poultry Asso- ciation Show. Jan. 23 to 26. Johu L. Mer- cer, secy. ST. LOUIS. MO.—St. Louis Fanciers' Associ- ation. Jan. 1 to 4. 1900. John A. Franlcsco, secy. ST. PAUL, MINN.—State Poultry Show. Feb. 5 to 10. II. F. Huelster, St. Paul. SYRACUSE. N. Y.—Central New York Fan- tiers' Association. Jan. 12 to 17, 1900. H. C. Foxton. 416 Hamilton St. TACOMA, WASH—Tacoma Poultry Associa- tion. Jan. 8 to 22. Chas. C. Johns, secy., Berlin Building. TOLEDO, O.—Toledo Fanciers Association. Jan. 5 to 9. Geo. F. Mueller, secy. TOPEKA, KAN.—Kansas State Poultry Asso- ciation. Jan 8 to 13. J. W. F. Hughes, secy. TROY. -V. Y.—Hudson Valley Poultry. Pigeon and Pet Stock Show. Jan. 23 to 26. W. T. Ford. Troy. UNIONTOWN, PA.—Poultry Show. Jan-. 25 to 27. I). J. Lambert, judge; Chas. D. Con- nor, secy. WACO, TEX.—Texas State Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 9 to 13, 1900. Harry A. F. Pudlg, Waco, Tex., secy. WARREN. PA.—Warren County Poultry and Pet Stock Association. J. H. Bowden, secy. WAWAPACA, WIS.—Jan 8 to 13. WEST BROOKF1ELD, MASS.—Poultry and Pft Stock Show. Jan. 24 and 23. WICHITA, KAN.—Associated Fanciers of the Arkansas Valley. Jan. 2 to 6. Mrs. H. P. Swerdfeger. secy. WINONA, MINN.—Winona Interstate Poultry Association. Jan. 27. Henry Hess, secy. WOODSTOCK. VT.—Vermont Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 2 to S. John S. Eaton, secy. Expositions. BUFFALO, N. V.—Pan American Exposition. May 1 to Not. 1, 1901. John G. Mitburn, pres.: Edwin Fleming, secy. CHICAGO, ILL".—Furniture Exposition. Jan. 1 to Feb, ^1S. C..F. Minahan, 370 Wabash ar.. : UWcago. LONDON, ENG., EARL'S COURT.—Women's International Exposition. 1900. Imre Ki- ralfy, manager. LOS ANGELES. CAL.—Industrial Exposition. Feb. 20 to March 13. 1900. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—Louisiana Industrial Exposition April 14 to May 6. C. L. Braek- ett. S07 Common St., New Orleans, director. NEW YORK CITY—Typographical Exposi- tion. May 2 to June 2. PARIS, FRANCE—Paris Universal Exposi- tion. April 15, 1900. to April 15. 1901. ST. LOUIS, MO.—World's International Ex- position. 1903. TOLEDO, O.—Ohio Centennial Exposition. May. 1902. WASHINGTON. D. C—Federal Government In District of Columbia Exposition. May, 1N0. Dog Shows. KOKOMO, IND.—Dog Show. Jan. 13 to 17. E. E. Sanders, secy. NEW YORK CITY—American Pet Dog Club. Nov. 22 to 24, 1899. S. C. Hodge, secy. NEW YORK CITY. — Westminster Kennel Club. Feb. 20 to 23, 1900. James Mortimer, supt. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Dog Show Associa- tion. Nov. 15 to 18. M. A. Vitl. secy. PROVIDENCE. R. I.—State Kennel Club Show. Jan. 10 and 11. J. W. Bond. 23 Westminster St., Providence. SHARON, PA.—Fanciers Club. Jan. 17 to 19. 1900. F. H. Aldeman, secy. SANTA CRUZ, CAL. with a population of over 8,ooo, has one of the best billposting and distributing plants in the state. All work personally superintended. Member I. A. D. L. A. DANIELS. Additional Shows. BOSTON. MASS.—Sportsmen's Show. Feb. 22 to Marcfc 10. R. D. Leonard, cdv. mgr. C HFC AGO, ILL.—International Live Stock Exhibition. Dec. 1 to 8, 1900. R. Z. Herrick, Chicago, scey. NEW YORK CITY—Cycle and Automobile Shew. Jan. 20. W. M. BTewster, Philadel- phia. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Food Show. Jan-. 15. NOTICE To Fair Secretaries, Managers of Sum- raer Resorts,picnics, carnivals. Fourth of July celebrations, political meetings and all outdoor en- tertainments, that we have twenty-six balloons working the year round, and employ only com- ,, petent lady and gen- tlemen aeronauts, and ca i furnish high first- class balloon ascensions, with or without the paiuchuic uesceiit, wui trapeze performances and any other attraction and feature in con- nection with balloon ascensons. Always open time. Write for terms and circulars giving dif- erent features. Address all communications bv wire or letter to BALDU/IN&CARROW, Managers of Consolidated Balloon and Parachute Co, LYONS, miCH. MIDLAND ADVERTISING CO., JOSEPH REID, Manager. LICENSED DISTRIBUTORS, Members I. A. of D. i4 E. Missouri Ave., KANSAS CITY, Mo. F». O- Box 232. For Coupon Book and j* J* J* j* Strip WRITE C , R 140-142 Monroe St. TICKETS ANSELL. CHICAGO. HARRY 6. BUSSING, NORWALK, CONN. CITY BILLPOSTER. . Population 20.000 Write for Estimates ou Bill- posting. Sign Tacking and Distributing. All Work Guaranteed. WANTED. A man to post bills and work on stage, with one-night stand expe- rience. Steady work 52 weeks in Wisconsin. Address, MANAGER OPERA HOUSE, Care The Billboard. COSTUMES. Theatrical costumes, wigs, beards, grease paints, tights, trimmings aud accessories for all plays, operas, Mardi Gras celebrations, etc., for sale or hire. Costumes made to order a specialty. THE Wn. BECK & SONS CO.. Cincinnati, Obio. CARD PLAYKRS, stop losing; use marked cards. Sample deck *i. circulars 2c. J. MOLLIS. (C) Swanton. O. R. B. STELLEf McLeansboro, III. LICENSED BILLPOSTER and DISTRIBUTOI Owns and Controls ail Board';, in the eity. J» Result Speaks f. After the struggle. The home adveJJi Users recognize our good work witk. ( their best patronage. • - . JOHN m. E\Z/\INS, BOX 153 110 S Champion St., - Y0UN6ST0WN, THE SOUTH IS OUR FIELD $& We. mail all kinds of circulars at ioc per 10J .300 for 25c; 1.000, 80c, to live people who rea r;, and answer advertisements. Give us a triaV. Th:. ;.. -it x ft This is all we ask. RAPID MAILING CO., ALMOND, N. II Geneva BlllpostlngCc Genev/a, N. "V. Boards located in all parts of the city and alon the trolley lines. All work listed and protect' Distributing. Card Tacking. Circns WortS THE ONLY LICENSED Bill Poster-Distributor^ J. C.WARVEL KENTON, O. If yoj du't Toit voir owt Han Shell mer Toat! i DILLON & POGLE, I CROSS ROADS BILLPOSTING COf Po.its Bills. Tacks Signs. Distributes Sample:! Circulars, etc.. and Paiut Signs, in 19s towmj 6 counties, traveling over i.coo miles of roaoj 55,000 circulars necessary for this part. f Send for Circulars and Price. I DILLON & FOGLE X ROADS B. P. CO* NORMAL. ILLINOIS. CCMTI CUCIl 1 Do y° u wt ">t faithful wof» UCn I LCnCn I done? If so, apply to Caber? H- Cofelis for Distributing and Sign Tacking id New Bedford, Fair Haven and DarthmouthJ' Personal attention is given to service, anc all work is guaranteed. & 310 Middle St, NEW BEDFORD, MASSf QICIIQ And Novelties for wide-awake adverw Ol 13no Users. Tin. Iron or Water-proof foii fence displays. Cardboard, Paper or Glass fo.\ inside use. Fans, Hata, Caps, Rulers, Pencils 8tci\ Sketches furnished. Cbas. Teat Taylor, 269 Dearborn, Chi NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. I am an I. A. of D. member, and am nt ready to distribute any number or kinds of cir culars, samples or booklets. New Year's calenj dars, almanacs, etc., from house-to-house as- reasonable rates. I also tack up signs in public! places. Work done by me only. Firms desiring such work done should send their matter at once. A perfect service is guaranteed and 1 reference. Address, WM. F. MOSHER. • 98 Chapiu St., Canandaigua, N. Y. PHOTOGRAPHS COPIED. Cabinet and kodaL printing at mfg prices. Stamp and locke' pictures made from any photo as low as 65c hundred. Address, E. FUNK, i,cc St. Copying House, Hagerstown. Ind. Bill Posters' Paste Brushes. Tbe most practical Brush made. Copper wired and protected comers, i Improved Light Weight Block. | VERY STRONG, WITH SAFETY SCREWS^ GRAY RUSSIAN BRISTLES. Quaker City, 9-inch, $24.00 per dozen, $2.50 each. Excelsior, 9-inch, $30.00 per dozen, $3.00 each. Extra Extra, 9-inch, for circus use, $39.00 per dozen, $3.75 each.':; BLACK CHINA, BRISTLES. No. I, Royal, 9-inch, $21.00 per dozen, $2.25 each. . No. 2, Royal, 9-inch, $27 00 per dozen, $2.50 each. No. 3, Royal, 9-inch, $30.00 per dozen, $3.00 each, 8-foot Curved Handles, 50 cents each. ELDER <& JEINKS, Bru.h M.u.r I2T North 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A.