Billboard advertising (Feb 1900)

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ROCHESTER, K. ¥.—A. O. tr, W. 6rand - I>odKe> Maicb $, laoO. Pred. Oleason, 29 Proepect fit., Rocbester, X. Y. BOCK ISLAXD, UJ.—State Retail Mer- c-bBJQts' Association. Ket>. U (So Id. limO. Ueo. Sctoneider, 1712 Second av.. Rock Island, 111. ROCKi^.SO. ME.—KniBlits ot Honor. Grand Lodge. Feb. 21. A. W. GHOden. New Caa- tle, i>l&, secy. ROCKLAND, ME.—Grand Lodge of Maine, X. E. O. P. Widliesliay, Aptil 4, 19W. A. ' £L Verrill. .\uburn. Me. HUSTON. LA.—1. U. O. F. Gland Lodge. ' Maich 6, 1300. F. Gileshaber, Box 383, New Orleans, La. " SAUlNAVf. UICH.—Biennial ConTentloa JoumeTmen liarbers Octooer, ISUU. W. S. KJapetzky, Box ESS, secjr., SyracuE*. N. Y. SALT LAKH CITT, UTAH.—I. O. O. F. Grand KncampmenC April. IMDi JBd. W. :) Loder, Salt liak* Cltr. Utah. aeej. (Box It SAN ANTONIO, TEX.—National RaUroad f( Postal Clerks' Association. June 7, IMW. Geo. A. Woods, secy., Portsmoutli. N. H. it SAN ANTONIO, TJiX.—KaUway Trackmen H ot America. Dec. 3, 1900. Jaho T. WUson, H G. C, St. Louis, Mo, B San uLUUO. UAL.—Uelebratlon ot Dewey'* |£ Victory. auspiccB G. A. R. Estimated at- [I ' tendance, 5,0UO, principally from California \l and Nerads. [t S.\XFORD, FLA.—G. A. R. State Bncamp- j| ment. Feb. 22. D. L. Way, Sanford, secy. / S-^N t R.'V.NClbOO, OAL^ —Gland Lodge A. O. rf U. M. ot Callfoittia. First Tuesday in April i; m.O. iTEEk S. Poland, Rooms 65 and B6, t Elrcd Building. , 1 SAN FItANCISKIO. CAL.—Jr. O. TJ. A. M. BilLBOARb. ■I state Council. 'Uarch 20. 1900. Herman £; Paine. 739, Sth sL, Oakland, CaL S SAN FRANCISCO—L O. B. B., Lodge 4. Feb. "18- T. J. AsclKim. 121 Eddy St., secy. SAN FRANUISUU. CAL.—l^testani ISpISCO- pal Cliarcli Courentlon. October. 190L Rer. C. L. Hntchlns, Concord, Mass., secy. SANTA FE. N. M.—N. M. Jledical Society. May 29, 19C0. W. G. Hope, Albuquerque. N. M. i iitiviia S.4VA.VX.\H, GA.—Sons of the Revolution state Conrention. Feb. 5, ISOO. Wm. Har- den, 2-6 President St., Savannali, Ga. [ SAVANNAH. GA.—Soutbeascern States BUI Fosters' Association. May 2U 1900. Cbaa. Bernard, secy., Savannali, Ga. } SCKANTUN. i'A.—Uiutea Biutherhood of Carpenters & Joiners. Sept. 18, 1900. P. J. McGuire, Box 8S4, Fblladelphia, Fa., gecy.- - treaa. SEDALIA. MO.—A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge. Feb. 13. 190O. C. W. TurDbam, Sedalia. Mo. SEL.MA. -A.LA.—Knights of Honor. April 10 and 11, I9C0. T. Gardner Poster. Mont- { guineij, .\ia. 1 SliATTLE. W.4SH.—Ancient Order United Workmen. Wedoesday. April 11. 1900. Jas. T. Eoyer. Coiman Block, Seattle, Wash., BceiB 11. I'SPAaTA, WIS.—Epworth League State Con- . Tention. Feb. 1& to IS, 19i>0. Prof. W. S. SiDlthyman, Sparta. Wis. SPRINGFIELD. TT .T. —State Lanndrjonen's A«soriation. April 9 to IL M. G. Planck, Peoria, ■111., secy. SPRINGFIELD. ILL.—Interstate United Mine Worker's ConTenticn. Feb.. ISflo. W D. Rvan. SIR Perrlck BlSg., Springfield, III. : STETVENS" POINT, WIS.—Slate tjouiicu of U iscociin. Jr. O. U. A. M. April 17 to 19. Ernest W. Selleis. 1117 Shaurete sL, Stev- ens' Pcirrt, Wis. ■ST. JOHNSBURY. VT.—Vermont Sta^p Den- tal Society. Mareli 21 to 23, 1900. T&onias Mound. Rutland. Vt. ^ ST. JOSBFB. HO.—Kntt^ts at Muxabaea <tf 1 Mlssonri. - Hay (second Tuesday). UOI. A.. U Slgser, secy., ICiO Front avennSk Kaaaaa r city. Jfo. I ST. LOUIS, MO—Retail Hardware and Stove ? Aissociacion. Feb.' 10, 1900. E. TlHHnas. U Trerton. Mo. i . ST. LOUIS, MO.—SUpnlaited Premlnm Ufe t Insurance Underwriters* Associatlcm. May i 23 to 25, 1900. Mies E. H- Titus. Elkban. ind. ST. LOUIS. MO.—Retail Dealers' Association of Vehicles and Implements of United States. Oct. 3. J. R. Wright. Domphan, Mo. ST. LOUIS, M.—Mlssonrl Retail Hardware and Stove Dealers' Aisoclation. Feb. 13, 190(1 ST. LOUIS, MO.—Royal ArcaBum GraM Council. Feb. 20, 1900. Cbas. B. Cox, secy., 309 Holland Building, St. Loitls. Mo. ST. P.A.UL, MINN.—Imperial Knights, Impe- rial Commandery. Feb. IS. G. Thaire, St. Paul. secy. ■. ST. PAUL, MINN.—Grand Lodge, Minnesota A. O. U. W. Fourth Tuesday in Maxell. 1900. Olof Olson, Willmar. Minn., secy- ST. PAX-L, MINN.—Grand Council of Minne- l sota, lioyal Arcanum. March 2T. 1900- C^eo. f: T- Hughs, 425 Guaranty Bldg., Minneapolis, i Miim.. secy. f ST. PAUL. MINN.—Degree of Honor Grand £ Lodge. March 27. 1900. Francis Buell, 801 Pioneer Press Bldg.. St. Paul. Minn. if ST. PAUL. MINN.—I. O. O. P. Pob. Srd I •Wed., 1900. A- B. Renlllard. secy., 501 8. e 6th street. Minneapolis, Minn, j ST. PAUL, MINN.—SUte Camp. M. W. A. February, 1901. W- B. Hartley, West Du- iutk. Minn. STREATOR. ILL.—Catholic KnIgbU ot America State Council. Aug. O, 1900. Jobs E. Vakoney. secy.. Farmer City. UI. STREATOR. ILL.—"W. R. C. K. of A. Third TuesdaT. AnicDst, 1900. Col. J. J. Ooheny. Ellingliani, HI., secy. STREATOR. ILL.—Biennial Council. C. KI of A. Third Tnesday, August, 1900. John - B. Uahoney. Fariner City, HL, secy. \ SirMiMERPinE. P. C. I—L. n. r,. firand I Lodge. Feb. 20, 1900. Rev. S. G. Bland, I Fmitb F^Ila, One r SYRACUSE, X. T.—State Retail Lumber' I Dealers' Association. Feb. 28. 1900. S. H. ; Beach, Rome, X. Y. TtPTON, IOWA.—Fraternal Brotherbood ot the Worid. Feb. 6 and 7. J. S. Willtams, - Tipton, Iowa. TOLJSUU, o.—National ConTentlon G. A. R. TOFBKA. KAS.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. Feb., 3a Wed., 1900. A. K. Wilson, secy. TOPEKA, KAN.—National Aid Association, National Council. Feb. 14. S. D. Cooley, 'iDl Jackson St., Topeka. TUPBKA. KAS.—Uraud Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. Feb. Vt, 19UV. Jacob UeWitt, secy., Sallna. Kaa. Tur-ctvA. KAS.—National Conference of Charities and Corrections. Hay 18 to 24. 19UU. Uastiugs U. Uaii, 113 Montoe St., Chi- cago, secy. TOfa&A, KAXS.—State Labor Conirentlon. Feb. 5, 190.!. W. L. A. jobnson, Top-ka, Kans. TOPBiCA, KAN.—A. O. V. M., Grand Lodge. Feb. 27, 1900. B. M. Forde, Emporia. Kau. TOPEiKA, KAN.—R. A. M.. Grand Chapter. Feb. 19 to 23, 1900. 'Wm. M. Shaver, To- peka, Kan. °Tt>Fi!2lCA, ILAN.—Tlie Most ninstrlous Grand Council of Royal and Select Hasters ot Kansas. Feb. 19, 1900. ^ Wm. W. Shanei. grand recorder. TUFISKA, KAN.—SUte Barbera' Asaoelatlon. Feb. S. ISOOu C B. Hypes, secy.. Topeka. Kan. TORONTA. CAN.—Canadian Conference ot Charities and Correction. June. 1900. A. M. Rosebrogh. H. D.. 62 Queen St.. East. Toronto. Canada. TORONTO, CAN.—Ontario Educational -\s- sociation. April IT to 19, 1900. Robt. W. Doane. 216 Oarlton St.. 1V>ronto, secy. TRENTON, N. J.—A. & I. O. Knigiits ot Mal- - ta. Second Wednesday in April. Morgan Van Hise, 7B4 Brunswick av.. Trenton, N. J., secy. TKENTUN, N. J.—Grand Council L. O. R C. of New Jersey. Third Tuesday in Marcn, 1900. D. P. Fries, OoUineBwood, N. J.. Box 93, grand recorder. THifibrun. N. J.—Grand LodKe KnIgAts of Pythias. Feb. 21. 22. 1900. Geo. B. Pleraon, secy., Woodlinry, N. J. Tn.c;:srON, N. J.—Sons of the Revolution State Convention 'March 6, 1900. John A. Campbell, Trenton. N. J. TltliJ« I'OIs'. N. J.—A. O. D. W. Grand Ledge. March 8. 1900. W. Sellers, Box 31, Cam- dan. N. J. TRINIDAD. COL.—Arkansas Valley Press As- aodatian. Harch 15, 1900. D. W. Barlsley. secy.. Rocky Ford. Col. TUSKBGEE. ALA.—^Kegro OtHiference and 6. 'M. C. Ai Conference of Georgia and Ala- bama. Feb. n to 25, 1900. .UNION HILl, N. J.—Order of Tme Friends. Oct. 2, 1900. Morgan R. Clark, secy., 163 Metropolitan ay.^ Brooklyn. N. T. cnCA. X. T.—The Commercial Trav<riets' Mutual Accident Association of America. Mon&ur. March 12, 1900. 2 p. m. Edward Trennrett. Second National Bank Bldg., Uti- ca, N. Y. UTICA, X. Y.—State Plumber's Association. March 13. 1900. .lohn E. Dngan. 4 MiHiroe St.. Albany. N. T. VENITA. I. T.—Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F. ' Second TuKday In-April, 1900; C. W. Hat- field. Wagoner. I. T. VICTORIA CITY, B. C. CAN.—A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge. March 14, 1900. J. T. Mc- Ilmovl. Victoria. B. C. VINCENNES. IND.—KntghU <rf Pythias. NiE>eteenth District Contention. Feb. 28. 1900. J. W. Cook, Vincennes, Ind. WA-CO. TEXAS.-The Lumbermen's Associa- tion of Texas. Second Tuesday in April, 1900. Carl Drake, Austin, Tex. "WASHINGTON. D. C—Y. M. C. A. of Mary- land. District of Columbia and West Vir- ginia. Feb. 23 to 25. J. B. Sleman. Y. M. C. A., Washington, secy. WASHINGTON. D. C—National Buildsrs' As- sociation Feb. 20 to 22. W. H. Sayn-ood. 166 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. WASHINGTON. D. C—Knights ot Pythias. Grand Lodge. Feb. 19. H. -3. Gasson, 1807 4th St. N. W., Washington. WASHINGTON, D. C—G. A. R., Department ot tire Potomac. Feb. 6 to 8, 1900. B. F. Chase. 1412 Pennsylvania av. N. W., Wash- ington. D. C, secy. - WASHINGTON. D. C—Daughters of Amer- ican Revolution. National Society. Feb. 19, 1900. Mrs. Kate Henry, Washington, O. C. secy. WASHINGTON. D. C—Tbeta Delta Chi Fra- ternity, Grand Lodge. Feb. 22 and 23, 1900. D a^-ifl N. Lockwood, Buffalo. N. Y. WASHINGTON, D.C.—Women's Relief Corps. Oqnrtment of Potomac. February, 1900. J. EnmOL Bvans, 604 A st. S. E., WaEhiDgton, D. C. WiASHINGTON. D. C—Knights of Golden Eagle. Grand CSastle. Feb. 26. 1900. E. L. ToI«in. 1407 G st. N. W'.. Washington. D.C. WASHINGTON, D. C—American Women Suffrage Association. Feb. 8 to 14, 1900. Ka- cbstfi Avery. 1483 52d St.. Philadelphia, Pa. WASHINGTON, D. C—National Association of Master House Pa-nters. Feb. 6 to 8, 1900. Joel Kennedy, secy., 944 Linn St., Cincinnati, O. WASHINGTON, D. C—American Protologlc Society. May 1 and 2. Wifliam M. Beach, 515 Penn av., Pitteburg, Pa. WASHINGTON, D. C—AtneHcan Surgical Society. May 1 to 3. Herbert F. Bunell, M.D., 22 Newbury St.. Boston, Mes8. WASHINGTON, D. C—Shrlners Imperial Council. June 5 to 7, 1900. BenJ. Bowell. r.e<-v.. PbPton. Mass. * WASHINGTON, D. C—Sons of Revolution Triennial Session. April 19, 1902. James Mortimer. Montgomery, N. Y., secy. WATEHBDRY; CT.— Grand Commandery. Knights-Templars. March 20. 1900. EH PIrdsey. Heriden. Ct.. sec;. WATERTOWN. WIS.—Mutual Fire Under- writers Association. Feb. 13, 1900. Geo. H. Hastings, Watertown, Wis. •WATERTOWN, WIS.—State Datrytoen's As* sociadon. Feb. 14 to 17. O. W. Burcltard, ■ Ft. Atkinson, Wis. ' WATERVILLE, ME.—KnigbtS ot ColumbUs, State OouncH. Feb. 6. James T. State, Portland. Me., secy. W-A.YXE, NEB.—North Nebraska T. A. March 28 to 30. Lucy A. Williams, Norfolk, NtJi. W-ra.LINGTON, O.—Ohio Branch Interna- tional Order of the Kings Daughte.s ai.d Sons. Oct., 1900. Mrs. Florence H. Wl.l- iams, 36 W. lOttt ave., Columbus, O. WUlfiULING. W. VA.—NaUonai Tobacco Workera' Union ot America. September, (fourth Monday). 1900. B. Lewis Evans, 422 Granite Block. St. Louis. Mo., secy. WHITE . RIVER ■ JUNCTION. 'VT.-Dart- mouth InterscholasUc Athletic Association. Feb. 9. UOO. W. C. Felkey, secy. WILMING'TOX, DEL.—Shield of Honor, Grand Lodge. Feb. 21, 1900. Chas. T. Mar- Un, 822 W. 7th St., Wilmington. Del. WILMINGTON. DEL.—National Funeral Ben- efit AsGoctaition, P. O. S. ot A. Feb. 27. G. Allen Smtth, 2321 Catharine St., Phlla- delptna. Pa. WINCHESTER, VA.—Grand Lodge K. of P. of Virginia. Feb. 27. 1900. Walter -A. Ea- wards. 356 Holt St.. Norfolk. Va. WINFIELD. KAX.—Kansas Social Science Federation of Wiomen's Clubs. May. 190U. Miss Florence Rockwell, Junction City, Kan. WINNIPEG, MAN., CAN.—JUanltoba Veteri- nary Association. -About Feb. 10, 1900. W. T. HInman. V. S., secy., Winnipeg. W INNIPEG. CArN.—I. O. O. F., Grand Lodge. Feb. 20. R. H. Shanks, Box 235, Winnipeg. WINONA. MINN.—Mloneeota Retail Gfwers- ASEHX^tion. Feb. 21 to 23. J. F. Gerlicher. Winona, Minoi. WINONA, MINN.-Retail Grocers' and Mer- chantsi' Aseociation. Feb. 20 to 23 J. -T. Rowan, secy. WOLSELEY, X. W. T.—L. O. L., Northwest Territories Grand Ix>dge Feb. 22 and 23, 1900. A. D. Ferguson, W*>alseley, N. W. T. WOODSTOCK, ONT.—Y. M. C. A. Conven- tion, Ontario and Quebec. Feb. 8 to 10. T. J. Wildie, 421 Tonge St., Toronto, Can. WORCESTER, MASS.—Clara Barton Tent No. 3, D. of v., at G. A. R. Hall, 35 Pearl St. First and second Monday of each month. Mrs. Ida E. Warren, 140 Chandler St.. Worcester. Mass. WOOKaTBR. M'.A.SS.—Order Scottish Clans State Convention. Feb. 22, 1900. Wa'.ter Baliantyne, Dudley St., Roxburg, Mass. WYANDOTTE, MICH.—Jr. O. V. A. M., State MeeUng. Feb. 13, 1900^ W. B. Pulel- fer. secy.. Lansing, Mich. YOUNGSTOWN. O.—Grand Council of Ohio, Foresters of America. Second Tuesday In May, 1901. Tbos. L. Hopkins, 1402 Harvard St., Cleveland, O., secy. USTOF FAIRS. I Tliis list is revised and corrected month- ly. Secretaries are urgently requested to send in their dates at the earliest posnble moment after thqr are claimed, and to notify us prompuy as to any change. Rosters and dates are published abso- lutely Free of Charge. Copyrighted iSgg. All rights reserved. ALA.BAMA. BIRM1NGH.-\M, .'^LA.—Mardi Gras Carnival. Feb. 2f) and 27. 1900. H. W. English, Box SiJ, Birmingham, Ala., pres. MOBILE. ALA.—Carnival. Shrove Tuesday. W. K. P V/il&on, chairman executive com- mittee; Edw. Macartney, treas.; A. B. Ken- nedy, Mobile Oirnival AsBociatlon. sec>. OEOBGIA CORDELE. GA.—Mardi Gras and Street Cat- nival. V. J. Erhart. director. IIiUNOI^. ALEDO. ILL.—Qlercer County Agricultural Society. Sept. 18. 19. 20 and 21. 1900. G. W. Williams. Box 346. Aledo. i:i.. secy. DBLAVAN. ILL.—The Twenty-second Annual Fair ol the Tazewell County Agriculturiii Board. Aug. 28 to 31, 1300, J. W. Crabt,; ores.: .T. O. Jones, secy EL.MWOOD. ILL.—The Elmwood Fair Asso- ciation, tenth annual fair. Aug. 21 to 24. -M. R. Sturtevant secy. EL PASO. ILL.—The Twemtieth Annual Fair. W'ocdfOTd County Agricultural Board. S^pt. 10 to 14. B. A. Cliilds, pres.; Geo. R. Cur- tiss, secy. MACOMB. ILL.—McDonough County Fa'r. Sept. 25. 2fi. 27 and 2S. 1900. W. P. Austin, Mansfie'.a. Pa., secy. WOODSTOCK. ILU—MrHenry County Fair. A-UfT. 28 to 31. M. Zimplcman, pres.; A. S. W-right, secy. IWDTAITA. HUNTINGBURG. IND.—The Fourteenth An- nual Dubois County Fair. Sept. 10 to 15. 1900. H. C. Rothert, secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Indiana Sta*e Fair. 'Sept. 17 to 21, 1900. Aaron Jones, pres.; Chas. Downing, Indianapolis, Ind., secy. IOWA. CLARION. IOWA.—Wright County A«rlcul- tural Society. Sept. 18 to 21, 1900. W. C. Brown, Clarion, Iowa, secy. HAMBURG. lOWiA.—Hamburg Harvest Home ■Aug. 7 to. 10, 1900. M. P. PhlUlps, manager. -siiBii-AkDOAJi, t6w''A.—AgricuUutal ii* bibit and Race Meeting. Aug. 14 to.l7. <aiaa ■ jMdrlch, pres; C. F. Crose, secy. KAKSAS. HIAWATHA, KAN.—Th« Itiown County Fbir Association. Sept. a to 7. G. Y. Joimeou, pres., Willis, Kan.; John H. Meyer, secy., WICHITA, ■ KAN.—Carnival and Pall Pestl- val (street fair). Oct. 1 to 6. H. C. Lock- wood, secy. . iiOirisiAirA. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—Mardi Gras Carnival. B%b. 27. 1900. SHRl!}VEPORr. .LA.—Mardi Gras Carnival. April. 1900. E. Phelps, Jr., Box 383, New Orleans, La. THIBODAUX. UA-^Grand Carolval, "King Sucrose." Feb. 27, 1900. Addmss communi- catlons to The Thihodaux Carnival Club. MKW JJBB8ET. PATERSOX. N. J.—Second Gland (Serman FUr. Feb. S to 10. 1900. Eugene Gruen- berg, secy., 112 Broadway, Pattersoik. TiRW YORK. .ANGELICA. .V. Y.—Allegheny County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 11 to 13, 1900. B. S. Bartlett. Belfast, pres.; Charles Lownsbury Angelica, vice pres.; A. E. Dudley, Angei- iea, N. Y., secy.; F. H. Jackson, Angelica. BA'rH,'N. Y.—Steuben County .Agricultural Fair. Sept. 24 to 28, 1900. C. A. Shultz. pres. and secy. ELMIRA. N. Y.—Ohlnning County Fair. Sept. 3 to 7. 1900. Geo. McOami. secy. HOR.NBLLSVILLE, N. Y.-HornellsiKle Fair Aug. 27 to 31. 1900. M. L, Gifford, secy. ITHACA, N. Y.—Tompkins County Fair. Sept. 11 to 13, 190.1. ONEGO, N. Y.—Tioga County Fair. Sept. 3 to 7, 19C0. James Armstrong, secy. SYRACUS'E. N. Y.—New York State Fair. Sept. 3 to 8. WELLSVILLE. X. Y".—Wcllcsvllle Fair. Aug. 20 to 34, ISOO. OHIO. CINCINNATT, O.-'Mardl Gras Carnival. Feb. 27, 1900. Geo. H. Schreider, Cincinnati, O. PBUNSYLVANIA. C.V.MBRIDGE, PA.—Cambridge Fair. Aug. 28 to 31. IXn. Albert S. Paber, 1 and 3, 5th St.. Public Square. Cambridge Springs, Pa-, secy. MANSFIELD, P.\.—Mansfletd Fair. Sept. 2.''i to 2S. 1900. W. p. Austin, Mansfield, Pa., secy. MILTON. . P.\.—Milton Fair. Oct. 2 to 5, 1900. Edwin Paul. Mi.ton. Pa., secy. W»E:STFIEa,D. PA.—Wtstfleld Fair. Sept. 11 to 15, 19C0. Frank Strang, secy. TH'N'N'iCSSI^ia. .MEMPHIS, TENN.—Mardi Gras Celebration. Feb. 27. WEST VIR(}INIA. WHEiELIXG. W. VA.—West Vliginia Expo- sition and State Fair. Sept. 10 to 14. 1900. Geo. Hook. wiscoirsiv. EVAXSVILLB. WIS.—Th«- Evansville Rock Co. -A^lculturai Association Fair. Sept. 4 to 7, 1900. W. D. Campbell, pres.; Geo. L. Pullen. treas.: P. Springer, secy. J.AMESVILIJB. WIS.—Jamesvr.le Mid-winter Pair. Feb. 20 to 22. 1900. Geo. M. McKey. pres.: P. L. demons, secy. NEWPORT NEWS.VA.. "^.J^K the United States. Employing 9,0001 James J.Ward, HeistheCITY BtLI, POBTIJR and DISTRIBU- TOR; his address is 2611 Washington Avenue; his prices are : for listed and protected 30 days' showing. 5c. per sheet; 3c. per sheet for "chance majr offer service." and fi 50 per 1000 for distributing from house-to-hou^-e.' ...REMEMBER... JAMES J. WARD. Established since 1892. FAD CAIF—ISOO ADDhESSES of firms I vn '^MB.a. using house-to-honse distrihu- ingaiid poslinar. Every distributor and bill pos- ter Should have them. Addre.KS. : DILLON A FOQLE. NORMAL. ILL. w ALTKR D. DIXOV!; Distributor and Sign Tacker. 657 jglh St., MILWAUKHH. Wis. = PRIVILEGE WANTED = For a modern built MCRRY-GO-ROUND, at Park or Picnic Resort. The outfit is first-class. Will share receipts with good privilege people that control iirst-class resort. Joseph Horn, Box 247, Greensboro. H. C. ^ Dnirorm^d Distributors and Honest Guaranteed Service. ADVBRTISERS:—-To get this service send all your work to ARTHUR LEONARD, Distritiutor and 850 Locust St., Sign Tacker. DUBUQUE. IOWA. Member of I. A. of D. and Feister's Registered Distributors Popniation. 22.000. I |J|| 1 Af QI 1/^/^ CITY BILL POSTER, NEWARK, OHIO> 1 VV. VV . riU\9l^9lj =^ association msmber..= Capacity, 3,M0 Sheets. Address all Communications to Nevrark Oifice. MM Alio POSTINQ UCKINO AND KNOX COU.NTies. comprlsiaK S- I Popniation, 10,000. I MT. VERNON, O. I : Capacity, 1,200 Sheets