The billboard (Jan-June 1900)

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f m BlLLtiOARt). v. J CAWADA. ; ONTE, ONT.—North tawark AgHctit- al Society. Sept. 25 to 27. 1300.: John rzytinB, Cedar Hill, Out., pres.; James bertson, Almonte, Ont.. treas.; Wm. D. liBwen, Almonte, Ont., secy. . MER, ONT.—Ayhner's Great Fair, East ;in County Fair Association. Sept. 18 to 1900. ; D. H. Price, secy.-treas.; A. A. ilie, pres. ?MANVILLE, ONT.—West Durham Agrl- tural Society. Sept. 13 and 14, 1900. W. Pollard, pres.; Albert E. Clements. Ty- e. Ont., vice pres.; W. F. Allen, Beach . Bowmanville. Ont., treas.; M. A. James, '• A Drawer 7 Bowmanville. Ont., secy. NTFORD, ONT.—Fair. Sept. 15 to 22. )rge Hately. secy. OF CHATHAM, KENT, ONT.—Pen I li- ar Fair. West Kent Agricultural Sbbi- Oct. 9 to 1U Jas. Chinnick. pres.; G. Fleming, treas.; Henry Robinson, y. L.INGWOOD, ONT.—Great Northern Er- itioh. Sept. IS to 21. Chas.. Lawrence, s.; _W. J. France, treas.; J. W. Archer, 637, secy, IFAX. CAN.—Nova Scotia Provincial iitblttoo Commission. Sept. 12 to 20,1900. n. J. W. Longley, Halifax, N. S.. pres.; R. Clark, Halifax. N. S., treas.; J. E. od. Halifax. N. S.. secy. *OON. ONT., CANADA.—The Western c r Association. Sept. 6 to 15, 1900. St. . W. M. Gartsbone. pres.; D. Mackenzie, is.; J. A. Nelles, secy. DEN. CAN.—Morden Agricultural Soci- . Sept. 27 and 28. 1900. J. F. Hutchin- , pres.; J. Gilchrist, secy.-treas. RISBTJRG, ONT.—Dundas County Fair. J. 29 and 30, 1900. J. Wesley Allison, jrrisbnrg-. Ont.. pres.; G. F- Bradfleld. rrisburg. Oat. secy. AWA. ONT.—Central Canada Exhibition ... m oclaUon. Sept. 14 to 22, 1900. Wm. ■5 t! fccblnson. 31. P.. pres.; E. McMahon. #M if. •3RVILLE. ONT.—South Norwich Fair; . 5 and G. Alex. M. Farlam, secy. LEY, ONT.—Centre Bruce Exhibition. tt. 25 and 26. Geo. Chambers, pres.; F. iSheppard, secy. RBOROUGH, ONT.—Peterborough Cen- Exhibition. Sept. 18 to 20. F. H. Dob- ! pres.; W. J. Green, secy, and treas. ON, ONT.—Prince Edward County l:t-> Fair. Sept. 26 and 27. Thomas Big- *'-, secy. COTT, ONT.—South Grenville Agricul- i Society. Sept. IS and 20. 1900. G. T. >ard. Prescott, Out., pres.; R. S. Throop. scott, Ont.. vice prea.; T. K. Melville, iscoct. Ont.. seey. IMOND. CAN.—Oarleton County Agrl- tural Society. Sept. 12 and U, 1900. Sh S. Conn. Ottawa. Out., pres.; Wm. .Stroy. Ricbmon<d, Ont., secy. IL.T STB. MARIE, ONT.—Kast Algania [•ieultural Society. Oct. 2 and 3. J. Daw- j. pres.; Wm. Brown, secy.-treas. jtBKOOKE. QUEBEC—Canada's Great tern Exhibition. Sept. 3 to 8. Hon. J. ntosh. pres.; W. M. Tomlinson, treas. secy. US. MANITOBA.—Glenwood Agricultn- j I-Society. Aug. 7 to 9. Capt-Wood, pres.; J| I. Crisp, secy.-treas. EE RIVERS. QUEBEC—Association Ag- : ,le Du Dustrict Des Trois-Rivieres. Sept. * • 15. 1900. H_ Caron. M. P. P.. St. Leon, *.; C. D. Hebert. Three Rivers, mgr. >NTO. CAN.—-Conadas Great Exposl- i and Industrial Fair. Aug. 27 to Sept. » J 909 - J- J- Withrow. Toronto. Can., fi.; Dr. A. Smith. Toronto. Can., vice £.; J. Edwards. • Toronto. Can., treas.; f ;J. Hill, Toronto, Can., secy, and mgr. tLACETOWN, ONT.—West Elgin Agri- tural Society. Oct. 4 and 5. E. J. h m , <rk, box 25, secy. % 5LBSLET, ONT.—V . . -Wellesley- and North- £<t Hope. Sept. 11 and 12. 1900. A. M. hfur. Amubree. Ont. pres.; Geo. Bell- ji te^r. Wellesley, Ont., secy. Hi Jl'DBRIDGE. ONT.—Woodbridge Fair. j'jf ilJadll Richard Willis, pres.; T F [ J; "SB juace. secy.; N. C. Wallace, treas.. H B« DSTOCK - ONT.—North Riding of Ox- :• «■"*. Blanaford and East Oxford Agricul- j) .0? tf Society. Sept. 26 to 28. 1900. Valen- P FIcht. pres.; F. H. Dent. Woodstock, vice pres.; R. A. LawteJl, Woodstock. secy. MANITOBA. ■fDON, MAN.—Western Agricultural and B Association (Western Manitoba Big r- July 31 to Aug. 3. 1900. W. J. Llnd- > Brandon. Man., pres.; F. J. Clark, ftdon, Man., secy.-treas. »AWA. MANITOBA.—Beautiful Plains ieultural Society. Aug. 7 and 8. G. S. IGregor, pres.; John Wemyss, secy. teN. MAN.—County of Virdin Agrlcul- Hl'M 5. s^iXL. Ju i r u and x > 190 °- w m. ii! '* men, VlrdJn, Man., pres.; A. G. MoDou- aecr. im ireet Fairs and Carnivals. ^AND, KY.—Street Fair and Merchants' irnival. July 2 to 7. H. F. Bryan, pres.; ^ Martin, secy. ~ iEV'H-LE, ILL.—Street Fair Committee, ,evllle Commercial Club. . Sept. 10 to 15, fc Albert Hucke. Belleville. 111., pres.; L Halstead, Belleville. HI., treas.; Cfaaa. HeiKtifcien. Belleville. 111., secy. BOSTON. MASS.—Elks' Carnival. Aug. 6 to 11, 1900. Combination Park. CALUMET, MICH.—Upper Peninsula Fire' men's Association Tournament. Aug. 6 to S: 'John D. Cuddiby, chairman; Homer A. Guck, secy. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—Carnival and Street Fair. Oct. 1 to 6. Geo. K. Barton, pres.; C. L. Miller, treas.; Alex. Charles, secy. CENTRAL LAKE, MICH.—Street Fair. Sept. 25 to 27. T. M. Rushton, pres.; H. A. Stev- ens, treas.: Carl Stroebel, secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—Chicago Khorassan Kar- nival and Industrial Exposition. June 25 to July-14. John G. Scorer, nigr. CORNING. N. Y.—Free Street Fair. Harrv Sternberg, manager. DANVILLE. VA1—Free Street Fair and Car- nival. Oct. 1 to 6. Geo. D. Benson, Roa- noke, Va., director gen'!. DE FUNIAK SPRINGS, FLA.—De Funiak Street Fair Association. Sept. 28 and 29. W. L. Cawthon. pres.; W. T. May, vice pres.; R. W. Storrs, secy.-treas. DEXTER, IA.—Dexter Street Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 25 to 27. J. C. Scoles, pres.; I. L. Patton, treas.; A. B. Eastman, secy. EAST HADDAM, CONN.—Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Town. June 6. EDWARDSVILLE, ILL.—Ma-"son County Centennial. Aug. 28 to 31. Major J. T. Crocker, pres.; H. P. Hotz, treas.; H. C. Gerke. secy. EMPORIA, KAS.—Emporia Street Fair. Sept. 26 to 28. J. E. Evans, pres.; Harry Mc- Candless, secy. FAIRMONT, W. VA,—Street Fair. June 21 to 23. Clyde Fleming, mgr. FORT FAIRFIELD, 'ME.—Celebration, July 4. E. E. Austin, secy. HOUGHTON, MICH—Street Fair and Car- nival. July 2 to 7. Percy H. Fenimore, secy. HUNTINGTON, W. VA.—Elks' Carnival and Street Fair. June 4 to 9. LA PORTE CITY, IA.—Big Fourth of July Celebration. July 3 to 5. H. G. Conger, secy. LOVELAND, COL.—Loveland Free Street Fair and Northern Colorado Exposition. Last of September. W. C. Stiles, pres.; G. H. Patterson, secy.; R. S. Coe. treas. LUXORA, ARK.—Carnival and Free Street Fair. June 28 to 30. Will A. Smith, mgr.. Lock Box 5. MACON. GA.—Macon Street Fair and Carni- val. Sept. 24 to 29. Hon. Birdges Smith, secy. MANCHESTER, TENN.—Manchester Street Fair. Oct. 6 and 7. J. E. Willis, treas. MARION, IND.—Elks Street Fair and Car- nival. June 11 to IS. E. 1^. Kinneman, chairman. MERIDIAN, GA.—Meridian Clerks' Associ- ation Celebration. July 4. METROPOLIS. ILL.—Free Street Fair. Sept. 18 to 22, 1900. C. P. Treat, pres.; W. A. Fitch, treas.; Frank Adams, vice pres. and secy. MONTGOMERY, ALA.—Commercial and In- dustrial Association Street Fair. Oct. 15 to 20. L.. L. Gilbert, seey. MONTPELIBR. IND.—Montpelier Street Fair Association. Aug. 15 to 18. Harry A. Dodge Montpelier. Ind., pres.; J.W. Ciosbie. Mont- pelier, Ind., vice pres.; D. A. Bryson, Mont- pelier. Ind.. treas.; C. L. Smith. Montpelier, Ind., mgr.; C. L. Smith. Montpelier. Ind.. secy. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.—Reunion of Roosevelt's Rough Riders. July 1 to 4 Clifton George, secy. PADUCAH, KY-Twentieth Annual Eman- cipation Celebration. Aug. 8. Minor Brad- Shaw, secy. ROANOKE, VA.—Free Street Fair and Car- nival. July 2 to 7. Geo. D. Benson, d rect- or gen'l. ROCHESTER. N. Y.—Fair and Carnival. Aug. 13 to 18. J. E. Furlong, mgr. RUSHVILLE, IND.—Street Fair and Carni- val. July 9 to 14, 1900. Will C. Bretz, pres.; R. F. Scudder, secy. SHERIDAN. WYO.-rMid-Summer Carnival. July 3 to 5. Bert Coffeen, mgr. SLEEPY EYE. MINN.—The Sleepy Ere Street Fair Association. Last week in Sep- tember. 1900. A. C. Von Hagen, pres.; J. P. Bertrand, treas.; H. G. Hays, secy. SOUTHPORT, CONN.—Firemen's Tourna- ment. Aug. 6 to 11. W. B. Penny, secy. STOCKTON, CAL.—Street Fair. June 20 to July 4. Orrin S. Henderson, pres.; W. W. Westbay, treas.; Calvin B. Brown, secy. TOLEDO. O.—I. O. O. F. Carnival . July 23 to 28. J. J. Deveaux, mgr. TOPEKA, KAS.—Home Products Exposition . and Great Street Fair and Carnival. May 28 to June 2. W. H. Sliter, secy. TULLAHOMA, TENN.—Mid-Summer Festi- val. July 4 to 6. Dock Aydlelott, mgr. VALDOSTA. GA.—Street Fair. June 20 to 22. D. N. Baldwin, mgr. Chas. Thomp- son, secy, and treas. WEST SUPERIOR. WIS—Elks Carnival. July 4 to 13. Will H. Lawler, mgr. WILMINGTON, DEL.—Elks Street Carnival and Fair. June 18. Robt. S. Baird. direc- tor gen'l; C. H. Simmons, treas.; Hunter Grubb, secy. WICHITA, KAN.—Carnival and Fall Festi- val (street fair). Oct. 1 to 6. H. C. Lock- wood, secy. WILLIAMSPORT. PA."—Street Fair. June 11 to 16. Geo. H. Bubb. mgr. WINCHESTER, KY—Street Fair. July 3 to E. W. H. Garner, secy. Expositions. 4th of July Celebrations. THE BILLBOARD BUFFALO, N. Y.—Fan American Exposition. May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901. John G. Mi;burn. pres.; Edwin Fleming, secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Home Products Exposi- tion. June 1 to 7. C S. Winsborough. secy. LONDON, ENG., EARL'S COURT.—Women's International Exposition. 1900. Imre Ki- ralfy, manager. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.—National Con- gress of Rough Riders, Festival and Car- nival. First week in June. ST. LOUIS, MO.—World's International" Ex- position, 1903. . TOLEDO, O.—Ohio Centennial Exposition. May, 1902. Addition?! Shows. ATLANTA. GA.—Southern Interstate Fair Horse Show. Oct. 23 to 27. T. II. .Martin, seey. CHBCAGO, ILL.—International Live Stock Exhibition. Dec. 1 to 8, 1900. R. Z. Merrick, Chicago, secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Hereford-Shorthorn Show and Sale. Oct. 16 to 20. NEW YORK. N. Yl—Automobile Show. Nov. 14 to 24, 1900. Marcus Nathan, Grand Cen- tral Palace, New York. Dog Shows. CLEVELAND, O.—Cleveland Kennel Club. C. M. Munhall, secy. DAXBUEY, CONN.—Danbury Agricultural Society. Oct. 2 to 6. Jas. Mortimer, supt. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Philadelphia Dog Show Association. Nov. 21 to 24. M. A. Vite, seey. TORONTO, CANADA-Twelfth Annual Dog Show Industrial Exhibition Association. Sept. 3 to 6. W. P. Fraser, Ontario Jockey Club, secy. Poultry Shows. ATLANTA. GA.—Southern Interstate Fair Poultry Show. Oct. 17 to 27. T. H. Mar- tin, secy. JEFFERSON, IA.—Poultry Show. Sept. 13 to 15. 1900. D. H. Grimall, pres.; P. O. Brown, secy. UPPER SANDUSKY, O—The Upper Sandus- ky Poultry Association. Dec. IS to 21. A. E. Walton, pres.; Ira T. Matteson, supt.; T. H. Inman, secy. Foreign Races. Ascot Week—June 12 to 16. Cambridgeshire—Oct. 24. Cesarewitch—Oct. 10. Dewhurst Plate—Oct. 25. Doncaster St. Leger—Sept. 12. Eclipse Stakes ($50,000)—July 20. Goodwood Cup—Aug. 1. Grand Prize of Paris—June 10. Jockey Club Stakes (J50.000)—Sept. 27. Manchester November Handicap—Nov. 24. Middle Park Plate^—Oct. 12. Oaks—June 1. Princess of Wales ($50,000)—July 5. Anderson* Ind. Augusta, Wis. Aurora, Hi. liai vt<i Vt. iiatavin, X. Y. Hellas-t. X. Y. Bellows l''alls. Vt. lit stumor. Ala. l!ltic K;irlh, .Minn. Buttertield, Minn. lloonville. Mo. lfon.rbcu, Ind. Cairo, III. Cambridge. O. Canton, o. Castlewncd, S. D. tle.itralia. Mo. Charleston, HI. Clinton, la. Colfax. 111. Darlington, Wis. Dover. Mo. Eagle. Wis. liast Liverpool, O. Edwardsville, 111. Frankfort, Ky. Galesvilie. \\ is. Greenville, O. Guildford Court lioUs<\ K'. "O. Hastings. Neb. Henderson, Ky. Hornellsville, N. Y. Houlton. Me. Huntsville. Ala. Indianapolis, lud. Jackson. Mich. Jamestown, O. Johnsonburg, Pa. Leadville, Col. Loekport. X. Y. Lowell. Mass. Madison, lud. Malone, N. Y. Melrose, Mass. Meridian. Miss. Moline, III. Monroe, Wis. Morristown. Tenn. , Xew Haven, Conn. Oregon. 111. Oshkosh, Wis. Owosso,* Mich. Painesville, O. Perryville-Auburn, Me. Peru, 111. Piovidence. R. I.- Pulaski, N. Y. Ripley, O. Rives Junction, Mich. Roanoke, Va. Rossville. III. Rushford. Minn. Schuylerville, N. Y. Sheridan. ■. Wyo. Sinirlairville, N. Y. Scmerville. Mass. Sterling. HI. Stockton. Cal. Terre Haute. Ind. Upper Sandusky, O. Vincennes. Ind. Wausati, Wis. Worthington, Minn. /\. J. TURNER, CITY BILLPOSTER and DISTRIBUTOR, CARLINVILLE. ILL. ITp-to date advertisinc; controls jS towns: best of reference. All letters promptly answered MORTON, THE CINCINNATI BILLPOSTER I want to hear from every Billposter—as list of locations at your lowest rates of posting. EXECUTIVE OFFICE: - - 113 East Fifth Street, - - CINCINNATI, OHIO. MORTON. The Cincinnati Billposter, PRINTERS OF ART POSTERS, Art Bulletins in Cincinnati, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburg, Louisville, Columbus, Dayton and Indianapolis. Genthmeii.—Do you want faithful work done? If so, apply to — J. F. CLARK, For Distributing and Sign Tacking, MEMBER OF THE I. A. OF D. Covers 10 Towns. Box 92, eOIVWAY, ARK. BILLPOSTER CUTS. livery Billposter wants n set of these MINIATUKK CUTS to put on station- ery ami all kinds of printed matter They make most attractive embellishments for booklets, circulars, and announce- ments. It would cost about S6.00 to have tlieiu desiitued and engraved but for only V S cents we will mail, prepaid, all six cuts, electros, ready to print from, and credit you with a years' subscription to Tub Aovrktising World. We do this to introduce our splendid journal to all the up-to-date billposters of America Send to-day and be the first in your town to use them. Address, Advertising World, Columbus, Ohio* eonuennons, Tetcs, Cclcbratlom, e tc. J Under this heading we publish free oj a charge the dates of all notable events, which a are HAety to attract large concourses of people a to any one pa rticularcity a ndfor this reason ., prove of importance to advertisers, showmen, A streetmen, general passenger agents, etc. 4 The Nit u carefully revised and corrected & monthly. ^ jcc o eec o cccoccccccct *^ ARDMORE, I. T.—Indian Territory Demo- cratic Convention. June 11, 190U. John L Salt, Ardmore, I. T. ASBUKY PAltK, N. J.—General Synod of the Itcformed Church in America. June 8. Vim. Rev. Wm. H. Dullart. Itaritan, N. J. ATLANTA, GA.—Southern Surgical & Gyne- cological Association. Nov. 13. \V. K It Davis, M.D., Birmingham, Ala. ATLANTA, GA.—Young People's Christian Union of the Universalist Church. July 11 to 18. Hev. A. J. Cardall, 30 West St., Bos- ton, Mass. ATLANTA. GA.—Train Dispatchers of Amer- ica. June 14, MOO. J. S. Mac Me, steward; Ave.. Chicago ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Ancient Illustrious Order of Knights of Malta. Oct. 1G to 2Si. Frank Gray, northeast corner Broad and Arch St., Phila. ATLANTIC CITY—The American Medical As- sociation. June 1 to S, 1900. Dr. Philip Mar- vil, chairman. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—The National Fra- ternal Press Association. Aug. 21 to 25. A. E. Stevenson. 6136 Kimbark av., Chicago. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—National Electric Medical Association. June 19 to 21. P. Howes, 703 Washington St., Dorchester Dis- trict, Boston, Mass. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—United States Breed Association. June 6 and 7. 1900. Chas. Wainer. 109 K. lath St., N. Y. City. ATLANTIC CITY, X. J.—National Associa- tion Car Service Managers. June IS, 1900. A. G. Thomason, STauton, Pa. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Grand Lodge of Elks. July 12, 1900. BALTIMORE. MI).—Shield of Honor. June 5. Wm. T. Henry, 205 E. Fayette St. BALTIMORE. MD.—National Association ot Master Plumbers. June, 1900. Chas. L. Byrne, 430S Cottage Grove av., Chicago, 111. B1NGHAMTON. N. Y.—Y. P. S. C. K. Stale Convention. Oct. 15 to 17. 1900. BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—General Assembly of the Knights cf Labcr. Nov. 13. J. W. Hayes, 4:1 B st. N. W., Washington, V. C. BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—The Galilean Fisher- men. June 5. C. C Stewart, Bristol, Tenn. BOSTON. MASS. — Coopers' International Union of N. A. Oct. 8. James A. Cable, 542 Elizabeth av.. Kansas City, Kan. BOSTON. MASS.—New England Amateur . Rowing Association. July 4. John C. Con- igan-. East Boston, Mass. BOSTON, MASS.—Supreme Council, Home Circle. June 20. Julius McSwain, 120 Tre- raont St., Boston, Mass. BOSTON, MASS.—Society of Arts and Crafts. Spriag. 1901. Henry L. Johnson, 272 Con- gress st., Boston, Mass. BOSTON, MASS.—International Convention, Y. M. C. A. June 11 to IS. 1900. R. C. Morse. 3 W. 2Dth St., N. Y. Citv. BOSTON. MASS.—Ancient Order of Hiber- nians. July, 1S0O. J. O. Sullivan, Philadel- phia, Pa. BUFFALO, X. Y.—The Royal Templars. June 12. 1900. E. B. Rew. 43 Niagara St., Buf- falo. N. Y. BUFFALO, N. Y.—American Associat'on of General Passengers and Ticket Agents* As- sociation. Oct. 16. 1900. A. J., Cleve- land. O. BUFFALO, X. Y.—National Association of Window Trimmers of America. Aug. 6 to 9. L. Frank Bail 111, 1205 Star Buildiug, Chicago. III. BUFFALO, N. Y—Ilolstcin Fricsian Associ- ation of America. June 5 and 6. F. L. Houghton. Brattleboro. Vt. BUFFALO. N. Y.—Knights of Honor. June 12. B. F. Nelson, S16 Olive St.. St. Louis. Mo., secy. BURLINGTON, IA. — Nineteenth Annual Saengerfcst. Aug. 9 to 12. Jos. N. Kolz, secy. BURLINGTON. IA.—The Evangelical Augus- tana Synod of North America. June 15. 1900. Rev. Theodore Kjellgrcn, Scandia, Wash. Co.. Minn. CEDAR RAPIDS. IA.—Amer'can Poland China Record Convention, l-'eb. 13 and 14, 1901. W. M. McFaddon. West Libertv. la. CEDAR RAPIDS. IA.-Grand Lodge of Iowa. Knights of Honor. Second Tuesday in April. 1901. J. G. Graves. Lock Box 13. Cedar Rapids. la., secy. CHANUTE. KAN.-Grand Lodge. Degree of Honor of A. O. U. W. First Wednesday in May. 1901. Mrs. Georgia Notestine. Hiawa- ttm. Kan., secy. CHARLESTON. S. C— National Educational Association. July 7 to 13. Irwin Shepard, Winonn. M'nn. CHARLESTON. S. C—National Teachers' As- fwrfnHori. .1njy ? to 13. 1<W0. CHICAGO. ILL.—National Harness Manufac- turers' and Dealers' Protective Association of the United States. 1D6 W. Randolph st. Edw. P. I'nmlck. seey. CHICAGO, ILL.—American Seed Trade Asso- ciation. June 12 to 14. S. F. Willard, Wothcrsfield. Conn., seev. CHICAGO. ILL.—United States Veteran Sig- nal Corps. I<ast week In August. 1900. Chas. f>. W. M'arcy. 155 Franklin St.. Doyton, Mb™,, scrv. CHICAGO, ILL.—American Seed Trad" Asso- e'ntlon. Jeno 12 to 14. S. F. Willard, WetliPrsfleld. Conn. CHICAGO ILL.-Nntinnnl Wholesale Hme- e'sts' Associat'on. Sept. 10 to IS. A. B. Merrlam, Minneapolis, Minn. ^^.^P 0 ' Iu *—Grand Lodge, D. O. H. der ." .. Seirt - 6 - Chas. Lauber, 107 Somers St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL.—Bohemian Catholic Central Union sept. 26. F. Lindelar, 56 Jewett St.. Cleveland, O. CHICAGO. ILL.—California Volunteer Vet- eran Association. Aug. 28 to Sept. 1. Capt. Geo. H. Pettis, Providence, R. I., secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—State Bar Association. July 111 *' 1900 ' J ' H ' Matheny, Springfield, CHICAGO, ILL.—Prohibitionists State Con- vention. June 26, 1900. Hale Johnson, ehaii- CH1CAGO. ILL.—Prohibition National Con- vention. June 27, 1900. W. T. Warden secy. ™<»c", CHICAGO, ILL.-G. A. R., National Encamp- arf Phdf*■*.?' h 1 - 0 ^ -•■ Thomas J. Stew- art^ Philadelphia. Pa., secy. n CI ,^ NAT1 - O-—National Convention B. Y. P. U. July 12 to* 15, 1900. Rev. E. E. nivel'vJ.™ Dearborn St.. Chicago. CLNLINNATI, O.—International Hot Water and bteam Fitters' Association. June 4 Henry B. Jombers, 260 W. Broadway, New "tork City. C, w!F XiVAT {' °- N *a«onal Mexican War Veterans Association. Encampment. Sept. 12 to 14. 1900 Col. F. T. Foster, 406 Vine st. _ Cincinnati. O.. seey. CINCINNATI, O.—American Boiler Manufac- turers Association. Sept. 18 to 20. J D Jarasey, Forest st. and N. Y., P. & O. Ry " Cleveland, O. y "" CINCINNATI, O.—The Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Jan. 15, 1901. Lip- ^, n JA?..f' evv ' Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CINCINNATI, O.-General Grand Chapter of Itoyal Arch Masons of United States. Sept ^. A..Sl"" ist °P het " Fo *< Brooklyn, N. Y. ^^^H* 1 "' O—American Loyal League. July 28, 1900. J. L. Dwyer, Detroit, Mich. CLEVELAND. O.—The Traveling Engineers' Association Sept. 11. W. O. Thompson, Elkhart, Ind. CLEVELAND, O.—Traveling Freight Agents- Association. June 7, 1900, G. A. Blair 12 Carew Bldg., Cincinnati, O. ' CLEVELAND, O.—International Brotherhood of Bookbinders. June 5. J. A. B Espey ri S2 Jv^r C A e .Sr? s A- S i. W " Washington. D. C." CLLVi.LA.ND, O.—National Apple Shippers' Association. Aug. 1 to 3. A. Warren Patch, Boston, Mass. CLEVELAND, O.—National Prison Chap- lains' Association. Sept. 15 to 11. Rev C L. Winget, Columbus, O. CLINTON, IA.—Mississippi Valley Spiritual ists Association. July 29 to Aug. 26. Mrs Stella A. Fisk, Keokuk, la. COLUMBUS..O.—Ohio Trap Shooters' League. June a to 7. J. C. Porterfield, 11 S. High st., care E. J. Porterfield & Co. COLUMBUS. O—The Order of the United Commercial Travelers of America. June 28 and 30. Chas. B. Flagg, Columbus. DALLAS. TEX.—Concatenated Order Hoo Hoo. Oct. 9. J. H. Baird, Nashville Tenn secy. ' DALTON, MASS.—National Division, Sons of Temperance cf North America. July 10 to .14. B. H. Jewell. Stoneham, Mass.: James H. Roberts, chairman committee on badges 137 Portland st., Boston-, Mass. ' DALTOX. MASS.—National Div. Sons of Temperance of North America. Julv 10 to 14. Benj. R. Jewell. Stoneham, Mass", secv DENISON, IA.—Woodmen of the World Grand Encampment. June 7. B. D. Stivers' DENVER, COL.—Colorado Bar Association. June 27 and 2S. Lucius W. Hoyt, Denver, Col. DENVER. COL.-Y. P. C. V. Church. July 2i. to 30. D. F. McGill, 1411 Fulton St., Al- legheny, Pa. DENVER. COL.—Tenth International Sunday School Convention. Probably June, 1902. Marion Lawrance, Toledo. O.. secv DES MOINES. IA.—Brotherhood of Locomo- tive Firemen. September. F. W. Arnold Peoria. III. DES MOINES, IA.—Music Teachers' National Assoc.tion. June 19 to 22. Philip Werth- ner, 2371 Kemper Lane, Cincinnati, O DES MOINES. IOWA—Brotherhood of Loeo- motlva Firemen. September, 1900. F W Arnold. Peoria. HI.. «eev. DETROIT, MICH.—American Economic As- sociation. Dee. IS to 30. Charles H. Hull Ithaca. N. Y. DETROIT, MICH.—Wholesale Saddlery As- sociation. July 10 to 13. .1. B. Denver 512 N. Main St.. St. Louis. Mo. DETROIT, MICH.—American Association of Opticians. Aug. 14 to 16. Frederick Boger. 36 Maiden Lane. New York City DETROIT. MICH.—National Railroad Master Blacksmiths' Association. Sept. IS to 21. . A. L. Woodwnrth. Lima. O. DETROIT. MICH.—U. R. Uivted American Mechanics, Supreme Command?rv. June IS, 1900. C. D. Hniiptufercr. Canton, O. DFTROIT. MICH.—United States Railroad Clerks' Mutual Benefit A^foeiation. Sept. 6. .1. V. H"i>tv. Ouincv. 111., secy DETROIT. MICH.—Supreme Lodge. K. of P. Aug. 27 to 31. R. L. C. White. Nashville. Tenn DETROIT. MICH.—The National Association R.ilJwnv Agents. July 24 to 27. N. A. Cot- troll, nisnwrv. Mo. DETROIT. MICH.—Glass Boffo Blowers' As- >-oriptlon nf United States and Cinsda. July R. Wm Tanner. R-oms 930 "nd 931. Wlther- Fnoinn Bldg.. Philadelphia. Pa. DETROIT. MICH.—Kn1gM« or Khnrnssan. *><". "7 H W. BHrtlng. St. I-ouis. Mo. DETROIT. MICH.—Nntlonal Radrilerr Associ- ation Convention. Julv 12 to 14. 1900. John n. n™,„ st Trills. Ma. Detroit. MICH.—Surrcme LroW K«"chts or Pyti'-ar. Aug. 2S. R. L. C. White, Nasb- v'llo. Tenn. DEXTER. ME.—Maine Sunday P,-h^-l A=so- e'.-ticn Ont. 16 to IS. Rev. H. W. Kim- ball. Slrrwhrenn. Me. ELHFRTOX, OA— Gerrc'a W<-eklv Pn>ss As- poo'nt'on. July ? to 7. W. A. Shackel- fnrfl T.cxin«'toii. G.i. EL RENO. OKLA.—Grand lodge of Okla- homa. Third Tuesday in July. T. K. Jin- gle. Guthrie. Okla. I F t U r. R A VE ?'. MASS '- state Committee, T. fiu* A - °f Massacbusetts and Rhode Is- land. Oct. 25 to 28. K..M. Armstrong, 767 Trcmont st., Boston, Mass. F ?9 R ?o }Y 0 , RT F' TEX — Y ' p ' s ' c - B. June Templet $Z e> ' M,SS TylCT wu * l ™°». F ?h?A RIC , K ., CIT 7- MD.-United Brethren Church of United States and Kurope. Cen- tennial Celebration. 1901. GA .on SV , IL .k B ' £A.-The fourth annual ses- sion of lie Gamsvilie Chatauqua. June H. Detn'/seW*- W " VaD "° 08e ' ^ ^ G ^S H ^T' 1 -y"—American Train Dispatch- ers Association. June 14, 1900. Fa. fachultz, preB., Garrett. Ind '.a. o^/^VlL^^kh O COL -Rocky Mountain Chatauqua Co F' ml Pnestley. 1742 Downing A., Denver, CoL; G ?£?1 BA .«DS, MICH—Poliee and Sher- iffs Association of Michigan. Julylgand i». j. p. banford, Lansing. Mich GRAND RAPIDS, MicH.-G^at^Camp, K. O. Mich" June13 ' Th °»-Watson, Port Huron. H tmoi^- f N0VA SCOTIA-American Instl- w^.°l 1 .? st J? ,ctIon ' July 7 to U. Edwin H „"» Bridgewater. Mass. "' mal.11. AX, I*. s.—General Assembly Presbv- termn Church in Canada. June 13 R& hSbakt^in'm 0 ?^ W St ' Famille st HeT - HOBARi, IND.—Indiana State Dairy Asso- La a f t aye«e, D I n C d ember - "' E " V«S«^2: - HUMBOi^T, lA^HBrana Lodge of low j. T' pTL™ i rt T »« d «J- to August, ISOll. w*m,i:*-}?I? ea ' Hawaxden. la. ^^ SSTid w°^' ' W ' . VA.-Anclent Order United Workmen. Sept, 11 to 14 Kr»nt Gruje. Wheeling. W. Va.. seey Frank WkW^ IND.-stSrd Chester n h -^sop'ation. January, 1901. j c . Br.dges, Bainbridge, Ind. JS& Big? Cincinnati; § el ' arlUS ' GoVer "- „? I t ANAP 9 1jIS ' I ND-—Assistant Physicians of Hospitals for Insane. Last week in stn INDMvkDmiS I ?i I ' eff ' Fontiac, Mich. P * p^„h NAB0L I S ' ISD -National Live Stock ITHlcA 8 % A Y nU r' m / et r in ^' Oetober St ° Ck too' „' i-—Grand Lodge of N v I. O. G. T. Fourth Tuesday in August f i ShtS&S*'' 112 Sears «i -^neust. T. m^ °. N '. PA --Grand Council, I. O. of Red Men. July is to 21 KANSAS CITY. MO.—American Street Rail- way Association. Oct. lfr to 19 Tc Pen 'PSton, 2020 State St.. Chicago, III." " KOKOMO, IND.—Wabash Valley Pow Wow ^W^^ngwa^ ^ JUly « «« «■' ^on^^unri-f^ur/o X SMS 0t WiS - LAKE SIDE. O.-Grand Lojge Tbhio, Inde- pendent Order of Good Templars. Aug is "and. O. S - °- TayIOr ' 3 " Br '°se st..cfeve- L Hn A Ji' C r? 1 ' p A-T?. ivlsion Encampment. Na- Pa?k ^l* 1 ^Pennsylvania. ML Gretna LEBANON. PA—rarmers- National En- campment. Mt. Gretna Park. Aug. 27 to LEBANON, PA.-Sons of America, State En- campment. Aug. 20 to 25. .^ A D ON 'c PA ~^ usqui - Cente nnial of Leb- anon. Pa. Sept. 23 to 30. LEBANON. PA.-Pennsylvania Chatauqua. r S?i» Gretna Park - June 3° to Aug. 4. LJ.BANON. PA.—Young People's Christian Union. June 21 to 24. H. F. Shupe, Day- LEWIsfON, ME.-National Free Baptist Young People's Convention. July 5 to 8 r E. P. Metcalf. Providence, R. I. LINCOLN, NEB.—Nebraska State S. S As- sociation. June 19 to 21, 1900. E. Wight- man, York, Neb. * LINCOLN. NEB.—Funeral Directors' Asso- fo?k Neb * " t0 "" P " F " Be "' Nor " LINCOLN, NEB.—Grand Lodge, Degree of Honor of Nebraska. Oct. 2 and 3. Miss Teresa Hempel. 141 S. 12th st. LITHIA SPRINGS, ILL.—LIthia Springs t SISl ! i uq,la - AuR - s to w - G - L. LITTLE ROCK. ARK.—Arkansas Association C'. Pha , r . maoists - June i 2 - J- A. Ginocchio. Little Rock, Ark. l '"^" 0 J'- ENGLAND.—American Society of Civil Engineers. July 2, j:oo. Chas. W. Hunt. 220 W. 57th st.. New York. LONDON, ENGLAND.-Salvation Army Con- 15?^' JuIy ' 190 °- Commissioner Howard. 101 Queen Victoria St.. London. E C Eur LOUISVILLE, KY.-Associated Labor Press of America. Dec. 12. S. S. Bonbright, 15 Mercer St.. Cincinnati, O. LOUISVILLE. KY'.—National Chaplains' As- sociation {U. C. V.) May 30 to June 3 General Rennett Young, Louisville. Ky LOUISVILLE. KY'.—American Associated Labor Press. Dec. 12. 1900. John M. Mc- Dermott. Chicago, 111. LOUISVILLE. KY.—American Association of Obstetricians and Gymnologists. Sent. 18 to 20. Rufus B. Hall, M.D., Cincinnati, O.. pres. LOUISVILLE. KY.—American Federation of Labor. Dee. 5. 1900. Frank Morrison. 423 O st.. Washington. T>. C. LOUISVILLE. KY.—Grand Encampment, Kn'trhts Templars. Tuesday, Aug. 4, 1S0L R. H. I.'ovd. San Franei«eo LOS ANGELES. CAL.—Roadmssters' Con- vention. Nov. 13. 1900. J. B. Dickson. «ecy.. pt^i-lln^ Til. MACKINAC ISLAND. MICH.—Michigan State Med. Society. Earlv in July, 1900. C. H. Johnston, Grand Rapids, Mich, HALE'S flmcriciiil-GiropMa firemen's exhibition Company Will tour America under canvas, after a' grand tonr of Europe, giving a , Spectacular Tournament, *Ji Including A LIVING EXH1- fi BITIOH OF FIRE FIGHTING showing a collection of Steamers and Fire Appa- ratuses, with firemen from 4 the different countries, competing at the Paris Ex- i<i position. The most gorgeous Street £ Parade ever given In Amer- % lea will be presented dally, J showing the different fire-v men from the principal nations of the world, in-S eluding Steamers, Hose Carts, Hook and Ladder Trucks, Water Towers, and all other kinds of fire fight- .. Ing apparatus used In tbe% civilized world. Also- *he Equipages ofS RoyaF the Old World i CZAI RUSSIA, -jn EMPEt.^A OF GERMANY, 5| KING OF ITALY, SHAH OF PERSIA, QUEEN OF ENGLAND. RAJAH OF MAHARA, KING OF SI AM, EMPEROR OF CHINA. PRESIDENT OF THE SOUTH AMERICAN a REPUBLIC. % Exhibitions will be given 1 dally under the auspices of A the Fire Departments In^ the principal cities of America, for the benefit of the Firemen's Fund. Chiefs of Fire Depart- ments desiring to obtain this great attraction. apply to..... The Internationa l Exhibition Co. {DR. C. D. CRAY, Mgr.) Address The Billboard. Cincinnati, Ohio.