Billboard advertising (Jan-June 1900)

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k it THE BILLBOARD THE BILLBOARD ■ BETHLEHEM. PA.—PennA State flair. ■ Sept. U to H, 1900. J. Walter Lovett, '< Bethlehem, Pa., pres.; M. C. Fetter. Beth- ,; lebem. Pa., vice pres.; Geo. H. Young, -Bethlehem, Fa., treas.; H. A. Groman, 11 Bethlehem, Pa., secy. ^BLOOMSBURG, PA.—Columbia County Fair. ; Oct. 9 to 12. A. N. Yost. secy. • BURGETTSTOWN, PA.—Forty-fifth Annual ■ j Fair, Union Agricultural Association. Oct. 2 to 4. Dr. S. C. Botkin. pres.; R. P. • Stevenson, secy.; W. B. Linn, treas. CAMBRIDGE, PA.—Cambridge Fair. Aug. ! '28 to SL Albert S. Faber. Cambridge |' Springs, secy. . CANTON, PA.—Union Agricultural Assocla- •, tlon. Sept. 4 to 7. Dr. W. S. Lewis, pres.; <, G. E. Bullock, treas.; C. D. Derrab, secy. CLARION, PA.—Fair. Sept. 4 to 7. S. S. ., Laugblin, secy. OpNW'SABTVILLE. PA.—ConBeautvllle Fair ,*' Association. Sept. 4 to 6, 1900. Mr. L. D. ::. Oorey, vice pres. : DAYTON, PA.—Dayton Agricultural and Me- ., chanical Association. Sept. 25 to 28. W. , C. Marshall, pres.; E. Morrow, secy.; C. , W. Ellenberger, treas. ; EBENSBURG, PA.—The Ebensbnrg Agricul- •. tural Association Fair. Aug. 28 to 31. F. C. V Sharbaugh, secy. ' FORKSV1LLE, PA.—Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. O. N. Molyneaux, Mill view. Pa., secy. 1 HANOVER. PA.—Hanover Agricultural Socl- ' ety. Sept. 25 to 28. R. M. Wirt, pres.; T. '.J. Little, treas.; M. O. Smith, secy. HARFORD, PA.—Harford Fair. Sept. 26 and i, 27. E. E. Jones, secy. .HUGHESVILLE. PA.—Muncy Valley Farm- ' era* Club. Seot. 18 to 21, 1900. Theodore A. Boom. Hugheevllle, Pa., pres.; Hon. Peter Reed, HngnesTUIe, Pa,, treas,; A. C. Henry, Hftigbesville. Pa., secy. INDIANA, PA.—Indiana County Agricultural .' Society. Sept. 11 to 14. M. F. Jamison, '•• pres.; David Blair, seey.; A. W. Mafon, ' treas.: Hon. H. J. Thompson, Marion Cen- ter, Pa., privilege mgr. KITTANNING, PA.—Kittanning Fair Asso- ciation, Seventh Annual Exhibit. Aug. 28 to 31. Dr. R. P. Marshall, pres.; W. J. Sturgeon, treas.: T. McConnell, secy.; M. J. Linnon, supt of privileges. . KUTZTOWN„ PA.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 28. J. B. Essen, secy. I LEBANON, PA.—The Lebanon Valley Fair , Association. Sept. 4 to 7. Wm. Gassert, '. pres.; Wm. B. Means. M.D., secy.; J. K. • Funclc. treas. LEBANON, PA.—Mt Gretna Agricultural, l Mechanical and Industrial Exposition. Aug. 20 to 24. J. H. Redsecker, pres.; I. M. Rutter, secy.; H. W. Slegrist, treas. LEHJGHTON, PA.—The Carbon County In- dustrial Society. Sept. 25 to 23, 1900. Henry MHlear. Lehighton, Pa., pres:: C. E. Brtnk- i. man, Lehlgbton. Pa., treas.; C. W. Bower. Lehtghton. Pa., secy, and mgr. .LEWISBURG, PA.—Union County Agricul- ' tural Socity. Sept. 25 to 28. C. Willard r Oldt, Bucknell,- Pa., secy. MANSFIELD. PA.—*Iacstle:d Fair. Sept. 25 I. .to 28, 1900. W. P. Austin, Mansfleld, Pa., glfiA." ,ecy. I!'««• HILTON. PA.—Milton Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. TBNNESSE*. WaTERTOWN, TENN.—Wilson County Fair Association. Sept. 6 to 8. 1900. W. W. Donsiell, Lebanon, Tenn., pres.; J. H. Da- Vis, sr.. Statesville. Tenn., treas.; Caesar Thomas. Watertown. Tenn., secy. TEXAS. ABILENE, TEX.—West Texas Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 25 to 29. T. S. Rollins, pres.; Henry James, treas.; J. H. Pickens, secy. DALLAS, TEX.—Texas State Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 29 to Oct. 14, 1900. W. H. Gas- ton, Dallas, Tex., pres.; Sidney Smith, Dal- las. Tex., secy.; J. B. Adone, Dallas, Tex., treas. DENISON, TEX.—Denison Driving Park and Fair Association. Sept. 25 to 28. Walter S. Faiiey. secy. FREDERICKSBURG, TEX.—Gillespie County Fair. Sept. 20 to 24. L. Hagen, secy. JACKSBORO, TEX.—Jack County Fair As- sociation. Oct. 2 to 6. W. R. Greu, pres.; Sil. .Stork, treas.; H. A. Wills, secy. MARQUEZ, TEX.—Marquez Fair Association. Oct. 3 to 5. F. M. Amos, pres.; Sidney Myers, treas.; Dr. E. O. Boggs, secy. SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—San Antonio Inter- national Fair Association. Oct. 20 to Nov. 3. Vovies. P. Brown. San Antonio, pres.; J. C. Frost, San Antonio, treas.; John M. Vaiwp. San Antonio, secy. VICTORIA, TEX.—Southwest Texas Fair As- sociation. Oct. 3 to 5. L. D. Heaton, pres.: Theo. Buhler. treas.: L. N. Hofer, secy. UTAH. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.—Deseret Agri- cultural and Manufacturing Society. Oct. 2 to 6. John R. Winder, pres.; Septimus Sears, secy. VERMONT. BARTON, VT.—Orleans County Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 11 to 13. H. H. Somers, Tras- burgb, Vt, pres.; O. D. Owen, treas.; D. D. Bean, secy. RUTLAND, VT.—Rutland County Fair. Sept. 11 to 13. . C. C. Pierce. Clarendon. Vt.. secy. WATERBURY, VT.—Winooski Valley Agri- cultural Association. Sept. 11 to 13, 1900. G. E. Moody, pres.; E. G. Hooker, vice pres.; W. V. Bryan, treas.; M. D. Evans, secy. WOODSTOCK, VT.—Windsor County Agri- cultural Fair. Sept.. 25 to 27. H. C. Lock- wood, pres.; C. H. English, treas.; J. S. Eaton, secy. if> W 1 * 1*00. Edwin Paul. Ml.ton, Pa., secy. [I MIDJJAZARETH. RA.—Northampton County Ag- };l M - -ricultural Society. Oct. 2 to 5. F. F. Ger- Aii net. pres.; J. J. Mans, secy.; J. R. Rem- isMlli? nemier. treas. I; M'PUNXSUTAWNBY, PA.—Fair. Aug. 21 to 24. i -am F. O. Freas. secy. L." READING, PA.—Agricultural and Horticul- , T tural Association of Berks County, Reading I £ i: i Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. James McGowan, pres.; ' Ft ; Cyrus T. Fox, secy.; Milford N. Hitter, iMIIj treas. ! of STONEBORO, PA.—Mercer County-Agricnl- ... a* tural Society. Oct. 2 to 4. 1900. J. J. Blatt. nil-CI, Sandy Lake. Fa., pres.; R. P. Cann, treas.; (Hi! -G. H- Fowler, secy. C« TOWANDA, PA..—Bradford County Agrlcul- . «jQ tural Society. Sept. 25 to 28. 1900. E. J. tjirl Ayera, Towanda. Pa., pres.; W. T. Horton, ag Towa nda, Fa., treas.; Ben]. Kuykendall, •%r~ Towanda, Pa,, secy* i i i; ^TBOY, PA.—Troy Agricultural Society. Sept. . j Hi MIL 11 to 14. B. A. Long, pres.: E. E. VanDyne, i |ip8, Mii treas.: C L. Fellows, seer. |! jti; Ja| WALLSVtLLE. PA.—MaiUand Fair. Sept. If IP "* 11 to 14. W: C. Smith, Dalton, Pa., secy. ':< HM'HI WASHINGTON, PA;—Western Pennsylvania I**'jp OS Agricultural Association. 3ept 25 to 28. J. U'ttfi nb M. Thomas, pres.; J. S. Forsythe, secy.; '" SmitS J - S. Eagleson, treas. « If 'fcWATTSBURG. PA.—Wattsburg Agricultural i; "W del Society. Sept. 4 to 6. W. H. Cornell, pres.: n.-w«i.i E Gross, treas.; A. L. Phelps, secy. 6 I "r; WESTFD3LD, PA.—Westfield Fair. Sept. U ,lf t5 "» 'S- 19fl0- Frank Strang, secy. '■ luff WEST P1TT9DON, PA.—Luzerne Fair Aseo- * Sf elation. Ang. 28 to 31, 1900. A. O. Farn- K* ham, Pittston, Pa., pres.; W. T. McCabe, ^ Pittston. Pa., treas.; Jno. A. Wood, Old 3«tt^ Forge. Pa., secy. *™i2YORK, PA.—York County Agricultural Socl- jK ety. Oct 1 to 5. J. H. Wogaa, Mt. THroIf, IMIN Pa " pres - : c - ^ Hayer, treas.; E. Chapin, Mi. aai secy. ■9 w YOUNGWOOD, PA.—The Westmoreland Ag- 1 C* -"-wltuml SSocrety. Sept. 18 to 2L D. B. luXa Fisher, MLPIeasant, Pa., pres.; M. P. Shoe- £-}fS maker, Greensburg, Pa., treas.; W. F. Holt- •sS ler * Ofeensburg;, Pa., secy. |ko| HHODE ISLAND. p^| RIVER POINT. R. I.—Pawtmat Valley Agrl- 8MOS cultural Association of Kent County. Sept. * „£ 26 to 29. John F. Deering, Arctic, R. I., F* "^y- fNAS SOUTH CAHOI.INA. SS COLUMBIA. S.C.—State Fair of South Car- _J olina. Oct. 29 to Nov. 2. Thos. W. HoIIo- e H :S way. Pomaria. S. C.secy. *r?S LEXINGTON, S. C—Lexington County Fair. a-'-Sf Oct 23 to 25. N.'D. Hannan, secy. E^ - XvaS WALHALLA, S. C—Seml-Centennlal Celc- 1-'-' J- AS Dntioa - Aa K- 16 to 18, 1900. Jas. Thomp- Iflf |. "LB *° n ' * eer - ;■ §na| SOUTH DAKOTA. ; i «* YANKTON, 8. D.—State' Fair. Sept. 10 to I '■ f st. it- Welter B. Dean, secy. •! I. L>'l! Ifci VIHQINIA. FREDERICKSBURG. VA. — Rappahannock Agricultural and Mechanical Society. Sept. 25 to 27, 1900. E. D. Cole, Fredericksburg, Va., pres.; s. J. Qulim, Fredericksburg, Va., treas. and secy. WINCHESTER, VA.—The Shenandoah Val- ley Agricultural Society. Sept. 19 to 22, 1900. Charles Rouss. N. Y. City, pres.; E. G. Hollis. Winchester, secy.; Clark H. Pur- call. Frederick, treas. WASHINGTON. SPOKANE, WASH.—Exposition and Fruit Fair. Dec. 2 to 16. W. E. Hawley, secy. WALLA WALLA, WASH.—Walla Walla Val- ley Fruit Fair. Oct. 1 to 7. C. F. Van de Water, secy. " WEST VIRGINIA CLARKSBURG, W. VA.—Fair. Sept 3 to G Frank R. Moore, secy. MIDDLBBOURNE. W. VA.—The Tyler Coun- ty Exposition and Pair Association. Aug. 28 to 31. 1900. M. H. Stealey, pres.; C. B. Riggle, secy. NEW MARTINSVILLE, W. VA.—Wetzel County Fair Association. Aug. 21 to 21 Justus Eakin, pres.; R. E. McEIdouney secy.; S. J. Williams, treas. SHEPHERDSTOWN, W. VA. — Morgan's Grove Fair Association. Sept. 4 to 7. A S Reynolds, pres.; G. T. Licklldir, treas.; R. S. M. Hoffman, secy. WHEELING, w. VA.—West Virginia Expo- sition and State Fair. Sept. 10 to 14, 1900. Geo. Hook. WISCONSIN. AMHERST, WIS.—Portage County Agricul- , tural Society. Sept. 11 to 11. G. W. Smith, . pres.; A. J. Smith, secy.; J. C. Webster, treas. ANTIGO, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 18 to 20. Fred. Hayssen. ARCADIA, WIS.—Arcadia Agricultural and Driving Association. Aug. 29 to 31. N. Lehrbach, pres.; George Schmidt, treas.; George Mathys, secy. BARABOO, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 28 S A. Felton, Reedsbupg. BERLIN, WIS.—Fair. Oct. 1 to 4. C. M. Willis. BEAVER DAM, WIS.—Dodge County Fair Association. Sept. 24to 28. 1900. W. A. Van Brant, Horican, Wis., pres.; A. L. Wallace Fox Lara, Wis., \ice pres.; C. W. Harvey, Beaver Dam, secy.; H. B. Drak, Beaver Dam, Wis., treas. BLUOMINGTON, WIS.—Blakes Prairie Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 5 to 7. 1BU0. C. W. Stone, pres.; S. Kitto. treas.; Lincoln Abra- ham, secy. BQSCOBEL, WIS.—Fair. Oct. 3 to 5. F. C. Muffiey. CEDARBURG, WIS.—Ozaukle County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 17 to 19, 1900. Wm. H. Sintleman, pres.; L. E. Schroeder. treas.; J. Dietrich, secy- CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS.—Northern Wis- consin State Fair. Sept. 11. to 14. J. R. Sharp, pres.; M. S. Bailey, secy.; W. W. Fllnn. Chetek, Wis., treas. DODGEVILLE, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 18 to 2L W. J. Davey. DURAND. WIS.—Pepin County Agricultural Society. Sept. 25 to 28, 1900. E. J. Ryan, pres.; W. B. Smith, treas.; J. Dorwin, secy. ELKHORN. WIS.—Walworth County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 18 to 21. W. H. Al- dricb, area.; G. L. Harrington, secy. ELLSWORTH. WIS.-Falr. Sept. 19 to SI. E. S. Doollttle. EVANtSVILLB, WIS.—The Evajiwvllle Rock Co. Agricultural Association Fair. Sept. 4 to 7, 1900. W. D. Campbell, pres.; Geo. L. Pullen, trees.; F. Springer, secy. FRIENDSHIP, WIS.—Adams County Agri- cultural Association. Sept. F. M. FU- kins, Arkdale, Wis., pres.; L. N .Morse, Big Springs, Wis., treas.; Geo. W. ham, secy. GALBSVILLE, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 3 to 6. A. A. Arnold. GRANTSBURG, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 26 to 28. And. A. Anderson. GREEN BAY. WIS.—Fair. Sept 3 to 8. A. Spuhler, secy. H1LLSBORO, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. A. N. Jones. HORTONVILLE, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 27. H. T. Buck. HUDSON. WIS.—Fair. Sept. 12 to 14. F. M. Warner. JEFFERSON, WIS.—Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. J. L. Kearney. LANCASTER, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 12 to 14. G. B. Wheeler. LODI. WIS.—Fair. Sept U to 13. A. H. Hinds. MADISON, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. Eu- gene Shepard. MANITOWOC, WIS.— Manitowoc County Fair. Sept 5 to 8. Bdw. SchafTland. secy. MAUSTON. WIS.—Fair. Aug. 28 to 31. G. H Ely, Mauston. MENOMONEE, WIS.—Fair. Sept 18 to 21. R. W. Cronk, Louisville. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—State Fair. Sept 10 to 14. John M. True, Madison. MINERAL POINT, WIS. — Southwestern Wisconsin Fair Co. Aug. 21 to 24, 1900. Tiroe. Bracken, vice pres.; Philip Allen, treas.: W. H. Bennett, secy. MONROE, WIS.—Fair. Sept 5 to 8. B. G. Treat NEILLSVILLE, WIS.—Clark County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 11 to 14. E. D. Web- ster, pres.; G. L. Redmond, treas.; H. H. Heath, secy. NEW LONDON. WIS.—New London Agricul- tural and Industrial Association. Sept 25 to 28. 1900. A. Roloff, pres.; E. H. Ramm. treas.; Henry Cannon, secy. NEW LONDON, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 27. Henry Cannon. NEW RICHMOND, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 19 to 21. O. J. Williams, pres.; J. w. McCoy, treas.; J. A. Hughes, secy. PLYMOUTH, WIS.—Sheboygan County Agri- SJ*"™ 1 Association. Sept. 4 to 6. Henry Wheeler, Sr., pres.; E. A. Dow, treas.; O Gaffron. secy. PORTAGE. WIS.—Fair. Sept 18 to 2L J. E. Jones. PLYMOUTH, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 3 to 6. Otto Gaffron. RH1NELANDER, WIS.—Fair. Sept. U to 14. W. C. Ogden. RICE LAKE, WIS.—Fair. Sept IS to 20. E. N. Bowers. RICHLAND CENTER, WIS.—Richland Coun- ty Agricultural Society. Sepc 25 to 28, 1900. H. M. Booh. Richland, City, Wis., pree.; r ■.?- Matthews, IthJca, Wis., vice pres.; J. M. Keys, Rcihland Center, treas.- W F J. Fogo, Richland Center, secy. SENECA, WIS.—Fair. Sept 10 to 12. Jas. Fisher, Jr., Eastman. SEYMOUR, WIS.-Fair. Sept. 27 to 29. H. J. VanVuren. SHAWANO, WIS.—Shawano County Agricul- tural Society. Sept 19 to 21. M. J. Wall- rich, pres.; D. E. WescoU, secy.; F. o. Perry, treas. SPARTA, WIS.—Sparta Driving and Agri- cultural Association. Sept. 11 to 14, 1900 V W -- TeaU ' Pres.; J. M. Fanning, treas.: J. P. Rice, secy. SUPERIOR. Wis.—Douglas County Agricul- tural Society.. Sept 25 to 28, 1900. G L. Herrlck. West Superior, Wis., pres.; Nick Lucius, Solon Springs, Wis., vice pres.; 5" h.r°!£*-2 fest Superior, Wis., treas.; W. mJ?.,/X eb lL.S? u P erlor . Wis., secy. T 9S AH » WIS.—Fair. Sept 4 to 7. H. J. Skinner. WiAUTOMA. WIS.—Waushara County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 26 to 28, 1900. Gil- bert Temrant, Wautoma, wis., pres.: Geo. P. WtUbur. Wautoma, Wis., treas.; W H. o„-_, Wautoma. Wis., secy. WEST BEND, WIS.-Fair. Sept 19 to 21. W. P> RiZ. WEST SALEM, WIS.-Fair. Sept 26 to 28 F. H. A. Nye, secy. WEYAUGUA, WIS.-Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. David Water. VIROOUA, WIS.—Verron County Agricultu- ral Society. Sept 18 to 21. C. J. Smith, pres.; John W. Mills, Sprlngvllle, Wis., treas.: F. W. Alexander, secy. WAUSAU, WIS.—Marathon County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 4 to 7. S. M. Quaw, pres.; G. Mueller, treas.; L. K. Wright, secy. . WAUKESHA. WIS.-Fair. Aug. 28 to 31. F. W. Harland. CANADA. ALMONTE. ONT.—North Lawark Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 25 to 27, 1900. John Forzytihie. Cedar Hill. Ont.. pres.: James Robertson, Almonte. OnL, treas.; Wm. D. McEwen, Almonte, Ont, secy. AYLMER, ONT.—Aylmer's Great Fair, East Elgin County Fair Association. Sept. 18 to 20, 1900. D. H. Price, secy.-treas.; A. A. Leslie, pres. BOWMANVILLE, ONT.—West Durham Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 13 and 14. 1900. W. E. Pollard, pres.; Albert E. Clements. Ty- rone. Ont., vice pres.; W. F. Allen, Beach av., Bowmanville. Ont.. trees.; M. A. James, Lock Drawer 7. BowmanvlHe. Ont, secy. BRANTFORD, ONT.—Fair. Sept 15 to 22. George Hately, secy. CITY OF CHATHAM. KENT. ONT.—Penin- sular Fair. West Kent Agricultural Soci- ety. Oct. 9 to 11. Jas. Cblnnlck, pres.; R. G. Fleming, treas.; Henry Robinson, ■•cjr. ' ■+i*i*i*i*tt* "Hello Bill-" Posters ^ Distributors EVERY- WHERE! 3 WANTED... g In every city in America of 100,000 population or over the name of the largest building, such as Auditoriums and Convention Halls, suitable for Winter Circus Performances. When writing, give all dimensions and full particulars regarding the buildings, location, terms of rental, etc and whether on ground floor or not. Will post and distri- bute largely in all the cities chosen at Association rates. Kindly forward all information to The - —^ - International Exhibition Company (DR. C. D. GRAY, Mgr.) Address Tbe Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio, COLLINGWOOD, ONT.—Great Northern Ex- hibition. Sept. 18 to 21. Chas. Lawrence, pres.; W. J. France, treas.; J. W. Archer, box 637, secy. DRUMBO, ONT.—Blenheim Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 25 and 26. R. S. Martin, Prince- ton, pres.; W. Simpson, vice pres.; T. S. Tclfer, secy. HALIFAX. CAN.—Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition Commission. Sept 12 to 20. 1900. Hon. J. W. Longley, Halifax, N. S.. pres.; D. R. Clark, Halifax, N. S., treas.; J. E. Wood, Halifax. N. S.. secy. .uOrtUON. ONT., CANADA—The Western Fair Association. Sept. 6 to 15, 1900. Si. Col. W. M. Gartsbone. pres.; D. Mackenzie, treas.; J. A. Nelles, secy. MoKOUN. CAN.—Morden Agricultural Soci- ety. Sept 27 and 28, 1900. J. F. Hutchin- son, pres.; J. Gilchrist, secy.-treas. MOttKlSuUKG, ONT.—Dundus County Fair. Aug. 29 and 30, 1900. J. Wesley Allison, Morrlsburg, Ont., pres.; G. F. Bradneld, Morri&frurg, Ont. secy. OITAVVA. ONT.—Central Canada Erhibitloa Association. Sept. 14 to 22, 1900. Wm. Hutchinson, M. P.. pres.; E. McMahon, secy. OTTERVILLE, ONT.—South Norwich Fair. Oct. 5 and 6. Alex. M. Farlam, secy. PAISLEY. ONT.—Centre Bruce Exhibition. Sept. 25 and 26. Geo. Chambers, pres.; F. E. Sheppard, secy. PETERBOROUGH, ONT.—Peterborough Cen- tral Exhibition. Sept. 18 to 20. F. H. Dob- lin, pres.; W. J. Green, secy, and treas. P1CTON, ONT.—Prince Edward County (Ont.) Fair. Sept. 26 and 27. Tbomas Big- mar, secy. PKBSCOTT, ONT.—South Grenville Agricul- tural Society. Sept 18 and 20. 1900. G. T. Howard, Preecott. Ont, pres.; R. S. Tbroop, Prescott, Ont., vice pres.; T. R. Melville, Prewcott. Ont. secy. RICHMOND. CAN.—Carle-ton County Agri- cultural Society. Sept 12 and 13, 1900. Hugh S. Conn, Ottawa, Ont.. pres.: Wm. McEIroy. Richmond. Ont. secy. SAULT STE. MARIE, ONT.—East Algonia Agricultural Society. Oct. 2 and 3. J. Daw- son, pres.; Wm. Brown, secy.-treas. SHERBROOKE. QUEBEC—Canada's Great Eastern Exhibition. Sept. 3 to 8. Hon. J. Mcintosh, pres.; W. M. Tomlinson, treas. and secy. SOURIS, MANITOBA.—Gienwood Agricultu- ral Society. Aug. 7 to 9. CaptWood, pres.; R. I. CriBp. secy.-treas. THREE RIVERS. QUEBEC—Assoc'atlon Ag- ricole Du Dustrict lies Trois-Rivierrs. Sept 5 to 15. 1900. H. Caron, M. P. P., St. Leon, pres.: C. D. Hebert. Three Rivers, mgr. TORONTO, CAN.^Canadas Great Exposi- tion and Industrial Fair. Aug. 27 to Sept 8. 1900. J. J. Withrow, Toronto, Can., pree.: Dr. A. Smith. Toronto. Can., vice pres.; J. Edwards. Toronto. Can., treas.: H. -I. Hill. Toronto. Can., secy, and mer. WALLACETOWN, ONT.—West Elgin Agri- cultural Society. Oct 4 and 5. E. J. Clark, box 35. secy. WBLLBSLEY. ONT.—Wellesley and North- ••at Hope. Sept. 11 and 12. 1900. A. M. Fl«faer. Aimibree, OnC, pres.; Geo. Bell- Incer W«»H«»«Iey. Ont. *ery. WOODBRinGB, ONT.—Woodbridge Fair. Oct 17 and. 18. Richard Willis, pres.; T. F. Watlm-a. n«-y.; N. C. Wallace, treas. WOODSTOCK. ONT.—North Riding of Ox- ford. Blanaford and Bast Oxford AKriruI- tui»l Sorlety. Sept. 26 to 28. 1900. Valen- tine Fl<-ht. pres.: F. H. Dent. Woodstock, Ont, vice pres.; R. A. Lawtell, Woodstock, Ont. secy. MANITOBA. BRANDON. MAN.—Western Agricultural and Arts Association (Western Manitoba Big Fair. July 31 to Aug. 3, 1900. W. J. Lind- say, Brandon, Man., pres.; F. J. Clark, Brindon. Man., tpcy..treas. NEEPAWA. MANITOBA.—Beautiful Plains Agricultural Society. Aug. 7 and 8. G. S. MarGregor. pres.: John Wemyss. secy. VIRDIN. MAN.—County of Virdin Agricul- tural Soclrty. July 19 and 20. 1SO0. Wm. Stephen, Virdin, Man., pres.; A G. MoDou- ■all. secy. Street Fairs and Carnivals. ABILENE, KAN.—Corn Carnival. Sept. 20 to 24. J. M. Looker. ALMA. NEB.—Alma Street Fair. Sept. 12 to H. W. A. Myers, secy. ASHLAND, KY.—Street Fair and Merchants' Carnival. July 2 to 7. H. F. Bryan, pres.; S. L. Martin, secy. BELLEVILLE, ILL.—Street Fair Committee, Belleville Commercial Club. Sept. 10 to 15, 1900. Albert Hvcke, Belleville, 111., pres.; A. S. Halrtead. Belleville. III., treas.; Chas. «• FI«.|»nM,|.>ii. Brllovllln. III., aw.v. BINGHAMTON. N. Y.—Street Knir and Csr- nival. June 25 to 30. W. E. Denison, mgr. BOSTON, MASS.—Elks' Carnival. Aug. 6 to 11, 1900. Combination Park. CALUMET, MICH.—Upper Peninsula Firc- . men s Association Tournament. Aug. 6 to 8. John D. Cuddihy, chairman: Homer A. Ii»rk. SPCV. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—Carnival and Street Pair. Oct 1 to 6. Geo, K. Barton, pres.; C. L. Mlllor. irena.: Alex. Cbnrlon. se>-v. CENTRAL LAKE. MICH.—Street Fair. Sept. 25 to 27. T. M. Rushton. pres.: H. A. Stev- •"■• treas.: r-arl Strocbcl, aecy. CHICAGO, ILL.—Chicago Khornssnn Knr- nival and Industrial Exposition, June 25 V,V\.,U'.' V ,4 •'" h " °- Sr-orer. m R r. DANVILLE. VA.-Frco Street Fair and Car- ■ nlynl. Oct. 1 to 6. Geo. D. Benson. Roa- ""■'" "» . dlrootor irrn'!. DB FUNIAK SPRINGS, FLA.-De Funlak s» Pe p» pair Association. Sept. 28 and 2». W. L. Cawthon. pres.; W. T. May, vice r,™«I~r- w - St«rra. ncrv.-trena. DEXTER. IA.—Dexter Street Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 25 to 27. J. C Scoles. pres.; !• L. Pntton. treas.; A. B. Eastman, secy. EDWARDSVILLE, ILL.—Madison County Centennial. Aug. 28 to 31. Major J. T. Crocker, pres.; H. P. Hotz, treas.; H. C. Gerke, secy. EMPORIA, KAS.—Emporia Street Fair. Sept. 26 to 28.- J. E. Evans, pres.; Harry Mc- Candless, secy. FAIRMONT, W. VA.—Street Fair. June 21 to 23. Clyde Fleming, mgr. FORT FAIRFIELD, ME.—Celebration, July 4. E. E. Austin, secy. HOUGHTON, MICH.—Street Fair and Car- nival. July 2 to 7. Percy H. Fenimore, secy. KENTON, O.—Street Fair and Carnival. Aug. 14 to 19. LA PORTE CITY. IA.—Big Fourth of.July Celebration. July 3 to 5. H. G. Conger, secy. LOVELAND, COL.—Loveland Free Street Fair and Northern Colorado Exposition. Last of September. W. C. Stiles, pres.; G. H. Patterson, secy.; R. S. Coe. treas. LUXORA, ARK.—Carnival and Free Street Fair. June 28 to 30. Will A. Smith, mgr., . Lock Box 5. MACON, GA.—Macon Street Fair and Carni- val. Sept. 24 to 29. Hon. Birdges Smith, secy. MANCHESTER, TENN.—Manchester Street Fair. Oct. 6 and 7. J. E. Willis, treas. MARION, IND.—Elks Street Fair and Car- nival. June 11 to 16. E. L. Kinneman, chairman. MARLETTE. MICH.—Free Street Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. C. C. Hubbell. secy. MERIDIAN. GA.—Meridian Clerks' Associ- ation Celebration. July 4. METROPOLIS. ILL.—Free Street Fair. Sept. 18 to 22, 1900. C. P. Treat, pres.; W. A. Fitch, treas.; Frank Adams, vice pres. and secy. MONTGOMERY. ALA.—Montgomery Street Fair. Oct. IS to 20. L. L. Gilbert, secy. MONTPELIBR. IND.—Montpeller Street Fair Association. Aug. 15 to 18. Harry A. Dodge. Montpelier, Ind., pres.; J.W. Crosbie, Moni- pelier, Ind., vice pres.; D. A. Bryson, Mont- pelier, Ind., treas.; C. L. Smith. Montpelier, Ind.. mgr.; C. L. Smith, Montpelier, Ind., secy. NELSON. B. C—Land and Water Carnival. July 2 and 3. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.—Reunion of Roosevelt's Rough Riders. July 1 to 4. Clifton George, secy. PADUCAH. KY.—Twentieth Annual Eman- cipation Celebration. Aug. 8. Minor Brad- sbaw, secy. PORTSMOUTH, O—Street Fair. July 23 to 28. R. H. Stevenson, dir. gen. ROANOKE, VA.—Free Street Fair and Car- nival. July 2 to 7. Geo. D. Benson, direct- or gen'l. ROCHESTER. N. Y.—Fair and Carnival. Aug. 13 to 18. J. E. Furlong, mgr. RUSHV1LLE, IND—Street Fair and Carni- val. July 9 to 14, 1900. Will C. Bretz, pres.: R. F. Scudder, secy. SAGINAW, MICH.—Bay City Business Men*s Jubilee and Carnival. Aug. 14 to 16. SHERIDAN. WYO.—Mid-Summer Carnival- July 3 to 5. Bert Coffeen. mgr. SLEEPY EYE, MINN.—The Sleepy Eye Street Fair Association. Last week in Sep- tember. 1900. A. C. Von Hagen, pres.; J. P. Bertrand. treas.: H. G. Hays. secy. SOUTHPORT. CONN.—Firemen's Tourna- ment. Aug. 6 to 11. W. B. Penny, secy. STOCKTON, CAL.—Street Fair. June 26 to July 4. Orrin S. Henderson, pres.; W. W. Westhay, treas.: Calvin B. Brown, secy. TOLEDO. O.—I. O. O. F. Carnival . July 23 to 28. J. J. Deveaux. mgr. TULLAHOMA. TENN.—Mid-Summer Festi- val. July"4 to 6. Dock Aydlelott. mgr. VALDOSTA. GA.—Street Fair. June 20 to 22. D. N. Baldwin, mgr. Chas. Thomp- son, aery, and treas. WATERTOWN. N. Y.—Street Fair and Car- nival. July 9 to 14. L. G. Decant, dir. gen.: W. H. Skeeis. secy. WEBSTER CITY. IA.-Fair and Carnival. Aug. 14 to 17. F. E. Wilson.pres:; W. B. Kearns, treas.: W. G. Bonner, secy. WEST SUPERIOR. WIS.—Elks Carnival. July 4 to 13. Will H. Lawler, mgr. WILMINGTON, DEL.—Elks Street Carnival and Fair. June IS. Robt S. Baird. direc- tor gen'l: C. H. Simmons, treas.; Hunter Grubb. secy. WICHITA, KAN.—Carnival and Fall Festi- val (street fait). Oct 1 to 6. H. C. Lock- wood, secy. WILLIAMSPORT. PA.—Street Fair. June 11 to 16. Geo. H. Bubb. mgr. WINCHESTER. KY—Street Fair. July 3 to 6. W. H. Garner, secy. J*J*J*J*J*&J*J*J*jK*&jK Have you received our samples of — FAIR mm PRINTING? If not, send as a postal, and we .. wiU xnd TO" the best, cheapest and jjjjjjjjjjjjj most Poetical line of advertising — - —— matter for Fairs ever issued. Those- who have received them, say so. ^ > jt jt ^ fair Secretaries! Bcnnc^n $ Co. Fourth of July, Pi cnic and Celebration Posters shipped day after order is received. 8rb, near main, Cincinnati. 11 c-.sffl all iff :. f t ;. ; i -. ■ A-' -•■A mil b s«3'<33 'i Pm C ™7? Al ' PENNSYLVANIA CIRCUIT.- S^ D tT8 8 to rt 2,. Se r P i- - n K to 14 o : Hughesville. sept. 18 to 21; L«wisburg, Sept 25 to 28- CHICArn 0C iTT 2 t0 4 : B '?°">sburgroct »t» £ *} i ■? °i, ILL— Washington Park. June 23 t o July 21* CH1CO. CAL.—Aug. 13 to 18 C w£ UI ,T OF „ THB UPPER OHIO VALLEY- Wheellng W Va.,* S ept 10 to 14: Woods- field. Sept 4 to 6; St Clairsville. Sept 5 to !'• r"!?" 18, Sept - B to M; Moundsville M?«,J. 8 % n: SmlthBeia, Sept 26 to 28T New Martinsville, Aug. 21 to 24; Middlebourne Aug. 28 to 31; Cadiz, Oct 2 to 4 u " =uuuruB ' CLEVELAND. O.—July 23 to 27 COLUMBUS. O.—July 30 to Aug. 3 COLUMBUS. O.-JulJ 23 to 27 E°,y& niA -,° AL -- JuI y 23 to 28. DA . N Y ILLE ' IND.-Horse Show and Race Meet. Aug. 7 to 9. DETROIT. MICH.—June 14 to 27, 1900. 5ET,?,?,i T - MICH.—Aug. 16 to 29. 1900. EMPIRE CITY, N. Y.A>ct & to Nov. 3 FORT BRIE. ONT.—June 30 to July 31. 1900. FORT ERIE. ONT.-Sept. 1 to 22. 1900. GOSHEN, N. Y.—Aug. 21 to 24. GREAT WESTHRN CIRCUIT.—Terre Haute. Ind., July 2 to 7; Peoria, 111., July 9 to 14: Davenport. la., July 16 to 21; Des Moines la., July 23 to 26; Hedrick, la.. July 30 to A«ig. 4: Joliet. HI.. Aug. 6 to 11; Freeport III- Aug. 13 to 18; Dubuque. la.. Aug. 20 to 25; Indianapolis. Sept 17 to 22: Hamline. Minn., Sept. 3 to 8: Milwaukee, Wis., Sept 10 to 15: Indianapolis.- Ind- 1 7to 22; Terre Haute. Ind.. Sept. 24 to 29; Springfield, 111. SeDt 24 to 29. GRAVESEND. N. Y.—May 26 to June 16 Sept. 17 to 29. HARTFORD. CONN.— Ave. 27 to 31. HIGHLAND PARK, MICH.—June 14 to 27. Aug. 16 to 29. INDEPENDENCE. IA.—Aug. 27 to Sept 1. INLAND LAKE. WIS.—Aul. 20 to 25. JACKSON. O.—Big Race Meet. July 4. LA PORTE CITY, PA.—July 3 to 5. H. G Coneer. sen v. LATONIA, KY.—Latonia Jockey Club. May 28 to June 2: June 11 to 16; June 21 to 23- June 28 to 30. MANSFIELD. O.—July 3 to 5. H. E. Belt secy. MORRIS PARK, N. Y.—May 5 to 25; Oct. 1 to 20. NARRAGANSETT PARK, PROVIDENCE, R. I.—Aug. 28 to 31. NEWPORT, KY.—Queen City Jockev Club. May 21 to 26: June 4 to 9: June 18 to 20: June 25 to 27; July 2 to 4. NORTHEASTERN OHIO CIRCUIT.—Rock- fort, June 12 to 14; Newburg. June 19 to 21; Valley Track, June 26 to 28; Youngstown, July 3 to 5: Akron, July 10 to 12; McKees Rocks. July 17 to 19: Erie, July 24 to 26: SARATOGA. N. Y.— Auk 1 to « Mo Aue- m „;?■ o ir "• «arnsonviIIe, Kan Sept 4 to 7; Cleburne. 1 " Tex Sent li we'stc'hester-^'^- 30 '^ N"- 2- WOODLAND, CAL.—Aug. 27 to Sept. L Foreign Races. Ascot Week—June 12 to 16 Cambridgeshire—Oct 24 Cesarewitch—Oct. 10 Dewhurst Plate—Oct 25 Doncaster St Leger—Sept. 12. Eclipse Stakes (150.000)—July 20 Goodwood Cup—Aug. l. Grand Prize of Paris—June 10 Jockey Club Stakes (|50.000)-Sept 27 mSSS e S er , Number Handicap-Nov. 24 Middle Park Plate—Oct 12. Oaks—June 1. Princess of Wales (150,000)—July 5. ADDITIONAL FAIRS, °?^r E r S = BUR , G - N u Y -Osw*8atchie Agricul- kX tes.^ SePt - 4 ,0 6 ' JaI » e » E. P ^rrs R c^t A y SS ie?r t i e 8 r an^ Pt0 F n D^rl ton, secy. " POI p a Tn P /'? A - S f N1 \ W - VA —P°int Pleasant ™- «f * Of'^ng Association. Sept. 4 to 7. a^.d trea°. y ' ""^ Art " ** Cottri "' sec '" ROCHESTER. N. H.-Rochester Pais Asso-H ciation. Sept. 11 to 14. Wm. Bradley, gen^fll mgr. |g| SOUTH PARISH. ME.-Oxford County Agri- ffl cultural Fair. Sept. 18 to 20. A. C T King, secy. »* ilia,, /if -III Races. ATLANTA, GA.—Southern Interstate Fair Races. Oct. 1" to 27. T. H. Martin, secy. BENNINGS, (WASHINGTON, D. C.)—Nov. 17 to 30. DLUE GRASS RACING CIRCUIT—Geo. Sturgeon. Princeton, Mo., pres.: R. E. Lowry. Seymour, la., secy. Harris. Mo., Aug. 20 to 24; Princeton. Mo.. Aug. 27 to 31; Llneville, la.. Sept. 3 to 7; Seymour, la- Sept 10 to 14: Centervllle. la.. Sept 17 to 21; Corydon, la.. Sept. 24 to 28; Char- lton, la- Oct 1 to 6: Albia. la., Oct. 8 to 12: Lamonl. la.. Oct 15 to 19. BRANFORD, CONN.—May 9 and 10. May 20. June 7, June " ~ - - . 5. July 12, J and 2. Aug. Sent 3 and 4. Sent 18 to 20. Oct. 17 and 18. BRIGHTON BEACH. N. Y.—July 5 to Aug. 8. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Buffalo Driving Club. Grand Circuit Meet. Aug. 6 to 11. John B. Sage, secy. CEDAR VALLEY. IOWA.—Dr. G. W. Fisher. La Porte, la., pres.: Leop. Levy, Waverly. la- secy. Circuit: Cresco. la- June 6 and 7. C. A. L. Louis, secy.: De- corah, la., June 12 to 14. G F. Baker, secy.: Waverley. la.. June 19 to 21. E. H. Curtis, secy.; Cedar Rapids, June 26 to 28. J. W. Griffith, secy.; LaPorte. la- July 3 to 5. H. G. Coneer. secy.: Marshalltown, la- July 10 to 12. J. S. FInkle, secy. W ?r re *U. AUB " x to 3: Rockport. Aug. 7 to 9: wfrstfr pitt t» r. . „- Valley Track, Aug. 14 to 16: Newburg. Aug! 7^ £ CITI, IA.-County Fair. Aug. 14 21 to 23; Youngstown, Aug. 28 to 30: Mc- t°lj. Si ^ w,ls<H >. P^s.; W. B. Kearns. *>-—. **—,— ,.-„.. . . « ireas., >v. ti. Bonner, secy. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.-Colored Fair. Piedmont Park. Aug. 20 to 25. J. G. LatUe! Kees Rocks, Sept. 4 to 8. PRINOPTON. MO.—July 2 to 4. 1900. READVILLE, MASS.—Aug. 20 to 26. RACING CIRCUIT FOR NEBRASKA—Ne- braska Speed Association. Circuit: Blair. Fremont. Hastings. Friend. Aurora, Central City. Ke*>rney. Osceola. Red Cloud. Nelsor. Hubbell. Geneva. Seward. Lincoln. Beatrice' Every week from June 20 to Oct. 20. W. P. P. McCresry. Hastings, Neb., pres.; A. H. Pnrrens. Hartings, Neb- secy. RED FLUFF. CAL.—Aug. 6 to 1L pres.; John S. Fitts, secy.; John H. John- son, mgr. POOLING PRIVILEGES. £*JE£*5& a h nd^re $ c^^vr^7or S sl,e^ P °°"»« J. B. B JWLES, Sec'y, Bardst wn, Ky. u'ly a i n 8 Vn 4 d T ju. 1 ; J 2?. ,y Aug 8D ? f A !? MANAGERS !»The American Amusement Co., £„*™s*$- >»«?»- formers and Musicians wanted. Balloonist with outfit writ"o!u7ck^ SAGINAW. MICH-"""* WANTED— A FI «?T-CUSS MIDWAY aggregation wwwiiifcu FeR WEEK QF flfJG# 6 «« CALUMET, MICH. « • JOHN D. CUDDIHY, Chairman Committee. 11 m