The billboard (Jan-June 1900)

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THE BILLBOARD 9 7WV fl eonuencions, If T«e», Celebration*, €tc. f/iitfrr this Heading we publish free oj ' V*" r ** the <*«** of alt notable events, -which : :f are it July to attract targe tvncourses of people . **yo any onepariicula r city a ndfor this reason 'prove ofimporta nee to advertisers, showmen, streetmen. general passenger agents, etc. \The list ts carefully revised and corrected monthly. Vi, in j. DMORE, I. T.—Indian Territory Demo- *• fatic Convention. June 11, 1900. John L. lilt, Ardmore, I. T. JiURY PAKK, N. J.—General Synod of the jfeformed Church in America. June 6, 1300. §Sv. Wm. H. Ltellart. Raritan. N. J. JLANTA, GA.—Southern Surgical & Gyne- «Iogical Association. Nov. 13. W. E. B fcvis, M.D., Birmingham, Ala. &.ANTA, GA.—Young People's Christian oion of the Universalist Church. July 11 IS. Rev. A. J. Cardall, 30 West St., Bos- i, Mass. ■^ANTA. GA.—Train Dispatchers of Amer- a. June 14, 1900. J. S. Mackie, steward; . ,,»e.. Chicago n ft t !*ANTIC CITY, N. J.—Ancient Illustrious i rder of Knights of Malta. Oct. 16 to 28. rank Gray, northeast corner Broad and i-ch St., Phila. m ^ANTIW ClTlf—The American Medical As- •J Elation. June 1 to S. 1300. Dr. Philip Mar- I, chairman. uANTlc CITY, N. J.—The National Fra- rnal Press Association. Aug. 21 to 25. A. . Stevenson. 6436 Kimbark av.. Chicago. LANTIC CITY. N. J.—National Electric jedlcal Association. June 19 to 21. P. owes, 703 Washington St., Dorchester DIs- Ict, Boston, Mass. .ANTIC CITY, N. J.—United States Breed ssociation. June 6 and 7. 1900. Chas. ainer. 109 E. 15th St., N. Y. City. ^ANTIC CITY. N. J.—National Associa- on Car Service Managers. June 18, 1900. G. Thomason, Scranton, Pa. LANTIC CITY. N. J.—Grand Lodge of "faka. July 12, 1900. JLTIMORE, MD.—ShleH of Honor. Juno * Wm. T. Henry. 205 E. Fayette st I 3LTIMORE. MD.—National Association of v. Mater Plumbers. June, 1900. Chas. I,. ! ' f *yrne, 430S Cottage Grove av., Chicago, III. iGHAMTON, N. Y-—Y. P. S. c. K. State bnvention. Oct. 15 to 17. 1900. t JtMlNQHAM, ALA.—General Assembly of ™fjo Knights cf Labor. Nov. 13. J. W. Jlayes, 4:1 B st. N. W., Washington. D. C. itMINGHAM, ALA.—The Galilean Fisher- men. June 5. C. C Stewart, Bristol, lean. JfeTON, MASS. — Coopers- International ||riiton of N. A. Oct. 8. James A. Cable, Elizabeth av.. Kansas City, Kan. pTON. MASS.—New England Amateur Association. July 4. John C- Con- East Boston. Mass. MASS.—Supreme Council. Home — —. June 20. Julius McSwain, 120 Tre- |iont St., Boston. Mass. f.STON, MASS.—Society of Arts and Crafts, ipriag. 1901. Henry L. Johnson. 272 Con- (vss st.. Boston. Mass. sTON, MASS.—International Convention, M. C. A. June 11 to 16. 1900. R. C. orse. 3 W. 29th St., N. T. City. STON. MASS.—Ancient Order of Hiber- ans. July. 1900., J. O. Sullivan. Philadel- phia. Pa. ftFFALO. N. Y.—The Royal Templars. June 1900. E. B. Rew, 43 Niagara St., Buf- fo. N. Y. KFFALO. N. Y.—American Association of HSsnera! Passengers and Ticket Agents* As- sociation. Oct. 16. 1900. A. J. Smith. Cleve- nd. O. FFALO. N. T.—National Association of ETlndow Trimmers of America. Aug. 6 to L. Frank Baum, 1205 Star Building, gaicago. 111. pf FALO. N. Y.—Holstein Friesian Associ- fi|i.ion cf America. June 5 and 6. F L jgougbton. Brattleboro. Vt. l|FFALO. N. Y.— Knights of Honor. June WS. B. F. Nelson, S16 Olive st. St. Louis. ~ secy. UiH IStLlNGTON. IA.— Nineteenth Annual W^eRgerfest. Aug. 9 to 12. Jos. 1C. Kolz l§i-ey. jffttLINGTON. IA.—The Evangelical Augus- Synod of North America. June 15. 1900 *nev. Theodore Kjellgren, Scandia, Wash. |p., Minn. [OAR RAPIDS. IA.—American Poland Sjjina Record Convention. Feb. 13 and 14 j^l. W. M. McFadden. West Liberty, la! OAR RAPIDS. IA.—Grand Lodge of Iowa. j--&nlRhts of Honor. Second Tuesday in Jfprtl. 1901. J. G. Graves. Lock Box 15 t»™ ar Ra Pids. la., secy. j§L>NUTE. KAN.-Grand Lodge. Degree of f/onor of A. O. rr. W. First Wednesday in ay,. 190L Mrs. Georgia Notestine. Hlawa- '«. Kan., secy. ^IRLESTON. S. C—National Educational .-ssociation. July 7 to 13. Irwin Shepard. inona. Minn. [ARLESTON. S. C—National Teachers- As- ,-Hatinn- July 7 to 13. 19O0. [ CAGO. ILL.—National Harness Manufac- rers- and Dealers' Protective Association ■' the United States. 196 W. Randolph st. it. P. Hamick. secy. : CAGO, ILL.—American Seed Trade Asso- atlon. June 12 to 14. S. F. Willard, fjethersfleld. Conn., secv. WrCAGO. ILL.—United States Veteran Sig- *~J Corp*. Last week In August. 1900. Chas. W. Marcy, 155 Franklin St.. Boston. f*.. swv. ,CAGO, ILL.—American Seed Trade Asso- jktlon. Ji-no 12 to 14, S. F. Willard. ^"ethersfteld. Conn. JCAGO. ILL.—National Wholesale Drug- sts" A«sr»l8t'on. Sept. 10 to IS. A. B rrlam, Minneapolis, Minn. CHICAGO, ILL.—Grand Lodge, D. O. H. der V. ST. Sept. 5. Chas. Lauber, 107 Somers St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL.—Bohemian Catholic Central Union. Sept. 26. F. Lmdelar, 56 Jewett St., Cleveland, O. CHICAGO. ILL.—California Volunteer Vet- eran Association. Aug. 28 to Sept. 1. Capt Geo. H. Pettis, Proviaence, R. 1., secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—State Bar Association. July 5 and 6. lUUO. J. H. Matheny, Sprlnghela. III., secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—Prohibitionists State Con- vention. June 26. 1900. Hale Johnson, chaii- man. CHICAGO, ILL.—Prohibition National Con- vention. June 27. 1900. W. T. Wardell secy. CHicAGO, ILL.—G. A. R., National Encamp- ment. Aug. 28 to Sept. 1. Thomas J. Stew- art, Philadelphia. Pa., secy. CINCINNATI, O.—National Convention B. Y P. U. July 12 to 15. 1900. Rev. E. IS. Chlvers. 324 Dearborn st-. Chicago. CINCINNATI. O.—International Hot Water and Steam Fitters' Association. June 4. Henry B. Jombers, 260 W. Broadway. New York City. CINCINNATI, O.—National Mexican War Veterans" Association. Encampment. Sept. 12 to 14. 1900. Ccl. F. T. Foster, 406 Vine su, Cincin'na-ti, O., secy. CINCINNATI, O.—American Boiler Manufac- turers* Association. Sept. 18 to 20. J. D Farasey, Forest st. and N. Y., P. & O. Ry., Cleveland, O. CINCINNATI, O.—The Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Jan. 15, 1901. . Lip- man Levy, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CINCINNATI. O.—General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of United States. Sept 25. Christopher Fox, Brooklyn, N. Y. CLEVELAND, O.—American Loyal League. July 28, 1900. J. L. Dwyer, Detroit, Mich.- CLiSVELAND, o.—The Traveling-Engineers- Association. Sept. 11. W. O. Thomnson Elkhart, lnd. CLEVELAND, O.—Traveling Freight Agents- Association. June 7. 1900. G. A. Blair, 12 Carew Bldg., Cincinnati, O. CLEVELAND, O.—International Brotherhood of Bookbinders. June 5. J. A. B. Espey 327 Eleventh st S. W., Washington, D. C. CLEVELAND, O.—National Apple Shippers- Association. Aug. 1 to 3. A. Warren Patch, Boston. Mass. CLEVELAND, O.—National Prison Chap- lains' Association. Sept. 15 to 17. Rev. C L. Winget. Columbus. O. CLINTON. IA.—Mississippi Valley Spiritual- ists' Association. July 29 to Aug. 26. Mrs Stella A. Fisk. Keokuk. la. COLUMBUS, O.—Ohio Trap Shooters' League. June o to 7. J. C. Porterfleld, 11 S. High st, care E. J. Porterfleld & Co. COLUMBUS. O.—The Order of the United Commercial Travelers of America. June 29 and 30. Chas. B. Flagg. Columbus. DALLAS. TEX.—Concatenated Order Hoo Hoo. Oct. 9. J. H. Baird, Nashville. Tenn. secy. DALTON. MASS.—National Division. Sons cf Temperance cf North America. July 10 to 14. B. R. Jewell. Stoneham. Mass.; James H. Roberts, chairman committee on badges 137 Pcrtland St.. Boston. Mass. DALTON. MASS.—National Div. Sons of Temperance of North America. July 10 to 14. Benj. R. Jewell. Stoneham. Mass., secy. DENISON, IA.—Woodmen cf the World Grand Encampment. June 7. B. D. Stivers DENVER, COL.—Colorado Bar Association. June 27 and 28. Lucius W. Hoyt, Denver, DKNVER. COL.—T. p. c. U. Church. July 2;. to 30. D. F. McGill, 1411 Fulton st, Al- legheny. Pa. DENVER. COL—Tenth International Sunday School Convention. Probably June 1902. Marion Lawrance. Toledo. O. secy DES MOINES. IA.—Brotherhood or Locomo- tive Firemen. September. F. W. Arnold Peoria. 111. DES MOINES. IA.—Music Teachers' National Association. June 19 to 22. Philip Werth- ner. 2371 Kemper Lane, Cincinnati, O. DES MOINES. IOWA—Brotherhood of Loco- motive Firemen. September. 1900. F. W »"mid. Peoria. m..wev. DETROIT, MICH.—American Economic As- sociation. Dec. IS to 30. Charles H. Hull Ithaca. N. Y. DETROIT. MICH.—Wholesale Saddlery As- sociation. July 10 to 13. J. B. Denver, 512 N. Main st. St Louis. Mo. DETROIT, MICH.—American Association of Opticians. Aug. 14 to 16. Frederick Boger, 36 Maiden Lane. New York City. DETROIT. MICH.—National Railroad Mast-r Blacksmiths' Association. Sept IS to 21. A. L. Woodworth. Lima. O. DETROIT. MICH.—U. R. United American Mechanics. Supreme Commandery. June 18. 1900. C. D. Haupturerer. Canton. O. DRTROIT. MICH.—United States Railroad Clerks' Mutual Benefit Association. Sept. K - J- V. Wrorv. Ouincy. Ill-, secy. DETROIT. MICH.—Supreme Lodge. K. of P Aug. 27 to 31. R. L. C. White, Nashville. Tenn. DETROIT. MICH.—The National Association Railway Agents. July 24 to 27. N. A. Cot- troll. Bismark. Mo. DETROIT. MIOW.-G!ass Bottle Blowers' As- sociation of United States and Canada. July S. Wm. Lanner. Rcoms 930 and 931. Wither- snoon Bid*.. Philadelphia. Pa. DKTROTT, MICH.—Knights of Khorassan. Aue. 27. H. W. Beldlng. St. Louis. Mo. DETROIT. MICH.—National Saddlery Associ- ation Convention. July 12 to 14. 1900. John w. nenver. St Louis. Mo. DETROIT. MICH.—Supreme Lod«?e. Kn'ghts r f„ P - vt £ aF - Au S- 2S. R. L. C. White. Nasb- v'lle. Tenn. DEXTER. ME—Maine Sunday School Asso- c'stion Oct 16 to 18. Rev. H. W. Kim- ball. Skcwhepan. Me. ELBERTON. GA.-Georgla Weekly Press As- roc'afon July 2 to 7. W. A. Shackel- ford T.exinetnrc. Ga. EL RENO. OKLA.-Grand Lodge of Okln- , ma A T hira T,,PS day io July. T. K. Jin- gle, Guthrie, Okla. FALL RIVER, MASS.—State Committee, Y. Ai. C. A. of Massachusetts and Rhode Is- land. Oct. 25 to 28. R. M. Armstrong, 767 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. FORT WORTH, TEX.—Y. P. S. C. E. June 19 to 21 (inclusive!. Mis.s Ty»er Wilkinson, Temple, Tex. FREDERICK CITY, MD.—United Brethren Unurch of United States and Europe, cen- tennial Celebration. 1901. GAIXSVILLE, GA.—The fourth annual ses- sion of 'i'ne Gainsviiie CUuiuuqua. June 24 to July 6. A. VV. Van Jriouoe, pres.; H 11. Dean, secy. GAKRKTT, liND.—American Train Dispatch- ers' Association. June 14, 19U0. F. A. schultz, pres., Garrett, lnd. GEORGETOWN, KY.—General Association Colored Baptists of Kentucky. Aug. 15. Wm. H. steward, Louisville, Ky. GL&N PARK, (PALMER LAKE P. O.) COL. —Kocky Mountain Chatauqua Co. F. M. Pr.estley, 1742' Av., Denver, Col., pres. GKAND RAPIDS, MICH.—Police and Sher- iffs' Association of Michigan. July 18 and lit. J. P. Santord, Lansing, Mich. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—Great Camp, K. O. T. M. June 13. Thos. Watson, Port Huron, Mich. HALltAX, NOVA SCOTIA—American Insti- tute of Instruction. July 7 to 11. Edwin H. Whitehill, Bndgewater, Mass. HALIFAX, N. S.—General Assembly, Presby- terian Church in Canada. June W^ Rev. R. Campbell, D.D., 68 St Famille st HOBART, IND.—Indiana State Dairy Asso- c.ation. December. H. B. VanNorman, Lafayette, lnd. HliMBOLDT, IA.—Grand Lodge of Iowa l 0. G. T. Third Tuesday In August. 19Uu. T. Green, Hawarden. la . HUNTINGTON, w. VA.—Ancient Order United Workmen. Sept 11 to 14. Frank ' Gruse, Wheeling, W. Va., secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Standard Chester Whue January, 1901. J. C. Br.dges, Bambr.dge, lnd. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—bn ted States League of Local Building and Loan Associations. July 25 and 26. H. F. Cellarius, Govern- ment Bldg.. Cinc'nnati, O. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Assistant Physicians of Hospitals for Insane. Last week in Sep- tember. Irwin H. Lett. Pontiac, Mich. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—National Live Stock Exchange. Annual meeting. October. ITHACA, N. Y.—Grand Ledge of N. Y., 1. O. G. T. Fourth Tuesday in August. T. C. Andrews, 112 Sears si LEBANON, PA.—Grand Council, I. O. of Red Men. July 16 to 21. KANSAS ciTY, MO.—American Street Rail- way Association. Oct 16 to 19. T. C. Pen- ington, 2020 State st, Chicago, 111. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Supreme Lodge, Na- tional Reserve Association. October. A. G. Lightner, 306 Baird Bldg., Kansas City. KNOXV1LLE, TENN.— Society of America, Congress. May 31 to June 2, W00. Hon. O. P. Temple, Knoxville, Tenn. KOKOMO, IND.—Wabash Valley Pow Wow, Association of Red Men. July 22 and 23. W. W. Drinkwater. LA CROSSE, WIS.—Catholic Knights of Wis- conein. June 17 to July 20. 1900; LAKESIDE, O.—Grand Lodge of Ohio. Inde- pendent Order of Good Templars. Aug. 15 and 16. S. G. Taylor, 344 Br.dge st, Cleve- land, O. LEBANON, PA.—Division Encampment, Na- tional Guard of Pennsylvania, lit Gretna Park. Aug. 1 to U. LEBANON. PA.—Farmers' National En- campment. Mt. Gretna Park. Aug. 27 to Sept. 1. LEBANON, PA.—Sons of America, State En- campment. Aug. 20 to 25. LEBANON, PA.—Susqui-Centennlal of Leb- anon, Pa. Sept 23 to 30. LEBANON, PA.—Pennsylvania Chatauqua. • Mt. Gretna Park. June 30 to Aug. 4. LKUANON, PA.—Young People's Christian Union. June 21 to 24. H. F. Shups, Day- ton, O. LEWISTON. ME.—National Free Baptist . Young People's Convention. July 5 to 8. E. P. Metcalf, Providence, R. I. LINCOLN, NEB.—Nebraska State S. S. As- sociation. June 19 to 21, 1900. E. Wight- man, York, Neb. LINCOLN, NEB.—Funeral Directors' Asso- ciation. June 12 to 14. P. F. Bell, Nor- folk. Neb. LINCOLN. NEB.—Grand Lodge. Degree of Honor or Nebraska. Oct. 2 and 3. Miss Teresa Hempel, 141 S. 12th St. LITHIA SPRINGS, ILL.—Litbia Springs Chatauqua. Aug. 8 to 27. G. L. Douthit. LITTLE ROCK, ARK.—Arkansas Association of Pharmacists. June 12. J. A. Ginocchio. Little Rock. Ark. LONDON, ENGLAND.—American Society of Civil Engineers. July 2. 1900. Chas. W. Hunt, 220 W. 67th St., New York. LONDON, ENGLAND.—Salvation Army Con- gress. July, 1900. Commissioner Howard, 101 Queen Victoria st, London, E. C , Ens. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Associated Labor Press of America. Dec. 12. S. S. Bonbrlght, 15 Mercer st. Cincinnati, O. LOUISVILLE, KY.—National Chaplains' As- sociation (U. C. V.) May 30 to June 3. General Bennett Young. Louisville, Ky. LOUISVILLE. KY.—American Associated Labor Press. Dec. 12, 1900. John M. Mc- Dermott. Chicago, 111. LOUISVILLE. KY'.—American Association of Obstetricians and Gymnnlogists. Sept. IS to 20. Rufus B. Hall, M.D., Cincinnati, O., pres. LOUISVILLE. KY.—American Federation of Labor. Dec. 5. 1900. Frank Morrison. 423 G st. Washington. D. C. LOUISVILLE. KY.—Grand Encampment. Knights Templars. Tuesday, Aug. 4, 1901. R. H. Lloyd. San Francisco. LOS ANGBLES. CAL.—Rondnwrtere' Con- vention. Nov. 13, 1900. J. B. Dickson, secy.. Sterling. 111. MACKINAC ISLAND. MICH.—Michigan State Med. Society. Earlv In July. 1900. C. H. Johnston, Grand Rapids, Mich. >.- 3*" S^ •SwX^ ^^a -x ^•^■•ar &9'& 9-9-9 2SjA Somethin gNewj Y M> M' vi> st/ I VIZ M/ si/ si/ st> HALE'S Jlmericait'Europcan firemen's exhibition Company < < c < WHI toar America under canvas, after a grand toar^ of Europe, giving a Speetaouiar Tournament, Including A LIVING EXHI- BITION OF FIRE FIGHTING showing a collection of Steamers and Fire Appa- ratuses, with firemen from' the different countries, competing at the Paris Ex- . position. The most gorgeous Street , Parade ever given in Amer- ica will be presented dally, showing the different fire- men from the principal nations of the world. In- cluding , Steamers. Hose Carts, Hook and Ladder. Trucks. Water Towers, and all other kinds of fire fight- ing apparatus used In tbei civilized world. Also, the Equipages of 4 Royalty of the Old World; , CZAR OF RUSSIA. EMPEROR OF GERMANY, KING OF ITALY, ' SHAH OF PERSIA, QUEEN OF ENGLAND. f RAJAH OF MAHARA. KING OF SI AM. k EMPEROR OF CHINA. PRESIDENT OF THE SOUTH AMERICAN REPUBLIC. Exhibitions will be given \ dally under the auspices of{ the Fire Departments in t the principal cities of, America, for the benefit of 1 the Firemen's Fund. Chiefs of Fire Depart- ments desiring to obtain > this great attraction, apply to The Internationa l Exhibition Co. (DR. CD. CRAY, Mffr.) Address The Billboard. Cincinnati, Ohio. THE BILLBOARD W ! MARINETTE. WIS.—tfhe Mat-Incite Chatau- qua Asterobly. . Aug. 2 to 13, 1900, Prot. Wiley. Marinette, mgr. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—L. A. W. National Meet. July 10 to 15. Abbott Bassett, 53U Atlantic a*;, Boston, Mass; MILWAUKEE WIS.—German Free Masons. May 31 and June 1. W. Ocndcr, St. Paul av. and Fifteenth st. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—American Society Mu- nicipal Ihiprovement. Aug. 28 to 31. D. L. Fulton, Allegheny, Pit; MILWAUKEE, WIS.—National Association cf Loial Firo Insurance Agents. Aug. .M and 31. Frank r. Holmes, 196 LaSallc st., Chicago, 111; KlLwAUKEE. WIS.—International Mining •jenghssa. June 16 to 2:). Cbl. P. B. Mdnt- gomery. Cripple Creek, Col. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Photographers' Associ- ation of America. July 23 to 27. J. Geo. Misshammer. Buffalo; N. Y. MILWAUKEE; WIS;—United Order cf Bo* Makers anU Sawyers bt Amer.Jsa; June 4. James Cufran, 6l8 Central av., Cnicago, ill., secy. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Supreme Court, United Order of Foresters. July 9. S. W. Den- nison, Hathaway Bldg., Milwaukee. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—National Association of Credit Men. June 12 to 14. W. A. I'ren- dergast, 20 Nassau «.. N. Y. City. MILWAUKEE, WIS; — German Bpwofth League. July 10 tb 22. Prot. J. L. Nuet'- len, Eerea. O. . . MILWAUKEE, WiS— International Printing Pfessraen and Assistants' Union of North America. June 18. W. J. Webb, 2U2 Lex- ington av., Brooklyn, N Y. MILWAUKEE, WIS,—International TypB- gfaphical Uttioh. Aug. 1J to IB. J. YV. Bramwood, Indianapolis, lnd. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—Western Surgical and Gynecological Association. Dec. 27 and 28. G. H. S.mmons, M.D., 61 Market st.. Chicago, 111. MONTrELIER. VT.—Grand Court Vermont -Toga. May, 1901. John F. Roche. 37 Henry st.. Mompeller. Vt.. secy. .... . „ MONTREAL, QUE.—American Library Asso- ciation. June 6 to 17. Henry J. Gaff, Public Library, Scranton, Pa. MONTWA1T. MASS.—New England Chatau- qua Assembly. July 18 to XI. Rev. Wni. Full. Lynn, Mass; NABHV1LLE, TENN.—Tennesee Master Plumbers' Association. June, 1B00. Frta. Fox, Jr., secy., 80 Cherry St., Chattanooga, NASHVILLE, TENN.—A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge. Sept. 80. J. H. Thompson, 411ii Union St.. Nashville, Tenh. NASHVILLE, TENN.—Mosaic Templars of America. Sept. 4. J. E. Rush, box 402, Little Rock, Ark. NASHVILLE, TENN.—Knights and Ladles of Honor. First Tuesday after the third Mon- day, April. 1901. Henry Buttenberg, 248 2d St., Memphis, Tenn., secy. _ NASHVILLE. TENN.—Tennessee Jersey Cat- tle Club, annual meeting. December, 19u0. D. S. Williams. Nashville. Tenn., aecy. NEWARK, N. J.—Order of Select Knights. Aug. 21. Geo. K. Staples, 831 fiHicott, Buf- falo. N. Y. NEWARK, N. J.—National Association of Newsdealers, Booksellers and Stationers of the United States. Last of August F. R. Sampson, 447 Tt-nth avenue, New York City. NEW CASTLE, PA.—A. O. U. W., Grand Lodge. September. O. K. Gardner. 2201 Wylie av., Pittsburg, Pa. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—B. Y. P. U. of Cort- nect'eut. Oct. 15 and 16. H. A. Edgccmb. Groton, Conn. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—Geological Society cf America. Dec. 26. H. L. Fairchild, Roch- ester. N. Y.. secy. NEW HAVEN, CONN.—Connecticut Teach- ers' Association, Annual Convention. Oct. IB and 20. Miss Bessie E. Home, Bridge- port, Conn. NEW LONDON, CT.—Grand Temple of Con- necticut June 6. W. J. Rawlings, box 416, New Britain, Conn. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—National Paper Box Makers' Association. June. 1900. Wm. H.Bickeihampt 630 E. 162d st. N. Y. City. NEW YORK CITY. N.Y.—Military Surgeons' Association of United States. May 31 to June 2. Charles Adams, 69 State st., Chi- cago. III. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.—National Mana- gers of Newspaper Circulation. June 12, 1900, J. L. Boeshans, care State Journal, Columbus, O. NEW YORK. N. Y—American Association for Advancement of Science. June 25 to 3i#. 1900. Cha*. Bakersvllle. Chapel Hill. N. \. NEW YORK. N. Y—National Convention. Ladles' Loyal Orange Association. July 18. ChTlstena Mllllgan, Saugus, Mass. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—American Asso- *:'otlon for the Advnnct-ment of Science. June 23 to 30. L. O. Howard, Cosmos Club, Washington. 1). C. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.—Geological Soci- ety of America. June 26. II. L. Fairchild, Rochester. N. Y., secy. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.—American Chemi- cal Society. June 25 and 26. Albert C. Hale. R51 Putnam avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.—Society of Ameri- can Florists and Ornamental Horttcultural- ists. Aug. 21 to 24. S. J. Stewart. 67 Brom- fleld street. Boston. Mass. NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y.—National Confec- tioners' Association. July 6 and 7. V. D. Seward. 525 North Main street, St. Louis. Missouri. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.—Rough Rid«rs' Reunion. June 21 to 25. 1900. Capt. J. L. P. Alexander. Phoenix, Ariz. OLD ORCHARD, ME.—Chatauqua by tlm Sea. for Eastern New England, .lulv 26 to Sept. 1. Mrs. Susan A. Porter. '45 An- ilonn st. Penbody. Mass. OLD.POINT COMFORT. VA.—National Den- tal Association. July 10 to IS. Mrs. Emma Fames Chase. D.H.S., J3J< Washington ave- nue, St. Louis, Mo. - OLD POINT COMFORT, VA.—National As- sociation of Dental Faculties. July 13. Dr. .1. II. Kennerly, 905 Chemical Building, St. Louis, MO(. PEORIA, ILL.—Germnn Roman Catholic Central Verein Society, National Conven- tion. Sept. 9 to 12. Peter J. Boufscheidt, 722 First av.', Peoria, 111. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Knights of St John. June fco to 28, 1900; M. J. Kane, 902 D. S. Morgan Bldg.. Buffalo, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—American Laryngo- logical and Ototogical Society. May 31 %o June 2. D. B. Kyle, Philadelphia, Pa.' PHILADELPHIA, PA.—American Federation or Musicians. June 5. Jacob Schniaits, Main st, cinciiinaii. O. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—National DeutsCh Amerakaiiischer Lebierbund. July 6 to 9. 1-1'or. 11. Ms Feireu, High School, Alleghe- ny, Pa. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Catholic Tltal Ab- stinence Lii.oii of Aug. 8 to l'J. Uev. A. P. Doyle, 415 \V. 53th St., New ■icrk C.ty. PHlLAIiMiPHIA. PA.—Eastern Maintenance of Way Assoc.atioii. M.6dl«j of September. F. C. Stoweli, Ware, Mass. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—National League of Musicians. June 7. H. S. Beissenberg, 1007 N. Alabama st, Indianapolis, lnd. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Republican National Convention. June, 1900. Mr. Shields, chair- man. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—National Republican Convention. Jane 19. PORT HURON, MIOH,—1... A. W. State Di- vision. July 2 to 5. Henry Perry, 245 Sbendan av., Detroit, Mich. PORT HURON, MICH.—National Good Roads Convention. July 2 to 5. W. G. Whitley. Atlanta. Ga. PORTLAND. MK.—Maine Trap Sheeting As- sociation. Aug. 15 and 19. s. M. Adams, box 413. POTTSTOWN, PA.—Ringing Rocks Park (Pa.) Sabbath School Assembly. Aug. 20 to 24. Rev. J. M. Shelby, Mt. Joy, Pa. PROVIDENCE. R. 1.—Northeastern Dental Association. Oct. 17 and 18. Edgar O. Kinsman. D.D.S.. 13 Brattle Sq., Cam- br.dge. Mass. RICHMOND, VA.—Tri-State Medical Asso- ciation of the Carolinas and Virginias. Richmond, Va. Midle of February, 1901. Paulus A. Irving. M:D:. 301 W; Grace st RICHMOND. VA.—Daughters Of America. Oct. 2. Julia Tipton. Dennlson. O. RICHMOND, VA.—The Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Oct. 10 to 14. Carleton Montgom- ery, 281 Fourth av.. New York City. RlvHJiONl), VA.—Older United American Mechanic*. Sept. 10 to 13. John Server. 1343 Arch st.. Philadelphia. SAN ANTONIO, TEX.—National Railroad Postal Clerks' Association. June 7, 190u. Geo. A. Woods, secy.. Portsmouth. N. H. SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—Baptist General Con- vention cf Texas. Nov. 9. A. E. Baten, Brownwocd. Tex.; J. H. Truett, White- wr'.ght. Tex. SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—Railway Trackmen of America. Dec. 3, 1900. John T. Wilson, G. C. St Louis. Mo. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Protestant Episco- pal ChufCh Convention. October, 19j1. Rev. C. L. Hutehins. SANTA MARIA DEL MAR. SANTA CRUZ— Catholic Ladies' Aid ■ Society. Sept 11. Margaret Curtis, 1135 Folscm st, San Fran* cisco, secy. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.—American Bar Association. Aug. 2S to 30. John Hinkley, 215 N. Charles st. Baltimore, Md. SCRANTON, PA.—United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. Sept. 18. P. J. McGuire. Box S84, Philadelphia. Fa. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.—Degree of Honor, Su- preme Lodge. June 11. Mrs. Mary A. Tinker. S. Mechanic st, Jackson, Mich. SPARTA, ILL.—General Synod of the Re- formed Presbyteriah Church in North America. June 13. J. Y. Boice, 2213 Spring Garden st. Philadelphia. Pa. SPRINGFIELD. ILL.—Illinois Live Stock Breeders' Association. Nov. 13 to 15. SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—Illinois Millers' State Association. First Wednesday in Decern-- ber. C. H. Seybt, Highland. III. STANTON, NEB.—Nebraska Saengerbund, Frank A. Raabe, Stanton, Neb. ST. JOSEPH, MO.—Knights of Maccabees rf Missouri. Second Tuesday, May. 1E01. A. Scgger. 1620 Front av.. Kansas City. Mo. ST. LOUIS. MO.—Brotherhood of Railway Trackmen of America. First Monday in December. John Wilson, 2212 Olive st, St. Louis, Mo. ST. LOUIS, MO.—Association of Railway Su- perintendents of Bridges and Buildings. Oct 16. S. F. Patterson. Concord. N. II. ST. LOUIS. MO.—National Association of El- ocutionists. June 25. If00. Mrs. Idoruoray Ritey,'103 Stcinway Hall. Chicago. 111. ST. LOUIS. MO.—Retail Dealers' Association of Vehicles and Implements of United Stages. Oct 3. J. R. Wright Domphan. Mo. ST. PAUL. MINN..—American Academy of Railway Surgeons. Sent. 5 and 6. Dr. T. B. Laccy, Council Bluffs, la. ST. PAUL, MINN.—Modern Woodmen of America. June 6, 1901. C. W. Hawes, Rock Island. III. ST. PAUL. MINN.—Grand Encampment. I. O. O. F. of Minnesota. January. 1901. S. E. Ferrec. Globe Bids. Minneapolis. ST. PAUL. MINN.—National Republican League of the United States. July 17 to 19. 1900. n II. Stine, Newport. Kv.. secy. STREATOR. ILL.—Catholic Knieht* of America. State Council. Aug. 21. J. E. Ma- honey. Farmer City. 111. STREATOR. ILL—U. R., C. K. of A. Third Tuesday In August J. J. Doheny, Efflng- hnm. 111. THOUSAND ISLANDS PARK.—Y. M. C. A. Athletic League of N. A. June, 1900. Dr. Luther Julick. Springfield, Mass. TOLEDO. O.—National Convention, G. A. R. 1903. TORONTA. CAN.—Canadian; Conferences ot Charities and Correction. June, 1900. A. M. Rnsebrugh. M. D., 62 Queen St, Bast, , Toronto, Canaja. TRAVERSE CITY, MICH.—Independent Or- der cf Good Templars. Aug. 28. M. E. Curtis, Big Rapids, Mich. . UNION HILL, N. J.—Order of True Friends. Oct 2. Morgan R. Clark, 163 Metropolitan Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. VALDOSTA. GA.—Valdosta Exposition. Oct 30 to Nov. 2, 1900. A. Moore. Valdosta. Ga.. mgr. WASHINGTON, D. C—The Order ot the Pa- trons of Husbandry. Nov. 14. John Trim- ble. 514 P st. WASHINGTON, D. C.-United Supreme Council Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Masons; also, Imperial Grand Council, Mystic Shrine. Oct. 3 to 6. Magnus L. Robinson, 606, S. Washington St., Alexan- dria, Va< WASHINGTON, D. Q.—Shrlners Imperial Codicil. June 5 to 7. 1900. Benj. Bowelt. secy.. Bbston, Mass. WASHINGTON, D. C—Sons of Revolution Triennial Session. April 19, 1902. James Mortimer, Montgomery, N. Y., secy. WATERBURY, CONN.—Democratic State Convelltich. June 7. tt'ATBRTOVVN, WIS.—German Soldiers' As- sociation. June 17 and 18, 1900. Gustav Zemhe. WAUSAU, WIS.—Northeastern Association and the Northwestern Association. Oct. 15. Carl Mathie, stipt. of the former, and M. H. Jackson, pres. of the latter. WELLINGTON. O.—Ohio Branch Interna- tional Order of the Kings Daughteix and Sons. Oct., 1900. Mrs. Florence H. Will- iams, 36 W. 30th- ave.. Columbus. O. WHEELING, W. VA.—Grand Lodge, I. O. Red Men. May 1 to 7, 1901. WHEELING. W. VA.—National Tobacco Workers' Union of America. Sept. 24. E. L. Evans. 422 Granite Block. St. Louis, Mo. WILLIAMS' GROVE, PA.—Grangers' Inter- state Picnic Exhibition. Aug. 27 to Sept. 1. R. H. Thomas, Mechanicsburg, Pa. WILMINGTON, N. C—North Carolina Phar- maceutical Association. July. P. W. Vanghan. Durham. N. C. WINCHESTER, KY.—Grand Lodge. K. of P. of Kentucky. Oct. 23 to 25. 1900. WORCESTER. MASS.—Clara Barton Tent No. 3. D. of V., at G. A. R. Hall, 35 Pearl st. First and second Monday of each month. Mrs. Ida B. Warren. 110 Chandler St. Worcester. Mass. YOUNGSTOWN. O.—Grand Council of Ohio. Foresters of America. Second Tuesday In May, 1901. Thos. L. Hopkins, 1402 Harvard et. Cleveland. O., secy. YOUNGSTOWN. O.—Knights of the Golden Eagle. Supreme Castle. Oct. 9 to 11. F. C. Williams, Youngstown, O. Races. BENNINGS, (WASHINGTON, D. O—Nov. 17 ib 30. BLUE GRASS RACING CIRCUIT—Geo. Sturgeon, Princeton, Mo., pres.; R. B. Lowry, Seymour, la., secy. Harris, Mo., Aug. 20 to 24; Princeton. Mo., Aug. 27 to 31; Lineville, la., Sept. 3 to 7; Seymour, la.. Sept 10 to 14; Centerville. la.. Sept. 17 to 21; Corydon, la., Sept. 24 to 28; Char- iton, la., Oct 1 to 5; Albia, la., Oct. 8 to 12; Lamoni, la., Oct. 15 to 19. BRANFORD, CONN.—May 9 and 10, May 20. June 7, June 13 and 14, June 21, July 4 and 5. July 12, July 18 and 19, July 26, Aug. 1 and 2. Aug. 9. Aug. 15 and 16, Aug. 23, Sept 3 and 4, Sept IS to 20. Oct. 17 and 18. BRIGHTON BEACH, N. Y.—July 5 to Aug. 8. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Buffalo Driving Club. Grand Circuit Meet Aug. 6 to 11. John B. Sage, secy. CEDAR VALLEY, IOWA.—Dr. G. W. Fisher, La Porte, la., pres.; Leop. Levy, Waverly, la., secy. Circuit: Cresco, la., June 6 and 7, C. A. L. Louis, secy.; De- corah, la., June 12 to 14. G.F. Baker, secy.: Waverley, la., June 19 to 21, E. H. Curtis, secy.; Cedar Rapids, June 26 to 28. J. W. Griffith, secy.; LaPorte, la., July 3 to 5. H. G. Conger, secy.; Marshalltown, la., July 10 to 12. J. S. Finkle. secy. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CIRCUIT.— Williamsport. Sept. U to 14: Hughesville, Sept. 18 to 21; Lewisburg, Sept. 25 to 2S; Milton, Oct 2 to 5; Bloomsburg, Oct 9 to 12. CHICAGO, ILL.—Washington Park. June 23 to July 21. OHICO. CAL.—Aug. 13 to 18. CIRCUIT OF THE UPPER OHIO VALLEY— Wheeling. W. Va„ Sept 10 to 14: Woods- field, Sept. 4 to 6; St. Clairsville. Sept 5 to 7; Smyrna. Sept. 12 to 14; Moundsville. Sept. 18 to 21; Smithfield. Sept 26 to 28: New Martinsville. Aug. 21 to 24: Middlebourne. Aug. 28 to 31: Cadiz. Oct 2 to 4. CLEVELAND. O.—July 23 to 27. COLUMBUS. O.—July 30 to Aug. 3. COLUMBUS. O—Jnly 23 to 27. COLIWOA, CAL.—July 23 to 28. DETROIT. MICH.—June 14 to 27. 1900. MTBdlT. MtOH.—Aug. 16 to 29. 1900. EMPIRE CITY. N. Y.—Oct. 22 to Nov. 3. FORT ERIE. ONT.—June 30 to July 31, 1900. FORT ERIE. ONT.—Sept. 1 to 22. 1900. OORHEN. N. Y.—Aug. 21 to 24. GREAT WESTERN CIRCUIT.—Terre Haute, lnd., July 2 to 7: Peoria. HI.. July 9 to 14; Davenport. la.. July 16 to 21: Des Moines, la.. July 23 to 26: Hedrick. la.. July 30 to Aug. 4: Joliet. 111.. Aug. 6 to 11; Freeport. HI., Aug. 13 to 18; Dubuaue. la.. Aug. 20 to 25: Indianapolis, Sept. 17 to 22: Hamline, Minn.. Sent 3 to 8: Milwaukee. Wis.. Sept in to 15: Indianapolis. lnd., 1 7to 22: Terre Haute. lnd.. Sept 24 to 29: Springfield, Ill- Sept. 24 to 29. GRAVESEND. N. Y.—May 26 to June 16. Sept. 17 to 29. HARTFORD. CONN.—Aug. 27 to 31. HIGHLAND PARK, MICH.—June 14 to Aug. 16 to 29. INDEPENDENCE, IA.—Ang. 27 to Sept. 1 INLAND LAKE. WIS.—Aug. 20 to 25. JACKSON, O.—Big Race Meet July 4. LA POKTE CITY, PA.—July 3 to 5. H. Conger, secy. LATONIA, KY.—Latonia Jockey Club. M 28 to June 2; June 11 to 16; June 21 to ; June 28 to 30. MANSFIELD, O.—July 3 to 5. H. E. Be secy. MORRIS PARK, N. Y.—May 5 to 25; Oct. to 20. NARRAGANSETT PARK, PROVIDENCE. : I.—Aug. 28 to 31. 1 NEWPORT, KY.—Queen City Jockey Clii May 21 to 26; June 4 to 9; June IS tb t June 25 to 27: July 2 to 4. NORTHEASTERN OHIO CIRCUIT.—Roc fort, June 12 to 14; Newburg, June 19 to 1 Valley Track, June 26 to 28; Youngstow July 3 to 5; Akron. July 10 to 12: McKe Rocks, July 17 to 19; Erie, July 24 to E Warren. Aug. 1 to 3; Rockport. Aug. 7 to Valley Track, Aug. 14 to 16: Newburg. Au 21 to 23; Youngstown. Aug. 28 to 30: M Kees Rocks, Sept. 4 to 8. PRINCETON. MO—July 2 to 4. 1900. RACING CIRCUIT FOR NEBRASKA—Ne- braska Speed Association. Circuit: Bla Fremont. Hastings, Friend, Anrora, Centr City. Kearney. Osceola. Red Cloud. Nelso Hubbell. Geneva. Seward. Lincoln. Beatric Every week from June 20 to Oct. 20. W. P. McCreary. Hastings, Neb., pres.; A. ; Farrens. Hastings. Neb., secy. READVILLE, MASS.—Aug. 20 to 26. RED PLUFF. CAL.—Aug. 6 to H. SARATOGA. N. Y.—Aug. 1 to 31. SHEEPSHEAD BAY, N. Y.—June 16 to Ju 4; Aug. 25 to Sept 15. SOUTHWESTERN MISSOURI BLUE RI1 BON FAIR ASSOCIATION CIRCUIT—M berly. Mo., July 24 to 29; Columbia, Mt July 31 to Aug. 3: Holden, Mo.. Aug. 7 to 1 Rich Hill, Mo., Aug. 14 to 17; Harrisonvill Mo., Aug. 21 to 24; Springfield. Mo.. Au 28 to 31. W. A. Dennis, circuit secy. ST. LOUTS. MO.—Mav 12 to August 24. TEXAS RACING FAIR CIRCUIT.—Wichit Kan., Sept 4 to 7: Cleburne. Tex.. Sent to 15: Denton. Tex.. Sept 19 to 22: Denr son, Tex., Sept. 25 to 28; Dallas. Tex.. Ser 29 to Oct 14: Corsicana, Tex.. Oct 15 to 1 San Antonio. Tex.. Oct 20 to Nov. 3; Hou ton, Tex.. Nov. 10 to 17. VALDOSTA. GA.—Oct 30 to Nov. 2. WESTCHESTER. N. Y.—May 12 to Aug. '. WILLOWS. CAL.—July 30 to Aug. 4. WOODLAND. CAL.—Aug. 27 to Sept. 1. STREET MEN ?g a y t oa kaow ^ RAG TIME * STICK PINS ARE THE LATEST CRAZE They are RED HOT SELLERS for Street Hairs. County Fairs. Car- nivals and all sim- ilar occasions. Sample S cts. Write for terms. mm LUCKY. Rabbits 9 Feet FOR THE RACES, Street Fairs. County Fairs. Etc\ 'i { Each foot mounter tf upon an attractively printed card. !, We furnish you will £ the proper "spiel'' t- & malce while selllnj S Rablits' Feet. Handsome red. whit and blue silk cord an- silver plated ring !o | attaching to butto* fe holes, watch chaim ^ bracelets etc. Great Seller: Sample 10 cts. i, Write for terms. THE PETT1B0NE BROS. MFG. GO CINCINNATI, O. FERRIS WHEEL About One Hundred Feet High, Twenty Cars, Six Passengers each Car. E. J. CODD CO., 700 S.Carolina Street, BALTIMORE, MC I