The billboard (Jan 1900)

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I I |22 THE BILLBOARD. BILLPOSTERS' DIRECTORY, Revised and correct rd every month. (Names and addresses of billposters are insert- ed in the directory at the rate ot one dollar per. year—twelve months—provided they do not oc- cupy over one line. ALABAMA. Annfeton—L*. G. Jones. Birmingham—Pelder ft Co., 180154 Second Ave. Birmingham—Theiss ft Smith. Box ISC Clayton—Valentine Bros. Greensboro—D. W. Taylor. Montgomery—Mrs. Geo. Tlsdsle. - Montgomery—G. F. McDonald. ' MOBILE—Mobile Bill Posting Co. Sheffield—H. B. Elmore. ARKANSAS. Arkadelphla—Myal Greene. Marianne—J. H. Grove, City Bill Poster. Montlcello—B. M. Gardner. Bill Foster. Newport—John Claridge. Pine Bluff—Chas. Senyard. tUart—Collier *_ Kleiner, earkana—L« Lemly Bros. CALIFORNIA. Bakanfleld—B. R. Craln. , Ml Paso ds Boole—Harry Gear. Norsk*—Eureka BUI Foe tin*; Co. , Kureka—Humboldt B. P. Co.; H. Lund, mgr. 1 Lea Angeles—WUshir* Posting Co. 1 Madera—P. L. Grace. 1 Modest*-Wo. B. Daunt. 1 Monterey—Chas. P. Clenford. ' Orange—T. M. Towne OroTOle—John K. Widener. 1 Bed Bluff—W. D. Crandall. Redwood City—George West. , Salinas City—O. H. Bullene. 1 Santa Barbara—W. J. Stafford, lit Ds la Guerre street. Ban Francisco—Owens ft Varney. cor. Market and 10th streets. San Francisco—Siebe ft Green. 11th and Mar- ket streets. • San Diego—San Diego Bill Posting Co., Fred. F. Btultx. Manager. ' Santa Cruz—L. A. Daniels. Santa Maria—Geo. W. Brown, femora—John Ore. i 'mekee—A. H. Prentiss, ▼allele—M. D. NeUd. Woodland—Diets ft Glendinnlng. COLORADO. Aspen—John B. Ledou, L- Box 195. Colorado 8prings—The Curran Co.. care Elk Hotel. Cripple Creek and Victor—Qulnn Bin Post- Ins Co. Denver—The Colorado Bin Posting- Co. Denver—The Curran Co.. 1728 Lawrence St. Fort Collins—Fort Collins BUI Posting and DUtrtbuUng Co. _ , _ Grand Junct.-?The Haskell BiU Posting Co. Pueblo—The Curran Co.. 11* Santa Fo Ave. Sal Ida—C. G. GUI am, BUI Poster. CONNECTICUT. Danbnry—Fred. A. Shear. _ NorwaDt and South NorwaBt—Harry- B. Boss- ing. City BO! Foster. New Haven—New Haven Bin Posting Co. Putnam—L. M. Keith. DBLAWARB. Beaford—S. P. Fields. FLORIDA- Fernandlna—J. B. Gordon Hall. Lake City—Lewis F. Thompson. GEORGIA. Athens—H. J. Row*. Augusta—C. R. Rowland. City Bin Fester. Carroll ton—Kuns ft Ferry. Batonton—W. T. Raid. Jr. Madison—Len. C. Baldwin. Milledgeville—W. M. Smith. Newnan—E. H. Bowman Co. Savannah—Chas. Bernard. Licensed City Bill Poster. IDAHO. Boise—Spaulding B. P. & Dist. .Co. Boise—Capitol B. P. Co.. J. A. Finney, mgr. Lowlston—Alney C. Elliott. Poeatello—Geo. Dash. Box STL Wallace—Ed. R. Carlton. Welser—W. W. Cowins. ILLINOIS. Atlanta—Theo. Williams. Belleville—L. B. Tlemann. BUI Poster and Distributor, EOS S. High stress. Belvldere—Fred. Wlffln. Cairo—Gus Osterloh, City BUI Foster. Carbouaale—J. B. Toler. Central la—Joseph B. Hefter. Chicago—Chicago BUI Posting Co. Clinton—J. BL Saveley ft Co.. City BUI Post- era and Distributors. ... Chicago—The Gunning; Posting Service, SKI Wabash are. Elgin—Fred. W. Jeneks. Farmer City—W. 8. Young. , Freeport—Waaler BIU Posting Plant. ; Galesburg—O. J. Johnson. Galva—F. M. Brown ft Son. Henry—Fred. S. Sehaefer. Jacksonville—Geo. W. Stark ft Boa. Lac on—Arno B. Anske. LnHarpe—C. E. Hilller. Bex Mi. Macomb—Fred. Smith. 438 N. Dudley St. Marshall—Victor Janney. Mattoon—McPherson Bros. Metropolis—Wm. B. Ware. Mound City—B. P. Easterdsy. ML Sterling—George A. Fowler. OIney—H. C. Rush ft Co. Box CS. Orion—A. 8. Dosenberry. Ottawa—Ottawa BUI Posting Co. Pekln—Standard Bill Posting Co. Pekln—Tazewell County Adv. Co.; Dlusdleker, mgr. Petersburg—The Bishop Bill Posting Co. Pontine—Lee Collins, fla B. Reyno Sandwich—Walter Bibbs. Shstbyrflle-CoL C. Gowdy. City BUI Foster. TaylorrDle—O. G. Tonne. TUSCOLA—F. C. Bassett. Vienna—7. A. Johnson. White Hall—Robert BL Luther. - Winchester—Cyrus P. Reynold*. City BUI INDIANA. Wm. Funk, BUI Foster and Dis- Attlea—Charles E. Flnfreck. BatesvUIe—BateevUle Advertising Co. Brookstoo—James W. Brown. BUI Poster. Bloomington—Bloomington BUI Posting Co. Cannslton—B. E. Camming. Crown Point—Chas. B. Smith. Danville—J. V. Cook. BUI Poster and DlsL Elwood—James BorsL EvansvUIe—EvanavUle Bill Posting Co. Fort Wayne—Fort Wayne City BUI Posting Co.. C. B. Woodworth. Manager. Fort Wayne—Temple BUI Posting Co. Fowler—Robert Hamilton:. Frankfort—Wm. T. Frees. City BUI Poster. Frankfort—Henry Wolf. Goshen—Chas. Kurtz. Box 74*. Greensbnrg—Fred. Seltz ft Sons. Greencastle—J. W. Cooper. Hartford City—C. W. Abbott. Huntington—Ed. Harter. Kokomo—H. E. Henderson. Lafayette—Lafayette BUI Posting Co. LaFayette—Opera House Bill Posting Co. La Grange—F. D. Rulck. Lebanon—Stacy Darnell. Liberty—Jas. R. Wilson. Logansnort—Chsa. E. Schlelger. Madison—Murphy ft Rhoton.City BUI Posters. Mitchell—W. M. Munson. Jr. Oakland City—O. M. Stone. Pern—Chas. W. Statesman. Portland—Link Kikendall, City and County Bill Poster, Distributor and Sign Tacker. Portland—Geo. D. Sebring. Rennselaer—George W. Spitler. Rockport—Robert M. Smith. Bockvllle—Parke Co. Adv. Agency. R. Little- ton, Manager. RnshvUle—Jas. H. Carr ft Son, Lock Box 44. Seymour^-W. A. Carter ft Son. Dnlon City—Ed. R. Thurston. Valparaiso—W. H. DrnUlnger. Vlneennes—Vincennes BUI Posting Co. Wabash—Harter Bros. Waterloo—Fred. J. Richard. Whiting—Smelser ft Garvin. - Worthington—J. E. Calland. INDIAN TBRRITORT. South MeAlsster—J. A. Maddox. IOWA. Algona—Jaa. A. Orr. BUI Pester. BloomHeld—Lon F. Smith. Box SOS. Burlington—Cbsmberlin, Harrington ft Co. Calmer—GUbert N. Olson. CouncU Bluffs—C. W. Nichols. 16 N. Main st DesHoines—W. W. Moore (licensed DlsL and S. T.) Denison—B. D. Steven. Dows—R- L. Allen. Box 1SL IHdon—Wilson G. Taylor. Box ISL Ft. Madison—Elliott Alton. GrlnneU-Geo. R. Clifton, Jr.. 1030 West st Harlan—A mesa Crosiar. Indianola—J. S. Martin. Newton—Arthur Lister. Jefferson—BL A. White. . Le Mars—Wm. O. Light. Nevada—Story -County Advertising Co. New Hampton—R. R. Garver. Osceola—S. B. Delk. Osceola—F. W. Doss. City BIU Foster. — L. Hoover. KANSAS. AbUene—John M. Looker. Coffeyville—HoUlnger ft TibbUs. Garnett—F. L. Mahan. City BIU : Great Bern*-Ohaa. VancB. Bill Poster and Distributor. Owns all boards In city. Great Bend—Mayers Bros. Harper—J. H. Thompson. Hutchinson—Kansas BUI Posting Co.. Hoops * Meyer. Junction City—Herman Delksr. Kinsley—J. O. Harney. Lawrence—J. D. Bowersocx. MarysvUIe—R. A. Wald. Parsons—Howard Graves. L. B. 11*. KENTUCKY. AUenvUle—Walter B. Carvell * Cat. Bardstown—Joseph Applegate. DanvUIe—Boyle Nichols. MadlsonvUle—J. E. Mullennlx. Newport—Otting ft Son. Owensboro—Owensboro BUI Posting Co., J. G. Burch. Richmond—The Richmond BUI Posting Co. ShelbyvUle—T. 8. Baxter ft Sea, Bex SM. Winchester—Perry. Bros. j. LOUISIANA. Alexandria—F. H. Carnahan. Lake Charles—The A. H. Waltt Adv. Co. Morgan City—P. B. Ghlrardl. Shreveport—Ed. Seaman. Thlbodaux—American BUI Posting Co. MAINE. TJextei^-Cbas. F. Bdgerly. Bastport—Jas. A. Mnldoon. Ellsworth—EUswortb) BUI Posting Co. Mechanic Fall*—Jordan Advertising Co. Rockland—C. D. Chaples. WatervlUe—8. H. Chase. MARYLAND. Brunswick—Chas, E. Bntlsr. Easton—John R. Thompson. MASSACHUSETTS Clinton—Geo. S. Gibson. T Danvers—W. W. Waksfielf. Gloucester—Richard Connors. Haverhill—J. F. West Leominster—Leominster Adv. ft BUI Posting Co. Lynn—City BUI Posting Co.. Dodge ft Harri- son. Managers. Mlddleborc—H. H. Blake. Palmer—NewsU 8. Taylor, Box SM. Taunton—Taunton B. P. Co.. 45 Cohannet sL Westhoro—F. H. Sandra Bill Posting Co. Worcester—WUton BUI Pasting Co. Worcester—Flsks Bros.. 43 Waldo SL MICHIGAN. Allegan—T. B. Streeter. .1, Dowagiac—Leckle BUI Posting Co.. W. T. Leckle. Manager. East Tawas—H. C. Bristol. Fenton—L. 8. Field. City BUI Poster. Gladstone—James McWUliama. Greenville—Wm. 11. George. Hart—Fred. N. Harris. Jr. Ithaca—James Donaldson. Kalamazoo—B. A. Bush, City BUI Poster. Kalkaska—Fred. G. Stuart, Lock Box SOS. Lapeer— Cal M. Gillette. Box 826. Marine City—Hunt ft Perrin. Milan—The W. b. .teaman B. P. ft D. Oe. Otsego—Frank M. Deuel. Paw Paw—H. B. Sherman, BIU Poster. Port Huron—Bennett BUI Posting Co. Sault Stc. Marie—Jas. W. Troyer. 232 Doug- 1H£8 £«. Sturgls—D. A Osborn. MINNESOTA. Austin—P. H. Zender ft Son. Brainerd—J. B. Stlnehour. Falrmount—Warren Lewis. Faribault—J. Fink BUI Pasting Co. Minneapolis—Breslaaer BUI Posting Co. Morris—J. W. G. Curtis*. Northfleld—F. J. Conner. Owatonna—Auditorium BUI Posting Co., F. M. Smersh. Manager. Owatonna—H. H. Herrlck. Red Wing—J. c. Judge. City BUI Pastor. Redwood Fulls—Frank L. Carpenter Rochester—J. C. Judge. City BUI Poster. SL Charles—E. H. Ingham. BL Cloud—Davidson Advertising Co. St Peter—H. J. Ludeke. Jr. Winnebago City—O. B. Waldrss). MISSISSIPPI. Canton—Green Coleman. Jackson—Joe Brown. Natchez—F. O. PellettJeri. Meridian—L. D. Holler. Licensed City BUI Poster. Starkville—W. D. Cochran. Vicksburg—James McQuiggan. Tazoo City—D. Woleratetn. MISSOURI." BoonvUle—Frank Gordan. Brunswick—Price JSwlng. Carthage—Carthage BUI Posting Co. Centralis—Rodemyre ft Woods. Chintcothe—Z. B. Myers. DeSoto—Leon Herrlck. Fulton—C. O'Beirne. Hannibal—J. B. Price. KIrksville—Wm. Allen Smith. Macon—Fred. C. Parker. Marcellne—C. F. Long. Mexico—Hatton ft Clendenln. Moberly—P. Halloran. US Clarke at Odessa—Jim Waddle. Rich HU1—Newman Goosom SL Charles—City BUI Poster. J. N. Mlttel- berger. Manager. SL Louis—The Merchants' B. P.. Co.. W. F. Williamson, prepr.. 210 N. 7th St Stanberry—J. H. Patterson, Box SOL Webb City—Webb Blty and CartervUIe Ad- vertising Co. . NEBRASKA Broken Bew—H. It. Puree 11. Central City—H. C. Martin. Chadron—R. W. Gaylord. Columbus—John Wlnkelmsa. Fremont—H. M. Irwin. Fremont—TJ. 8. Watte. Lincoln—F. C. Zehrnng, member A. B. P. of the U. S. and Canada. Lincoln—Zehrune Ctty Bill Posting Co. Nebraska City-Carl Morton Nebraska City—J. WIer ft Bon. North Platte—Warren Lloyd. Superior—H. Bossemeyer. Tilden—J. W. RusseU, Box SS. Wymote H enry Anderson. York—Gus A. Stapleton. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Kxeter-^Jas. D. P. Win gate. Laconla—J. F. Harriman. City BUI Poster and Distributor. Meredith—Jerry M. Mayo. NEW JERSEY. Atlantic City—Empire B. P. Co.. 1SU Atlan- tic ave. Address Philadelphia. Camden N. J.—Temple B. P. Co.. Temple „ BuUdlng. Address PhUadelphla. P Clayton—Wm. H. Jacobs. Hackensack—Hackensack Bill Posting Co. Hoboken—Hoboken BUI Posting Co. Jersey City—J. F. O'Mealla. Newark—Newark BUI Posting Co. Paterson—Paterson BUI Posting Co. Plalnlleld-A. L. Force. Red Bank—M. P. Sherman, 6 Broad st NEW MEXICO. Las Vegas—Chas. Tamme. Box 84. NEW YORK. Albany—Albany B. P. ft Adv. Co., 36 Beaver BaldwinsvlIIe—Jas. E. Cunningham. Box 1st Brooklyn—American Bill Posting Co. Blmlra—E. L. Johnson, Mgr. Globe Theater Fulton and Oswego Falls—Wm. Cook. Glens Falls—A. H: Cheesebro, *1 South st GloTersvUle—Olln S. Sutllff. . Jamaica—Chaa. Wood. Johnstown—Olln 8. Sutllff. Lockport—Staats BUI Posting and Distribut- ing Co. Lowvllle—C. D. V. Carter. Little Falls—Norris ft Kingsbury. Matteawan—W. B. Dibble. Mlddletown—Tbos. Kaln, 88 South st Mount Vernon—P. J. Ring. New York City—H. Munson. 4 Murray, st, New Tork City—Reagan ft Clark. SI Ann st New Tork—A. Van Beuren. 138 4th ave. Norwich—G. F. Breed. '"' Olean—Olean BUI Posting Co. Schenectady—C. R. Benedtet Saratoga Springs Bill Posting Co —A Eddy. ' Troy—W. J. McAllister ft Bon. 41« River at. Vonkers—W. L. Mlldrum. IS Warurton av. NORTH CAROLINA. Ashevllle—Ashevlllo Advertising Agency. Lumberton—Geo. G. French. ReldsvlIIe—R. M. B. Ellington. Wilmington—S. A Schloss. Winston—Wm. T. Pfohl. NORTH DAKOTA. Valley City—Smith Decorating Co. Wahpeton—B. H. Buckminster. - OHIO. Ada—S. W. Rayl. BUI Poster and Distributor. Akron—Bryan ft Co., 125 Main st Bellalro—Fitton BUI PosUng Co. Bluffton—Alven B. Temple. '. Bowling Green—The American Co. Bowling Green—Commercial BUI PosUng Co.. A. H. Vonker. Manager. Bradner—The Am. Co. (Bowling Green. 0.1 Bueyrus—Frank R. Mysrs. BnUer—W. L. Hissong. Canal Dover—John H. Fox ft Bra. Canal Dover—The Tuscarawas Distributing Sign Writing and BUI PosUng Co. Chicago—Louis Slmmermacher. ClrdevUIe—Baugbman Bros.' Cleveland—Bryan ft CO.,' High and Middle st*. Columbus—Miller Bros.. St Wast Town st Coshocton—Frank P. Hsgsas. Crestline—W. J. Carney. Custer—Ths American Co. (Bowling Orson ) Cygnet—The American Co. (Bowling Green.) Denaneo—J. P. Elaer. Lelpslc—J. S. Pssteh. Hoytville—The Amir's Co. (Bowling Green.) Lima—W. C. TirrUI. LUbon—Edgar D. LHcktsasthsa. Logan—F. A Koppe. Marietta—Koerner ft Thomas. Mermill—The Americas Co. (Bowling arson.) Mlddletown—E. O. BarneL Milton—The American Co. (Bowling Orson.) Ht Vernon-L. N. Headlsgtoa. NelsonvUIe—W. 8. Rnnloa. New PhUadelpbJa-8. W. ScetL Norwalk—J. M. Harkneos. PembervUle—The Amer. Co. (Bowling Green.) Perryeburg—The Amer. Co. (Bowling Green.) Portage—The American Co. (Bawling Groan.) Portsmouth—R. W. Led wick. Prairie Depot—The Am. Co. (Bowling Green.) Rising Sun—The Am. Co.. (Bowling Green.) Rudolph—The Am. Co. (Bowling Green, O.) South Charleston—F. M. Beaten. Springfield—H. H. Tyner ft Co. fiteubenvtlle—Samuel D. Bumtsr. NEW BILL POSTERS' BRUSH. MEXICAN CACTUS FIBRE " u "™ RUSSIAN BRISTLES. The new brush is destined to supplant the old. Don't be the last to get in the procession. If s light. Spreads the paste perfectly. MOST DURABLE yet found. COSTS LESS than the old style. TWO GRADES—PRICES: 8-in„ J2.CO and I3.50. 9-in., Sr.50 and fz.75. io-ln. t S3.75 and $3.00. ARGUMENTS IN FAVOR OF THE NEW BRUSH. Alpena—R. Nolan. Balding—w. H. Fish. CadlUac—Charles L Bp Cheboygan—A. J. Finn Detroit—WaHter ft Co. Send your orders to- TRY ONE! THE DONALDSON LITHOGRAPHING CO., - "SSST-