Billboard advertising (Feb 1900)

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I Poultry dhows. lA.—Poultry Show. Sei>t. 13 D. H. Grimall. pres.: P. U. RISPPBRSOK, it6 15. 1800. 1 Brown, secy. lADISON SQUARE OARDBN, MBW YORK. t —New York Poultry and Pigeon Association. iJan. 30 to Feb. 3. H. V. Crawford, secy. j-EW WHATCOM, WASH.—Nwrtbeast Poul- try Afisociation Show. Jaji. 21 to Feb. 2. ' Alex. Van Wyck, secy. flTTSBUJtG. PA.—Pittsburg Fanciers' Club ' Ebcliibition. Feb. 26 to Marcb 3. J. B. I-Foster, Allgbeny, Pa., se<ry. !t. PAUI^, MINN.—State Poultry Show. Feb. i 5 to 10. H. F. Huel&ter, St. Paul. ; ANCOUVER. B. C—Poultry and Pet Stock j .^ssx ration Sbow. Feb. i> to 10. J. C. Oixon, r>ox ITii, VancouvpT, ii. C, secy. I Expositions. iCFFALO, N. Y.—Pan American Exposition, f May 1 to- Nov. 1. 1901. Jobn G. HUburn. • pres.; Edwin Fleming, secy. Chicago. ILiC. —Furniture Esposition. Jan, I 1 to Feb. 13. C. F. Manahan, 3T0 Wabasb av.. Chicago. ONDON, ENG., EARL'S COTTRT.—Women's International Exposition. 1900. Imre Ki- i rally, manaser. Los ANGELES. CAL.—Industrial ExpositlcD. I Feb. 20 to Marcb 13, 1900. ItEW aRLEANS. L,A.—LxnUsiana. Industrial ; ExpoEdtion April U to May 6. C. L. Brack- t ett, 807 Common St., New Orleans, director. Stew YORK city— TypograpMcal Exposi- I tion. May 2 to June 2. &ARIS, FRANCE—Paris .Universal Exposi- tion. April 16. 1900. to April 16.1901. jT. LOTjIS. mo.— World's International Ei- I position. 1903. OtiESO. O.—Ohio Centennial Exposltloii. . May, 1902. ^A'LDOSTA, G-A.—Valdosta Exposition. Oct. 130 to Nov. 2, 1900. A. Moore, Valdosta, Ga., mg r. i/ASHINGTON. D. C.—Federal GoTemmant 1 In DlatTlct of Columbia Exposition. Har. |Pure Food Sliows. fJVTERSOX. K. J.—Pure Food Show. Miarch 13 to IS. 'Mr. A. G. Haig^t. 188 Straight St.; iPateraon, N. J., mgr. IITTSBURG. PA—Pittsburg Pure Food i Show. Feb. 12 to March 10. 1900. I. M. Bar- rett, Liberty Market Bldg. Pittsburg, Pa. PRIXGFIELD, ILL.—Pure Pood Show. Feb. S to 22. Races. iAKESIDE, IXD.—May 10 to 26. ATONIA. KY.—May 21 to June 16 (probable) JTTLiE ROCK, .A,RK.—March 26 to-April 7. [XJUISVILLE. KY.—New Louisville Jockey Club. May 3 to 19. fcOUISVILLE. KY.—May 2 to 19. |;EMPH1S. TENN.— -April 5 to 27. I'ASHVILLE, TENN.—April 28 to May 5. IfEWPORX, KY.—April 28 to May 19. ^T. LOUIS, MO.—May 12 to August 24. fORONTO, C.\N.—The Ontario Jockey Club. fiMay 24 to Saturday, June 2, IjOO. W. F. [•iFraze, Toronto, Can., secy. Dog Shows. iOSTOX, MASS.—Xew England Kennel Club. j|ApriI 3 to 6, 1900. [iHICAGO. ILL.—MascDUtah Kenny Club, ii March 7 to 10, 1900. [fEW YORK CITY. — Westminster Kennel if Club. Feb. 20 to 23, 1900. James Mortimer, fgsupt. iAdditionel Shows. [Boston. Mjvss.— sportsmen's Show. Fefc S 22 to Marcfe 10. R. D. LeoDard. adv. mgr. [ShicaGO, ill.— International Live Stock a Exhibition. Dec. 1 to 8, 1900. R. Z. Herrick, [J Ch-icaeo, eecy. S^EW BEDFORD, MA'SS.—Bicycle Show. Peb- t' ruary. HILADELPIUA. PA.—State Horticultural Society Flower Show. March £0 to 23, im. 5| Jam€S 'M. Rliod«s, Ardmore. Pa., pres. IIDLIND ADVERTISINa GO., JOSEPH REID, Manager. ILICENSED DISTRIBUTORS, Hemben 1. A. of D. IE. Missouri kn., KANSAS CiTY, Mo. F>. O. lose 23.2. Bill Posters' Paste Brushes. The most practical Brash made. Copper wired and protected coroera. Improved Light Weiglit BIog1(. VERY STRONU. WITH SAFETY SCREWS GRAY RUSSIAiiS BRI^'Tl'BS. Quaker City,.9-inch, f 28.50 per dozen, 52.75 each. Excelsior, 9-iuch, |34-.SO per dozen, 53.25 each. Extra Extra, 9-iuch, for circus use, f 42.00 per dozen, 53.75 each. BLACK. CHINA BRIST1.BS. No. I, Royal, 9-inch, 527.50 per dozen, 52-50 each. No. 2, Royal, 9-inch, 532 50 per dozen, 53-0O each. No. 3, Royal, 9-inch, 534-5° per dozen, 53.50 each 8-foot Curved Handles, 50 cents each. ELDER & JEINKS, Brush m«alc«krs> 127 North 5th St., Philadslphla, Pa.. U. S. A. Cbe • mestern • %tm* Representative Theatrical Journal -OF THE WEST. DEVOTED TO,.. The theatre and to Theatrical People, and to all classes of Theatrical or Amusement Enterprizes, containing news matter and information concern- ing Dramas, Vaudeville, Circus, Fairs, Parks, Clubs, etc., etc. Oa Sale Everywhere, or Sent apon receipt of 10 Ceats. by Cbe Olesterit Stage PublisDitiri^., SHILLKR BUILDING. CHICAGO UlTMANN & TONELL, it International Theatrical Exchange," 1327 Broadway, NEW YORK, N. Y. BILLPOSTERS' PASTE BRUSHES. This is our celebrated " UNEXCELLED." The Best Paste Brush made. Popular everywhere on account of its great ilurability. PRICES—S in , 52.75 ea.; 9 in , $2.00 ea.; 10 in., 53-25 ea. THE DONALDSON BRUSH is manufactured especially for us, and is fully warranted. It is the cheapest GOOD brush you can find anyvdiere. PRICES—8 in., 52.25 ea., 9 in., 52,75 ea ; 10 in., 53,00 ea, SEND YOUR ORDERS TO ^^or eenpon ^^ook and ^ jt Strip t WRITE TICKETS The Donaldson Litiio. Co., C. F. 40-142 Monroe St ANSELL. CIINCININAXI, OHIO. Sole Vestcrn Agents for the Celebrated Wire Be Bilirosters^DistrilHitors smunwum* WAGONORGART MMnkid*te ihT^C^niMUm Bill Posters* Push Cart. ^HSiSSS;^^ S24.50 EACH. Bill posters' pbuy Gart. Bill Posters* Wagons. ^ A-$90.00. B-$IOO.OO. C-130.00. -^JOHN H. MICHAEL^ 335,337,3?9 Bast 8ih St,eiNeiNiniTl.e. I. » Mtml ^ wwiwo. «aim. rtMn Aw MM- 6ENTLEMEN! Do vou want faithful work done? ir so, apply to Ittert B. Caklkl for DiatributiDg and Sign TackinR in New Bedford, Fair Haveo and Dartbmoutli. Personal attention U given to •CTTice, an£ all work is suaranteed. 310 Middle St., NEW BEDFORD, MASS. PHOTOOKAPHS COPIED. Cabinel and kodak printing at mfg. prices. Stamo and locket Eictiirea made from any photo as low as 65c ■ nndrcd. Addrecs, B. FUNK, Lee St. Copying House, Hagerstown, Md. OPELIKA, ALA. ■■■POPULATION a,000 — J. 0. SINeiEY, The ONLY Licensed Bill Poster, Distributor & Sign Taeker IN TMS OIT»*.» Dollars In jour Pocket! i^fe'ttiSfTo- ranvasing nor recipe fakes. Particulars foi stamps. CeKial A|eit 169 R, CoMei, ijl. EM. BRACY, Distributor. No. 30 Ford St., ■ Ogdenrburg, N. Y. Sign Tacking and work guaranteed. Member I. A. D. HHRRY B. BUSSING, NORWALK, eeivN. OIXY BH-LfOSTEF*.— Population 20.000 Write for Bstimales on Bill posting, Sign Tacking and Oistributiug.