The billboard (Jan-June 1900)

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hit 10 I % :*, r. ..:»» I**.- .A I f A | **??'oSSf*"* M °--*«*»<» County A. and Browning. Lee s Summit. Mo ores - w if ^AI«'. SnnSntt? Mo^fcTpre^; "l C. WtoKe, Lee'g Snmmk. Ma, tressT; Lewii iJunMn. Jr.. Lee's SummH, Mo. iecy LIBERTY. MO.-Intertownship Fair Associa- tion. _Aug. a to 24. C. M. RuMeuTHa?- E m Y^e y f^. T - J - W °™»»- *•*:»" M i LA1 ?' M ?-—SuUIran County A. M. 4 3. §;„ As30ciatI ° , V, Sept - « to 7. Reuben, Payne, pres.; Dennis Ryan, treas.; a B. Long. secy. MOBERLY. MO.—Fair and Race Meeting July 23 to 28. V. M. Tedford, se?y. Me ^ te «- NEVADA, MO.-Vernou County Fair Assocw- «°°- July^31 to Aug. 4. 1M0. ST lTISS- «on. Nevaua, Mo., pres.; H. M. Duck. Ne- ^"^SJ 1 ^- M ?—"«tte. County A. M. ft ^prea.; Win. Porman, secy.; A. R. Jack. P 5S°? TON ' MO.-Mercer County Fair As- SLSSf 6 *? 1 * I?" preB - p - «• Aufrlcb, Prtnceton, Mo., vice pres.; Jas. A. Thomp- Mir P /iS' ce M n • Mo - *"■%£ Geo - Sturgeon. ™=«*on. Mo., mar.; j*ea. w. oooa. Princeton. Mo., seer. «*■«». RICH HILL. MO.—Fair. Aug. 14 to 17. J D Moore, secy. R J?£SF 0RT i MO—Thlrteenth Annual Ex- hibition, Rockport Fair. Sept. 11 to 14 John D. Dopf, secy. • S U°p7eV : M J 0 orA^Mn^n-y. 1 .ecy 8 - *~ THE BILLBOARD MW YOBK. MONTANA. '-'.-' B 5^ GS V^ (> ? , T.-YeUowstono Pair Ask,. -A..; elation. Oet 1 to 6. A. L. Babcock nreT- " j secy W ' R ° W,ey ' tre " 8 - P- 5 .ouionnrti: BEBBASKA. I* t * J! ^^Pcia^-far 1 SepTS #& ?| ^a c W5« «*-" Suet i association. Sept. U to a. WOO H. r : _j Kieeler. St. Edward. Neb ™^j ivLii ^ ,0n W Neb - v £ e »«« ^ &^: Aftton' I**-. treas.; H. C. Brook., Altotou. N.b.; '^ A SS? R ^.." r J EB r HamUton County Agrlcul- i, r turai Society. Sept. 25 to 28. T A. jf^ic.i P SS n ; : se^y JS - wul,am »' tr^sTsV f.^: I f f BASSETT. NEB.-Rock County Agricultural JW* N^K ety - Se P'«°°«- J- H. Putalm? Cubf ip saiBpr^rf' D - Brayto °- "-••• ** HBl B SF K i5J ID -^* Effi —PneJl" County Fair A^ I» 5 5 r St k ? ra, - ; A 41 - Andrews, nco prasTc. nK' o 5™ 2° w ' Ne0 » treas.; E. R. p U r- eelU Broken Bow, Neb., secy |.<Bl CLA ,y C ?NTER. NEB.-^3lay county AktI- ' °1 eultural Society. Sept. 26 to ». BW S . Campbell pres.; H. E. MeTtoweU, tteai!: Bi ? >-5:,j£. w,nlam ». secy. • ' » SJ B SJl.^ !B r Fai 2 or " County Agricultu- I i JS.^1 ^ i U »"- a to 24. LerHuston. I B'| J25^» A. H. StoTen, treaa.; F. |f. Fiory; ilNDIANOLA. NEB—Red Willow County 1 1 ~-V 1 ??-^ 8 - c - B / uMett - °«*»». Ne?: iM^O^fxIS^^dlsorKuW^i^ y tural Society. Sept. U, to 14. H F Bar- * Bey pres.; Geo. R. Wycolf. trlas.; jf" s Bynearson. secy. •«•**. l B ^IUp CLOTJD, MHB.-Tb« Red Cloud Inter- I t«fto Fair AasociaMon. Oct. I toS 190?j If | L. Miller. Red Cloud. M* prea.- s M." ( B « S^ 1 - Rea c, «» d . Neb.?™™?.^*. o W :S ^ a ^ HARLE S' NEB.-St ChartS. County I CI ££" » to Sept. 1. W. F. AcnelponJ eSTOCKVILLE. NEB.-Frontler County Ae- |ci Ll CU H! U ^e A e^cy 0,, - "^ U to ^ ^ 5 T 2Ti1: o^-B^sec^ FBlr - Sept U Ic/ HBW HAUPSHIBB. ^CONCORD, N. ST.—concord State Fair <?»n» Iru r^JS olt ' George H. Moses. It^S/ H - Fair - Aug. 21 to 24. J. F. hftiSFM: i^r 1 J a 'l u ioSa, r £r&5: §* OQnAT. treaa.; T. A. Crowley. slS' ICIROCHESTER. N. H.-Rc^nVs^'r'SSr As«>- ■ A elation. Sept. 11 to 14. Wm. Bradley, »i?l tc» »W JBB8BT. iP^OTON. N. J.—Interstate Fair .Aaaoda- |C1 JtaD__ Sept. 24 to 28, 1300. Oen\ Rlcbant " Sf^SJ- Trenton. N. j., yice prea.; Rudolph aU Z- Kaaer - ^P°<°°. N. J., trek..; fcaWoTR lq Maxemm, Trenton-. N. J.. ■«:».■** fflftrl 1 BBW MEXICO. plLBUQDERQUE, N. M.-N«w Mexico Terrt- 1 . S"^ J^F Awociatlon. Sept. U to a. W. "jlSOO. Robt. J. Mocanley. Albany. N y jrea.; Joseph Snyder. AUamouw N Y J*ce pres.; v. F. Uomio He. Altambunu ^F 5 ?*/ N " Y—Allegany County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 11 to 13 ^o r,I NTT. twSaT^'"' F - "• J » cl "o'>. Angelica. BATAV : iArN m Y^ BlrCbt0n o N - V-rsecy!" 8 - "1 : J«- * sasfVffKg 3ilW%i lic; Fair - A ««- » «o 3i. CA SS; M^septTriV 0 ^ 12*- CHb^cSto'n WtrlaJ-AfS^ Cantoi nTy : wcy • p fe J\ Martyn ' race secy ■*«»-• P- R- McMonagle, Dardea^sec?' Barin 8er, treas.; W. A. ^^^t^To^ >b l S ?o k » I o A r c I u e^ lra, areenman. P secV roWD * trea "- ; W - J - "SS'W- ifto^lSoo^^o'"^ 80 - Dryden N v V>._*. « ?: °- l«Pton. v'v '_•_ Y- ' P re8 -: Geo. Cole. Drrden *»«. Armor. N. Y., riarb P nS" HMnfcurg. N. Y.. secy ^" Dlck - KtSal^^l^r^Vo^ uloii 1SW- lom ' ,u »» County Fair. Sept. ^e^MoorHnS^ViF- LTTTLB VAiLLEY ny -Sl,S' ^•• Bec *- L ?£af «&[■ *S£"«VW Agricul- A^rlcultural&clety. Autauga C^* to* ^*9o?' ^"iS?*? Coun ty **lr- Sept 4 *?»«■ PottadamTlK Y* rtce p^"- H E PRATTSVILLE, N. Y.-Prattsvllle A. ft H Association. Sept. 4 to 6. J. A. Erkson. RICHFIELD SPRINGS, N. Y.—Richfield Springs Agricultural Society. Sep" 24 to »j. M. O. Towne. prea.; G. T. Brockwav treas.; Fred. Bronne?. Richfield. NY.. JeS* OVERHEAD. L. I.-Suffolk County Aaricul" 9ANDY CREEK, N. Y.-S. C R. O ft B i* r i C ni t „ Ural Socle ^- Au B- * to 31.' John &OWT. P S r n3U,. H t,eas 3m8 Wa " aU ' 8eC '-' S Fai? Y s H n^', N - ^-Washington County *air. Sept. 11 to 14. s. B. Aurther secv ^HOHARIE.^ N. Y.-Schoharie CounVy Agl S O RAC 2 U ?o'5 N S ^T° n0 ^ aEa Coun 'y 'Mr. g s fN°H-. s:,^s; a~a Potter, South Troupsburg, secy Trumisburg. N. Y. 'prts^'- j* o' S?3!' Tramansburg: N. Y "vice" p^, 0 : S^fc L. Stone. Trumansburg, N. y i,„ y "* * Seal';-w!l%^ to p r 8 i>- -5W lE^f--^-- U ^d H 8 ^ me J man ' B~wnVllie! pL"ch'a^E' Watortownrsec^""' tte -' ^ «- ^M ^tuTKv.Vpr^S ?sj^ ,*£«•*. Phoenix N. Y' 5SSS'"* JM> A- Pea - C* N^S?'J nat 5, e3,B Pollrt . N. Y. presT: Y?Ueai.^ e^aTT 8 ' ^"oeys Point. N. Y TO?-' 5 e iff' W ^ toejr * Po'n*. N N Y. mgr K - AHen - Wbltnera Point, aWNBTON-SALEM. n. C.-Pt*dmont Park Ojumty. Horse Sh ow and Fair. Oct. w"S «•». ». J. L. Patterson, pres.; O. E. Webb "«• «nd mgr.; Thos. Moslln. treas ' WINSTON-SALEM. N. C.-Colored Fair Piedmont Park. Aug. 20 to 25. J. G. Latt e' P oT"mgr hn S - FUt8 ' " ecy - ; John H. jSn 3 : KOBTH DAKOTA. P 1m»i R fc 5 V . ER, , N ; D - W alsh County Agrlcul- tmal P.,r. JulJr „ „, , 9 . D . J, * Q ™^ BOBTH CABOttWA. BURLINGTON. N c —Th^. ai__ „ Oct. 15 to 20 I H mLT2 Alamance Fair. PArETTEvlLLEiN CSiS' ^ „ C^B. Denson, treas.; Joseph B. Pogu.; OHIO. ''a^to VSo! A HL, Trl ,? ouo ' ir F,,r Co - Aug. M. , C. ,,1 pi?Ser. H rdaT or^ce^ea 3 " Ftf A fo^. °6cf U, Tto f"? C Ag 1S , n£rd J A to H S NS C. 0 H7p?r e t er, C se?yr Fa,r 86pt * RELLEFONTAINE, O.—The Logan Count* Agricultural Society. Oct. 2 *£? B 1^0 -f«C. M«ler. KllefoSatae. , o.. 6 ' pr 1 e s?: M«n L. Makemson. OegraB. O. vl<i sres ! S^ R ^i i,¥ * n i_ BeUefon »«ne oV. JSaa^Jt •»«- ckuoMM. Belietonnilna. O/Mcy cteS** s°™ W 4', 1 c »yahog» Agricultural So- o nrJ?" p ™* . t0 3- Wm - Dlddulph. Dover. a'R P ^one W Be J rea^y. Str0nBT,Be ' tre ^ BEVERLY. O.-Tri-County Fair Auk 30 and 31. H. o. Goodrich, secy. B " BOSTON. (Owensvllle P. O.l. O.-Clermbnt County Agricultural Society/' AugTasw 3°.* M00. John C. Shaw. Nice, O.. prea i- J o Bto^iSe^r'iecV 0 - ^ Jo ^«^2: B ^t LI rto G l EE w: tZStfSF F,ur - BCCYRUS. O.-Crawford County Aarlcultu D f,J","A.?' ?' Uer " ,ec, - : M - Au c". treas. 2p-^™'W. to se,,t - 4 OUH?,^ 0.-Harris«. Ooawy Agrtcultural —.^-j.jti^u. utu ^u> 4, i»w. A. T. Elliot. »srw*s?i t Hajj-- IS ?-G U MliV, k J e n Q mgr m,k9n ' °» to - °' ~~ ^a^ A^: jgg I^^ln^se^ TH L M i!! fl,,AL ™"TRICAL EXCHANGE, 905 Cklcag. Opera NMte, CMca>A m. Pa^S'ufe SaT^'y- Aeronaut with'c^on r .^ efexe,,< !5L"ii n o>«> Trust and Savings Bank. DIOE^^CIRDS Spindles. Drop Cases, Tlvollea, Wa. Dfltnt Manyfacturlsg Co. 9IIViieSt..ClMiauU.O. CALDWELL, OHIO. - , WAN-reo »n kinds of at- the Caldwell Pair Grounds. August s^and™ ti,«w D.!i w •; *eptember 2»-jg. Address Thos. W. Burt, chairman privilege committee. ••"PRIVILEGES ' ar tmb «T TUB LEXINGTON, KY„ H or se S how » F air and C arnivaI » AUGUST 13, 14s 15,16,17,18. The Bist Ad..rtlstd and Largat t Crowds of any Fair in tha South er Wast. We will let the highest bidder, on July nth. exclusive description, including the4^is«r/sta;': Games of Chance (square per- Root Beer :es of every kind and centage only)," Score Card, Lemonade (for stand and pedd- ling). Baggage and Bitching, "aggage ana Hitching, Fruits aiWf^#Tn7„,r„„r Bar (including a nice K Qerman H™SK """^ VillSffei. «.-.-?'l5a5? t ^'' . _ Notions, etc., ' Poq)s sod Books. Pop Com ^^ Balloons Fruits ' Si n,n «» nd Lunch, Wiener Wurst, Ice Cream Candy. >n_ j ». . Peanuts, Village). Orange Cider or Ale. .. Photographs or Tintypes (tent onlv). Slot Machines (for Pictures). Cane Rack, Corn Crisp, Wall CI pjin and Can'.eloupc -Jcedi. i^Myc Glasses, etc.. Glass 4(ngraving.' SO"" ««dJce Cream (on stands „ otherthanlunchi. S«P»r«teSolt Drlnki (other B.b y , I aar cliied) - Slot'Machlne., iSSg, TRBMB. in...-, ,. . ^roersbopAud Boot Black. Address all bids and in^iriW^o w eMesaay. August i S th. and on Thursday, August i«h7 B..W. muunite i iw i CANAL DOVER, O.—'Phc-Tuscarawas Ooun; ty Annual Fair & Seni'l-Centeunial for 19UU. Sept. 11, 12, 13 and 14, 1800. H. W.. Streo, secy.' ..Caivi'IELD, O.—Mahoning County Fair. Sept. & to M. B. L. Manchester, Hickory, secy. • '•• - CANTON, O.—Stark County Fair. Sept. 4 to 7. J. H. Lehman, secy. CARROL.LTON, O.—Carroll County Agricul- tural Society. Oct. a to 12. Wm. L. bmelt/., Jr.,".pres.; O. A. Tafe, weey.;' T. J. Salts- man, treas. , CAKTllAUE, O.—Hamilton County Agricul- tural Association. Aug. 14 to 18. 1900. Jas. L. Obisou, Curuhage, O., pics.; D. R. Ilcr- rick, Sta. F., Cincinnati, O., vice pres.; 13. H. Huftman, Sharonvitle, O., treas.; O. S. Samp»on, Sllverton, O., secy. CEUNA, O.—Mercer County Fair. Aug. 20 to 24. 1900. C. W. Halfhill. Mercer, O., ' aecy. > ~ . CHAGRIN FALLS, O.—East Cuyahoga Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. Tryon Baily, Cliagriu Falls, secy. CH1LLICOTHE. O.—Ross County Fair. Aug. 7 to 10. Addison P. Miusball. secy. CINCINNATI. O.—Fall Festival, bent. 19 to 2U. E. T. Zicgler, Gibson, House, Cincin- nati, general mgr. . - CLARKSVILLE, O.—Pioneer Association. Second week in August. Warren Brady, pres.; Mrs. Vera A. Kimbrougb. secy.; W. J. Reeder, treas. COLUMliUS. O.—Ohio State Fair. Sept. 3 to 7, 1900. H. S. Grcines, Portsmouth, . O., pres.; J. S. Stuckcy, Van Wert, O., vice pres.; L. G. Ely, West Unity, O., treas.; W. \V. Miller, Columbus.' O.. secy. COSHOCTON. O.—The Coshocton County Ag- ricultural Society. Oct. 9 to 12. 1900. J. P. Darling, Nellie, 0., pres.; R. Boyd, Coshoc- ton, secy. DAYTON, O.—Montgomery County Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. W.. J. Ferguson, secy. DELAWARE, O.—Delaware County Fair. Sept. 25 to 2S. W. S. Pollock, secy. EATON, O.—Preble County Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 17 to 21, 1300. Frank Mitchell, Eaton, O., pres.; John J. Kaylor, Eaton. O., vice pres.; C. F. Brooke, Eaton, O., ■ tr«*jis.: Henry H. Farr'. Eaton. O.. secy. ELYRIA. O.—Lorain County Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. W. B. Johnson, secy. FINDLAY, O.—Hancock County Agricultural Society. Sept. 18 to 22, 1900. Henry Snyder, pres.; Jacob Stark, treas.; Wm. Demland, secy. FREMONT. O.—Sandusky County Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. J. C Overmyer. secy. FULTON. O.—Fair. Sept. IS to 21. GALLU'OLI^. O.—Gallia County Fair. Aug. 2S to 31. G. A. Little, secy. GEORGETOWN. O—Brown County Fair. Oct. 2 to 6. J: W. Hedrick. Russelville, secy. GRDENVILLE. O.-The Darke County Ag- ricultural Society. Aug. 27 to 31, 1900. J. M. Brown, De Lisle, O.. pres.: L. N. Reed, Gettysburg, O., vice pres.; Ed. Amnion, Gordon, O.. treas.; T. C. Mahei. Greenville. O-. WPT GROVE CITY, O.—Grove City Fair Associa- tion. Aug. 22 to 24, 1900. A. L. Nichols. Grove City. O.. pres.: T. P. Barber, Grove - City, O., vice pres.; Cbas. A. White, Grove City, O.. treas.; Geo.T. Darnell. Grove City. O.. secy. HAMILTON. O.—Fiftieth Annual, Golden Jubilee of the Butler County Fair. Oct. 1 •n S. 1900. W. A. Shafor. secy. HICKSV1LLE, O.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 2S. F. M. Birdsall. secy. JEFFERSON, O.—Ashtabula County Fair. Aug. 21 to 23. Chas. C. Babcock, secy. KENTON. O.—Hardin County Fair. Aug. 21 to 24. W. M. Cooney. secy. KINSMAN, O.—Kinsman Stock and Agricul- tural Fair. Aug. 29 to 31, 19b0. H. J. Ward, pres.; H. J. Fobes, secy. LANCASTER, O.—Fairfield County Fair. Oct. 10 to 13. W. T. McClenaghau. secy. LEBANON, O.—Warren County Fair Associ- ation. Sept. 18 to 21. Huse Bone, pres.; Geo. W. Carey, secy.; F. M. Cunningham, treas. LIMA, O.—Allen County Fair. Sept. 25 to 2S. T. B; Bowersock, secy. LISBON, O.—Columbiana County Agricultural Society. Sept. 11 to 13. 1900. J. W. Hootes. Salem, O., pres.; C. F. Lease, Salem, O., vice pres.; B. N. Brown, Graviss, O., treas.; E. T. Moore, Lisbon, O., secy. LONDON, O.—Madison County Fair. Aug. 2& to 31. E. If. Pancake, secy. LUCASVILLE. O.—Lucasville First Annual Fair. Aug. 7 to 9. A. Craln, secy. IIANSFIELU, O.-^RIcbland County Fair. .Sept. 10 to 15 (inclusive). Jerry .Needham, Lexington; O., pres.; W. H. Gilford, Mans- field, O., secy. MARIETTA. O.—Washington County Agri- cultural and Mechanical Association. Sept. 18 to 21. Henry G. Bohl. secy. MARION, O.—Marion County Fair. Sept. 25 to 23. J. E. Waddell, secy. MARYSV1LLE. O.—Union County Agricul- . tural Society. Oct. 2 to 5. 1900. John C. ; Kminer. Mtlford Centre,- O.. pres.; John K. Dodge, New California, O., vice pres.; C. S. Chapman, Marysvllle, O., trees.; M. M. ' Ttwwomh. Marysvllle. O.. secy. MAYSVILLE, O.—Union County Fair. Oct • ! to S. W. M. TltHworth. secy. M'CONNELSVILLE.O.—Morgan County Fair. Sept. 4 to 6. P. H. Tannehlll. secy. MEDINA, O.—Medina County Agricultural Society. Sept. 4 to 6. J. M. Crawford, Se- ville, O., pres.; C. E. Hoover, treas.; Hiram . Oonawln. secy. MONTPELIER. 0—Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. C. R. Belts, pres.; C. C. Lattanncr. secy. MT. GILEAD..,O.—Morrow County Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. O. J. Miller, secy. MT. JOY, O.—SokitoiCounty Agricultural So- - ciety. Aug.$£g&&i*3U.^ D. T. Blackburn, Rarden. 0.,',p«8BWafc. c A. McGeorge. secy.; W. A. MeGeo^jSBSY. - ' ' NAPOLEON. OiS^IanWeo.n. County Fair Co. ; Sept. 4 to 7, 19uD. ! , l . ; Beniy, Lunge, pres.; John Wilson, treas.; .W. N.-Ti>bbs,: secy. NEWARK, O.—Licking Cpupty Agricultural. Society. Oct. 2 to S, 1900. F. B. Dudgeon, ~ ■ - - - - j. tllE ftfLLBOARD. NEW BREMEN. O.—New Bremen Tri-Coun- ty.Fair. Aug. 14 to 17. Henry Hellbusch, pres.; Fr«d. Wiemeyer, secy.; Wm. Nieter, .'.' treas. NEW PHILADELPHIA, O.—Elks' Ohio State Reunion, Art and Industrial Exhibition. Aug. 6 to 11. E. F. Schoch, secy. OTTAWA, O.—Fair. Oct. 1 to fi. A. P. San- dles. pres.; J. S. Stuekey, secy. OTTOKEE, O.—Fulton County Agricultural Society. Sept. 18 to 21, 1900. A. F. Shaf- fer, Wlauseon, O.. prcs.;L. Buxton, Am- brose, O., vice pres.; W. S. Blake, Wau- seon. O.. treas.; Thos. Miliesell. Wauseon. 0., secy. PAULDING, O.—Paulding County Agricultu- . ral Society. Sept. 18 to 21. Lafayette Paul- us, Briceton, O., pres.; W. B. Jackson, secy.; W. H. Yant, treas. POMEROY. O.—Meigs County Fairl Sept. 18 to 21. P. B. Stanberry, pres.; J. W. Sha- ver, secy.;-John McQuigg, treas. PORT UNION, O.—Ottawa County Fair. Sept. 18 to 20. J. H. McRichie. secy. RAVENNA, O.—Portage County Fair. Aug. 28 to 31. Lafayette Smith, secy. R1CHWOOD. O.—Richwood Tri-County Fair Co. Oet. 9 to 12. 1900. C. D. Sidle, pres.; Robert Smith, treas.; C. H. Huffman, secy. RIPLEY, O.—Ripley Fair Co. Aug. 21 to 24. Thos. Buchanan, Jr., pres.; L. H. Williams, secy.; Captl E. T. Kirker, treas. ROCK SPRINGS, O.—Meigs County Fair. Sept. IS to 21. J. W. Shaver, Pomeroy, secy. SANDUSKY, O.—Erie County Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. John T. Mack., secy. SARAHSVILLE, O.—Noble County Fair. Sept. 18 to 20. Geo. M. Graham, secy. SIDNEY. O.—Shelby County Agricultural In- stitute. Sept. 4 to 7, 1900. J. E. Russsll, re- ceiver. SMITHFIELD, O.—Jefferson County Fair. Sept. 26 to 2S, 1900. O. G. Baryar, pres.; C. McKinney. treas.: J. Hayen. s<-cy.- SPRIN'GFIELD. O.-Clark County Fair. Aug. 21 to 24. J. S. Bird. secy. ST. CLAIRSVILLE, O.—Belmont County Fair. Sent, a to 7. T. C.- Ayres. secy. SYCAMORE, O.—Sycamore Fair Co. Oct. 16 to 19, 1900. F. W. Hurd. pres.;' G. A. Klahn. treas.: P. R. Gnibb. secy. - -- TOLEDO. O.—The Toledo Exposition Com- pany. Aug. 28 to 31. W. B: Geroe, pres.; C. R. Brand, treas.: T. B. Tucker, secy. . TROY. O.—Miami County Fair. Sept. 24 to 2S. W. I. Tenney. secy. UPPER SANDUSKY. O.—Wvandot County Agricultural Society. Oct. Z to 5. C. D. Hare. pres.: Oscar Billhardt, secy.: W. J. Lowry. treas; URBANA, O.—Champaign County Agricultu- ral Society. Aug. 14 to 17. C. H. Ganson, pres.; J: W. Crowl. secy.; H. P. Wilson, treas. VAN WERT. O.—Van Wert County Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. O. D. Swartout. secy. WARREN, O.—Trumbull County Fair. Sept. 4 to 6. Jas. L. Kennedy, secy. WAiPAKONETA. O.—Auglaize Agricultural Society. Oct. 2 to 6. 1900. L. H. Stuva. St. Mary's, O., pres.; J. T. Van Horn, New Hampshire, O., vice pres.; T. E. Bows=her. Buskland. O., treas.; A. E. Schaffer, Wapa- koneta. O.. secy. WAUSEON, O.—Fair. Sept. IS to 21. WASHINGTON, O.—Guernsey County Fair. Sept. 25 to,;28.- H. D. McCullock, secy. WASHINGTON C. H., O.—Fayette County Fair. Aug. 14 to 17.- N. B. Hall, secy. WEST UNION. O.—Adams County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. U to 14. 1900. W. S. KIncaid. West Union, O.,- pres.; H. W. Dickinson. West .Union. O., treas.; T. W. EIH.=on. W«st Union. 0., secy. WOODFIELD, O.—Monroe County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 4 to 6. 1900. W. C. Mooney, Woodsfield, O., pros.; W. C. Moon- ey. Woodsfield, O., treas.; G. P. Dorr, Wmodsfleld, O., secy. WOOSTER. O.—Wayne County Fair. Sept. 11 to 13. I. N. Kinney, secy. XENIA, O.—Green County Fair. Aug. 7 to 10. U. R. Grieve, secy. ZANESVILLE, O.—Muskingum County Fair. Sept. 10 to 14. J. T. Roberts, White Cot- tage, secy. OKLAHOMA. ENID, OKLA.—Garfield County Fair Associa- tion. Aug. 14 to 17, 1900. R. Messall, Enid, Okla.. pres.; H. H. Watkins. Enid. Okla.. treas.; S. H. Allen. Enid. Okla., secy. . OaEQON. MARSHFIELD. ORE.—Second Southern Oregon District Fail-. Aug. 2S. H. W. Miller. Rosebuig, Ore., secy. PORTLAND. ORE.—State Fair. Sept. 17 to 22. W. H. Wehruug, Hillsboro, pres.; A. Bush, Salem, treas.; M. D. Wisdom, secy. PEJTNSV1VANIA. A-LLENTOW-N. PA.—The Great Allentown Fair. Sept. IS lo 21. 1900. Hon. Jeremiah Roth. Allentown. Pa., pres.; RobU R. Rit- ter, Eckerts, Pa., vice pres.; A. . W. De- Long. Allentown, Pa., treas.; W. K. Mohr," secy. and. mgr. BEDFORD. PA.—Bedford County Agricul- tural Society. Oct. 2 to 4. David W. Lee, pies.; J. Scott Corll, treas.; William 1. Eicholtz, secy. ;-W. S. Arnold, mgr. BETHLEHEM. PA.—Penna State Fair. Sept. 11- to 14. 1900. J. Walter Lovett, Bethileihem, Pa., pres.; M. C. Fetter, Beth- lehem, Pa., vice pres.; Geo. H. Young, Bethlolwm, Pa., treas.; H. A. Groman. BeMiIehem. Pa., secy. BLOOMSBURG, PA.—Columbia County Fair. Oct. 9 to 12. A. N. Yost, secy. BURGETTSTOWN, PA.—Forty-fifth Annual Fair, Union Agricultural Association. Oct. 2 to 4. Dr. S. C. Botktn, pres.; R. p. Stevenson, seey.: W. B. Linn, treas. CAMBRIDGE, PA.—Cambridge Fair. Aug. 28 to 31. Albert S. Faber, Cambridge Springs, secj. CANTON, PA—Union Agricultural Associa- tion. Sept. 4 to 7. Dr. W. S. Lewis, pres.; G. E. Bullock, treas.; C. D. Derrah, secy. CLARION, PA—Fair; Sept. i to 7. 8. 8. CONNBAUTVILLE, PA.- : ConneaiutTille Fair Association. Sept. 4 to 6, 1900. Mr. L. D. Corey, vice pres. DAYTON. PA.—Dayton Agricultural and Me- chanical Association. Sept: 25 to 28: W. C. Marshall, pres.; E. Morrow, secy.; C. W. Ellenberger, treas. EBENSBURG, PA.—The Ebensburg Agricul- tural Association Fair. Aug. 28 to 31. F. C. Sharbaugh, secy. FORKSVILLE, PA.—Fair. Oct. 3'to 5. O. N. Molyneaux, Millview, Pa., secy. HANOVER. PA.—Hanover Agricultural Soci- ety. Sept. 25 to 28. R. M. Wirt, pres.; T. J. Little, treas.; M. O. Smith, secy. HARFORD, PA.—Harford Fair. Sept. 2G and 27. E. E. Jones, secy. HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA.—Blair Co. Agricul- tural Society Fair. . Sept. U to 14. Frank H. Fay. secy. HOOKSTOWN, PA.—Millcreek Valley Agri- ' cultural Association. Aug. 21 to 23. . H. W. • - Nelson, pres.; H. C. Seepcr, treas.; R. M. ". Swancy, secy.- HUGHfESVILLE, PA.—Muncy Valley Farm- ers' Club. Sem. IS to 21, 1900. Theodore A. Boom, Hugbesvllle, Pa., pres.; Hon. peter Reed. Hughesville, Pa., treas.; A. C. Henry. Hughesiville. Pa., secy. INDIANA. PA.—Indiana County Agricultural Society. Sept. 11 to 14. M. F. Jamison, pres.; David Blair, secy.; A. W. Mafon, treas.;-Hon, H. J. Thompson, Marion Cen- ter, Pa., privilege mgr. ■ KITTANNING. PA.—Kittanning Fair Asso- ciation, Seventh Annual Exhibit. Aug. 28 to 31. Dr. R. P. Marshall, pres.; W. J. Sturgeon, treas.; T. McConnell, secy.; M. J. . Linnon. supt. of privileges. KUTZTOWN, PA.—Fair. Sept 25 to'28. J. B. Essen, secy. LEBANON, PA.—The Lebanon Valley Fair "Association. Sept. A to 7. Wm. Gassert. pros.; Wm. B. Means. M.D., secy.; J. K. Funck, treas. LEBANON, PA—Mt. Gretna Agricultural. Mechanical and Industrial Exposition. Aug. 20 to 24. J. H. Redsecker, pres.; I. M. Rutter. secy.; H. W. Siegrist, treas. LEKIGHTON, PA.—The Carbon County In- dustrial Society. Sept. 25 to 28. 1900. Henry MHler, Lehighion, Pa., pres.; C. E. Brink- man, Lehigbton, Pa., treas.; C. W. Bower. Lemghion, Pa., secy, and mgr. LEWISBURG, PA.—Union County Agricul- tural Socity. Sept. 25 to 28. C. Willard Oldt, Bucknell, Pa., secy. MANSFIELD, PA.—Mansfield Fair. Sept. 25 to 28, 1900. W. P. Austin. Mansfleld. Pa- secy. MILTON, PA.—Milton Fair. Oct. -2 to 6, 1900. Edwin Paul. MRton, Pa., secy. NAZARETH, PA.—Northampton County Ag- ricultural Society. Oct. 2 to 5. F. F. Ger- " net, pres.; J. J. Mans, secy.; J. R. Rem- hemier. treas. PUNXSUTAWNBY. PA.—?air. Aug. 21 to 24. - P. O. Freas, secy. READING, PA.—Agricultural and Horticul- tural Association of Berks County, Reading Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. James McGowa'n, pres.; Cyrus T. Fox, secy.; Milford N. Rltter. treas. STONEBORO, PA.—Mercer County Agricul- tural Society. Oct. 2 to 4, 1900. J. J. Blatt, Sandy Lake, Pa., pres.; R. P. Cann, treas.; - G. H. Fowler, secy." TOWANDA. PA.—Bradford County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 25 to 28, 1900. E. J. Ayers, Towanda, Pa., pres.; W.-T. Horton. Towauda, Pa., treas.; Benj. Kuykendall, -Towanda, Pa., secy. TROY, PA.—Troy Agricultural Society. Sept. 11 to 14. B. A. Long, pres.; E. E. VanDyne, treas.: C. L. Fellows, secy. WALLSVILLE, PA.—Maitland Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. W. C. Smith, Dalton. Pa., secy. WASHINGTON, PA.—Westerr Pennsylvania Agricultural Association. 3ept. 25 to 28. J. M. Thomas, pres.; J. S. Forsythe, secy.; J. S. Eagleson, treas. . '-' WATTSBURG, PA.—Wattsburg Agricultural Society. Sept. 4 to 6. W. H. Cornell, pres.; E Gross, treas.; A. L. Phelps, secy. WESTFIBLD, PA.—W«stfield Fair. Sept U t» IE. 19(iO. Frank Strang, secy. WEST PITTSDON, PA.—Luzerne Fair Asso- ciation. Aug. 28 to 31. "1900. A. O. Faru- ham. PittEton, Pa., pres.; W. T. McCabe, Pittston, Pa., trees.; Jno. A. Wood, Old Forge, Pa., secy. YORK, PA.—York County Agricultural Soci- ety. Oct. 1 to 5. J. H. Wogan. Mt Wolf. Pa., pres.; C. H. Mayer, treas.; E. Chapin, secy. YOUNGWOOD, PA.—The Westmoreland Ag- ricultural Society. Sept. IS to 21. D. B. Fisher. MtPIeasant, Pa., pres.: M. P. Shoe- maker, Greensburg. Pa., treas.; W. F. Holt- Eer. Greensburg, Pa.,' aecy.. h f !• hi - J'"'" : .'"-; ;■ ill 11 ■ ,\\. i'M :!;;. fiHODE ISLAND. i c i i RIVER POINT, R. I.—Pawtmat Valley Agii h cultural Association of Kent County. Sep n - 26 to 29. John -F. Deering, Arctic, R. I secy. SOUTH CABOMWA. COLUMBIA, s. C—State Fair of South Caj h " olina. Oct 29 to Nov. 2. Thos. W. Hollt , : way, Pomarja. S. C, secy. : , =: L 5^ tN „ GTON - S - C—Lexington County Fai' i,*- w^/^i 0 . 25 - N - D - Hannan. secy/ ["• '.- WALHALLA, S. C—Semi-Centennial Celt -. bration. Aug. 16 to 18, 1900. Jas. Thomr J'j son, secy. ; -ii SOUTH DAKOTA. < '■' YANKTON. S. D.—State Board of Agricul ; ' L ture Fair. Sept. 10 to 14. George N. Hai b " ris, pres.: Walter B. Dean, secy- J E ■''' '• ■ Piatt, treas. ' WiATERTOWN. TENN.—WMson County Fa, -' Association. Sept. 6 to 8. 1900. W fl •' Donoell. Lebanon, Tenn., pres.; J. H. M ;'-, Jls, sr.. Statesville. Tenn.. treas.; Caese '-• Thomas. Watertown. Tenn.. secy. i C" TKXA8. ' i; ADILENE. TEX.—West Texas Fair Assocli , V - tion. Sept. 25 to 29. T. S. Rollins, presh I Henry James, treas.: J. H. Pickens. aee<' ■ CI.EBOUUNE, TEXAS-Fair. Sept. 13 to K l ' ' S. E. Mess, secv. ! ii '' ; CORSICANA. TEXAS-Fair. Oct. 15 to ltH ! J. E. Whiteselle. secy. If ' DALLAS. TEX.—Texas State Fair Assoc!* r • N tion. Sept 29 to Oct. 14. 1900. W. H. Gat: * ton. Dallas. Tex., pres.; Sidney Smith. Da|.< las, Tex., secy.; J. B. Adone, Dallas, Tex i treas. j 2 DENISON, TEX.—Denison Driving Park an: ■, Fair Association. Sept. 25 to 28. Walt* I ;■ '. '- S. Fairey, secy. i •■',t,\\ DENTON, TEXAS-Fair. Sept. 19 to 22. W, ; Vi E. Smoot, secy. . 'i ( -.'i, FREDERICKSBURG, TEX.—Gillespie Count '' .' : Fair. Sept. 20 to 24. L. Hagen, secy. • !■'■ HOUSTON. TEXAS—Fair. Nov. 10 to V: '!'-',* Tom Richardson, secy.. ■ - i'jV 1 - JACKSBORO. TEX.—Jack County Fair At"' ' V sociation. Oct. 2 to 6. W. Rl Greu. pres '- ' •' Sil. Stork, treas.; H. A. Wills secv "ll : • MARQUEZ, TEX^-Marquez Fair Assoclatlot „'' ! -" Oct 3 to o. F. M. Amos, pres.; Sidno - ■' ! ' Myers, treas.; Dr. E. O. Boggs. secy - ■'■• "If SAN f ANTONIO. TEX.—San Antonio" Inter i ' i, national Fair AssociaUon. Oct 20 to No' i 1 ' 1 t ^ ov i5 s p * Bn>wn . San Antonio, pres ''' >! J. C. ;Frost, San Antonio, treas.; John » *.Z?J£t: San Antonio, secy. - : , ji. VICTORIA. TEX.—Southwest Texas Fair As ' »' Theo. Buhler. treas.: L. N. Hofer. secy. ■ :i;. •■■mi M M mi mi -$i DISTRIBUTORS ...aivo... BILLPOSTERS^, Are requested to write at once, quoting rates fit- 1 -' - diMributimr small memorandum boots to me j j oiily-descnbiiigterritoryand number bt oiec5 L required. Also keep us. posted on all comiti > '"'/- circuses, conventions, fair.-, and all large irathp " IS,- nigsofmm »e have ten million pieces fc' >• ? immediate distribution. Address, " ;">'; Will A. Molton Distributing Ageiicjjf (National Advertising Distributors), .1 84 Public Square, - CLEVELAND, OHK ( -^- m ■;[-;• :: j f iinl i: J: CARDS and DICE. MA clir Percentage Dice. Crap or first- flop Dice J3.00 pi 7 1 uT. set. Work guaranteed. Descriptive rircula, -.t' and price lists free. A-ddress. i lj •' - - JOHN HOCUS. Swan ton. < - . ? The SHOE POLISHER,^S^^, shoe polish (loc size) all enclosed in a neat ca ■;. ton. is a hot seller for street men. Retail iocti, ;, i loo per cent profit i £eowr ' |'i SMITH & COCHRAN, Sole Manufacturers,:.' 'v ; 16 North Canal Street. CHICAGO. ILi '''•,] _ : : .—i .—_| -. -s.'i mEMBERS rf I. A. D. and Molton, also put. 1 '-' : Ushers of a spicey AdAenisiue Monthl.' 1 ' »|"■:' so you know we're O. K. Cover three countiq 1 ' • Kockport, Huntington, Boonville and their ri* " ; j spective villages. Population, 75,000. .Frto"- i.y-*- reasonable. send and ask for contract accordir = *i' '' to sizes. Have 3CO0O square feet fine boards. 3 *," FAIR Orders especially wanteds •;. j> . TOOKI E'S LYCEUM, . Vcj'f' Rockport, Inc.:- j S '''«Ii,' 4\ f 4. '■im it,. •'.'Mi ■I J w PRIZE MEDALS CUPS, PINS, TROPHIES^Ui,; Designs free on receipt of particula r,' : : JOHN HARRIOTT, d, • 3 Winter Street, BOSTON, MAS I '• ,i '. e APTIVE ALLOON Made of Silk, complete with netting, car, anchor, bal'ast, bags and guys. Cost new ... OO m Very, very cheap. Any- sort of any offer at all will be entertained. Address: