Billboard advertising (Feb 1900)

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THE BILLBOARD. Cincinnati Poultry Show. A Complete Success Both in Exhibits and Attendance. fThe tbird annnal meeting of the OMo Fair '{■anageTB" Association will talte place ajt tlie K'mrt house. l>iix;a, O., Wednesday and Thurs- ■.»iy. Feb. 21 and 22, and greajt etfort is being Jaife to make this the most successful meei- pg ever beld In Obio. •This association has in the last few years fown wonderfully. Very few, indeed, are the SArs Wh4ch do not send a representative to be meetings, for the members have found not by clubbing their orders, supplies and pvertUtng can be procured at a great gS&vtUB. ^Ibe pix)graiii. whk>h £>liculd be of great in- fr«« to any ccie \»bo is in amy way con- «tcd wHK tairs, is as foUows: FJ^OGRAOf. |{ CWedaesday, 10* a. nb, COnrt Room.) If Welcome Aadress... ..D. J. C^ble, Lima y KEeponse Agnew Welsb, Ada IP Should regularly organazBd County Ag- if^ ricultural Societies receive finaninal aid from tbe CountyT ' J. EI. Rus£.iell. Sidney DiECUs&ion—A. E. Scbaetfer, Wapakoneta. Debate—Should Coumy and District Fairs confine thnr exbiMts to Coun- ty or Difcti'lct? ' Affirm^Wm. Pussier. Hume. |5 Deny—C. W. HalfMH, Mercer. l?^ir Oiganizatioii i.. Jas. W. Fleming; Columbus Discttislon—E. W. Porter, MarysviHe. What recognitjon shall be given to the Speed Department? . -. B. L.. Gloves, MeCorab i Discuidon—W. S. ULskelU Bowling Giecu. PracticBi Beneflts of FViirs and Exposi- tions H. J. Hill, Toronto, Canada (Evening Seeeicn. 8 p. m.) Ja fine evening's enteiteuiinciiit will be fur- IgsbiEd by the Public Schcols of Lima, un^r direction of tlie SupeTintendent, C. C. inter. I Forty mmutes' discussion of Fair matters (Tbursday, 9 a. m.) Impositions and Fiauds practiced by ExMbrtoTs L. Crauer. C«Hna : DIscus&'ion—Ed. Ammon. Gordon. Importance cf the Press ia booming the- Fair Geo- D. Kinder, Ottawa Discussion—Hon. E. B. GiVland, Van Wert. IXtes the Poultry Department receive tlie proper rccoenition? Wm. Denrland, Findlay - IjiTMs Topic will also be discussed by the N<<itors cf some of the^ best Poultry Journals IP the country. N The Inlluent-e and Benefit of the Educa- [| tfonal feature in connection with the Fair. Hon. L. D. Booebrake, State Scbcol ComiiQiESKnier, Oolumbus Hon. C. C. MlUer, ex-State ^School ConnQission*er, Lima Prof. J. P. Sharkey, ex-State Schooi Examiner, Van Wert t| Would uciform rules and daseiScation : If be beineBtrial Co Pairs?--. P L. B. Gccd. Kimer. IS Hon. L. G. Eay, Fayette. 1} J. .M. AiEswcitb, Hicksville. If The abuses of the Pass System |4 Geo, W. Carey. Lettacon. It, T. C- Mf her. Greenville. "The Llgbt Barcess Horse" — ' [t: J. H. Steiocr. Secietary American Trot- p' tins AEEtKiatlan. CMcago, 111. HlK vraier is low. so as to receive the reflec- tion of t^e grow'tii around tire pool. Tbe fountain- is am importjant feature. pHaced' in' tlie cienter of the pod, and giving life to the scene- and fresii-ness to tin? atmos- pbere. ThToufibout the court are pleasant walks and paths, bordered with low-growing shrubbery and plaarts, and at interva-ls at axis-pcints wftb the arcades, rare plants are placed in great vases, makiiig a truly arobitectnial iBDdiEcape' effect. The entire scheme gives Che effect of an admirable en- ciloETire of a mission cloister, and is planned as one of the many little oases for the re- freshmecit of the weary sightseer. Sale of the Main Shows. The auction sale of the Walter L. Mala circus and menagerie, which took place, at Geneva, O.. Jan. 24, 25 and 26, drew together one of the greatest concoursa of diowmen fev«r seen in America. Twenty-two sbows wert represented. Tine bidding was lively and ^irlted and the property brongbt ex- cellent values. It was nearly all sold. A few unimportant items bad to be passed, but th<e desirable stuff, such as parade wagons, cars, ponies and especially the animals, were sold cut cTeon. The sales footed up $48,312, and Mr. Main estincBtes that the prcqierty Etlll on band is worth aboct S7.000 AmoD? the more eager bidders were Geo. Charters, of th»3 Greater Exposition Circuit Co.. Canton. O.: Col. Frank W. Gaskill. Cancoin Carnival Co.. Canton. O.. and Bostcck & Tarrari, of BalHmore. M.. all street fair promoters. This would indicate that the street fair is going to be more popular than ever this year. The second annual show of the Cincinnati Poultry Association closed last week. The show was held in the big Wchrman Build- ing, opposite the Post Office—the same place wfaere Ctncinnatis dog siiow was held last year. The location is a splendid on« tor an bxblbitlon, since almost every car line In the city either passes the door or goes past a comer not two hundred feet away. The ex4iiblticfi itself was a splendid one, and includsd many fine specimens of .\si- atic, American, Hamburgs. Spanish, Polish, French'. Dorkins and games: aleo many kinds of bantams and mi«»lIaDeous breeds. Turkeys of all kinds Imaglinble were there, as were aleo a marvielous variety of pig- eons, ducks and geese. Fttr many, however, the most InteresWng part of the £4iow were t'lie many kinds of rabbits, cats, mice, etc. —all of which were seen in strong displays. .The judges of the poultry were: P. H. Scud- der, of Long Head. X. Y.: B. N. Pierce, of Indianapolis, and S. B. Lane, of Splceland, Ind. Their work was exceedingly satisfac- tory, as was also the judging of Thomas W. Toggle, of Lexingtcn, Ky., in the pigeon exhibit, and that of D. S. C. Ligett. of Blan- chester. O.. in the pet stock department. The attendance throughout was. steady and the total number wlvs visited the fair was almost four times tihat of last year. Many entire clashes from the public schools visited vb? show, the edwca.tional advantao-es of which' were very great. Secretary Brooks and Superintendent Barnes are boah? very well pleased with the results ot tbeir efforts, and tliat there will be a third annual &'1k>w wc have not the rlightest doiibt. Souvenirs at New Yorlc Cycle Show. A mast interesting anid scien;tific exhibition is the Deep Sea Diviitg Niovelty presented by Oapt. Louis Sorcbo at parks and exposi- tions. He appeared at the Greater American Exposition at Omaha and cond'ucted the water stfows given at the exposition lagoon and wlriob were the means of attracting great crowds to tlie grounds. Capt- Sorcbo will ap- pear this season at aill the leadiwt parks, summer resorts asd expositions tSMXMigbout the country. Opecial Correspondence.) .Mthcugh Che cycle fad among tiie 409 of tbe nKtrcpolis is a thing of the past, it has been replaced by one in -wiilch all are equally interested—namely, the motor vehicle craze, cr. as it is more fanmliajly caiMed. die auto- rraze. Judging by tlie attentiom and great icterest manifetted in the automobile and cycie show whicb opened at Atadison Square Garden Sacurda-y nigiit. Jan, 20, society has complett'ly transferred its attentions. The show itself opened successfully. Every space was sold before tlie show opened its doors, aod a more representative body of exhibit- ors vras never before seen at any sbow. -One feature of the sliow wUicb deeerves spe- cial mention is tbe viray in w4iicb the several exllMtors advtr.lsed their profusts A m^rk- (d return to the souvenir craze. wUch was Eo popular two or- tbree years ago. was in evidence. Almost every concern of promi- uence di£.<tributEd sdvertisiDg novelties. Car- nations, pocketboolcs. card cases, stamp bocks, pen knives, spoons, buttons, scarf- pins, viraitoh ciiarms and. in fact, every con- ceivable thing t'liat cotdd be of service as an- advertisement were giv<en away. A Big Exposition. To be Held In the Original Expoaltloa City. At'a recent meetlDs of the Honnltaturers' Olub at dncinnatt, a resolution was Intro- duced and voted upon favorably, tbait It l>e the sense of l^e club tboit tbe business interests of tbe city would be promoted by holding a local expotittlon during tbe summer ot 1900. and providing for tbe appolnitmienit of a com- mviotee of seven mic«nb«TB, wbo will agree to give tbtir aictiv« w e r i fl cieB to tbe work of pre- Umteaiy orgaDlxaUon and to subniit a« an early meeting ot the club a plan for genera) work and derailed anongemiente for such an expocitioni. Tbe rcenlutlon provided further for securins ttia co-operaition of ether com- mercial bodies and the citizeiiB at large, and autborized the President to call a special meeting of the c4ub tio liear the report ait any Ume. In bringing forward tbe discussion of the subject. President Wiborg made a brief Statement calculated' to impress uiMm the members the imvortaoce of tbe subject tfaey were about to discusB^ He suggested tbot tbe ex|>oe4(ioa l>e soroethiing in the vray of an In- novation, and initisted tlhat every member sbould' be heard before tJhe vcte be taken. Mr. A. Howard Hin'kle. Oolcuiet James M. A nold and' Mr James AUisin Wcr^ the sp ii i gueets of tbe evening, and spoke at length. Mr. Hin-k-le announced tliat he Imd hired a man to get the E4gniBtures of fifty firms wtao were in favor of hoiding an exposition. In a short time tbe man bod turned in seventy- nine names of well-known firms. Mr. Hinkle pointed out. tbcit ot hose wbo bad declined to suhicribe thicir names, not one gave a rea- son that convained on argument against the exposition, and witti a single exception those expressing themselves adversely said that cbey wxmld probably exbibK If tbe exposition vas dMidcd upon. Mr James AUfsoov wbo has bad much ex- perien'ce in tbe exposition line, next ad- dressed tbe club. He said tbnt he could give eHber a bright or a dark side of tbe question. He was at a loss wlvat to say wit^ reference to an expoeition this year. He said that there was no queetton as to tbe ability of Cincin- nati manufat'turers to moke a fine exhibit, but he befieved a purely Industriai dt^lay vrould piove a signal failure anywhere. He dectared that tbe Midway Piaisacce was tbe saving feature of the Cbicago World's Fbir. He advised getting up a disfilay under a new- name: an attractive etjtiertainment with as much fun as poeeible. Mr, Meacbam, James Powell and Coionel Morgan al£x> spoke, bringing out many points, among which were the necessity of putUng in a tboTOughiy com'pctent man as director, tltc srcuiing of tiooi music and that tbe ebow sbould be limited strictly to ClDdimatl man- ufacturers. SecTvtary Wilson prescotcd a summarized refxnt on tbe sentiments con- veyed in replies to 500 IcWers sent out by blm at tbe dir'EKAIon of die club. A great many replies were moat favorable, others were favorable under certain circumstancee. and a very few expressed direct opposition. Tbe present expoeMioa building affords Ml,- 3*2 square feet of floor space, and in addition aO.OOO square feet could be made avaiUMe in tbe rear, wbicb would piobaUy be sufflcleot for a local expoeition. .Mtbough we are by no meacB certain tbat tfaia exposMlon will be beld. of one thfing we are sure: tbat is. if the ebow is held, it will be one tbat will dis- play all the marks ot the spirit tbat gave to Oinoinoati her reputation ae tbe motbcr of expasMoDR he Pan-American exposition Building. |. f Ttas court of Machinery and Tra'nsporta- flon Building of tlie Fan American ExjToti- fion, wMclr will be held at Buffalo, Jf. Y., in the Niagara frontier, during the summer f Jhocr.hs of the year 1901, presents an intertst- -tSig treatment oT cloister work. The Macbln- tiiy ar.<J Tiansportaticn Building itsElf forms -m hcHow Equare, vritli this court in its cen- It la 200 feet I'ong ana 100 feet wide, the ^sit and' west ends opening res'pectivcly to great ectraci^es from ttoe Gran* Canal ;^rUJ the Court of the F'CiiiB:ains. while th'^ {great exhibiting rooms of tiie M'jll side of sSSbe building add tbe two exbibltlon rosms and t*fr€Bt entrance court from the Court ot th3 f Sfounlains sSCe of tbe building, lie on either i'%6ls. Alcog eattr side of this court, and ex- >Ser€Sne th>» entire Ipce^ii. are rcof-coverrd grwaflesi undeT wfajcti ttoe visiter may find rest ' !3ni the comfortable bfntbis- i?, Ttoe port itstif is 175 feet Icng and 27 fe<'t •^drtde. It is p«ac<<d to tbe center of liie court. >|lie bank is sodted and pianted on' all sides, f'omiins ft pleasing tiwne or bcrUer effect; THE CC50RT •A^ACHI^^EKY AND TRANSPORTATION BUILDI/HC PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION BUFFALO, N.-Y. cePYRi«HT, ias8, mr PaN'-amcrican ExpoeiTiQN ce.