Billboard advertising (Jan-June 1900)

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t J12 til % UTAH. JiSALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.—Deseret Agrf- :lS ? uZtural *** Manufacturing Society. Oct. 2 I 'IV i° 6 - John K- Winder, prea.; Septimus I -J« sears, secy. Jf! VERMONT. Vj &ARTON. VT.-Orleans County Fair Assocta- •Jl :{ Uon Sept. 11 to 13. H. H. Somers. Tras- r 'i J>urgh, Vt -. pres.; O. D. Owen, treas.: D. D. r ■ L Bean> secy. I K i TIUTLAND, VT.—Rutland County Fair. Sept. ! & ^J^S^„S„ a . Pieree - Clarendon, Vt., secy. I [rWATERBURY, VT.-WinooskI Valley Agrt- I f B 2*H nraI Association. Sept. 11 to 13, 1900. G. I t'j # £ M r °°|y- Pres.; E. G. Hooker, vice pres.; t *JZ~X- Br yan, treas.: M. O. Evans, secy. ■ J> WOODSTOCK, VT.-Windsor County Agri- \'tA cult F al Fair " SeDt - 25 f» 27- H. C. Lock- S ! jr°° d > Pres.; C. H. English, treas.; J. S. I -• j Eaton, gecy. \ : £t:i ' VTRGIKIA. U [FARMVILLE. VA.—Fair week of Oct. 8 .'.'--W. G. Venable. pres.: W. G. Dunnington, \. : ?i vice pres.; S. P. Vanderslice, secy. !■■*: iFKHDlflKlOKSBURG. VA. — Rappahannock "'''• * Agricultural and Mechanical Society. Sept. '■A ;' 5? to "■ H» B. D. Cole, Fredericksburg. ■ , I 1 *-"- P 1,69 -: s - J - Quiim, Fredericksburg. ■...# '; Va., treas. and-secy. I < i ;f»?N , CHESTER. VA.—The Shenandoah Val- 1 '.-<!• i2C f5 CU J tUI ^ 1 Soc,e ty- Sept. 19 to 22. , •„< isoo. Charles Roues, N. Y. City, pres.- E i. i Q-Hollis. Winchester, secy.; Clark H. Pur- ■. j call, Frederick, tresis. 11* I WASHIlTGTOir. ;i ifPOKANE, WASH.—Exposition and Fruit Sr il. Fair - Dec - 2 to 16 - W. E. Hawley secv * ?l"^ Y^H"*- WASH.-Walir Walla Val- *J)' w^~ Uit Fair - ° ct - X to 7 " C - F - Van de *,i i Water, secy. s WEST VIBQIITIA. I >* IfeP? 8 ! DRG - W - v -* Fair. Sept 3 to 6 'A I Frank R. Moore, secy. rj 'ST -""Position and Fair Association. Aiz **■ Itele^se^ 0 - "• * *W^ES ct"I: Li;EW MARTINSVILLE, W. VA.—Wetzel * J ; County Fair Association. Aug. 21 to 24 j_-Justus Eakln. pres.; R. E. McEIdouney faK'U s - J - Williams, treas. ""»«ney, ^/OINT PLEASANT, W. VA.-Point Pleasant 5 J^^T#?- D " T i n S Association, Second An- 3 finual Fair. Sept. 4 to 7. W. M. Duffy, pres.; *ai££Lh.JF a, * ral * sec y- and treas. jB^EPHKRnSTOWN. W. VA. _ Morgan's **£^',f Wr delation. Sept. 4 to 7. ITs /'.Reynolds pres.; G. T . Llcklidlr. treas.; R. ; .a. M. Hoffman, secy. >"Bif ALT P N - w - VA.—Roane County Fair As- HsggaOo;- Sept. 4 to 7. J. J. Riley £cy fBSS2. on x 5 n l Stat » F*^- Sept. 10 to 14. 1900. I iiueo. Boos. \U WISCONSIN. '» •^ H ^ B , ST ' WIS.—portage County Agricul- ll B '>treas.' Sm «h, secy.; J. c Webster^ iySIys^u. WIS ' _Fair - Sept - U to 20- ^d. M ^SiS^*A' WIS :-: Arc,ldIa Agricultural and ILi? L^ lK ^ Assocwtlon - Aug. 2» to 31. N r 'eSS? 0 *.' »S re8 " : Gaorse Senmidt, treas. ; I * fBeorge Mathys, secy. . ! ^BABOO, WIS.—Fair. Sept 25 to 28 S ©A. Pelton, Reedsburg. «>«>»■ S. I !$££*- WlS.-Falr. Oct I to 4. C. M. M?^*., DAM ' "WIS.-Dodgo County Fair BtPtol^S^^f- "J"- pres - : ^ L - Wallace. rSSJj^t. Wte - vlce Dres - : c - W. Harvey. ^earerDam, secy.; H. B. Drak, Beaver ■Cam. Wis., treas. ™ I = >OgMINGTON. WIS.-BIakes Prairie Agn- Bfrultural Society. Sept 5 to 7. 1SU0? C W : laS r e 'B P ec^ : S - mtt °' tw ™- 1 Llncola Ab ~ : iV,;J S( 2?^ EL ' WIS.-Fair. Oct 3 to 5. F. C | Btitumey. ■JDARBURG, WIS.-Ozaukte County Agri- lv££ l *K&*f2£ etr - SeDt - "to 19, 1900. Wm. i B Sea^ U, J t . ,e DlSricn , . r Sc : y. L - ^ SChr0eder ' lU UPPEWA FAL LS» WIS.-Northern Wis- iBfconsln State Fair. Sept 11 to 14. J R I; Sttarp, pres.; M. S. Bailey, secy.; W. w! li jflinn, Chetek. Wis., treas. iBmjGEVILLE, WIS.-Katr. Sept 18 to 21. 1 '-.v. j. Davey. i! RA ? D ' WIS.—Pepin County Agricultural . '.Society. Sept 25 to 28, 1900. E? J. Ryan I J^S? 01 ? 1 ?; WIS.—Walworth County Agrl- Ir-iSS" 11 S0Cle ^- . Se ' ,t - M to 2L wf H Al- •■"fP^^Sii 6 - L - Harrington, secy. f^KtleT 18 -^-' ^ U to «• IciSf^S^S: WIS.-T1W BvanBvflte Rock IClJo. AgrtnUtaral AawctoOop Fair. Sept 4 THE BILLBOARD MANITOWOC, WIS.-Manitowoc County Fair. Sept 5 to 8. Bdw. SchafflandT secy M £1=™ M a^or Fair - AuBi!8to!a - ^ ■^^^S&vSS'-- Sept - 18 10 a - MILWAUKEE, WIS.-State Fair. Sept. 10 to 14. John M. True. Madison. MINERAL POINT, WIS. - Souanwestern Wisconsin Fair Co. Aug. 21^o24?^! T^ Bracken vice pres.: Philip ' A ll^ treas., w. H. Bennett, secy. MONROE, WIS.-Fair. Sept 5 to 8. B. G. Se e a r ih Pr s e e S cy. G - *" Hedm0nd ' ^as.;^^. N F u W ,i L ? N P? N J "WIS.-New London Agricul- S « ?S?. Inan 2"a> Association, sfpt 25 t t ?eal-. : 1 H , enr^cr 0 o , n'. sec^ E " * R » m ^ NN S^S2SSl WIS - Fair - ^Pt. 25 to 27. NEW RICHMOND, WIS.-Fair. Sept. 19 to S^jVBSS2.S£ : j - w - MeCoy - P ^.Ti M0U , T ?' wl S-Sheboygan County Agri- wi tn, i al ^oe'itlon. Sept. 4 to™ Henry sssssr-jsr pre9 - : E - ^ Dow - ^-=0 'ft'ilSSL WIS - Fair - Sept 18 to a. J. ^"r 0 ?™' ^- Fair - Sept 2 to 6. Otto "x^Bo^S W1S - FaIr " Sept 18 to 20. E. K iV^S^ CBNTER - WIS.-RicMand Coun- ty Agrleultural Society. Sept 2a to 28 S V' xf" „ Matu »ws, ItMc-a. Wis., vice oret : J. M. Keys, Rcihland Center, weas" \v^f' J. Fogo, Richland Center secv SENECA. WIS.-Fair. Sept W to 12 Jas Fisher. Jr., Eastman S V^nVu U ren. %VIS - FaU -- Sept " * to »• H. J. S ^ A .^ A |*°? , WI S-rSnawano County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 19 to 2L Ml J Wall- Per^y.^as °" «■ WeSCOtt " ^ ^ «• SPARTA, WIS.—Sparta Drivine and A^i F U "w ra T. A ^ 0CiatlOn - Sept u B t a °M.'*i!So: F : p^R^Vcy! 8 - J - M - Fannl »*■ «<-£ S V,™?' 1 ^; . wl S--Do"8las County Agrtcul- Herrick. Wtst Superior, Wis., pres.: Nick KffcJ?^ SPf^s.' Wis. vioe'preV* S" I t,'?f*' J PeBt Superior, Wis., trea*T- W Skl^ntV WIS --* alr - s «Pt- « » 7. H. J. WiAUTOMA, Wrs.-Wausliara County Agri- cultural Society. Sept 26 to 28 lain ra bert Temrant. Wfcutomef Wfa. 'prS^ <*£" P. Wolbur. Wautoma. WlsV, tteas^W it E=r?"» Wauitrana. Wis 1£^ WESTBEND, WIS.-Fa^! Sept 19 to 21. W. ^i^N^' W l S - Fair - Se P'- 25 to 28. VIROQUA, WIS.-Verron County Agricultu- ral Society. Sept 18 to 21. O. J?ftSSl tre«-P°wY; M1 !, ls - Springville, Wta WADSAtr. WIS.—Marathon County Agricul- tural Society. Sept 4 to 7. S. M? Quaw pres.: G. Mueller, treas.; L. K wS W W U Ha^a r nd. WIS_FaIr - Au «- 28 ^ »• F - CANADA. ALMONTE. ONT.-North Lawark Agricul- vEL* KU $L. S °F- K to »■ 190a John «ooertson, Almonte. Ont, treas.; Wm D McEwen, Almonte Ont secy A 1& ME S' ONT iTAylmer'"s Grekt Fair, East 20 S %£° U n ty Fa 'jAssociation. Sept. 18 to Lesu^° P re°- H - Pr ' Ce ' ■**-*«•«■: A. A. BOWMANVILLE. ONT.-Weat Durham Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 13 and 14. 1900. W. B. Pollard, pres.; Albert E. Clements Tv- rS n %° nt - TiS? p ^ s -= w - F - Alien, Beach t!.'Air B ? w f* nT 5 le - 0ct - treas -= M - A. James. Lock Drawer 7. Bowmanvllle. Ont secy BRANTFORD, ONT.—Fair. Sept 15 to 2* George Haiely. secy. CHARLOTTOTOWN. P. E. ISLAND-Queens County Agricultural Association Industrial Exposition and Horse Fair. Sept. 24 to 28 F. L. Hazard, pres..- Chas. Smallwood. secy' CHARLOTTOTOWN. P. E. ISLAND-Bicycle and Atbletic Sports. July 1, 1900. A A Bartlett, pres.: F. L. Muncey, secy CITY OF CHATHAM, KENT, ONT.-Penin- sular Fair. West Kent Agricultural Soci- ety Oct 9 to 11. Jas. Chinnick, pres.; K. G. Fleming, treas.; Henry Robinson, COL i I , NGWO0D - ONT.-Great Northern Ex- hibition. Sept. 18 to 21. Chas. Lawrence, E res i~. W - J - F rance, treas.; J. W. Archer. box 637, secy. DRUMBO. ONT.—Blenheim Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 25 and 26. R. S. Martin. Prince- «ton, pres.; W. Simpson, vice pfes.; T. S Telfer, secy. HA £ , k FA .?' j?- 4N -N<»-a Scotia Provincial ISxnibitton Commission. Sept. 12 to 20 1900 S OI V; J -~ w - ^ongley. Halifax, N. S., pres.;' D. R. Clark. Halifax. N. S.. treas.- J. E Wood. Halifax. N. S.. secy. " LONDON. ONT.. CANADA.—The Western ?.*? Association. Sept _ 6 to 15 _ im gl Col. W. M. Gartsbone. pres.; D. Mackenzie treas.; J. A. Nelles. secy. MORDEN. CAN.—Morden Agricultural Soci- ety. Sept 27 and 28. 1900. J. F. Hutchin- son, pres.; J. Gilchrist, secy.-treas. MORRISBURG, ONT.—Dundas County Fair Aug. 29 and 30, 1900. j. Wetley Allison. Morrisburg. Ont., pres.; G. F. Bradfleld. Morrlsburg. Ont. secy. 0 A^ AW ' A »• i „? NT £~ < ; e,lt , , : a, Oanaoa Exhibition Association. Sept 14 to 22, 1900. Wm. Hutchinson, M. P., pres.; E. McMahon, OTTERVILLE. ONT.-South Norwich Fair. Oct. 5 and 6. Alex. M. Farlam. secy. ^SJ^J* °i^~S? ntre Bruce Exhibition. Sept 25 and 26. Geo. Chambers, pres.; F. *.. Sheppard, secy. PE ™ ER ^?5BF GH -o ONT — Peterborou sh Cen- tral Exhibition. Sept. 18 to 20. F. H. Dob- lin, pres.; W. J. Green, secy, and treas PICTON ONT.-Prince Edward County (Ont.) Fair. Sept. 26 and 27. Thomas Bier- mar, secy. 6 PRBSCOTT, ONT.-South Grenvllle Agricul- tural Society. Sept w and 20, 1900. G T. Howard. P*escott^ Ont, pres.; R. s. Throop, pT^S" 9Zl" Tice pre6 - : T - R - Melvllli lT"eecott. Ont. secy. RICHMOND. CAN.-Carleton County Agri- H^l"* S^'^-^Sept 12 and U, M S"?? S " ?S n ?' 0*«awa. Ont.. pres.; Wm. MoElroy. Richmond. Ont secy SA S T , STB - MARIE. ONT.-East Algonia Agricultural Society. Oct 2 and3 J flaw* •on. pres.: Wm. Brown, secy.-treas SHERBROOKE, QUEBEC.-Canada-s Great Eastern Exhibition. Sept. 3 to 8 Hon J Mcintosh, pres.; W. M. Tomlinson, treas. ana; secy. SO a I l R s r o1: i , MAN i TOB , A ;- Gle,lwooa Agricultu- ral Society. Aug. 7 to 9. CaptWood, pres.; it. l. Crisp, secy.-treas. THREE RIVERS, QUEBEC.-Association Ag- l '??? K D , U .wS U8 E ic J. Des Trois-Rivieres Sept 5 to 15, 1900. H. Caron. M. P. P., st Leon pres.; C. D. Hebert, Three Rivers, mgr ^EZ*!??-! S.*^-" 0 ^^ 88 Grea t Exposi- 8 1900 a j lDa ? StI 1 a 4 f Falr - A ^ B - H to Sep*- ■ lso °- J- J- WtthTow, Toronto. Can pros.; Dr. A. Smith. Toromto, Can.. vIm ff^l^ri'ii^S^fer T toron 'K>. Can., treas.; H. J. Hill. Toronto. Can., secy, and mgr WALLACETOWN, ONT.—West Elgin Ae-ri- Clark, box 35, secy. W f^^ KY '= ONT - w,e " e8 ley «nd North- ej«rt Hope. Sept. 11 and 12, 1900. A. M Ftaher. Amubree. Out, pres.; Geo. Bell- inger, Wellesley. Ont. secy. W r°-° D « RID . G S' ONT.-Woodbridge Fair. Oct 17 and 18. Richard Willis, pres.; T F Wallace, secy.; N. C. Wallace, treas. WOODSTOCK ONT.-North Riding of Ox- ford Blanaford and Bast Oxford Aurlcul- Hn" 1 ^!^- Sept - X to 28. 1900. Valen- flSf F J£ 1 "' P res : F -. H. Dent. Woodstock. tot" £c, PrB "- ; a A **■"">"■ Woodstock MANITOBA. BRANBON. MAN.-Western Agricultural and Arts Association (Western Manitoba^ Big Fair. July 31 to Aug. 3. 1900. W. J? Llnd? say. Brandon, Man., pres.; F. J. Clark Brandon. Man., secy.-treas. " NEEPAWA. MANITOBA.—Beautiful Plains Agricultural Society. Aug. 7 and 8 . G S w Ma< ; 0' 1 eBor. pres.; John Wemyss. secy V.RDIN MAN.—County of Vlrdln Agricul- *gnl Society. July 19 and 20. 190oTwm %£C%£ ' Man " pres - : A - G - u* 3 **"'- " "HelloBill"" POSTERS and DISTRIBUTORS r Everywhere! WANTED In every citv in America of one hundred thousand (100,000) population or over, the name of V^'argest buildinjj—snch as Auditoriums and Convention Halls—suitable for Winter Cir- cus Performances. When writing jdve all dimen- sionsa ml full particulars regard- ing the building, location, terms of rental, etc., and whether on ground floor or not We will post and distribute largely in all the cities chosen at Association rates. Kindly forward all informa- tion to The International Exhibition Company, DR. C. D. GRAY. Manager. Address Tbm Billboard. ^S, Cincinnati. Ohio. MWMwmmmw. ADVERTISERS TAKE notice i we are now fully prepared to -..„^, „„, Posting and Sird Tackincr Rates reasonable, firslclassservice|uarant«I: Winamac Bill Posting and Distributing Co. BOX 476. WINAMAC. INO Uth] E. O. Burroughs, Mgr. - ■— -T.- - iy**** ji—iw wiui.m jvair. sent. 4 -^uUen, treas.; F. Springer eecr UEN^SHIP.'wiS.^Aoalois County Agrl- I '5 nB ' D A T kdale i„ Wis -' P res -; ^ N .Morse, ^fan, se^y 88 ' WiS " *""■'■ *""* W " Bin s' ^iESVILLE WIS.-Fair. Sept. 3 to 6. | 0 *»- A. Arnold. J-ANTSBURG. WIS.-Fair. Sept. 26 to 2S Jkna. a. Anderson. Wri 3 ^ BAT ' WIS.—Fair. Sept. 3 to 8. A IC^puhler. secy. 3J.SBORO, WIS.—Fair. Sept. IS to 21. A. j«. Jo nes. '•RTONVXLLE. . WIS.—Fair. Sept. 25 to ;ii>SON, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 12 to H. F. M ,^, Earner. I^FFEESON, WIS.—Fair. Oct. 2 to 6. J. I :■. Kearney. Sci, NCAS TER-, WIS --FaU-. Sept. .12 to 14. n *"i. B. Wheeler. ? r i WIa -**&- Sept U to 13. A. H. Be? New Bedford's Industrial - Midway Carnival MIRDI-8RAS FETE AND MID-SUMMER FESTIVAL CELEBRATION, n _ . TO ■■ HBLO IN ' ButtonwoQd Park, (iSMS;) July 23rd to 28th ln S ve 100 000 HmStm m^S T "^ Bedaced Rates °" A " Rai,road anU steambMt L '" ,es - IU0,000 PATRONS ON THE WEEK! A HUGE EVENT! NOT A SLOW MOMENT i ma** ^IT Per80Ba ' UMntment of NEW BEDF0RD ' S A8S0 « ,ATED o,i ZE !s conS WANTED! •S8MM cntnes, Moving Picture Eouiptnent and DarkTem"Tn fi&Sl S' ^7?- ™^ *%"" Merr >'Go?Rou„ ( l, £o?M a - money. ^ F <luu uarK lent - In fact a" and everytlung that will attract the crowds and get the Privileges and C oncessions of all kinds to Rent. Sell-Out or Percentage Plan. Addre.i ,11 Commuhicitloiu to DIRECTOR GENERAL "^^J^^S^ a iJS!^^Jf9»«mM. f eonoencions, 1 I Ttiei. gfltbratlOHi, etc, | X Vnitr thii heading we publish free oj A charge the dates of all notable events, which £ are likely to attract large concourses of people » to any one particular city and/or this reason A prove of importance to advertisers, showmen A streetmen. general passenger agents etc m The list is carefully revised and corrected monthly. THE BILLBOARD ■ml u tf I a— occo c ccc cccc mm ♦' ATLANTA, GA.—Southern Surgical & Gyne- cological Association. Nov. 13. W. E B Davis, M.D., Birmingham. Ala. ATLANTA, GA.—Young People's Christian Union of the Unlvcrsalist Church. July 11 to 18. Kev. A. J. Cardall, 30 West st.. Bos- tun. Mass. ATLANTIC CITY, X. J.—Associated Bill 1'osterB' Convention, Juiy in to V* ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—Ancient Illustrious Order of Knights of Malta. Oct. 16 to 28. Frank Gray, northeast corner Broad and Arch St.. Phlla. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—The National Fra- ternal Press Association. Aug. 21 to 25. A. E. Stevenson. 6436 Kimbark av.. Chicago. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—Grand Lodg* of Elks. July 12. 1900. BINGHAMTON. N. Y.—Y. P. S. C. E. State Convention. Oct. 15 to 17. 1900. BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—General Assembly of the Knights of Labor. Nov. 13. J. W. Hayes, 43 B st. N. W., Washington, D. C. BOaxON, MASS. — Coopers' International Union of N. A. Oct. 8. James A. Cable. 542 Elizabeth av.. Kansas dty. Kan. BOSTON, MASS.—New England Amateur Rowing Association. July 4. John C. Con- igan. East Boston, Mass. BOSTON. MASS.—Society of Arts and Crafts Spring, 1901. Henry L. Johnson, 272 Con- gress st., Boston. Mass. BOSTON. MASS.—Ancient Order of Hiber- nians. July. 1900. J. O. Sullivan, Philadel- phia, Pa. BUFFALO. N. Y.—American Association of General Passengers and Ticket Agents'* As- sociation. Oct. 16, 1900. A. J., Cleve- land, O. BUFFALO, N. Y.—National Association of Window Trimmers of America. Aug. 6 to 9. L. Frank Baum, 1205 Star Building. Chicago, HI. BURLINGTON, IA. —Nineteenth Annual Saengerfest. Aug. 9 to 12. Jos. N. Kolz, secy. CELIAR RAPIDS, IA.—American Poland China Record Convention. Feb. 13 and 14 1901. W. M. McFadden. West Liberty, la. CKDAR KAP1DS. IA.—Grand Lodge of Iowa. Knights of Honor. Second Tuesday in April, 1901. J. G. Graves, Lock Box 15, Cedar Rapids, la., secv. CHANUTE. KAN.-Grand Lodge. Degree of Honor of A. O. U. W. First Wednesday In May, 1901. Mrs. Georgia Notestine. Hiawa- tha, Kan., secy. CHARLESTON, S. C—National Educational Association. July 7 to 13. Irwin Shepard, Winona, Minn. CHARLESTON. S. C—National Teachers' As- sociation. July 7 to 13. 1900. CHICAGO. ILL.—National Harness Manufac- turers' and Dealers' Protective Association of the United States. 196 W. Randolph St. Edw. P. Hamick. secy. CHICAGO. ILL.—UnitPd States Veteran Sig- nal Corps. Last week In August. 1900. Chas. p. W. Marcy, 155 Franklin St.. Boston. Mass., secy. CHICaOO. ILL.—National Wholesale Drug- gists' Association. Sept. 10 to IS. A. B. Herrlcm. Minneapolis. Minn. CHIuaimj. 1L.U—urano. Lodge. D. O. H. der v. ST. Sept. 5. Chas. Lauber. 107 Somen st. Brooklyn. N. Y. CHICAGO. ILL.—Bohemian Catholic Central Inlon. Sept. 26. F. Lindelar. 56 Jewett St.. Cleveland, O. CHICAGO. ILL.—California Volunteer Vet- eran Association. Aug. 28 to Sept. 1. Capt. Geo. H. Pettis. Providence. R. I., gecy. CHICAGO. ILL,.—State Bar Association. July s and 6. 1900. J. H. Matheny. Springfield. III., secy. CHICAGO. ILL.-G. A. R.. National Encarap- men .*- „ A J '. ,B - 28 to S* 1 " 1 - 3 - Thomas J. Stew- "t PMIsdtolphta. p„.. gpcv, CINCINNATI, O.-Natlonal Convention B. Y. P. U. July 12 to 15. 1900. Rev. E. B. Chlrers. 324 Dearborn ft.. Chicago. CINCINNATI. O.—National Mexican War Xeternns" AewK-iatlnn. Encanvpnwnt. Sept. " t»,"• '900. Col. F. T. Foster. 406 Vine si.. Clncinnstl. o.. secy. CINCINNATI. O.—American Boiler Manufac- turers Association. Sept. IS to 20. J. D Farasey. Forest st. and N. Y., P. & O. Ry Cleveland. O. CINCINNATI. O.-Tbe Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Jan. 15. 1901. Llp- ™ m .1?.Ji pvy - Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CINCINNATI. O.—General Grnnd Chapter of Jloynl Arch Masons of Unltrd States. Sept. r.? r,,™ ,r,l "'' nh<>r Fnx - Brooklvn. N. Y. , , rJ 2LAND. O.—American Loval League. ri h £r3J m - J - L Dwv "'- n«trolt Mich CLEVELAND. O.—The Trsvelin« Bnglneers' raSK^ ll °S rt Sel>L "' W - °- Thompson. CLEVELAND,' O.-Nntlonnl Apple Shippers' AKsnclatlon. Aug. 1 to 3. A. Warren Patch. Hoston. Mass. CLEVELAND. O.-NatlonnI Prison Chap- lains Association. Sept. 15 to 17 Rev C L. Winget. Columbus. O. CLINTON. IA.—Mississippi Valley Pnirltunl- ist.i ARsocintmn. July 29 to Aug. 26 Mrs Slelln A. Plsk. K«nkulc. In. COLPMmiS. O.-The Order of the United Comnierrlxl Travelers of America. June 29 n^*; r * , ?"-„ n - ""W. Columbus. DAl.TON. MASS.-Nntlonnl nivtslon. Sons of Temncrnnce of North Amerlcn. July 10 to i. J\ R - ■'<"*'«••'■ Stonehom. Mass.: Jnmes A-''»». chairman committee on badges, I3i Pcrlland st.. Boston, Mass. i DALLAS, TEX.-Ooncatenatefl Order Hon Hoo. Oct. 9. J. H. Bolrd. NashTrlJIe. Tenn., DAYTON, O.— Thirteenth annual convention °* the agents and employes of the National Cash Register Company. Representatives from all parts of the globe will attend. niM^r.'" JL John H - Patterson, pres. D E N . VE ,?- 9, OL — Y - P C. U. Church. July 25 to 30. D. F. McGIIl, 1411 Fulton St., Al- legheny, Pa. DENVER, COL.—Tenth International Sunday School Convention. Probably June. 1902. _ Marion Lawrance, Toledo, O., secy DBS MOINES. IA.-Brotherhood of Locomo- tive Firemen. September. F. W. Arnold, Peoria, 111. DBS MOIKHS. lOWA-Brotherhond of Loeo- ? ot, TJ !l lrMnen - September. 1100. F. W. Arnold, Peoria, III., secy. DETROIT, MICH.-American Economic As- sociation Dec. 18 to 30. Charles H. Hull, Itnaca, N. Y. DETROIT. MICH.—Wholesale Saddlery As- sociation. July 10 to 13. J. B. Denver, 612 N. Main St.. St. Louis, Mo. DETROIT. MICH.-American Association of ? B P U Cl 1 ". nS - r Au8 ' J 4 to 16 - Frederick Boger, 36 Maiden Lane, New York City. DETROIT MICH.-National Railroad Master Blacksmiths' Association. Sept. 18 to 21 A. L. Woodworth, Lima, O. rJlerks Mutual Benefit Association. Sept. _«. J. V. Henry, Quincy. 111. seer DETROIT. MICH'.-Supreme L\.dg^K. of P Te U n B n * "' R " L> C " Wlllte ' Na8 °V»'e. D rIh^ T -a MIC . H — V\ e National Association Railway Agents July 24 to 27. N. A. Cot- trell, Bismark, Mo. D SIi l ?. IT ' M'CH.-GlasB Bottle Blowera' A»- soclatlon of United States and Canada. July 8. W m. Lanner. Rooms 930 and 931. Wlther- spoon Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. DETROIT. MICH.-KnTghw of Khorassan. r^S-J?- H - w ' BeJdlng, St. Lom s> MoT^ DETROIT. MICH.-Na«oaal SaddlerVXsoc.- atlon Convention. July 12 to 14. 1900. John ^Ii.J?S nTer - st - Louis. Mo. D ? T S°.'J' M'CH.-Supreme Lodge. Knights '., Pyt $? as ' AuB ' a - R - L - c - White, Nash- ville. Tenn. DETROIT MICH.-International Association cf Distributors. August 7 to 9. DEX.ER. ME.—Maine Sunday School Asso- ball, Skowhegan. Me. ELBERTON. GA.-Georgia Weekly Press As- soclafon. July 21 to 7. W. A. Shackel- ford. Lexington. Ga. EL RENO. OKLA.-Grand Lodge of Okla- homa. Third Tuesday in July. T K Jin- ele. Onthrlo. Okla ■ F ^ L „ RI . VER ' MASS.-State Committee. Y. . ' F- A - of Massachusetts and Rhode Is- hind. Oct. 25 to 28. R. M. Armstrong. 761 ^JlrJi?"* *'- B"»«on. Mass. FREDERICK CITY. MD.-Unlted Brethren Church of United States and Europe. Cen- tennial Celebration. 1901. gainsville, GA.—The fourth annual ses- sion of The Gainsville Chatauqua. June 24 to July 6. A. W. Van Hoose. pres.; H. H. Dean. secy. GEORGETOWN. KY.-<?eneral Association Colored Baptists of Kentucky. Aug. 15 Wm. H. Steward. Louisville. Ky. G V, EN . PARK, (PALMER LAKE P. O.) COL —Rocky Mountain Chatauqua Co. F M Priestley, 1742 Downing Av., Denver. Col ' pres. ■ HOBART. IND.-Ind.iana State Dairy Asso- ciation. December. H. B. VanNorman. Lafayette, Ind. ' H n M £°y >T %J A r-£ n,nd Lo<, « e <* »>*• 1- • $'J?- T ¥ rd T "*»day In August, 190u. T. Green. Hawarden. la "S 1 ^ 1 ?^ 0 ^ W ' VA.-Anclent Order United Workmen. Sept 11 to 14. Frank Gruse, Wheeling. W. Va.. secy. Indianapolis, IND.-Standard Chester %\ n'lte Association. January, 1901 J C Bridges. Balnbridge. Ind. ' INDIANAPOLIS. INU.—United States League of Local Building and Loan Associations. July 25 and 26. H. F. Cellarius. Govern- ment Bldg., Cincinnati. O. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.-Asslstant Physicians or Hospitals for Insane. Last week in Sep- tember. Irwin H. Lett, Pontiac, Mich INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—National Live Stock Exchange. Annual meeting. October. ITHACA, N. Y.—Grand Lodge of N Y I. O. G. T. Fourth Tuesday in August, f C. Andrews. 112 Sears si LEBANON. PA.—Grand Council, I. O. of Red Men. July 16 to 21. KANSAS CITY, MO—American Street Rail- way Association. Oct. 16 to 19. T. C. Pen- ington, 2020 State St., Chicago. 111. KANSAS CITY", MO.—Supreme Lodge, Na- tional Reserve Association. October. A i-?vH^ rt R?5.\- ,0S .S a1rd B,ds - Kansas City! KANSAS Cm. MO.—National Democratic Convention, .lulv 4. KOKOMO. IND.—Wabash Valley Pow Wow Association of Red Men. July 22 and 23* W. W. Drinkwater. LA CROSSE. WIS.—Catholic Knights of Wis- consin. June 17 to July 20. 1900. LAKESIDE. O— Grand Lodge of Ohio. Inde- pendent "Order of Good Templars. Aug 15 and 16. S. G. Taylor. 344 Bridge St.. Cleve- land, O. LEBANON. PA.—Division Encampment. Na- tional Guard of Pennsylvania. Mt. Gretna Park. Aug. 1 to 11. LEBANON. PA.—Farmers' National En- campment. Mt. Gretna Park. Aug. 27 to Sept. 1. LEBANON. PA.—Sons of America, State En- campment. Aug. 20 to 25. LEBANON. PA.—Susqul-Centennial of Leb- anon, ra. Sept. 23 to 30. LERANON. PA.—Pennsylvania Chatauqua. Mt. Gretna Park. June 30 to Aug. 4. LEWISTON. ME—National Free Baptist Young People's Convention. July 5 to 8. E. P. Metcalf. Providence, R. I. LINCOLN. NEB—Grand Lodge. Degree of Honor of Nebraska. Oct. 2 and 3. Miss Teresa Hempcl. 141 S. 12th st. LITHIA SPRINGS. ILL.-Llthla Springs Chatauqua. Aug. 8 to 27. G. L. Douthlt. LONDON. ENGLAND.—Salvation Army Con- gress. July, 1900. Commissioner Howard. 101 Queen Victoria St.. London. E. C. Ens! LOUISVILLE, KY.—Associated Labor Press of America. Dec. 12. S. S. Bonbright, 15 Mercer St., Cincinnati. O. LOUISVILLE. KY.-American Associated Labor Press. Dec. 12, 1900. John M. Mc- Dermott, Chicago, III. L °S ISVIUjB ' KY_ American Association of Obstetricians and Gymnologists. Sept. 18 to 20. Rufus B. Hall, M.D., Cincinnati, O.. pres. LOUISVILLE, KY.—American Federation of Labor. Dec. 5, 1900. Frank Morrison, 423 G St., Washington, D. C. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Grand Encampment, Knights Templars. Tuesday, Aug. 4, 1801. K. H. Lloyd, San Francisco. LOS ANUBLES, CAL.—Roadmasters' Con- vention. Nov. 13, 190U. J. B. Dickson, secy.. Sterling. 111. SIACKUiAC ISLAND, MICH.—Michigan State Med. Society. Early in July, 1900. C. H. Johnston, Grand Rapids, Mich. MiAKlWBrrrE. WIS.—The Marinette Chatau- qua Assembly. Aug. 2 to 13, 1900. Prof. Wiley. Marinette, mgr. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—L. A. W. National Meet. July 10 to 15. Abbott Bassett, 530 Atlantic av., Boston, Mass. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—American Society Mu- nicipal Improvement. Aug. 28 to 31. D. L. Fulton, Allegheny, Pa. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—National Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Aug. 30 and 31. Frank x-. Holmes, 196 LaSalle St.. Chicago. 111. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Photographers' Associ- ation of America. July 23 to 27. J. Geo. Misshammer, Buffalo, N. Y. MILWAUKEE, WIS. — German Epworth League. July 19 to 22. Prof. J. L. Nuel- sen, Berea, O. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—Supreme Court. United Order of Foresters. July 9. S. W. Den- nlwra. Hlsthaway Bldg.. Milwaukee. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—International Typo- graphical Union. Aug. 13 to 18. J. W. Bramwood, Indianapolis, Ind. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—Western Surgical and Gynecological Association. Dec. 27 and 28. G. H. Simmons, M.D., 61 Market St.. Chicago, 111. MONTPBLIER. VT.—Grand Court Vermont Toga. May, 1901. John F. Roche. 37 Henry St.. Montpeller. Vt., secy. MONTWA1T, MASS.—New England Chatau- qua Assembly. July 18 to 31. Rev. Wm. Full, Lynn, Mass. NASHVILLE, TENN.—A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge. Sept. 30. J. H. Thompson, 411ft Union St., Nashville, Tenn. NASHVILLE, TENN—Mosaic Templars of America. Sept. 4. J. E. Rush, box 402, Little Rock, Ark. NASHVILLE, TENN.—Knights and Ladles of Honor. First Tuesday after the third Mon- <LiT, April, 1901. Henry Buttenberg, 248 2d ac, Memphis, Tenn., secy. NABHV1LLB, TENN.—Tennessee Jersey Cat- tle Club, annual meeting. December, 1900. D. S. Williams. Nashville. Tenn.. secy. NEWARK, N. J.^-Order of Select Knights. Aug. 21. Geo. K. Staples, 831 Ellicott, Buf- falo, N. X. NEWARK. N. J.—National Association of Newsdealers, Booksellers and Stationers of the United States. Last of August. F. R. Sampson, 437 Tenth avenue. New York P B^L. S UR01 ^- MICH.-NationaI Good SSSS? Convention. July 2 to 5. W G Whitley„Atlanta. Ga. U * F 1fOPit X1 " y ' . ME --Maine Trap Shooting As- box 413." 1 * *■ M and 16 ' S - »• Adam,. F ?Pa T f SabWh fA-ptas'us Rocka Park w B^ a w S Si°? 1 Assembly. Aug. 20 to 24. Rev. J. M. Shelby, ML Joy Pa 'aSSS? 10 * ~ R - ^-Northeastern" Dental Association. Oct. 17 and 18. Edrar o fcSdgr n Mas?: DS - 15 **"• £!"*£: B c?a™n N o D t , th A --cT ri -f, tato Med '«»l Aaso- ciauon or the Carolinaa and Virginia. , RICHMOND VA.-The Brotherhood of St. SA { e ^ r T?cZ EX nW 1 srriss- SSSHL Tex - : J « T^ttf- wife ; S pa! eweh 31 ^ 0, CA L.-Protestant Eplsco- C L Ch Hutchiu S . Tentl0n - ° ctober ' »M- «er. •I i •j'-!: m A v. City. NEW CASTLE, PA.—A. O. U. W., Grand Lodge. September. O. K. Gardner, 2201 Wylle av.. Pittsburg, Pa. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—B. Y. P. U. of Con- necticut. Oct. 15 and 16. H. A. Edgcomb. Groton. Conn. NEW HAVEN, CONN.—Geological Society of America. Dec. 26. H. L. Fairchild, Roch- ester, N. Y-. secy. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—Connecticut Teach- ers' Association, Annual Convention. Oct. 19 and 20. Miss Bessie E. Home, Bridge- port. Conn. NEW YORK. N. Y.—National Convention, Ladles' Loyal Orange Association. July 18. Chrlstena Mllligan. Saugus. Mass. NEW YORK CITY', N. Y.—Society of Ameri- can Florists and Ornamental Horticultural- ists. Aug. 21 to 24. S. J. Stewart. 67 Brom- field street. Boston. Mass. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y'.—National Confec- tioners' Association. July 6 and 7. F. D. Seward, 525 North Main street, St. Louis, Missouri. OLD ORCHARD. ME.—Chatauqua by the Sea. for Eastern New England. July 26 to Sept. 1. Mrs. Susan A. Porter. 45 An- dnan st... Peabodv. Mass. OLD POINT COMFORT. VA.—National Den- tat Association. July 10 to 13. Mrs. Emma Eaiues Chase. D.D.S.. 3331 Washington ave- nue. St. Louis. Mo. OLD POINT COMFORT. VA.—National As- sociation of Dental Faculties. July 13. Dr. J. 11. Kennerly. 905 Chemical Building. St. Louis. Mo. PEORIA. ILL.—German Roman Catholic Central Verein Socletv. National Conven- tion. Sept. 9 to 12. Peter J. Bourscheidt. 722 First av.. Peoria. 111. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—National Deutsch Amerikanlscber Lebierbnnd. July 6 to 9. Prof. H. M. Ferren, High School. Alleghe- PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Catholic Total Ab- stinence Union of America. Aug. 8 to 10. Rev. A. P. Doyle. 415 W. 59th St.. New York C'tv. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Eastern Maintenance of Way Associat'on. M'ddle of September. P C. Ptowell. Ware. Mass. PHILADELPHIA. PA—National Leaeue of Musicians. June 7. H. S. Beissenberg, 1007 "V. Alnhninn et., Tndiannoolis. Ind. PHILADELPHIA. PA—Rennbllcan National Convention. June. 1900. Mr. Shields, cneir- PORT HURON. MICH.—1.. A. W. State Di- vision. Juty 2 to 5. Henry Perry. 245 Sheridan av., Detroit, Mich. cL a c r r r secy CUrti8 ' U35 ^Isomli, £? Fran*! SARATOGA SPRINGS N v »~_-. „ Association SJ^ £* ^-^SSia n 215 N. Charles st., Baltimore. Md. amlueT - "gSffi ^TSSff S5?T« V McGuire, Box 884, Philadelphia Fa. ^I^IELD. ILL.-I„ in „ ia Lrve Stack areeders" Association Nov ii rJi ic S " MCK ■SHr^■■ mo -"-' a—L ST eB lobli 20 jA Oa l av ' KansaTcity^Mo*- fra L ctoin-o^°A^ B er?ca erh F?r 1 ,t 0 M O lL al, ' i ; y E^ s mb M r o joba *&* ssws-e: £ ST. L©UIS, Mp.-Assoclation of Railway Su perintendents of Bridges and Bmgfig 6^. st T rariV ?fA ter l? n - Concord. N. H. ST Rit L e ouIs 3 M 1 ?^ ? HaI^ , •chYc7g„ d ? I , L JO^a, of VehM« ^"f^P" 1 " 8 ' Association S Rairw\V L S uJg^-Se a pr 5 an and AC # de S r ' T ' B. Lacey, Council Bluffs la. O 0 A F L -of M lt NN - Grand E^ampment. I. sl : III-r «g?fe AKM"- s " s B ato C" "«=c- K Knfe !; America. State Council. Aug. 2L J E Ma STr E YTO F R"?i! r L.Si l f- R »- c K ot A "Z T im D °- °— NatlonaI Convention, G. A. R. 1 te^?rL5 I T r - » ICH -m<Iependent Or- ?• .P 1 «°od Templars. Aug. 28 M f- oj? 2 m^, n - i-^°, ra i r of Tr °o ™*nas. At B-roSKl y S n an N R Y C ' ark ' 163 Metr oPolltan VA ?'^°i| T ^-, G ' A ^ Va ?' lost » Exposfrlon. Oct OHO NOV. 2. 1900. A. Moore. VWdosta. Ga!] WASHINGTON. D. C.-The Order of the Pa- ble n 514 f F H 8 n t Sban,lrr - N0V " "• "ohn Trfml gys?ic S Sh^e.' 'oTflo 'M^rf Robinson, 606. S. Washington st. ^iexal: WASHINGTON, D. C—Sons of »<^.l„«— Itexl^r lT ,0n " A P'«» "». 1902 12SS Car. t Mlth ; r h ^°^ 1 " 1 <^Oc at ^ / ^«^ N r? T ^ ON ' .O-rO^Brmnrt, Interna- tional Order of the Kings DaughtersTaWd Sons. Oct.. 1900. Mrs. Florence HwVi wil E>-»^w «-** *■ °- y^%nZ of^m^cal^iU ^"e' WlL&^i^rpKra^&lt^ $&B£^z^£ seTl - ^^ GT , ON !. N - C—North Carolina Phar- maceutical Association. July. P w Vaughan. Durham. N. C. WINCHESTER, KY.-Grand Lodge, K. of P. T,-°^„ I ^ ntu< " kv - ° ct - » ^ -*5- 1900- ^iS? C , RS rT E, i„ M ' ASS -^ !ara B »rton Tent- « • 3 iM n V of I- at ° A - R - «■»• » Pear? _L <!£. .» an ° second Monday of each month. Mrs. Ida B. Warren. 140 Chandler at.. Worcester. M«« YOUNGSTOWN. O Grand Counrll of Ohio Foresters of Am.-rica. Second Tuesday m May. 1901. Tho^ L Hopkins, 1402 Harvard «T.. Cleveland O F-cy. ™™ Y-oungstown. o— Knights of the Golden Eagle. Supr-m= Castle. Oct. 9 to 11. F C. William^ Youngstown, O. .' im r}.. . !i"l| i' ; !i'| •Hi e -*H.-*1