The billboard (Feb 1900)

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vMch it would appear that a bill board re- embles a laurolir and dllfei» Xpom a saloon, s to tire question ot arbitrary pemassioo ^rcm the Council, and cSaneeirt of tJje prop- erty owners, to «m*uot tie respective occu- "Tlie orfllnance. therefore, also differs from lie not unusual case, wirele discretloii is odeed l>y lanr in putAte ofBcera or bodies to iraot OT «itld»>ia licenses to keep taverns. ■ places for tli<e sale ot spirituous liquors, id «lus like, when one of the conditions is oat the aiq)Ucant stall be a ttt per-Eon for tbe xectibiie of the privileEe. because in EUch a«s Oie fact of fitness is submitted to the udKment at thte ofBcier, and calls for tite ex- rcisc ot a dJscretlon ot a judicial nature." It poislble, this is even more true of a ulll btxud •Mian- a laundry; a person suffering from a lV»thLome disease and fllMiy is not a proper person to conduct a laundry, but it js hard to F«e that sut* a person Injures the >ul)lic auiy more by erecting a bfll board, than iie iroruia oy renralning in Ore city inactsve. ! For llie toregoing reasons, we cortena that are ordtnance Is p4alniy Invalid, and the sev- ral demurrers iffterposcd to Unj several com- 'Di-alnit3 muyt be sustained, and Iflta defendant ntetfliaTged. WEUBORE S. BURNETT, ' HtTNSAKER & FREBilAN, Attorneys for Defendant. THE BILLBOARD. VVhere Circuses are Wintering. We receive so many inquiries- for the ad- dresses ot circuses Just at thds tiaason of the ftar tiiat v»e have prepared tlS3 following ist. alphaljetically arranged. None hut tent ibows that carry tihtlr own corps of bill post- rrs, programers, etc., have been listed. Ap- >Mca)tions for plositlcna tihnuld of course be ide to ttv; geneial agent of the Etoaw, and ... tiippens quite often that he is located at ecme dlllerent point from ta»e fhow. It also >thappens quite freiinently that the agent is ^ct yet engaged; trenice. to avoid confusioii knd for the sake of uiiifoniiity. we give the Faddress of the show proper. All letters ad- Sdressed to lire general ageot at the points kiven below will readi him if marked "Please forward." „ „ „ , (Am. street Fair Co. 1432 Bway. New York Aden's Dog and Pony Show. .Ft. Recovery, O Ament's Big City Show Muscatine, la LAuim's (Prank) Southern Shows Barlow Bros.' Shows ..Sjrracuse. Ind Elake & Bithop Buc'lKMtan, Mich BuOijxninan BrosL'... Des Moines. la Bonheur Bros.' .Augusta, O. T Bailey & Sonu" Houston, Tex Bamum & Bailey Olympia, London, Eng Buffalo BHl's Wil4 Wett. Biidgcport, Ct Buckskin tiili's WIM. Wat Faducah, Ky ,BaTt)er Bros.' Portanouth; O Cocper & Cow (J. R..W. Hennessey) Tampa, Fta Clark Bros.' Atoka. Icd^ T Otrtiifc's WiM West. -Lynn, Mass Cullins Bros.' Concuidta, Kan Campbell Bros.' Fairbury, Neb Cooklfn'E', Pete 4X2 SewtH St., Hoboken Clark's, 'M. L Alexandria, La. Oownie (Andrew) Sh'jws. Medlra, N. Y Davis (El. F.y EiiOTffs KEaamazco. Mich- Dock's Sam PL Loudon, Pa Bly'si Cko. S Metrcpclls City, 111 ExpcsiUon- Circuit Ott, (street fairs) Can-ton, O B*ert5 Bros.' .Weit Point. la Farepaugh-Sells Bras!.'..^..^ (\3lumbus. O G..n.ry's Dcgs and Ponies (4-siowi) Blccroington, Ind Golloiar Broa' Baiabco. Wis .Gcodricb, Jas. Weston, W. Va lGibt>'s Olympic-. - Wapakoneta. O CGrey. Jas. Il...W*indsor Hotel, St. Paul. Minn fGaskiil, Frank W. (street fairs) Canpton, O Great Syiid>rcate Shows Kansas City. Mo Grant, «J=torado) Denver, Col 'Haag's - Le CScmpte, La f Han's. (Jeo. W>.. Jr Evansnlle, Wis ^ Hants' Nickle Plat».—J. Cliicago. Ill .Happy Bob Robineoir....:. Lancaster, O -Huston's .- Wlnebeeter, Ind i'HaH & Long's. Elkhait. Ind 'Hagentjeck's, Cart 346 Wat>a^ av., Chicago i Jones' WHd West. Wtesfcon, W. Va ■ Julian, Wmvi .....Havana, 111 : Kemp Si.ters' Wild West, (patks and f.i.s) ! . El Paso. Ill • King & Ziemer. .£023 Van Bnren St., St. Louis .Keni;i:dy Bros.* .Kcomingtan. HI aLamhrigger's, Gub. ...Orville, O r La Place. Mons Lower Salem. O iLemen Bros.' .Aigertjne, Kan Lee, Framk H. 273 MIn'l Spg. av.. Biwtucket, R. I Lowande's, Tony. ..Santiago. Cuba Lowande.'s. Mar-tMno.. Havana. Cuba McDctuld's, W-lter....—.. Abilene, Kan { Main's. Walter L Gentava. O : McCttrmick Bros.' Gallipohs, O ( McGregor & Co. Detroit. Miirh NOTTis & Rowe's'. ....Oakland, Cal Pcrrin's, Dare W. .:^ton Rapids. Micfa Pawnee Bill's Wild West- .■Cfec-stcr, Pa ► Preseott & Co.'s. Rockland. Me f • Perry & Pre^Iy ..Webster City. la . J Riggs' Wild West. .41 University Pi., N. York Reed's, As. H. Vemon, Ind !5 Ringitng Bros." Baiaboo. Wi5 I Robinion'si. Jobnr Tenace Park. O !; Rice's Dcg and Pony Show..Xew Albany. Ind ! Reno's Oriental Sbcws Aurora, Neb ,' I. Stewart's, t^apt Ft. Wayne, Ind i SauUtle's. Sig Homer. N. Y ! SUD BrosL' N. C 1 St. Julian' Bros.' 3,26T Miller tt., Pfcala., Pa J1 Shot*. Bum-.' Bluefleld. W. Va Sdihtter & Cook Bros.' ...Portemoutli. O ; J Seila-Iia PtarH Wtot Sells) Peru. Ind f. SnriHj'ff, Frank B..;.. Kaniae City, Mo t i Smitli's'. E. Q. Sycamore, Pa ' atchbll's, O. (J.:.,...^. Little Sioux, la Speric'^ Jeter H. ftro shows) En route Bfauig Brosv'.. ,ii.r;.Burlington, Wis ' Sbi^oBis'e, J. W....;. Syracuse. N, Y I ThMnas & Pearl'si.^.. YSlow Creek, Pa " Tuttle'e Olympic....; Linesville, Pa i Trout & Foeter's".. .4S0 Pem av.. Bhrrtra. N'.Y Welsto atjet' ; Lancaster. Pa Wlard's aiows ....Plymouth, Masi> : Wallace Stamrs ..Peru. Ind • WilliaiDS, W. O GtaHatin, Tenn 'i ■Wtetermate Bnw.'i ....He*roo, Wis WMter'9, Albert M. .MasBUlon, O What the Boards are Carrying. Continental Tobacco Co. Sen-Sen Co., Rochester, X. Y. Amger Chemical Co., Boston. Mass. Kerry Watson Co.. Montreal. Can. John Murphy Co.. Montreal. Can. Dr. Morine, Quebec. P. Q. Hires Root Beer Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Oodds Medicine Co.. Buffalo.'N. Y. Pillsburv Mining Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. Prickly Ash Bitters Co., St. Louis. Mo. A. K. Hawks. Brownwocd. Texas. Barker Collar. Troy. N. Y. , Red Cross Cough Drops. B. P. Co , Ch cago. Pettijohn's Breakfast Focd, O. J. Gude Co., New York. , Mennen's Talcum Powder, Newark, N. J. Porto Ric-o Cigar Co.. Cincinnati. O. Singer -Machine Co.. New York City. Muscatine Oat Meal (3o.. Muscatine. Iowa. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winiton, N. C. Quaker Oats. Gude, New Y'oik. Star Tobacco, St. Louis. Mo. Beeman's Pepslm Gum. Cleveland, O. I. H. Ze:in. Philadelphia. Pa. Baker Cocoa, Dorchester, Mass. Spiagne, Watner & Co.. Chicago, I.l. Polar Bear, Cincinnati. O. , Jackson Square Cigar. New Orleans, La. (Coffee. McLaughlin. Chicago, I'.l. Dr. Peaice, Buffalo. N. Y'. George 'Monto & Son. Detroit, Mich. J. S. Hill & Co.. Cincinnati, O. Spillman & Ellis. Covington. Ky. Alexander <3ordon. Detroit, Mich. Peiser & Co. (Unc-Ie Jerry Flour). Chicago. Sam W. Hoke (Dewberry and Henry Georgi Cir-irsl, New York City. George Joffee. Oinctnnati. O. Lease. Oandy Manufacturer, Cincinnati, 0» Red Raven Water. Harmarville. Pa. Sterling Remedy Co., Mineral Spgs., Ind. Billposters' Notes. Is a Lobster a Fiih? Thc-closing year of the century controversy has giVen way to the new subject of debate: "Is a lobster a fish?" Why not get Stahl- biodt to., declare himself and thus setUe the matter at once? SIOUX CITY PLAY HOUSE. The Grand Opera House at Sioux City, ol wMch A. B. Beall. the w^known bill poeter, is manager, was thro«^^pen to the public Monday, Sept. 24. 18S0jBltbough it has now been in use fcT ninctdffi years, it is to-day cma ct thobanC'comest. mcE.t up-to-date and eommcdicus playhouses in the North'wett. The seating capacity is 1.300. and there is not a single seat in the house that does not com- mand an excellent view of the stage. The stage is 75 by 42 feet, with a 60-foot grid- iron, thus making the stage ot a capacity tufflcient to accommodate any production on the road. The building covers a block of ground 240 by 15 feet, and the property orig- ii:a.':ly cost ?250,000. Mr. Beall has succeeded in securing for his theatre a line ot the very best attractions on tile road, and he has been very highly compli- nsented by the papers in his city upon the manner in whicti he has conducted the af- fairs of Uie opera house and for what he has dtme for the theater-going people in Sioux City. ^ The -Nitra-Du Pharmaceutical Co., Zanes- vllle. O.. manufacturers of N'itra-Bu. expect to put another line on thie market shortly, wMi'h they will advertise on the Mil boards. The ReyntldB Tobacco Co.. Bristol, Tenn., arc getting estimates on Htbograpbed posters. The Metropolitan Savings & Loan Associa- tion, of Newark. N. J., is piobably the first lioanotal institution in this country to ad- veitiE'e with posters'. They will poit the en- tire countiy heavily. BIH posters will please address F. W. Snover. assistant secretary, ccr. Market and Wash sts., New-ark, N. J. The new bill posters' association Is going to have c-ne gocd effect—the small-town members of the association will find that they are in demand. Tiey will also find. that their re- quests and demands will obtain some con- sideration and attention. ' - Chiasm B. Bardw^ell. Holyoke. Mass.. will ad\ert fe fardwell's Root near cxten 1 ely on the bill beards during the spring and early summer. He is prepailng bis lists now, aa he initcnds to tol direct with bUl po£ter& ■ The AEsociated Bill Posters will always be under gang rule until the memtjers at large are allowed to choose the boaid of directors by ballot. A corrcspcDdfent writes as follows: "I get a doHar's worth of information out of every number of "Thie Billboard." It is valuable information of the substantiatl sort. I mean y^ur tips. I ca-n- turn that kind of informa- tion into money, and, what is more to the point, I do turn it into mon-ey every month. I wcutd not be without "The BlK'board" if the price was ten times as iMgh as it is. Y^our paper is the greatest and best friend the bill posters of tlris ecun'try ever had." It is said Bemheim Bros-, of LouisTrille, Ky.. are in the market for 50.000 eight-sheets and .50.000 three-ilieetEi This will give them as gcod a showing in their territory as Vir- ginia Cheroots had. TJp to this time Red Raven Aperient Whter has been advertised by means of bulletins^ Seme posters have been used, an4. they brought such excellent resiHts that a very heavy campaign hos been arranged. Bill posters s'h'-u'd addrefs Gv>. McC. Ktuotz. Jr., Haimarv.lle. Allegheny County. Pa. Denman & Co.. of San Luis Obispo, Cal., have scld their plant to Mr. L. W. Booker, who will new conduct the business. Control your town by sailing all the posters it uses as well as by posting them. Secure the agsncy of some large print ng house and thereby give your customers gcod posters. A country olPce can not, as a lule, do wo k that is even passably decent. The BatesvHIe (Ind.) Adv^rtisins Coropany uses aa a circular to advertisers a copy of the ordinance lieenelng bill posters, distributors and sign adivertisers. It is a gocd Idea, and h^i'Ips out tbeir folder In great shape. The slogan for Atlantic City Is. "We'll elect our own directors, or we'll know the reason why." C. .P. Auslet Is the manager of the "Atncr- Ican Bill Posting (Xmipairy," at Thlbodaux, La. He is establishing agencies at Frank- lin. Morgan City. New Orlcana and Nnpo- Iconvillc. L. E. TieimaR, the bill poster at Beilevtile, 111., haa been given charge ot the adverttslng at the 'Free Street Fair, to be held there this season. Last year's fair was a success, and wo venture to asscit that if this year's show is not a success it will not be because It has net been advcrtlted properly. W.n. Hustcd, ot Mamsfield, Pa., has bought out his partner. Mr. Griggs, and is now sole ownicr cf the W. D. Husted Adveitiiilng Ck>m- pany. He Intccds to give much iwrsonal at- tention to the business this coming year. In order to build up his plant to the hlghc^st posatble sta'Cdaid. G. M. Leonard, of Grand Rapids, and Pe- ter P- Steketee have formed the firm' of St«.>k- etee & Leonard, bill posters and distributors, at Muskegon. Mich. Mr. Steketee has been locB'ted at Muskegon for about twenty years-, and already has an established business. The new firm, therefore, owns a large number of blU bcaids. Mr. Steketee will have entiie charge of the firm's business, and will open an office in the central business district ot the town. ^ The moment the members of th'3 Associated Bill Posters decide to elect their own direc- tors, the power of the ganr Is gone. Good, representative men will come to the front. Men like Curran. Bernard, Robison, Fitz- gerald. Stoops, Murphy, Hagar and many more Just as able will be heaid from. Mr, J. T. Campbell, of N-ew York, has re- cently been appointed Southern manager for the Oontlnental TNibacco Company. The ter- ritory ot n'biiih he is in dbarge embraces tha States of Virginia, North Carolina. South OarcSina, Tennetsee, and Georgia. His head- quarters 'Will be at Atlanta. George H. Bubb will soon take a business trip thi*ough<out the Middle W<est, and will call on all the big advertisers West and place before them bis new plan of advertising all towns in the central part of Pennsylvania. Mr. Bubb will publiEh Ms plan In the next issue of "Th'3 Billboard." AV^ are In receipt of one of Rand. McNal- ly'9 Atlases of Two Wars, containing, in large scale, detailed maps of the scenes of trouble in A-frlca and' Luzon.- A new edition will be ready about thte first week in February. It is a mcst valuable bc»k. and contains the latest statistics, and what is of more Interest t'3 our readers, is to be sold at a very rea- sonable price. .\ bi'.l has b:en ictroducej in the New Yo'k Legislature providing that no elevated rail- road company in any city of 1,000 000 or more population shall exeiclse any rights except such as were expressly granted In tha spe- cial statute by which such company was or- ganized. The bill provIde&''ln detail that no elevated railway sihall lease, let. bargain, or give any other corporation, or person, any of its buildings, stations, ftxturep, coaches, cars, or other property owned, occupied, or used by It In its Irasiness. or any part or portions, for advertising purposes. It is Just another one of those freak bills which every now and then are presented to State Legislatures. A. B. BEALL'S GRAND OPERA HOUSE, SIOUX CITY, IOWA.