Billboard advertising (Feb 1900)

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14 THE BILLBOARD. eonuencTons, I CAiAr this keaditig we tuhlish Jree oj S ehargt the dates of aU notable events, which • arthkelytoattrttCtUirge'Mncoursesofpeople ^ to anjr one particular city andfor this reason m prove o/'importance to ddverttserStShoiomen, A streetmen^ j^eneral passenger agents, etc. m The list ts carefully remad and corrected S monthly. • W AKRON, O.—OMo I-e«er Cairlers* Associa- tion'. Feb. 22. Melville JoiunGon, Columtius. I AKRON. O.—Nortliwesteni Ohio Medical So- I eiety- Feb. 13. D. S. Bowman, M.D., secy. I ALBANY, N. Y.—State Homeopathic Society. 1 Feb. 13 and 14. John S. Moffat. M.D.. f Brooklyn, N. Y. ! ALBANY. N. T.-Jiejcal Society of the State of New York. Jan. 30 to Feb. 1. 1900. T. C. Curtis. M. D.. secy.. Albany. N. Y. ANDBBSON, IND.—State Republican Ijeague. 'February. 1900. 'F. B. BoUoway. Anderson, Ind. ANDBBSON, INO.—Indiana Lincoln League ,, Convention.- Feb. 12,.1900. IANSONIA. CONN.-^Connecticut FederaUon. ' Daughters of the- King. Hay, 1900. Ada E. Burt, 28 C. O. av., Hartford, Conn. 'ATLANTA, GA.—iDtemational TIclcet Agents' '{ 'Alsedolaitioil. Marcb 6. 1900^ C G. Cadwal- ' lader. Broad St.. station. Fa. R. R. Depot. 'ATLANTA. OA.—Train Dispatctaers of Amet- f lea. June 14. 1900. J. F. MacUe, Stewart Ave.. CUceso. ATLANTIC CITT, N, J.—Grand Lodge of , Glka, July 12. 1900. EIaURORA, ill.— Nortbera Illinois Teachers' 1 Assoclation. April 27 and 28, 1900. C. T. ik PliilbnMrit. Rocbdle, IH.. secy. lAVSTIN, TEXAS—Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias of Texas. April 17, 1900. Henry UWer, Wetberfoid. Tex., secy. BALTIMORE, MO.—Grand Lodge. A. O. U. W. Third Tuesday in March, 1900. A. V. Colbert. Manf. Record BIdg., Baltimore, , grand recorder. BALTIMORE, MO.—Independent Order Me- chanics Grand Lodge. March 19, 1900. El- mer Bernbard, 632 W. Balto St., Baltimore, Md. BALTIMORE; MD.—Grand Lodge of Mary- land, Independent Order Medianics. Mardi 19. Elmer Bem'hard. 630 and 632 W. BaJti- fr more St.. Baltimore, M'd. ^BALTIMORE, M'D.—National Association of Hastier Plumbers. June, 1900. Chasi. L. Byrne. 4308 Cottage Grove av., Chicago, HI. BALTIMORE, MD.—American Bowling Con- gresn. Jan. 9. Sam Karpf, New York City, secy. BALTIMORE, MD.—Oraaid Lodge. K. of P. April 10, 1900. James Whitehouse, Box 517, - Baltimore. Mil. •ALTtUORB. MD.—Independent Order <rf Fraa Sou of IirasL IHJ. BAJ/riMORE, MD.—G. A. R. State Encamp- ^ ment. Feb. 21" and 22. R. C. Sunstrome, - Raines BIdg., Baltifmore. aALTIHORB.HD.—Shield of Honor of Mary- land. Feb. 3, 1900. W. J. Cmmingham. ■ecy. 2as B. Fayatte street. Baltlmo^'e, Ud. BALTIHORB, UD.—CatboUc Benevolent Le- gion. Fab. S. 1900. Thos. Foley Hislry. secy., 100. W. Fayette street. Baltimore.Ud. jBANKJOR, me:.— Maine Good Templars. JVpril 11 and 12, Wednesday and Thursday. G. Rasna, Richmond. He. jBAN-GOR, ME.—State Hotel Proprietors' As- I sociation. Feb. 2. 1900. E. M. Standing, ,1 Bangor, Me. JBATON ROUGE, LA.—Louisiana. Sunday School Aseociation. April 24, 25 and* 26. Mrs. A. M. Mayo, Lalte Cliarles, La., cor. I aiwl Etatistitral secy-; Rev. R. P. Howell, Zwoile. La., recordiinK secy. BATRICB, NBB.—Woman's Relief Corps, Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Repub- lic. Second Wednesday in May, 190O. Josie Bennett, Harwood, Neb- BATRICE. MSB.-Head Camp. Woodmen sf tha World. Second Tnaaday. February IHL K. I. Spencer, Wichita. Kan., secy. Ea/rON. TEX.—Green's Brigade Assoela- tlon. Feb. 21 to 22, 1900. H. C. Surghnor, Belton, Texas. |BINGHAMTON, N. Y.—I. O. O. P. Grand En. « eampment. Feb. 27. 1900. W. H. Mosher Ig Rutherford St.. Binghamton N.-Y BOaC©, HUAHCl—Pacific NoPtlmrEvt Wool Growers .Association. March 6. 1900. J W Bailey. Portland, Oregon, secy. OSTON, MASS. — Coopers' International I P"'™,"' ^- A- 0<^t- 8- James A. Cable, g 542 Elizabeth av.. Kansas CSty. Kaa. ^OSTON. MASS.—Brotherhood of St. Andrew * Convention of N. E. Feb. 23 to S 1900* James P. Smith, 131 Jencks St., Fall River* l^j MafeS- * IfBOSTON. MASS.:—Grand Lodge, N. B OP ;j| March 14. E.S. Hineltley. 1 Somerwt'st.; fflOTTON. MASS.—Society of Arts and Crafts Spring, 1901. Henry L. Johnson, 272 Con- fSTees St., Boston, Mass. lOSTON, MASS.-NationaI AssociaUon of Masnfacturers. AprH 24, 1900. George T. Coppys. vice president "^rBc i. ?^TP?,' MASS.—Massadiusetts Homeopath- IcMedlraa Society. April 11. 1900. Fi?der- icK u. Emerson, 50 Bancocic st., Dorchester, pOSTON, M^S.—American Railway Ac- counUag OfBcers. May 30, 1900. J £ f Onlclc. Toronto, Can "-a. ^OSTON.MASS^paugiters of Veterans State ^°w^^^S- ? and a*. 19C0. Miss M. 4 C. KlmbaH, 47 High St.. Blt«bbure M^us ii?*^®. ®- J&rc®i4. 1900. E. S. J.jHiSS.^l*'^- 1 Soroetset st.36<wton, Mass. aqSTON. MASS.—New Enirland' Postmaster's I Association. Harelt 14. 1900. B. O. Winson I Chelsea, Mass fOSTON, MASS.—Womens Relief Corps State I Convention. Feb. 13 and 14, 1900. Angu I A. Roblioon, «5r WaabiogtoB gt-. Boston. BOSTOX. MASS.—Re-union SSthi Regiment Association. Feb. 23. 1900. Arthur Harper, 100 Federal sL, Boston. Mass. BOSTON, MASS.—Sons of Veterans State Di- vision. Feb. 22. 1900. Rev. Geo. M. How- ard, Melrose, Mass. BOSTON. MA'5S., .\MERICA HALIr-Grand Division, Sons of Temperance of Massachu- setts. April 19, 1900, annual meeting. Chas. E. Dennett. 36 Brumfield, Room IS, Boston, Mass., grand scril>e. BOSTON. MASS.—Royal Society of Good Fel- lows. April 18, 1900. - Arthur J. Bates, -200 Summer st. BOSTON, MASS.—American Sarglcal Associ- ation. May 1 to 3, 1900. Herbert Burreli, 22 Newbury 9t-, Boston. BOSTON, MASS.—1. O. O. F. Grand Encamp- ment. Feb. 7. 1900. John W. Perkins, SIS Tremont St., Boston. Mass. BOSTON. MASS.—A. o. H. National Conven- tion. May 14. 1900. James Sullivan, Race St.. Philadelpbia, Pa. BOSTON, MASS.—G. A. R. State Encamp- ment. Feb. 7. 1900. Edward P. Preble, State House. Boston, Ma£S. BOSTON, MASS.—Knights and Ladies of Honor, Grand Lodge. May 9, 1900. Sam Hathaway, 228 Tremont IL. Boston, Mass. BOSTON, MASS.—0. V. A. U, SUte Council. Feb. 22, 1900. Chas. C. Uttlelleld, secy., 43 Hllk street. Boston. BOSTON, MASS.—National 'Wool Manuafctur- ersi' Association. Jan. 10, 1900. S. N. D. . North, Boston, Mass. BOSTON, UASS.—Ancient Order of Hlbar- nlans. July, ISOO. James O. Sullivan, Phil- adelphia, Pa., nat. secy, BOSTON, UASS.—State Council Knights of Columbus. Feb. 6, 1900. Wm. J. O'Brien, secy., S97 Washington street, Boston. BOSTON, MASS.—New EnKland Gas Engi- neers' .\ssociation. Feb. 21 and 22, 1900. W. A. Learned, Boston. Mass. BRACEBtUDGE, OXT.—Giand Oiange Lodge of West Ontario. March 14. 1900. Geo. C. Langford, Bracebridge, Ont. BKENHAM, TEXAS.—^Texas Cotton Ginners ASEOCiation. First Tuesday in May, 3900. A. R. HcColium. Box 95, Waco, Texas, secy. BROOKLYN, N. Y.—International Kindergar- ten Union. April, 1900. Miss Anna Will- iams, Philadelphia, Pa. BUFFALO. N. Y.—American Carnation So- ciety. Feb. In and 16, 1900. Wi.iiam F. Kastlngs, Buffalo, N. Y. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Knights of Honor. June 12. B. F. Nelson, 816 Olive st, St. Louis, Mo., secy. BURLINGTON. VT.—New England Order of ProtectioDb' AiHTlI 24. Henry E. Byron, St. Jcbnsburg. Vt.. secy. BURtlNGTON. VT.—Commaodery of the State of Vermont, Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Feb. 12. 1900. Wm. L. Greenlof. Burlington. Vt. CA-MBRID6E. M'D.—S. C. Of Maryland Jr. O. U. A. M. Tuesday. April IT. 1900. Chas. S. Davis, 100 and 102 N. Paca St.. Balti- more, Md. CAMPBELLTOWN. N. B.—L. O. L. Grand Lodge. Feb. 20, 1900. Jas. A. McDonald. Campbellton. N. Bruns. CEDAR RAPIDS. lA.—Grand Lodge of Iowa, Knights of Honor. Second Tuesday in April, 1901. J. G. Graves, I.Kick Box 15, Cedar Rapids, la., secy. C]En>AR >1a. -<S. IA. —Iowa BngineerInK So- ciety Jan. 17 and 18. E. P. Boynton. secy. CBDARVTLLE. O.—Reformed Presbyterian National Confemce. May 30, 1900. Rev. H. Foster, secy.. 341 W. 29th St., New Tork City. CEXTRALIA. WA'SU. — State Council of Wash., Jr. O. U. A. M. Feb. 22. 1900. W. S. Schenck. 13th and D St., New Whatcom. CHANUTfi, KAN.—Grand Lodge, Degree of Honor of A. O.'U. W. First Wednesday in May, 1901. Mrs. Georgia Notestine, Hlawa- Hwa Kaa.. secy. CHARLESTON. S. C—South Carolina Medic- al Aseociation. April 3, Wednesday. Ed- ward T. Parker. Oliarleston, S. C, secy. OH.\TTANOOGA, TBNN.—Y. M. C. A. State Convention. 'March. 1900. C. H. Moorman, Y. M. C. A.. Memphis,-Tenn. CHATTANOOGA. TENN.—State Council, Jr. O. U. A. M. May IS. Ail>ert B. Adams. CHsattancoga, Tenn. CHICAGO, ILL.—Bohemian Catholic Central Union. Sept. 2S, 1900. Frank Lindelar, 5* Jewett St.. Cleveland. O.. secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—United States Veteran Sig- nal Corps. Last week in August. 1900. Clias. O. W. Marcy. 155 Franklin st., Boiton, Mass.. secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—Grand Lodge, D. O. H. der V. ST. Sept. S. Chas. Lauber, 107 Somers St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. CHICAGO. ILL—The American Railway As- sociation. April 25. 1900. W. F. Allen, 24 Park Pia<:e. N. Y. City. CHICAGO, ILL.—State Press Association. Feb. 7 to 9, 1900. J. M. Page. JerseyTlIIe, HI. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Anti-Trust Con- ference. -Feb. 12, 1900. M. J. Lockwood, Zc'Iienaple, Pa. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Educational Asso- ciation, -Superintendents' Division. Feb. 28 and March 1. 1900. A. S. Downing. New- York City, president. CmOAGO, ILL.—National Duroc-Jersey Rec- ord Association. Jan. 2. 1900. Robt. J. Evans, secy.. EI Fsso, HI. CHICAGO. ILL.—California Volunteer Vet- eran Aseociation. Aug. 28 to Sept. 1. Capt. Geo. H. Pettis^ Prov^idence, R. I., secy. CHICAGO. ILL.—Illinois Homeopathic Med- ical Association. May 8, 9 and 10. Edsar J. George, M.D., 31 Washington St., Chi- cago. III. CHICAGO, III.—Illinois OpHcai Society. Jan. 16. 1900. A. R- Cfaamberlin. Aurora. 111. CHICAGO. ILL.—Prolrfbltion National Con- vention. June 27, 1900. , W. T. Wardelt, secy. ; CHICAGO, ILL—Xailonal Fa>nier'" Ins'ltut^, Worker's Association March, 1900. C. A,. WiUmearth. Seneca, IlL CHICAGO. ILL—Steam an-d Dredge Enei.^ ; neers. Brotherhood of America. Jan. 2..T.. - • J. Deilan, 39 Dearborn et. CHICAGO, [LL.—G. A. R., National Encamp-. mtfi%- Aug, 28 to Sept 1. Ttooaws J. Stew- «F(i PbllatCetiilitia. Pa,, secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—American Maiae Propogan- da Annual Meeting. Feb. 8. 1900. B. W. Snow, secy., Marquette BIdg., Chicago. CHICAGO. ILL.—Central Lumber Sash and Door Salcsmans Association. Feb. 6. 19.0. John Oxaiford. 915 Capital ave. Inciana.olls. Ina. CINCINNATI. O.—National Convention B. Y. P. U. July 12 to 15. 1900. Rev. E. E. Chivers. 324 Dearborn St., Chicago. CINCINNATI, O.—Reunion Ancient and Ac- cepted Scottish Rites. Feb. 20 to 22. 1900. James A. Collins. Cincinnati. O. CINCINNATI. O.—National AsEocjation of Chiefs of Police of United States and Can- ada. May S. Harvey O. Oarr, Grand Rap- ids, Micii., secy. CINCINNATI, O.—Union of American He- brew Congregations. Jan. 15, 1901. Lipman Levy, secy., Cincinnati, O. CLBVELAND, O.—The Travellns Eingineers' AEsociation. Sept, 11, W. O. Thompson, Elkhart, Ind. ., v CLEVELAND. O.—Ohio Hard.w»rK Associa- tion. Feb. 2S and Murcli 1, 1900.' John T. Baker, Dayton, O, - COLUMBIA, S. C—Grand 'Lodge Knights of Honor. April 18. 1900. L. M. Zealy, Col- umbia, S. C. COLUMBUS, O.—State Gas Light Associa- tion. 'March 21 and 22, 1900. F. C. Jones, COLU.MBUS, O—Ohio Valley Press Associa- tion. March 22, 1900. Jcbn L Tranger, Columbus. O. COLUMBUS. O.—The Order of the United Commercial Travelers of America. June 29 and 30. Chas. B. Flagg. CoHumbus. CONCORD. N. H.—United Order of the Gold- en Cross, Grand Commandery of New Uamiffitaire. April 4. 1900. George W. Flagg. Keene. N. H., grand ke^r of records. CORVALLIS. ORB.—State Horticultural So- ciety. Feb. 10 to 13. B. R, Lake. Corvallls. COSHOCTON. O.—Knights of Pythias District Convention. : Fleb. 8. John C. Geyer. Piqua. 0-. secy. ■ . „ COUNCIL BLUFFS. l.\.—Grain Dealers' Con- Tention. March, 1900. G. A. Stubbens. Co- " burg. Iowa. CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND.—Tribe of Ben Hur, National Convention. April 10. 1900. F. S. Snyder. Crawfordsviile. Ind. DALLAS. TEX.—Concatenated Order Hoc Wnr>. Oct. 9. J. H. Baird. Nashville, Tenn.. secy. DANBURY, CONN.—Grand Council, Royal ATCanum. April 18. 1900. E, B. Holloway, Ix>ck Box a, Milford, Conn. DENVER COL.—Tenth International Sunday School Convention. Probably June. 1902. Marion Lawtance. Triedo. O.. secy. DES MOINES. IOWA—Iowa Society of the Sons of the Aimericab Revolution. Feb. 21. 1900. E. D. Hadley. 409 Franklin av.. Des Moines. Iowa. _ „ DES MOINES, IOWA—State Council, O. U. A. M. Tuesday. March 12, 1900. W. H. Stoweli, 1110 Leyon st., Des Moines, la. DES MOINES, IOWA.—National Congress of Mothers. May 23, 1900. Mrs. Vesta Cassidy, Forest Glen. Md. DEIS MOINBS. IOWA.—State flutter. Eggs & Poultry Dealers' Association Feb. 1. W. M. Vcrhey. Des Moines, secy. DBS MOINES, IOWA—Photographers' Aeso- c-iation of Iowa. May 15 to 17. 1900. W. O. Re«d. Missouri Valley, Iowa. secy. BBS MOINBS, IOWA—Brotnerhooo of Loco- motive Firemen. September. 1900. F. W. Arnold. Peoria. III., secy. DETROIT. MICH.—United States Railroad Clerks' Mutual Benefit Assocla'tion. Sept. 6. J. V. Henry, Quincy, 111., secy. DETROIT. MIOH.—A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge. Feb. 20. John F. Holllns. Detroit, Mich. DETROIT, MICH.—National Pounders' Asso- ciation. Feb. 1 and 2. John A. Pcnton. De- troit, Mich., secy. DETROIT. MICH.—Glass Bottle Blowers' As- sociation of United States and Canada. July 8. Wm. Lanner, Rooms 930 and 931, Wither- spcon BIdg., Philadelphia, Pa. DETROIT, .MICH.—Grand Lodge, Switch- men's Union of Nortth America. Moy 21, J, E. Tipton, Ciiamber of Comnn^rce. Kan- sas City, Kan., grand secy, and ti^as. DETROIT, MICH.—Western Packer's Canned Goods Association. Ffl>. iS to IC. IfitO. A. T. Birchard, Marshalltown. Iowa. DETROIT, MIOH.—-Itlanllc State Packers Association. Feb. 13 to 16. 1900. A. T. Bir- chard. Marshalltown. Iowa. DETROIT, MICH.—National Brick Manu- facturers' Con'vention. Feb. 7 to 10. T. A. Randall, Indianapolis, Ind. DEROIT, MICH.—Michigan Dairymena* As- sociation Feb. 6 to 8, 1900. S. J. Wilson, secy., Flint. Mich. DETROIT. MIOH.—National Association Mas- ter Blacksmiths. Sept. 4 to C. A. L. Wood- worth, Lima. O. DETROIT, MICH.—Knights of Kiiorasson. Aug. 27. H. W. Belding, St. Louis. Mo. DETROIT, MICH.—National Saddlery-AasocJ- ation Convention. July 12 to 14. 1900. John B. Denver. St. Louis. Ma. DETROIT. UICH.—Supreme Lodge K. of P. Aug. 21. 1900. R. L. C White, aecy.. Nash- ville. Tenn. DETROIT, MICH.—State Gas Association. Feb. 21, 1900. L. E. Walker. Lansing, Mich., president. DETROIT. MICH.—Republican State League Feb. 22, 190S. Burt D. Cady. secy.. Port Kw'on, Mich. DOLESTOW5C. PA.—Grand Lodi5c of Penn- sylvania. Shield of Honor. March 19. 1900. Edwin N. Mason, 26 Franklin St., Phila- delphia, Pa., secy. DOVER. DEL.—Grand Lodge. A. O. U. W. Feb. 13. 1900. Chas. E: Woods, Wilmington, Dei., fpcy. DtT-DTH, MINN.—Minnesota Retail Hard- ware Association. Feb. 14, 1800. J. W. Clar*- Minneapolis, Minn., secy. DURHAM. C—Jr. 0. U. A. H.. But* Council. Feb. 20. 1900. F. 8. Preaton. mot* Box 275. Salem. N. C. EMMETSBURG. IOWA—Upper Des Moines Editorial Associatlou. February. 1900, Rev. A. M. Adams, Humboldt, Iowa, secy EMPORIA. KAN.-State Oratorical Associa- tion. Feb. 9. 1900. M. G. Learner. Atchi- son, Kan. EMPORIA, KAS.—Democratic Editorial Fra- ternity of Kansas. Feb. 8, 1900. W. P. Morrison, secy.. Sterling, Kas. PARGO, N. DAK.—I. O. o. F. Grand State Encampment. Feh. 20. H. J. Rowc, Cas- selton, N. Dak., secy. FLINT, MIOH.—The Atneriian Tamworth Swine Record AEEOclation. Feb. 8. E. 41. Ball. Hamburg. Mich., secy. FORT WORTH, TEX.—Cattle Raiser s As- sociation of Te.\as. .March 13 to 15, 1900. J. C. Loving. Ft. Worth. Tex. FT. WORTH, TEX.-Fat Stock Show," March 13, 1900. D. O. Lively, secy. FRANKFORT, IND Supreme Lodge of Moose. February, (second Tuesday), 190O. M. O. Kelly, Crawford«vlt:e. Ind.. »eCT. rRBDBRICK CITT. HD.—United Brelhrea Chnreb of United SUtaa and Bttrapa Cm- tennlal Calebration. IML FRANKTOKT. KY.—Stale Council. Kentucky Jr. O. U. A. M. April 24 and 1909. H. E. Bane. Vaipceburg, Ky. FULTON, ILL.—Supreme Lodge MysUe Workers of World. March 13 and 14. 190b. Edward Jackson. Fulton. GALVESTON. TEX.—L O. O. P. Gnsnd Lodge. Feb. 5. G. C Fahm. Dtilas. Tex.. grand secy. GALVESTON, TEXAS—Rebekah State As' sembly. Feb. 3. Mrs. J. D. Alexander, Cisco, Tex., secy. GARDINEiR. ME.—State Council of Maine. 0. U. A. M. Wednesday, April 23. 1900. W. W. KeMeys, Gardiner, Me. GLOBE, AiRIZONA.—Grand Lcdga of Arizona, 1. O. O. F. April 16. 1900. Geo. A. Mints, Phoenix. Arlseona. GRA'ND FORKS. N. DAK.—North Dakota Sunday School Assclation. May 24 and S3. Mrs. J. C. Nelson. Grandln. N. D.. secy. GREEN BAY, WIS.—Wisconsin Press Aseo- ciation. Feb. T to 9. O. F. Roeseler. Jef- fersou'. Wis., secy. GREENSBORO. N. C.—Y. M. C. A. State Convention. March 8 to 11. 1900. A. G. Knebel, 94 Cumberland ave., A»'h- i<:e, N. C, GREENWOOD. S. C.—Y. M. C. A. State Con- vention. Feb. S to 11,. 1900. S, H. McGce. Greenwood. S. C. HAMPTON. VA.—Y. M. C. A. State Conven- tion. Feb. 15 to IS, 1900. L. A. Coulter. Richmond. Va. HARRISBURG. PA.—I. O. O. F. Grand En- campment Annual Session. May 14, 1900. James B. Nicholson, Odd Fellows' Temple. Philadelphia. Pa HARRISBURG. PA.—State School Directors' Association. Feb. 14, 1900. Wm. Field Shaw. Watsontown, Pa. HARTFORD, CONN.—Connecticut Bee Keep- ers' Association. May, 1900. Mrs. W. C. Riley. Waterbury. Conn. HARTFORD. CONK.-Reunion General As- sembly. Feb. 2, 1900. W. S. Wortnun, Bethel. Conn. ALTER D DIXON. Distributor and Sien Tacker. 6yj J9th St. MILWAUKEK. Wis. w Bi/ery Distributor SHOULD USE- THE lA/MLLACE BAG. It is in use in every State in the I'nion. and is guaranteed to be the StrDngest and most durable on the market. Sample bag $t co; 6 for S6 oo. Send for circular. WALLACB BAG CO., Ohwe{ca. N. V. Blus nsm. 'i\mUK DISTMBUTID. • - - - '^Til ALLEN'S PRESS eLIPPING BURERC DcaU in all kinda of al NEWSPAPER A INFORMATION. al Advance reports on ^ all contract work. V Main office. 510 Mont- (| leosnery street. . V SAN PRANCISCO. ^ -I He LOUTH «N AD AQBNCV will place all kinds of Ad Matter in 13 C»unt<es in Tennessee and Kentucky Prompt and rffrdive service at reasonable rates. J. M LOUIIItN. M«r. waaTMonaLAMD. tbhm. CONFETTI For all Ont-of-Door Gatherings. For Parties and Balls. ■ CLS«N «HD HanMLBSn. AMERICAN CONFETTI CO..