The billboard (Jan 1900)

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THE BILLBOARD 21 mmin-Chu. T. B.rrr. 1« Sullivan it Sulton—Was. Cook. Look Box 41. o..T«iTillo-Olto 8. 8utlnT. a Orchard it Qlenl Falls-X M. CbMMbro. M South St. ffiSSEttSSFSm Port. * DM. Co. LKil.?Fall.-Sorrls * K.lngsbury.1 W. Main. MidaUown-Thos. Kmln. 88 South it. Mount Vernon—Starr Bros.. ■«» Franklin ave. N " York-New York B P. Co Niagara Falli-Mrs. 0. Clayton, a Thorns*. Olean-The 01e»n Bill Posting Co., Towor Oneonta—A. L.Caulklna. Rocbeater—J. E Stroyer. 278 K. Main It. Eome-A. W. Juplln. IIS Flrat at. Salamanca—C. R. Gibson. Schenectady-Harry F. Miller. «U Chapel it. Syracuse—deo. C. Caatner. m Montgomery at. Saratoga Spring!—L. Williams, » W. Clr- ToDawaDda—Whlttnler It Fllbrick. Whitehall—S. Lamphron.Box ltt. Tonkers—W. U Mlldrum * Co. NEVADA. Virginia City—John H. Dunlap, Box M. NORTH CAROLINA. Elizabeth City—R. E. Black, Box 38. • Greensboro-Ur. J. W. Griffith. OHIO. Akron—Bryan * Co.. 12S S. Main. Bellefontaine—The Union Adv. Co.. u6 S. Matn Bowling Green—A. H. Tonker. 11 W. Wooatar Bucyrua—F. R. Myers, St N. Spring it. Canton—M. C. Barber, Grand Opera House. Cincinnati—W. H. Stelnbrenner. til Main at. Circleville—Baughman Bros. Columbua—F. Altman 4b Son. 540 E. Main at. Conneaut—A C. Phillioa. Main at Cleveland—Bryan 4k Co.. 1T-11 High at. Dayton—Bryan & Co., 123 E. Fourth st. Delaware—Geo. D. MeOulre. ltt S. Frank- lin it Delphoa—Chaa. A. Hood. Flndlay—P. B. Oliver. Hamilton—Geo. W.Riely, Box w. Ironton—H. C. Crosiley. 109 N. 5th it Kenton—Joe. C. Warrel, 321 E. Franklin it Lima—W. C. Tlrxill 4b Co., 216 W. Market at Logan—F. A Kopps. Mansfield—J5. R. Endley & Co.. 232 W. 4th st Marystllle—C. L. Lane. Martin's Ferry—A. W. Rader. gth St. and Alley C. Wheeling. W. Va. Middletown—Buckles & Barnet. Mt Vernon—Haymes Bros., Public Square. Newark—Burroughs £ MeFarland, Box Stt. Portsmouth—R. W. Lodwlck, ill W. Id at. Sidney—Chaa. P. Rodger*. 550 Main at Springfield—H. H. Tyner, S N. Race at Toledo—Bryan * Co.. 511 St. Clatr at. Troy— O. A. Brannan. t W. Main at Wooster—Geo. KetUer. tt W. Larwtll st Zanesvtlle—England Bros. » N. 5th at OREGON. Comallls—O. W. Blgham. Matn it. Box lit. McMlnnvllle—G. F. Bangaaser ft Co.. Box tt. Portland-John T. Williams. 14« Morrison. OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. El Reno—W. I. Ooff. Guthrie—G. W. Foster. (Lock Box 266. Klnca.her—Win. A. Northnp. Ill S. Main at PENNSYLVANIA. Allegheny—Twin Cities Dlat. Agcr..Pittsburg. Allentown—N. E. Worman. 6X2 Hamilton au riiavpr Falls—C. Edgar Myers. 1425 7th av. Bradford—M. K. Walker. 130 Mechanic st Carbondale—J. O'Hearn. It Main at Carlisle—Wm. M. Meloy Co.. Box 49. Conuellivllle—Clowes Adv. ft Dlat Co. Doyicstown-Riitiurd S. Heffncr, Box 288. Dunmore—sjtaeso at Long. Easton—F. H. Walser. Bank and Pine sts. Franklin—Alexander Bradley. 4 13th st. Greenville—Jas. L. Laird, 42 Merrer st Rallstead—Jamea 8. Claxton ft Co. Harrlaburg—Arthur C. Young. 11 N. Third st Indiana—Harry K. Apple. TO* Philadelphia et Lancaster—Howard M. Boders, 117 Church at Lancaster—H. H. Boders. McDonald. Wash. Co.—Tho 1 Maea Co. Manafleld-W. D. Rusted Adv. Co. 17 Mala st Natrona—E. L. Russell. Oil. Clty-H. A. Taylor, Bllxxard Block. Philadelphia—American Billposting Co.. I14 Walnut at Pituburg-Twin Cities Dirt. Agency. Mttaton-R. E. Hankeo. U S? Main at Pottatown—J. E Amole. Pottsvllle-Cbas. L. Welsa. 40 B. Bacon at Reading-Reading Distributing Co. Scranton-Reese ft Long, jis Linden St. Wllkesbarre-M. H. Burgunder. winiamiport-8. H. Bono. Cherry ana Rural _ . t RHODE ISLAND. fawtueket-J. B. McMahon. 41 Bummer c*. Providence-New Bngland Bulletin Sign Co. 909 Banigan Bldg, SOUTH CAROLINA. Charlenton—Bernard Advertising Service. Sumter—Young ft Berry. SOUTH DAKOTA. Maditon—Louis H. Will hit e TENNESSEE. ^""W'la-H. S. Holmes. It E. Tth at ^ """-H. N. Holshouser. L. B. 457. MemphisJVan Buren ft Co.. successors to v. ^'. mphl . 8 B - p - Co - R- S- Douglas, prop. nil hvi1 'f-J««- L Hill, ice w. cherry st. Union City-Oscar R. Crews. TBXA8 Bm-!?. on .V~ W . e, T? ,, i? RoWlua, Box 174. Brownaville-Vatle & Bro Adv. Co. Calvert-J. P. Caslmlr. Main st Galv«.ton-J. B. HowarJ Box 114. Bberman-J. Long, 117 Bart Side Square. VIRGINIA. rwf„ n . drl *I7. C - D - Wright Waahlngton. D. O. CharlottesviHe-F. J. Paoli. xto N. 4th st. pr*" ort Newj-Henry H. Harper. Rol»T"fc" 8 ; C. Draper. tot Washington at J,°" ok »-W. L. Robertson, Box »7. «lncheater-Cornellus Olbbens. Lock Box 14. Ol.rV.fc.. 3 H8T VIRGINIA. MvS«2 rB ~ W i L - Dieson. Pike and Id sts. v Ur,- & c - *»*•'. «« Queen at Parkersburg-Parkerburg Adv. Co.. tth and Avery sts. Wheeling-A. W. Radar. 1th st and Alley O. WISCONSIN. F 0 nd ^t ^"; V, ' m ^?• madman. Box 67. Fond du Lac—P. a. Haber. Janeivllle- Peter L. Myera. La Croaaa—Aug. Brickson ft Co., Ill Pearl at Menomonie—The Schwehn B. P. & Adv. Co. Milwaukee-Walter D. Dixson. 657 29th St., _ ^dOx J3, Sta. B. Oshkosh-rJ. B. Willlami, 14 High at §">°«-;W; C. TIede, 115 Main at Richland Center—J. A. Coates. Bheboygan-B. J. Kempf, 711 Penn. ay. Waterloo—Jno. Leaver. 24 Monroe st. West Superior-,. W. Palmer, 3002 Ohioave. WTOMINO. Laramie—-H. E. Root, Opera House. 1 WASHINGTON. Colfax—G*o. H. U0101. North Yakima—Bryson ft Hauser. Box til. N FW I IMF «a Gentlemen wanted for a "'J 1 -* 5 * new line of Signs. One Of ClfiNC hundred per cent, profit. Ul OIUIiJ. Quick sales. Easy Work. Val.SchrelerSigs Works rVHIwaukee.Wis. CHAS. U/OOD, OLD-TIME BILLPOSTER, JAMAICA, L. I. (Greater New York). Wishes all A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. DEALERS! -" C.E.CL-BTISd.LEIU8U,N.V. Don't Buy Water! Save 50 per cent, by buying your paste dry. Add water to Hoyt's Cold . „ Water Paste Powder, and make your ^ n ,f a t e m , 5 secon< ! s - You can't make it lump. No acid in it. A 2<KMb. barrel makes 10 barrels heavy wet paste. Also put up in half- barrels and 50-lb. boxes. sent on trial and approval. HOYT, 136 Chambers Street, New York. PRIVILEGES WillVTEO f Tne Privileges of all , »--.a-v^ja^^ wni^l CI/; kinds of Gaines, from Cane and PL ————. Knife Racks and Ball Games to ^r^^l^^ ™ r , S a 5 d Expositions.^ wa^^^'Hx^ualvrP^: some good 8 Fark^^rn^ P R C ^ort- toV"^ ^ Istand S"»»IS««»d Fortune TeHing. at k b nVw^f,^i,, s t. I9 c <) .to — W. M. ROBERTS, iNSpour?^; Paste. PROGRESSIVE BILLPOS1ERS ALL BUY OUR "Q" PASTE, made eaperially for their use, because far BETTER than home-made.more convenient and certainly CHEAPER. Will not sour and will keep w ">r an indefinite length of time. On receipt of $i so will ship you a sample barrel holding over 250 pounds out of which can make fully three barrels, by reducinB vHth^Td'waterMne^^ act as our agents and control local paper hangers' trade as well as others and why not you ? " INDIHNAPOL.IS PASTE CO. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. If interested at all write us. T HI 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Patents trade marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketch and description may qntckl7 ascertain our opinion free whether an invention la probably patentable. Communica- tions ntrictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for Becurinjrpstenta, through Hunn 4 Co. re special notice, without charge, in the Patents taken , receive Scientific American* A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I^nrest cir- culation of any scientific ioarnaJ. Terms. X3 a year: four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN m^'B^r. New York Branch Office, 62S F 8U Waahinaton,IXC. First-Class- QRIENTAL Performers (Arabs, etc.) in all branches, like dancers, leapers, tumblers, etc., male aad female, furnished at short notice for vaudeville houses, circuses, museums, en- tertainments, lodges, clubs, etc., at very low figures, by ULTMAIM 6k TONELL, 1327 BROADWAY. ........... NEW YORK. The ............ Very Idea is just what every advertiser is seek- ing. Subscribers to PUBLICITY the popular English monthly ad- vertising periodical, contains the cream of all the most practical ideas originated in every quarter of the globe, and, therefore, you cannot do better than get it. Only 50 cts. for a full year's subscription MORISON'S ADVERTISING AGENCY HULL. ENGLAND. E. M. RRAf.Y DISTRIBUTOR, *-* l "" ur "*^'? No. 80 Ford Street, Ogdens- burg, N. Y. Sign Tacking and work guaranteed. Member I. A. D. F. H. LEECH, BILLPOSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, Sherbrooke, Que , Can. POPULATION 15.QOO . WARREN Typewriter Ribbons ARE GUARANTEED. ABSOLUTELY NON-FILLING. Best Quality and Full Length. W/ARREN CARBON PAPER In Clearness, Cleanliness and Durability cannot be surpassed. From your stationer or direct from manufacturer WARREN MUNUFACURING CO., 109 Purchase St., Boston, Mass. ItiFSpecial prices on large quantities. In offering trie services of the United Press News Bureau We beg_ to announce that we have succeeded to and united the several business interests hereto- fore conducted by the Register Press Clipping Bureau, the Press Cutting Co , the United Press Clipping Bureau, and the B. S. Morrison Press Clipping Bureau. We are now occupying a space of eight large offices With a carefully trained force of proficient readers. And have an exchange list that thoroughly covers every section of the United States and Canada We feel no hesitancy in asserting that we can fill any order entrusted to us. Service equal to the best at a price as low as the lowest. New customers we will serve on trial for two weeks, without charge, provided that if we get an order we charge from the start. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully, United Press News Bureau, 34 Van Buren St. " CHICAGO. LIST PF Distributors OF United States & Canada, i This List is Open to All. | Any distributors name in- $ serted for $1.00 a year. 3 i ■ ? i ALABAMA. Clayton—B. F. Valentine. ARKANSAS. Hot Springs—A. W. Thomas. 22ttt Central at CALIFORNIA. El Paso del Roblea—Harry Gear. Los Angeles—Los Angeles Bill Posting Co. Los Angeles—Wilshlra Posting Co. COLORADO. Denver.-Colorado BUI Posting Co., 1013 17th street. LeadvUle—John Colman, VA W. 7th st Salida—Phin. B. Davis. Box 268. CONNECTICUT. New Hartford—Arthur Cadorer. Msrtden—H. L. Redman. US Liberty. DBLAWARB. Wilmington—WUmlngfn Die. Co.. SM Orange. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. I Washington—M. H. Gaff, £46 Pickford Place. > N. E. GEORGIA. 'j Savannah—Chas. Bernard. Box 12. 1 ILLINOIS * Lincoln—Houser Adv. Co.. 00 Broadway. i Pekin—Standard Bill Posting Co. li St Charles—B. LaDue. Lock Box 214. * INDIANA. S Elwood—O. H. Toney 4b Son. \ Hammond—Frank B. Oaro. t La Fayette—jOpera House B. P. Co. i; New Albany—R. K. Brown. j? Portland—Geo. D. Sabring. —"•" H KANSAS. [ Abilene—J. M. Looker. Box 984. n Atchison—Atchison Adr. and DisL Co. Lock £ Box 138. ' [, Lawrence—John T. Sprague, 623 Muse. st. !■ KBNTUCKY. > Bellevue—Otting 4b Son. (Add. Newport. Ky.) I Dayton-OtUng * Son. (Add. Newport, Ky.) P LOUISIANA f, Donaldsonville—Landry & Israel. Box 231. i. New Orleans—W. J. Brodie, 117 Decatur st. I MAINK. •. Ellsworth—Ellsworth Bill Posting Co. I MARYLAND. % Baltimore—John J. Sterner. 1741 E. Lombard. | Easton—John R. Thompson. 5 MASSACHUSETTS. > Boston—R. D. Leonard, 228 Tremont st. II Brockton—John V. Carter, 288 Belmont st. i Lowell—Chas. L. Low*. 201 Middlesex at. Worcester—E. H. Smalling. U5 Austin street, f MICHIGAN. { Detroit—Bondy Dlst. Agency, 136 Sullivan st. 3 Detroit—Henry Doska * Co., 121 Wilklns at. ' Hancock—Jaa. W. Trover. Box 197. I Lapeer-Cal M. Gillette, Box 826. » Otsego—Frank H. Denel. MISSISSIPPI. . '< Yazoo CKy—H. C. Hinlck !j MISSOURI. is CiiiiiicoWie—Z. B. Myers, 423 E. Jackson st. i New Madrid—R. J. Waters. NBBRASKA. . Fremont—M. II. Irwin. S Fremont—Jos. F. Stein. 817 Main at. Lincoln—A. Proctor. 1B26 N. street. Jt ' NEW HAMPSHIRE. Dover—Lewis A. Hanson. ] NEW YORK *> Hudsos—Robert It. Tarry. I0B Warran at. ". { Oneida—Allen G. stone. ' Oswego—Jos. A. Wallace. I Saratoga Springs—Conian Bill Posting CO. UUca—C. Herman Schrader, 63 Neilson st. i NORTH DAKOTA. Wtahpetnn—B. M. Buckmlneter. > OHIO. 'i Bryan—Paul B. Elder. ^ Columbus—Central Ohio Distributing Agency. \ Coshocton—Frank P. Hsgans. t London-W. F. Kelley. t Pt. Isabel—A. W. Simon. Urbaaa—C. O. Tartar. IS B. Court at. OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. 4 Clayton—E. E. Waltomn. ' c Guthrie—G. W. FosUr. L. B. 2M. PENNSYLVANIA. Carlisle—Geo. Cramer, ltt W. Pomfrat st Rmlenton-W. L. Pierce. 119 Main at. Johnstown—Geo. E. TJpdsgravs 4 Co. Lsbanon-Chaa. A. Oliver. MUlarsburg—Roseoe C. Hinkle. MlnenvUle—Robert S. Kaar. Natrona—G. W. Blake. (Member I. A. D.) Punxsntawnef—O. W. Moore 4k Co., Box 1*4- Reading—Wm. D. Cooka. Titusville—I. H. Thomas, 110 N. Brown st. William sport—Geo. H. Bubb. W1LLIAMSPORT, PA.—GEO. H. BUBB. CITY BILLPOSTER AND GBN'L OUT-DOOR ADV. AGENT FOR ALL LYCOMING CO. SOUTH CAROLINA. Beaufort—N. Brady. Columbia—R. S. Marks 4k Co.. 1425 Gates st. Sumter—R. M. Jones. TENNESSEE. Columbia—Jaa. Y. Halm. Pulaski—A. M. Notgraaa. TEXAS. Houston—Tho*. F. O'Leary. Nl Capitol av. VERMONT. Bennington—Henry DIetol. 235H Depot st. Aurilngton-P. H. Ward. Ul Maple sc. Wait's River—O. C. Croxford. VERMONT. Barre—Central Vermont B. P. Co. Burlington—Central Vermont B. P. Co. Essex—Central Vermont B. P. Co. Montpeiier—Central Vermont B. P. Co. St. Albans—Central Vermont B. P. Co. Waterbury—Central Vermont B. P. Co. WISCONSIN. Lake Geneva—W. H. Parmalee. Watertown—F. C. Volckmann, Box 184. CANADA. A. F. Morris, manager, U Lafeuvre Block. Vancouver. B.C. .lfctSii; Montreal—C. J. T. Thomas, Box UH.