Billboard advertising (Feb 1900)

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THE BILLBOARD 266. DUtrlb- T "a^B* «5^ CO., B18 St. CI«lr it. rhHrhrvlUe-Twln City B. Po.t. Co.. Box D. wplllDgton—L. W. Ely. ,. - n eston-ThB American Co. (Bowline Orun.) Waihington C. H.-S»iltl> ft Vlnc.nt. ZanesTlUe—England Broi.. « N. Fiftli it. OKLAHOMA TtRRlTORY. filiihrle-G. W. Foster. Lock Box KlDgfl»her-Northup Bill PoitInK t ntins Co^ OREGON. AdhUiid-Chaa. H. Gillette. A5torU-T. S. Slmpaon & Son. Baker Clty-W. Newell. M( .Mimivillc—G. F. lianeaEscr & Co. Portland—N.W. B. P. & u. Co., »*» Morriaoa. Salem—Salem B. P. Co. PBNNBYr.VAOTA. Aihland—Frank H. Walte. _ Batlilebem. South and Woat Betblebom—Orb- Bill Posting ft DIstrlbuUng Co. Butler—H. J. Dougherty ft Soni. CarII»I»-«eo. Cramer. 133 W. Pomtret St. ConnellBvllle-R. O. Curran.^ Cambridge Sprlngs-H. W. Wllber ft Co. Emlenton-W. L. Plerco. Qreensburg—K. O. Curran. Greenville—J. S. Laird. HanoToi^. Percy Barnlts. Harrlaburg-Markley ft AppaO. Johnstown—A. Adair. Johnstown—Flood City Bill Posting Co. Irfbanon—Chas. A. Ollrer. Lykcna—H. B. Hatter. Ibasfldd—The W. D. Huited A«T. Co. MInersTillo—MIneravllle Ad». Co.. I.. B. tSL McDonald—Bart H. HcCartnoy. MeadviUe—Geo. Knox. Milton—A. J. Blalr. _ , . „^ New CasUo-Tbe J. O. LotIdk City BUI Posting Co. _ _ _ ..... Philadelphia—American B. P. Co. (Ltd.). gU Walnut at. _ _ „ PIttston—Pittoton B. P. Co. Scranton—Reeao ft Long. . _ . _ Sunbury—Snnbury Bill Posting Co.. 3. T. Cameron, Manager. „ _ . . . Washington—A. B. Ueana. SI W. Chestnut aU Wellsboro—A. H. Dartt ft Co. Wllkesbarre—Wllkeabarro Bill Pouting Co. WiUiamsport—Geo. H. Bubb. RHODE ISLAND. ProTldencs—Old Colony B. P. Co. SOUTH CAROLINA. Ctaarleston-CbarlestOD BUI Fogtlng Co.. Ful- ler * Bernard, Proprs. CharleEton—Chas. W. Keogb. ..^ „ . Columbia—K. S. Marka 4 Co.. 1425 Gates at Georgetown—R. Chas. Griggs. SOUTH DAKOTA. Madison—Louis H. Willblte. Madison—F. D. FItts. Sioux Falls—Sioux Falls B. P. Co. TENNESSBB. Athens—O. M. West BUI Posting Co. Bristol-Border City BUI Posting Co.. Oliver Taylor, Manager. _ Covington-Howard N. Holshouser. Box 4S7. Jellico—Thos. Bell. KnoxTllle—Southern B. P. Co. Memphis—Van Beuren & Co., successors to Memphis B. P. Co.. R. S. Douglas, pro". Pulkski—Pulaski UlII Posting Co. PULASKI—A. M. Notgrass. Union City—Oscar R. Crews. Westmoreland—J. M. Louthan. TEXAS. Abilene—J. F. Moore. Bastrop—Cbas. P. Zlegenbala. Beaumont—Welcome RolliOB. Helton-D. F. Gray. Brownsrille—Valle ft Bros. Ad*. Co. Brownwood—Hiram H. Thomaa. Bryan—John B. Mike. Calvert—James Hooks. Clarksville—Cfaai. O. Galnas. Cuero—Richard Harris, Box SL Dallas—Geo. Robinson. Flatonia—The Moore B. P. ft Adv. Co. OalneavUle—Paul Gallia. Galveston—J. B. Howard, til Postcffleo ak Hlllsboro-J. 8. Phillips. Houston—C. T. SIvalls, Box KM. Lampasas—Jim Mace. Laredo—Eugene Sloan. Martin-Ike Jacobs McKinney—Burnett ft Goodln. Box 201. San Angelo—Sam. Smith. Box UZ. Sherman—J. Long, 117 East Slds Square. Smlthvllle—D. E. Colp. Texarkana—Lemly Bros. Waco—Louis Sternkorb. 112 S. <th St. Wbltawrlet—Niler Lewla. VERMONT. UitriT—C", iitral Vcriiwirl II. P. Vn. nurlinglon-B. B. P. Co.; Mrs. W. K. Walker. MiMi!l« lii r—Coirtral Vermont 11. P. Co. Newport—E. H. Norrls. SDringneld—George H. Stiles. Wiiliibur.v-CiMitral Vornioi.! «. P. Co. VIRGINIA. Alpxandrla-J. M. Hill ft Co. Dedford City—Wm. W. Haydan. rnlpeper-j. C. Williams. Franklin-Ross T. Leary. Roanoke—City Bill Postera. StaUDton—Wm. Glenn. WASHINGTON. rhebalis-Clty B. P. ft Dlat. Co.. Box 3M. Cairax-Oso, H, Lennox. Dayton—Day* AdverUsIng Co.; Geo. K. Day. Manager. Pullman—M. T. Chapman. Puyallup-Geo. M. Ady. Snokomlsh—W. P. Shaforth. WEST VIRGINIA. Huntlngton-WUI A. Russell. Mnrnantown—M. J. Sonneborn. '; Alta-S. K. Stewart. „ '"»I>urg-A. B, Noland, Box JM, "4i« HnB—A. W. Radrr, !tlh and Alley C. WISCONSIN. Chippewa Pnlls-C. G. Sherman, C. B. Poater. S''''""'-Byron B. Button. Ft. AtklnsoD-Cbas, B, Rogora, JanesvlUs—Peter L. Uyera. \ Kaukauna—J. D. Laws. \ Menominee—The Schwefam B. P. ft Ad». Co^ Menominee—W. S. Schmidt. • Oshkoah-J. E. WlUlama. RIcbland Centre—J. H. Coatta. Sturgeon Bay—Beniard Haba. Wausau—C. 8. Con*. WaterlocH^ehn Learer. WYOMING. Laramie—H. B. Root, City B.P., opera houaa. Sheridan—B. C. liORoy, MH N. IfalB at. CANADA. Churlottestown, P. E. L—P. B. 1. Adv. Co. IIO.X 479. Glencoe—John Foy. Montreal—St. Lawrence Add. Co., 8 St. James. Niagara Falls. Ont—N. Falla B. P. ft D. Ag. Ottawa, One.—Alex Jacques; 110 Osgood sL Plcton—H. J. Gnham. St. Johns—J. Bouchard. Sherbrooke. Que.—F. H. Leech. Vancouver. C. 'A.—A. F. Morris, manager, 10 Lefeuvre Block. Wlndsot^Wlndsor B. P. ft DIst Co.. Box IT. D. C. Benjamin. Manager. HAWAII ISLAND. Honolulu—Will Preatldga. vm eo. 2722. \(Q.\m\mmr. \^ OfllO. JOINTED MAGNETIC HAMMERS Just the thing for Card Tackers. The hammer is a true magnet which will never wear out or lose its mag- netic power. The jointed handle and mechanical device on the side, which holds the card or tin sign enables you to get your work up high — away above the reach of mis- chievous kids. Donaldson Lith. Co.^ Ctnctfinaii, O Dear Sirs: I received from you a few daysa^ a Magnetic Hammer in good condition. I have used the same, and find it to be the finest arti- cle for putting up signs that I have ever used. Yours truly. Fleischman & Co. Gardner, Mass. ; W. P. Barubrd, Agt. I •iSAVESCUMBING. •i SAVES WORK.jtjl KB>I>Ies yns to cive yos. clleata 1lrst.elaBS perr Bsaent service. PRICES: I 36'in.hSBdIrs,SsectiaBi, I ta.oo 4S'ia. haaiilea. StactloBS. IS.BO DONALDSON LITHO. CO., Sole Agents. CINCINNA-ri. Cash Must Accompany Order. None Sent C.O.D Theatrical costumes, wigs, beards, crease paints, tiglus, trimminps antl accessories for all })Iays, operas. Maroi Gras celebrations, etc., or'sale or hire. Costumes made to order a specialty. ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ Cincinnati, Ohio. CIHTI roll? ni with a population of OAnln VnUA, llAll. has one of the liest billpostintr and distributing plants in the state. All work per-sonally superintended. Member I. A. D. A. OAIVIELS THE SOUTH IS OUR FIELD! We mail all kinds of circulars at loc per loo; JOG for jjc; S.)c. to live people who read and answer luiveiti.scments. t'.ive us a Irial. This is all we ask. RAo|D MAILING CO., - • ALMOND. N. C. • Every Issue of • 8 THE OFFICE MAGAZINE. 8 8^ A. 0. KITTREDGE, F l.A., CP-A., Editor. 8 ■ Contains information on oflice topics ■ S \ Worth Aany Times S • Its Price Per Year. • 9 Itpnblishes'Mt^-^rar/fVv>/i>r-/n;/«6b prac- 0 0 tical subjects by practical business men. ^ 2 Sample Copy Free. 2 • Issued montlily. subscriptions Jr a year. • ■ Aeyertising rates on application. ■ ■ ACGOUNTICS ASSOCIATION, PublislKrs. ■ 2 301 Lancashire BMk. New York City S •■•■•■•■•■•■••■•■•■•■•■•■a Fir«t>Class— .....ssas. ORIENTAL Performers (Arabs, etc.) in all branches like dancers, leapers, tumblers, etc., nab anil female, fumistaetl at short notice fo; vaudeville houses, circuses, niuseanis, en; tertainmeuts. lodges, clubs, etc., at verj low figures, by ULTMAN A, TONELLi 1327 BROADWAY. ........ pi^w YORK W^LTKR D. DIXON. Distributor and SIri Tacker. 657 19th SL. MILWAUKEK, Wis' LEOM W. WASHBURN'S GREAT SOUTHERN MINSTREL CO.; Has the greatest variety, and tnnre special printiiig and stand work than any other minstrel organization. We are the originators and promoters of every novelty'knowi in advertising, and have the most artistic and novel designs to announce our arrival it'' all the principal cities throughout the' land. P. S. —Billposters, T ake Notice.' nsrsoBius BILLPOSTER CUTS. Every Billposter wants a set of thesi;] MINIATURE CUTS to put on station, J ery and all kinds of printed tnattei'ii They make most attractive embellishments for booklets, circulars, and announce: X ments. It would cost -about t6.oo to have them designed and engraved, but foi.' J only 7S cents we will mail, prepaid, all six cuts, electros, ready to prin jT from, and credit you with a years' subscription to Thb Advertising WoRZJ>. W-- ] do this to introduce our splendid journal to all the up-to-date billposters of Americ^t j Send to-day and be the first in your town to use them. Address, ^'1 liherfising; Worlil, Columbus, Ohio; AMYwONtOflniN? "WMBOM^flSi; : ST. LOUS. i=*opuIatlon 9 G ,000 Distributing Department ^ Nortliwest Bill Posting Qo. H. F. TODD. MANAQER. PORTLAND, OREGON. This department is destinctly apart from our posting plant, and all couuuuni cations must be addressed to Mr. Todd. □□□□□□□□ n THERE IS MONEY IN THE mi CHE alxjve cut shows one of our Paste Mixers for Bill Posters. We make three grades (flood. Better. Beat). Prices to suit all. Our catalogue tells all about them. It is sent free on ap- plication. PASTE TRADE! and the BILLPOSTER shoulil supply the entire demand in his town. OUR MACHINE MAKES PASTE, THE BEST PASTE AND MAKES IT CHEAP. With one of our Machines, you can defy competition, and make a good profit. If you wi>l drop us a card, we will tell you all about it. J. H. DAY & CO. 11M R. Harrison Ave. Cincinnati, 0. □ nnnnnnnn